500 Adjectives That Start with A | List with Definitions and Examples

In this article, we are gonna share with you 500 adjectives that start with A. In the English language, nouns are words that are used to name something. To offer a more vivid or detailed image of the nouns, they are often modified by other words.
These words are called adjectives or descriptive words. By using some descriptive words that start with A, you’ll be able to beautify or embellish your artistic writing, and you can use adjectives starting with A to further improve the quality of your language.
For example, you can say, “The girl is wearing a dress.” Okay, but how does the dress look? Where is the girl from?
But if you use these adjectives starting with A, like writing “The Asian is wearing an amber dress”, we can get a picture of the dress and the girl.
If you use these adjectives beginning with A like “attractive” or “adorable” as well and say, “The attractive Asian is wearing an amber dress,” then we can have a dynamic impression of the girl.
The English alphabet begins with the letter A, which makes it a very important letter in the whole language. By using adjectives that start with A, you may describe your noun properly.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start With A – Full List (500 words)
Below you can find a list of 500 adjectives starting with A, which may be the largest one you’ve ever seen. Try to learn these A adjectives as many as possible to enlarge your vocabulary.
- Abandoned
- Abdominal
- Abhorrent
- Abiding
- Abject
- Able
- Able-bodied
- Abnormal
- Abounding
- Abrasive
- Abrupt
- Absent
- Absent-minded
- Absolute
- Absorbed
- Absorbing
- Abstracted
- Absurd
- Abundant
- Abusive
- Abysmal
- Academic
- Acceptable
- Accepted
- Accepting
- Acceptive
- Accessary
- Accessible
- Accessorial
- Accessory
- Accidental
- Acclaimed
- Accommodating
- Accompanying
- Accomplished
- According
- Accountable
- Accoutered
- Accoutred
- Accumulated
- Accurate
- Accursed
- Accusative
- Accused
- Accusing
- Acerbic
- Achievable
- Aching
- Acid
- Acidic
- Acknowledged
- Acoustic
- Acrid
- Acrimonious
- Acrobatic
- Actionable
- Active
- Actual
- Acute
- Acyclic
- Adactylous
- Adagio
- Adamant
- Adamantine
- Adaptable
- Adaptative
- Adapted
- Adaptive
- Adaxial
- Addicted
- Addictive
- Additional
- Additive
- Adductive
- Adenoid
- Adenoidal
- Adept
- Adequate
- Adherent
- Adhesive
- Adiabatic
- Adient
- Adjacent
- Adjective
- Adjoining
- Adjunct
- Adjunctive
- Adjustable
- Adjustive
- Adjuvant
- Administrative
- Admirable
- Admired
- Admiring
- Adoptable
- Adopted
- Adoptive
- Adorable
- Adored
- Adoring
- Adorned
- Adpressed
- Adrenal
- Adrenalized
- Adrenergic
- Adrenocortical
- Adroit
- Adult
- Adulterine
- Adulterous
- Adumbrative
- Adust
- Advance
- Advanced
- Advancing
- Advantageous
- Advective
- Adventurous
- Adversarial
- Advisable
- Advisory
- Aerial
- Aestival
- Aetiologic
- Affable
- Affected
- Affectionate
- Affective
- Afferent
- Affiliated
- Affirmative
- Affordable
- Afraid
- African
- After
- Aftermost
- Aftershafted
- Agamic
- Ageless
- Aggravated
- Aggravating
- Aggressive
- Aging
- Agitated
- Agitative
- Agleam
- Aglitter
- Aglow
- Agnate
- Agnatic
- Agonizing
- Agrarian
- Agreeable
- Agreed
- Agrestic
- Agricultural
- Ahead
- Ahistorical
- Ahorse
- Ailing
- Aimless
- Ain
- Airborne
- Airheaded
- Airless
- Airlike
- Airline
- Airsick
- Airtight
- Airworthy
- Airy
- Ajar
- Alarmed
- Alarming
- Alert
- Algebraic
- Alien
- Alienable
- Alienated
- Aliform
- Alight
- Aligned
- Aligning
- Alike
- Alimental
- Alimentary
- Alimentative
- Aliphatic
- Aliquot
- Alive
- Alkahestic
- Alkalescent
- Alkalic
- Alkaline
- All-around
- Alleged
- Allelic
- Allelomorphic
- Allergenic
- Allergic
- Alleviatory
- Alliaceous
- Allied
- Alligatored
- Allocable
- Allotted
- All-over
- Allowable
- Alloyed
- All-purpose
- All-too-common
- Alluring
- Allusive
- Alone
- Aloof
- Alpha
- Alphabetic
- Alphabetical
- Alphabetised
- Alphabetized
- Alterable
- Alternating
- Alternative
- Amatory
- Amazed
- Amazing
- Ambient
- Ambiguous
- Ambitious
- Ambivalent
- Ambiversive
- Amblyopic
- Ambrosial
- Ambulant
- Ambulatory
- American
- Americanized
- Amiable
- Amicable
- Amniotic
- Amoeban
- Amoebic
- Amoeboid
- Amoebous
- Amok
- Amoristic
- Amorous
- Amorphous
- Amort
- Amphibian
- Ample
- Amused
- Amusing
- Analgesic
- Analgetic
- Analog
- Analogous
- Analogue
- Analphabetic
- Analytic
- Analytical
- Analyzable
- Ancestral
- Anchoritic
- Ancient
- Anecdotal
- Anemic
- Angelic
- Angered
- Angry
- Angular
- Animal
- Animalistic
- Animated
- Annoyed
- Annoying
- Annual
- Anonymous
- Another
- Antagonistic
- Anticorrosive
- Anticipated
- Anticlimactic
- Antiquated
- Antiseptic
- Antisocial
- Antsy
- Anxious
- Apathetic
- Apologetic
- Apologizing
- Appalled
- Appalling
- Apparent
- Apparitional
- Appealing
- Appeasing
- Appellant
- Appellate
- Appellative
- Appetent
- Appetising
- Appetizing
- Applauding
- Applicable
- Applicative
- Applied
- Appointed
- Apposable
- Apposite
- Appreciable
- Appreciated
- Appreciative
- Apprehensive
- Approachable
- Approaching
- Appropriate
- Approved
- Approving
- Approximate
- Aquacultural
- Aquaphobic
- Aquatic
- Aqueous
- Aquicultural
- Aquiferous
- Aquiline
- Arboreal
- Arboreous
- Arborescent
- Arboresque
- Arborical
- Arboriform
- Arborous
- Architectural
- Ardent
- Arduous
- Arenicolous
- Areolar
- Areolate
- Argent
- Argentic
- Argentiferous
- Argentine
- Argentinian
- Argentous
- Argillaceous
- Argive
- Arguable
- Argumentative
- Arid
- Ariled
- Arillate
- Ariose
- Aristocratic
- Aristocratical
- Aristotelean
- Aristotelian
- Aristotelic
- Arithmetic
- Arithmetical
- Armed
- Armillary
- Aromatic
- Arresting
- Arrogant
- Artful
- Artificial
- Artistic
- Artless
- Ascendant
- Ascendent
- Ascending
- Ascensive
- Ascetic
- Ascetical
- Ascitic
- Ashamed
- Asian
- Asiatic
- Asinine
- Askance
- Askant
- Askew
- Aslant
- Asleep
- Aslope
- Asocial
- Aspectual
- Aspheric
- Aspherical
- Asphyxiated
- Aspirant
- Aspiring
- Asquint
- Assamese
- Assertable
- Asserting
- Assertive
- Assignable
- Assigned
- Assistant
- Assistive
- Associable
- Associate
- Assorted
- Assumable
- Assured
- Assuring
- Astonished
- Astonishing
- Astounded
- Astounding
- Astringent
- Astronomical
- Astute
- Asymmetrical
- Atheist
- Atheistic
- Athirst
- Athletic
- Atlantic
- Atmospheric
- Atomic
- Atomistic
- Atonal
- Atonalistic
- Atonic
- Atoxic
- Atrabilious
- Atrocious
- Attachable
- Attached
- Attainable
- Attempted
- Attendant
- Attentive
- Attenuate
- Attractive
- Attributable
- Atypical
