610 Adjectives That Start with R | List with Definitions and Examples

I’ll be discussing with you adjectives that start with R in this article. There are plenty of adjectives starting with R in English language that they can form a huge list. Follow this list and learn, you’ll increase your vocabulary easily.
Adjectives beginning with R are used to describe a noun or pronoun by telling one of these qualities: What kind? Which one? How many?
For example, radical reform, rainy day, real danger, regular customer, reasonable price, etc.
We can see by using descriptive words starting with R before the nouns, the messages they convey are much more specific.
Now let’s look at the list of 610 adjectives that start with R.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with R – Full List (610 words)
If you are searching for adjectives starting with R, then you’ve come to the right place. We have 710 such R adjectives below for you.
- Rabbinic
- Rabelaisian
- Rabid
- Racemose
- Rachitic
- Racial
- Racist
- Rackety
- Racy
- Raddled
- Radial
- Radiant
- Radiate
- Radiating
- Radical
- Radio
- Radioactive
- Radiographic
- Radiological
- Radiolucent
- Radiopaque
- Radiophonic
- Raffish
- Raftered
- Ragged
- Raggedly
- Raging
- Raimentless
- Rainbow-colored
- Rainless
- Rainproof
- Rainy
- Raisable
- Raiseable
- Raised
- Raising
- Rakish
- Rallentando
- Ramate
- Rambling
- Rambunctious
- Ramose
- Ramous
- Rampageous
- Rampant
- Ramshackle
- Rancid
- Rancorous
- Random
- Randomised
- Randy
- Rangy
- Rank
- Ranked
- Ranking
- Rapacious
- Rapid
- Rapt
- Raptorial
- Rapturous
- Rare
- Rarefied
- Rarified
- Raring
- Rascally
- Rash
- Rasping
- Raspy
- Rastafarian
- Ratable
- Rateable
- Ratiocinative
- Rational
- Ratlike
- Rattlepated
- Ratty
- Raucous
- Raunchy
- Ravening
- Ravenous
- Raving
- Ravishing
- Raw
- Rawboned
- Rayless
- Razorback
- Reachable
- Reactionary
- Reactionist
- Reactive
- Readable
- Ready
- Real
- Realised
- Realistic
- Realizable
- Realized
- Real-time
- Reanimated
- Rear
- Rearing
- Rearmost
- Rearward
- Reasonable
- Reasoned
- Reasoning
- Reasonless
- Reassured
- Reassuring
- Rebarbative
- Rebel
- Rebellious
- Reborn
- Recalcitrant
- Receding
- Receivable
- Recent
- Receptive
- Recessional
- Recessionary
- Recessive
- Rechargeable
- Recherche
- Reciprocal
- Reciprocative
- Reciprocatory
- Reckless
- Reclaimable
- Recluse
- Reclusive
- Recognisable
- Recognised
- Recognizable
- Recognized
- Recoilless
- Recollective
- Recombinant
- Reconcilable
- Recondite
- Reconstructive
- Recoverable
- Recreant
- Recreational
- Recriminative
- Recriminatory
- Recrudescent
- Rectal
- Rectangular
- Rectifiable
- Rectilineal
- Rectilinear
- Rectosigmoid
- Recumbent
- Recuperative
- Recurrent
- Recurring
- Recursive
- Recurvate
- Recurved
- Recusant
- Recyclable
- Red
- Redbrick
- Reddened
- Reddish
- Redeemable
- Redemptional
- Redemptive
- Redemptory
- Redheaded
- Redolent
- Redoubtable
- Reduced
- Reducible
- Reductionist
- Reductive
- Redundant
- Redux
- Reechoing
- Reedlike
- Reedy
- Reefy
- Reentrant
- Referable
- Referent
- Referential
- Refillable
- Refined
- Reflective
- Reflex
- Reflexed
- Reflexive
- Reformable
- Reformative
- Reformatory
- Reformist
- Refractile
- Refractive
- Refractory
- Refreshful
- Refreshing
- Refrigerant
- Refulgent
- Refundable
- Refurbished
- Refutable
- Regal
- Regardant
- Regardful
- Regardless
- Regenerate
- Regenerating
- Regent
- Regimental
- Regimented
- Regional
- Registered
- Regnant
- Regressive
- Regretful
- Regrettable
- Regular
- Regulation
- Regulative
- Regulatory
- Rehabilitative
- Reigning
- Reincarnate
- Reinvigorated
- Reiterative
- Rejective
- Rejoicing
- Relatable
- Related
- Relational
- Relative
- Relativistic
- Relaxant
- Relaxed
- Relaxing
- Relentless
- Relevant
- Reliable
- Reliant
- Relieved
- Religious
- Reluctant
- Remaining
- Remarkable
- Rembrandtesque
- Remediable
- Remedial
- Remindful
- Reminiscent
- Remiss
- Remittent
- Remorseful
- Remorseless
- Remote
- Removable
- Remunerative
- Renal
- Renascent
- Renegade
- Renegotiable
- Renewable
- Reniform
- Renowned
- Rentable
- Rental
- Rented
- Renunciant
- Renunciative
- Reorganised
- Repairable
- Repaired
- Repand
- Reparable
- Repayable
- Repeatable
- Repeated
- Repellant
- Repellent
- Repelling
- Repentant
- Repetitious
- Repetitive
- Replaceable
- Replete
- Replicable
- Reportable
- Reported
- Reprehensible
- Representable
- Representational
- Representative
- Repressive
- Reproachful
- Reprobate
- Reproducible
- Reproductive
- Reptilian
- Republican
- Repudiative
- Repugnant
- Repulsive
- Reputable
- Reputed
- Required
- Requisite
- Rescindable
- Rescued
- Resealable
- Resentful
- Reserved
- Resettled
- Resident
- Residential
- Residual
- Residuary
- Resilient
- Resinated
- Resinlike
- Resinous
- Resiny
- Resistant
- Resistible
- Resistive
- Resistless
- Resolute
- Resolvable
- Resolved
- Resonant
- Resounding
- Resourceful
- Resourceless
- Respectable
- Respected
- Respectful
- Respective
- Respiratory
- Resplendent
- Respondent
- Responsible
- Responsive
- Rested
- Restful
- Restive
- Restless
- Restorative
- Restored
- Restrained
- Restricted
- Restrictive
- Resultant
- Resupine
- Resurgent
- Resuscitated
- Retaliatory
- Retarded
- Retentive
- Reticent
- Reticular
- Reticulate
- Retinal
- Retired
- Retiring
- Retractable
- Retractile
- Retral
- Retributive
- Retrievable
- Retro
- Retroactive
- Retroflex
- Retroflexed
- Retrograde
- Retrorse
- Retrousse
- Returnable
- Reusable
- Revamped
- Revealing
- Revelatory
- Revenant
- Revengeful
- Reverberant
- Reverberative
- Reverend
- Reverent
- Reverential
- Reverse
- Reversed
- Reversible
- Reversionary
- Reversive
- Revertible
- Reviled
- Revised
- Revitalised
