800 Adjectives That Start with I | List with Definitions and Examples

Adjectives that start with I is widely used in daily life, like inspiring, influential. Therefore learning some adjectives starting with I will help a lot for daily communication.
To start a language, we first come to know about the basics of that language to learn it in a more vivid and descriptive way.
Similarly, In English language, we first learn about their basics including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverb, adjectives….
Adjectives are commonly known as “descriptive words”. By adding some descriptive words starting with I, you’ll express yourself more accurately.
For example, if you add adjectives beginning with I, like “immature” to “She is a person” to make it “She is an immature person”, obviously you are being clearer.
Enjoy reading adjectives that start with I below with definitions, examples and synonyms.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with I – Full List (800 words)
What is the largest list of adjectives starting with I you’ve seen? I believe it won’t exceed ours. Because we have 800 I adjectives below for you. Isn’t it amazing?
- Iambic
- Iatrogenic
- Iberian
- Ibsenian
- Icebound
- Icelandic
- Ichorous
- Icky
- Iconic
- Iconoclastic
- Icosahedral
- Ictal
- Icteric
- Icterogenic
- Ictic
- Icy
- Ideal
- Idealised
- Idealistic
- Ideational
- Idempotent
- Identical
- Identically
- Identifiable
- Ideographic
- Ideologic
- Ideological
- Idiographic
- Idiomatic
- Idiomatical
- Idiopathic
- Idiosyncratic
- Idiotic
- Idle
- Idolatrous
- Idolised
- Idyllic
- Iffy
- Igneous
- Ignescent
- Ignitable
- Ignitible
- Ignoble
- Ignominious
- Ignorable
- Ignorant
- Iliac
- Ill
- Illative
- Illegal
- Illegible
- Illegitimate
- Ill-fated
- Illiberal
- Illicit
- Illimitable
- Ill-informed
- Illiterate
- Ill-judged
- Illogical
- Illuminating
- Illusional
- Illusionary
- Illusive
- Illusory
- Illustrative
- Illustrious
- Imaginable
- Imaginarily
- Imaginary
- Imaginative
- Imbalanced
- Imbecile
- Imbecilic
- Imbricate
- Imbricated
- Imitation
- Imitative
- Immaculate
- Immaculately
- Immanent
- Immaterial
- Immature
- Immeasurable
- Immediate
- Immemorial
- Immense
- Immensurable
- Imminent
- Immiscible
- Immobile
- Immoderate
- Immodest
- Immoral
- Immortal
- Immotile
- Immovable
- Immoveable
- Immune
- Immunised
- Immunochemical
- Immunocompetent
- Immunocompromised
- Immunodeficient
- Immunogenic
- Immunologic
- Immunological
- Immutable
- Impaired
- Impalpable
- Imparipinnate
- Impartial
- Impassable
- Impassioned
- Impassive
- Impatient
- Impeccable
- Impeccant
- Impecunious
- Impellent
- Impendent
- Impending
- Impenetrable
- Impenitent
- Imperative
- Imperceptible
- Imperceptive
- Imperfect
- Imperfectible
- Imperforate
- Imperial
- Imperialist
- Imperialistic
- Imperious
- Imperishable
- Impermanent
- Impermeable
- Impermissible
- Impersonal
- Impertinent
- Imperturbable
- Imperviable
- Impervious
- Impetiginous
- Impetuous
- Impious
- Impish
- Implacable
- Implanted
- Implausible
- Implemental
- Implicated
- Implicational
- Implicative
- Implicit
- Implike
- Implosive
- Impolite
- Impolitic
- Imponderable
- Important
- Imported
- Importunate
- Imposing
- Impossible
- Impotent
- Impoverished
- Impracticable
- Impractical
- Imprecise
- Impregnable
- Impressed
- Impressible
- Impressionable
- Impressionist
- Impressionistic
- Impressive
- Improbable
- Impromptu
- Improper
- Improvable
- Improved
- Improvident
- Improving
- Improvised
- Imprudent
- Impudent
- Impugnable
- Impuissant
- Impulsive
- Impure
- Imputable
- Imputrescible
- Inaccessible
- Inaccurate
- Inactive
- Inadequate
- Inadmissible
- Inadvertent
- Inadvisable
- Inaesthetic
- Inalienable
- Inalterable
- Inane
- Inanimate
- Inapplicable
- Inapposite
- Inappreciable
- Inappropriate
- Inapt
- Inarguable
- Inarticulate
- Inartistic
- Inattentive
- Inaudible
- Inaugural
- Inauspicious
- Inauthentic
- Inboard
- Inborn
- Inbound
- Inbred
- Inbuilt
- Incalculable
- Incan
- Incandescent
- Incapable
- Incarnate
- Incased
- Incautious
- Incendiary
- Incertain
- Incessant
- Incestuous
- Inchoate
- Inchoative
- Incident
- Incidental
- Incipient
- Incised
- Incisive
- Incitive
- Inclement
- Inclined
- Included
- Inclusive
- Incognito
- Incognizable
- Incognizant
- Incognoscible
- Incoherent
- Incombustible
- Incoming
- Incommodious
- Incommunicado
- Incommutable
- Incomparable
- Incompatible
- Incompetent
- Incomplete
- Incomprehensible
- Incomprehensive
- Incomputable
- Inconceivable
- Inconclusive
- Incongruent
- Incongruous
- Inconsequent
- Inconsequential
- Inconsiderable
- Inconsiderate
- Inconsistent
- Inconsolable
- Inconspicuous
- Inconstant
- Incontestable
- Incontestible
- Incontinent
- Incontrovertible
- Inconvenient
- Inconvertible
- Incorporate
- Incorporated
- Incorporating
- Incorporative
- Incorporeal
- Incorrect
- Incorrigible
- Incorrupt
- Incorruptible
- Increasing
- Incredible
- Incredulous
- Incremental
- Incriminatory
- Inculpable
- Inculpative
- Inculpatory
- Incumbent
- Incurable
- Incurious
- Incursive
- Incurvate
- Incurved
- Indebted
- Indecent
- Indecipherable
- Indecisive
- Indecorous
- Indefatigable
- Indefeasible
- Indefensible
- Indefinable
- Indefinite
- Indehiscent
- Indelible
- Indelicate
- Independent
- Indescribable
- Indestructible
- Indeterminable
- Indeterminate
- Indexical
- Indexless
- Indian
- Indicative
- Indicatory
- Indictable
- Indie
- Indifferent
- Indigenous
- Indigent
- Indigestible
- Indignant
- Indigo
- Indirect
- Indiscernible
- Indiscreet
- Indiscrete
- Indiscriminate
- Indispensable
- Indisposed
- Indisputable
- Indissoluble
- Indistinct
- Individual
- Individualistic
- Indivisible
- Indocile
- Indolent
- Indomitable
- Indonesian
- Indoor
- Indrawn
- Indubitable
- Inducive
- Inductive
- Indulgent
- Indurate
- Indusial
- Industrial
- Industrious
- Indwelling