- Audacious
- Auditive
- Auditory
- August
- Augustan
- Aureate
- Auric
- Auricular
- Auspicious
- Australian
- Austrian
- Authentic
- Authoritarian
- Authoritative
- Autobiographical
- Autographed
- Automatic
- Autonomous
- Available
- Avant-garde
- Avenging
- Average
- Aversive
- Avestan
- Avian
- Avid
- Avifaunal
- Avionic
- Avirulent
- Avoidable
- Awake
- Awakening
- Aware
- Awash
- Away
- Aweary
- Aweigh
- Awesome
- Awful
- Awkward
- Awol
- Awry
- Axenic
- Axial
- Axile
- Axillary
- Axiological
- Axiomatic
- Axiomatical
- Ayurvedic
- Azerbaijani
- Azido
- Azimuthal
- Azo
- Azoic
- Azonal
- Azonic
- Azotic
- Azure
Adjectives That Start With A – with Definitions and Examples
To help you learn and understand adjectives beginning with A more easily, we list their definitions and examples below.
- Abandoned
Definition: having been deserted or left
Example: An abandoned baby was found on the hospital steps.
- Abdominal
Definition: of, in, on, or for the abdomen
Example: This virus causes terrible abdominal pain.
- Abhorrent
Definition: inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant
Example: His attitude of superiority is abhorrent.
- Abiding
Definition: (of a feeling or memory) lasting a long time; enduring
Example: He had an abiding respect for her.
- Abject
Definition: (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree
Example: His letter plunged her into abject misery.
- Able
Definition: having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something
Example: He was able to read Greek at the age of eight.
- Able-bodied
Definition: fit and healthy; not physically disabled
Example: He was the only able-bodied man on the farm.
- Abnormal
Definition: deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying
Example: The illness is recognizable from the patient’s abnormal behaviour.
- Abounding
Definition: very plentiful; abundant
Example: He is famous for abounding creative talent.
- Abrasive
Definition: (of a substance or material) capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding
Example: The wood should be rubbed down with fine abrasive paper.
- Abrupt
Definition: sudden and unexpected
Example: I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject.
- Absent
Definition: not present in a place, at an occasion, or as part of something
Example: Most pupils were absent from school at least once.
- Absent-minded
Definition: having or showing a forgetful or inattentive disposition
Example: She showed an absent-minded smile.
- Absolute
Definition: used when expressing a strong opinion
Example: He’s an absolute idiot!
- Absorbed
Definition: (of energy or a liquid or other substance) taken in or soaked up
Example: The stones warm slowly throughout the day, then radiate absorbed heat at night.
- Absorbing
Definition: something that is very interesting and keeps your attention
Example: I read her last novel and found it very absorbing.
- Abstracted
Definition: not giving attention to what is happening around you because you are thinking about something else
Example: He gave her an abstracted glance, then returned to his book.
- Absurd
Definition: wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate
Example: The allegations are patently absurd.
- Abundant
Definition: existing or available in large quantities; plentiful
Example: There was abundant evidence to support the theory.
- Abusive
Definition: extremely offensive and insulting
Example: The goalkeeper was sent off for using abusive language.
- Abysmal
Definition: Extremely bad; appalling
Example: The quality of her work is abysmal.
- Academic
Definition: relating to education and scholarship
Example: He is well known in this area for his academic achievement.
- Acceptable
Definition: able to be agreed on; suitable
Example: The electoral arrangements must be acceptable to the people.
- Accepted
Definition: generally believed or recognized to be valid or correct
Example: he wasn’t handsome in the accepted sense.
- Accepting
Definition: willing to allow or approve of something or someone, or to consider something as normal
Example: They found the locals to be generally accepting of their religion.
- Acceptive
Definition: inclined to receive or accept; receptive
Example: She was seldom acceptive of my suggestions.
- Accessary
Definition: aiding and abetting in a crime
Example: He was charged with being accessory to the crime.
- Accessible
Definition: (of a place) able to be reached or entered
Example: The town is accessible by bus.
- Accessorial
Definition: nonessential but helpful
Example: Accessorial services included sorting and packing.
- Accessory
Definition: contributing to or aiding an activity or process in a minor way; subsidiary or supplementary
Example: Functionally the maxillae are a pair of accessory jaws.
- Accidental
Definition: happening by chance, unintentionally, or unexpectedly
Example: Reports suggest that eleven soldiers were killed by accidental fire from their own side.
- Acclaimed
Definition: publicly praised; celebrated
Example: The band released their critically acclaimed debut in 1994.
- Accommodating
Definition: willing to fit in with someone’s wishes or needs
Example: We always found our local branch most accommodating.
- Accompanying
Definition: provided or occurring at the same time as something else
Example: Children under twelve require an accompanying parent or guardian to see this movie.
- Accomplished
Definition: highly trained or skilled in a particular activity
Example: She is an accomplished pianist.
- According
Definition: in proportion; in relation
Example: Salary will be according to age and experience.
- Accountable
Definition: required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible
Example: Ministers are accountable to Parliament.
- Accoutered
Definition: provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military)
Example: All restaurants are accoutered with comfortable lounges.
- Accumulated
Definition: gathered, collected, or amassed over a period of time
Example: His accumulated savings are sufficient to enable him to purchase another property.
- Accurate
Definition: correct in all details; exact
Example: Accurate information about the illness is essential.
- Accursed
Definition: under a curse
Example: Whether they think themselves accursed or blessed is another matter, and only they can say.
- Accusative
Definition: in the form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective that is used in some languages to show that the word is the direct object of a verb
Example: They don’t know what the accusative case is.