- Revitalising
- Revivalistic
- Revocable
- Revokable
- Revolting
- Revolutionary
- Rewardful
- Rewarding
- Rhapsodic
- Rhenish
- Rheologic
- Rheological
- Rhetorical
- Rheumatoid
- Rheumy
- Rhinal
- Rhizoidal
- Rhizomatous
- Rhodesian
- Rhombic
- Rhombohedral
- Rhomboid
- Rhomboidal
- Rhymeless
- Rhythmic
- Rhythmical
- Riant
- Ribald
- Ribbonlike
- Ribbony
- Ribless
- Riblike
- Rich
- Rickettsial
- Rickety
- Ridged
- Ridiculing
- Ridiculous
- Riemannian
- Rife
- Right
- Righteous
- Rightful
- Rightish
- Rightist
- Rightmost
- Rigid
- Rigorous
- Rimed
- Rimeless
- Riming
- Rimless
- Rimmed
- Rimose
- Rimy
- Ringing
- Ringleted
- Ringlike
- Riotous
- Riparian
- Ripe
- Rippling
- Risen
- Risible
- Rising
- Risk-free
- Riskless
- Risky
- Risque
- Ritardando
- Ritenuto
- Ritual
- Ritualistic
- Ritzy
- Rivalrous
- Riveting
- Roadless
- Roan
- Roaring
- Roast
- Roasted
- Robed
- Robotic
- Robotlike
- Robust
- Robustious
- Rockbound
- Rocketing
- Rocklike
- Rocky
- Rococo
- Rodlike
- Roguish
- Roily
- Rollicking
- Rolling
- Romaic
- Roman
- Romance
- Romani
- Romanian
- Romanic
- Romanist
- Romansh
- Romantic
- Romanticist
- Romanticistic
- Romany
- Romish
- Roofed
- Roofless
- Roomy
- Rooseveltian
- Rootbound
- Rooted
- Rootless
- Ropey
- Ropy
- Rosaceous
- Rose
- Roseate
- Rosicrucian
- Rostrate
- Rosy
- Rotary
- Rotatable
- Rotating
- Rotational
- Rotatory
- Rotten
- Rotting
- Rotund
- Rouged
- Rough
- Roughdried
- Roughhewn
- Roughish
- Roughshod
- Roumanian
- Round
- Roundabout
- Rounded
- Roundheaded
- Roundish
- Rousing
- Rousseauan
- Routine
- Roving
- Rowdy
- Royal
- Ruandan
- Rubber
- Rubberlike
- Rubbery
- Rubbishy
- Rubicund
- Ruby
- Rudderless
- Ruddy
- Rude
- Rudimentary
- Rueful
- Ruffianly
- Rugged
- Rugose
- Ruined
- Ruinous
- Ruling
- Ruly
- Rum
- Rumanian
- Rumansh
- Rumbling
- Rumbustious
- Ruminant
- Ruminative
- Rummy
- Rumpled
- Runaway
- Runcinate
- Runic
- Running
- Runny
- Runproof
- Runty
- Rupestral
- Rupicolous
- Ruptured
- Rural
- Ruritanian
- Rush
- Rushed
- Rushlike
- Rushy
- Russet
- Russian
- Rust
- Rusted
- Rustic
- Rusting
- Rustless
- Rustling
- Rustproof
- Rusty
- Ruthful
- Ruthless
- Rutted
- Ruttish
- Rutty
- Rwandan
Adjectives That Start with R – with Definitions and Examples
If you want to know more details about the adjectives beginning with R, check the definitions and examples below.
- Rabbinical
Definition: relating to rabbis (=Jewish religious leaders)
Example: Rabbinical scholars memorize vast passages from the Torah.
- Rabelaisian
Definition: displaying earthy humour; bawdy
Example: She interspersed information about fabric and style with somewhat Rabelaisian humor.
- Rabid
Definition: (of an animal) affected with rabies
Example: Her mother was bitten by a rabid dog.
- Racemose
Definition: being or resembling a raceme
Example: Racemose cysticerci do not show calcification, scolex, or enhancement.
- Racial
Definition: happening between people of different races
Example: He had a vision of a society living in racial harmony.
- Racist
Definition: coming from and having the belief that who people belong to other races are not as good, intelligent, moral, etc. as people who belong to your own race
Example: They were the victims of a vicious racist attack.
- Rackety
Definition: noisy, rowdy or boisterous
Example: The social democrats ran a much ore rackety taxi service, partly because their organization was mere middle-class improvisation.
- Racy
Definition: somewhat indecent; suggestive; risqué
Example: The actress admits she found it challenging to film the racy scenes.
- Raddled
Definition: (esp of a person) unkempt or run-down in appearance
Example: The two great women in my life, emerging from the throat of this raddled, wild-eyed man.
- Radial
Definition: (of lines, bars, beams of light, etc) emanating from a common central point; arranged like the radii of a circle
Example: The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass.
- Radiant
Definition: obviously very happy, or very beautiful
Example: He gave a radiant smile when he heard her news.
- Radical
Definition: believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change
Example: These people have very radical views.
- Radioactive
Definition: having or producing the energy that comes from the breaking up of atoms
Example: Uranium is a radioactive material.
- Radiological
Definition: relating to radiology
Example: Generally, the radiological studies on echinococcosis showed a fluctuant increasing trend from 1975 to 2015.
- Radiophonic
Definition: denoting or relating to music produced by electronic means
Example: Cold hard bright spring day, and skylarks singing their unending melody, with its usual challenging radiophonic effects.
- Raffish
Definition: not following usual social standards of behaviour or appearance, especially in a careless and attractive way
Example: He has a certain raffish elegance.
- Raftered
Definition: (of a room or ceiling) having exposed rafters
Example: Dried figs hung from the low, raftered ceilings.
- Ragged
Definition: (of clothes) torn and not in good condition
Example: The children were wearing dirty, ragged clothes.
- Raging
Definition: tremendous
Example: He had been a raging success in Spain.
- Rainproof
Definition: (especially of a building or garment) impervious to rain
Example: I was grateful when Fred offered a heavy jacket and rainproof windbreaker.
- Rainy
Definition: raining a lot
Example: They walked along the promenade on a rainy night.
- Raised
Definition: more intense or strong than usual; higher
Example: A neighbour heard raised voices from the women’s flat.
- Raising
Definition: increasing in quantity or value
Example: The soil around here isn’t good enough for raising crops.