- Inebriated
- Inedible
- Ineffable
- Ineffective
- Ineffectual
- Inefficacious
- Inefficient
- Inelaborate
- Inelastic
- Inelegant
- Ineligible
- Ineloquent
- Ineluctable
- Inept
- Inequitable
- Ineradicable
- Inerrable
- Inerrant
- Inert
- Inescapable
- Inessential
- Inestimable
- Inevitable
- Inexact
- Inexcusable
- Inexhaustible
- Inexorable
- Inexpedient
- Inexpensive
- Inexperienced
- Inexperient
- Inexpert
- Inexpiable
- Inexplicable
- Inexplicit
- Inexpressible
- Inexpressive
- Inexpugnable
- Inexpungeable
- Inexpungible
- Inextensible
- Inextirpable
- Inextricable
- Infallible
- Infamous
- Infantile
- Infatuated
- Infeasible
- Infected
- Infectious
- Infective
- Infelicitous
- Inferential
- Inferior
- Infernal
- Infertile
- Infinite
- Infinitesimal
- Infinitival
- Infirm
- Inflamed
- Inflammable
- Inflammatory
- Inflatable
- Inflated
- Inflationary
- Inflectional
- Inflexible
- Inflowing
- Influent
- Influential
- Informal
- Informally
- Informational
- Informative
- Informatory
- Informed
- Infrahuman
- Infrangible
- Infrared
- Infrasonic
- Infrequent
- Infuriated
- Infuriating
- Ingenious
- Ingenuous
- Inglorious
- Ingrained
- Ingratiating
- Ingratiatory
- Ingrowing
- Ingrown
- Inguinal
- Inhabitable
- Inhalant
- Inharmonic
- Inharmonious
- Inherent
- Inheritable
- Inherited
- Inhibited
- Inhibitory
- Inhomogeneous
- Inhospitable
- Inhuman
- Inhumane
- Inhumed
- Inimical
- Inimitable
- Iniquitous
- Initial
- Initiative
- Initiatory
- Injectable
- Injudicious
- Injured
- Injurious
- Inky
- Inlaid
- Inland
- Inmost
- Innate
- Inner
- Innermost
- Innocent
- Innocuous
- Innovational
- Innovative
- Innoxious
- Innumerable
- Innumerate
- Innumerous
- Inodorous
- Inoffensive
- Inoperable
- Inoperative
- Inopportune
- Inordinate
- Inorganic
- Inpouring
- Inquiring
- Inquisitive
- Inquisitorial
- Inquisitory
- Insalubrious
- Insane
- Insanitary
- Insatiable
- Insatiate
- Inscriptive
- Inscrutable
- Insectan
- Insecticidal
- Insectivorous
- Insecure
- Insensate
- Insensible
- Insensitive
- Insentient
- Inseparable
- Inshore
- Inside
- Insidious
- Insightful
- Insignificant
- Insincere
- Insipid
- Insistent
- Insolent
- Insoluble
- Insolvable
- Insolvent
- Insomniac
- Insouciant
- Inspirational
- Inspiratory
- Inspired
- Inspiring
- Inspiriting
- Inst
- Instant
- Instantaneous
- Instigative
- Instinct
- Instinctive
- Instinctual
- Institutional
- Instructive
- Instrumental
- Insubordinate
- Insubstantial
- Insufferable
- Insufficient
- Insular
- Insulting
- Insuperable
- Insupportable
- Insurable
- Insurgent
- Insurmountable
- Insusceptible
- Intact
- Intangible
- Integral
- Integrated
- Integrative
- Integumental
- Integumentary
- Intellectual
- Intelligent
- Intelligible
- Intemperate
- Intended
- Intense
- Intensional
- Intensive
- Intent
- Intentional
- Interactive
- Interbred
- Intercalary
- Intercellular
- Interchangeable
- Interchurch
- Intercostal
- Intercrossed
- Interdepartmental
- Interdependent
- Interdisciplinary
- Interested
- Interesting
- Interfacial
- Interfaith
- Interfering
- Intergalactic
- Interim
- Interior
- Interlacing
- Interlineal
- Interlinear
- Interlinking
- Interlobular
- Interlocking
- Interlocutory
- Intermediate
- Intermeshed
- Interminable
- Intermittent
- Internal
- International
- Internecine
- Interoceptive
- Interoperable
- Interpersonal
- Interpretable
- Interpretative
- Interpretive
- Interracial
- Interrelated
- Interrogative
- Interrogatory
- Interschool
- Intersectant
- Intersexual
- Interspecies
- Interspecific
- Interstate
- Interstellar
- Interstitial
- Intertidal
- Intertribal
- Intestate
- Intestinal
- Intimal
- Intimate
- Intimidating
- Intolerable
- Intolerant
- Intoned
- Intoxicant
- Intoxicated
- Intracellular
- Intracerebral
- Intracranial
- Intractable
- Intradermal
- Intradermic
- Intragroup
- Intralobular
- Intramural
- Intramuscular
- Intransigent
- Intransitive
- Intraspecies
- Intraspecific
- Intrastate
- Intrauterine
- Intravenous
- Intrepid
- Intricate
- Intrigued
- Intriguing
- Intrinsic
- Intrinsical
- Introductory
- Introjected
- Introspective
- Introuvable
- Introversive
- Introverted
- Introvertish
- Introvertive
- Intrusive
- Intuitionist
- Intuitive
- Intumescent
- Inured
- Inutile
- Invalid
- Invaluable
- Invariable
- Invariant
- Invasive
- Inventive
- Inverse
- Invertebrate
- Invertible
- Investigatory
- Inveterate
- Invidious
- Invigorating
- Invincible
- Inviolable
- Inviolate
- Invisible
- Invitational
- Invitatory
- Invited
- Inviting
- Involucrate
- Involuntary
- Involute
- Involved
- Invulnerable
- Inward
- Inwards
- Inwrought
- Iodinated
- Iodinating
- Iodized
- Ionian
- Ionic
- Ionized
- Ipsilateral
- Iraki
- Iranian
- Iraqi
- Irascible
- Irate
- Irenic
- Iridaceous
- Iridescent
- Iridic
- Irish
- Iritic
- Irksome
- Iron
- Ironclad
- Ironed
- Ironic
- Ironical
- Ironlike
- Ironshod
- Irrational
- Irreclaimable
- Irreconcilable
- Irrecoverable
- Irredeemable
- Irreducible
- Irrefutable
- Irregular
- Irrelative
- Irrelevant
- Irreligious
- Irremediable
- Irremovable
- Irreparable
- Irreplaceable
- Irrepressible
- Irresistible
- Irresolute
- Irresponsible
- Irretrievable
- Irretrievably
- Irreverent
- Irreversible
- Irrevocable
- Irrevokable
- Irritable
- Irritated
- Irritating
- Irritative
- Irruptive
- Ischaemic
- Ischemic
- Isentropic
- Islamic
- Ismaili
- Isobilateral
- Isochronal
- Isochronous
- Isoclinal
- Isoclinic
- Isocyclic
- Isogonic
- Isolable
- Isolated
- Isomeric
- Isometric
- Isometrical
- Isomorphic
- Isomorphous
- Isopteran
- Isosceles
- Isosmotic
- Isothermal
- Isothermic
- Isotonic
- Isotopic
- Isotropic
- Isotropous
- Italian
- Italic
- Itchy
- Iterative
- Itinerant
- Ivied
Adjectives That Start with I – with Definitions and Examples
In case you forget the meaning and usage of adjectives beginning with I, we listed their definitions and examples below for your easy checking.