- Accused
Definition: charged with a crime, wrongdoing, fault, etc
Example: The accused boy is his son.
- Accusing
Definition: (of an expression, gesture, or tone of voice) indicating a belief in someone’s guilt or culpability
Example: She stared at him with accusing eyes.
- Acerbic
Definition: used to describe something that is spoken or written in a way that is direct, clever, and cruel
Example: The letters show the acerbic wit for which Parker was both admired and feared.
- Achievable
Definition: able to be brought about or reached successfully
Example: It was an ambitious goal, but it seemed achievable.
- Aching
Definition: having an ache in a part of one’s body
Example: The cool air was a relief to my aching head.
- Acid
Definition: sour, sharp, or biting to the taste
Example: It has an acid flavor.
- Acidic
Definition: containing acid-bearing pollutants
Example: Acidic runoff is poisoning the nation’s rivers.
- Acknowledged
Definition: recognized as being good or important
Example: He’s an acknowledged expert in the field.
- Acoustic
Definition: relating to sound or the sense of hearing
Example: Dogs have a much greater acoustic range than humans.
- Acrid
Definition: An acrid smell or taste is strong and bitter and causes a burning feeling in the throat
Example: Clouds of acrid smoke issued from the building.
- Acrimonious
Definition: full of anger, arguments, and bad feeling
Example: Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious divorce.
- Acrobatic
Definition: involving or able to perform difficult and attractive body movements
Example: She is an acrobatic young dancer.
- Actionable
Definition: giving sufficient reason to take legal action
Example: She denies that her company has been involved in any actionable activity.
- Active
Definition: engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits
Example: Although he was seventy he was still robust and active.
- Actual
Definition: existing in fact; real
Example: The estimate was much less than the actual cost.
- Acute
Definition: (of an unpleasant or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree
Example: The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas.
- Acyclic
Definition: not displaying or forming part of a cycle
Example: Donor age showed no influence on chance of pregnancy in acyclic patients.
- Adagio
Definition: performed in slow time
Example: The beautiful adagio ending of the piece was just too loud.
- Adamant
Definition: refusing to be persuaded or to change one’s mind
Example: He is adamant that he is not going to resign.
- Adamantine
Definition: extremely determined and strong or unwilling to change
Example: He bowed to her adamantine will.
- Adaptable
Definition: able to adjust to new conditions
Example: Rats are highly adaptable to change.
- Adaptative
Definition: characterized by or given to adaptation
Example: Mutation is ultimately essential for adaptive evolution in all populations.
- Adapted
Definition: changed slightly for a particular purpose or use
Example: He drives a specially adapted car.
- Adaptive
Definition: having an ability to change to suit changing conditions
Example: We teach our clients to run projects in an adaptive manner.
- Adaxial
Definition: nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism
Example: The upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface.
- Addicted
Definition: physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance
Example: She became addicted to alcohol and diet pills.
- Addictive
Definition: (of a substance or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted
Example: Tobacco is highly addictive.
- Additional
Definition: added, extra, or supplementary to what is already present or available
Example: We require additional information.
- Additive
Definition: characterized by, relating to, or produced by addition
Example: The combination of these factors has an additive effect.
- Adenoidal
Definition: relating to or seeming to come from the adenoids
Example: He sings in a slightly adenoidal voice.
- Adept
Definition: having a natural ability to do something that needs skill
Example: She’s very adept at dealing with the media.
- Adequate
Definition: enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
Example: Have we got adequate food for 20 guests?
- Adherent
Definition: sticking fast to an object or surface
Example: The eggs have thick sticky shells to which debris is often adherent.
- Adhesive
Definition: covered with glue on one or more surfaces; sticky
Example: The pages were held together with adhesive tape.
- Adiabatic
Definition: (of a thermodynamic process) taking place without loss or gain of heat
Example: The passage of sound through air is generally adiabatic.
- Adjacent
Definition: very near, next to, or touching
Example: They work in adjacent buildings.
- Adjoining
Definition: (of a building, room, or piece of land) next to or joined with
Example: I was in an adjoining room and could hear voices.
- Adjunct
Definition: connected or added to something
Example: Other adjunct therapies include immunotherapy.
- Adjunctive
Definition: added to something else as a supplement rather than an essential part
Example: Additional medications may be used as adjunctive therapy.
- Adjustable
Definition: able to be adjusted
Example: The car has fully adjustable seats and steering wheel.
- Adjustive
Definition: concerned with, making, or controlling adjustments
Example: This is a thermostat with an adjustive dial.
- Adjuvant
Definition: given after the main treatment for cancer
Example: All women in the study received adjuvant therapy with tamoxifen.
- Administrative
Definition: relating to the running of a business, organization, etc
Example: You will do mainly administrative work.
- Admirable
Definition: arousing or deserving respect and approval
Example: he has one admirable quality – he is totally honest.
- Admired
Definition: regarded with admiration
Example: Simmonds remained an internationally admired authority on the history of plant genetic resources.
- Admiring
Definition: showing admiration
Example: She was surrounded by a group of admiring photographers.
- Adoptable
Definition: capable of being adopted; suitable or eligible for adoption
Example: This resolution was found to be adoptable.
- Adopted
Definition: of a child: legally made the son or daughter of someone other than a biological parent
Example: He introduced us to his adopted daughter.
- Adoptive
Definition: acquired or related by adoption
Example: When he was 7 months old, his mother gave him up to his adoptive parents.
- Adorable
Definition: inspiring great affection or delight
Example: I have four adorable Siamese cats.
- Adoring
Definition: feeling or expressing deep affection, love, or admiration
Example: He received a gift from an adoring fan.
- Adorned
Definition: provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction
Example: The bride’s hair was adorned with white flowers.
- Adpressed
Definition: lying closely against the adjacent part, or against the ground
Example: The cap is covered with fine, white, adpressed scales.
- Adrenal
Definition: of, relating to, or derived from the adrenal glands or their secretions
Example: Adrenal function was normal in this group of patients.
- Adrenalized
Definition: excited, charged, or tense
Example: They possess an adrenalized vigour that distinguishes them from other bands.
- Adrenocortical
Definition: relating to the adrenal cortex
Example: Adam Phillip Janet, a gifted young attorney, died of adrenocortical cancer June 29 at his Pikesville home.
- Adroit
Definition: clever or skilful
Example: he was adroit at tax avoidance.
- Adult
Definition: grown to full size and strength
Example: She spent most of her adult life in prison.
- Adulterine
Definition: (of a child) born as the result of an adulterous relationship
Example: Adulterine fiction often portrays the illicit lovers sympathetically.
- Adulterous
Definition: relating to, characterized by, or given to adultery
Example: He had an adulterous affair that nearly destroyed his marriage.
- Adumbrative
Definition: serving to foreshadow; faintly indicative
Example: The painting is adumbrative of later, more fully developed Christian imagery.
- Advance
Definition: done, sent, or supplied beforehand
Example: I have received the advance payment.
