900 Adjectives That Start with C | List with Definitions and Examples

In this article, I will be discussing with you 900 adjectives that start with C, which are used in several different ways to enhance and deepen the meanings of our information.
I have carefully divided adjectives starting with C into several different categories so you can easily understand and learn these descriptive words starting with C.
Adjectives make it easy for you to compare, contrast, modify and quantify a noun. In this way, the reader or the listener of your speech will get a deeper meaning and will be able to understand your communication easily, because his or her mind will get a clear picture.
For example, compare “There is a girl” and “there is a Chinese girl”, I believe you will feel the difference immediately when using adjectives beginning with C.
Get ready to start with the list of adjectives that start with C. Enjoy reading.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with C – Full List (900 words)
Believe it or not, we have a huge list of 900 adjectives starting with C below for you. So whenever you need C adjectives, here is your right place.
- Cabalistic
- Cachectic
- Cackling
- Cackly
- Cacodaemonic
- Cacodemonic
- Cacodylic
- Cacogenic
- Cacophonic
- Cacophonous
- Cacuminal
- Cadastral
- Cadaverous
- Caddish
- Caducean
- Caducous
- Caecal
- Caecilian
- Caesarean
- Caesarian
- Caespitose
- Caesural
- Caffeinic
- Caged
- Cagey
- Cagy
- Cairned
- Caitiff
- Calamitous
- Calando
- Calcaneal
- Calcareous
- Calced
- Calceiform
- Calceolate
- Calcicolous
- Calciferous
- Calcific
- Calcifugous
- Calculable
- Calculated
- Calculating
- Calculous
- Calcuttan
- Calefacient
- Calefactive
- Calefactory
- Calendered
- Calico
- Calicular
- Californian
- Caliginous
- Callable
- Caller
- Calligraphical
- Callipygian
- Callipygous
- Callithumpian
- Callous
- Calloused
- Callow
- Calm
- Calmer
- Calming
- Caloric
- Calorifacient
- Calorific
- Calumniatory
- Calumnious
- Calvinist
- Calvinistic
- Calvinistical
- Calyceal
- Calycinal
- Calycine
- Calycled
- Calycular
- Calyculate
- Calyptrate
- Cambial
- Cambodian
- Cambrian
- Camouflaged
- Canadian
- Cancelled
- Cancerous
- Candent
- Candescent
- Candid
- Can-do
- Canescent
- Canicular
- Canine
- Cankerous
- Canned
- Cannibalic
- Cannular
- Canny
- Canonic
- Canonical
- Canonised
- Canonist
- Canorous
- Cantabile
- Cantankerous
- Canted
- Cantonal
- Canty
- Capable
- Capacious
- Capacitive
- Capitulary
- Cappadocian
- Capricious
- Caprine
- Capsular
- Capsulate
- Capsulated
- Captious
- Captivated
- Captivating
- Captive
- Caramel
- Carangid
- Carbocyclic
- Carbolated
- Carbonaceous
- Carbonated
- Carbonic
- Cardboard
- Cardiac
- Cardinal
- Cardiologic
- Carefree
- Careful
- Careless
- Careworn
- Carinal
- Carinate
- Carinated
- Caring
- Carious
- Carmelite
- Carminative
- Carmine
- Carnal
- Carnassial
- Carnation
- Carnivorous
- Carolean
- Caroline
- Carolingian
- Carotid
- Carpal
- Carpellary
- Carpellate
- Carpetbag
- Carpeted
- Carribean
- Carsick
- Casebook
- Cased
- Caseous
- Cash-and-stock
- Cassocked
- Casteless
- Castellated
- Castled
- Castrated
- Casual
- Casuistic
- Casuistical
- Catabatic
- Catabolic
- Catachrestic
- Catachrestical
- Cataclinal
- Cataclysmic
- Catacorner
- Catadromous
- Catalan
- Catalatic
- Catalectic
- Cataleptic
- Catalytic
- Catamenial
- Cataphatic
- Cataphoretic
- Cataplastic
- Catapultian
- Catarrhal
- Catarrhine
- Catarrhinian
- Catastrophic
- Catatonic
- Catchable
- Catching
- Catchpenny
- Catchy
- Catechetic
- Catechetical
- Catechistic
- Categorematic
- Categorial
- Categoric
- Categorical
- Categorised
- Catenulate
- Catercorner
- Cathartic
- Cathectic
- Cathedral
- Catholic
- Cationic
- Catkinate
- Catoptric
- Catoptrical
- Catty
- Caucasian
- Caucasic
- Caucasoid
- Caudal
- Caudate
- Caudated
- Caulescent
- Cauline
- Caulked
- Causal
- Caustic
- Cautious
- Cavalier
- Cavernous
- Ceaseless
- Cecal
- Cedarn
- Celebrated
- Celebratory
- Celestial
- Celiac
- Celibate
- Cellular
- Celluloid
- Cellulosid
- Celtic
- Cementitious
- Cenobitic
- Cenobitical
- Cenogenetic
- Cenozoic
- Censorious
- Censurable
- Centenarian
- Centenary
- Centennial
- Center
- Centered
- Central
- Cephalic
- Cephalopod
- Cephalopodan
- Ceramic
- Cercarial
- Cereal
- Cerebral
- Cerebrospinal
- Cerebrovascular
- Ceremonial
- Ceremonious
- Ceric
- Cerise
- Cernuous
- Cerous
- Certain
- Certifiable
- Certified
- Cerulean
- Ceruminous
- Cervical
- Cervine
- Cesarean
- Cesarian
- Cespitose
- Cetacean
- Cetaceous
- Ceylonese
- Chaetal
- Chafflike
- Chainlike
- Chaldaean
- Chaldean
- Chaldee
- Challenged
- Challenging
- Chalybeate
- Chambered
- Champion
- Champleve
- Chance
- Chanceful
- Chancroidal
- Chancrous
- Chancy
- Changeable
- Changed
- Changeless
- Changing
- Chanting
- Chantlike
- Chaotic
- Chapfallen
- Chapleted
- Chapped
- Characteristic
- Charging
- Charismatic
- Charitable
- Charmed
- Charming
- Chary
- Chasidic
- Chassidic
- Chaste
- Chatoyant
- Chattering
- Chatting
- Chatty
- Cheap
- Cheaper
- Cheeky
- Cheerful
- Cheering
- Cheerless
- Cheery
- Chemic
- Chemical
- Cherry
- Cherty
- Cherubic
- Chestnut
- Chewable
- Chewy
- Chian
- Chiasmal
- Chiasmatic
- Chiasmic
- Chic
- Chichi
- Chicken
- Chief
- Childish
- Childlike
- Chilling
- Chilly
- Chinchy
- Chinese
- Chinked
- Chinless
- Chintzy
- Chippendale
- Chipper
- Chiromantic
- Chitinous
- Chlamydeous
- Chlamydial
- Chlorotic
- Chockablock
- Chockful
- Chock-full
- Choleraic
- Choleric
- Cilial
- Ciliary
- Ciliate
- Ciliated
- Circuitous
- Cisalpine
- Cislunar
- Cismontane
- Cissy
- Citified
- Citric
- Citrous
- Cityfied
- Citywide
- Civic
- Civil
- Civilian
- Civilised
- Civilized
- Clad
- Clairvoyant
- Clamant
- Clammy
- Clamoring
- Clandestine
- Clanging
- Clanking
- Clannish
- Clapping
- Clarion
- Clashing
- Classic
- Classical
- Classifiable
- Classified
- Classless
- Classy
- Clastic
- Clathrate
- Clawed
- Clawlike
