1600 Adjectives That Start with U | List with Definitions and Examples

In this article, I will share with you 1600 adjectives that start with U that are used in our day to day communication. You will be able to read the definitions, synonyms and examples after a list of adjectives starting with U, which will enable you to use them in many different ways, thus grooming your vocabulary.
Adjectives beginning with U are used to describe nouns and pronouns, helping to make descriptions clearer. Let’s take a look at some examples for some descriptive words that start with U.
- Watching the beautiful sunrise is such an unforgettable moment.
- What is that ugly animal lying on the ground?
- Don’t hold unrealistic expectations of easy success.
You see, with or without adjectives that start with U in above sentences, it feels completely different.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with U – Full List (1600 words)
List of adjectives starting with U is quite huge and we have 1600 such U adjectives below.
- Ubiquitous
- Ugandan
- Ugly
- Ukrainian
- Ulcerated
- Ulcerative
- Ulcerous
- Ulnar
- Ult
- Ulterior
- Ultimate
- Ultimo
- Ultra
- Ultraconservative
- Ultramarine
- Ultramicroscopic
- Ultramodern
- Ultramontane
- Ultranationalistic
- Ultrasonic
- Ultraviolet
- Umbellar
- Umbellate
- Umbelliferous
- Umbelliform
- Umber
- Umbilical
- Umbilicate
- Umbrageous
- Umbrella
- Umbrellalike
- Umpteen
- Umpteenth
- Umptieth
- Umteen
- Umteenth
- Unabashed
- Unabated
- Unable
- Unabridged
- Unaccented
- Unacceptable
- Unaccepted
- Unaccessible
- Unaccommodating
- Unaccompanied
- Unaccountable
- Unaccredited
- Unaccustomed
- Unachievable
- Unacknowledged
- Unacquainted
- Unacquisitive
- Unactable
- Unadaptable
- Unadapted
- Unaddicted
- Unadjustable
- Unadjusted
- Unadoptable
- Unadorned
- Unadulterated
- Unadventurous
- Unadvisable
- Unaerated
- Unaesthetic
- Unaffected
- Unaffecting
- Unaffectionate
- Unaffiliated
- Unaffixed
- Unaffordable
- Unafraid
- Unaged
- Unaggressive
- Unagitated
- Unaided
- Unalarming
- Unalienable
- Unalike
- Unalloyed
- Unalterable
- Unaltered
- Unambiguous
- Unambitious
- Unamended
- Unanalyzable
- Unanalyzed
- Unangry
- Unanimated
- Unanimous
- Unannealed
- Unannounced
- Unanswerable
- Unanswered
- Unanticipated
- Unapologetic
- Unappareled
- Unapparent
- Unappealable
- Unappealing
- Unappeasable
- Unappendaged
- Unappetising
- Unappetizing
- Unappreciated
- Unappreciative
- Unapprehensive
- Unapproachable
- Unarbitrary
- Unarguable
- Unargumentative
- Unarmed
- Unarmored
- Unarmoured
- Unarticulate
- Unarticulated
- Unartistic
- Unary
- Unascertainable
- Unascribable
- Unashamed
- Unasked
- Unassailable
- Unassertive
- Unassignable
- Unassigned
- Unassisted
- Unassuming
- Unassured
- Unasterisked
- Unattached
- Unattackable
- Unattainable
- Unattended
- Unattired
- Unattractive
- Unattributable
- Unauthentic
- Unauthorized
- Unavailable
- Unavailing
- Unavenged
- Unavoidable
- Unavowed
- Unawakened
- Unaware
- Unawed
- Unbacked
- Unbaffled
- Unbalanced
- Unbalconied
- Unbanded
- Unbaptized
- Unbarred
- Unbarreled
- Unbarrelled
- Unbearable
- Unbeatable
- Unbeaten
- Unbecoming
- Unbefitting
- Unbeholden
- Unbeknown
- Unbeknownst
- Unbelievable
- Unbelieving
- Unbeloved
- Unbelted
- Unbendable
- Unbending
- Unbeneficed
- Unbent
- Unbigoted
- Unbitter
- Unbleached
- Unblemished
- Unblended
- Unblinking
- Unbloody
- Unblushing
- Unbodied
- Unbolted
- Unbooked
- Unbordered
- Unborn
- Unbound
- Unbounded
- Unbowed
- Unbraced
- Unbrainwashed
- Unbranched
- Unbranching
- Unbranded
- Unbreakable
- Unbridgeable
- Unbridled
- Unbroken
- Unbrushed
- Unburdened
- Unburied
- Unburnished
- Unbuttoned
- Uncamphorated
- Uncanny
- Uncapped
- Uncarbonated
- Uncaring
- Uncarpeted
- Uncarved
- Uncastrated
- Uncategorized
- Uncaulked
- Unceasing
- Uncensored
- Unceremonial
- Unceremonious
- Uncertain
- Uncertified
- Unchained
- Unchallengeable
- Unchallenged
- Unchangeable
- Unchanged
- Unchanging
- Uncharacteristic
- Uncharged
- Uncharitable
- Uncharted
- Unchartered
- Unchaste
- Uncheckable
- Unchecked
- Uncheerful
- Unchewable
- Unchivalrous
- Unchristian
- Unchristianly
- Unchristlike
- Uncial
- Uncivil
- Uncivilized
- Unclad
- Unclaimed
- Unclassifiable
- Unclassified
- Unclean
- Unclear
- Unclimbable
- Unclipped
- Unclogged
- Unclothed
- Unclouded
- Uncluttered
- Uncoated
- Uncoiled
- Uncollected
- Uncolored
- Uncolumned
- Uncombable
- Uncombed
- Uncombined
- Uncomely
- Uncomfortable
- Uncommercial
- Uncommitted
- Uncommon
- Uncommunicative
- Uncomparable
- Uncompartmented
- Uncompassionate
- Uncompensated
- Uncompetitive
- Uncomplaining
- Uncomplete
- Uncompleted
- Uncomplicated
- Uncomplimentary
- Uncompounded
- Uncomprehended
- Uncomprehending
- Uncomprehensible
- Uncompromising
- Unconcealed
- Unconcerned
- Unconditional
- Unconditioned
- Unconfined
- Unconfirmed
- Unconformable
- Unconformist
- Uncongenial
- Unconnected
- Unconquerable
- Unconquered
- Unconscientious
- Unconscionable
- Unconscious
- Unconsecrated
- Unconsidered
- Unconsolable
- Unconsolidated
- Unconstipated
- Unconstitutional
- Unconstrained
- Unconstricted
- Unconstructive
- Unconsumed
- Unconsummated
- Uncontainable
- Uncontaminated
- Uncontaminating
- Uncontested
- Uncontrived
- Uncontrollable
- Uncontrolled
- Uncontroversial
- Unconventional
- Unconverted
- Unconvertible
- Unconvinced
- Unconvincing
- Uncooked
- Uncool
- Uncooperative
- Uncoordinated
- Uncordial
- Uncorrectable
- Uncorrected
- Uncorrelated
- Uncorroborated
- Uncorrupted
- Uncounted
- Uncoupled
- Uncousinly
- Uncouth
- Uncovered
- Uncrannied
- Uncreative
- Uncritical
- Uncropped
- Uncrowded
- Uncrowned
- Uncrystallized
- Unctuous
- Uncultivable
- Uncultivatable
- Uncultivated
- Uncultured
- Uncurbed
- Uncured
- Uncurled
- Uncurtained
- Uncurved
- Uncurving
- Uncut
- Undamaged
- Undatable
- Undated
- Undaunted
- Undeceived
- Undecided
- Undecipherable
- Undeciphered
- Undeclared
- Undecomposable
- Undecorated
- Undedicated
- Undefeated
- Undefendable
- Undefended
- Undeferential
- Undefiled
- Undefinable
- Undefined
- Undelineated
- Undemanding
- Undemocratic
- Undemonstrative
- Undeniable
- Undenominational
- Undependable
- Undepicted
- Under
- Underactive
- Underage
- Underarm
- Underbred
- Underclass
- Underclothed
- Undercoated
- Undercooked
- Undercover
- Underdeveloped
- Underdone
- Undereducated
- Underemployed
- Underfed
- Underfunded
- Underground
- Underhand
- Underhanded
- Underhung
- Underivative
- Underived
- Underlying
- Undermanned
- Undermentioned
- Undernourished
- Underpopulated
- Underprivileged
- Underqualified
- Underrated
- Undersea
- Undersealed
- Undersexed
- Undershot
- Undersize
- Undersized
- Underslung
- Understaffed
- Understandable
- Understanding
- Understated
- Understood
- Underwater
- Underway
- Underweight
- Undescended
- Undescriptive
- Undeserved
- Undeserving
- Undesigned
- Undesirable
- Undesired
- Undesiring
- Undesirous
- Undestroyable
- Undetectable
- Undetected
- Undeterminable
- Undetermined
- Undeterred
- Undeveloped
- Undeviating
- Undiagnosable
- Undifferentiated
- Undigested
- Undignified
- Undiluted
- Undiminished
- Undimmed
- Undiplomatic
- Undirected
- Undiscerning
- Undischarged
- Undisciplined
- Undiscouraged
- Undiscoverable
- Undiscovered
- Undiscriminating
- Undismayed
- Undisputable
- Undisputed
- Undissolved
- Undistinguishable
- Undistinguished
- Undistorted