- Rakish
Definition: having or displaying a dashing, jaunty or slightly disreputable quality or appearance
Example: He had a rakish, debonair look.
- Rallentando
Definition: gradually decreasing in speed
Example: The solo part dies away in a rallentando passage.
- Rambling
Definition: too long and confused
Example: It is a rambling structure now occupied by the National Museum.
- Rambunctious
Definition: full of energy and difficult to control
Example: Driving a long distance with four rambunctious children is not exactly fun.
- Ramose
Definition: having branches; branched
Example: The ramose oak was covered in moss, with the thick peat covering the tree’s many branches.
- Rampageous
Definition: boisterously or violently uncontrollable
Example: Duane and Karla’s four rampageous children overcome their problems with drugs and irresponsible lovers and take their acts to more worldly stages.
- Rampant
Definition: (of something bad) getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way
Example: He said that he had encountered rampant prejudice in his attempts to get a job.
- Ramshackle
Definition: badly or untidily made and likely to break or fall down easily
Example: There’s a ramshackle old shed at the bottom of the garden.
- Rancid
Definition: having the bad smell or taste of stale fats or oils; spoiled
Example: When you take the stopper out, you can smell rancid olive oil.
- Rancorous
Definition: having or showing a feeling of hate and continuing anger about something in the past
Example: The couple has since gone through a rancorous divorce.
- Random
Definition: happening, done or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan
Example: We asked a random sample of people what they thought.
- Randomized
Definition: relating to experimental research where subjects are selected for particular treatments by chance
Example: The randomized study will compare students’ achievement in different types of school.
- Randy
Definition: having a rude, aggressive manner
Example: The rascal is a randy man.
- Rank
Definition: (especially of something bad) complete or extreme
Example: It was rank stupidity to drive so fast on an icy road.
- Ranking
Definition: being the officer of highest rank present at a particular time
Example: General Steinberger was the ranking officer present at the meeting.
- Rapacious
Definition: aggressively greedy or grasping
Example: His rapacious hunger built as his fangs began their descent.
- Rapid
Definition: fast or sudden
Example: The 1990s were a period of rapid change.
- Rapt
Definition: giving complete attention, or showing complete involvement, or (of attention) complete
Example: The children watched with rapt attention.
- Raptorial
Definition: (of the feet of birds) adapted for seizing prey
Example: The creature would have struck Savage were her raptorial legs not wrapped around Tucker’s body.
- Rapturous
Definition: Characterized by, feeling or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm
Example: He was greeted with rapturous applause.
- Rare
Definition: unusually good or remarkable
Example: He plays with rare sensitivity.
- Rarefied
Definition: without any of the problems of ordinary life
Example: She moves in rarefied circles.
- Rascally
Definition: used to describe people or behaviour that you disapprove of but still like
Example: He was short with a rascally grin.
- Rash
Definition: careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result
Example: That was a rash decision – you didn’t think about the costs involved.
- Rasping
Definition: harsh-sounding and unpleasant; grating
Example: His cracked, rasping voice narrates the story.
- Raspy
Definition: hoarse or harsh-sounding
Example: Both men sang in a deep, raspy tone.
- Rastafarian
Definition: relating to Rastafarianism
Example: He’s a Rastafarian poet with a burning interest in civil rights issues.
- Rational
Definition: based on or in accordance with reason or logic
Example: I’m sure there’s a perfectly rational explanation.
- Ratlike
Definition: resembling or characteristic of a rat
Example: With any luck, it will turn into a noose that tightens around his own ratlike neck.
- Ratty
Definition: clothes and objects are torn or in bad condition, especially because they are old
Example: I looked him up and down, taking in the unshaven cheeks, the missing button on his shirt, the ratty cuffs on his jeans.
- Raucous
Definition: loud and unpleasant
Example: I heard the raucous call of the crows.
- Ravening
Definition: (of a ferocious wild animal) extremely hungry and hunting for prey
Example: They turned on each other like ravening wolves.
- Ravenous
Definition: extremely hungry
Example: Growing boys have ravenous appetites.
- Raving
Definition: used to emphasize a particular quality
Example: she’d never been a raving beauty.
- Ravishing
Definition: very beautiful
Example: She was a ravishing sight in her wedding dress.
- Raw
Definition: (of food) not cooked
Example: Discover how eating raw food helps balance your body and aids digestion.
- Rawboned
Definition: having a lean bony physique
Example: He started as a tough-tackling, rawboned youngster.
- Reachable
Definition: able to be reached; accessible or achievable
Example: Saving 5% of your salary should be a reachable goal.
- Reactionary
Definition: opposed to political or social change or new ideas
Example: Reactionary forces in the industry are preventing its progress towards greater efficiency.
- Reactive
Definition: able to react chemically with a lot of different substances
Example: Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas.
- Readable
Definition: easy and enjoyable to read
Example: It is an excellent and highly readable account of the army today.
- Ready
Definition: quick with answers, jokes, solutions, etc
Example: He had a ready reply to every question.
- Real
Definition: existing in fact and not imaginary
Example: There is a very real threat that he will lose his job.
- Realistic
Definition: having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected
Example: I thought we had a realistic chance of winning.
- Realizable
Definition: (of wealth) money that can be easily obtained by selling something
Example: In many cases this realizable wealth is not realized during the lifetime of the home owner.
- Realized
Definition: used to refer to profits or losses when shares, investments, etc. are sold, as opposed to an increase or reduction in their value without selling them
Example: Results included net realized investment losses of $38.8 million in the latest quarter.
- Real-time
Definition: communicated, shown, presented, etc. at the same time as events actually happen
Example: The military needs real-time intelligence.
- Reanimated
Definition: restore to life or consciousness; revive
Example: The players themselves still also look like reanimated corpses when going through their reaction animations in the replays.
- Rear
Definition: at the back of something
Example: There’s a sticker on the rear window.
- Rearmost
Definition: furthest back
Example: There was a decent amount of space in the rearmost seat.
- Reasonable
Definition: as much as is appropriate or fair; moderate
Example: they have had a reasonable time to reply.
- Reasoned
Definition: using judgment
Example: He offered reasoned responses to our questions.
- Reassured
Definition: feeling less worried about something, usually because you have received help or advice.
Example: I feel much more reassured when I’ve been for a health check.
- Reassuring
Definition: serving or intended to remove someone’s doubts or fears
Example: Gina gave her a reassuring smile.
- Rebarbative
Definition: unpleasant and unattractive
Example: Mathematics seems a rebarbative subject for literature.
- Rebel
Definition: a person who does not like rules or authority, and shows this by behaving differently from most people in society
Example: The rebel troops have launched a coordinated attack on government soldiers.
- Rebellious
Definition: having strong feeling of disagreement with people in authority, an organization, or a government, esp. showing such feelings through force
Example: He was a rebellious young man.