- Iconic
Definition: very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time
Example: The gunfight is the single most iconic image of the Wild West.
- Ideal
Definition: perfect, or the best possible
Example: She’s the ideal person for the job.
- Idealized
Definition: involving thinking of or representing someone or something as better than that person or thing really is
Example: She became an icon and an idealized symbol of women’s achievement.
- Idealistic
Definition: believing that very good things can be achieved, often when this does not seem likely to other people
Example: She support a number of idealistic causes.
- Ideational
Definition: relating to the formation of ideas or concepts
Example: Policy has been shaped by both material and ideational factors.
- Identical
Definition: exactly the same, or very similar
Example: I’ve got three identical blue suits.
- Identifiable
Definition: able to be recognized; distinguishable
Example: There are no easily identifiable features on the shoreline.
- Ideological
Definition: based on or relating to a particular set of ideas or beliefs
Example: There are some fairly profound ideological disagreements within the movement.
- Idiographic
Definition: pertaining to or involving the study or explication of individual cases or events
Example: A quantitative study was followed by qualitative research that was aimed at gaining an ideographic perspective.
- Idiomatic
Definition: using, containing, or denoting expressions that are natural to a native speaker
Example: He spoke fluent, idiomatic English.
- Idiopathic
Definition: relating to or denoting any disease or medical condition has no known cause
Example: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a lung condition which causes scaring of the lungs.
- Idiotic
Definition: very stupid
Example: I was able to hum its idiotic theme tune.
- Idle
Definition: without purpose or effect; pointless
Example: He did not want to waste valuable time in idle chatter.
- Idolatrous
Definition: of or having the nature of idolatry
Example: Pele in idolatrous times was the dreaded goddess of Kilauea.
- Idolized
Definition: admire, revere, or love greatly or excessively
Example: He was idolized and demonized as few other rulers have been, and our image of his character is confused by the hatred or goodwill of the parties involved.
- Idyllic
Definition: pleasing or picturesque in nature simplicity
Example: It appears to be an idyllic domestic set-up.
- Iffy
Definition: of doubtful quality or legality
Example: A good wine merchant will change the iffy bottles for sound ones.
- Igneous
Definition: describes rocks made from magma that has cooled and become solid
Example: It used to be found in fissure veins in the extrusive igneous rhyolite rock.
- Ignoble
Definition: of low grade or quality; inferior
Example: After having looked into other avenues for a solution, they finally embark upon an ignoble bank robbery.
- Ignominious
Definition: deserving or causing public disgrace or shame.
Example: No other party risked ignominious defeat.
- Ignorant
Definition: lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated
Example: He was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid.
- Iliac
Definition: relating to the ilium (= the widest of the three bones that form the pelvis)
Example: The surgical implantation of iliac screws has been used successfully to correct spinal deformities.
- Ill
Definition: bad
Example: Did you experience any ill effects from the treatment
- Illegal
Definition: not allow by law
Example: Cocaine, LSD, and heroine are all illegal drugs.
- Illegible
Definition: not clear enough to be read
Example: His handwriting is totally illegible.
- Illegitimate
Definition: used to describe activities and institutions that are not in accordance with the law and with accepted standards of what is right
Example: They represented a ruthless and illegitimate regime that could not remain forever.
- Ill-fated
Definition: unlucky and unsuccessful, often resulting in death
Example: The ill-fated aircraft later crashed into the hillside.
- Illiberal
Definition: opposed to liberal principles; restricting freedom of thought or behavior
Example: Real regulation of internship would involve dictatorial and illiberal measures and a lot of policing.
- Illicit
Definition: an activity or substance that is not allowed by law or the social customs of a country
Example: Dante clearly condemns illicit love.
- Illimitable
Definition: limitless; boundless
Example: However, a hardware machine and its software program can be designed to perform an almost illimitable number of abstract and physical task.
- Illiterate
Definition: unable to read or write
Example: His parents were illiterate.
- Ill-judged
Definition: rash; ill-advised
Example: He has made a whole list of ill-judged comments down the years.
- Illogical
Definition: not reasonable, wise, or practical, usually because directed by the emotions rather than by careful thought
Example: It is an illogical statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false.
- Illuminating
Definition: helping to clarify or explain something
Example: It’s been a very illuminating discussion.
- Illusionary
Definition: of, pertaining to, or characterized by illusions; deceptive; misleading
Example: A spell that conjures up a banquet, or that confers invisibility on the magician, would be examples of illusionary magic.
- Illusive
Definition: illusory; unreal
Example: Physically, he’s illusive and dreamy.
- Illusory
Definition: based on producing illusion
Example: Linda started an illusory friendship with her rival as part of her plan to destroy the girl’s reputation.
- Illustrative
Definition: serving as an example or explanation
Example: This timetable is provided for illustrative purposes only.
- Illustrious
Definition: famous, well respected, and admired
Example: She comes from an illustrious political family that includes two former Cabinet ministers.