- Undistributed
- Undisturbed
- Undiversified
- Undividable
- Undivided
- Undoable
- Undocumented
- Undogmatic
- Undogmatical
- Undomestic
- Undomesticated
- Undoubted
- Undrained
- Undramatic
- Undraped
- Undrawn
- Undreamed
- Undreamt
- Undried
- Undrinkable
- Undue
- Undulant
- Undulate
- Undulatory
- Undutiful
- Undyed
- Undying
- Undynamic
- Uneager
- Unearned
- Unearthly
- Uneasy
- Uneatable
- Uneconomic
- Uneconomical
- Unedifying
- Unedited
- Uneducated
- Uneffective
- Unelaborate
- Unelaborated
- Unembellished
- Unembodied
- Unemotional
- Unemphatic
- Unemployable
- Unemployed
- Unencouraging
- Unencumbered
- Unended
- Unending
- Unendowed
- Unendurable
- Unenergetic
- Unenforceable
- Unenforced
- Unengaged
- Unenlightened
- Unenlightening
- Unenlivened
- Unenterprising
- Unenthusiastic
- Unentitled
- Unenviable
- Unequal
- Unequaled
- Unequalized
- Unequalled
- Unequipped
- Unequivocal
- Unerasable
- Unerect
- Unerring
- Unessential
- Unestablished
- Unethical
- Uneven
- Uneventful
- Unexacting
- Unexampled
- Unexceeded
- Unexcelled
- Unexceptionable
- Unexceptional
- Unexchangeable
- Unexcitable
- Unexcited
- Unexciting
- Unexclusive
- Unexhausted
- Unexpansive
- Unexpected
- Unexpendable
- Unexpended
- Unexpired
- Unexplainable
- Unexplained
- Unexploded
- Unexploited
- Unexplorative
- Unexploratory
- Unexplored
- Unexportable
- Unexpressible
- Unexpressive
- Unexpurgated
- Unextended
- Unfaceted
- Unfading
- Unfailing
- Unfair
- Unfaithful
- Unfaltering
- Unfamiliar
- Unfashionable
- Unfastidious
- Unfathomable
- Unfathomed
- Unfattened
- Unfavorable
- Unfavourable
- Unfearing
- Unfeasible
- Unfeathered
- Unfed
- Unfeeling
- Unfeigned
- Unfeminine
- Unfenced
- Unfermented
- Unfertile
- Unfertilized
- Unfettered
- Unfilled
- Unfilmed
- Unfinished
- Unfirm
- Unfit
- Unfitting
- Unfixed
- Unflagging
- Unflappable
- Unflattering
- Unflavored
- Unflavoured
- Unflawed
- Unfledged
- Unflinching
- Unfluctuating
- Unflurried
- Unflustered
- Unforbearing
- Unforced
- Unforceful
- Unforeseeable
- Unforeseen
- Unforesightful
- Unforested
- Unforethoughtful
- Unforfeitable
- Unforgettable
- Unforgivable
- Unforgiving
- Unformed
- Unfortunate
- Unfounded
- Unframed
- Unfree
- Unfrequented
- Unfretted
- Unfriendly
- Unfrightened
- Unfrosted
- Unfrozen
- Unfruitful
- Unfueled
- Unfulfilled
- Unfunctional
- Unfunded
- Unfunny
- Unfurnished
- Unfurrowed
- Ungainly
- Ungallant
- Ungarbed
- Ungarmented
- Ungathered
- Ungeared
- Ungenerous
- Ungentle
- Ungentlemanlike
- Ungentlemanly
- Ungetatable
- Unglamorous
- Unglamourous
- Unglazed
- Ungodly
- Ungovernable
- Ungoverned
- Ungraceful
- Ungracious
- Ungraded
- Ungrammatical
- Ungrasped
- Ungrateful
- Ungratified
- Ungratifying
- Ungregarious
- Ungroomed
- Ungrudging
- Ungual
- Unguaranteed
- Unguarded
- Unguiculate
- Unguided
- Ungulate
- Ungulated
- Ungummed
- Ungusseted
- Unhallowed
- Unhampered
- Unhandsome
- Unhappy
- Unhardened
- Unharmed
- Unharmonious
- Unhatched
- Unhazardous
- Unheaded
- Unhealed
- Unhealthful
- Unhealthy
- Unhearable
- Unheard
- Unhearing
- Unheated
- Unheeded
- Unheeding
- Unhelpful
- Unheralded
- Unhesitating
- Unhewn
- Unhindered
- Unhinged
- Unholy
- Unhomogenized
- Unhoped
- Unhopeful
- Unhuman
- Unhumorous
- Unhurried
- Unhurt
- Unhygienic
- Uniate
- Unicameral
- Unicellular
- Unicuspid
- Unidentifiable
- Unidentified
- Unidimensional
- Unidirectional
- Unifacial
- Unified
- Unifilar
- Unifoliate
- Uniform
- Uniformed
- Unilateral
- Unilluminated
- Unilluminating
- Unimaginable
- Unimaginative
- Unimagined
- Unimodal
- Unimpaired
- Unimpassioned
- Unimpeachable
- Unimpeded
- Unimportant
- Unimposing
- Unimpregnated
- Unimpressionable
- Unimpressive
- Unimprisoned
- Unimproved
- Unincorporated
- Unindustrialized
- Uninebriated
- Uninfected
- Uninflected
- Uninfluenced
- Uninfluential
- Uninformative
- Uninformed
- Uninhabitable
- Uninhabited
- Uninhibited
- Uninitiate
- Uninitiated
- Uninjectable
- Uninjured
- Uninominal
- Uninquiring
- Uninquisitive
- Uninspired
- Uninspiring
- Uninstructed
- Uninstructive
- Uninsurable
- Uninsured
- Unintegrated
- Unintelligent
- Unintelligible
- Unintentional
- Uninterested
- Uninteresting
- Uninterrupted
- Unintimidated
- Unintoxicated
- Unintrusive
- Uninucleate
- Uninventive
- Uninvited
- Uninviting
- Uninvolved
- Union
- Unionized
- Uniovular
- Uniovulate
- Uniparous
- Unipolar
- Unique
- Unironed
- Unisex
- Unisexual
- Unitarian
- Unitary
- United
- Univalent
- Univalve
- Universal
- Universalist
- Universalistic
- Univocal
- Unjointed
- Unjust
- Unjustifiable
- Unjustified
- Unkempt
- Unkept
- Unkeyed
- Unkind
- Unkindled
- Unkindly
- Unknowable
- Unknowledgeable
- Unknown
- Unlabeled
- Unlabelled
- Unlaced
- Unladylike
- Unlamented
- Unlatched
- Unlaureled
- Unlaurelled
- Unlawful
- Unleaded
- Unlearned
- Unleavened
- Unlettered
- Unlicenced
- Unlifelike
- Unlighted
- Unlikable
- Unlike
- Unlikeable
- Unlikely
- Unlimited
- Unlined
- Unlipped
- Unlisted
- Unlit
- Unliterary
- Unlittered
- Unlivable
- Unliveable
- Unliveried
- Unlobed
- Unlocated
- Unlocked
- Unlogical
- Unlovable
- Unloved
- Unlovely
- Unloving
- Unlubricated
- Unlucky
- Unmade
- Unmalicious
- Unmalleable
- Unmalted
- Unmanageable
- Unmanful
- Unmanlike
- Unmanly
- Unmanned
- Unmannered
- Unmannerly
- Unmapped
- Unmarked
- Unmarketable
- Unmarred
- Unmarried
- Unmasked
- Unmatchable
- Unmatched
- Unmated
- Unmeasurable
- Unmeasured
- Unmechanical
- Unmechanized
- Unmediated
- Unmedical
- Unmedicative
- Unmedicinal
- Unmelodic
- Unmelodious
- Unmelted
- Unmemorable
- Unmentionable
- Unmercenary
- Unmerciful
- Unmerited
- Unmeritorious
- Unmethodical
- Unmilitary
- Unmindful
- Unmined
- Unmingled
- Unmistakable
- Unmistakeable
- Unmitigable
- Unmitigated
- Unmixable
- Unmixed
- Unmoderated
- Unmodernized
- Unmodifiable
- Unmodified
- Unmodulated
- Unmolested
- Unmortgaged
- Unmotivated
- Unmotorized
- Unmourned
- Unmovable
- Unmoved
- Unmoving
- Unmown
- Unmusical
- Unmutilated
- Unmyelinated
- Unnameable
- Unnamed
- Unnatural
- Unnaturalized
- Unnavigable
- Unnecessary
- Unneeded
- Unneighborly
- Unneighbourly
- Unnerved
- Unnerving
- Unneurotic
- Unnotched
- Unnoted
- Unnoticeable
- Unnoticed
- Unnourished
- Unnumberable
- Unnumbered
- Unnumerable
- Unobjectionable
- Unobjective
- Unobligated
- Unobliging
- Unobservable
- Unobservant
- Unobserved
- Unobstructed
- Unobtainable
- Unobtrusive
- Unobvious
- Unoccupied
- Unoffending
- Unofficial
- Unoiled
- Unopen
- Unopened
- Unopposable
- Unordered
- Unorganized
- Unoriented
- Unoriginal
- Unornamented
- Unorthodox
- Unostentatious
- Unowned
- Unoxygenated
- Unpackaged
- Unpaid
- Unpainful
- Unpaintable
- Unpainted
- Unpaired
- Unpalatable
- Unparallel
- Unparalleled
- Unpardonable
- Unparented
- Unparliamentary
- Unpartitioned
- Unpassable
- Unpasteurized
- Unpatented
- Unpatriotic
- Unpatronized
- Unpatterned
- Unpaved
- Unpeaceable
- Unpeaceful
- Unpeopled
- Unperceivable
- Unperceived
- Unperceiving
- Unperceptive
- Unperformed
- Unpermed
- Unpermissive
- Unperplexed
- Unpersuadable
- Unpersuaded
- Unpersuasive
- Unperturbed
- Unpictured
- Unpicturesque
- Unpierced
- Unpigmented
- Unpillared
- Unpitying
- Unplaced
- Unplanned
- Unplanted
- Unplayable
- Unplayful
- Unpleasant
- Unpleasing
- Unpledged
- Unploughed
- Unplowed
- Unplumbed
- Unpointed
- Unpolished
- Unpolitical
- Unpolluted
- Unpompous
- Unpopular
- Unpopulated
