255 Adjectives That Start with V | List with Definitions and Examples

Adjectives that start with V are not so many in English language. To help you memorize them easily, we sorted out a list of adjectives starting with V as well as definitions and examples.
Adjectives beginning with V are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. Let’s take a look at some examples.
- He provided the police with some valuable information.
- Trust is a vital ingredient in a successful marriage.
- He gave a very vivid description of his time in Africa.
By adding descriptive words that start with V in sentences above, the expression becomes clear and specific right away for readers.
Now let’s get started to check the list of adjectives that start with V below.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with V – Full List (255 words)
Adjectives starting with V are not that common, but still there are some vital to our writing and daily communication. Let’s start with a pure list of these V adjectives.
- Vacant
- Vacillant
- Vacillating
- Vacuolate
- Vacuolated
- Vacuous
- Vagabond
- Vagal
- Vagile
- Vagrant
- Vague
- Vain
- Vainglorious
- Valedictory
- Valent
- Valetudinarian
- Valetudinary
- Valiant
- Valid
- Validatory
- Valorous
- Valuable
- Valued
- Valueless
- Valved
- Valvular
- Vaned
- Vanilla
- Vanquishable
- Vapid
- Vaporific
- Vaporizable
- Vaporous
- Vapourific
- Vapourisable
- Vapourised
- Vapourish
- Vapourous
- Variable
- Variant
- Varicelliform
- Varicolored
- Varicoloured
- Varicose
- Varied
- Variegated
- Variform
- Variolar
- Variolic
- Variolous
- Various
- Varying
- Vascular
- Vasiform
- Vasomotor
- Vast
- Vatic
- Vatical
- Vaulted
- Vedic
- Vegetable
- Vegetal
- Vegetarian
- Vegetative
- Vegetive
- Vehement
- Vehicular
- Veiled
- Veinal
- Veined
- Veinlike
- Velar
- Velvet
- Velvety
- Venal
- Vendible
- Venerable
- Venereal
- Venetian
- Venezuelan
- Vengeful
- Venial
- Venomed
- Venomous
- Venose
- Venous
- Ventral
- Ventricose
- Ventricous
- Ventricular
- Venturesome
- Venturous
- Veracious
- Verbal
- Verbalised
- Verbatim
- Verbose
- Verboten
- Verdant
- Veridical
- Verifiable
- Verified
- Verisimilar
- Veritable
- Vermicular
- Vermiculate
- Vermiculated
- Vermiform
- Vermilion
- Vermillion
- Verminous
- Vernacular
- Vernal
- Verrucose
- Versatile
- Versed
- Vertebral
- Vertebrate
- Vertical
- Verticillate
- Verticillated
- Vertiginous
- Very
- Vesical
- Vesicant
- Vesicatory
- Vesicular
- Vestal
- Vested
- Vestiary
- Vestibular
- Vestigial
- Vestmented
- Veteran
- Veterinary
- Vexatious
- Vexed
- Vexing
- Viable
- Viatical
- Vibrant
- Vibratory
- Vibrionic
- Vicarial
- Vicarious
- Vicenary
- Vicennial
- Viceregal
- Vicinal
- Vicious
- Victimised
- Victorian
- Victorious
- Viennese
- Vietnamese
- Viewable
- Viewless
- Vigesimal
- Vigilant
- Vigorous
- Vile
- Villainous
- Vinaceous
- Vincible
- Vindicatory
- Vindictive
- Vinegarish
- Vinegary
- Vinous
- Violable
- Violent
- Violet
- Viral
- Virgin
- Virginal
- Viricidal
- Virile
- Virological
- Virtual
- Virtuoso
- Virtuous
- Virucidal
- Virulent
- Visaged
- Visceral
- Viscid
- Viscoelastic
- Viscometric
- Viscosimetric
- Viscous
- Viselike
- Visible
- Visionary
- Visored
- Visual
- Visualised
- Vital
- Vitalizing
- Vitiliginous
- Vitreous
- Vitriolic
- Vituperative
- Vivace
- Vivacious
- Vivid
- Viviparous
- Vixenish
- Vocal
- Vocalic
- Vocational
- Vocative
- Vociferous
- Voiceless
- Void
- Voidable
- Volant
- Volar
- Volatile
- Volatilisable
- Volatilised
- Volatilizable
- Volatilized
- Volcanic
- Volitional
- Voltaic
- Voltarean
- Voltarian
- Voluble
- Volumed
- Volumetric
- Volumetrical
- Voluminous
- Voluntary
- Volunteer
- Voluptuary
- Voluptuous
- Volute
- Voluted
- Voracious
- Voteless
- Votive
- Vowellike
- Voyeuristic
- Voyeuristical
- Vulcanised
- Vulcanized
- Vulgar
- Vulnerable
- Vulpecular
- Vulpine
- Vulturine
- Vulturous
Adjectives That Start with V – with Definitions and Examples
In this section, I’ll share with you some adjectives that start with V to describe a person for their unique qualities.
For easy understanding and memorizing, we listed definitions and examples for these adjectives beginning with V for you below.
- Vacant
Definition: not filled or occupied; available to be used
Example: The hospital has no vacant beds.
- Vacillating
Definition: wavering between different opinions or actions; irresolute
Example: He was accused of vacillating leadership.