- Imaginable
Definition: something that is extreme in some way
Example: He could not disguise that he had had the worst imaginable day for any minister.
- Imaginary
Definition: existing only in the imagination
Example: Chris had imaginary conversations with her.
- Imaginative
Definition: new, original, and clever
Example: The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastics.
- Imbalanced
Definition: unevenly or unfairly arranged
Example: Today’s figures show a deeply imbalanced economy.
- Imbecile
Definition: stupid; idiotic
Example: Try not to make imbecile remarks.
- Imbecilic
Definition: extremely stupid
Example: She looked at me with an imbecilic grin.
- Imbricate
Definition: (of scales, sepals, plates, etc.) having adjacent edges overlapping
Example: A section is given of the bud of Antirrhinum majus, showing the imbricate spiral arrangement.
- Imitation
Definition: made to look like something else
Example: It’s not real silk – It’s just imitation.
- Imitative
Definition: copying or following a model or example
Example: The derring-do of our film heroes inspired us to imitative feats.
- Immaculate
Definition: perfectly clean or tidy
Example: The whole house was immaculate.
- Immanent
Definition: (of God) permanently pervading and sustaining the universe
Example: God is immanent in the world.
- Immaterial
Definition: spiritual, rather than physical
Example: We have immaterial souls.
- Immature
Definition: something or someone that is not yet completely grown or fully developed
Example: The birds were in immature plumage.
- Immeasurable
Definition: so large or great that it cannot be measured or known exactly
Example: Her movies had an immeasurable effect on a generation of Americans.
- Immediate
Definition: occurring or done at once; instant
Example: The authorities took no immediate action.
- Immemorial
Definition: existing or traditional for an extremely long time
Example: She said it was the immemorial custom of the villagers to have a feast after the harvesting.
- Immense
Definition: extremely large in size or degree
Example: They spent an immense amount of time getting the engine into perfect condition.
- Imminent
Definition: about to happen
Example: They were in imminent danger of being swept away.
- Immiscible
Definition: (of two or more liquids) incapable of being mixed to form a homogeneous substance
Example: Oil and water are immiscible.
- Immoderate
Definition: not sensible or restrained; excessive
Example: Ever since Frederick went to the casino in Las Vegas, he began an immoderate gambling hobby and can always be seen there.
- Immodest
Definition: having too high an opinion of yourself
Example: He makes these immodest statements of his own brilliance.
- Immoral
Definition: morally wrong, or outside society’s standards of acceptable, honest, and moral behaviour
Example: It’s an immoral tax, because the poor will pay relatively more.
- Immortal
Definition: living or lasting for ever
Example: The priest said he was endangering his immortal soul.
- Immovable
Definition: not able to be moved
Example: All immovable objects have graffiti sprayed on them.
- Immunological
Definition: relating to the structure and function of the immune system
Example: A monocyte is a white blood cell that can provide immunological defences against many infectious organisms.
- Immutable
Definition: not changing, or unable to be changed
Example: Some people regard grammar as an immutable set of rules.
- Impaired
Definition: damaged in a way that makes something less effective
Example: The medication is associated with impaired motor skills.
- Impartial
Definition: able to judge or consider something fairly without allowing your own interest to influence you
Example: The jury has to give an impartial verdict after listening to all of the evidence.
- Impassable
Definition: (of a road or path) cannot be travelled on because of bad weather conditions or because it is blocked
Example: Many roads were flooded and impassable following the storm.
- Impassioned
Definition: filled with or showing great emotion
Example: She made an impassioned plea for help.
- Impassive
Definition: not showing or feeling any emotion
Example: Nick kept his face impassive but his mind was racing.
- Impatient
Definition: having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked
Example: An impatient motorist blaring his horn.
- Impending
Definition: (of an event regarded as threatening or significant) about to happen; forthcoming
Example: The author had returned to his country ahead of the impending war.
- Impenetrable
Definition: impossible to understand
Example: Her expressions was impenetrable.
- Imperceptible
Definition: so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived
Example: His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.
- Imperceptive
Definition: lacking in perception or insight
Example: He dismissed the remark as juvenile and imperceptive.
- Imperfect
Definition: damaged, containing problems, or not having something
Example: We’re living in an imperfect world.
- Imperial
Definition: belonging to or relating to an empire or the person or country that rules it
Example: The imperial guards stormed the palace.
- Imperious
Definition: unpleasantly proud and expecting to be obeyed
Example: She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand.
- Impermanent
Definition: not permanent
Example: Life has value precisely because it is transient and impermanent.
- Impermeable
Definition: something that does not allow fluid to pass through it
Example: The canoe is made from an impermeable wood.
- Impermissible
Definition: not permitted or allowed
Example: Their refusal to discuss the issue is impermissible.
- Impersonal
Definition: not existing as a person
Example: He gradually came to believe in an impersonal God.
- Impertinent
Definition: not showing enough respect; rude
Example: Don’t be impertinent – you’re in no position to tell your boss what to do.
- Impervious
Definition: not allowing liquid to go through
Example: How does glue bond with impervious substances like glass and metal?
- Impetuous
Definition: acting or done quickly and without thought or care
Example: She might live to rue this impetuous decision.
- Impious
Definition: lacking piety or reverence for a god; ungodly
Example: I need to wash the taste of these impious demands out of my mouth.
- Impish
Definition: inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun; mischievous
Example: He had an impish look about him.
- Implacable
Definition: unable to be appeased or placated
Example: he was an implacable enemy of Ted’s.
- Implausible
Definition: (of an argument or statement) not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince
Example: This is a blatantly implausible claim.
- Implicit
Definition: suggested but not communicated directly
Example: He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government.
- Impolite
Definition: not having or showing good manners; rude
Example: It would have been impolite to refuse.
- Important
Definition: having great effect or influence
Example: He was one of the most important writers of that period.
- Importunate
Definition: persistent, especially to the point of annoyance
Example: My mother left her husband because he was an importunate man who treated her like an unpaid servant.
- Imposing
Definition: having an appearance that looks important or causes admiration
Example: He was an imposing figure on stage.
- Impossible
Definition: very difficult to deal with
Example: She was in an impossible situation.
- Impotent
Definition: unable to take effective action; helpless or powerless
Example: He was seized with an impotent anger.
- Impoverished
Definition: made weaker or worse in quality
Example: He warned that the breakdown of the family unit would lead to an impoverished society.
- Imprecise
Definition: lacking exactness and accuracy of expression or detail
Example: The witness could give only vague and imprecise descriptions.