- Clean
- Cleanable
- Clean-cut
- Clear
- Clear-cut
- Cleared
- Clear-headed
- Clever
- Climatic
- Climbable
- Clinging
- Clingy
- Clinical
- Cliquish
- Clogged
- Cloistered
- Close
- Closeable
- Closed
- Close-knit
- Close-minded
- Closer
- Closest
- Closing
- Clothed
- Clothesless
- Cloudless
- Cloudy
- Cloven
- Clownish
- Cloying
- Cloze
- Clubable
- Clubbable
- Clubby
- Clubfooted
- Clueless
- Clumsy
- Clunky
- Cluttered
- Coarse
- Coastal
- Coastwise
- Coaxal
- Coaxial
- Coccal
- Coccoid
- Coccygeal
- Cochlear
- Cockamamie
- Cockamamy
- Cockeyed
- Cockney
- Cocksure
- Cocky
- Cod
- Coercive
- Coeval
- Coexisting
- Coextensive
- Cogent
- Cogitable
- Cogitative
- Cognate
- Cognisable
- Cognisant
- Cognitive
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coincidental
- Cold
- Cold-blooded
- Cold-hearted
- Collaborative
- Collapsed
- Collapsing
- Collarless
- Collateral
- Collect
- Collectable
- Collected
- Collectible
- Collective
- Collegial
- Collinear
- Colloidal
- Colloquial
- Colombian
- Colonial
- Colonic
- Colonised
- Color
- Colorectal
- Colored
- Colorfast
- Colorful
- Colorimetric
- Colorimetrical
- Colorless
- Colossal
- Combative
- Combined
- Combustible
- Comely
- Comfortable
- Comforted
- Comforting
- Comical
- Commanding
- Commemorative
- Commendable
- Commensal
- Commercial
- Committed
- Common
- Communal
- Communicable
- Communicative
- Communist
- Comose
- Compact
- Companionable
- Comparable
- Comparative
- Compassionate
- Compatible
- Compelling
- Compendious
- Compensable
- Competent
- Competitive
- Competitory
- Complacent
- Complaining
- Complaintive
- Complaisant
- Complementary
- Complete
- Completed
- Completing
- Complex
- Compliant
- Complicated
- Complimentary
- Composed
- Composite
- Compound
- Compounded
- Comprehensive
- Compressed
- Compressible
- Compulsive
- Compulsory
- Computer
- Computerized
- Concave
- Concealable
- Concealed
- Conceited
- Conceivable
- Concentric
- Concentrical
- Conceptual
- Concerned
- Concerning
- Concerted
- Conciliatory
- Concise
- Concluded
- Concluding
- Conclusive
- Concomitant
- Concrete
- Concretistic
- Concupiscent
- Concurrent
- Condemned
- Condemning
- Condensed
- Condescending
- Condign
- Conditional
- Conditioned
- Condolent
- Conducive
- Conductive
- Condylar
- Conelike
- Confederate
- Confident
- Confidential
- Confiding
- Confined
- Confirmed
- Confirming
- Confiscate
- Conflicted
- Conflicting
- Confluent
- Conformable
- Conforming
- Conformist
- Confounded
- Confucian
- Confused
- Confusing
- Congeneric
- Congenerical
- Congenerous
- Congenial
- Congenital
- Congested
- Congestive
- Conglomerate
- Congolese
- Congressional
- Congruent
- Congruous
- Conic
- Conical
- Coniferous
- Conjoint
- Conjugal
- Conjugate
- Conjugated
- Conjunctival
- Connate
- Connatural
- Connectable
- Connected
- Connecting
- Connective
- Connotational
- Connubial
- Conscientious
- Conscious
- Consecutive
- Consensual
- Consenting
- Conservative
- Considerable
- Considerate
- Consistent
- Consoling
- Conspicuous
- Conspiratorial
- Constant
- Consular
- Consultive
- Consummate
- Consummated
- Consumptive
- Contagious
- Containable
- Contained
- Contaminated
- Contemporaneous
- Conterminous
- Contiguous
- Continent
- Contingent
- Continuant
- Continued
- Contraband
- Contrabass
- Contraceptive
- Contrarian
- Contrary
- Contrite
- Convinced
- Convincing
- Convoluted
- Convulsive
- Cooing
- Cooked
- Cool
- Coolest
- Copernican
- Copesetic
- Copesettic
- Coplanar
- Coptic
- Copular
- Copulative
- Copulatory
- Coquettish
- Coral
- Corbelled
- Cordate
- Corded
- Cordial
- Cordiform
- Cordless
- Coreferent
- Coriaceous
- Corinthian
- Corked
- Corking
- Cormose
- Cormous
- Corneal
- Corned
- Corneous
- Corner
- Cornered
- Cornish
- Corny
- Coronary
- Coroneted
- Corporal
- Corporate
- Corporatist
- Corporeal
- Corpulent
- Correct
- Correctable
- Corrected
- Corrective
- Correlate
- Correlated
- Correlative
- Coruscant
- Corvine
- Corymbose
- Coseismal
- Coseismic
- Cosher
- Cosignatory
- Cosmogenic
- Cosmopolitan
- Costal
- Costate
- Costive
- Costliest
- Cosy
- Coterminous
- Cotyloid
- Cotyloidal
- Couchant
- Countable
- Counter
- Countless
- Countrified
- Countryfied
- Countywide
- Courtly
- Couth
- Couthie
- Couthy
- Covalent
- Covariant
- Covered
- Coveted
- Covetous
- Cowardly
- Cowering
- Cowled
- Coy
- Cozy
- Crabbed
- Crabby
- Crabwise
- Crack
- Cracked
- Crackers
- Cracking
- Crackle
- Crackling
- Crafty
- Cragfast
- Cragged
- Craggy
- Crammed
- Cramped
- Cranial
- Craniometric
- Cranky
- Crashing
- Crass
- Craven
- Crawling
- Crazy
- Creaking
- Creaky
- Creamy
- Creative
- Credible
- Creeping
- Creepy
- Crestfallen
- Criminal
- Crimson
- Crinkled
- Crinkly
- Crinoid
- Crippled
- Crippling
- Crisp
- Crispate
- Crispy
- Crisscross
- Criterial
- Critical
- Crooked
- Cropped
- Cross
- Crossed
- Crotchety
- Crowded
- Crucial
- Cruddy
- Crude
- Crudest
- Cruel
- Crumbling
- Crumbly
- Crummy
- Crunchable
- Crunching
- Crunchy
- Crural
- Crushable
- Crushed
- Crushing
- Crustacean
- Crustaceous
- Crustal
- Crusted
- Crustlike
- Crustose
- Crusty
- Crying
- Cryogenic
- Cryonic
- Cryptic
- Crystalline
- Crystallized
- Ctenoid
- Cuban
- Cubelike
- Cubic
- Cubiform
- Cubist
- Cubital
- Cuboid
- Cuboidal
- Cuddly
- Culpable
- Cultural
- Cultured
- Cumbersome
- Cumulative
- Cunning
- Cupric
- Cuprous
- Cupular
- Cupulate
- Curable
- Curative
- Curdled
- Curious
- Curly
- Current
- Currish
- Cursed
- Cursive
- Cursorial
- Cursory
- Curst
- Curt
- Curtained
- Curved
- Curvy
- Custom
- Customary
- Cut
- Cute
- Cutting
- Cyclopean
- Cyclothymic
- Cylindric
- Cylindrical
- Cymose
- Cynical
- Cyprian
- Cyprinid
- Cyprinoid
- Czarist
- Czech
Adjectives That Start with C – with Definitions and Examples
Without thorough understanding of these adjectives beginning with C, it will be hard to memorize them. So their definitions and examples below are definitely necessary for you.