- Vacuolated
Definition: having vacuoles
Example: Histopathology showed polygonal hyperplastic vacuolated cells with abundant water clear cytoplasm.
- Vacuous
Definition: having or showing lack of thoughts or intelligence; mindless
Example: Although he had never been on an airplane, the old man could not resist making vacuous remarks about airline safety.
- Vagabond
Definition: disreputable; worthless; shiftless
Example: Dawn was at the curtains when my vagabond dreams – evaporated.
- Vagal
Definition: of or having to do with the vagus nerve
Example: It also prevents the heart from slowing, the so-called vagal faint.
- Vagile
Definition: endowed with or having freedom of movement
Example: Most of the animals collected were vagile microcrustaceans.
- Vagrant
Definition: a person who is poor, does not have a home or job, and moves from place to place
Example: We met a band of vagrant beggars there.
- Vague
Definition: not clearly expressed, known, described, or decided
Example: I do have vague memory of meeting her many years ago.
- Vain
Definition: unsuccessful; of no value
Example: The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the vain hope that he might recover.
- Vainglorious
Definition: showing too much pride in your own abilities or achievements
Example: In Britain he is regarded as a vainglorious fool.
- Valedictory
Definition: bidding good-bye; saying farewell
Example: The valedictory speeches were simmering with regret for the loss of a proud battalion.
- Valetudinarian
Definition: of, pertaining to, or characterized by invalidism
Example: Less forward-looking ones had slipped into a more valetudinarian mode, forgetting to shave or apply make-up.
- Valiant
Definition: possessing or showing courage or determination
Example: She made a valiant effort to hold her anger in check.
- Valid
Definition: having legal force
Example: The judge remarked that ignorance was not a valid defence.
- Valorous
Definition: showing great courage
Example: She will receive the Bronze Star Medal for exceptionally valorous actions while under enemy fire.
- Valuable
Definition: worth a lot of money
Example: This is losing valuable business for the company.
- Valued
Definition: useful and important
Example: He is a good and valued friend to us.
- Valueless
Definition: we thought the chair was an antique worth a lot of money, but it turned out to be a valueless replica.
- Valvular
Definition: of or pertaining to a valve or valves, esp. of the heart
Example: Patients with prior heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and valvular disease were excluded.
- Vanilla
Definition: used to describe a product or service that is basic and has no special features
Example: I just want a vanilla bank account with low charges.
- Vapid
Definition: boring or dull; lifeless
Example: To me, baseball is a vapid sport that quickly puts me to sleep.
- Vaporous
Definition: consisting of or filled with vapour (=gas or extremely small drops of liquid that result from the heating of a liquid or solid)
Example: Every six months, the lab will be flushed with vaporous hydrogen peroxide to sterilize it.
- Vapourish
Definition: (of a person) affected by or prone to feelings of faintness, nervousness, or depression
Example: Vapourish people are perpetual subjects for diseases to work upon.
- Variable
Definition: able to be changed or adapted
Example: The drill has variable speed.
- Variant
Definition: different
Example: The dictionary shows “neighbour” with the American variant spelling “neighbor”.
- Varicolored
Definition: having various colors; variegated; motley
Example: It consist of varicolored sequence of marlstone, marly claystone, and marly limestone, with subordinate limestone.
- Varicose
Definition: abnormally and irregularly swollen or dilated
Example: He also carries out keyhole surgery on varicose veins.
- Varied
Definition: containing or changing between several different things or types
Example: With its varied climate, the country attracts both winter and summer sports enthusiasts.
- Variegated
Definition: (of leaf or plant) having different colours on it
Example: The leaves are a variegated red.
- Variform
Definition: (of a groups of things) different from one another in form
Example: the variform fruit has firm flesh and straw-colored seeds.
- Variolous
Definition: infected with or relating to smallpox
Example: On being afterwards casually exposed to variolous infection, she had the smallpox in a mild way.
- Various
Definition: many different
Example: We had various problems on our journey, including a flat tyre.
- Varying
Definition: different in size, amount, degree or nature
Example: We have tried several different approaches, with varying degree of success.
- Vascular
Definition: of, relating to, or having vessels that conduct and circulate liquids
Example: This led to them showing more signs of vascular disease, which raises the risk of clots.
- Vasomotor
Definition: relating to the nerves and muscles that cause the blood vessels to constrict or dilate
Example: The operation treatment for vasomotor rhinitis by cutting off canalis pterygoid nervus is not very effective.
- Vast
Definition: extremely big
Example: A vast audience watched the broadcast.
- Vatic
Definition: describing or predicting what will happen in the future
Example: Ancient writers often wrote with a vatic quality.
- Vaulted
Definition: resembling a vault
Example: Giant glittering chandeliers descended from a vaulted ceiling.
- Vedic
Definition: relating to the Veda (=one or all of the holy books of Hinduism)
Example: He began a study of Vedic texts and the Sanskrit language.
- Vegetable
Definition: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of plants
Example: He runs a fruit and vegetable stall in the market.
- Vegetal
Definition: relating to plants
Example: In mid-summer, it oozed out a heavy vegetal odor mingling fertility and rot.
- Vegetarian
Definition: someone who never eats meat or fish
Example: Yasmin sticks to a strict vegetarian diet.