- Reborn
Definition: born again; having new life, spirit, etc; regenerating
Example: Captain led by example and is the face of a reborn team.
- Recalcitrant
Definition: unwilling to do what you are asked or ordered to do, even if it is reasonable
Example: Tenants petitioned their recalcitrant landlord to finish repairs to their building.
- Receding
Definition: (of a man’s hair) ceasing to grow at the temples and above the forehead
Example: His receding hair was slicked back from his forehead.
- Recent
Definition: happening or starting from a short time ago
Example: Have you been following recent political events?
- Receptive
Definition: (of a female animal) ready to mate
Example: Only the dominant male would have had access to the receptive female.
- Recessional
Definition: relating to or denoting motion away from the observer
Example: Astronomers measure an object’s recessional speed by observing its red shift.
- Recessionary
Definition: relating to a period, usually at least six months, of low economic activity, when investments lose value, business fail, and people lose their jobs
Example: They can handle the problems of slower growth or even a recessionary environment.
- Recessive
Definition: (of a gene) produces a particular characteristic only if a person has two of these genes, one from each parent
Example: Sickle-cell anemia is passed on through a recessive gene.
- Rechargeable
Definition: able to be recharged when it has used all its electricity
Example: We try to buy reusable, repairable and rechargeable products.
- Recherche
Definition: (of something) that is sophisticated or is associated with people who like things which are unusual and of a very high quality
Example: Only extra-virgin olive oil will do on recherche dinner tables.
- Reciprocal
Definition: operating for both, esp. equally or to a similar degree
Example: They share a truly reciprocal relationship.
- Reckless
Definition: doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results
Example: He was found guilty of reckless driving.
- Reclusive
Definition: avoiding the company of other people; solitary
Example: He led a reclusive life.
- Recognizable
Definition: able to be recognized or identified from previous encounters or knowledge
Example: There was no recognizable photograph of him.
- Recognized
Definition: (of someone or something) generally accepted that that person or thing has a particular position or quality
Example: Professor Jones is a recognized authority on ancient Egypt.
- Recombinant
Definition: relating to or denoting an organism, cell, or genetic material formed by recombination
Example: The DNA of these recombinant viruses revealed no signs of instability.
- Recondite
Definition: (of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse
Example: The book is full of recondite information.
- Reconstructive
Definition: relating to the rebuilding of something after it has been damaged or destroyed
Example: He suffered a broken nose and required reconstructive surgery.
- Recoverable
Definition: used to describe the amount of oil, coal, etc. that can be taken from a particular place
Example: Prudhoe holds 12 billion recoverable barrels.
- Recreational
Definition: connected with ways of enjoying yourself when you are not working
Example: Recreational fishing is allowed on the river.
- Recriminatory
Definition: involving arguments between people who are blaming each other
Example: There has been a wave of recriminatory statements by rival leaders.
- Rectal
Definition: relating to the rectum
Example: In rectal administration, a drug is inserted into the back passage, or rectum.
- Rectangular
Definition: having the shape of a rectangular
Example: The painting consists of four rectangular blocks of color.
- Rectilinear
Definition: in, moving in, or characterized by a straight line or lines
Example: That is not to say that I love rectilinear agendas as a way of life.
- Recumbent
Definition: lying down or leaning back so you are almost lying down
Example: I found him seated in a recumbent position on the bank.
- Recuperative
Definition: (of something) helps you to recover your health and strength after an illness or injury
Example: Human beings have great recuperative powers.
- Recurrent
Definition: happening again many times
Example: The patient has a two-month history of recurrent episodes of pancreatitis.
- Recurring
Definition: happening many times, or happening again
Example: The father-daughter relationship is a recurring theme in her novels.
- Recursive
Definition: of or relating to a recursion
Example: In a response, indicates that the message is the response to a recursive query.
- Recurvate
Definition: to curve back
Example: One example of the cotypes has one straight and one recurvate blade edge.
- Recurved
Definition: curved backward or inward
Example: Great predators with serrated, recurved teeth like Megalosaurus stalked the forests.
- Recyclable
Definition: able to be recycled
Example: Recyclable material is sold to wholesalers and organic material is composted and then sold in the market.
- Red
Definition: of the colour of fresh blood
Example: She drives a red sports car.
- Redbrick
Definition: (of a British university) founded in the late 19th or early 20th century and with building of bricks, as distinct from the older universities built of stone
Example: A junior history professor at a redbrick university.
- Reddish
Definition: having a red tinge; slightly red
Example: The leaves turn reddish brown.
- Redeemable
Definition: (of shares, bonds, etc.) able to be exchanged for cash at a particular time
Example: An increasing number of listed companies are issuing redeemable shares.
- Redemptive
Definition: (especially in Christianity) saving someone from evil, suffering, etc
Example: The book tells a redemptive story of a woman who triumphs over adversity.
- Red-headed
Definition: of a person whose hair is between red and brown in colour
Example: He was a stocky red-headed man with an ardent boating habit.
- Redoubtable
Definition: (of a person) formidable, especially as an opponent
Example: He was a redoubtable debater.
- Reduced
Definition: less than before or less than usual
Example: We now have a greatly reduced deficit.
- Reductionist
Definition: used to describe a way of analyzing problems and things by dividing them into simpler parts
Example: This encourages reductionist explanations of fascist ideology.
- Reductive
Definition: of or characterized by reduction or reductionism
Example: Reductive elimination of the boronate ester regenerates the catalyst.
- Redundant
Definition: not needed or more than is needed
Example: The levels of revenue generated by the auction sale of redundant properties was very encouraging.
- Reedlike
Definition: resembling a reed, that is, straight, upright, and thin or slender
Example: Its large yellow flowers with pink veins emerge from reedlike leaves and wave above them.
- Reedy
Definition: (of someone’s voice) unpleasant
Example: The big man had a high-pitched reedy voice.
- Reentrant
Definition: that reenters; specif., pointed inward, as an angle
Example: However, the reentrant phenomena are found only for one of the two systems.
- Refillable
Definition: (of a container) can be filled again when the liquid inside has been used
Example: Runners are encouraged to carry refillable water bottles.
- Refined
Definition: made pure by removing unwanted material
Example: Regional exports include refined oil and copper.
- Reflective
Definition: thinking carefully and quietly
Example: After hearing the news they sat in a quiet, reflective silence.
- Reflex
Definition: (of an action) performed without conscious thought as an automatic response to a stimulus
Example: Sneezing is a reflex action.
- Reflexed
Definition: bent backward or downward, as a leaf
Example: Each flower has a prominent dark cone shaped centre and long, gently reflexed petals.
- Reformist
Definition: trying to improve a system or law by changing it
Example: They are pressing ahead with their reformist agenda.