- Cabalistic
Definition: having a secret or hidden meaning; occult
Example: In addition to the word Abraxas and other mystical characters, they have often cabalistic figures engraved on them.
- Cadaverous
Definition: very pale, thin or bony
Example: The cadaverous woman was so skinny it looked as though she hadn’t eaten in weeks.
- Caddish
Definition: of or like a cad; dishonorable; ungentlemanly
Example: He wondered whether he ought to leave her alone, but that seemed a caddish thing to do.
- Caducous
Definition: (of an organ or part) easily detached and shed at an early stage
Example: Poppies have caducous sepals that are shed after the bud has opened.
- Caged
Definition: to put or keep birds or animals in a cage
Example: Sam’s been prowling about like a caged animal all morning.
- Cagey
Definition: unwilling to give information
Example: It was a cagey old affair.
- Calamitous
Definition: causing great damage or suffering
Example: The bank went bust, with calamitous consequences for global markets.
- Calcaneal
Definition: (anatomy) of or pertaining to the calcaneus (heel bone)
Example: The calcaneum has a long and compressed calcaneal process.
- Calcareous
Definition: of, or resembling calcium carbonate; chalky
Example: Calcareous nannofossil distribution was calibrated with conodont and radiolarian biostratigraphy.
- Calcific
Definition: involving the formation of calcium carbonate or other insoluble calcium compounds
Example: A section of the right coronary artery showed an accumulation of calcific deposits.
- Calculable
Definition: able to be measured or assessed
Example: The conversion of mass into energy affects stars in a calculable fashion.
- Calculated
Definition: planned or arranged in order to produce a particular effect
Example: It was a cruel, calculated crime with absolutely no justification.
- Calculating
Definition: acting in a scheming and ruthlessly way
Example: He was a coolly calculating, ruthless man.
- Calico
Definition: (of an animal, typically a cat) multicoloured or piebald
Example: Lena shooed a big calico cat off the counter.
- Californian
Definition: someone from the US state of California
Example: Californian Glenn Martin designed and flew an airplane as early as 1909.
- Caliginous
Definition: misty; dim; dark
Example: Looked across the bay where Quoyle’s Point was lost in caliginous night.
- Callable
Definition: capable of being called
Example: Callable bonds cannot be called for the first few years of their life.
- Calligraphical
Definition: of or relating to or expressed in calligraphy
Example: His calligraphical works were of high quality with ornaments and decor.
- Callipygian
Definition: having well-shaped buttocks
Example: She likes a designer who understands the beauty of the callipygian woman and isn’t afraid to accentuate my most important asset.
- Callithumpian
Definition: of, relating to, or resembling a callithump
Example: Residents of Elmbank also participated in Malton’s day-long Callithumpian parade, held annually beginning in 1896.
- Callous
Definition: showing or having insensitive and cruel disregard for others
Example: His callous comments about the murder made me shiver.
- Calloused
Definition: (of a part of the body) having an area of hardened skin
Example: She had the calloused hands of someone who had always worked hard for a living.
- Callow
Definition: (of a young person) inexperienced and immature
Example: Mark was just a callow youth of 16 when he arrived in Paris.
- Calm
Definition: peaceful, quiet, and without worry
Example: He has a very calm manner.
- Calming
Definition: soothing; tranquillizing
Example: The pain returned in calming waves; eventually, from exhaustion, he sank towards sleep.
- Caloric
Definition: relating to calories
Example: Fatty foods have a high caloric value.
- Calorific
Definition: relating to the amount of energy contained in food or fuel
Example: She knew the calorific contents of every morsel.
- Calumnious
Definition: (of a statement) false and defamatory; slanderous
Example: All of these charges are false and calumnious.
- Calvinist
Definition: having severe moral standards and considering pleasure to be wrong or not necessary
Example: Her parents have very Calvinist attitudes.
- Calyceal
Definition: relating to, belonging to, or resembling a calyx
Example: Fluoroscopy was used to evaluate the complete filling of the pelvic calyceal system.
- Cambrian
Definition: relating to or denoting the first period in the Paleozoic era, between the end of the Precambrian aeon and the beginning of Ordovician period
Example: The earliest discovered brachiopod fossils date to the early Cambrian period.
- Canadian
Definition: belonging to or relating to Canada and its people
Example: The Manitoba Act constituting the province was passed by the Canadian parliament in 1870.
- Cancerous
Definition: involving cancer
Example: The report compares gene expression in normal versus cancerous tissue.
- Candid
Definition: (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, especially without the subject’s knowledge
Example: It is better to let the photographer mingle among the guests and take candid shots.
- Can-do
Definition: willingness to accept and meet challenges
Example: Her can-do attitude is what made her our choice for the job.
- Canescent
Definition: becoming hoary, white, or greyish
Example: The involucre consists of canescent. Obtuse phyllaries.
- Canine
Definition: of or relating to the dogs
Example: The city’s canine population (the number of dogs in the city) has grown dramatically over recent years.
- Cankerous
Definition: having cankers
Example: Larvae can be found in resin deposits, thickened cankerous branches infected by fungi and in mechanical injuries of the host plant.
- Canned
Definition: preserved and stored in airtight cans or tins
Example: If there is a choice between using fresh vegetables and canned foods always choose the former.
