Car Accident Lawyer: When Should You Call One?

Car accidents are more common on the roads, especially with the increasing number of cars and drivers. The United States Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reported 39,508 fatal motor vehicle crashes in 2021, leading to 42,939 deaths.

The increasing number of car accidents has necessitated the need for injury victims to contact a car accident lawyer in Katy when involved in one.

Car accident lawyers are trained legal professionals who are able to assess victims’ conditions or situations and advise on how to proceed with recovering losses.

If you’re wondering when to call a car accident lawyer, below are instances to speak to one.

Severe Injuries or Fatalities

Car accidents can lead to various injuries, some internal and others external. In fact, the degree of injuries suffered may also vary from minor to fatal or catastrophic injuries.

It is important for accident victims to speak to an attorney as soon as they can, especially when they’ve suffered injuries that have put their health and wellness under threat.

Families whose loved ones have been injured in car accidents can also contact car accident lawyers to discuss the incident as well as how to proceed. Doing this can protect the injured party by preventing them from making errors that could jeopardize their claims.

The accident lawyer will carefully assess the case to determine whether the victim can file a claim, determine the at-fault party, and estimate the losses suffered.

Disputed Liability

Car accidents can lead to short or long-term disability, depending on the force of impact, type of accident, and severity of injury sustained.

However, in some cases, proving the effect of the accident on the victim’s health may not be as simple as expected. For example, it may be harder to prove the effect of an accident injury on a victim with existing health conditions.

Such complex and complicated situations can provide wiggle room for insurance companies to deny accident victims their claims for damages. An experienced car accident lawyer can help in such situations by providing the legal backing and ramifications for which such cases can be defended.

In addition, the attorney can also fight for higher compensation for the accident victim based on the complications they now have to endure due to the accident and its effect.

Insurance Company Complications

Insurance claims are not as easy as they seem. Insurance companies are, like every other company, out to make a profit. Their profit is based on denied claims against policyholders.

As an accident victim, claiming damages for your losses is a threat to the insurance company’s bottom line, so they’ll act accordingly by taking steps to lowball your offer or deny them.

Representing yourself against insurance companies can be a tough task, especially as they can get you to make common mistakes that can jeopardize your chances. An accident lawyer can help prevent these by providing the education and legal support needed to navigate the claim process.

Your attorney can also represent you during settlement negotiations to ensure you get the right amount for your losses.

Multiple Parties Involved

A few things are as complicated as dealing with insurance claims in a multiple-car accident case. When multiple vehicles are involved, it’s best to hire a car accident lawyer to navigate the situation and advise you accordingly.

With an experienced car accident lawyer in your corner, you can rest assured that you’ll get the right legal backing and advice, understand the at-fault parties in the case, and get a near-accurate estimation of your monetary and non-monetary losses.

Long-term or Permanent Injuries

Long-term or permanent injuries are common when victims suffer catastrophic injuries. Such injuries may affect the victim’s ability to earn or function properly.

Unlike short-term injuries, victims often have to deal with recurrent and future medical bills, rehabilitation, ongoing support, home accessibility needs, and more. All these costs money and your car accident lawyer can help you get the right damages to cover those losses.

With an experienced car accident lawyer, such victims may be able to recover their current and future medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Complex Legal Issues

There are at-fault and no-fault states. The insurance claim process in each of those states differs and may often require a deeper understanding of the law to navigate.

Other complexities may include multiple at-fault parties, being hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver, and more. These complications and collection efforts from medical providers and other creditors can significantly weigh victims down.

Having a car accident lawyer in your corner can improve your quality of life and chances in such situations. The lawyer can help you obtain temporary stays against creditors and collection agencies, identify all at-fault parties in your case, and push to recover the highest damages for your losses.

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One Comment

  1. The legal issues after getting into an accident will be difficult to navigate around without any help. Something like that is likely going to affect how much compensation you end up getting from the end of the case, so you shouldn’t address this all on your own. I’ll remember your advice and look for an auto accident attorney in the area I can call in case I’m in some trouble.

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