- Unportable
- Unpotted
- Unpowered
- Unpracticed
- Unprecedented
- Unpredictable
- Unpredicted
- Unpredictive
- Unprejudiced
- Unpremeditated
- Unprepared
- Unprepossessing
- Unpresentable
- Unpresidential
- Unpretending
- Unpretentious
- Unpreventable
- Unpriestly
- Unprincipled
- Unprintable
- Unproblematic
- Unprocurable
- Unproductive
- Unprofessional
- Unprofitable
- Unprogressive
- Unpromising
- Unprompted
- Unpronounceable
- Unprophetic
- Unpropitious
- Unprotected
- Unprotective
- Unprovable
- Unproved
- Unproven
- Unprovocative
- Unprovoked
- Unprovoking
- Unpublishable
- Unpublished
- Unpunctual
- Unpunished
- Unpurified
- Unqualified
- Unquantifiable
- Unquenchable
- Unquestionable
- Unquestioned
- Unquestioning
- Unquiet
- Unquotable
- Unranked
- Unratable
- Unratified
- Unraveled
- Unreachable
- Unreached
- Unreactive
- Unread
- Unreadable
- Unready
- Unreal
- Unrealistic
- Unrealizable
- Unrealized
- Unreasonable
- Unreasoning
- Unreassuring
- Unreceptive
- Unreciprocated
- Unrecognisable
- Unrecognizable
- Unrecognized
- Unreconcilable
- Unreconciled
- Unreconstructed
- Unrecorded
- Unrecoverable
- Unredeemable
- Unredeemed
- Unreduced
- Unrefined
- Unreflected
- Unreflective
- Unreformable
- Unreformed
- Unrefreshed
- Unregenerate
- Unregenerated
- Unregistered
- Unregretful
- Unregretting
- Unregulated
- Unrelated
- Unrelaxed
- Unrelenting
- Unreliable
- Unrelieved
- Unremarkable
- Unremarked
- Unremedied
- Unremitting
- Unremorseful
- Unremunerative
- Unrenewable
- Unrenewed
- Unrentable
- Unrepaired
- Unrepeatable
- Unrepentant
- Unreplaceable
- Unreportable
- Unreported
- Unrepresentative
- Unrepresented
- Unreproducible
- Unrequested
- Unrequited
- Unresentful
- Unreserved
- Unresistant
- Unresisting
- Unresolvable
- Unresolved
- Unrespectable
- Unresponsive
- Unrested
- Unrestrained
- Unrestricted
- Unrestrictive
- Unretentive
- Unretrievable
- Unrevealed
- Unreverberant
- Unrevived
- Unrewarded
- Unrewarding
- Unrhetorical
- Unrhymed
- Unrhythmic
- Unrhythmical
- Unrifled
- Unrigged
- Unrighteous
- Unrimed
- Unripe
- Unripened
- Unrivaled
- Unrivalled
- Unromantic
- Unroofed
- Unrouged
- Unruffled
- Unruly
- Unsaddled
- Unsafe
- Unsaid
- Unsalable
- Unsalaried
- Unsaleable
- Unsalted
- Unsalvageable
- Unsanctified
- Unsanctioned
- Unsanded
- Unsanitary
- Unsaponified
- Unsarcastic
- Unsated
- Unsatiable
- Unsatiated
- Unsatisfactory
- Unsatisfiable
- Unsatisfied
- Unsatisfying
- Unsaturated
- Unsaved
- Unsavory
- Unsavoury
- Unscalable
- Unscathed
- Unscheduled
- Unscholarly
- Unschooled
- Unscientific
- Unscripted
- Unscrupulous
- Unsealed
- Unseamanlike
- Unseamed
- Unseasonable
- Unseasoned
- Unseaworthy
- Unsectarian
- Unsecured
- Unseductive
- Unseeable
- Unseeded
- Unseeing
- Unseemly
- Unseen
- Unsegmented
- Unsegregated
- Unselected
- Unselective
- Unselfconscious
- Unselfish
- Unsensational
- Unsent
- Unsentimental
- Unserviceable
- Unservile
- Unsettled
- Unsettling
- Unsexed
- Unsexy
- Unshackled
- Unshaded
- Unshadowed
- Unshakable
- Unshaken
- Unshaped
- Unshapely
- Unshapen
- Unshared
- Unsharpened
- Unshaved
- Unshaven
- Unsheared
- Unsheathed
- Unshelled
- Unshielded
- Unshockable
- Unshod
- Unshoed
- Unshorn
- Unshrinkable
- Unshrinking
- Unshuttered
- Unsighted
- Unsightly
- Unsigned
- Unsilenced
- Unsinkable
- Unsized
- Unskilled
- Unskillful
- Unsleeping
- Unsloped
- Unsmiling
- Unsmooth
- Unsmoothed
- Unsnarled
- Unsociable
- Unsocial
- Unsoiled
- Unsold
- Unsoldierly
- Unsolicited
- Unsoluble
- Unsolvable
- Unsolved
- Unsophisticated
- Unsorted
- Unsought
- Unsound
- Unsoundable
- Unsounded
- Unsoured
- Unsown
- Unspaced
- Unsparing
- Unspeakable
- Unspecialized
- Unspecific
- Unspecified
- Unspectacular
- Unspent
- Unspoiled
- Unspoilt
- Unspoken
- Unsporting
- Unsportsmanlike
- Unspotted
- Unstable
- Unstaged
- Unstained
- Unstarred
- Unstated
- Unstatesmanlike
- Unsteady
- Unsterilized
- Unstilted
- Unstimulating
- Unstinted
- Unstinting
- Unstirred
- Unstoppable
- Unstoppered
- Unstrained
- Unstratified
- Unstructured
- Unstrung
- Unstuck
- Unstudied
- Unstudious
- Unstylish
- Unsuasible
- Unsubdivided
- Unsubduable
- Unsubdued
- Unsubmissive
- Unsubstantial
- Unsubstantiated
- Unsubtle
- Unsuccessful
- Unsufferable
- Unsugared
- Unsuitable
- Unsuited
- Unsullied
- Unsung
- Unsupportable
- Unsupported
- Unsupportive
- Unsure
- Unsurmountable
- Unsurpassable
- Unsurprising
- Unsusceptible
- Unsuspected
- Unsuspecting
- Unsuspicious
- Unsustainable
- Unswayed
- Unsweet
- Unsweetened
- Unswept
- Unswerving
- Unsworn
- Unsyllabic
- Unsyllabled
- Unsymbolic
- Unsymmetric
- Unsymmetrical
- Unsympathetic
- Unsympathizing
- Unsynchronized
- Unsynchronous
- Unsystematic
- Untactful
- Untagged
- Untainted
- Untalented
- Untalkative
- Untamable
- Untamed
- Untanned
- Untaped
- Untapped
- Untarnished
- Untasted
- Untaught
- Untaxed
- Untechnical
- Untellable
- Untempered
- Untempting
- Untenable
- Untenanted
- Untended
- Untested
- Untethered
- Unthankful
- Unthawed
- Untheatrical
- Unthematic
- Unthinkable
- Unthinking
- Unthought
- Unthoughtful
- Unthreatening
- Untidy
- Untilled
- Untimbered
- Untimely
- Untipped
- Untired
- Untiring
- Untitled
- Untoasted
- Untold
- Untoothed
- Untouchable
- Untouched
- Untoughened
- Untoward
- Untraceable
- Untracked
- Untraditional
- Untrained
- Untransferable
- Untranslatable
- Untransmutable
- Untraveled
- Untravelled
- Untraversable
- Untreated
- Untried
- Untrimmed
- Untrod
- Untrodden
- Untroubled
- Untrue
- Untrusting
- Untrustworthy
- Untrusty
- Untruthful
- Untucked
- Untufted
- Untuneful
- Unturned
- Untutored
- Untwisted
- Untypical
- Unusable
- Unuseable
- Unusual
- Unutterable
- Unuttered
- Unvaccinated
- Unvalued
- Unvaned
- Unvanquishable
- Unvanquished
- Unvaried
- Unvarnished
- Unvarying
- Unvendible
- Unvented
- Unventilated
- Unverbalized
- Unverifiable
- Unverified
- Unvigilant
- Unvindictive
- Unvitrified
- Unvoiced
- Unvoluntary
- Unvulcanized
- Unwanted
- Unwarmed
- Unwarrantable
- Unwarranted
- Unwary
- Unwashed
- Unwatchable
- Unwatchful
- Unwavering
- Unwaxed
- Unweaned
- Unwearable
- Unwearied
- Unwearying
- Unweathered
- Unwebbed
- Unwed
- Unwedded
- Unwelcome
- Unwell
- Unwholesome
- Unwieldy
- Unwilled
- Unwilling
- Unwise
- Unwished
- Unwitting
- Unwomanly
- Unwonted
- Unwooded
- Unworkable
- Unworkmanlike
- Unworldly
- Unworried
- Unworthy
- Unwounded
- Unwoven
- Unwrinkled
- Unwritten
- Unyielding
- Upbeat
- Upbound
- Upcoming
- Upcountry
- Upcurved
- Upended
- Upfield
- Upfront
- Uphill
- Upland
- Upmarket
- Upmost
- Upper
- Uppercase
- Upper-class
- Uppermost
- Uppish
- Uppity
- Upright
- Uproarious
- Upscale
- Upset
- Upsetting
- Upstage
- Upstair
- Upstairs
- Upstanding
- Upstart
- Upstream
- Uptight
- Up-to-date
- Uptown
- Upturned
- Upward
- Upwind
- Uraemic
- Urban
- Urbane
- Urbanized
- Urceolate
- Uremic
- Urethral
- Urgent
- Uric
- Uricosuric
- Urinary
- Urogenital
- Ursine
- Uruguayan
- Usable
- Useable
- Useful
- Useless
- Usual
- Usufructuary
- Usurious
- Uterine
- Utile
- Utilitarian
- Utility
- Utilizable
- Utmost
- Utopian
- Utter
- Utterable
- Uttered
- Uttermost
- Uveal
- Uveous
- Uvular
- Uxorial
- Uxorious
- Uzbekistani
Adjectives That Start with U – with Definitions and Examples
In order to help you get a complete and accurate understanding of these adjectives beginning with U, we listed their definitions and example as well below.
