907 Objects That Start with L to Build Kids’ Vocabulary

We are going to share a list of objects that start with L, today.
These kinds of lists, in our opinion, are practical for a variety of tasks.
Such as reading, writing, and vocabulary exercises.
We hope that this list of things that start with L will serve as inspiration for you if you want to arrange some alphabet games for your kindergartener.
There are many lovely everyday items to pick from, like lemonade and lollipops.
Get your kids acquainted with them right away!
Table of Contents
Household Objects That Start with L
Since every child’s habitat is everyday items, household items that start with L are listed first here. Take a look!
- Lysol Wipes
- Lye
- Lunch Box
- Lunch
- Luggage
- Lube
- Lozenge
- Loveseat
- Love Seat
- Lounger
- Lounge Chair
- Lounge
- Lotion
- Loom
- Loofah
- Loo Roll
- Lollies
- Logs
- Locket
- Locker
- Lock
- Living Room
- Litter Box
- Litter
- Listerine
- List
- Liquor
- Liquid Soap
- Liquid
- Lipstick
- Lip Balm
- Lint Roller
- Lint Brush
- Lint
- Link
- Lingerie
- Linen
- Lime
- Lighter
- Lightbulb
- Light Switch
- Light Fixture
- Light Bulb
- Light
- Lift
- Lid
- Lice Comb
- Library Book
- Lever
- Level
- Lettuce
- Letters
- Letterbox
- Letter Opener
- Letter
- Lentils
- Lens
- Lemon Squeezer
- Lemon
- Lego
- Leg
- Ledger
- Leather
- Leash
- Leaf Blower
- Lead
- Lazy Susan
- Lazy Boy
- Lawn Mower
- Lawn Chair
- Lavatory
- Laundry Machine
- Laundry Hamper
- Laundry Detergent
- Laundry Basket
- Laundry Bag
- Laundry
- Latter
- Latex Gloves
- Latch
- Laser
- Large Pan
- Larder
- Laptop
- Lanyard
- Lantern
- Landline
- Lampara
- Lamp Shade
- Lamp
- Laminator
- Lake
- Ladle
- Ladel
- Laddle
- Ladder
- Lace
- Label Maker
- Label
Electronic Objects That Start with L
- Loudspeaker
- Lock
- Little
- Lithium Battery
- Lite Bright
- Listening Device
- Linux
- Link
- Lime Scooter
- Lightsaber
- Lights
- Lightning Cable
- Lightbulb
- Light Switch
- Light Sabre
- Light Saber
- Light Bulb
- Light Bright
- Light Bar
- Light
- Lift
- Life Support
- Life Alert
- Lie Detector
- Lg Tv
- Lg Phone
- Lexus
- Leveler
- Letter
- Lenovo
- Lemon Squeezer
- Legs
- Leg Massager
- Leds
- Led Tv
- Led Screen
- Led Light
- Led Lamp
- Led
- Leapfrog
- Leaf Blower
- Lead
- Lcd Tv
- Lcd Screen
- Lcd
- Lawn Mower
- Lava Lamp
- Laundry Machine
- Laserpointer
- Laser Tag
- Laser Printer
- Laser Pen
- Laser Gun
- Laser Cutter
- Laser Beam
- Laptop
- Lap Top
- Lantern
- Landline Phone
- Landline
- Lamp
- Label Maker
- Lab
Sharp Objects That Start with L
- Long Sword
- Long Stick
- Long Needle
- Long Knife
- Long Bow
- Lobster Claws
- Little Knives
- Lips
- Lions Teeth
- Lion Teeth