- Advanced
Definition: modern and well developed
Example: This is the most advanced type of engine available.
- Advancing
Definition: used as a polite way of referring to the fact of time passing and of somebody growing older
Example: She is still very active, in spite of her advancing years.
- Advantageous
Definition: involving or creating favourable circumstances that increase the chances of success or effectiveness; beneficial
Example: The scheme is advantageous to your company.
- Adventurous
Definition: willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences
Example: I’m trying to be more adventurous with my cooking.
- Adversarial
Definition: involving people opposing or disagreeing with each other
Example: In the old days of two-party adversarial politics, voting was easy.
- Advisable
Definition: (of a course of action) to be recommended; sensible
Example: It is advisable to carry one of the major credit cards.
- Advisory
Definition: having or consisting in the power to make recommendations but not to take action enforcing them
Example: The Commission acts in an advisory capacity.
- Aerial
Definition: of, from, or in the air
Example: Aerial photographs are used in making these maps.
- Aestival
Definition: Belonging to or appearing in summer
Example: He grouped species into ephemeral, aestival, and evergreen.
- Aetiologic
Definition: causing or contributing to the development of a disease or condition
Example: An antibody response to these bacteria could play an aetiological role in ulcerative colitis.
- Affable
Definition: friendly and easy to talk to
Example: He struck me as an affable sort of a man.
- Affected
Definition: artificial and not sincere
Example: I found her very affected.
- Affectionate
Definition: showing feelings of liking or love
Example: He’s an affectionate little boy.
- Affective
Definition: connected with the emotions
Example: He has no affective ties to his family.
- Afferent
Definition: conducting or conducted inwards or towards something (for nerves, the central nervous system; for blood vessels, the organ supplied)
Example: Cough is mediated by the interaction of sensory afferent nerves, central cough reflexes, and local axon reflexes.
- Affiliated
Definition: connected with or controlled by a group or organization
Example: She was admitted into the Chicago Medical School, then affiliated with Northwestern University.
- Affirmative
Definition: relating to a statement that shows agreement or says “yes”
Example: He gave us an affirmative response.
- Affordable
Definition: not expensive
Example: These are nice clothes at affordable prices.
- Afraid
Definition: feeling fear, or feeling worry about the possible results of a particular situation
Example: I’ve always been afraid of flying.
- African
Definition: belonging to or relating to Africa or its people
Example: I am fond of African music.
- After
Definition: later in time; next; subsequent; succeeding
Example: In after years we never heard from him.
- Aftermost
Definition: nearest the stern of a ship or tail of an aircraft
Example: On sailboats underway, it may be flown from the aftermost peak or leech in place of other ensigns.
- Ageless
Definition: never looking old or appearing to grow old
Example: She is beautiful and, at 43, somehow ageless.
- Aggravated
Definition: annoyed; irritated
Example: I get so aggravated when I get this much junk mail.
- Aggravating
Definition: annoying
Example: I find him really aggravating.
- Aggressive
Definition: behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person
Example: The stereotype is that men tend to be more aggressive than women.
- Aging
Definition: being or appearing old
Example: Oil companies are particularly concerned about their aging fleet of deep-water rigs.
- Agitated
Definition: worried or angry
Example: She became very agitated when her son failed to return home.
- Agleam
Definition: gleaming
Example: His eyes were agleam with the intensity of his fervour.
- Aglow
Definition: glowing
Example: She was aglow with health.
- Agonizing
Definition: causing extreme worry
Example: She went through an agonizing few weeks waiting for the test results.
- Agrarian
Definition: relating to the land, especially the use of land for farming
Example: This is prime agrarian land.
- Agreeable
Definition: pleasant or pleasing
Example: We spent a most agreeable evening by the river.
- Agreed
Definition: accepted
Example: We have to stick to the agreed price.
- Agrestic
Definition: Relating to the country; rural or rustic
Example: Paul Shambroom’s exploration into systems of power has led him to agrestic town council meetings where local officials don jeans and consume Diet Coke.
- Agricultural
Definition: used for farming or relating to farming
Example: The world’s supply of agricultural land is shrinking fast.
- Ahead
Definition: having the leading position or higher score in a contest
Example: He is ahead by a pawn.
- Ahistorical
Definition: lacking historical perspective or context
Example: This is ostensibly to redress and correct the ahistorical gaps of African-American art in their collections.
- Ailing
Definition: experiencing difficulty and problems
Example: Ted asked me if I could help him fix his ailing car.
- Aimless
Definition: without any clear intentions, purpose, or direction
Example: She said that her life seemed aimless after her children left home.
- Airborne
Definition: in the air, or carried by air or wind or by an aircraft
Example: The airborne radioactive particles have covered a huge area of Russia.
- Airheaded
Definition: (of a person) silly or foolish
Example: This is an idiotic video filled with airheaded celebrities.
- Airless
Definition: used to describe a place where it is difficult to breathe or the air is not fresh
Example: My hotel room was small, airless, and uncomfortable.
- Airsick
Definition: affected with nausea due to travel in an aircraft
Example: When he is in the aircraft, the slightest wind makes him completely airsick immediately.
- Airtight
Definition: completely closed so that no air can get in or out
Example: Biscuits will stay crisp if you keep them in an airtight container.
- Airworthy
Definition: used to describe an aircraft that is safe to fly
Example: The regulators refused to certify the planes as airworthy.
- Airy
Definition: with a lot of light and space
Example: The new offices are light and airy.
- Ajar
Definition: almost shut; slightly open
Example: I left the door ajar so that I could hear the baby.
- Alarmed
Definition: worried or frightened by something
Example: I was a bit alarmed at how much weight she’d lost.
- Alarming
Definition: worrying or disturbing
Example: Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.
- Alert
Definition: quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances; vigilant
Example: An alert police officer discovered a lorry full of explosive.
- Algebraic
Definition: relating to algebra
Example: For the eleven- to thirteen-year-olds, teachers need to build algebraic and geometric thinking.
- Alien
Definition: coming from a different country, race, or group
Example: Many food chains are based upon alien plants.
- Alienable
Definition: able to be transferred to new ownership
Example: It was in the interest of the public and the landowners to make land freely alienable.
- Alienated
Definition: feeling that you have no connection with the people around you or that you are not part of a group
Example: These women tell us that they feel very alienated from other women.
- Aliform
Definition: wing-shaped
Example: Large objects brought into tube are detected by cilia on the head and shunted to either side; the aliform notopodia are then raised to let the large objects pass, thus avoiding damage to the bag.
- Alight
Definition: burning
Example: I had to use a bit of petrol to get the fire alight.
- Aligned
Definition: the same as or similar to something else
Example: Our business model will become more aligned with the needs of our customers.
- Alike
Definition: similar to each other
Example: The children all look very alike.
- Alimentary
Definition: relating to nourishment or sustenance
Example: Total parenteral nutrition is a preparation of nutrients given via intravenous infusion to patients, of any age, who cannot feed normally through the alimentary tract.