- Impressed
Definition: (of a mark) applied to something using pressure
Example: The saddle was handsomely decorated with an impressed design of leaves and flowers.
- Impressive
Definition: evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill; grand, imposing, or awesome
Example: There are some very impressive buildings in the town.
- Improbable
Definition: unexpected and apparently inauthentic
Example: The characters have improbable names.
- Improper
Definition: dishonest and against a law or a rule
Example: the governor has denied making improper use of state money.
- Improved
Definition: better than before
Example: Highlights of the package include a wage increase, improved health care benefits and better tuition scholarships.
- Improvident
Definition: not having or showing foresight; spendthrift or thoughtless
Example: Jessie handles all of the household financial matters because of his wife’s improvident spending habits.
- Improvised
Definition: done or made using whatever is available; makeshift.
Example: We slept on improvised beds.
- Impulsive
Definition: acting or done suddenly without any planning or consideration of the results
Example: She’s an impulsive shopper and often buys things she doesn’t need.
- Impure
Definition: involving sexual thoughts or behaviour that are wrong or not moral
Example: She was accused of having impure thoughts about her male students.
- Inaccessible
Definition: difficult or impossible to reach
Example: The place is inaccessible except by trail.
- Inaccurate
Definition: not accurate or correct
Example: The reports were based on inaccurate information.
- Inactive
Definition: doing nothing
Example: I am an inactive player because I always sit on the bench.
- Inadequate
Definition: not good enough or too low quality
Example: This work is woefully inadequate – you’ll have to do it again.
- Inadmissible
Definition: evidence that cannot be used in a court of law
Example: The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.
- Inadvertent
Definition: not intentional
Example: All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people’s ideas.
- Inalienable
Definition: not subject to being taken away from or given away by the possessor
Example: The shareholders have the inalienable right to dismiss directors.
- Inane
Definition: extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance
Example: He’s always making inane remarks.
- Inanimate
Definition: having none of the characteristics of life that an animal or plant has
Example: He looks at me as if I’m an inanimate object.
- Inapposite
Definition: out of place; inappropriate
Example: The Shakespearean allusions are inapposite.
- Inappropriate
Definition: not suitable or proper in the circumstances
Example: There are penalties for inappropriate behaviour.
- Inapt
Definition: not apt; not suitable; inappropriate
Example: The inapt investigation led by the police, as well as the prosecutor, has been criticized repeatedly.
- Inarticulate
Definition: unable to express feeling or ideas in words, or communicated in a way that is difficult to understand
Example: He refers to them as inarticulate mountain people.
- Inartistic
Definition: having or showing a lack of skill or talent in art
Example: Amplification is not necessarily a bad or inartistic phenomenon.
- Inattentive
Definition: failing to attend to the comfort or wishes of others
Example: I was disappointed by the food and the inattentive service.
- Inaudible
Definition: unable to be heard
Example: Before Dean could answer, there was an almost inaudible knock at the door.
- Inauspicious
Definition: unlucky
Example: This is the inauspicious star of disaster.
- Inauthentic
Definition: not in fact what it is said to be
Example: He criticized the restaurant’s inauthentic food.
- Inboard
Definition: situated on, towards, or near the centre of a ship or aircraft
Example: The inboard ailerons on the wings were dead.
- Inborn
Definition: used to refer to a mental or physical characteristic that someone has from birth
Example: She seems to have an inborn talent for physic.
- Inbound
Definition: travelling towards a particular point
Example: We expect delays to both inbound and outbound trains.
- Inbred
Definition: produced by inbreeding
Example: Inbred dogs will be more likely to have some genetic maladies.
- Inbuilt
Definition: built-in
Example: The phone comes with 8 GB inbuilt memory.
- Incalculable
Definition: not able to be calculated or estimated
Example: Amy saw the devastating death of her son as having an incalculable effect that few would ever understand.
- Incapable
Definition: unable to do something
Example: She’s incapable of hurting a fly.
- Incessant
Definition: (esp. of something unpleasant) never stopping
Example: The region endured weeks of incessant rain.
- Incestuous
Involving incest
Example: The film is about Auteil’s incestuous love for his sister.
- Incidental
Definition: less important than the thing something is connected with or part of
Example: try not to be distracted by incidental details.
- Incipient
Definition: just beginning or just coming into existence
Example: He has a black mustache and an incipient potbelly.
- Incisive
Definition: (of a person or mental process) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking.
Example: She was an incisive critic.
- Inclement
Definition: (of the weather) unpleasantly cold or wet
Example: Walkers should be prepared for inclement weather.
- Inclusive
Definition: including all the services or items normally expected or required
Example: Menus stating fully inclusive prices.
- Incoherent
Definition: (of spoken or written language) expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear.
Example: He screamed some incoherent threat.
- Incoming
Definition: arriving at, coming into, or entering a place
Example: Incoming flights are being delayed because of bad weather.
- Incompatible
Definition: not able to work with other equipment
Example: The file was in an incompatible format and could not be printed.
- Incompetent
Definition: not having the ability to do something as it should be done
Example: He has described the government as corrupt and incompetent.
- Incomplete
Definition: not having some parts, or not finished
Example: The building is still incomplete.
- Incomprehensible
Definition: not able to be understood; not intelligible
Example: She grunted some incomprehensible reply.
- Inconceivable
Definition: not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable
Example: They behaved with inconceivable cruelty.
- Inconclusive
Definition: not giving or having a result or decision
Example: We can organize the entire wedding for one inclusive price.
- Incontestable
Definition: impossible to question because of being obviously true
Example: The medical tests were inconclusive, and will need to be repeated.
- Inconsiderable
Definition: very small and therefore not important or not worth considering
Example: He inherited a not inconsiderable amount.
- Incontrovertible
Definition: impossible to double because of being obviously true
Example: her logic is utterly incontrovertible.
- Inconvenient
Definition: not inconvenient
Example: He scheduled the meeting for an inconvenient time, and few people could attend.
- Inconvertible
Definition: unable to be changed into gold, another currency, or another type of investment
Example: A large part if this amount was locked up in inconvertible securities.
- Incorporeal
Definition: not having a physical body but a spiritual form
Example: In the film, the house was visited by a strange incorporeal being.
- Incorrect
Definition: not in accordance with fact; wrong
Example: The doctor gave you incorrect advice.
- Incorrigible
Definition: (of a person or their behaviour) not able to be changed or reformed
Example: She’s an incorrigible flirt.
- Incredible
Definition: impossible, or very difficult, to believe
Example: The latest missiles can be fired with incredible accuracy.