- Vegetative
Definition: growth or development of plants
Example: The harshness of the climate makes vegetative growth extremely slow.
- Vehement
Definition: expressing strong feelings, or shown by strong feelings or great energy or force
Example: They launched a vehement attack on the government’s handling of environmental issues.
- Vehicular
Definition: relating to a vehicle or vehicles
Example: Barricades were put in place to block all vehicular traffic.
- Veiled
Definition: expressed in an indirect way; not openly declared or expressed
Example: She gave a vague speech, making veiled references to her personal life.
- Veined
Definition: with many veins, or covered with lines that looks like veins
Example: A thin, veined hand lay on the coverlet.
- Velar
Definition: of, relating to, or attached to a velum
Example: Historically, and perhaps still for some people or in careful pronunciation, it was a velar approximant.
- Velvet
Definition: (of quality) beautiful soft, smooth in appearance, usually something dark or deep
Example: The chances are that a velvet jacket will suit the trouser you were wearing to work that day.
- Velvety
Definition: soft, like velvet
Example: She patted the dog’s velvety ears.
- Venal
Definition: (of an activity) done in order to get money
Example: They are accused of being involved in venal practices.
- Vendible
Definition: suitable for, or capable of being, sold or marketed
Example: The firm specializes in vendible products for beverage machines.
- Venerable
Definition: deserving respect because of age, high position, or religious or historical importance
Example: She had worked at such venerable institutions as Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts and the Metropolitan Art Museum in New York.
- Venereal
Definition: caused or spread by sexual activity with another person
Example: It seems like he either shot himself or died of venereal disease.
- Venetian
Definition: relating to Venice or its people
Example: Venetian cuisine is based on seafood and rice.
- Venezuelan
Definition: relating to Venezuela or its people
Example: He is the first Venezuelan president to be actively tackling poverty.
- Vengeful
Definition: expressing a strong wish to punish someone who has harmed you or your family or friends
Example: She sprayed red paint all over his car in one last vengeful act before leaving him for good.
- Venial
Definition: that may be forgiven; pardonable
Example: Venial sins do not meet the conditions for moral sins.
- Venomous
Definition: (of a person or their behaviour) full of malice or spite
Example: She replied with a venomous glance.
- Ventral
Definition: of or belonging to the inner or lower surface
Example: The endophytic oviposition occurs in the veins of the ventral surface of the young leaves.
- Ventricose
Definition: having a large or protruding stomach
Example: The inner surface of the pitcher is glandular in the ventricose part.
- Ventricular
Definition: relating either to the ventricles of the heart or any space in the body
Example: The right ventricular systolic pressure tends to decrease with age.
- Venturesome
Definition: willing to take risks or embark on difficult or unusual courses of action
Example: He took a venturesome approach to the standard operas.
- Venturous
Definition: willing to take risks or embark on difficult or unusual courses of action
Example: Granville has a venturous spirit but his twin, Gregory, is much more reserved than his brave brother.
- Veracious
Definition: speaking or representing the truth
Example: After listening to all evidence, the jury found the veracious woman to be truthful and dismissed all charges.
- Verbal
Definition: spoken rather than written
Example: Airport officials received a stream of verbal abuse from angry passengers whose flights had been delayed.
- Verbatim
Definition: using exactly the same words as were originally used
Example: It is not a verbatim transcript of every word spoken during the meeting.
- Verbose
Definition: using or expressing in more words than are needed
Example: The verbose man took thirty minutes to give me a simple answer.
- Verboten
Definition: not permitted or allowed; forbidden or prohibited by or as if by authority
Example: Are there any verboten subjects at business functions?
- Verdant
Definition: used to describe a place covered with green grass, trees and plants
Example: Ethiopia has a verdant landscape, rivers full of fish.
- Veridical
Definition: showing what is true or real
Example: Symbolic activities are not likely to be exact, veridical reflections of children’s real lives.
- Verifiable
Definition: able to be proved
Example: Throughout the trial, he didn’t produce a single verifiable fact.
- Verisimilar
Definition: describes something that appears to be true or real but may not be
Example: If you want to impress your friends, remark on the verisimilar portrait of lost love in that foreign film you all went to see.
- Veritable
Definition: used to describe something as another, more exciting, interesting, or unusual thing, as a way of emphasizing its character
Example: My garden had become a veritable jungle by the time I came back from holiday.
- Vermicular
Definition: resembling the form, marking, motion, or tracks of worms
Example: The result showed that vermicular iron was the optimum material for braking components.
- Vermiculated
Definition: to adorn or decorate with wavy or winding lines
Example: Around the portico are a marble architrave with vermiculated quoins.
- Vermiform
Definition: resembling or having the form of a worm
Example: The larva escapes from the vermiform parent.
- Vermilion
Definition: having a bright red colour
Example: She was a wearing a vermilion skirt and yellow jacket.
- Verminous
Definition: consisting of or being vermin; noxious
Example: I was relieved to see that he had not assumed one of his more disgusting disguises – a verminous beggar or odorous camel driver.
- Vernacular
Definition: in the local style of ordinary houses
Example: Wright’s prairie houses derived from American vernacular traditions.
- Vernal
Definition: of, in, or appropriate to spring
Example: Vernal ponds dry up for part of the year.