- Aliphatic
Definition: relating to or denoting organic compounds in which carbon atoms form open chains (as in the alkanes), not aromatic rings
Example: For example, alkyl groups can be introduced into aliphatic hydrocarbons or aromatic hydrocarbons by alkylation reactions.
- Alive
Definition: living, not dead
Example: Doctors kept him alive on a life-support machine.
- Alkalic
Definition: (of a rock or mineral) richer in sodium and/or potassium than is usual for its type
Example: In the northern Cordillera lower Paleozoic alkalic and potassic mafic magmatism is linked with rifting of the Selwyn Basin.
- All-around
Definition: having a good variety of skills or abilities
Example: Gretzky was an all-around great hockey player.
- Alleged
Definition: declared or stated to be as described; asserted
Example: The alleged murderer could not be located for questioning.
- Allergic
Definition: having an allergy
Example: I’m allergic to cats.
- Allied
Definition: combined
Example: It takes a lot of enthusiasm, allied with a love of children, to make a good teacher.
- Allotted
Definition: assigned or distributed as a portion, share, or lot
Example: Silently, all the creatures filed to their allotted places.
- All-over
Definition: covering the whole of something
Example: She returned with an all-over tan.
- Allowable
Definition: allowed, especially within a set of regulations; permissible
Example: The loan deal has been extended to the maximum allowable three months.
- All-purpose
Definition: Having a great many uses
Example: This is an all-purpose kitchen knife.
- Alluring
Definition: powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive
Example: The town offers alluring shops and restaurants.
- Allusive
Definition: using or containing suggestion rather than explicit mention
Example: The story told by myxotricha is as deep as any myth, as profoundly allusive.
- Alone
Definition: without other people
Example: He likes being alone in the house.
- Aloof
Definition: not friendly or willing to take part in things
Example: She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.
- Alpha
Definition: first in order of importance
Example: The alpha star in a constellation is the brightest or main star.
- Alphabetical
Definition: arranged in the same order as the letters of the alphabet
Example: The names are published in alphabetical order.
- Alphabetized
Definition: having been put in alphabetical order
Example: The cards are all alphabetized, as you requested.
- Alterable
Definition: capable of being altered
Example: Some things in life are not alterable.
- Alternating
Definition: (of two or more things) occurring in turn repeatedly
Example: The poet used an alternating ABAB rhyme scheme.
- Alternative
Definition: (of one or more things) available as another possibility or choice
Example: The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative strategy.
- Amatory
Definition: relating to or induced by sexual love or desire
Example: Amatory poems are popular online.
- Amazed
Definition: extremely surprised
Example: She was amazed at how calm she felt after the accident.
- Amazing
Definition: extremely surprising
Example: It’s amazing to think that the managing director is only 23.
- Ambient
Definition: relating to the immediate surroundings of something
Example: the liquid is stored at below ambient temperature.
- Ambiguous
Definition: having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionally
Example: His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.
- Ambitious
Definition: having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich
Example: He is an ambitious young lawyer.
- Ambivalent
Definition: having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel
Example: I felt very ambivalent about leaving home.
- Ambrosial
Definition: having a very pleasant taste or smell
Example: The shop was full of ambrosial smells.
- Ambulant
Definition: able to walk around
Example: Newly ambulant toddlers need to be protected from dangers around the home.
- Ambulatory
Definition: able to walk about
Example: The patient is ambulatory.
- American
Definition: of or relating to the United States of America
Example: They drive a big American car.
- Americanized
Definition: to become or make something typical of the US or US culture
Example: Linda Chan was born in Hong Kong but grew up in New York and quickly became Americanized.
- Amiable
Definition: pleasant and friendly
Example: He seemed an amiable young man.
- Amicable
Definition: relating to behaviour between people that is pleasant and friendly, often despite a difficult situation
Example: His manner was perfectly amicable, but I felt uncomfortable.
- Amniotic
Definition: related to the bag and liquid that surround the embryo
Example: Other researchers have worked on amniotic cells.
- Amoebic
Definition: related to or similar to an amoeba
Example: Her mother was seriously ill after contracting amoebic dysentery.
- Amoeboid
Definition: resembling an amoeba specifically in moving or changing in shape by means of protoplasmic flow
Example: Other microorganisms travel using amoeboid movement, driven by flexing of their cellular skeletons, built from the protein actin.
- Amoristic
Definition: relating to, or characteristic of, romantic love
Example: The accidental function of marriage is the gratification of the amoristic sentiment of mankind.
- Amorous
Definition: of or expressing sexual desire
Example: The opera centres around the amorous adventures of its handsome hero.
- Amorphous
Definition: without a clearly defined shape or form
Example: The amorphous clouds are coming towards us.
- Amphibian
Definition: an amphibian vehicle can be used both on land or in the air and in water
Example: Troops were brought in by amphibian vehicles and helicopters.
- Ample
Definition: more than enough
Example: You’ll have ample opportunity to ask questions after the talk.
- Amused
Definition: showing that you think something is funny
Example: She was very amused by your comments.
- Amusing
Definition: causing laughter and providing entertainment
Example: He is an amusing man.
- Analgesic
Definition: (of a drug) acting to relieve pain
Example: Analgesic drugs may be needed to control the pain.
- Analog
Definition: representing electronic information as a continuously varying signal
Example: Analog broadcasts, the current technology, would continue side by side with digital.
- Analogous
Definition: having similar features to another thing and therefore able to be compared with it
Example: The experience of mystic trance is in a sense analogous to sleep or drunkenness.
- Analogue
Definition: using a system in which information, such as sound or images, is stored or sent in a continuously changing form, such as electrical signals, radio waves, or film
Example: Viewers would be forced to make the switch from analogue to digital.
- Analphabetic
Definition: representing sounds by composite signs rather than by single letters or symbols
Example: Chinese has an analphabetic writing system.
- Analytical
Definition: examining or liking to examine things in detail, in order to discover more about them
Example: He has a very analytical mind.
- Analyzable
Definition: capable of being partitioned
Example: These phenomena are not precisely analyzable.
- Ancestral
Definition: relating to members of your family from the past
Example: Her musical gifts are a kind of ancestral heritage passed to her from her grandmother.
- Anchoritic
Definition: characterized by ascetic solitude
Example: The anchoritic life is one of the earliest forms of Christian monastic living.
- Ancient
Definition: of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time
Example: People have lived in this valley since ancient times.
- Anecdotal
Definition: based on reports or things someone saw rather than on proven facts
Example: There is only anecdotal evidence that the medicine works.
- Anemic
Definition: having too few red blood cells, causing a lack of energy
Example: I was anemic for a while after my operation.
- Angelic
Definition: very beautiful and very good
Example: She has an angelic voice.
- Angered
Definition: feeling or showing anger
Example: Angered residents demanded to know why their street hadn’t been plowed three days after the snowstorm.