- Refractile
Definition: of or concerned with refraction
Example: Sporozoites have an oblong refractile body and one nucleus.
- Refractive
Definition: causing, caused by, or connected with light or sound changing direction or separating when it travels through water, glass, etc
Example: Light is composed of rays with different refractive properties.
- Refreshing
Definition: pleasantly different and interesting
Example: It’s a refreshing change to see a losing team shaking hands and still smiling after a match.
- Refulgent
Definition: shining, radiant; glowing; resplendent
Example: This time she has turned and smiled serenely across the front seats and given him the full refulgent force of her royal beauty.
- Refundable
Definition: (an amount of money) can be given back to the person who paid it, for example because they need, he or she needs to change their his or her plans
Example: The change includes a refundable security deposit.
- Refurbished
Definition: made to look new again by work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning
Example: The company offers refurbished machines with limited warranties.
- Regal
Definition: very special and suitable for a king or queen
Example: He made a regal entrance.
- Regimental
Definition: connected with a particular regiment
Example: Her retained close links with former regimental colleagues.
- Regimented
Definition: extremely controlled
Example: They lead a very regimented life.
- Regional
Definition: relating to or coming from a particular part of a country
Example: The three nations competed for regional hegemony.
- Registered
Definition: recorded on an official list
Example: Only registered voters can be picked for jury selection.
- Regnant
Definition: having the most influence at the present time or at a particular time
Example: Failure to meet the psychological needs of the developing child can be a regnant cause of personality disorders.
- Regressive
Definition: returning to a previous and less advanced or worse state or way of behaving
Example: Vigilance is needed to overcome the natural regressive tendency to become complacent.
- Regretful
Definition: feeling or showing regret
Example: Mr. Griffin gave a regretful smile.
- Regrettable
Definition: causing or deserving sadness or disappointment
Example: The omission of a sponsor’s name on the program was a regrettable error.
- Regular
Definition: happening or doing something often
Example: Professional athletes make regular appearances on TV.
- Regulation
Definition: used to describe official clothes or equipment used by people in a particular type of work
Example: All flight attendants are required to wear regulation uniform.
- Regulatory
Definition: relating to the activity of checking whether a business is working according to official rules or laws
Example: The deal is subject to regulatory approval.
- Reigning
Definition: being the most recent winner of a competition
Example: She’s the reigning champion at Wimbledon.
- Rejected
Definition: not given approval or acceptance
Example: As the structural dimension of solidarity had not strengthened, it was not surprising that the third hypotheses also had to be rejected.
- Related
Definition: connected
Example: We discussed unemployment and related issues.
- Relational
Definition: concerning the way in which two or more people or things are connected
Example: There was no relational link between the killer and his victim.
- Relative
Definition: being judged or measured in comparison with something else
Example: We weighed up the relative advantages of driving there or going by train.
- Relativistic
Definition: subject to the special or the general theory of relativity
Example: Relativistic quantum mechanics gives nature its stability.
- Relaxed
Definition: (of a situation or place) comfortable and informal
Example: It’s a very friendly bar with a nice relaxed atmosphere.
- Relaxing
Definition: something that is pleasant or helps you to relax
Example: We come here once a year expecting a quiet, relaxing holiday.
- Relentless
Definition: Someone who is determined to do something and refuses to give up, even if what they are doing is unpleasant or cruel
Example: He was the most relentless enemy I have ever known.
- Relevant
Definition: connected with what is happening or being discussed
Example: For further information, please refer to the relevant leaflet.
- Reliable
Definition: (of someone or something) can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the
Example: What is the most reliable method of contraception?
- Religious
Definition: having a strong belief in a god or gods
Example: The book is essentially an exhortion to religious tolerance.
- Reluctant
Definition: not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
Example: She persuaded her reluctant husband to take a trip to Florida with her.
- Remaining
Definition: continuing to exist or be left after other parts or things have been used or taken away
Example: Bernstein’s remaining lecture will take place on 22 January.
- Remarkable
Definition: unusual or special and therefore surprising and worth mentioning
Example: Nelson Mandela was a truly remarkable man.
- Remedial
Definition: intended to correct something that is wrong or to improve a bad situation
Example: The bill requires owners to undertake remedial work on dilapidated buildings.
- Reminiscent
Definition: (of a look or smile) shows that you are remembering something from the past, usually with pleasure
Example: A slow, reminiscent smile speed over her face.
- Remittent
Definition: (of a fever or the symptoms of a disease) characterized by periods of diminished severity
Example: The most common symptoms were remittent fever, epigastric tenderness, and hepatalgia.
- Remote
Definition: (of an area, house or village) far away in distance
Example: They live in a remote corner of Scotland, miles from the nearest shop.
- Removable
Definition: able to be removed
Example: This jacket has a removable collar.
- Remunerative
Definition: providing payment for work
Example: This policy preserves the option of remunerative work for workers with disabilities.
- Renal
Definition: used to describe things that concern or related to the kidneys
Example: Blood enters the kidneys via the renal artery.
- Reparable
Definition: that can be changed and made better, or repaired
Example: A person may suffer a reparable brain hemorrhage from a mild bump on the head.
- Repeatable
Definition: able to be done again
Example: Such a fast-healing process, leads to a repeatable trigger mechanism.
- Repeated
Definition: happening again and again
Example: She has had repeated absences from work this year.
- Repelling
Definition: to ward off or keep away; drive back; repel insects
Example: Charter marks for repelling dust moved endlessly across them like the sheen of oil on water.
- Repetitious
Definition: characterized or marked by repetition especially tediously repeating
Example: He was bored by the repetitious work.
- Repetitive
Definition: of or characterized by repetition
Example: Workers lacked incentive and drive to perform the endlessly repetitive tasks.
- Replaceable
Definition: able to be replaced
Example: Replaceable batteries are expensive, so rechargeable ones will be used in place of the old ones.
- Replicable
Definition: able to be replicated
Example: We miss tiny, replicable things: cooking together, eating together or even sitting together, having silly conversations.
- Reported
Definition: formally mentioned to someone in authority, for example the police
Example: The number of reported crimes has increased.
- Reprehensible
Definition: deserving to be reprehended
Example: A team official said: ‘It was a reprehensible act that had an adverse effect on the honour and morale of the national team.’
- Representational
Definition: showing these as they are normally seen
Example: The representational flexibility of the hypothesis space approach demands that the complexity of the representation be controlled.
- Representative
Definition: (of a legislative assembly or deliberative body) consisting of people chosen to act and speak on behalf of a wider group
Example: There was no representative body to fight for cricketers until 1968.
- Repressive
Definition: (of a government) that restricts people’s freedom and controls them by using force
Example: Just as the repressive regime discouraged labour protest, so this protest tended to provoke further repression.