- Ubiquitous
Definition: present, appearing, or found everywhere
Example: His ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family.
- Ugandan
Definition: relating to or characteristic of Uganda or its people
Example: We venture into a Ugandan rainforest.
- Ugly
Definition: unpleasant and threatening or violent
Example: There were ugly scenes outside the stadium.
- Ulcerated
Definition: having ulcers
Example: Mrs. Blowen Jones is now a patient of mine and is housebound with badly ulcerated legs.
- Ulcerative
Definition: affected by or involving ulcers (= breaks in the skin, or on the surface of an organ inside the body, that do not heal naturally)
Example: An endoscopy revealed an ulcerative tumour.
- Ulcerous
Definition: having or constituting an ulcer
Example: The parasites created ulcerous sores.
- Ulterior
Definition: existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden
Example: Could there be an ulterior motive behind his request?
- Ultimate
Definition: most extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst
Example: Of course, the ultimate responsibility for the present conflict without doubt lies with the aggressor.
- Ultraconservative
Definition: extremely conservative, esp. in politics
Example: the camp tour guide says the show, first screened in 2005, is a hit in some ultraconservative countries.
- Ultramarine
Definition: used to describe things that are very bright blue in colour
Example: The ultramarine layer has been identified as Prussian blue, a pigment which was favoured from the early 18th century onwards.
- Ultramicroscopic
Definition: too small to be seen with an ordinary microscope
Example: Morphometric readouts obtained with optoacoustic mesoscopy have been verified with high-resolution ultramicroscopic studies.
- Ultramodern
Definition: extremely modern; advanced
Example: This computer is a high-performance ultramodern machine.
- Ultrasonic
Definition: of, pertaining to, or utilizing ultrasound
Example: Its ears produce ultrasonic waves that allow it to communicate with others and hunt its prey.
- Ultraviolet
Definition: used to describe a light at the purple end of the spectrum (=set of colors into which light is separated), which cannot be seen by human beings
Example: Fragments were separated through electrophoresis on 2 agarose gels and visualized using ethidium bromide under ultraviolet light.
- Umber
Definition: of the color of raw umber of burnt umber
Example: Her mother sat glumly, examining some burnt umber paint on the back of her hand.
- Umbilical
Definition: of or like an umbilicus, or navel, or an umbilical cord
Example: Medics say she had passed too much blood back through the umbilical cord just before birth.
- Umbrageous
Definition: affording shade
Example: Sitting under the umbrageous tree, the overheated workers were thankful for the shade.
- Umpteen
Definition: innumerable; many
Example: We missed umpteen chances but stuck at it and got our reward in the end.
- Unabashed
Definition: without any worry about possible criticism or embarrassment
Example: He is an unabashed capitalist.
- Unabated
Definition: without any reduction in intensity or strength
Example: During the Crimean War the political reaction continued with unabated force
- Unabridged
Definition: not abridged or shortened, as a book
Example: The audiobooks are presented in unabridged format with the exception of a handful of missing stories from the first book.
- Unaccented
Definition: spoken without any accent (=the way people from a particular country or area pronounce words)
Example: He speaks perfect unaccented English.
- Unacceptable
Definition: too bad to be accepted, approved of, or allowed to continue
Example: He was debarred from the club for unacceptable behaviour.
- Unaccepted
Definition: not received or accepted
Example: The system not only allows the storage of accepted and unaccepted names, but it also documents the relationships between names.
- Unaccommodating
Definition: insufficient or poorly provided for
Example: The basement room was bleak and unaccommodating.
- Unaccompanied
Definition: not having anyone with you when you go somewhere
Example: An estimated 30 unaccompanied children arrive at the city’s train stations every day.
- Unaccountable
Definition: not able to be explained or understood
Example: For some unaccountable reason, he keeps his wallet in his underwear drawer.
- Unaccredited
Definition: lacking particular credentials or authorization
Example: He was involved variously as a second-unit director, associate producer and in a variety of unaccredited roles.
- Unaccustomed
Definition: not familiar or usual; out of the ordinary
Example: They finished their supper with unaccustomed speed.
- Unachievable
Definition: (a task, ambition, etc.) is one that is impossible to achieve
Example: Cheap, pesticide-free food is probably an unachievable objective.
- Unacknowledged
Definition: (of something or someone) ignore their existence or presence, or are not aware of it.
Example: Unresolved or unacknowledged fears can trigger sleepwalking.
- Unadaptable
Definition: (of an artistic work) not able to be changed into a different form
Example: I believe he’s a dying breed and, like all unadaptable life forms, will become extinct.
- Unadapted
Definition: not having changed in accordance with altered circumstances
Example: The ice ages followed by warm phases of the earth resulted in countless unadapted species becoming extinct.
- Unadjusted
Definition: (of figures) do not consider particular things such as inflation, which would make the figures easier to compare with others
Example: At an unadjusted rate of 7.3%, Janesville had the 33rd highest unemployment in February.
- Unadoptable
Definition: (of children or animals) not able to be adopted or placed in a home
Example: The amendment also required that excess, unadoptable horses shall be made available for sale without limitation.
- Unadorned
Definition: not decorated; plain
Example: The book is well enough written in a clear, unadorned style.
- Unadulterated
Definition: not spoiled or made weaker by the addition of other substances; pure
Example: People injecting drugs can never be sure that they’re using unadulterated substances.
- Unadventurous
Definition: not offering, involving, or eager for new or stimulating things
Example: He was the unadventurous type.
- Unaesthetic
Definition: offensive to the aesthetic sense; lacking in beauty or sensory appeal; unpleasant, as an object, design, arrangement, etc
Example: He was an extremely unaesthetic person.
- Unaffectionate
Definition: not affectionate or demonstrative
Example: I derived a surprising degree of comfort from this laconic but not unaffectionate greeting.
- Unaffiliated
Definition: not officially connected or associated with an organization
Example: There were a number of flowerless, champagneless tables and at least three of them were occupied by unaffiliated diners.
- Unaffordable
Definition: not affordable; overly expensive
Example: Ignoring the voters is an unaffordable luxury and a guarantee that power will remain elusive for many years to come.
- Unafraid
Definition: feeling no fear or anxiety
Example: She was calm and unafraid.
- Unaged
Definition: not having been aged or subjected to the ageing process
Example: She found a handyman who put up bookshelves made of green, unaged timber, which she knew would warp and sag.
- Unaggressive
Definition: not aggressive or combative
Example: The failure to pursue very far such allegations can be partly put down to a relatively unaggressive press.
- Unaided
Definition: without any help from anyone else; independently
Example: The two explorers attempted an unaided walk across the South Pole.
- Unalienable
Definition: not able to be transferred to another; not alienable
Example: Agreeing that mankind has certain unalienable rights has always proved much easier than agreeing what they should be.
- Unalloyed
Definition: (especially of a positive feeling) not spoiled by any amount of negative feeling; pure
Example: Spending time with one’s family is never an unalloyed pleasure.
- Unalterable
Definition: not capable of being altered, changed, or modified
Example: The authors chose this as a reference to the unalterable nature of organisms trapped in amber.
- Unaltered
Definition: not altered; unchanged
Example: Mylonitic coal, in turn, displayed microhardness values similar to those found in the unaltered coal.
- Unambiguous
Definition: expressed in a way that makes it completely clear what is meant
Example: The minister promised a clear and unambiguous statement on the future of the coal industry.
- Unambitious
Definition: not motivated or driven by a strong desire or determination to succeed
Example: He was an unambitious man.
- Unamended
Definition: not amended, altered, or added to
Example: The more likely scenario, however, is that the unamended legislation will continue its passage through the synod.
- Unanalyzable
Definition: not able to be analyzed or examined
Example: Then nine different featured were applied individually to group captured images into the clinically analyzable and unanalyzable classes.
- Unanalyzed
Definition: not yet analyzed or examined
Example: Acronyms and initialisms from foreign languages are often treated as unanalyzed morphemes when they are not translated.
- Unanimous
Definition: (of an opinion, decision, or vote) held or carried by everyone involved
Example: This requires the unanimous approval of all member states.
- Unannounced
Definition: sudden and unexpected
Example: Several unannounced acts made this concert special.
- Unanswerable
Definition: (of a question) without an answer
Example: As to how long this war will last, it’s an unanswerable question.
- Unanswered
Definition: (of a question or letter) has not been answered
Example: Reader should send a copy of unanswered letter to their MP.
- Unanticipated
Definition: not expected or predicted
Example: One of the unanticipated gains of the reforms has been the shift of emphasis to primary care.
- Unapparent
Definition: not apparent, obvious, or visible
Example: This paper emphasizes the importance of computed tomography in diagnosing such unapparent aggressive tumors.
- Unappealable
Definition: (of a judgment, etc) not capable of being appealed against
Example: They related to unappealable or no longer appealable decisions of the secretary of state.