- Verrucose
Definition: covered with warty processes
Example: Achene with verrucose ornament of the tegument presented low germination under darkness and high germination under light conditions.
- Versatile
Definition: able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different purposes
Example: He’s a versatile young actor who’s as happy in highbrow dramas as he is in TV comedies.
- Vertebrate
Definition: having a backbone, or spinal column
Example: Try dating something from the vertebrate branch of the animal kingdom.
- Vertical
Definition: standing or pointing straight up or at an angle of 90⁰ to a horizontal surface or line
Example: She looked over the cliff and found she was standing at the edge of a vertical drop.
- Verticillate
Definition: disposed in or forming verticils or whorls, as flowers or hairs
Example: Most of the species are North American herbs, having opposite alternate, or verticillate leaves.
- Vertiginous
Definition: having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling
Example: The two skyscrapers were connected by a vertiginous walkway.
- Very
Definition: (used to add emphasis to a noun) exact or particular
Example: You’re the very person we need for the job.
- Vesical
Definition: of or pertaining to a vesica or bladder, esp. the urinary bladder
Example: On ultrasound, a vegetating lesion in the vesical trigone was observed.
- Vesicant
Definition: tending to cause blistering
Example: Mustard agent has extremely powerful vesicant effects on its victims.
- Vesicular
Definition: composed of or containing vesicles
Example: It is further noticeable that in Rhynchelmis the covering of vesicular cells which clothes the drainpipe cells of the adult nephridium is cut off from the nephridial cells themselves.
- Vestal
Definition: relating to the Roman goddess Vesta
Example: Beget founder of Rome was believed to be the divinely begotten child of a vestal virgin.
- Vested
Definition: (of shares, pension plans etc) can be kept by an employee wo has worked the necessary number of years for a particular company
Example: He chose to receive his vested benefits in a single lump-sum payment.
- Vestibular
Definition: relating to empty spaces in the body that are entrances to passages or other spaces
Example: While vomiting is the extreme response, the predominant functioning of the vestibular system is to restore equilibrium as rapidly as possible.
- Vestigial
Definition: (of an organ or part of the body) degenerate, rudimentary, or atrophied, having become functionless in the course of evolution
Example: The vestigial wings of kiwis are entirely hidden.
- Veteran
Definition: having been involved in a particular activity for a long time
Example: She’s also a veteran campaigner for human rights.
- Veterinary
Definition: used to describe the work of a person whose job is to treat sick or injured animals, or to describe the medical treatment of animals
Example: It was decided that our veterinary screening of horses at events should be continued.
- Vexatious
Definition: difficult to deal with and causing a lot of anger, worry, or argument
Example: This settlement will resolve one of the most vexatious problems in the field of industrial relations.
- Vexed
Definition: difficult to deal with and causing a lot of disagreement and argument
Example: Economists argue over the vexed question of how to reduce spending.
- Vexing
Definition: annoying, worrying, or causing problems
Example: The shortage of qualified teachers remains a vexing problem.
- Viable
Definition: (of a speed or spore) able to germinate
Example: Most clones can produce thousands of viable seeds.
- Viatical
Definition: relating to the sale of life insurance policies sold by a dying person to someone else at a price lower than the value of the policy
Example: The viatical investor paid $80,000 for the $100,000 life insurance policy.
- Vibrant
Definition: energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm
Example: The hope is that this area will develop into a vibrant commercial centre.
- Vibratory
Definition: of the nature of or consisting vibration
Example: Taking a break from vibratory stimulus generally resolves the problem
- Vicarial
Definition: of or relating to a vicar
Example: After seeing the vicarial reaction from celebrities and fans alike, however, the ramifications of releasing these misguided shirts are sure to last for a while.
- Vicarious
Definition: experienced as a result of watching, listening to, or reading about the activities of other people, rather than by doing the activities yourself
Example: She took a vicarious pleasure in her friend’s achievements.
- Vicennial
Definition: occurring once every 20 years
Example: A vicennial event was held in the town square to celebrate another twenty years of existence.
- Viceregal
Definition: relating to a viceroy
Example: He then ordered that the viceregal palace be surrounded by guards.
- Vicinal
Definition: neighbouring; adjacent
Example: The parameter’s determination of Gaussian vicinal function is proposed to be modified, based on the maximum likelihood criterion.
- Vicious
Definition: (of people or their actions) showing an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly
Example: He gave her a vicious look.
- Victimized
Definition: treated in an intentionally unfair way, especially because of their race, sex, belief, etc
Example: They are victimized by racism or discriminatory barriers.
- Victorian
Definition: belonging to, made in, or living in the time when Queen Victoria was queen of Great Britain and Ireland (1837-1901)
Example: Charles Dickens is one of the best-known Victorian novelists.
- Victorious
Definition: of or characterized by victory
Example: He’d participated in the victorious campaigns of the Franco-Prussian War.
- Viennese
Definition: relating to Vienna in Australia
Example: The apartment was done up in Viennese style.
- Vietnamese
Definition: relating to Vietnam, its people, or their language
Example: At any rate, Action Committees were created by the Vietnamese communists for some years.
- Viewable
Definition: able to be looked at or inspected
Example: You can also get viewable screen in a lighted room.
- Viewless
Definition: unable to be seen; invisible
Example: The benchmark gives the ex-ante viewless portfolio, or the natural place to stay, for investors who do not have tactical views.