- Reproachful
Definition: expressing disapproval or disappointment
Example: She gave him a reproachful look.
- Reproducible
Definition: able to be shown, done, or made again
Example: The method produces statistically reliable and reproducible results.
- Reproductive
Definition: (of processes or organs) concerned with the reproduction of living things
Example: The board itself, above, is a replica of the female reproductive organs.
- Reptilian
Definition: used to describe an unpleasantly strange and unfriendly person or type of behaviour
Example: He turned a cold, reptilian gaze on me.
- Republican
Definition: based on the belief that countries should have a president rather than a king or queen
Example: There is a strong republican movement in the country.
- Repugnant
Definition: extremely distasteful; unacceptable
Example: Our tax system encourages morally repugnant behaviour.
- Repulsive
Definition: (of a force) that pushes away what is around it
Example: The repulsive force within the nucleus is enormous.
- Reputable
Definition: having a good reputation and able to be trusted
Example: I insured my property with an established, reputable company.
- Reputed
Definition: said to be the true situation although this is not known to be certain and may not be likely
Example: They employed him because of his reputed skill in dealing with the press.
- Required
Definition: necessary according to the rules or for a particular purpose
Example: We hope to be able to raise the required sum of money.
- Requisite
Definition: made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations
Example: The application will not be processed until the requisite fee is paid.
- Resentful
Definition: feeling or characterized by resentment
Example: He turned away in sullen, resentful silence.
- Reserved
Definition: slow to reveal emotion or opinions
Example: Even though I’m quite a reserved person, I like meeting people.
- Resident
Definition: used to refer to someone who has a special skill or quality in a group or organization
Example: Tony is the company’s resident clown.
- Residential
Definition: relating to where you live or have lived
Example: You must satisfy the residential qualifications to get a work permit.
- Residual
Definition: remaining after most of something has gone
Example: The scanner checks travel documents for residual traces of explosives.
- Residuary
Definition: residual
Example: There will be a residuary body to run services.
- Resilient
Definition: able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened
Example: She’s a resilient girl – She won’t be unhappy for long.
- Resinous
Definition: connected with or producing resin (=a thick, sticky substance produced by some trees)
Example: The ground was covered with resinous pine needles.
- Resiny
Definition: resembling, containing or covered with resin
Example: Wild mushrooms are a thing quite apart from cultivated, with more resiny flavours and a great variety in textures.
- Resistive
Definition: of or containing electrical resistance
Example: A shunt is resistive device used to generate a small signal voltage to display current on a moving coil ammeter.
- Resolute
Definition: determined in character, action, or ideas
Example: Their resolute opposition to new working methods was difficult to overcome.
- Resonant
Definition: (of a room, musical instrument, or hollow body) tending to reinforce or prolong sounds, especially by synchronous vibration
Example: The sound of these instruments, played in resonant room, is unforgettable.
- Resounding
Definition: unmistakable; emphatic
Example: The evening was a resounding success.
- Resourceful
Definition: skilled at solving problems and making decisions on your own
Example: She’s a very resourceful manager.
- Respectable
Definition: (of an amount or quality) large enough or good enough to be acceptable
Example: She earns a respectable salary.
- Respected
Definition: admired by many people for your qualities or achievement
Example: Aberdeen and Glasgow universities are internationally respected institutions.
- Respectful
Definition: feeling or showing deference and respect
Example: They sit in respectful silence.
- Respective
Definition: belonging or relating separately to each of two or more people or things
Example: They chatted about their respective childhood.
- Respiratory
Definition: relating to breathing
Example: Smoking can cause respiratory diseases.
- Resplendent
Definition: attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous
Example: The peacock is a very showy bird with resplendent plumage in multiple shades of blues and greens.
- Responsible
Definition: having good judgement and the ability to act correctly and make decisions on your own
Example: We want to be a responsible citizen.
- Responsive
Definition: reacting quickly and positively
Example: We must develop more rapid, responsive systems for dealing with online messages.
- Restful
Definition: used to describe something that produces a feeling of being calm and relaxed
Example: I love the restful sound of the wind in the trees.
- Restless
Definition: unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are worried or bored
Example: She spent a restless night, tossing and turning.
- Restorative
Definition: making you feel better or more energetic if you are feeling tired or ill
Example: He’s a great believer in the restorative power of long walks.
- Restrained
Definition: (of colour, decoration, etc) not excessively showy or ornate; understated
Example: The drawings, with their restrained colours, give a feeling of peace and contemplation.
- Restricted
Definition: limited in extent, number, scope, or action
Example: Western scientists had only restricted access to the site.
- Restrictive
Definition: limiting the freedom of someone or preventing something from growing
Example: The college is not able to expand because of restrictive planning laws.
- Resultant
Definition: occurring or produced as a result of something
Example: If you push something, the resultant force will be for that thing to move forward in the same direction.
- Resurgent
Definition: increasing again, or becoming popular again
Example: Many people were critical of the resurgent militarism in the country.
- Retaliatory
Definition: (of an action) that is harmful to someone who has done something to harm you
Example: He urged people not to resort to retaliatory violence.
- Retentive
Definition: able to remember things very well
Example: Luke had an amazing retentive memory.
- Reticular
Definition: characterized by a fine network or netlike structure
Example: The lungs exhibited a yellowish surface with a reticular pattern.
- Retinal
Definition: relating to the retina
Example: The disease can result in retinal damage and loss of vision.
- Retired
Definition: having left one’s job and ceased to work
Example: He is a retired airline pilot.
- Retiring
Definition: used to refer to someone who is planning to leave their job and usually to stop working permanently because of age
Example: The match ended in disappointment for the retiring captain.
- Retractable
Definition: that can be pulled back or in
Example: The house has a swimming pool with a retractable roof.
- Retributive
Definition: relating to, or intended to be, deserved and severe punishment
Example: American became the targets of retributive attacks.
- Retrievable
Definition: that can be found and made available to be used; that can be got back
Example: Records should be maintained in an easily manageable and retrievable format.
- Retro
Definition: similar to styles, fashions, etc. from the recent past
Example: There is such a mania for retro furniture now that there are shops that specialize in different eras.
- Retroactive
Definition: (of a law or other agreements) having effect from the time before the law or agreement was approved
Example: I’m getting a retroactive salary increase.
- Retrograde
Definition: returning to older and worse conditions, methods, ideas, etc.
Example: He said it would be a retrograde step to remove single parent benefits.
- Returnable
Definition: that can or must be sent, taken, given, or put back to where it came from
Example: There is a £100 returnable deposit on the student accommodation.
- Reusable
Definition: able to be used more than once
Example: I always carry a reusable shopping bag.