- Canny
Definition: having or showing shrewdness and good judgment, especially in money or business matters
Example: Canny investors will switch banks if they think they are getting a raw deal.
- Canonical
Definition: related to a rule, principal, or law, especially in the Christian Church
Example: The Pope indicated that he would not consider any applications for canonical pardon.
- Canonized
Definition: To include in the biblical canon
Example: He was the last English saint to be canonized prior to the Reformation.
- Canorous
Definition: pleasant sounding; melodious
Example: I awoke to the canorous sound of birds chirping sweetly outside my bedroom window.
- Cantankerous
Definition: bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative
Example: He can be a cankerous old fossil at times.
- Canty
Definition: cheerful, sprightly
Example: My mother lived till eighty, a canty dame to the last.
- Capable
Definition: having the skill or ability or strength to do something
Example: She’s a very capable lawyer.
- Capacious
Definition: having a lot of space inside; roomy
Example: She rummaged in her capacious handbag.
- Capacitive
Definition: denoting or relating to a touchscreen that works by sensing when something that conducts electricity, such as a fingertip
Example: The capacitive touchscreens built into many phones rely on the skin’s natural electrical conductivity to work.
- Cappadocian
Definition: relating to or characteristic of the ancient region of Cappadocia in central Asia Minor or its inhabitants.
Example: The Cappadocian countryside was in a location that was constantly playing host to armies moving east and west.
- Caprine
Definition: of, relating to, or characteristic of a goat
Example: Miniature dairy goats cause excitement in the caprine world.
- Capsular
Definition: resembling a capsule
Example: The capsular ligament is a sac surrounding the articular cavity of a freely movable joint and attached to the bones.
- Capsulate
Definition: contained in or formed into a capsule
Example: Morphological similarities that relate the fossils to extant eucalypts include leaf shape, venation, and epidermal oil glands; infructescence structure; valvate capsulate fruits; and operculate flower buds.
- Captious
Definition: tending to find fault or raise petty objections
Example:There is no captious client but faulty product and service.
- Captivating
Definition: capable of attracting and holding interest; charming
Example: He has a charming laugh and captivating smile.
- Captive
Definition: (of a person or an animal) having limited ability to move or act freely because of being kept in a space
Example: Wildlife officials say double fences would help prevent the spread of disease between wild and captive animals.
- Carbonaceous
Definition: of, like, or containing carbon
Example: Several species can be grown on carbonaceous matter such as straw or newspaper.
- Carbonic
Definition: (of a compound) containing carbon, especially tetravalent carbon
Example: I feel my eyes, wondering if I were trapped within some dream induced by carbonic acid.
- Cardboard
Definition: very thick, stiff paper, usually pale brown in colour, used especially for making boxes
Example: The simple red brick carries the brand’s name and comes in a white cardboard box.
- Cardiac
Definition: of or relating to the heart or heart disease
Example: The patient had a history of cardiac disease.
- Cardinal
Definition: of the greatest importance; fundamental
Example: Two cardinal points must be borne in mind.
- Carefree
Definition: free from anxiety and responsibility
Example: Anna has a carefree summer ahead for her.
- Careful
Definition: giving attention to something in order to avoid esp. an accident or problem
Example: Norman is a careful driver.
- Careless
Definition: not taking or showing enough care and attention
Example: He made a careless remark about her appearance that really upset her.
- Careworn
Definition: showing signs of care, stress, worry, etc
Example: He had a careworn face, moon-shaped face and mournful; his attire was severe but did not quite fit.
- Carinal
Definition: resembling or relating to a carina
Example: The tumor originated from the left main stem bronchus, and tumor with carinal involvement was observed.
- Caring
Definition: displaying kindness and concern for others
Example: I’ve always thought of Jo as a very caring person.
- Carious
Definition: (of bones or teeth) decayed
Example: Children who had carious lesions in anterior teeth were referred for treatment if they did not have a family dentist.
- Carmelite
Definition: a member of an order of mendicant friars founded about 1154; White Friar
Example: French Carmelite monk and preacher was born at Rennes.
- Carnal
Definition: pertaining to or characterized by the flesh or the body, its passions and appetites; sensual
Example: This is carnal love by which a man loves himself above all for his own sake.
- Carnivorous
Definition: relating to a person, animal, or other living thing that eats meat
Example: Cats are just about the most carnivorous animals on the planet.
- Carolean
Definition: relating to the regions of Charles 1 and 2 of England.
Example: The Battle of Poltava was a severe blow to the Carolean army.
- Carotid
Definition: either one of the two principal arteries that supply blood to the head and neck
Example: He pressed his fingers against her windpipe and felt a faint pulse in her carotid artery.
- Carpal
Definition: relating to the carpus
Example: Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve as it runs through the wrist.
- Carpeted
Definition: covered with carpet
Example: She shielded her eyes with one hand and walked the carpeted hall, stopping when she realized her hallway didn’t have carpet.
- Cased
Definition: having a case or covering; encased or clad
Example: Consuelo spotted the cased liquor.
- Caseous
Definition: of or like cheese
Example: Surgical intervention was performed to excise the caseous lesions.
- Casteless
Definition: having no caste
Example: The idea of casteless society doesn’t appeal to me.
- Castellated
Definition: built with turrets and battlements, like a castle
Example: There were no number, but she recognized the castellated wall and the square lamps on either side of the gate.
- Castled
Definition: (of an area) having many castles
Example: Barons would allow a player to create a new city or conquer an existing castled city.
- Casual
Definition: clothes or shoes suitable for everyday wear rather than formal occasions
Example: His casual behaviour was wholly inappropriate for such a formal occasion.
- Casuistic
Definition: pertaining to casuists or casuistry
Example: There was no escape from the casuistic logic of the witch-hunters.
- Cataclysmic
Definition: causing a lot of destruction, or a sudden, violent change
Example: These countries are on the brink of cataclysmic famine.
- Catalan
Definition: of or relating to Catalonia or its people, language, or culture
Example: It has been translated into Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Russian, Dutch, Catalan, Chinese, modern Greek and phonetic writing.
- Cataleptic
Definition: relating to or similar to catalepsy
Example: In some cases, cataleptic instances can be brought on by extreme emotional shock.
- Catalytic
Definition: of or relating to catalysis; involving a catalyst
Example: We have a tiny percentage of the national budget but we can have a catalytic effect.
- Catatonic
Definition: a group of symptoms that usually involve a lack of movement and communication
Example: Jean ended up in a catatonic state, having instinctively linked with the young girl.
- Catchable
Definition: that can be caught
Example: It was a very catchable ball, and I just dropped it.
- Catching
Definition: (of a disease) infectious
Example: Chicken pox is catching until scabs from on all the blisters.
- Catchpenny
Definition: made merely to sell; cheap and flashy
Example: The catchpenny decor was obviously aimed at the tourist trade.
- Catchy
Definition: attractive and easy to remember
Example: The blog post tried to draw in readers through a catchy title.