- Vigilant
Definition: keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
Example: The burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbours.
- Vigorous
Definition: very forceful or energetic
Example: He takes plenty of vigorous exercise.
- Vile
Definition: extremely unpleasant
Example: He has a vile temper.
- Villainous
Definition: (of a person) very bad or willing to harm other people or break the law in order to get what he or she wants
Example: Meanwhile, the villainous criminal who stole one of the machines is running through modern London like a fox in a hen coop.
- Vinaceous
Definition: of the colour of red wine
Example: It was formerly considered a subspecies of the vinaceous rose finch.
- Vincible
Definition: (of an opponent or obstacle) able to be overcome or conquered
Example: The vincible basketball team was easily beaten by the Bulls.
- Vindictive
Definition: having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they harmed you; unwilling to forgive
Example: In the movie “Cape Fear”, a lawyer’s family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.
- Vinegary
Definition: having a sour disposition; ill-tempered
Example: I just became a vinegary old dragon, and all my bitterness turned in on myself and affected my heart.
- Vinous
Definition: resembling red wine in colour
Example: Flowers are a deep vinous purple, with pinkish spurs.
- Violent
Definition: used to describe a situation or event in which people are hurt or killed
Example: The more violent scenes in the film were cut when it was shown on television.
- Violet
Definition: of a bluish-purple colour
Example: Her almost violet eyes were a bit startling.
- Viral
Definition: used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc
Example: Here’s a list of the top ten viral videos this week.
- Virgin
Definition: (of a forest or area of a land) has not yet been cultivated or used by people
Example: The railway is being extended into areas of virgin forest.
- Virginal
Definition: being, relating to, or appropriate for a virgin
Example: It is traditional for the bride to wear virginal white.
- Virile
Definition: having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive (typically used of a man)
Example: He was a powerful, virile man.
- Virtual
Definition: almost a particular thing or quality
Definition: Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country’s economy.
- Virtuoso
Definition: extremely skilled
Example: The Times critic described her dancing as a virtuoso performance of dazzling accomplishment.
- Virtuous
Definition: having good moral qualities and behaviour
Example: I believe that humans are, despite their flaws, capable of virtuous conduct.
- Virucidal
Definition: of or relating to viricides; destroying viruses
Example: These complexes decreased the infectivity of influenza virus and had a direct virucidal action.
- Virulent
Definition: bitterly hostile
Example: His involvement with the temperance movement led to his virulent attack on the drink trade.
- Visaged
Definition: having a visage of a specified kind – usually used in combination
Example: The rockets are grim visaged drifters spoiling for a shootout.
- Visceral
Definition: based on emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought
Example: He has a visceral feel for our problems.
- Viscid
Definition: cohesive and sticky; glutinous; viscous
Example: The flesh was ribboned across the wound, glistening with blood and a foreign, clear, viscid liquid that looked like saliva.
- Viscoelastic
Definition: (of a substance) changes shape when a stress is put on it and goes back to its original state when the stress is removed after a period of time
Example: Polypropylene and gelatin are examples of viscoelastic materials.
- Viscous
Definition: having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid, having a high viscosity
Example: My daughter was very sticky after she covered herself with the viscous table syrup.
- Vice-like
Definition: extremely tight and firm
Example: He grabbed my wrist in a vice-like grip.
- Visible
Definition: able to be seen
Example: There are few visible signs of the illness that kept her in hospital for so long.
- Visionary
Definition: having the ability to imagine how something will develop in the future
Example: She has long been recognized as a visionary leader in the green technology sector.
- Visored
Definition: having or provided with a visor or visor of a particular kind
Example: He tipped his visored hat, knowing that I was the virgin’s companion.
- Visual
Definition: relating to seeing
Example: The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre and ballet to literature, cinema and the visual arts.
- Vital
Definition: necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely important
Example: She had found out some information of vital importance.
- Vitalizing
Definition: stimulating
Example: All material things are assimilated to one another as organic, the vitalizing principle being inherent in all matter
- Vitreous
Definition: resembling glass (as in color, composition, brittleness or luster)
Example: He exhibited vitreous enamel works in Melbourne’s Argus Gallery.
- Vitriolic
Definition: full of violent hate and anger
Example: He launched a vitriolic attack on the prime minister, accusing him of shielding corrupt friends.
- Vituperative
Definition: bitter and abusive
Example: Miss Snowden yesterday launched a vituperative attack on her ex-boss and former lover.
- Vivace
Definition: in a brisk spirited manner
Example: The rest of the movement continues at allegro vivace tempo.
- Vivacious
Definition: (esp. of a woman or girl) full of energy and enthusiasm
Example: He brought along his wife, a vivacious blonde, some 20 years his junior.
- Vivid
Definition: very brightly coloured
Example: She was wearing a vivid pink shirt.
- Viviparous
Definition: (of an animal) bringing forth live young which have developed inside the body of the parent
Example: The viviparous species cannot lay an egg and must give live birth to produce a child.
- Vixenish
Definition: (of a women) determined and difficult to control, sometimes in an unpleasant way
Example: In her latest movie she plays the role of a vixenish young woman.
- Vocal
Definition: relating to or produced by the voice, either in singing or speaking
Example: The six principal roles in this opera have an average vocal range of two octaves.