- Lion
- Line
- Light Saber
- Light Knife
- Lids
- Lice Comb
- Lever
- Letter Opener
- Letter
- Lethal Weapon
- Legs
- Led
- Leaves
- Leather
- Leaf
- Lead
- Lawn Mower
- Lathe
- Large Knife
- Lapel
- Lancet
- Lake
Furniture That Starts with L
- Leaning Chair
- L-Couch
- Lazy-Boy
- Lazy Chair
- Lazy Boy Chair
- Lawnchair
- Lawn Chair
- Lava Lamp
- Laundry Basket
- Laundry
- Large Table
- Large Sofa
- Large Couch
- Laptop Table
- Laptop Stand
- Laptop Desk
- Lap Desk
- Lap
- Lantern
- Land
- Lampe
- Lampara
- Lampa
- Lamp Table
- Lamp Stand
- Lamp Shade
- Lamp Post
- Lamp Desk
- Lamb
- Lam
- Ladder
- Label
- L-Shaped Sofa
- L-Shaped Couch
- Lowboy
- Low Table
- Low Chair
- Love Seat
- Lounging Chair
- Lounge Table
- Lounge Sofa
- Lounge Set
- Lounge Couch
- Lounge Chairs
- Lounge Chair
- Lounge
- Loom
- Long Table
- Long Sofa
- Long Couch
- Long Chair
- Long Bench
- Long Bed
- Long
- Log Chair
- Loft Chair
- Loft Bed
- Loft
- Locker
- Lock
- Loaf
- Living Room Table
- Living Room Couch
- Living Room Chair
- Living Room
- Little Chair
- Lit
- Lino
- Link
- Lime Couch
- Lilo
- Lights
- Lightbulb
- Light Stand
- Light Fixture
- Light Bulb
- Light
- Lift
- Library
- Lemon
- Leg Stool
- Leg Rest
- Leg Of A Table
- Leg Lamp
- Leg Holder
- Leg Chair
- Ledge
- Led
- Lectern
- Leather Sofa
- Leather Couch
- Leather Chair
Clothing Names That Start with L
- Lycra
- Low Rise Jeans
- Loungers.
- Lounge Wear
- Lounge Pants
- Louis Vuitton
- Loser
- Loose Top
- Loose Shirt
- Loose Pants
- Long-Sleeved Shirt
- Long-Sleeve Shirt
- Longjohns
- Long Underwear
- Long Socks
- Long Sleeved Shirt
- Long Sleeve Top
- Long Sleeve Tee
- Long Sleeve Shirt
- Long Sleeve
- Long Skirt
- Long Shorts
- Long Shirt
- Long Pants
- Long Johns
- Long Jeans
- Long Jacket
- Long Dress
- Long Coat
- Loin Cloth
- Locket
- Loafer
- Little Shirt
- Little Black Dress
- Lingerie
- Liner
- Linens
- Linen Trousers
- Linen Suit
- Linen Skirt
- Linen Shirt
- Linen Pants
- Linen Jacket
- Linen Dress
- Lime Shirt
- Lime Green Shirt
- Light Jacket
- Light Coat
- Light Blue Shirt
- Life Jacket
- Levis Jeans
- Levi’s
- Levis
- Levi Jeans
- Letterman Jacket
- Leotard
- Leopard Print
- Leisure Suit
- Legwarmer
- Leggings
- Leg Warmer
- Left Sock
- Left Shoe
- Left Glove
- Leather Skirt
- Leather Shoes
- Leather Pants
- Leather Jacket
- Leather Coat
- Leather Chaps
- Leather Boots
- Leather Belt
- Leather
- Layers
- Laundry
- Lapel Pin
- Lapel
- Lanyard
- Lacy Bra
- Lace Undies
- Lace Underwear
- Lace Top
- Lace Shirt
- Lace Panties
- Lace Dress
- Lace Bra
- Lace Blouse
- Lace
- Lab Coat
Foods That Start with L
- Loganberry
- Loganberries
- Lodi Apples
- Lobster Mushroom
- Lobster