- Categorical
Definition: without doubt or possibility of not being true; certain
Example: The president issued a categorical denial.
- Cathartic
Definition: involving the release of strong emotions through a particular activity or experience
Example: A frequent staple of the short story in general is a cathartic moment.
- Catholic
Definition: including many different types of thing
Example: As a young person he had more catholic tastes than he does now.
- Cationic
Definition: of, relating to, or being a cation
Example: Fusion of liposomes induced by a cationic protein from the acrosome granule of abalone spermatozoa.
- Catty
Definition: deliberately hurtful in one’s remarks; spiteful
Example: She’s always making catty remarks about her sister.
- Caucasian
Definition: belonging to the races of people who have skin that is of a pale colour
Example: The chief suspect for the robbery is a Caucasian male.
- Caudal
Definition: relating to the bottom end of the body, that is the bottom of the feet, or to the bottom end of the spinal chord
Example: All actions commenced with a single gravid worm attached to the central region of the caudal fin.
- Caudate
Definition: having a tale or tale-like appendage
Example: Interlobular ligaments connect the left lateral lobe with the upper caudate lobe.
- Causal
Definition: relationship between two things, one thing is responsible for causing the other thing
Example: He would dearly love to show a causal relationship between culture and imperialism, but cannot.
- Caustic
Definition: arcastic in a scathing and bitter way
Example: The players were making caustic comments about the refereeing.
- Cautious
Definition: (of a person) characterized by the desire to avoid potential problems or dangers
Example: He’s a very cautious driver.
- Cavalier
Definition: showing a lack of proper concern; offhand
Example: Anne was irritated by his cavalier attitude.
- Cavernous
Definition: like a characteristic of cavern; deep-set, hollow, etc
Example: At night, I lay on the bed in the cavernous room at the boarding house.
- Ceaseless
Definition: constant and unending
Example: The fort was subjected to ceaseless bombardment.
- Celebrated
Definition: famous for some special quality or ability
Example: Kelley was the most celebrated clown of his era.
- Celebratory
Definition: celebrating an important event or a special occasion
Example: When we heard she’d got the job, we all went for a celebratory drink.
- Celestial
Definition: of or from the sky or outside this world
Example: The moon is a celestial body.
- Celibate
Definition: remaining unmarried, especially for religious reasons
Example: They came accompanied by a band of Roman maidens vowed to live a celibate life in a nunnery in Palestine.
- Cellular
Definition: made of small parts
Example: The organization has a cellular structure (is made of many small groups that work independently).
- Celtic
Definition: of or relating to the celts or their languages
Example: The old Celtic tribes were broken up: instead, municipalities of Roman citizens were founded to rule their territories.
- Cementitious
Definition: having the properties of a cement
Example: Fly ash was usually used as a supplementary cementitious material in concrete.
- Cenozoic
Definition: relating to or denoting the most recent era, following the Mesozoic era and comprising the Tertiary and Quaternary periods
Example: They were the dominant predators in South America during the Cenozoic age.
- Censorious
Definition: very critical
Example: After the critic finished the disappointing novel, he wrote a censorious review that urged readers to save their money.
- Centenary
Definition: of or pertaining to a period of 100 years
Example: The Italian giants want to make him their main signing as they begin their centenary celebrations.
- Centered
Definition: being at or placed in the center
Example: Everything is now centered round the Emperor.
- Central
Definition: at the point or in the era that is in the middle of something
Example: The station has a central courtyard.
- Cephalic
Definition: relating to the head or the head end of the body
Example: The eyes are situated at the cephalic tentacles.
- Ceramic
Definition: of or pertaining to products made from clay and similar materials, as pottery and brick, or to their manufacture
Example: Carbon ceramic brakes are standard and more than good enough.
- Cerebral
Definition: relating to the brain or the cerebrum
Example: The patients frequently had a history of disease leading to cerebral damage.
- Cerebrospinal
Definition: of or pertaining to the central nervous system
Example: An analysis od cerebrospinal fluid samples was 90 percent accurate at distinguishing the two groups of patients.
- Ceremonial
Definition: related to, used in, or involving a ceremony
Example: The men were dressed in ceremonial black robes.
- Ceremonious
Definition: excessively polite; punctilious
Example: He accepted the gifts with ceremonious dignity.
- Ceric
Definition: containing cerium, esp. in the tetravalent state
Example: Progress of the reaction was followed by measuring the decrease in the absorbance of ceric ammonium sulphate at 360 nm.
- Cerise
Definition: cherry red
Example: Angela, gowned in a white dress overendowed with pink rosettes and cerise ribbon, stood twisting her fingers in said ribbon.
- Certain
Definition: specific but not explicitly named or stated
Example: He raised certain personal problems with me.
- Certifiable
Definition: able or needing to be officially recorded
Example: Encephalitis was a certifiable condition.
- Certified
Definition: approved by an organization to do a particular job because you have successfully completed its examination
Example: All certified dental assistants have been certified by the Dental Assisting National Board.
- Cerulean
Definition: of a deep blue colour; azure
Example: She is painted a rich cerulean blue underneath, with a thin buff stripe dividing this from the deep maroon paint of the gunwales.
- Cervical
Definition: of or pertaining to the cervix or neck
Example: They must also examine their cervical mucus.
- Cervine
Definition: of, relating to, or resembling deer
Example: It was a magnificent cervine army with white banners, and I shall never look upon its like again.
- Cesarean
Definition: of or affected by caesarean section
Example: A cesarean delivery was performed without problems, but the baby at birth had rapid respiration.
- Cetacean
Definition: any of an order (Cetacea) of aquatic mostly marine mammals that includes the whales, dolphins and related forms
Example: Cetacean flukes are horizontal and move up and down, because cetacean spines bend the same way as in other mammals.
- Chaetal
Definition: of or relating to chaeta
Example: The original description has been overlooked and it lacked enough details on branchial and chaetal features.
- Challenged
Definition: used to indicate that someone or something is lacking or deficient in a specified respect
Example: I didn’t know he was so vertically challenged.
- Challenging
Definition: inviting competition; provocative
Example: There was a challenging glint in his eyes.
- Champion
Definition: first among all contestants or competitors
Example: He chose the services and became a champion boxer.
- Chancy
Definition: involving risks and uncertainty
Example: Football coaching is a chancy business.
- Changeable
Definition: that can be changed or exchanged
Example: New changeable message signs and lane signals need to be installed on the road.
- Changed
Definition: (of a person) showing a new and very different behavior or character
Example: After two months in the hospital, he returned home a changed man.
- Changeless
Definition: used to describe something that never seems to change
Example: Surrounded by this changeless landscape, one can imagine the world as it was many thousands of years ago.
- Changing
Definition: in a state of becoming different
Example: We must navigate changing attitudes about women in leadership.
- Chanting
Definition: to recite something in a monotonous repetitive tone
Example: The crowd began chanting anti-government slogans.
