922 Nouns That Start with P [with Definitions and Examples]

This article contains nouns that start with P. You will get to know about nouns that start with P to describe a person, number, place, feelings, animate and inanimate objects, etc. Before we go into those details, let me ask you a simple question. Have you ever thought that the English language mostly consists of nouns? Well, most of us ask ourselves this question and we often come up with the same answer, and that answer is ‘Yes’.
Almost every sentence you create will feature a noun, making this one of the most important aspects of English grammar. There are thousands of nouns starting with P that refer to all sorts of things whether abstract or concrete and each day a number of new nouns are being added to the list of nouns that start with P.
One should try and learn as many nouns as possible, especially nouns that start with P. For your convenience a variety of nouns starting with P have been given in this article that will help you in this cause. Explore different categories of nouns beginning with N given below and get to know how we can use them correctly in phrases, clauses and sentences.
Table of Contents
Nouns That Start with P You Always Use
Everything we can see or talk about is represented by a word. That word is called a noun. Following is a list of nouns that start with P that we use the most in our lives.
1. Person
- Definition: a human being regarded as an individual
- Synonyms: individual, human being, man
- Example: Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?
2. Price
- Definition: the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something
- Synonyms: amount, cost, rate
- Example: The price of oil has risen sharply.
3. Picture
- Definition: a drawing, painting or photograph
- Synonyms: photo, drawing, illustration
- Example: I love having my picture taken.
4. Problem
- Definition: a situation, person, or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with
- Synonyms: complication, conundrum, difficulty
- Example: Our main problem is lack of cash.
5. Pain
- Definition: a feeling of physical suffering caused by injury or illness
- Synonyms: suffering, agony, affliction
- Example: She was in constant pain.
6. Paper
- Definition: thin, flat material made from crushed wood or cloth, used for writing, printing, or drawing on
- Synonyms: notepaper, wrapper, document
- Example: Get the idea down on paper before you forget it.
7. Place
- Definition: a particular position, point, or area in space
- Synonyms: spot, point, station
- Example: I can’t be in two places at once.
8. People
- Definition: human beings in general or considered collectively
- Synonyms: humankind, humanity, persons
- Example: The earthquake killed 30,000 people.
9. Partner
- Definition: either member of a married couple or of an established unmarried couple
- Synonyms: husband, wife, companion
- Example: She lived with her partner.
10. Phone
- Definition: a portable electronic telephone device
- Synonyms: mobile, cellphone, telephone
- Example: Could you answer the phone?
Nouns That Start with P You Usually Use
You might find it useful to think of a noun as a naming word. Anything you see or feel, a particular name can be assigned to it. Following is a list of nouns starting with P that we usually use in our day-to-day communications.
1. Party
- Definition: a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment
- Synonyms: bash, cabal, fiesta
- Example: Peter throws really wild parties.
2. Pot
- Definition: any of various types of container, especially one used for cooking food
- Synonyms: container, pan, vessel
- Example: Pots and pans hung from a rack.
3. Park
- Definition: a large public garden or area of land used for recreation
- Synonyms: commons, playground, sanctuary
- Example: We watched kids playing in the park.
4. Plan
- Definition: an intention or decision about what one is going to do
- Synonyms: draft, scheme, outline
- Example: I have no plans to retire
5. Property
- Definition: an object or objects that belong to someone; a building or buildings and the land belonging to it or them
- Synonyms: possession, premises, inheritance
- Example: Children need to be taught to have respect for other people’s property.
6. Protection
- Definition: the action of protecting, or the state of being protected
- Synonyms: shield, screen, shelter
- Example: The coat gives permanent protection against heavy rain.
7. Purpose
- Definition: the reason for which something is done or created
- Synonyms: mission, objective, intent
- Example: The purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trustee.
8. Part
- Definition: an amount or section which, when combined with others, makes up the whole of something
- Synonyms: piece, fragment, section
- Example: The painting tells only part of the story.
9. Payment
- Definition: an amount of money paid
- Synonyms: compensation, dues, remittance
- Example: Usually we ask for payment on receipt of the goods.
10. Project
- Definition: a piece of planned work or an activity that is finished over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular purpose
- Synonyms: assignment, enterprise, venture
- Example: He’s doing a class project on pollution.