- Loaf
- Lo Mein
- Llama
- Liverwurst
- Liver
- Littleneck Clams
- Liquid Sword
- Lipstick Pepper
- Lion’s Tail
- Lion’s Mane Mushroom
- Lionfish
- Lion’s Mane Mushroom
- Linguini
- Linguine
- Linguica
- Lingcod
- Limpets
- Limpa
- Limestone Lettuce
- Limequats
- Limeade
- Lime Mint
- Lime Juice
- Lime
- Limburger Cheese
- Limau Bali
- Limau
- Lima Beans
- Lilok
- Lilly Pilly
- Liederkranz
- Licorice Root
- Licorice
- Li Jujube
- Lettuce
- Leopard
- Lentils
- Lentil Soup
- Lemongrass Chicken
- Lemongrass
- Lemonade Fruit
- Lemonade Berry
- Lemonade
- Lemon Verbena
- Lemon Plum
- Lemon Meringue Pie
- Lemon Juice
- Lemon Drop Pepper
- Lemon Drop Melon
- Lemon Cucumber
- Lemon Chiffon Cake
- Lemon Chess Pie
- Lemon Basil
- Lemon Bars
- Lemon Balm
- Lemon Aspen
- Lemon
- Lekvar
- Legumes
- Leek
- Lebkuchen Wedding Cake
- Lebkuchen
- Leapfrog Drink
- Leap Year Cocktail
- Layer Cake
- Lawyer’s Wig Mushrooms
- Laverstoke Cocktail
- Lavender
- Lavash
- Lava Cake
- Latte
- Latke
- Last Chance Peaches
- Lasagna
- Lard
- Laplanders
- Lantana Berries
- Lanseh
- Langsat
- Lane Cake
- Land Snails
- Lancetilla Mango
- Lamington
- Lambsquaters
- Lambsquarters
- Lambkin Melon
- Lamb’s Lettuce
- Lamb
- Lakoocha Fruit
- Lahmacun
- Ladyfish
- Ladyfinger
- Lady Apple
- Lablab Fruit
- Loin
- Lollipop
- Lolo Fruit
- London Broil
- Long Island Cheese Pumpkin
- Long Island Iced Tea
- Long John Silvers
- Long Neck Avocados
- Long Squash
- Longan
- Loquats
- Lotus Root
- Lovage
- Love Heart Cupcakes
- Lox
- Lucuma Fruit
- Lulo Fruit
- Lupin/Lupini Beans
- Lutefisk
- Lychee
- Lychee Fruit
Animals That Start with L
- Lystrosaurus
- Lyssavirus
- Lyrurus
- Lyrebird
- Lynx
- Lymantriidae
- Lymantriid
- Lymantria
- Lykoi Cat
- Lygus
- Lygaeidae
- Lygaeid
- Lycosidae
- Lycosa
- Lycaeon
- Lycaenidae
- Lycaenid
- Lycaena
- Luvarus
- Luvaridae
- Lutrinae
- Lutra
- Lutjanus
- Lutjanidae
- Luscinia
- Lurcher
- Lungfish
- Lunda
- Luna Moth Caterpillar
- Luna Moth
- Lumpsucker
- Lumpfish
- Lumpenus
- Lugworm
- Lug
- Lufengpithecus
- Lucy
- Lucilia
- Lucanidae
- Loxostege
- Loxodonta
- Loxia
- Lowchen
- Lowan
- Lovebird
- Louvar
- Louse
- Lotte
- Lota
- Lory
- Lorisidae
- Loris
- Lorikeet
- Loriinae
- Loricata
- Lorica
- Lophophorus
- Lopholatilus
- Lophodytes
- Lophius
- Lophiidae
- Looper
- Loon
- Lookdown
- Longwool
- Long-Winged Kite Spider
- Long-Tailed Tit
- Longspur
- Longnose Gar
- Longlegs
- Longicorn
- Longhorn Cowfish
- Longhorn
- Long-Haired Rottweiler
- Longfin Mako Shark
- Long-Eared Owl
- Lone Star Tick
- Loligo
- Loir
- Loin
- Loggerhead Sea Turtle
- Loggerhead
- Lofortyx
- Locustidae
- Locusta
- Locust
- Lobworm
- Lobster
- Lobotidae
- Lobotes
- Lobipes