- Angry
Definition: having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them
Example: He’s really angry with me for upsetting Sophie.
- Angular
Definition: having a clear shape with sharp points
Example: Her features were too angular, her face a little too long for beauty.
- Animal
Definition: made or obtained from an animal or animals
Example: Parchment is stretched, cured animal skin treated to remove acidity.
- Animalistic
Definition: characteristic of animals, particularly in being physical and instinctive
Example: These dogs are an extension of their owners’ animalistic tendencies.
- Animated
Definition: full of interest and energy
Example: There was an extremely animated discussion on the subject.
- Annoyed
Definition: slightly angry; irritated
Example: He gave me an annoyed look and left without speaking.
- Annoying
Definition: causing irritation or annoyance
Example: He has quite some annoying habits.
- Annual
Definition: occurring once every year
Example: The sponsored walk became an annual event.
- Anonymous
Definition: (of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name
Example: The donor hopes to remain anonymous.
- Another
Definition: one more (person or thing) or an additional (amount)
Example: We have two tickets and need another one.
- Antagonistic
Definition: actively opposing or showing unfriendliness towards something or someone
Example: He’s extremely antagonistic towards all critics.
- Anticorrosive
Definition: inhibiting or preventing corrosion
Example: What is clear is that every urban water system in America is supposed to use anticorrosive treatment.
- Anticipated
Definition: expected or looked-forward to
Example: A large crowd gathered for his anticipated arrival.
- Anticlimactic
Definition: causing disappointment at the end of an exciting or impressive series of events
Example: It was an anticlimactic finish to the match.
- Antiquated
Definition: old-fashioned or unsuitable for modern society
Example: It will take many years to modernize these antiquated industries.
- Antiseptic
Definition: completely free from infection
Example: In the 1870s and 1880s, doctors began to follow the principles of antiseptic surgery.
- Antisocial
Definition: harmful to society
Example: Increasingly, smoking is regarded as an antisocial habit.
- Antsy
Definition: very nervous, worried, or unpleasantly excited
Example: It was a long drive and the children started to get antsy.
- Anxious
Definition: feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome
Example: She was extremely anxious about her exams.
- Apathetic
Definition: showing no interest or energy and unwilling to take action, especially over something important
Example: Young people today are so apathetic about politics.
- Apologetic
Definition: showing that you feel sorry about having caused someone problems or unhappiness
Example: She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing.
- Appalled
Definition: greatly dismayed or horrified
Example: Alison looked at me, appalled.
- Appalling
Definition: causing shock or dismay; horrific
Example: The cat suffered appalling injuries during the attack.
- Apparent
Definition: clearly visible or understood; obvious
Example: For no apparent reason she laughed.
- Apparitional
Definition: resembling or characteristic of a phantom
Example: Apparitional experiences also have implications for the philosophy of perception.
- Appealing
Definition: attractive or interesting
Example: He had a nice smile and an appealing personality.
- Appeasing
Definition: intended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions
Example: Promoters and agents seem to accept this blame as part of their appeasing duty.
- Appellant
Definition: of or relating to or taking account of appeals (usually legal appeals)
Example: The bill also removes Franklin Circuit Court as the appellant body for requests of legislative records.
- Appellate
Definition: involving an attempt to get a legal decision changed
Example: The mistrial ruling was upheld in 2013 by a state appellate court.
- Appellative
Definition: inclined to or serving for the giving of names
Example: He was responsible for giving the appellative title, The Catholic University of the Philippines to the then Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas.
- Appetizing
Definition: Appetizing food or smells make you want to eat
Example: There come appetizing smells from the kitchen.
- Applicable
Definition: relevant or appropriate
Example: The same considerations are equally applicable to accident claims.
- Applicative
Definition: usable or capable of being used; practical; applicatory
Example: Consequently, the applicative layer of data mining methods in information sciences has influential prospect in the methodological layer in other disciplines.
- Applied
Definition: (of a subject of study) having a practical use rather than being only theoretical
Example: He studies applied mathematics.
- Appointed
Definition: officially chosen for a job or responsibility
Example: I’d like to introduce our newly appointed members of staff.
- Apposable
Definition: capable of being placed opposite to something
Example: The human thumb is apposable.
- Apposite
Definition: suitable and right for the occasion
Example: The film starts in a graveyard, an apposite image for the decaying society which is the theme of the film.
- Appreciable
Definition: If an amount or change is appreciable, it is large or noticeable enough to have an important effect
Example: There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.
- Appreciated
Definition: fully understood or grasped
Example: Dangers have not been appreciated it.
- Appreciative
Definition: showing that you understand how good something is, or are grateful for something
Example: It’s nice to have an appreciative audience.
- Apprehensive
Definition: feeling worried about something that you are going to do or that is going to happen
Example: I’m very apprehensive about tomorrow’s meeting.
- Approachable
Definition: friendly and easy to talk to
Example: Graham’s always very approachable – why don’t you talk the problem over with him?
- Approaching
Definition: of the relatively near future
Example: The approaching congressional elections are also producing some fence-straddlers.
- Appropriate
Definition: suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion
Example: Is this film appropriate for small children?
- Approved
Definition: used to refer to something that is generally or officially accepted as being correct or satisfactory
Example: What’s the approved way of dealing with this?
- Approving
Definition: showing that you have a positive opinion about something or someone
Example: She gave him an approving smile.
- Approximate
Definition: not completely accurate but close
Example: The approximate cost will be about $600.
- Aquacultural
Definition: of or relating to aquiculture
Example: It contains freshwater wetlands, aquacultural development and human disturbance.
- Aquaphobic
Definition: abnormally afraid of water
Example: It rained before they left and Cynthia became aquaphobic because of the typhoon.
- Aquatic
Definition: living in, happening in, or connected with water
Example: Waterskiing is my favorite aquatic sport.
- Aqueous
Definition: like or containing water
Example: In aqueous solution at low pH, methyl yellow appears red.
- Aquiline
Definition: of or like an eagle
Example: He has an aquiline nose.
- Arboreal
Definition: of or living in trees
Example: Humans evolved from arboreal ancestors.
- Arboreous
Definition: abounding in trees; wooded
Example: A clever enemy avoided battle on open ground and preferred marshy, mountainous or arboreous grounds for battle.
- Arborescent
Definition: treelike in size and form
Example: Most of these corals are arborescent and have little knobs on the end of their rubbery branches.
- Arborous
Definition: of or relating to or formed by trees
Example: The environment provides an arborous and terrestrial habitat for langurs as well as well as meeting the needs of their folivorous diet.
- Architectural
Definition: relating to architecture
Example: There are no architectural designs and no land has been purchased.
- Ardent
Definition: showing strong feelings
Example: Achtenberg ebulliently told about 300 ardent supporters at her campaign headquarters.
- Arduous
Definition: difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy
Example: The process has been arduous, especially in the past month.