Nouns That Start with P You Often Use
Nouns are an inseparable part of our everyday practices. We cannot even imagine speaking, writing or reading without these nouns. Following are some of nouns starting with P that are often put to use.
1. Path
- Definition: a way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading
- Synonyms: footpath, trail, way
- Example: The path continues alongside the river for half a mile.
2. Plant
- Definition: a living thing that grows in earth, or in water, usually has a stem, leaves, roots, and flowers, and produces seeds
- Synonyms: shrub, vegetation, sprout
- Example: Water the plants twice a week, preferably in the morning.
3. Police
- Definition: the civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order
- Synonyms: constable, cop, detective
- Example: When someone is killed, the police have to be informed.
4. Position
- Definition: the place where something or someone is
- Synonyms: angle, locale, place
- Example: He moved himself into a reclining position.
5. Pressure
- Definition: the use of persuasion or intimidation to make someone do something
- Synonyms: anxiety, burden, difficulty
- Example: Teachers are under increasing pressure to work longer hours.
6. Player
- Definition: a person participating in sport
- Synonyms: athlete, competitor, contestant
- Example: Several players are participating in this year’s T20 World Cup.
7. Pants
- Definition: a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet
- Synonyms: trouser, jeans, boxer
- Example: Michael needs some new pants and vests.
8. Patient
- Definition: a person receiving medical treatment
- Synonyms: sufferer, victim
- Example: The patient suffered a heart attack in the waiting room.
9. Personality
- Definition: the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel, and think
- Synonyms: character, persona, identity
- Example: She has a very warm personality.
10. Progress
- Definition: development towards an improved or more advanced condition
- Synonyms: advancement, development, growth
- Example: We are making progress towards equal rights.
Nouns That Start with P You Sometimes Use
In our verbal or written communication, we use some nouns more than the others. Following is a list of nouns beginning with P that we only use sometimes in our daily life routine.
1. Pediatrician
- Definition: a doctor with special training in medical care for children
- Synonyms: doctor, child-specialist, physician
- Example: Before your baby is born, you’ll want to choose a pediatrician that you can trust.
2. Patriarchy
- Definition: a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it
- Synonyms: patriarchism, patriarchship
- Example: Females are viewed as inferior to males in nations ruled by patriarchy.
3. Palate
- Definition: a person’s ability to distinguish between and appreciate different flavors
- Synonyms: taste, tendency, preference
- Example: I let my palate dictate what I eat.
4. Panorama
- Definition: a picture or photograph containing a wide view
- Synonyms: view, vista, landscape
- Example: A panorama of the planet Mars was named top science photo.
5. Pendant
- Definition: a piece of jewelry that hangs from a chain worn round the neck
- Synonyms: chaplet, necklace, beads
- Example: She was wearing a crystal pendant.
6. Paranoia
- Definition: unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people
- Synonyms: delusions, obsessions, megalomania
- Example: Jake kept his money under his mattress because of his paranoia about crooked bankers.
7. Parity
- Definition: equality, especially of pay or position
- Synonyms: equality, uniformity, sameness
- Example: Firefighters are demanding pay parity with police.
8. Parable
- Definition: a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson
- Synonyms: allegory, fable, lesson
- Example: The play is a parable that teaches the students a lesson about the importance of being kind.
9. Paradox
- Definition: a situation or statement that seems impossible or is difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts
- Synonyms: contradiction, anomaly, puzzle
- Example: It’s a curious paradox that drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty.
10. Pauper
- Definition: a very poor person
- Synonyms: indigent, bankrupt, insolvent
- Example: He did die a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave.
Nouns That Start with P You Occasionally Use
There are certain nouns that we only use on specific occasions. These are some of the noun words that start with Y that are occasionally used in our writings and communications.
1. Palaver
- Definition: talk or discussion that goes on for too long and is not important
- Synonyms: chat, dialogue, conversation
- Example: That’s enough palaver for now.
2. Pandemonium
- Definition: a situation in which there is a lot of noise and confusion because people are excited, angry, or frightened
- Synonyms: mayhem, chaos, bedlam
- Example: There was complete pandemonium and everyone just panicked.