- Revealing
Definition: showing more than is usual
Example: The dress code bans revealing clothing.
- Revelatory
Definition: making something known or showing something that was previously secret
Example: It was a revelatory moment when I realized that there were other people who watch the show.
- Reverberant
Definition: reverberating; reechoing; resonant
Example: The result is a gripping slice of history with all sorts of reverberant echoes of today.
- Reverberative
Definition: having the nature of reverberation
Example: It hollows out human inwardness in a Reverberative public space.
- Reverent
Definition: showing great respect and admiration
Example: A reverent silence fell over the crowd.
- Reverential
Definition: caused by, or full of respect and admiration
Example: He opened the ancient book with reverential care.
- Reverse
Definition: opposite to what has just happened, or to what is usual or expected
Example: Repeat the steps in reverse order to shut the system off.
- Reversible
Definition: able to be turned the other way round
Example: This can be a useful property to make reversible molecular switches.
- Reversionary
Definition: reversionary definition is of, relating to, constituting, or involving especially a legal reversion
Example: She gifted 92 percent of her estate to her daughter and grandson as reversionary property.
- Revised
Definition: having been reconsidered and amended
Example: The revised approach will tackle many of the issues highlighted.
- Revitalized
Definition: restored; active again
Example: Today the miraculously revitalized valley is loaded with boats and jammed with people he said.
Positive Adjectives That Start with R to Describe a Person
If you such adjectives that start with R to describe a person as “Respectable”, “Renowned”, etc., you’ll definitely make their day.
1. Ravishing
Definition: delightful; entrancing
Synonyms: gorgeous, stunning, lovely, charming
Example: She looked ravishing.
2. Racy
Definition: having a distinctively lively, entertaining, and spirited quality
Synonyms: juicy, suggestive, lively
Example: Her racy stories can be rather shocking.
3. Rich
Definition: having a great deal of money or assets; wealthy
Synonyms: well-off, opulent, prosperous
Example: The mansion is owned by a rich man.
4. Rapturous
Definition: characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure, or enthusiasm
Synonyms: ecstatic, joyful, enthusiastic
Example: She was in a state of rapturous excitement such as she had not known for a long time.
5. Regular
Definition: arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual instances
Synonyms: systematic, well ordered, orderly
Example: She was having fun, but it wasn’t something she would enjoy doing on a regular basis.
6. Remissive
Definition: causing or permitting abatement
Synonyms: tolerant, compassionate, lenient
Example: Participants had to be in a remissive state of their disease process and have no disorder other than MS that would affect their mobility.
7. Renowned
Definition: known or talked about by many people; famous
Synonyms: famed, esteemed, well known
Example: She is renowned for her patience.
8. Respectable
Definition: regarded by society to be good, proper, or correct
Synonyms: reputable, worthy, admirable
Example: It sounds like he’s a respectable person who likes to keep to himself.
9. Responsible
Definition: having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care of someone, as part of one’s job, or role
Synonyms: in charge of, accountable, answerable
Example: I am making you responsible for cooking.
10. Remarkable
Definition: worthy of attention; striking
Synonyms: phenomenal, stunning, astonishing, exceptional
Example: He was a remarkable man.
11. Regal
Definition: of resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent, or dignified
Synonyms: impressive, dignified, magnificent
Example: She looked more regal.
12. Rosy
Definition: colored like a pink or red rose, typically as an indication of heath, or happiness
Synonyms: rose pink, glowing, radiant.
Example: The little girl ran with rosy cheeks.
13. Resourceful
Definition: having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties
Synonyms: creative, quick-witted, talented, able
Example: He is a very resourceful and courageous person.
14. Radiant
Definition: sending out the light; shining, or glowing brightly
Synonyms: illuminated, bright, glowing
Example: She looks radiant at her wedding.
15. Reliable
Definition: consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted
Synonyms: well-grounded, dependable, authentic
Example: He is not very reliable.
Positive Adjectives That Start with R to Describe an Event
If you are learning new words to boost your English skill, then you can’t miss the following descriptive words that start with R.
1. Rapid
Definition: happening in a short time or at a great rate
Synonyms: quick, fast, speedy, express
Example: The growth of the two cities has been rapid since 1900.
2. Realistic
Definition: having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved, or expected
Synonyms: practical, logical, matter-of-fact, doable
Example: The fight in the movie looks very realistic.
3. Recreational
Definition: relating to or denoting activity done for enjoyment when one is not working
Synonyms: leisure activity, relaxation
Example: Recreational trips for family and friends are abundant.
4. Revolutionary
Definition: involving or causing a complete or dramatic change
Synonyms: sweeping, absolute, rigorous
Example: The revolutionary waves swept over the whole of Europe.
Positive Adjectives That Start with R to Describe a Place
If you got stuck in your writing and couldn’t find the right words to go on, check below adjectives that start with the letter R. Maybe they can spark some new ideas.
1. Ramshackle
Definition: (especially of a house or vehicle) in a state of severe disrepair
Synonyms: tumbledown, shaky, unsteady
Example: They stayed in a ramshackle cabin on the beach.
2. Responsive
Definition: reacting quickly and positively
Synonyms: receptive, flexible, awake
Example: The Company is highly responsive to changes in demand.
3. Reachable
Definition: able to be reached; or contacted
Synonyms: attainable, convenient
Example: The farm is only reachable by car.
4. Radical
Definition: relating to the most important parts of something or someone; complete, or extreme
Synonyms: thoroughgoing, revolutionary, entire
Example: We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures at the lab.
5. Reedy
Definition: full of or edged with reeds
Synonyms: shrill, piping, reed-like, thin
Example: They swam in the reedy river.
6. Roomy
Definition: having plenty of room
Synonyms: capacious, sizeable, large
Example: The mansion itself is a large, roomy edifice, built by a master architect.
7. Rousing
Definition: exciting; stirring
Synonyms: inspiring, stimulating, stirring
Example: You have a yard large enough to house a rousing game of kickball.
8. Refreshing
Definition: serving to refresh or reinvigorate someone
Synonyms: stimulating, restoring, freshening
Example: Refreshing sea breezes provide for a pleasant climate even in high season.
9. Robust
Definition: strong and healthy; vigorous
Synonyms: strong, powerful, sturdy
Example: The Company is taking a more robust approach to management.
Positive Adjectives That Start with R to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
To brighten up your speech and make it more emotional, you are advised to include some of adjectives with letter R below.
1. Receptive
Definition: willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas
Synonyms: amenable, open-minded, pliant
Example: She says people are very receptive to this idea.
2. Raffish
Definition: unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive way
Synonyms: rakish, flashy, casual, dapper
Example: She recalled him as a raffish public-schoolboy type and a complete wastrel, but very engaging.