- Unappealing
Definition: not inviting or attractive
Example: The company faces some unappealing choices.
- Unappeasable
Definition: not able to be appeased, mollified, or satisfied
Example: I remembered with a shudder the crib in which Luman had been bound; and the look of unappeasable rage in his eyes.
- Unappetizing
Definition: (of food) not pleasing or stimulating to the appetite
Example: The prospect of an unappetizing tea, and the dark, dingy hours waiting like cold greens she must eat before bedtime, oppressed her.
- Unapproachable
Definition: not welcoming or friendly
Example: He seems stuffy and unapproachable.
- Unarguable
Definition: used to describe a statement or opinion as unarguable, you think it is obviously true or correct and that nobody could disagree with it.
Example: He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component.
- Unarmed
Definition: not equipped with or carrying weapons
Example: He was shooting unarmed civilians.
- Unarmored
Definition: not equipped with defensive or protective covering (such as steel plating): not armored
Example: They were ideal for handling the mix of armored and unarmored opponents of that time.
- Unarticulated
Definition: not articulated
Example: Instead, it captured a deep but unarticulated mood, a growing sense that the beautiful game was ripe for reinvention.
- Unartistic
Definition: lacking artistic sensibilities; not artistic
Example: I go break his neck, said Dayo, holding up a pair of unartistic hands that would have found the task trifling.
- Unary
Definition: consisting of, or affecting, a single element or component; monadic
Example: It was a mixture of unary fertilizers or polifoska.
- Unascertainable
Definition: not able to be ascertained, discovered, or made certain
Example: The cause of death was unascertainable.
- Unashamed
Definition: not ashamed; without hiding behaviour or opinions that other people might consider unacceptable
Example: Afterwards he spent five minutes with the president, of whom he is an unashamed admirer.
- Unasked
Definition: (of a question) not asked
Example: She was undernourished, an observation that prompted yet another unasked question.
- Unassailable
Definition: unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated
Example: When the runner looked back and did not see anyone in the distance, he knew he had an unassailable lead in the race.
- Unassertive
Definition: not assertive or aggressive; timid
Example: In the most passive, unassertive way imaginable he breaks up with his girlfriend.
- Unassigned
Definition: not allocated or set aside for a specific purpose
Example: As cellular phones proliferate; the number of unassigned numbers is being exhausted.
- Unassisted
Definition: without being helped by anyone or anything
Example: She decided on an unassisted birth at home.
- Unassuming
Definition: not pretentious or arrogant; modest
Example: He was an unassuming and kindly man.
- Unattached
Definition: (of someone) not married or does not have a girlfriend or boyfriend
Example: I knew only two or three unattached men.
- Unattainable
Definition: not able to be achieved
Example: Many economists think that full employment is an unattainable goal.
- Unattended
Definition: (of people or things) not being watched or looked after
Example: An unattended bag was spotted near the platform.
- Unattractive
Definition: used to describe something as unattractive, you mean that people do not like it and do not want to be involved with it
Example: It is not an unattractive option to make programs for other companies.
- Unauthorized
Definition: without someone’s official permission to do something or be in a particular place
Example: Unauthorized personnel are not admitted beyond this point.
- Unavailing
Definition: achieving little or nothing; ineffective
Example: He died after a brave but unavailing fight against a terminal illness.
- Unavenged
Definition: relating to that which has not been punished or avenged
Example: It connotes aspects of lament and unavenged injustice.
- Unavoidable
Definition: (of something) that cannot be avoided or prevented
Example: The recession has resulted in an unavoidable increase in spending on unemployment benefit.
- Unavowed
Definition: not openly admitted or acknowledged
Example: Had there been unavowed connivance of the police agents?
- Unbalanced
Definition: not giving accurate, fair, or equal coverage to all aspects; partial
Example: This may give an unbalanced impression of the competition.
- Unbanded
Definition: not fastened with a band
Example: He lit one of the unbanded maduro seconds he bought in bundles of fifty from a guy on Coral Way.
- Unbaptized
Definition: not baptized
Example: This twelve-day period used to be called the unbaptized days, during which the demonic forces of all kinds were considered to be more than usually active and dangerous.
- Unbearable
Definition: too painful or unpleasant for you to continue to experience
Example: All I remember of my daughter’s birth was the unbearable pain and the relief when it was all over.
- Unbeatable
Definition: extremely good; outstanding
Example: God and country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed.
- Unbeaten
Definition: not defeated or surpassed
Example: They lost their unbeaten record with a 2-1 home defeat.
- Unbecoming
Definition: (of behaviour) not fitting or appropriate; unseemly
Example: The bully’s unbecoming behavior spread throughout the school and even good kids began acting mean.
- Unbelievable
Definition: extremely surprising
Example: She eats an unbelievable amount of food.
- Unbelieving
Definition: having no religious beliefs, or not following a particular religion
Example: They were to preach to the unbelieving people.
- Unbending
Definition: (of someone) make fixed judgments and decisions that they are unwilling to change
Example: He has earned a reputation as a stern and unbending politician.
- Unbeneficed
Definition: lacking a benefice
Example: Perpetual curates were appointed to the unbeneficed parishes and chapels of ease formerly in the possession of the canons.
- Unbent
Definition: not compelled to yield or give way by force
Example: What’s less known is the story of his unbent spirit and can-do rehabilitation.
- Unbleached
Definition: not having been made or become white or lighter through exposure to sunlight or by the action of chemical agents, etc
Example: The dash and door panels are made from seagrass and unbleached eucalyptus wood.
- Unblemished
Definition: (of skin) without any marks that spoil its appearance
Example: You’d never guess that boyish, unblemished face spent so much time outdoors.
- Unblended
Definition: not blended; unmixed
Example: Hang on why are there chunks of unblended onion?
- Unblinking
Definition: (of a person or their eyes) not blinking
Example: David watched with unblinking eye.
- Unblushing
Definition: immodest or shameless
Example: He was an unblushing nepotist, nor was he afraid to practice gross fraud when occasion called for it.
- Unbooked
Definition: not reserved or booked
Example: You can reserve seats or just turn up at the station, as all trains have unbooked carriages.
- Unborn
Definition: not yet born or brought to birth
Example: She moved home but continued the relationship for the sake of their unborn son.
- Unbounded
Definition: having no boundaries or limits
Example: I wasn’t ready for a meaningful relationship either; I hadn’t matured and couldn’t give you the unbounded love you needed.
- Unbranched
Definition: not having branches; not branching
Example: The masses of largely unbranched stems bear alternate pinnate leaves.
- Unbranded
Definition: (of a product) sold under the name of a shop or under the name of the product itself, rather than the name of the company that made it
Example: Unbranded goods can be half the price of big-name brands.
- Unbridgeable
Definition: used for describing differences or divisions between people that are so big they will never be made smaller
Example: There is an unbridgeable divide between the country’s two main political camps.
- Unbridled
Definition: unrestrained; uncontrolled
Example: Some City lawyers do not share that unbridled enthusiasm.
- Unbroken
Definition: (of something) continuous or complete and has not been interrupted or broken
Example: We’ve had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine.
- Unbrushed
Definition: (of hair, clothing, etc) not brushed
Example: Liz pushed unbrushed hair away from her eyes and looked dimly at the clock.
- Unburied
Definition: not buried or placed in a grave
Example: The unburied bodies were discovered at ten different sites.
- Unburnished
Definition: (of metals or metal objects) not burnished
Example: His gift is to turn unburnished material into observational gold.
- Unbuttoned
Definition: relaxed and informal
Example: These musicians are keen to communicate the joy of classical music in a more unbuttoned style.
- Uncanny
Definition: strange or mysterious; difficult or impossible to explain
Example: He has an uncanny ability to pick a winner.
- Uncapped
Definition: not selected for a representative team
Example: The team is made up largely of uncapped players.
- Uncaring
Definition: not worrying about other people’s troubles or doing anything to help them
Example: The charity criticized the city for its “callous, uncaring attitude” to the homeless.
- Uncarved
Definition: not carved ornamentally; free from carving
Example: Avoiding overdecoration, these artists left uncarved spaces where required, although their elaborate doorjambs are exhibitionistic.
- Unceasing
Definition: continuing and unlikely to stop or become less
Example: The authors are grateful for the unceasing support of the editors in London and New York.
- Uncensored
Definition: (of a publication, film, letter, etc) not having been banned or edited
Example: Now her lyrics and other ponderings fill up her gloriously uncensored blog.
- Unceremonious
Definition: having or showing a lack of courtesy; rough or abrupt
Example: He was known for his strong views and unceremonious manners.
- Uncertain
Definition: not known or fixed, or not completely certain
Example: These refugees face an uncertain future.
- Uncertified
Definition: not officially registered
Example: These are uncertified death records, and yet, they still provide a wealth of information.
- Unchained
Definition: not bound by shackles and chains
Example: The author once was an unchained treacherous adolescent.
- Unchallengeable
Definition: not open to challenge
Example: Man’s sincerity to his action, devotion, sacrifice, persistence and wholeheartedness are the qualities that do not rise from any pre-existent truth but are capable to create their own unchallengeable truth.
- Unchallenged
Definition: (especially of a person in power) not opposed or defeated
Example: He is the unchallenged leader of the strongest republic.
- Unchangeable
Definition: not changeable or subject to change
Example: The absolute light impulse provides an unchangeable state staying true as the truth.
- Unchanging
Definition: not changing; remaining the same
Example: The party stood for unchanging principles.
- Uncharacteristic
Definition: not typical of a particular person or thing
Example: She looked up at the uncharacteristic demand.
- Uncharged
Definition: having no electric charge; neutral
Example: The move has not been without its problems, one being that students arrive with uncharged laptops.