- Lobefin
- Lobata
- Loach
- Llama
- Lizardfish
- Lizard
- Liza
- Livyatan
- Livestock
- Littorinidae
- Littorina
- Littleneck
- Little Penguin
- Little Brown Bat
- Litocranius
- Lithodidae
- Listeria
- Lippizaner
- Lippizan
- Lipotyphla
- Liposcelis
- Lipizzan
- Liparis
- Liparididae
- Liparidae
- Lip
- Liopleurodon
- Liopelmidae
- Liopelma
- Lionfish
- Lionet
- Lioness
- Lion’s Mane Jellyfish
- Lion
- Liomys
- Lintwhite
- Linnet
- Lingcod
- Ling
- Lineback Cattle
- Lincoln
- Limulus
- Limulidae
- Limpkin
- Limpet
- Limosa
- Limnodromus
- Limnocryptes
- Limicolae
- Limenitis
- Limax
- Limanda
- Limacidae
- Lilac-Breasted Roller
- Liger
- Lichanura
- Lhasapoo
- Lhasa Apso
- Lhasa
- Leveret
- Leucocytozoon
- Leucocytozoan
- Leuciscus
- Lesser Jacana
- Lerot
- Lepus
- Leptotyphlops
- Leptotyphlopidae
- Leptospira
- Leptoptilus
- Leptoglossus
- Leptodactylus
- Leptodactylidae
- Leptodactylid
- Leptocephalus
- Leptinotarsa
- Leppy
- Leporide
- Leporidae
- Leporid
- Lepomis
- Lepisosteus
- Lepisosteidae
- Lepismatidae
- Lepisma
- Lepidosauria
- Lepidopteron
- Lepidopteran
- Lepidoptera
- Lepidocybium
- Lepidochelys
- Lepas
- Lepadidae
- Leopardess
- Leopard Tortoise
- Leopard Shark
- Leopard Seal
- Leopard Lizard
- Leopard Gecko
- Leopard Frog
- Leopard Cat
- Leopard
- Leontocebus
- Leoncita
- Leonberger
- Leonberg
- Lemuroidea
- Lemuridae
- Lemur
- Lemon Shark
- Lemon Blast Ball Python
- Lemmus
- Lemming
- Leishmania
- Leipoa
- Leiopelmatidae
- Leiopelma
- Leichhardt’s Grasshopper
- Legionella
- Leedsichthys
- Leech
- Lechwe
- Lebistes
- Leatherjacket
- Leatherjack
- Leatherfish
- Leatherback Sea Turtle
- Leatherback
- Least Weasel
- Leaf-Tailed Gecko
- Leafhopper
- Leafcutter Ant
- Leaf Bug
- Lazarus Lizard
- Layer
- Lawnmower Blenny
- Laver
- Lavender Albino Ball Python
- Launce
- Latrodectus
- Latinae
- Latimeridae
- Latimeria
- Lates
- Lasiurus
- Lasiocampidae
- Lasiocampid
- Lasiocampa
- Larvacean
- Larvacea
- Larva
- Larus
- Lark
- Laridae
- Larid
- Laricariidae
- Lari
- Largemouth
- Large Munsterlander
- Larder Beetle
- Lar Gibbon
- Lapwing
- Lapponian Herder
- Lappet-Faced Vulture
- Lappet
- Lapin
- Lapdog
- Lanthanotus
- Lanthanotidae
- Lanternfish
- Lanius
- Laniidae
- Langur
- Langouste
- Landseer Newfoundland
- Lancetfish
- Lancelet
- Lancashire Heeler
- Lampyridae
- Lampshell
- Lampropeltis
- Lampris
- Lampridae
- Lamprey
- Lamnidae
- Lamna
- Lammergeyer
- Lammergeier
- Laminariales
- Laminariaceae
- Laminaria
- Lamellicornia
- Lamellibranchia
- Lamellibranch
- Lambkin
- Lambis
- Lamb
- Lamancha Goat
- Lama
- Lakeland Terrier
- Lake Sturgeon
- Lagotto Romagnolo
- Lagothrix
- Lagostomus
- Lagorchestes
- Lagopus