- Vocalic
Definition: relating to or consisting of a vowel or vowels
Example: These vocalic alternations indicate Cree influence.
- Vocational
Definition: providing skills and education that prepare you for a job
Example: The school offers vocational programs in welding, electrical work and building maintenance.
- Vocative
Definition: relating to words used in the vocative case
Example: The sentence begins with a vocative phrase, a call upon the deity.
- Vociferous
Definition: expressing or characterized by vehement opinions; loud and forceful
Example: He was a vociferous opponent of the takeover.
- Voiceless
Definition: unable to speak
Example: His voiceless lips formed the words ‘Thank you’.
- Volant
Definition: (of an animal) able to fly or glide
Example: the prince knew he was in trouble when the volant dragon became twice his size and then fluttered about.
- Volar
Definition: of or relating to the sole of the foot or the palm of the hand
Example: Thenar eminence was less sensitive to cold than the volar aspect of the wrist.
- Volatile
Definition: likely to change emotional state very suddenly, especially by becoming angry
Example: He had a volatile temper and couldn’t have been easy to live with.
- Volcanic
Definition: of, relating to, or made by a volcano
Example: Geologists understand many of the factors that cause volcanic eruptions.
- Volitional
Definition: acting as a result of a decision or choice; done because someone has decided or chosen to do
Example: The complaints alleged volitional acts rather than accidental occurrence.
- Voltaic
Definition: used in so producing electricity
Example: Electrically, the machine worked like a voltaic pile, but was constructed differently.
- Voluble
Definition: involving a lot of words spoken confidently and forcefully
Example: Two people walked by having a voluble argument.
- Volumetric
Definition: relating to the measuring of volume
Example: The United States uses its own system of volumetric measurements for most ingredients.
- Voluminous
Definition: (of writing) very lengthy and detailed
Example: We all scribbled down voluminous notes.
- Voluntary
Definition: done, given, or acting of one’s own free will
Example: We are funded by voluntary contributions.
- Volunteer
Definition: used to describe someone who works without expecting payment, or the work they do
Example: The legal advice centers are staffed by volunteer lawyers.
- Voluptuous
Definition: relating to or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure
Example: I sank into the bed’s voluptuous warmth.
- Volute
Definition: forming a spiral curve or curves
Example: The volute buttresses, each crowned with a statue, add quaintly but happily to the general effect.
- Voluted
Definition: having a carved ornament, esp as used on an ionic capital, that has the form of a spiral scroll
Example: On the first level, two belts proceed further than the central part to the side frontages under the voluted ailerons placed on both sides of the second level.
- Voracious
Definition: engaging in an activity with great eagerness or enthusiasm
Example: She’s a voracious reader.
- Voteless
Definition: having no vote, especially: denied the political franchise.
Example: Cracking down on voteless youngsters scores points with an older electorate that feels threatened by rebellious youth.
- Votive
Definition: optional; not prescribed; having the nature of a voluntary offering
Example: Annie, who was busily arranging white votive candles into a circle in the middle of the floor, laughed.
- Voyeuristic
Definition: relating to or typical of a voyeur (= someone who gets pleasure from secretly watching other people, especially in sexual situations)
Example: There is a voyeuristic thrill in looking at a photograph of someone’s front room, complete with personal belongings.
- Vulcanized
Definition: vulcanized rubber has been made stronger by a chemical process
Example: Jute soles typically include fully or partially vulcanized rubber beneath the jute soles for long-lasting espadrille shoes.
- Vulgar
Definition: rude or offensive, esp. because referring to sex
Example: The movie is rated PG and has a few mildly vulgar jokes.
- Vulnerable
Definition: (of a partnership) liable to higher penalties, either by convention or through having won one game towards a rubber
Example: The authors advise a variable no-trump opening bid which means weak non-vulnerable and strong vulnerable.
- Vulpine
Definition: clever and dishonest
Example: Under pressure he revealed his vulpine nature.
- Vulturine
Definition: relating to or resembling a vulture
Example: He thought the bird’s orange head would turn black over time, like the adult Vulturine parrot.
- Vulturous
Definition: resembling a vulture especially in rapacity or scavenging habits
Example: A vulturous boredom pinned me in this tree.
Positive Adjectives That Start with V to Describe a Person
In this section, I’ll share with you some adjectives that start with V to describe a person for their unique qualities.
1. Valorous
Definition: a person who shows great courage and bravery in the face of problems, poverty, misery, and dangers of life
Synonyms: brave, fearless, courageous
Example: The army and navy officers of my country are valorous.
2. Vagile
Definition: a person who enjoys the freedom to move about
Synonyms: disperse, travel, navigate
Example: He is pretty vagile, and does not stay at home on the weekends ever.
3. Versatile
Definition: a person who is able to adapt and adjust to different activities and functions
Synonyms: flexible, adaptable, resourceful, multifaceted
Example: She is versatile enough to play either position in the office.
4. Virtuous
Definition: a person who shows high moral standards
Synonyms: righteous, ideal, exemplary, principled
Example: The young lady was so virtuous that she never drank alcohol and always participated in charitable acts.
5. Valuable
Definition: someone who is exceptionally worthy
Synonyms: precious, treasured
Example: Her beauty and wealth made her so valuable.