- Uncharitable
Definition: (of a person’s behaviour or attitude towards others) unkind; unsympathetic
Example: This uncharitable remark possibly arose out of jealousy.
- Uncharted
Definition: not authorized by charter; unregulated
Example: It is a bit like venturing into uncharted territory.
- Unchaste
Definition: relating to or engaging in sexual activity, especially of an illicit or extramarital nature
Example: She told him that she was his accuser in heaven, on account of an unchaste thought the (married) narrator had once had concerning her, though only in passing.
- Uncheckable
Definition: not able to be confirmed; unverifiable information is still coming in,
Example: Information is still coming in, unfortunately some of its uncheckable hearsay.
- Unchecked
Definition: (especially of something undesirable) not controlled or restrained
Example: This provision gives the president total and unchecked power.
- Unchivalrous
Definition: not gallant or courteous
Example: Romantics and reactionaries are wont to complain that we live in a coarse and unchivalrous age.
- Unchristian
Definition: unkind, unfair, or morally wrong
Example: She was possessed of a very unchristian suspicion about her half-sister.
- Uncial
Definition: designating or of a form of large, rounded letter used in the script of Greek and Latin manuscripts between A.D. 300 and 900.
Example: The uncial letters are written separately, without breathings and accents.
- Uncivil
Definition: without good manners; unmannerly; rude; impolite; discourteous
Example: Walking down the town’s narrow central street, they created their own, uncivil procession.
- Uncivilized
Definition: (of a place or people) not socially, culturally, or morally advanced
Example: They pitied us for leaving the Smoke for such uncivilized remoteness.
- Unclaimed
Definition: (of something) no one has said that it belongs to them or that they want it
Example: The proposed bill requires transfer of unclaimed deposits to the state Environmental Protection Fund.
- Unclassifiable
Definition: not able to be assigned to a particular class or category
Example: The rock contains some unclassifiable arthropods.
- Unclassified
Definition: (of information or a document) not secret and is available to the general public
Example: The material consisted only of already published, unclassified information.
- Unclean
Definition: dirty
Example: The firm was fined for operating in unclean premises.
- Unclear
Definition: not clear to the mind
Example: It brought back the unclear memories of last night and as I recalled it, I became really uncomfortable.
- Unclimbable
Definition: incapable of being surmounted or climbed
Example: It had water and knee-high grass, was protected on all four sides by unclimbable walls of sheer rock and the only entrance in was the tunnel.
- Unclothed
Definition: (of someone) not wearing any clothes
Example: He learned how to draw the unclothed human frame.
- Unclouded
Definition: (of the sky) not dark or overcast
Example: You wake up to sunshine and unclouded skies.
- Uncluttered
Definition: not having or impeded by too many objects, details, or elements
Example: The rooms were plain and uncluttered.
- Uncoated
Definition: not covered with a coating
Example: Avoid uncoated aluminum cookware and read labels when buying baking powder, antacids and processed foods.
- Uncollected
Definition: not paid
Example: The company was told it owes $1 million in uncollected sales taxes.
- Uncolored
Definition: with no colour or with no colour added pieces of uncolored glass
Example: Your black coffee is composed of black grain and uncolored water.
- Uncombed
Definition: (of a person’s hair) not combed
Example: His hair was matted and uncombed.
- Uncomely
Definition: not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society
Example: So, I live with a constant and uncomely reminder of folly and failure, and no doubt it does me good.
- Uncomfortable
Definition: (of a situation or fact) difficult to deal with and causes problems and worries
Example: The decree put the president in an uncomfortable position.
- Uncommercial
Definition: not making, intended to make, or allowing a profit
Example: These uncommercial organizations serve herdsmen wholeheartedly and play an important role in promoting stockbreeding and developing the economy in pasturing areas.
- Uncommitted
Definition: (of resources) not pledged or set aside for future use
Example: There is very little uncommitted money to fund new policies.
- Uncommon
Definition: (esp. of a human quality) unusually large in amount or degree
Example: She’s a woman of uncommon kindness.
- Uncommunicative
Definition: unwilling to talk or impart information
Example: My daughter is very difficult, uncommunicative and moody.
- Uncompassionate
Definition: not showing compassion or sympathy for other people
Example: No liberal ever be as hard on them as the uncompassionate conservatives.
- Uncompensated
Definition: used to describe work that is not paid for
Example: The company provided more than $86 million in uncompensated care to uninsured patients last year.
- Uncompetitive
Definition: not involving or encouraging competition
Example: We want to make sure they are not allowed to employ uncompetitive practices when they are bidding against us.
- Uncomplaining
Definition: (of someone) not complaining
Example: He was a cheerful and uncomplaining travel companion.
- Uncompleted
Definition: that has not been finished
Example: What was important was that Painter felt safe in showing her uncompleted work.
- Uncomplicated
Definition: simple or straightforward
Example: He was an extraordinarily uncomplicated man.
- Uncomplimentary
Definition: rudely criticizing
Example: She had some very uncomplimentary things to say about Stephen.
- Uncomprehended
Definition: not comprehended or understood
Example: My dear, the explanation of an uncomprehended technology as magic is primitivism.
- Uncomprehending
Definition: not understanding something
Example: They walked through the ruins of the city with dazed, uncomprehending looks.
- Uncompromising
Definition: (of people or their beliefs) that are fixed and do not change, especially when faced with opposition
Example: The city council has taken an uncompromising stand against the proposals for the new building.
- Unconcealed
Definition: (especially of an emotion) not concealed; obvious
Example: Sophia looked around her with unconcealed curiosity.
- Unconditional
Definition: complete and not limited in any way
Example: We demand the immediate and unconditional; release of all political prisoners.
- Unconfined
Definition: not kept in a limited space; allowed to move or grow freely
Example: Danielson of Animal Control said her officers will search records of previous citations for unlicensed or unconfined dogs in that area.
- Unconfirmed
Definition: (of facts) not certain if they are true
Example: According to unconfirmed reports, two people were killed in the riots last night.
- Uncongenial
Definition: (of an activity or place) not enjoyable, acceptable, or welcoming
Example: My liking for a bargain enables me to overlook uncongenial retail surroundings.
- Unconnected
Definition: not connected; not related
Example: A series of apparently unconnected events led to his resignation.
- Unconquerable
Definition: not able to be defeated, or not able to be successfully controlled or dealt with
Example: She had an unconquerable aversion to modern life.
- Unconscionable
Definition: unreasonably excessive
Example: Shareholders have had to wait an unconscionable time for the facts to be established.
- Unconscious
Definition: done or existing without one realizing
Example: He would wipe back his hair in an unconscious gesture of annoyance.
- Unconsecrated
Definition: not having been made or declared sacred or holy
Example: These were large spaces of unconsecrated ground, away from churchyards or the centre of town.
- Unconstitutional
Definition: not in accordance with the political constitution or with procedural rules
Example: We cannot tolerate unconstitutional action.
- Unconstrained
Definition: not having any constraints
Example: Unconstrained managers have the freedom to seek out cheaper investments wherever they are found.
- Unconstructive
Definition: not constructive
Example: After a few more minutes of unconstructive conversation, they agreed to adjourn until they could investigate the Versailles scandal.
- Unconsumed
Definition: (especially of food or fuel) not consumed
Example: This invariably leads to unconsumed food accumulating on the bottom.
- Unconsummated
Definition: (of a marriage, relationship, etc) not having been consummated
Example: Of course, this is exactly what the audience wants: a creepy, disturbing, dystopian wallow in misery and unconsummated love.
- Uncontaminated
Definition: not having been polluted, infected, or made impure
Example: Uncontaminated happiness is generally synthetic and short-lived.
- Uncontested
Definition: used to describe a decision or result which nobody opposes or disagrees with
Example: The waiting time for an uncontested divorce will be reduced from two years to one.
- Uncontrollable
Definition: not controllable
Example: Her brother had an uncontrollable temper.
- Uncontrolled
Definition: not under control or not limited
Example: Many people said they were worried about uncontrolled immigration.
- Uncontroversial
Definition: not controversial
Example: This is an uncontroversial statement.
- Unconventional
Definition: different from what is usual or from the way most people do things
Example: I had a very unconventional childhood.
- Unconverted
Definition: not having changed to a new religion, belief, or opinion
Example: We are asked to pray for our unconverted friends.
- Unconvertible
Definition: not able to converted
Example: All will be made in unconvertible currency, and overissue will occur.
- Unconvinced
Definition: not certain that something is true or can be relied on or trusted
Example: An unconvinced art world was loudly critical of them.
- Unconvincing
Definition: (of an explanation or story) not sound or seem true or real
Example: They gave some unconvincing explanations for the system failure.
- Uncooked
Definition: not having been cooked
Example: Do not store cooked and uncooked meat together.
- Uncool
Definition: not having or showing composure or self-control; not cool
Example: How did the most uncool face fluff become very cool indeed?
- Uncooperative
Definition: unwilling to help others or do what they ask
Example: I can recall him soothing uncooperative clients on the telephone.
- Uncoordinated
Definition: with different parts failing to work or move well together
Example: the marketing campaign was an uncoordinated effort by several different departments.
- Uncorrectable
Definition: not able to be fixed
Example: Meanwhile, air was trapped in the empty tanks on the port side, contributing to a severe, uncorrectable list.
- Uncorrelated
Definition: not related
Example: Like bonds, these should provide uncorrelated returns to shares.
- Uncorroborated
Definition: uncorroborated information has not been proven to be true
Example: She said the case against her used uncorroborated evidence.
- Uncorrupted
Definition: not having been corrupted
Example: On the margins of the composition a soldier (left) and two old sailors (right) represent uncorrupted patriotism.