- Lagomorpha
- Lagomorph
- Lagodon
- Lagidium
- Ladyfish
- Ladybug/Ladybird
- Ladybug/ Ladybird
- Ladybug
- Ladybird
- Ladybeetle
- Lactophrys
- Lactobacteriaceae
- Lactobacillus
- Lactobacillaceae
- Lachnolaimus
- Lacewing
- Lacertilia
- Lacertidae
- Lacertid
- Lacerta
- Lace Monitor
- Lace Bug
- Labyrinthodontia
- Labyrinthodonta
- Labyrinthodont
- Labrottie
- Labridae
- Labraheeler
- Labrador Retriever
- Labrador
- Labradoodle
- Labradane
- Labrabull
- Labout’s Fairy Wrasse
- Labmaraner
- Labahoula
Random Objects That Start with L
- Lyre
- Lychgate
- Lyceum
- Lute
- Lure
- Lunula
- Lungyi
- Lungs
- Lunar
- Lumber
- Lugsail
- Lugger
- Love
- Lough
- Loop
- Longbow
- Longboat
- Logo
- Log Cabin
- Log
- Lodge
- Locomotive
- Lobe
- Little Dipper (Star Constellation)
- Little Dipper
- Lithoglyptics
- Lister
- Liniment
- Limousine
- Limb
- Lima Bean
- Lily
- Lilac
- Lighthouse
- Lifesaver
- Lifeboat
- Lepton
- Leprechaun
- Leotards
- Leo (Constellation)
- Lemonade Stand
- Lemon Grass
- Lem
- Leghorn
- Legging
- Left Hand
- Ledger Line
- Leatherwork
- Lazaretto
- Lazarette
- Layer (Layer Cake)
- Lawnmower
- Lawn
- Lavalliere
- Lavaliere
- Laurel
- Laudanum
- Latticework
- Lattice
- Latex
- Lateen
- Latchstring
- Lapping
- Lane
- Landmark
- Lance
- Lamination
- Lady Bug
- Lady
- Lading
- Labyrinth
Bonus | Words That Start with L for Kids
Here are some words starting with L to help your toddlers learn more words and get ready for school! Preschoolers will find these words simple and immediately relatable!
- Lumbar
- Lullaby
- Lull
- Lukewarm
- Luggage
- Lug
- Lucky
- Luckily
- Luck
- Lucid
- Loyalty
- Loyal
- Lowly
- Lowercase
- Lower
- Low
- Loving
- Lovely
- Love
- Lovable
- Lousy
- Lounge
- Loudly
- Loud
- Lotus
- Lotto
- Lottery
- Lotion
- Lot
- Lost
- Loss
- Losing
- Loser
- Lose
- Lorry
- Lore
- Lordly
- Lord
- Loot
- Loosen
- Loose
- Loopy
- Loophole
- Looped
- Loop
- Loony
- Loom
- Look
- Loofah
- Longing
- Long
- Loner
- Lonely
- Lone
- Logo
- Login
- Logical
- Logic
- Loggerhead
- Log
- Loft
- Lodge
- Lode
- Locust
- Lockup
- Locking
- Locker
- Lock
- Location
- Locate
- Locale
- Local
- Lobster
- Lobe
- Lobby
- Lob
- Loaves
- Loathe
- Loath
- Loan
- Loamy
- Loaf
- Loading
- Loader
- Loaded
- Load
- Lo
- Llama
- Lizard
- Living
- Livid
- Lives
- Livery
- Liver
- Lively
- Live
- Little
- Littering
- Litter
- Litre
- Litmus
- Lithe
- Literate
- Literal
- Liter
- Lite
- Litany
- Lit
- Listing
- Listening
- Listen
- List
- Lisp
- Liquorice
- Liquid
- Lipstick
- Lips
- Lipid
- Lip
- Lion
- Lint
- Links
- Linked
- Link
- Lining
- Linguistics
- Lingo
- Linger
- Lineup
- Liner
- Linen
- Linear
- Line
- Linden
- Limp
- Limo
- Limited