- Chaotic
Definition: in a state of chaos
Example: He’s a chaotic sort of a person – always trying to do twenty things at once.
- Chapped
Definition: (of the skin) cracked, rough, or sore, typically from exposure to wind or cold weather
Example: Aloe vera soothes dry, chapped lips.
- Characteristic
Definition: typical of a particular person, place or thing
Example: He began with a characteristic attack on extremism.
- Charismatic
Definition: exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others
Example: He was a charismatic figure with great appeal to the public.
- Charitable
Definition: giving money, food, or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or have no home
Example: The entire organization is funded by charitable donations.
- Charmed
Definition: (of a person’s life or a period of this) unusually lucky or happy as though protected by magic
Example: I felt that I had a charmed life.
- Charming
Definition: pleasant and attractive
Example: We had dinner with our director and his charming wife.
- Chaste
Definition: used to describe decoration or style that is very simple and smooth
Example: I like the simple, chaste lines of their architecture.
- Chatty
Definition: (of a conversation, letter etc,) informal and lively
Example: She wrote a chatty, cheerful letter to her mother.
- Cheap
Definition: costing little money or less than usual or expected
Example: I got a cheap flight at the last minute.
- Cheeky
Definition: slightly rude or showing no respect, but often in a funny way
Example: She’s got such a cheeky grin.
- Cheerful
Definition: happy and positive
Example: You’re in a cheerful mood this morning.
- Cheering
Definition: used to describe something that encourages you and makes you feel happier
Example: We received cheering news.
- Cheerless
Definition: gloomy; depressing
Example: The corridors were ill-lit and cheerless.
- Cheery
Definition: bright and happy
Example: He gave us a cheery wave as we drove past.
- Chemical
Definition: relating to chemistry, or the interactions of substances as studied in chemistry
Example: The chemical industry produces such things as petrochemicals, drugs and rubber.
- Cherry
Definition: (of food and beverages) made with or containing cherries or cherrylike flavoring
Example: This particular cauliflower cheese has a crusty gratin topping and soft cherry tomatoes round the edge.
- Chestnut
Definition: reddish-brown
Example: The mixture will become a deep chestnut brown.
- Chewy
Definition: (of food) needing to be chewed hard or for some time before being swallowed
Example: The rye bread has a nice, chewy texture.
- Chic
Definition: elegantly and stylishly fashionable
Example: She looked every inch the chic Frenchwoman.
- Chichi
Definition: trying too hard to be decorated in a stylish or attractive way and therefore having no real style or beauty
Example: They live in a rather chichi part of town.
- Chicken
Definition: obsessed with petty details, regulations, etc
Example: He’s quitting this chicken outfit to become his own boss.
- Chief
Definition: most important or main
Example: My chief concern is to prevent any spread of the disease.
- Childish
Definition: silly and immature
Example: I’ve had enough of your childish pranks.
- Childlike
Definition: (of an adult) having the good qualities, such as innocence, associated with a child
Example: She speaks with a childlike directness.
- Chilling
Definition: frightening
Example: The monuments stand as a chilling reminder of man’s inhumanity to man.
- Chilly
Definition: unfriendly
Example: I went to see the sales manager but got a rather chilly reception.
- Chintzy
Definition: having a lot of traditional decoration, especially using cloth with patterns of flowers
Example: You are not likely to see a pub that has this much chintzy decor back in Ireland.
- Chipper
Definition: cheerful and lively
Example: He looked unusually chipper this morning.
- Choleric
Definition: bad-tempered
Example: My mother had been right to bank on the choleric lodger he was an upwardly mobile man.
- Ciliary
Definition: relating to cilia
Example: Disorders of ciliary function can lead to frequent respiratory tract infections.
- Citified
Definition: characteristic of an urban environment
Example: We must look like citified dandies to them.
- Citric
Definition: related to citrus
Example: The fish was served with caramelized endive and a citric sauce.
- Citywide
Definition: including all of a city and everyone who lives there
Example: There will be a citywide vote on the matter.
- Civic
Definition: relating to the duties or activities of people in relation to their town, city, or local area
Example: He was active in the civic life of Swindon.
- Civil
Definition: not military or religious, or relating to the ordinary people of a country
Example: After ten years of military dictatorship, the country now has a civil government.
- Civilized
Definition: polite and well-mannered
Example: I went to talk to them and we had a very civilized conversation.
- Clamant
Definition: urgently demanding attention
Example: The proper use of biotechnology has become a clamant question.
- Clammy
Definition: sticky and slightly wet in an unpleasant way
Example: It was a hot, clammy day.
- Clannish
Definition: (of a group or their activities) tending to exclude others outside the group
Example: They are a clannish lot with no time for foreigners.
- Classic
Definition: very typical of its kind
Example: Hamlet is the classic example of a tragedy.
- Classical
Definition: traditional in style or form, or based on methods developed over a long period of time, and considered to be of lasting value
Example: He is one of our greatest classical actors.
- Classifiable
Definition: able to be put into a group of things of particular type
Example: I need to know if this man has a classifiable mental disorder.
- Classified
Definition: (of information) officially secret
Example: These documents contain classified material.
- Classless
Definition: (of a society) not divided into social classes
Example: This is of course a classless society.
- Classy
Definition: stylish or fashionable
Example: That’s one classy vehicle you’ve got there.
- Clawed
Definition: (of crabs, lobsters, and other arthropods) having pincers
Example: Clawed lobsters are found in Nova Scotia.
- Clean
Definition: honest or fair, or showing that you have not done anything illegal
Example: It was a clean tackle.
- Clean-cut
Definition: tidy in appearance and behaves well
Example: Julie’s fiance is a nice clean-cut young man.
- Clear
Definition: easy to understand, hear, read, or see
Example: Our new television has a very clear picture.
- Clear-cut
Definition: sharply defined; easy to perceive or understand
Example: We now had a clear-cut objective.
- Clear-headed
Definition: thinking in a clear and sensible way
Example: She offers a clear-headed analysis of the politics behind the war.
- Clever
Definition: quick to understand, learn, and clever or apply ideas; intelligent
Example: She was an extremely clever and studious young woman.
- Clingy
Definition: a person that stays close to and depends on a person who is taking care of them
Example: Jimmy is a very clingy child.
- Clinical
Definition: expressing no emotion or feelings
Example: She seems to have a very clinical attitude towards her children.
- Clogged
Definition: filled up or crowded so as to obstruct passage
Example: The clogged streets may have caused some deadly delays in emergency responses.
- Cloistered
Definition: separated from and communicating little with the outside world
Example: These academics lead such a cloistered existence.
- Closed
Definition: not open
Example: Rooms with closed doors lined the hallway.
- Close-minded
Definition: not willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own
Example: This close-minded attitude to technology will see us fall behind in the international online economy.