- Incredulous
Definition: not wanting or not able to believe something, and usually showing this
Example: A few incredulous spectators watched on as Pateron, ranked 23rd in the world, beat the champion.
- Incremental
Definition: in a series of amount
Example: Most research proceeds by small incremental advances.
- Incumbent
Definition: (of an official or regime) currently holding office
Example: The incumbent President was defeated.
- Incurable
Definition: not able to be cured
Example: Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.
- Indebted
Definition: owing money
Example: The company is heavily indebted.
- Indecent
Definition: not appropriate or fitting
Example: They leaped on the suggestion with indecent haste.
- Indecisive
Definition: not good at making decisions
Example: He is widely thought to be an indecisive leader.
- Indefensible
Definition: too bad to be protected from criticism
Example: The war is morally indefensible.
- Indefinite
Definition: lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time
Example: They may face indefinite detention.
- Indehiscent
Definition: not dehiscent; not opening at maturity to discharge its seeds
Example: The fruits of the species are indehiscent, globulous and berry-shaped.
- Indelible
Definition: not able to be forgotten
Example: The story made an indelible impression on me.
- Indelicate
Definition: showing a lack of awareness of socially correct behavior
Example: There was an embarrassed silence after his indelicate remark about her age.
- Independent
Definition: a politician does not agree or vote with any particular political party
Example: An independent adviser has been brought in to conciliate between the two sides involved in the conflict.
- Indie
Definition: (of music or films) made by small companies that are not owned by larger companies
Example: The popularity of indie bands has soared in recent years.
- Indigenous
Definition: naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place
Example: So, who are the indigenous people of this land?
- Indigestible
Definition: indigestible food is difficult or impossible for the stomach to break down
Example: Beans have some indigestible carbohydrates that can give you wind.
- Indignant
Definition: angry because of something that is wrong or not fair
Example: She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council’s action.
- Indirect
Definition: not directly caused by or resulting from something
Example: Full employment would have an indirect effect on wage levels.
- Indiscreet
Definition: having, showing, or proceeding from too great a readiness to reveal things that should remain private or secret
Example: They have been embarrassed by indiscreet friends.
- Indiscriminate
Definition: done at random or without careful judgement
Example: The indiscriminate use of antibiotics can cause problems.
- Indispensable
Definition: something or someone that is good or important you could not manage without it, him or her
Example: This book is an indispensable resource for researchers.
- Indisposed
Definition: slightly unwell
Example: My mother is indisposed.
- Indisputable
Definition: unable to be challenged or denied
Example: The indisputable fact is that computers carry out our logical operations.
- Indistinct
Definition: not clear or sharply defined.
Example: His speech was slurred and indistinct.
- Individualistic
Definition: relating to one particular person rather than a group of society, or relating to someone who is different or original
Example: Contemporary art is highly individualistic.
- Indivisible
Definition: not able to be separated from something else or into different parts
Example: He regards e-commerce as an indivisible part of modern retail.
- Indolent
Definition: without real interest or effort; lazy
Example: I was an indolent creature who could not imagine action.
- Indomitable
Definition: impossible to subdue or defeat
Example: His reminiscences of his childhood and his indomitable mother were genuinely touching.
- Indoor
Definition: happening, used, or existing inside a building
Example: The indoor flowers market is a big tourist attraction.
- Indrawn
Definition: (of breath) taken in
Example: She heard the swift indrawn breath of surprise.
- Indusial
Definition: very great in extent or amount
Example: We are seeing tax avoidance on an industrial scale
- Industrious
Definition: diligent and hard-working
Example: An industrious people striving to make their country prosperous.
- Indwelling
Definition: relating to a device that is left inside the body, for example a catheter (= a long, thin tube used to take liquids out of the body)
Example: Indwelling catheters are used during labour following epidural anesthesia.
- Inedible
Definition: not suitable as food
Example: The meat was inedible.
- Ineffective
Definition: not producing the effects or results that are wanted
Example: They made an ineffective attempt to get the rules changed.
- Inept
Definition: not skilled or effective
Example: He was criticized for his inept handling of the situation.
- Inelegant
Definition: having or showing a lack of physical grace, elegance, or refinement
Example: He came skidding to an inelegant halt.
- Ineligible
Definition: not allowed to do or receive something because you do not meet certain conditions
Example: The state has made a reasonable effort to help purge ineligible voters from election rolls.
- Inequitable
Definition: unfair; unjust
Example: The present taxes are inequitable.
- Ineradicable
Definition: not able to be removed
Example: Some experiences in early life have ineradicable effects.
- Inerrant
Definition: incapable of being wrong
Example: They believed in an inerrant scripture.
- Inert
Definition: not moving or not able to move
Example: The inert figure of a man could be seen lying in the front of the car.
- Inescapable
Definition: impossible to avoid or not to accept
Example: The evidence points to the inescapable conclusion that he is guilty of the crime.
- Inestimable
Definition: extremely great, or too great to be described or expressed exactly
Example: The medical importance of this discovery is of inestimable value.
- Inevitable
Definition: certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented
Example: The accident was the inevitable outcome of carelessness.
- Inexact
Definition: not known in detail or not completely accurate
Example: Economics is an inexact science.
- Inexhaustible
Definition: existing in very great amounts that will never be finished
Example: There seemed to be an inexhaustible supply of champagne at the wedding.
- Inexorable
Definition: continuing without any possibility of being stopped
Example: Aging is an inexorable process.
- Inexpensive
Definition: not costing a lot of money
Example: It’s an inexpensive perfume.
- Inexperienced
Definition: having little knowledge or experience
Example: They are young inexperienced parents and need support.
- Inexpert
Definition: having little skill
Example: She had made an inexpert attempt to repair the car.
- Inexplicable
Definition: unable to be explained or understood
Example: For some inexplicable reason, he’s decided to cancel the project.
- Inexpressible
Definition: (of a feeling) too strong to be described or conveyed in words
Example: The news filled him with inexpressible delight.
Positive Adjectives That Start with I to Describe a Person
Adjectives that start with I to describe a person are often used in formal writings, like “Ideal”, “Independent”. Can you think of more from your favorite books?
1. Ideal
Definitions: model, exemplary
Synonyms: classical, supreme, flawless, consummate
Example: Shakespeare is my ideal poet and writer.
2. Imaginative
Definition: creative or artistic
Synonyms: fantastic, ingenious, dreamy, vivid
Example: Nothing was like what was in her imaginative mind.