3. Reverent
Definition: feeling or showing deep and solemn respect
Synonyms: respectful, reverential, dutiful
Example: The woman was reverent in her speech and was careful to show respect when speaking to her husband.
4. Rubicund
Definition: (especially of someone’s face) having a ruddy complexion
Synonyms: ruddy, flushed, blushing
Example: His twinkling eyes, his rubicund countenance, and his avuncular generosity made him for me the very personification of kindliness.
5. Rakish
Definition: having or displaying a dashing, slightly disreputable quality, or appearance
Synonyms: sporty, stylish, fashionable
Example: John’s rakish personality leads him to believe it is okay to have many girlfriends at one time.
6. Relaxed
Definition: free from tension and anxiety
Synonyms: comfortable, untroubled
Example: He appeared relaxed and confident before the match.
7. Relentless
Definition: oppressively constant; incessant
Synonyms: continuing, unforgiving, persistent, unbending
Example: She had a relentless determination to finish this project.
8. Refined
Definition: with impurities or unwanted elements having been removed by processing
Synonyms: purified, clarified, filtered, clear
Example: He has very refined manners.
Negative Adjectives That Start with R to Describe a Person
There is no royal road to build a robust vocabulary. You just have to devote time and efforts to keep learning. Make up your mind and start from adjective words that start with R.
1. Ruthless
Definition: having or showing no pity, or compassion for others
Synonyms: merciless, cruel, and heartless
Example: He could be ruthless, but was not habitually cruel.
2. Rude
Definition: offensively impolite, or bad-mannered
Synonyms: ill-mannered, impolite, sharp, unpleasant
Example: She had been rude to her boss.
3. Reckless
Definition: heedless of danger or the consequences of one’s actions; rash, or impetuous
Synonyms: careless, thoughtless, inattentive
Example: You must not be so reckless.
4. Rueful
Definition: expressing sorrow or regret, especially in a wry, or humorous way
Synonyms: sorrowful, repentant, woeful, sad
Example: She gave a rueful grin.
5. Raspy
Definition: hoarse or harsh-sounding
Synonyms: dry, husky, thick
Example: He spoke in a raspy, indistinct voice.
6. Recalcitrant
Definition: having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority, or discipline
Synonyms: uncooperative, willful, contrary, defiant
Example: Towards the Great Horde he was both respectful and recalcitrant.
7. Rebellious
Definition: showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention
Synonyms: disobedient, uncontrollable, bolshie
Example: He smoothed back a rebellious lock of hair.
8. Reluctant
Definition: unwilling and hesitant; disinclined
Synonyms: resistant, bashful, shy, reserved
Example: He was reluctant to commit to the additional expense.
9. Razor-sharp
Definition: extremely sharp
Synonyms: very sharp
Example: She got a razor-sharp mind.
10. Rambunctious
Definition: difficult to control or handle, wildly boisterous
Synonyms: unrestrained, irrepressible, uproarious
Example: A rambunctious child always got into trouble.
11. Ragged
Definition: suffering from exhaustion or stress; wearing old torn clothes
Synonyms: tattered, split, worn out
Example: He looked a little ragged, a little shadowy beneath the eyes.
Negative Adjectives That Start with R to Describe an Event
To spice up your writing piece, use some radiant adjectives like describing words beginning with R below.
1. Rampant
Definition: (especially of something unwelcome) flourishing, or spreading unchecked
Synonyms: unchecked, epidemic, out of control
Example: Cholera was rampant in the district.
2. Revolting
Definition: causing intense disgust; disgusting
Synonyms: sicken, disgust, make someone sick
Example: There was a revolting smell that lingered in the air at the seminar.
3. Raucous
Definition: making a constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise
Synonyms: harsh, sharp, rasping, loud voices
Example: A raucous street party becomes dangerous sometimes.
4. Regrettable
Definition: (of conduct or an event) giving rise to regret
Synonyms: undesirable, unfortunate, woeful, blameworthy
Example: The loss of this number of jobs is regrettable.
5. Riotous
Definition: marked by, or involving public disorder
Synonyms: rowdy, unruly, ungovernable
Example: At the wedding, the riotous party guests were unmanageable after having too much to drink.
Negative Adjectives That Start with R to Describe a Place
In this section, let’s go through some adjectives that start with R to describe a place. How many of them are familiar and can you add more?
1. Rocky
Definition: consisting of full of rock, or rocks
Synonyms: stony, bumpy, craggy, hard
Example: A rocky crag above the village.
2. Rotten
Definition: suffering from decay
Synonyms: spoilt, decomposed, putrid, tainted
Example: The wood was quite rotten by this time.
3. Ruined
Definition: (of a building or place) reduced to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration
Synonyms: decrepit, broken-down, decaying
Example: The whole supermarket was ruined in a great fire.
4. Rambunctious
Definition: uncontrollably exuberant; boisterous
Synonyms: unrestrained, clamorous, unruly, undisciplined
Example: The classroom was a disaster after an afternoon filled with rambunctious kindergarteners.
Negative Adjectives That Start with R to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
To upgrade yourself from a beginner to an advanced English expert, mastering this list of adjectives that start with R will be very helpful.
1. Repellent
Definition: able to repel a particular thing; impervious to a particular substance
Synonyms: impermeable, resistant
Example: The candle has a repellent effect on insects.
2. Reproachful
Definition: expressing disapproval or disappointment
Synonyms: disappointed, fault-finding, disparaging
Example: She gave him a reproachful look.
3. Resentful
Definition: feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly
Synonyms: aggrieved, indignant, irritated, hostile
Example: He was angry and resentful of their intrusion.
4. Restive
Definition: (of a person) unable to remain still, silent, or submissive, especially because of boredom, or dissatisfaction
Synonyms: restless, edgy, fidgety, uneasy
Example: The consultants are getting a bit restive about their negotiations.
5. Remorseful
Definition: filled with remorse; sorry
Synonyms: regretful, contrite, guilty
Example: The defendant was remorseful for what he had done.
6. Ratty
Definition: bad-tempered and irritable, untidy, or in bad condition
Synonyms: annoyed, fed up, angry
Example: She was a bit ratty with me this morning.
7. Rebellious
Definition: engaged in opposition, or armed resistance to an established government, or ruler
Synonyms: defiant, disobedient, lawless
Example: I should not blame my rebellious moods on other people.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with R
Thank you for reading adjectives that start with the letter R. I hope you find it helpful and learnt some new words from it.
R is a very important letter in English language and widely used in daily conversation and formal publications. Without it, I would not have finished writing this article. So keep reading and learning the adjectives that start with R we prepared for you, soon you’ll feel the progress you’ve made in English.
Ps. See also positive words that start with R, nouns that start with R and verbs that start with R.