- Closing
Definition: coming near the end of the speech, event, activity, etc
Example: In his closing remarks, the chairman thanked everyone who had helped.
- Clothed
Definition: wearing clothes; dressed
Example: The machine scans your clothed body and measures bone-mineral quantity.
- Cloudy
Definition: (of a liquid) not transparent or clear
Example: The pond water is slightly cloudy.
- Clumsy
Definition: awkward in movement or manner
Example: He gave a clumsy bow.
- Clunky
Definition: heavy and solid in an ugly way
Example: The clunky handsets looked old-fashioned as soon as they were launched.
- Cognitive
Definition: connected with thinking or conscious mental processes
Example: Some of her cognitive functions have been impaired.
- Coherent
Definition: (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent
Example: They failed to develop a coherent economic strategy.
- Cohesive
Definition: characterized by or causing cohesion
Example: Each parish was formerly a cohesive unit.
- Cold-blooded
Definition: denoting animals whose body temperature varies with that of the environment; poikilothermic
Example: Snakes and lizards are cold-blooded animals.
- Cold-hearted
Definition: lacking affection or warmth; unfeeling
Example: A cold-hearted thief stole a bag full of Christmas presents.
- Collaborative
Definition: involving two or more people working together for a special purpose
Example: The presentation was a collaborative effort by all the children in the class.
- Colonial
Definition: relating to a colony or colonialism
Example: Turkey was once an important colonial power.
Positive Adjectives That Start with C to Describe a Person
When you want to praise or compliment others, check positive adjectives that start with C to describe a person below. I believe these C adjectives will help.
1. Capable
Definition: to have the ability, willingness, skills or strength to carry out a job
Synonyms: adept, apt, proficient
Example: Bill Gates is a highly capable man.
2. Communicable
Definition: able or willing to communicate with others to suit different conditions
Synonyms: Communicational, transmittable
Example: He is pretty communicable.
3. Courageous
Definition: Someone who is never deterred by pain, suffering or danger
Synonyms: unafraid, brave
Example: She is always courageous so she never gives up.
4. Cooperative
Definition: being able to work mutually to achieve common goals
Synonyms: communal, unified
Example: He is cooperative, this is why the company is benefiting a lot from his work.
5. Courteous
Definition: Someone who is exceptionally respectful
Synonyms: civil, humble
Example: Our boss is courteous towards all of his employees.
6. Careful
Definition: a deep level of attention and consideration
Synonyms: alert, attentive
Example: My mother is very careful about my diet.
7. Calm
Definition: someone who has exceptionally strong emotions and never becomes nervous easily
Synonyms: peaceful, quiet
Example: I couldn’t keep calm when I discovered my mother has cancer.
8. Cautious
Definition: Someone who is careful and attentive enough to avoid all potential losses, risks, harms and sufferings
Synonyms: watchful, alert
Example: She is a cautious driver.
9. Coy
Definition: Someone (especially a woman) who is pretending to be shy and modest and intends to allure other people
Synonyms: skittish, simpering
Example: I can’t refuse the demands of my girlfriend when she gives a coy smile.
10. Certain
Definition: Someone who thinks beyond doubt
Synonyms: indisputable, unchallengeable
Example: The weather reporter was certain that it will be raining for the next three days.
11. Carefree
Definition: A person who is fortunate enough to be free from any kind of responsibility, duty or anxiety
Synonyms: unworried, untroubled
Example: When the young girl heard about the sudden death of both of her parents she turned from a carefree child into a responsible person.
12. Changeable
Definition: someone who has the capability to adjust and adapt to the environment
Synonyms: flexible, variable
Example: The changeable behaviour of the investors is very admirable.
Positive Adjectives That Start with C to Describe an Event
Whenever a positive event occurs, we can not wait to share the news with other people. In these cases, you definitely need descriptive words that start with C below to help express yourself better.
1. Charming
Definition: extremely attractive and pleasant
Synonyms: awesome, incredible, stunning, appealing
Example: The evening was so charming so we decided to go for a walk on the beach.
2. Cheerful
Definition: An event that is full of hope, happiness and joy
Synonyms: satisfactory, agreeable, approvable
Example: My Sunday mornings are not cheerful if my neighbours start mowing their lawn early.
3. Cloudy
Definition: When the sky is overcast with dark clouds or water which is not transparent
Synonyms: dull, murky, hazy
Example: I saw the weather forecast and came to know that tomorrow evening will be cloudy.
4. Chilly
Definition: Something that is very cold
Synonyms: icy-cold, fresh
Example: Our holiday house is located in a deep valley and chilly winds keep blowing around it due to the presence of the tall trees.
5. Chirpy
Definition: The time when birds are chirping or chickens are squawking
Synonyms: noisy, echoing
Example: When I stepped into my chicken coop to feed the little birds the whole place became chirpy.
6. Cool
Definition: Something which is too fashionable, impressive and attractive
Synonyms: vogue, elegant
Example: I hung some photos on the walls, string lights on the ceiling and put some flowers on the tables, as a result, my room looked very cool.
7. Clubby
Definition: The practice of being sociable and friendly with members of an organisation or group
Synonyms: snobby, clannish
Example: There were numerous news reporters in the clubby world of the Parliament.
8. Comfortable
Definition: Something which provides a lot of relaxation, physical ease and is more than needed
Synonyms: enjoyable, homely
Example: The large income of the father could feed the entire family and keep them comfortable.
9. Comical
Definition: something that is entertaining in a funny manner
Synonyms: amusing, clownish
Example: All the jokes and the videos you sent me were so comical that I couldn’t stop my laughter for hours.
10. Crafty
Definition: something characterized by decorative objects created by hands
Synonyms: creative, embellishing
Example: whenever I visit a crafty exhibition, I buy my most favourite jewellery.
11. Chic
Definition: Something which is stylish and fashionable in an elegant way
Synonyms: dashing, smart
Example: We added a rustic fireplace to our TV lounge to give it a chic look.
12. Cultured
Definition: something that is very refined by manners, education or taste
Synonyms: civilized, urbane
Example: Jane Austen’s novels were set in the cultured Elizabethan era of ancient English society.
13. Cultivated
Definition: something that is developed by human attention
Synonyms: Artificial, unnatural
Example: Due to the population explosion, the demand for food cannot be met by agricultural products, this is why it is necessary to use the cultivated ones.
Positive Adjectives That Start with C to Describe a Place
As the Chinese saying goes “Man who travels far knows more”. So how far have you traveled and how many places have you been to? Does any of adjectives that start with the letter C below fit these places?
1. Cabalistic
Definition: A place that has mystical interpretations and hidden meanings known to a very small group of people
Synonyms: cryptic, sibylline
Example: There Is a cabalistic tomb in the village.
2. Calculable
Definition: A place that can be measured and assessed easily
Synonyms: estimable, countable
Example: The depth of the river is calculable.
3. Captivating
Definition: A place that is capable of capturing someone’s attention, interest and imagination.