- Uncounted
Definition: innumerable
Example: Uncounted generations of tiny creatures built the coral atolls.
- Uncouth
Definition: lacking in good manners, refinement, or grace
Example: Bad language is one thing, but parts for this uncouth comedy are simply badly written.
- Uncovered
Definition: having no covering; exposed
Example: This had something to do with playing on uncovered pitches and some club grounds in the north, where there was more pronounced movement for seam bowlers.
- Uncreative
Definition: not producing or using original or unusual ideas
Example: Toy cars also demonstrate whether imaginative play can develop or whether the child is showing repetitive and uncreative play pushing the car backwards and forwards on the same spot.
- Uncritical
Definition: undiscriminating; not applying or not guided by the standards of analysis
Example: Loyalty to the Pope should not be confused with uncritical acceptance of all he says and does-such an attitude does him no favours.
- Uncropped
Definition: uncut
Example: The wooden counter and surround had framed her like a work of art, but now the uncropped picture was revealed.
- Uncrowded
Definition: not full of people or traffic
Example: They like the commute to work on uncrowded urban expressways.
- Uncrowned
Definition: having the power of royalty without the title
Example: Uncrowned pieces may jump only diagonally forward; kings may jump in any diagonal direction.
- Uncrystallized
Definition: lacking the form of a crystal
Example: Various uncrystallized limestones were frequently used in the archaic period and here and there even in the fifth century.
- Unctuous
Definition: excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily
Example: He seemed anxious to please but not in an unctuous way.
- Uncultivable
Definition: unsuitable for cultivation
Example: This innovative approach brings new insights for future epidemiologic studies on this uncultivable opportunistic fungus.
- Uncultivated
Definition: uncultivated land is not used to grow crops
Example: The uncultivated border regions on farms also provide a refuge for helpful beetle species.
- Uncultured
Definition: lacking good taste, manners, upbringing, and education
Example: He accused modern schools of churning out uncultured children.
- Uncurved
Definition: not curved
Example: The uncurved spathes typically have a cordate, or heart-shaped, whitish base, which contrasts with its dark green veins.
- Uncut
Definition: complete and in its original form
Example: Uncut diamonds are worth less than those that have been cut and shaped.
- Undamaged
Definition: not harmed or damaged
Example: They are planning to spend millions of dollars on renovating the undamaged parts of the building.
- Undatable
Definition: not able to be dated
Example: The first patient developed undatable atrial fibrillation, which was resistant to pharmacological treatment and electrical cardio version.
- Undated
Definition: not having a known or written date
Example: I received an undated letter saying that there would be a delay in opening the account.
- Undaunted
Definition: not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment
Example: He remains an undaunted commuter.
- Undecided
Definition: that is not decided or settled
Example: He keeps wondering if he should race to Ohio to warn the undecided voters.
- Undecipherable
Definition: not able to be deciphered
Example: It also has some undecipherable writing, possibly the artist’s name.
- Undeclared
Definition: not announced or acknowledged publicly
Example: Taxpayers with undeclared tax on offshore assets need to think carefully about their position.
- Undecomposable
Definition: indecomposable or unable to be decomposed
Example: He endorsed the view of elements as the undecomposable constituents of material bodies; and made the distinction between mixtures and compounds.
- Undecorated
Definition: exhibiting no decoration or unadorned
Example: It is the undecorated grace of his nature.
- Undefeated
Definition: not defeated, especially in a battle or other contest
Example: He was an undefeated champion of underground wrestling until he encountered the trio of heroes from Final Fight.
- Undefended
Definition: not having people to provide resistance against danger, attack, or harm
Example: The site was originally occupied by a few undefended round huts.
- Undefiled
Definition: not made morally impure
Example: The reformers assumed that the artificial city promoted evil while the natural pure, undefiled countryside promoted the good, simple life.
- Undefined
Definition: not clearly described, stated, or known
Example: The business is attempting to gauge how large a share of a new and largely undefined market it can seize.
- Undemanding
Definition: (of a job or task) not require you to work very hard or to think a great deal about it
Example: Over a tenth of the population have secure, undemanding jobs.
- Undemocratic
Definition: not characterized by, derived from, or relating to the principles of democracy
Example: It was right or point out the undemocratic regime of the school governor.
- Undemonstrative
Definition: (of a person) not tending to express feelings, especially of affection, openly
Example: The English are an undemonstrative lot.
- Undeniable
Definition: unable to be denied or disputed
Example: It is an undeniable fact that some dogs are easier to train than others.
- Undenominational
Definition: not belonging to or concerned with a particular denomination
Example: In education; matters he waged a long and successful struggle on behalf of undenominational schools and for the establishment of the intermediate school system.
- Undependable
Definition: not able to be depended or relied upon
Example: Perhaps you’d enjoy going back to it instead of relying on such an undependable person.
- Underactive
Definition: (of part of the body) not working as much or as effectively as it should
Example: About 27 million Americans have an overactive or underactive thyroid.
- Underage
Definition: younger than the lowest age at which a particular activity is legally or usually allowed
Example: There are laws against underage sex and underage drinking.
- Undercooked
Definition: not cooked enough
Example: People can become infected after eating raw or undercooked meat.
- Undercover
Definition: working secretly using a false appearance in order to get information for the police or government
Example: She doesn’t know Jack is an undercover police agent attempting to infiltrate her group.
- Underdeveloped
Definition: not as advanced or powerful as possible or expected
Example: The reason for the underdeveloped state of the country’s capital markets is decades of economic mismanagement.
- Underdone
Definition: (of food) not thoroughly cooked; not cooked enough
Example: You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crum of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato.
- Underemployed
Definition: not having enough work to do, working only part time, or working in a job that does not use all your skills
Example: There are many underemployed workers willing to change jobs to get ahead.
- Underfed
Definition: not having had enough food to eat
Example: Weak, underfed patients risk undoing the good medical work carried out on their behalf.
- Underfunded
Definition: receiving less money than is needed to continue or to work effectively
Example: The delay probably is the result of an underfunded and understaffed operation.
- Underground
Definition: below the surface of the earth; below ground
Example: He suffers from claustrophobia so he never travels on underground trains.
Positive Adjectives That Start with U to Describe a Person
Adjectives that start with U to describe a person from a positive side are not so many, because as you may know usually they start with “Un”, which means not.
1. Unerring
Definition: always right or accurate
Synonyms: perfect, faultless, true, sure
Example: She has an unerring instinct for language.
2. Ulterior
Definition: existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden
Synonyms: unexpressed, undisclosed, unapparent, secret
Example: She definitely had an ulterior motive in offering to help.
3. Upbeat
Definition: cheerful, optimistic
Synonyms: positive, bright, idealistic, confident
Example: He was upbeat about the company’s future.
4. Understanding
Definition: sympathetically aware of other people’s feelings; tolerant and forgiving
Synonyms: compassionate, kind-hearted, humane, thoughtful
Example: She is an understanding mother.
5. Unimpeachable
Definition: not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy
Synonyms: dependable, reliable, perfect, faultless
Example: He was pious, charitable, of unimpeachable morality, quick-tempered but placable, no great scholar, and only energetic as a hunter.
6. Urbane
Definition: (of a person) courteous and refined in manner
Synonyms: elegant, polished, courteous
Example: He was charming and urbane, full of witty conversation.
7. Upright
Definition: (of a person) sitting, or standing with the back straight
Synonyms: honorable, honest, respectable, respectable
Example: He is an upright member of society.
Positive Adjectives That Start with U to Describe an Event
Although descriptive words that start with U are ample, ones that describe events positively are not so abundant. We listed some below; can you add more?
1. Unbroken
Definition: not broken, fractured, or damaged
Synonyms: unimpaired, unspoiled, entire, complete
Example: The Olympic record he set is still unbroken.
2. Undeniable
Definition: unable to be denied, or disputed
Synonyms: indisputable, irrefutable, positive, obvious
Example: The defeat of the allies was undeniable, and a violent quarrel broke out between them on the spot.
3. Undisturbed
Definition: not disturbed
Synonyms: calm, unmoved, placid, peaceful
Example: The war had not left Bargate undisturbed.
4. Unforgettable
Definition: impossible to forget; very memorable
Synonyms: indelible, memorable, remarkable
Example: A great way to make the party unforgettable is to have a theme for the night.
Positive Adjectives That Start with U to Describe a Place
Due to the nature of adjectives that start with the letter U, finding enough those words to describe a place positively is also not an easy job. If you know more, please share with us in the comment.
1. Ubiquitous
Definition: present, appearing, or found everywhere
Synonyms: everywhere, global, worldwide, pervasive
Example: He aims to make his product ubiquitous by selling it internationally.
2. Uplifted
Definition: raised to a higher moral, social, or cultural level or condition; elevated
Synonyms: boosted, raised, elevated, lifted
Example: Everyone left the meeting feeling uplifted.
3. Umbrageous
Definition: affording shade, inclined to take offense easily
Synonyms: dusky, cloudy, covered, leafy
Example: A garden with umbrageous trees, is here for you to take your ease.
4. Urban
Definition: related to a city
Synonyms: town, city, inner-city, built-up
Example: The town is governed by an urban district council.
5. Undulating
Definition: having a smoothly rising and falling form, or outline
Synonyms: wave, billow, ripple, rise, and fall
Example: The city is laid out regularly on the high, undulating prairie.
6. Uncluttered
Definition: not having or impeded by too many objects, details, or elements
Synonyms: clean, open, orderly, prim
Example: The rooms were plain and uncluttered.
Positive Adjectives That Start with U to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Adjectives with letter U do not seem to be so widely used when describing emotions and feelings positively, but some of them are still of utmost importance to learn, such as the ones below.