- Arenicolous
Definition: living, burrowing, or growing in sand
Example: The characteristic of the coast is shallow, with extensive formation of sand banks, where many arenicolous bivalves are grown like cockles or clams.
- Areolar
Definition: relating to or like or divided into areolae
Example: Areolar tissue is highly variable in appearance.
- Areolate
Definition: relating to or like or divided into areolae
Example: It grows in variable forms, from having a continuous surface to being areolate.
- Argent
Definition: like silver; silvery white
Example: The grey skies were touched by jagged, argent fingers of lightning.
- Argentiferous
Definition: containing or yielding silver
Example: These argentiferous galenas have long been the most important ore of silver.
- Argentine
Definition: of or resembling silver
Example: The argentine domes of our main course arrived.
- Argentinian
Definition: belonging to or relating to Argentina or its people
Example: Which style is better, Argentinian pragmatism or Brazilian jogo bonito?
- Argillaceous
Definition: (of rocks or sediment) consisting of or containing clay
Example: Its ground is argillaceous and sandy by places.
- Argive
Definition: of or relating to the ancient Greek city of Argos or its people
Example: It concerns the battle between an Argive army led by Polynices and the army of no longer extant.
- Arguable
Definition: able to be argued or asserted
Example: It was arguable that the bank had no authority to honour the cheques.
- Argumentative
Definition: often arguing or wanting to argue
Example: Don’t be so argumentative.
- Arid
Definition: very dry and without enough rain for plants
Example: The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there.
- Arillate
Definition: (of some seeds) having a fleshy and usually brightly colored cover
Example: It grows up to 20 m tall and has large seeds that are dispersed by arillate capsule and is bi-coloured.
- Aristocratic
Definition: belonging to a class of people who hold high social rank
Example: His aristocratic manner alienated many voters.
- Aristocratical
Definition: belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
Example: De Renesse was born in 1836 at Brussels to an aristocratical family of Leonard du Bus de Gisignies.
Positive Adjectives That Start with A to Describe a Person
Everyone would like to hear positive descriptions on them. Using the following positive adjectives that start with A to describe a person will surely make their day. Let’s dive into these A adjectives right away.
1. Able
Definition: to have the skills or strength to do a task
Synonyms: adept, apt, proficient
Example: He is able to form opinions of his own, take the right decisions, and implement them confidently.
2. Adaptable
Definition: able or willing to change in order to suit different conditions
Synonyms: flexible, adjustable, changeable
Example: He’s pretty adaptable, and change doesn’t bother him.
3. Advanced
Definition: ahead in position, time, manner
Synonyms: foremost, progressive, ahead
Example: She is always advanced at everything she does, which is why others can’t easily compete with her.
4. Ambidextrous
Definition: being able to use both hands with aptitude
Synonyms: equal-handed
Example: He is ambidextrous, so he can work well with either of his hands.
5. Angelic
Definition: Someone who is exceptionally kind or beautiful
Synonyms: otherworldly, heavenly, ethereal
Example: Her beauty is so angelic that no one can take her eyes off her.
6. Ardent
Definition: a deep level of enthusiasm or passion
Synonyms: passionate, fervent, zealous
Example: They are very ardent people, so you will never be disappointed with their enthusiasm
7. Artistic
Definition: someone or something that is rich in art
Synonyms: creative, appealing, alluring
Example: He had an artistic style of fashion everyone was attracted to.
8. Admirable
Definition: deserving of admiration
Synonyms: wonderful, marvelous, adorable
Example: She had many admirable qualities that drew everyone to her.
9. Agile
Definition: being quick or light in movement
Synonyms: speedy, fast, nimble
Example: She was chosen for the team because she was agile and strong.
10. Altruistic
Definition: regardful of the well-being of others
Synonyms: unselfish, caring, beneficent
Example: His altruistic personality made him more respectable as a person.
11. Ambitious
Definition: motivated by the strong desire of achieving something
Synonyms: desirous, eager, motivated
Example: She was ambitious only when it came to music, but the music was the only thing she couldn’t do.
12. Assuasive
Definition: something that is very soothing
Synonyms: tranquilizing, calming.
Example: Their assuasive voice made the whole room stunned to silence.
Positive Adjectives That Start with A to Describe an Event
Big or small, we may run into important and inspiring events now and then. How would you describe them? I believe below descriptive words that start with A must have been used.
1. Amazing
Definition: extremely surprising
Synonyms: awesome, incredible, stunning, marvelous
Example: It’s amazing that no one else has applied for the job.
2. Acceptable
Definition: satisfactory and able to be agreed to or approved of
Synonyms: reasonable, adequate
Example: Clearly, we need to come to an arrangement that is acceptable to both parties.
3. Annual
Definition: happening yearly
Synonyms: seasonal, yearly, yearlong
Example: They hold an annual get-together every year where they discuss their future business plans.
4. Applicable
Definition: Something appropriate or relevant
Synonyms: appropriate, apt, befitting
Example: This metaphor is very applicable to the current situation.
5. Available
Definition: ready for use
Synonyms: accessible, attainable, obtainable
Example: We still have a couple of rooms available for the guests.
6. Accurate
Definition: free from error
Synonyms: correct, authentic, precise
Example: The answer she gave was accurate, so she won the competition.
7. Advantageous
Definition: being in or creating favorable circumstances
Synonyms: beneficial, gainful, profitable
Example: His being a Jew was very advantageous in this situation.
8. Advisable
Definition: worthy of being recommended
Synonyms: recommendable, desirable, expedient
Example: It was not an advisable option for him to choose an Arts subject.
9. Alright
Definition: something that is acceptable and okay
Synonyms: agreeable, correct, safe
Example: Everything became alright after the truth was confessed.
10. Amicable
Definition: something characterized by friendliness and goodwill
Synonyms: peaceable, friendly
Example: An amicable proposal was given to satisfy both parties.
11. Arranged
Definition: planned in advance or placed in order
Synonyms: pre-planned, orderly
Example: A party was arranged to congratulate her for making it to Harvard.
12. Astonishing
Definition: something that is very impressive and surprising
Synonyms: wonderful, overwhelming
Example: The turn of events was astonishing.
13. Auspicious
Definition: something that brings good luck
Synonyms: favorable, lucky, fortunate
Example: An auspicious day was chosen for the wedding ceremony.
Positive Adjectives That Start with A to Describe a Place
Travelling has been a common lifestyle nowadays. How many places have you ever been to? How are you going to describe these amazing places to your friends? Do below adjectives that start with the letter A fit?
1. Accessible
Definition: able to be reached or easily got
Synonyms: convenient, handy, nearby
Example: The resort is easily accessible by road, rail, and air.
2. Ancient
Definition: having had an existence of many years
Synonyms: aged, antique, old
Example: The Great Forest is an ancient, vast, and very varied woodland.
3. Attractive
Definition: appealing, drawing attention
Synonyms: alluring, beautiful, appealing
Example: The scenery of Niagara Falls is very attractive and captivating.