- Limit
- Lime
- Limbo
- Limber
- Limb
- Lily
- Lilac
- Liking
- Likely
- Like
- Lights
- Lightning
- Lightly
- Lighting
- Lighthouse
- Lighter
- Light
- Lift
- Lifeguard
- Life
- Lied
- Lie
- Lid
- Lick
- Licit
- License
- Licence
- Lice
- Library
- Libra
- Liberty
- Liberal
- Libel
- Liar
- Liaise
- Liable
- Li
- Levy
- Lever
- Level
- Lettuce
- Letters
- Letter
- Lethal
- Let
- Lest
- Lessor
- Lesson
- Lesser
- Lessen
- Lessee
- Less
- Lesion
- Leprechaun
- Leotard
- Leopard
- Lent
- Lens
- Lenient
- Lengthy
- Length
- Lend
- Lemonade
- Lemon
- Leisure
- Lei
- Lego
- Legion
- Legging
- Legged
- Legend
- Legal
- Legacy
- Leg
- Leftovers
- Leftover
- Left
- Leeway
- Leek
- Leech
- Ledger
- Ledge
- Led
- Lecture
- Leaves
- Leave
- Leather
- Least
- Leasing
- Leash
- Lease
- Learnt
- Learning
- Learned
- Learn
- Leapt
- Leap
- Leaning
- Lean
- Leaky
- Leakage
- Leak
- League
- Leafy
- Leaf
- Leading
- Leader
- Leaden
- Lead
- Leach
- Lazy
- Laze
- Layout
- Layoff
- Layman
- Layer
- Lay
- Lax
- Lawyer
- Lawn
- Lawful
- Law
- Lavish
- Lavender
- Lava
- Laurel
- Laundry
- Launch
- Laugh
- Laudable
- Laud
- Lattice
- Latter
- Latte
- Lathe
- Latex
- Latest
- Later
- Latent
- Lately
- Late
- Latch
- Lasting
- Last
- Lash
- Laser
- Lasagna
- Larynx
- Larva
- Lark
- Largess
- Largely
- Large
- Larder
- Lard
- Laptop
- Lapsed
- Lapse
- Lapel
- Lap
- Lantern
- Lanky
- Language
- Lane
- Landscape
- Landmark
- Landlord
- Landing
- Landed
- Land
- Lance
- Lamp
- Lament
- Lame
- Lambda
- Lamb
- Lake
- Lair
- Laid
- Lagoon
- Lag
- Lady
- Ladle
- Laden
- Ladder
- Lad
- Lacy
- Lactose
- Lactic
- Lack
- Lace
- Labour
- Labor
- Label
- Lab
- La
- Lumber
- Lumen
- Luminary
- Luminescent
- Luminous
- Lump
- Lumpy
- Lunacy
- Lunar
- Lunch
- Lung
- Lurch
- Lure
- Lurk
- Luscious
- Lush
- Lustre
- Lustrous
- Lute
- Luxury
- Lye
- Lying
- Lymph
- Lynch
- Lynx
- Lyre
- Lyric
Objects by Alphabets (A to Z)
We hope you found this list of objects that start with the letter ‘L’ useful. You can find similar ones by clicking on the below list from A to Z to be directed to the relevant article.
Final Thoughts
Names of objects are a crucial component of language development to teach it as part of vocabulary lessons.
This list objects beginning with L is made to pique pupils’ interest and aid them with separating it from related sounds in speech.
Things that start with L are important because when working with kindergarten students, it’s crucial to concentrate on the detection of the L sound.
Using vocabulary they are likely to encounter at home and at school adds a boost of convenience!
Do you know any more words for kids to learn that begin with L?
Happy learning!