1. Ultimate
Definition: being or happening at the end of a process; final
Synonyms: eventual, concluding, endmost, ensuing
Example: His ultimate aim is to increase production.
2. Unique
Definition: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else
Synonyms: distinctive, individual, unusual, peculiar
Example: Everyone’s fingerprints are unique.
3. United
Definition: joined together for a common purpose, or by common feelings
Synonyms: unified, merged, consolidated, shared
Example: Most of the villagers are united in their feelings that the increased taxes are unfair.
4. Utmost
Definition: most extreme; greatest
Synonyms: highest, maximum, supreme, enormous
Example: We had to push ourselves to the utmost to finish the job in time.
5. Unhurried
Definition: moving, acting, or taking place without haste, or urgency
Synonyms: relaxed, easy-going, careful, calm
Example: He began opening the drawers of his desk in an unhurried way.
6. Undying
Definition: (especially of an emotion) lasting forever
Synonyms: enduring, continuing, constant, permanent
Example: He had won her undying gratitude.
7. Unyielding
Definition: (of a person or their behavior) unlikely to be swayed; resolute
Synonyms: unbending, implacable, obstinate, firm
Example: He was a steely fellow, a man with a gentle southern accent, and an unyielding faith in the discipline.
8. Unselfish
Definition: willing to put the needs, or wishes of others before one’s own
Synonyms: kind, benevolent, charitable, caring
Example: She started to get a reputation as an unselfish girl with a heart of gold.
9. Unfeigned
Definition: genuine; sincere
Synonyms: real, true, honest, authentic, unaffected
Example: He showed unfeigned satisfaction at his friend’s success.
10. Unsullied
Definition: not spoiled, or made impure
Synonyms: spotless, undamaged, unbroken, perfect
Example: His academic reputation remains unsullied by deeds that would have seen him fired in any other establishment.
Negative Adjectives That Start with U to Describe a Person
Contrary to former case, adjective words that start with U to describe a person from a negative side are widely seen, like “Ugly”, “Unhappy”, etc.
1. Ugly
Definition: unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance
Synonyms: unattractive, unlovely, displeasing, unsightly
Example: He was short, near-sighted, ugly, and exceptionally awkward.
2. Unctuous
Definition: excessively flattering, or ingratiating; oily
Synonyms: fawning, crawling, groveling
Example: He seemed anxious to please but not in an unctuous way.
3. Uppity
Definition: self-important, arrogant
Synonyms: high-hat, snobby, arrogant.
Example: Uppity little man seemed to object to my bringing Bessie along with me.
4. Unfair
Definition: not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice
Synonyms: unjust, prejudiced, inequitable, unequal
Example: She is being a little unfair to her sister.
5. Unfaithful
Definition: disloyal, not faithful, or insincere
Synonyms: faithless, untrue, fickle, cheating
Example: He was wrong for being unfaithful to his wife.
6. Ungracious
Definition: not polite or friendly
Synonyms: rude, impolite, discourteous, impudent
Example: There’s no need to be ungracious about it.
7. Unhappy
Definition: not happy
Synonyms: sad, sorrowful, regretful
Example: He was unhappy about something.
8. Unabashed
Definition: not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed
Synonyms: shameless, bold, fearless
Example: He seems unabashed by his recent defeat.
9. Untalented
Definition: (of a person) not having a natural aptitude, or skill
Synonyms: bulky, inept, incompetent, ungainly
Example: I am one of the most untalented people.
10. Unbearable
Definition: not able to be endured, or tolerated
Synonyms: intolerable, unmanageable
Example: He’s been unbearable since he won that prize.
11. Underrated
Definition: rated, or valued too low
Synonyms: undervalue, underestimate
Example: The man himself clearly feels that he was underrated as a player, especially by the media, and in particular by the press.
12. Unusual
Definition: not habitually, or commonly occurring, or done
Synonyms: uncommon, abnormal, unfamiliar, unexpected
Example: It is unusual for him to come punctually.
13. Unkind
Definition: inconsiderate and harsh to others
Synonyms: uncharitable, spiteful, malicious, shabby
Example: She was very hurt by his unkind words.
14. Undiplomatic
Definition: being, or appearing insensitive and tactless
Synonyms: very direct, uncaring, inconsiderate
Example: He could be the most undiplomatic man ever to hold such a post.
15. Uncouth
Definition: lacking good manners, refinement, or grace
Synonyms: uncivilized, uncultured, unrefined, unpolished
Example: She may embarrass you with her uncouth behavior.
16. Unruly
Definition: disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline, or control
Synonyms: lawless, disruptive, uncontrollable, disobedient
Example: He is a very unruly boy and that’s because he has been brought up as a spoiled brat in a wealthy family.
17. Unwitting
Definition: (of a person) not aware of the full facts
Synonyms: unknowing, unconscious, innocent, unaware
Example: She’s an unwitting participant.
Negative Adjectives That Start with U to Describe an Event
Now it comes to some describing words beginning with U to describe events negatively. They may add a little zing to your writing.
1. Unexpected
Definition: not expected, or regarded as likely to happen
Synonyms: unforeseen, sudden, abrupt,
Example: His death was totally unexpected.
2. Unenviable
Definition: difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant
Synonyms: disagreeable, unwanted, difficult, thankless
Example: I had the unenviable task of cleaning up after the party.
3. Unfortunate
Definition: having or marked by bad fortune; unlucky
Synonyms: unlucky, pitiful, unhappy, miserable
Example: It was an unfortunate accident.
Negative Adjectives That Start with U to Describe a Place
If someone uses following adjectives that start with U to describe a place, then you are advised to keep away.
1. Unsafe
Definition: not safe; dangerous
Synonyms: risky, perilous, insecure, harmful
Example: Drinking water in some areas may be unsafe.
2. Unappetizing
Definition: not inviting or attractive; unwholesome
Synonyms: unpleasant, tasteless, unattractive.
Example: Only unappetizing parts of animal carcasses remained for the domestic market.
3. Untidy
Definition: not arranged neatly and in order
Synonyms: disordered, messy, jumbled
Example: The place was dreadfully untidy.
4. Uninviting
Definition: (especially of a place or prospect) not attractive
Synonyms: unappealing, joyless, inhospitable, repellent
Example: The house was dark and uninviting.
5. Unwilling
Definition: not ready, eager, or prepared to do something
Synonyms: reluctant, hesitant, involuntary, enforced
Example: Governments seem to be unwilling to use any but the most primitive strategies.
6. Unlikely
Definition: not likely to happen, be done, or be true; improbable
Synonyms: doubtful, improbable, not likely, unrealistic
Example: They have built hotels in the most unlikely places.
7. Unattractive
Definition: not pleasing, or appealing to look at
Synonyms: ugly, ill-favored, displeasing, unlovely
Example: The older town is irregularly built and seems unattractive.
Negative Adjectives That Start with U to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Although list of adjectives that start with U is huge, don’t be scared. You can start with the ones in categories divided in this article, because they are more commonly used.
1. Uneasy
Definition: causing or feeling anxiety; troubled
Synonyms: worried, tense, anxious, nervous
Example: She felt guilty now and a little uneasy.
2. Uncomfortable
Definition: causing, or feeling slight pain, or physical discomfort
Synonyms: painful, unbearable, confining, intolerable
Example: He began to feel uncomfortable at the man’s hard stare.
3. Unmotivated
Definition: not having an interest or enthusiasm for something, especially work, or study
Synonyms: dull, apathetic, not interested
Example: Lazy and unmotivated students are often left behind in their studies.
4. Undesirable
Definition: not wanted or desirable because harmful, objectionable, or unpleasant
Synonyms: disagreeable, unenviable, unwanted, awful
Example: This may have undesirable consequences.
5. Ungrateful
Definition: not feeling, or showing sympathy
Synonyms: unthankful, unappreciative
Example: She’s so ungrateful for everything we do.
6. Unsatisfactory
Definition: not satisfactory; not good enough
Synonyms: disappointing, dissatisfying, undesirable
Example: They demand a refund on unsatisfactory goods.
7. Uncanny
Definition: strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way
Synonyms: unnatural, eerie, abnormal, odd
Example: He felt the uncanny sensation that she understood his tormented existence.
8. Unnerving
Definition: causing one to lose courage, or confidence; disconcerting
Synonyms: discourage, dispirit, demoralize, dishearten
Example: The hostility in his voice and expression was unnerving.
9. Unfriendly
Definition: not friendly
Synonyms: hostile, disagreeable, aggressive, unwelcoming
Example: The old man looked cross and unfriendly.
10. Ungainly
Definition: (of a person or movement) awkward; clumsy
Synonyms: clumsy, inelegant, gangling, graceless
Example: He was ungainly, with rickety legs.
11. Undeserved
Definition: not warranted, merited, or earned
Synonyms: worthless, despicable, slimy, vile
Example: She had an undeserved reputation for rudeness.
12. Unimpressed
Definition: believing that something is not important, not good, or not true
Synonyms: impartial, neutral, apathetic, unresponsive
Example: I am unimpressed by their research.
13. Unkempt
Definition: (especially of a person) having an untidy, or disheveled appearance
Synonyms: untidy, messy, shaggy, scruffy
Example: The children were unwashed and unkempt.
14. Unseemly
Definition: (of behavior or actions) not proper, or appropriate
Synonyms: improper, unsuitable, unfitting, shameful
Example: Everyone was shocked by his unseemly conduct.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with U
Do you feel smarter now after reading these adjectives that start with the letter U? Besides the word list, we also left definitions and examples for reference. Because only after fully understanding the proper meaning, can we use these adjectives that start with U properly.
Be brave to show off your English now!
Ps. See also positive words that start with U, nouns that start with U and verbs that start with U.