6. Victorious
Definition: a person who enjoys a deep level of triumph
Synonyms: Winner, conquering, champion, successful
Example: They are victorious people, so you will never be disappointed with their enthusiasm.
7. Vehement
Definition: someone or something that is intense, passionate, forceful, and shows strong emotions
Synonyms: ardent, spirited, powerful
Example: He is vehement enough to tolerate all the bitter criticism of his actions.
8. Voluble
Definition: a person who can read and talk fluently
Synonyms: talkative, prattling, blathering
Example: The game show host is so voluble.
9. Vocal
Definition: a person who is capable of showing his feelings and expressing his opinion openly, loudly, and freely without any hesitation
Synonyms: outspoken, plainspoken, blunt, frank
Example: She was vocal in condemning the wrong actions.
10. Vigilant
Definition: A person who is capable of taking care and staying alert about the possible risks, dangers, and difficulties of life, regardful of the well-being of others
Synonyms: watchful, observant, keen-eyed, sharp
Example: His vigilant personality made him more respectable as a person.
11. Venturesome
Definition: a person who is motivated to fight difficulties and willing to take risks
Synonyms: desirous, motivated
Example: She is venturesome, which is the quality that makes her unbeatable.
12. Vivacious:
Definition: something or a person (especially a woman) who is attractively lively and animated
Synonyms: high-spirited, lighthearted
Example: My sister is very vivacious.
13. Venerable
Definition: something or a person who is accorded a lot of respect because of character, wisdom, and age
Synonyms: reverenced, honored, esteemed, acclaimed
Example: The priest of our church is a venerable man.
14. Voluptuous
Definition: someone who is characterized by sensual pleasure and luxury, a woman who is sexually attractive and curvaceous
Synonyms: vulgar, pleasure-loving, pleasure-seeking, self-indulgent
Example: The bar was full of voluptuous dancers.
15. Voguish
Definition: someone who is famous because of his/her style and fashion
Synonyms: stylish, elegant, attractive
Example: She was a voguish lady; this is why the eyes of men followed her.
16. Vaccinated
Definition: someone who is given a drug to produce immunity against transmissible diseases
Synonyms: injected, medicated
Example: Every child in our country is vaccinated against polio and measles.
Positive Adjectives That Start with V to Describe an Event
Instead of “important”, you can use “vital” to describe an event. Such descriptive words that start with V will make your writing or talking more professional and appealing.
1. Verbose
Definition: a speech or conversation which is hugely wordy
Synonyms: prolix, talky
Example: No one can listen to a verbose address attentively because of boredom.
2. Visionary
Definition: a plan or a thought for the future full of wisdom and imagination
Synonyms: inventive, ingenious, innovative, inspired
Example: Our Prime Minister will build a visionary country.
3. Vital
Definition: something that is important, essential, obligatory, and necessary
Synonyms: compulsory, crucial
Example: It is vital to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the current situation.
4. Vivid
Definition: an event that can produce strong emotions and clear images in the mind
Synonyms: realistic, striking, impressive
Example: The poet has painted a vivid picture in his poem.
5. Validatory
Definition: an event that can corroborate or serves to support
Synonyms: collateral, confirmative
Example: Make sure that all the documents you submit are validatory
6. Vernal
Definition: an event that is related to the spring season
Synonyms: fresh, blooming
Example: The grass in my garden looks vernal.
7. Viscid
Definition: something that is characterized by adhesive properties
Synonyms: sticky, glutinous
Example: If you leave the jellies at room temperature, they become viscid.
8. Vibrant
Definition: an event that is filled with enthusiasm, activity, and energy
Synonyms: spirited, lively
Example: We had a vibrant time at the seashore.
9. Vigorous
Definition: something or an event that is filled with strength, activity, and energy
Synonyms: robust, sturdy
Example: As soon as the children saw the football, they began a vigorous game.
10. Virtual
Definition: something or an event that is simulated or imitated
Synonyms: essence, effect
Example: When the universities are closed, the students take virtual classes.
11. Variable
Definition: an event that is liable to change
Synonyms: inconsistent, varying
Example: The prices of petrol are variable nowadays.
12. Valedictory
Definition: something or an event that is serving as a farewell
Synonyms: goodbye, departing
Example: This is a valedictory party for the soldiers.
13. Valent
Definition: something or an event that is usually used in combination
Synonyms: amalgamation, union
Example: This jam has a valent taste of oranges and mangoes.
14. Valid
Definition: an event that is based on logic, fact, reason, and rationality
Synonyms: justifiable, supportable
Example: This is a valid criticism.
15. Verifiable
Definition: an event that is accurate and justified
Synonyms: factual, real
Example: The reporter could not give single verifiable news.
Positive Adjectives That Start with V to Describe a Place
This segment comprises some adjectives that start with the letter V to describe places. Check and learn some new words.
1. Vacant
Definition: a place that has no furniture or inhabitants
Synonyms: unoccupied, empty
Example: The resort is vacant for tourists.
2. Vacuolate
Definition: a place that has small cavities
Synonyms: hollow, porous
Example: The Great Forest has many vacuolate trees.
3. Valved
Definition: our place that is divided into different chambers
Synonyms: chambered, roomy
Example: The gun is valved for a sizable cartridge.