3. Inspiring
Definition: encouraging or rousing
Synonyms: animating, exalting, motivating, stimulating
Example: He has an inspiring personality for the unbelievers in the opponent party.
4. Intimate
Definition: devoted or loving
Synonyms: friendly, bosom, affectionate, dearest
Example: He was talking to a stranger; being intimate.
5. Individual
Definition: distinct or alone
Synonyms: definite, particular, indivisible, lone
Example: They did all their work individually, not in a group or with a team. They did a great job.
6. Independent
Definition: liberal or free
Synonyms: absolute, on one’s own, self-determining, autonomous
Example: She came to me for an independent piece of advice.
7. Influential
Definition: something effective or being powerful.
Synonyms: dominant, strong, controlling
Example: He introduced everyone with influential facts about their civilization.
8. Impassioned:
Definition: showing great spirit or emotion
Synonyms: wholehearted, heartfelt, emotional, earnest
Example: She is still impassioned about her book to write more positive things…
9. Impious
Definition: not religious
Synonyms: contrary, agnostic, deceitful, godless
Example: Peter is an impious rich man.
10. Indulgent
Definition: able to live with; lenient
Synonyms: charitable, compliant, considerate, fond
Example: He was considered to be very indulgent and kind towards everyone.
11. Infinite
Definition: without end or limit; limitless
Synonyms: eternal, everlasting, enormous, immense
Example: Everything has an end or you can say all is vanity except that infinite sky.
12. Intimate
Definition: friendly or devoted
Synonyms: bosom, close, affectionate, faithful
Example: Anna is my intimate friend and we have been together for the last eight years.
13. Intransitive
Definition: not talking in a direct object
Synonyms: verb, intransitive verb form
Example: You will find some verbs that may be transitive or intransitive according to the context of the sentence.
Positive Adjectives That Start with I to Describe an Event
To describe an event in your writing, use descriptive words that start with I below and they will make your work stand out.
1. Incentive
Definition: inducement or consideration
Synonyms: stimulation, purpose, ground, excuse
Example: They give me a great incentive up on hard work.
2. Important
Definition: something or someone valuable
Synonyms: considerable, foremost, extensive, necessary
Example: I missed an important meeting, shit!
3. Interesting
Definition: entertaining or attractive
Synonyms: exotic, captivating, curious, elegant
Example: Today’s get-together was very interesting.
4. Illicit
Definition: something illegal
Synonyms: contrary to law, black-market, criminal
Example: He is doing illicit trade with his business partner for the last few years.
5. Intellectual
Definition: very smart
Synonyms: bookish, brainy, cerebral, creative
Example: She got an intellectual scholarship for her brilliant performance.
6. Immediate
Definition: in a hurry, without delay
Synonyms: instant, current, at once, prompt
Example: Beware of making immediate decisions, keep calm and have patience.
7. Impermanent
Definition: temporary
Synonyms: fleeting, transient, passing, ephemeral
Example: This site also includes impermanent information and worthless.
8. Inclusive
Definition: all together or comprehensive
Synonyms: all the options, overall, broad, whole
Example: The fastest train in china contains an inclusive speed of 35km per hour.
9. Italian
Definition: native or related to Italy; italic
Synonyms: roman, Sicilian, Tuscan, Latin
Example: In Italian, sentence structure is exactly the same as English sentence structure.
10. Introductory
Definition: leading or initial
Synonyms: earliest, starting, opening, precursive
Example: You have to follow this with an introductory manual of inventory.
Positive Adjectives That Start with I to Describe a Place
What is the best place you’ve ever been to? Can you give a detailed description with any of adjectives that start with the letter I below?
1. Identifiable
Definition: recognizable
Synonyms: determinate, described, distinguished
Example: The criminals are identifiable by this person because he saw them doing robbery.
2. Impressive
Definition: influential or remarkable
Synonyms: absorbing, imposing, profound, monumental
Example: The outside interior of the house was really very impressive.
3. Incredible
Definition: beyond imagination
Synonyms: absurd, unbelievable, unplausible, unsubstantial
Example: Malaysia is an incredible country to visit.
4. Irrational
Definition: senseless or without any logic
Synonyms: brainless, disjointed, foolish, freaky
Example: No one can get his irrational logic.
5. Interior
Definition: in-house, inner
Synonyms: central, inside, domestic, remote, secret
Example: The interior of Blue Mosque is really very beautiful or soul catching.
6. Impossible
Definition: beyond possibility
Synonyms: absurd, inconceivable, cureless, impractical
Example: It is impossible to alter them; if possible, kindly guide me about it.
7. Indian
Definition: related to India, its people or culture
Synonyms: Asian, Amerind
Example: He has many Indian friends in Malaysia.
8. Industrial
Definition: related to manufacturing
Synonyms: automated, business, industry, industrialized
Example: They sold very poor products, even the people in their city are very industrial.
9. Immense
Definition: extremely large; extensive
Synonyms: boundless, endless, great, humongous
Example: Mughal architecture, displaying the immense power of spirituality of Islam.
10. Imperial
Definition: majestic or magisterial
Synonyms: royal, stately, lordly, kingly
Example: An imperial icon of Lahore, Quaid library adds grandeur to the city.
11. Iconic
Definition: having characteristic or related to an icon
Synonyms: recognizable, ideal, exemplary, representative
Example: Badshah Mosque is one of the most iconic examples of Mughal architecture.
Positive Adjectives That Start with I to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Which personality do you appreciate the most? Honest? Kind? Cool? Or is it represented by one of adjectives with letter I below?
1. Illustrative
Definition: explanatory and clarifying
Synonyms: comparative, descriptive, revealing
Example: This timetable is provided for illustrative purposes only.
2. Innocent
Definition: blameless or clean handed
Synonyms: honest, angelic, immaculate, guilt-free
Example: Ani is really an innocent but brilliant girl I must say.
3. Intelligent
Definition: having great sense of humour, very smart
Synonyms: able, alert, acute, imaginative, brilliant, brainy, inventive, creative
Example: She has an intelligent mind to attract the whole people around her.
Negative Adjectives That Start with I to Describe a Person
You can’t expect all people to be positive, but you can choose to leave the ones that are not. Below adjective words that start with H will help you to recognize those people.
1. Idle
Definition: out of action
Synonyms: abandoned, inactive, passive
Example: He made her idle for a long period of time, but she didn’t realize once.
2. Ignorant
Definition: unknowing, unconscious
Synonyms: illiterate, dense, misinformed, unaware
Example: He is totally ignorant about the danger; he is going to face there.