Synonyms: alluring, beautiful, appealing
Example: The scenery of Niagara Falls is very captivating, which is why millions of tourists visit the place every year.
4. Celebratory
Definition: A place that is constructed for, intended for and used for celebrating a public day or event of significance
Synonyms: occasionally, merrymaking place
Example: The Prince owns a celebratory as he always invites all his friends to celebrate his success in horse races.
5. Canorous
Definition: a place that is full of melodies and sounds of birds.
Synonyms: resonant, echoing
Example: I wake up early in the morning to enjoy the canorous environment of my backyard garden.
6. Capricious
Definition: someplace that is capable of changing and altering
Synonyms: inconstant, irregular
Example: The whole place was capricious because it was inflated using an air pump.
7. Conventional
Definition: a place that is in accordance with and based on acceptable standards of society
Synonyms: stereotypical, normal
Example: Most of our ancestors were buried in our conventional graveyard.
Positive Adjectives That Start with C to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Is there any specific personality you admire most? Can you use adjectives with letter C to describe it?
1. Creative
Definition: involving a high degree of imagination in creating something new
Synonyms: Constructive, originative
Example: He is generally a creative person, so it’s no surprise he is good at arts.
2. Canty
Definition: Feeling or showing briskness and liveliness
Synonyms: energetic, efficient
Example: He becomes very canty just minutes after our boss gives the orders.
3. Constructive
Definition: Something which serves a useful and beneficial purpose, or something which implies the law
Synonyms: positive, helpful
Example: she has great stamina to listen carefully to the constructive criticism.
4. Chesty
Definition: about someone or something that is arrogant and conceited
Synonyms: Pride, gratification
Example: The champion felt chesty when the audience applauded his success.
5. Clannish
Definition: about someone or something that has the characteristic of a clan in being unified
Synonyms: clubby, snobby
Example: It is important to exercise clannish behaviour in these critical situations.
6. Callous
Definition: Someone who is emotionally strong
Synonyms: Indifferent, tolerant
Example: The poor widows were callous about the rising prices.
Negative Adjectives That Start with C to Describe a Person
If there anybody around you hate a lot and don’t even know to describe him or her? Check adjective words that start with C below and see if they are just the ones you need.
1. Cunning
Definition: being skilful in achieving one’s goals by cheating
Synonyms: clever, sharp
Example: Just before the announcement of the lottery winner a cunning look came into the eyes of the audience.
2. Catty
Definition: someone who is showing deliberate malice
Synonyms: malicious, cattish
Example: She was very catty in her remarks.
3. Cantankerous
Definition: someone who is short-tempered, uncooperative and disagreeable
Synonyms: hostile, belligerent
Example: He became very cantankerous as soon as he heard the news.
4. Chagrined
Definition: someone who feels ashamed, guilty and humiliated
Synonyms: Irritated, annoyed
Example: She is chagrined which is why she refused to hang out with you.
5. Cruel
Definition: being extremely harmful to other people, or willfully showing no concern to others’ sufferings
Synonyms: tyrant, barbarous
Example: Never Be cruel to animals.
6. Crazy
Definition: someone who is completely out of place, or extremely enthusiastic, or showing mental irregularity
Synonyms: insane, deranged
Example: I heard she grew up in a crazy family.
Negative Adjectives That Start with C to Describe an Event
Have you ever suffered any negative events? How did you describe them to others? Did you use describing words beginning with C below?
1. Critical
Definition: something that happens very disastrously or in an unexpected way
Synonyms: crisis, grave
Example: The pandemic has not ceased so the situation is still critical.
2. Creepy
Definition: something that can cause extreme fear and unease
Synonyms: sinister, terrifying
Example: I got creepy feelings when I went to visit the haunted house.
3. Cacodaemonic
Definition: something that has a connection with evil spirits
Synonyms: Cacodemonic
Example: This is a cacodaemonic temple.
4. Cacogenic
Definition: something that has degeneration in the production of the offspring
Synonyms: dysgenic
Example: We must get rid of the cacogenic breeding of animals.
5. Cacophonic
Definition: something that is characterized by an unpleasant sound
Synonyms: noisy, echoing
Example: I get a headache when I go to a cacophonic place.
6. Catastrophic
Definition: something that is at the risk of causing sudden suffering or calamity
Synonyms: unfavourable, disadvantageous, unfortunate
Example: A catastrophic situation prevailed in the whole town because of that cyclone.
Negative Adjectives That Start with C to Describe a Place
When being in an unpleasant place, even a minute seemed long enough for us. And following adjectives that start with C just speak out our feelings.
1. Cackly
Definition: A place that has the noise of ducks or chickens
Synonyms: squawky, noisy
Example: Even the small pond felt cackly.
2. Craggy
Definition: A place that has many turns and twists, or ups and downs
Synonyms: hilly, uneven, bumpy
Example: I saw numerous accidents of cyclists on the craggy road.
3. Confusing
Definition: A place that has the capability to perplex and bewilder the visitors
Synonyms: baffle, puzzle
Example: Hong Kong is a confusing bedlam of sounds and sights.
4. Crooked
Definition: A place that is out of shape, bent, turned and twisted
Synonyms: curved, deformed
Example: We went to a crooked hiking trail.
5. Constricting
Definition: A place that is very narrow
Synonyms: shrunk, contracted
Example: The roads in the depth of the valley are constricting.
6. Cursed
Definition: A place that is used to express irritation or annoyance
Synonyms: damned, ill-fated
Example: This is a cursed village by the prophets of ancient time.
Negative Adjectives That Start with C to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
It is harmful to keep bad mood within. So don’t be shy to share it with your friends using list of adjectives that start with C below to describe how you feel. And you’ll be better soon.
1. Coward
Definition: to be filled with fear and lack the courage to face the dangers and problems of life
Synonyms: fearful, cowardly
Example: The darker the night got, the more the coward ones hid inside.
2. Cavalier
Definition: about someone or something that lacks enough concern
Synonyms: indifferent, offhand
Example: The teachers should not tolerate cavalier behaviour inside the classrooms.
3. Cliquish
Definition: about someone or something that forms a strong group and is unwelcoming to the outsiders
Synonyms: clannish, snobbish
Example: This political party is very cliquish.
4. Closelipped
Definition: about someone or something that is always inclined to secrecy
Synonyms: closed-mouthed, tight-lipped
Example: All the members of this political party are closelipped.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with C
We went through quite a long list of adjectives that start with the letter C. I have explained them with detail and hope you find them helpful.
I have chosen and divided some of these descriptive words starting with C in 8 different categories, 4 positive and 4 negative, so that readers can understand them more easily.
By using the above-given adjectives that start with C in your daily conversation, you can better describe what you are trying to say. In this way, your listeners will be able to understand you more deeply and completely.
Ps. See also positive words that start with C, nouns that start with C and verbs that start with C.