4. Valvular
Definition: a place that is having valves
Synonyms: faucet, spigot
Example: Human heart is valvular.
5. Visible
Definition: a place that can be seen easily with the naked eye
Synonyms: viewable, perceivable
Example: The moon is visible from my window.
Positive Adjectives That Start with V to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Adjectives with letter V below seem kind of rare. Check and see you’ve used them yourself in writing or conversations.
1. Vaned
Definition: something that is having feathers
Synonyms: fledged, remex
Example: I saw a vaned Angel in my dream.
2. Vapourific
Definition: something that is capable of being volatilized
Synonyms: evaporable, volatile
Example: Water is a vapourific element.
3. Vapourisable
Definition: something that is characterized by or resembles water vapor
Synonyms: vaporish, vaporous
Example: Hand sanitizers are quickly vaporizable.
Negative Adjectives That Start with V to Describe a Person
Words are building blocks for learning any language. Of course English is no exception and adjective words that start with V are a vital part.
1. Vengeful
Definition: someone who is seeking to cause injury to others in return for the harm he received
Synonyms: revengeful, resentful
Example: I felt vengeful towards my husband’s lover.
2. Vicious
Definition: someone who is cruel, tyrant, and violent
Synonyms: savage, ruthless
Example: She was very vicious.
3. Vain
Definition: someone who produces no results
Synonyms: useless, worthless
Example: I tried to talk to him thrice but in vain.
4. Vainglorious
Definition: someone who is incredibly proud of his achievement
Synonyms: self-importance, self-centered
Example: She is vainglorious.
5. Voracious
Definition: someone who is too greedy about eating more than required food
Synonyms: unquenchable, uncontrollable
Example: I hate to look at voracious people at the party.
6. Vacuous
Definition: someone who is lacking intelligence and smartness
Synonyms: mindless, expressionless
Example: He is the most vacuous person in our class.
7. Vagabond
Definition: someone who keeps wandering from one home or job to the other
Synonyms: wanderer, overlander
Example: I met a vagabond a few days ago.
8. Vagrant
Definition: someone who has no permanent house
Synonyms: tramp, streety
Example: The poor beggar is a vagrant.
9. Valetudinarian
Definition: someone who is unhealthy, weak, and sick
Synonyms: neurotic, feeble
Example: In the hospital, I saw numerous valetudinarian patients.
Negative Adjectives That Start with V to Describe an Event
Describing words beginning with V are not that common, but if used in the right manner, you can see an immediate uplift in your writing.
1. Vague
Definition: something that happens very uncertain way
Synonyms: indistinct, indefinite
Example: The doctor could not diagnose because of vague symptoms.
2. Vexing
Definition: an event that is causing worry, frustration, and annoyance
Synonyms: irritating, enraging
Example: The policymakers paid no attention to the vexing questions.
3. Vile
Definition: an event that is extremely unpleasant and unbearable
Synonyms: foul, nasty
Example: The whole situation was so vile that I managed to escape it.
4. Violent
Definition: an event that is using physical force to damage, kill, harm, or hurt people
Synonyms: brutal, savage
Example: A violent wildfire broke out.
5. Vindictive
Definition: something or an event that is characterized by revenge
Synonyms: unforgiving, resentful
Example: The war has been very vindictive.
6. Volcanic
Definition: something or an event that is full of magma
Synonyms: explosive, flammable
Example: An adverse situation prevailed in the whole town because of the volcanic eruption.
7. Vacillant
Definition: an event that is uncertain in action and purpose
Synonyms: vacillating, wavering
Example: Class bunkers indulge in vacillant activities.
8. Vacillating
Definition: an event that is alternating between different actions and opinions
Synonyms: oscillate, uncertain
Example: After college, I was vacillating between accountancy and medicine.
9. Vulnerable
Definition: an event that has the risk of emotional or physical harm
Synonyms: unsafe, unguarded, powerless, unarmed
Example: Weak people are vulnerable to catching flu in the winter season.
Negative Adjectives That Start with V to Describe a Place
Reading and memorizing these adjectives that start with V is just the first step. What is more important is to implement them into your writing and daily talks.
1. Vanishable
Definition: A place that has the capability to disappear.
Synonyms: Nonexistent, unviewable
Example: The small pond became vanishable because of the pitch-black darkness.
2. Valueless
Definition: something that has no value
Synonyms: worthless, inferior
Example: The abandoned house at the corner of the street was valueless.
Negative Adjectives That Start with V to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
In this category, we have a list of adjectives that start with V to describe emotions, personalities and feelings for you. Some may already be known to you.
1. Vanquishable
Definition: something that is susceptible to being defeated
Synonyms: beatable, loser
Example: The more challenging the task got, the more she felt vanquishable.
2. Vincible
Definition: able to be conquered or overcome by someone or something
Synonyms: venerable, at risk,
Example: The captain of our cricket team realized that the opponent team was vincible.
3. Vapid
Definition: something that is lifeless and dull
Synonyms: insipid, feeble
Example: The show was vapid.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with V
Have you learnt any new adjectives that start with the letter V? I am confident that this passage will help you understand the use of adjectives that start with V more deeply. Believe me, using these descriptive words will polish your everyday conversation and you will convey your information in a better manner.
Ps. See also positive words that start with V, nouns that start with V and verbs that start with V.