4. Azure
Definition: having a light purplish-blue color
Synonyms: ultramarine, cyanic, cerulean
Example: An azure hue spread over the place owing to the blue lanterns.
5. Ancestral
Definition: of or belonging to, inherited from or denoting an ancestor
Synonyms: inherited, familial, lineal, hereditary
Example: They have an ancestral home in Louisiana where they go for a vacation every year.
6. Aglow
Definition: something that is glowing
Synonyms: glowing, radiant, luminous
Example: The whole place was aglow with fireworks.
7. Alacritous
Definition: something that is lively
Synonyms: brisk, cheerful, lively
Example: I found myself in an alacritous park filled with giggling kids and affectionate couples.
8. Aquatic
Definition: relating to water
Synonyms: maritime, natatory, watery
Example: The aquatic environment is getting destroyed because of humans’ plastic and garbage into the water bodies.
Positive Adjectives That Start with A to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Compared to animals in nature, we humans have abundant emotions, personalities and feelings. Are you at a loss to describe those? Then below adjectives with letter A will definitely help.
1. Active
Definition: having or engaging in movement
Synonyms: agile, mobile, dynamic
Example: He is generally an active person, so it’s no surprise he is good at sports.
2. Appreciative
Definition: Feeling or showing gratitude or appreciation
Synonyms: supportive, grateful, encouraging
Example: He becomes very appreciative of others when he is drunk.
3. Aspirant
Definition: strong want and desire of being recognized or advanced
Synonyms: hopeful, expectant, striver
Example: Her aspirant mindset was already a sign that she would get what she wants for sure.
Negative Adjectives That Start with A to Describe a Person
We all look forward to a world full of kindness and positivity, but that is difficult. For example, when you hear or see adjective words that start with A below, you know negativity happens.
1. Acrimonious
Definition: being bitter or harsh in manner or speech
Synonyms: sharp, rancorous, caustic
Example: The teacher started displaying acrimonious behavior after being asked a question she couldn’t answer.
2. Adamant
Definition: showing refusal to change
Synonyms: inflexible, resolute, fixed
Example: She was very adamant about becoming the next Class President.
3. Aggressive
Definition: behaving in a forceful way, showing a tendency to attack or confront
Synonyms: hostile, belligerent, contentious
Example: He became very aggressive as soon as he heard the news.
4. Agoraphobic
Definition: fear of open, crowded, or public places
Synonyms: fearful, anxious, afraid
Example: She is agoraphobic, which is why she refused to hang out with you.
5. Avaricious
Definition: being extremely greedy
Synonyms: covetous, mercenary, grasping
Example: His actions easily declare the fact that he is avaricious.
6. Abusive
Definition: being violent and/or cruel, being offensive and insulating
Synonyms: violent, hostile, vulgar
Example: I heard she grew up in an abusive family, so she is always very withdrawn from others.
Negative Adjectives That Start with A to Describe an Event
It is impossible for life to be all about happiness and success, sad events happen as well. We must learn to accept the fact and describe them peacefully with some describing words beginning with A.
1. Abrupt
Definition: something that happens very suddenly or in an unexpected way
Synonyms: sudden, unexpected, startling, surprising
Example: There was an abrupt pause halfway through the sentence, during which a chilly silence hovered over the room.
2. Awry
Definition: To become deviated from the plan or expectation
Synonyms: amiss, wrong
Example: His feelings went awry at the sight of that man.
3. Absurd
Definition: without any justifiable reason
Synonyms: unreasonable, nonsensical, peculiar
Example: The whole situation was so absurd that it was actually entertaining to be a part of it.
4. Ablaze
Definition: lit up by fire or flames
Synonyms: aflame, alight, blazing
Example: A wildfire broke out, and the forests were set ablaze within a few days.
5. Abnormal
Definition: something that is not normal or goes against the norms
Synonyms: unnatural, unusual, unconventional
Example: The weather has been very abnormal lately, ’cause why in the world would it snow in summer?
6. Adverse
Definition: something that is not in favor of your welfare
Synonyms: unfavorable, inauspicious, disadvantageous, unfortunate
Example: An adverse situation prevailed in the whole town because of that cyclone.
Negative Adjectives That Start with A to Describe a Place
Have you ever regretted going to any places or hated these places? Then following adjectives that start with A will absolutey resonate with you.
1. Abysmal
Definition: very deep, resembling an abyss
Synonyms: bottomless, endless, deep, unfathomable
Example: Even the small pond felt abysmal because of the pitch-black darkness.
2. Abandoned
Definition: something that has been left deserted or uninhibited
Synonyms: deserted, uninhibited, empty
Example: The abandoned house at the corner of the street was not as abandoned as it looked.
3. Apocalyptic
Definition: something that describes or displays the end of the world
Synonyms: destructive, catastrophic, ominous
Example: The ruins of the earthquake looked apocalyptic.
4. Artificial
Definition: made or produced by human beings as a copy of the natural, but not natural.
Synonyms: fake, false, imitation
Example: We went to an artificial zoo, where all the animals were made of stone and earth.
5. Abject
Definition: without pride or dignity
Synonyms: wretched, hopeless, miserable
Example: The news made her fall into abject misery.
6. Arid
Definition: lack of moisture
Synonyms: dry, parched, desiccated
Example: The climate of this place is very arid.
Negative Adjectives That Start with A to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Have you ever found it difficult to find the right words to express yourself when feeling down or having unpleasant experiences? I believe the following list of adjectives that start with A will help you out in such cases.
1. Afraid
Definition: to be filled with fear or regret
Synonyms: apprehensive, fearful, cowardly
Example: The darker the night got, the more she felt afraid of being alone.
2. Ambivalent
Definition: mixed or contradictory ideas about someone or something
Synonyms: irresolute, uncertain, conflicted
Example: One moment he says this, another moment he says that — what an ambivalent person he is!
3. Aquiver
Definition: trembling or shaking out of strong excitement and emotions.
Synonyms: trembly, tremulous, wobbly
Example: The unexpected news left him aquiver.
4. Annoyed
Definition: to feel impatient or angry
Synonyms: irritated, pissed, steamed, angered
Example: Everyone was very annoyed at the racist speaker.
5. Apologetic
Definition: feeling guilty or sorry about something
Synonyms: excusatory, sorry
Example: He was feeling very apologetic for what he said to her that day.
6. Aroused
Definition: excessively affected by emotion
Synonyms: emotional, excited
Example: He was aroused by the message from the movie.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with A
Here are some arranged adjectives that start with the letter A, which we use for formal letters and everyday conversation.
What is important is to use the accurate adjective in the right place. As adjectives tell more about a noun, it may present the noun in the wrong way if we use a wrong adjective.
So, we should be careful about using an adjective. After understanding the proper meaning of an adjective, it should be placed before or after a noun.
So, you can use the above adjectives that start with A where it is appropriate.
Ps. See also positive words that start with A, nouns that start with A and verbs that start with A.