3. Illiterate
Definition: lacking of education or knowledge
Synonyms: unread, solecist, uneducated, unlearned
Example: She never votes in an election because she is illiterate.
4. Immodest
Definition: bold or shameless
Synonyms: indecent, depraved, bawdy
Examples: It is totally unfair to say she wears immodest clothes in front of the whole meeting.
5. Impersonal:
Definition: unfriendly or candid
Synonyms: abstract, neutral, unbiased
Example: She seems very impersonal, even unkind to others.
6. Incommunicative
Definition: uncommunicative; unwilling to talk
Synonyms: clammed up, quiet, dumb, reserved
Example: It seems so bad having incommunicative staff in office.
7. Inexpert
Definition: having lack of skills
Synonyms: unskilled, unprofessional, untrained
Example: He is inexperienced and also inexpert to get successful.
8. Indebted
Definition: under obligation
Synonyms: answerable for, accountable, bound, obliged
Example: He is indebted because of his father’s life.
9. Inferior
Definition: not important, less in rank
Synonyms: bottom, secondary, minor, lower
Example: France is a country with an inferior population; trained for their physical capabilities.
10. Irritable
Definition: bad tempered or annoyed
Synonyms: bearish, brooding, offended, crabby
Example: His temper was irritable, even I have never seen him impatient with his employees.
11. Intrusive
Definition: being unwelcome or uninvited
Synonyms: interrupting, obtrusive, invasive, unwanted
Example: He is penetrated by younger intrusive masses at Forkill.
12. Intense
Definition: forcefully or passionate
Synonyms: acute, agonizing, ardent, eager
Example: She was feeling intense about that event, even after 5 years.
Negative Adjectives That Start with I to Describe an Event
Road to success is full of obstacles and you could run into setbacks and ironies. When you hear describing words beginning with I below, don’t be frustrated. Stay positive and keep fighting for your goals.
1. Impolitic
Definition: careless or unwise
Synonyms: undiplomatic, untimely, misguided
Example: I can’t follow his policy because it is completely impolitic.
2. Incoherent
Definition: disordered or incomprehensible
Synonyms: discordant, indistinct, dumb
Example: They end up there meeting with an incoherent decision.
3. Intended
Definition: having or showing intention about something
Synonyms: advised, destined, engaged, deliberate
Example: He is wrong, I was just intended to encourage her.
4. Increasable
Definition: something that can be increased
Synonyms: expand, enlarge, augment, multiply
Example: They have relatively increasable goods; at the end of one scale
5. Immature
Definition: having no experience; inexperienced
Synonyms: premature, childish, raw, unsophisticated
Example: She is a nice and intelligent girl but a little immature as well.
6. Inexperienced
Definition: lack of knowledge or experience
Synonyms: unpractised, untrained, untutored
Example: He is too inexperienced and needs more guidelines to repair this car.
7. Illegal
Definition: against the law
Synonyms: banned, forbidden, actionable, crooked
Example: There was nothing illegal going on, it was just a rumour.
8. Illogical
Definition: without making any sense; groundless
Synonyms: absurd, implausible, faulty, false
Example: It is absolutely an illogical thought; you are thinking beyond any logic.
9. Inappropriate
Definition: not suitable
Synonyms: incorrect, improper, irrelevant, out of place
Example: Your way of talking was inappropriate.
10. Incorrect
Definition: without fact; wrong
Synonyms: erroneous, false, imprecise, unreliable
Example: It would be incorrect to suppose that everything will be fine without making an effort.
11. Indistinct
Definition: ambiguous or blurred
Synonyms: obscure, confused, bleared, inexact
Example: This path is becoming indistinct with each step.
12. Intricate
Definition: complicated or complex
Synonyms: entangles, fancy, convoluted, tricky
Example: The ceiling of its courtroom embodies craftsmanship through the intricate detail of its hand painted motifs.
13. Invalid
Definition: disabled by any disease or injury
Synonyms: sick, unwell, infirm, ailing
Example: A fall from horse made him hopeless invalid.
Negative Adjectives That Start with I to Describe a Place
Adjectives that start with I to describe a place are not usually seen. But you master some, you’ll look more expert in English.
1. Illiberal
Definition: narrow-minded
Synonyms: greedy, biased, stingy, vulgar
Example: Unfortunately, illiberal democracy takes place in our country’s government.
2. Inclined
Definition: giving preference
Synonyms: bent on, likely, prone, willing
Example: He is inclined to go there and decline her offer.
3. Interval
Definition: break or pause
Synonyms: breach, distance, downtime, interruption
Example: They take an interval of about 2 hours at Indus valley.
4. Inefficient
Definition: not working well; improvident
Synonyms: ineffective, careless, disorganized, faulty
Example: This is an inefficient way to do this work; please do it properly.
5. Invisible
Definition: unable to see; concealed
Synonym: covert, disguised, deceptive, insensible
Example: Suddenly they got invisible from the main store.
Negative Adjectives That Start with I to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Check list of adjectives that start with I below and if they make you picture someone, then keep yourself away from him/her.
1. Ironic
Definition: sarcastic or caustic
Synonyms: arrogant, critical, clever, mocking
Example: She likes her ironic nickname because of his red hairs that really matches his nickname.
2. Introverted
Definition: modest or reserved
Synonyms: secretive, demure, reclusive, cautious
Example: John has a quiet and introverted nature.
3. Incompetent
Definition: having no skill; unskilful, unable
Synonyms: amateur, awkward, clumsy, disqualified
Example: He is proved as incompetent as he loses his leadership.
4. Inconvenient
Definition: having trouble or bothersome
Synonyms: annoying, awkward, difficult, disturbing
Example: The present situation of corona covid-19 is very inconvenient for everyone.
5. Inactive
Definition: inert or lazy
Synonyms: asleep, inoperative, latent, indolent
Example: They are big, stout men, but when they lead an inactive life, they become sluggish.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with I
Most common mistake found in people writing is they use some adjectives in an inappropriate way. This happens because they don’t know the detailed meaning of that adjective.
That is why we discussed the above adjectives that start with the letter I in detail about their meanings, synonyms and examples to clear the use of them properly in our mind.
Positive adjectives are used to bring about something good in a person, place or thing. On the other hand, negative descriptive words give a bad impression about something or anyone.
Plenty of adjectives that start with I exist in English dictionary that can be searched, and you can choose some of them mentioned to use where appropriate.
Ps. See also positive words that start with I, nouns that start with I and verbs that start with I.