3. Panoply
- Definition: an extensive or impressive collection
- Synonyms: array range, collection
- Example: There is a whole panoply of remedies and drugs available to the modern doctor.
4. Paradigm
- Definition: a typical example or pattern of something
- Synonyms: prototype, pattern, example
- Example: His ruthless accumulation of wealth stands as a paradigm of greed in the business world.
5. Parley
- Definition: a conference between opposing sides in a dispute
- Synonyms: negotiation, summit, conference
- Example: A parley is in progress and the invaders may withdraw.
6. Paragon
- Definition: a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality
- Synonyms: standard, epitome, quintessence
- Example: In the novel, Constanza is a paragon of virtue.
7. Pedagogue
- Definition: a teacher who gives too much attention to formal rules and is not interesting
- Synonyms: schoolmaster, tutor, lecturer
- Example: She had an important career as a pedagogue.
8. Pedigree
- Definition: a person’s family history, education, and experience
- Synonyms: ancestry, descent, lineage
- Example: His voice and manner suggested an aristocratic pedigree.
9. Penchant
- Definition: a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something
- Synonyms: liking, fondness, preference
- Example: He has a penchant for adopting stray dogs.
10. Pagan
- Definition: a person who belongs to a religion that worships many gods, especially one that existed before the main world religions
- Synonyms: heathen, infidel, agnostic
- Example: The pagans had statues of deities and places of sacrifice.
Nouns That Start with P You Seldom Use
Although we don’t face any difficulty in using most of the nouns but there are always some that are in our knowledge but we can’t use them properly. Following are some of the nouns that start with the letter P that are seldom used by us.
1. Pageant
- Definition: a show that consists of people wearing traditional clothing and acting out historical events
- Synonyms: parade, procession, cavalcade
- Example: Our youngest son is taking part in the school pageant.
2. Pallet
- Definition: a straw mattress
- Synonyms: platform, mattress, stretcher
- Example: The injured boy lay on a pallet in the center of the hut.
3. Pall
- Definition: a thick, dark cloud of smoke
- Synonyms: cloud, covering, layer
- Example: Palls of smoke obscured our view.
4. Panacea
- Definition: a remedy for all ills or difficulties
- Synonyms: elixir, remedy, nostrum
- Example: Technology is not a panacea for all our problems.
5. Panache
- Definition: a stylish, original, and very confident way of doing things that makes people admire you
- Synonyms: flamboyance, confidence, style
- Example: She played the role of hostess with great panache.
6. Pariah
- Definition: a person who is not accepted by a social group
- Synonyms: outcast, leper, reject
- Example: They were treated as social pariahs.
7. Parlance
- Definition: a group of words or style of speaking used by a particular group of people
- Synonyms: jargon, language, speech
- Example: In military parlance this is known as a fast retreat.
8. Peccadillo
- Definition: a relatively minor fault or sin
- Synonyms: misdemeanor, delinquency, misdeed
- Example: He dismissed what had happened as a mere peccadillo.
9. Pedant
- Definition: a person who is too interested in formal rules and small details that are not important
- Synonyms: formalist, perfectionist, doctrinaire
- Example: He was the greatest pedant I had met on earth.
10. Perdition
- Definition: a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death
- Synonyms: damnation, hellfire, doom
- Example: The minister told me the road to perdition was paved with the sins of mankind.
Nouns That Start with P You Rarely Use
It is a common occurrence that we often come across certain words that we have never seen before. Following are some of the P-nouns that we rarely use in our daily lives.
1. Paean
- Definition: a song of praise or triumph
- Synonyms: hymn, song, anthem
- Example: The song is a paean to solitude and independence.
2. Propinquity
- Definition: the state of being close to someone or something
- Synonyms: proximity, closeness, nearness
- Example: He kept his distance as though afraid propinquity might lead him into temptation.
3. Palliative
- Definition: a drug or medical treatment that reduces pain without curing the cause of the pains
- Synonyms: sedative, painkiller, tranquilizer
- Example: The research team is working on stronger palliatives.
4. Pantheon
- Definition: a group of particularly respected, famous, or important people
- Synonyms: collection, assemblage, gathering
- Example: She has won her place in the pantheon of popular culture.
5. Phantasmagoria
- Definition: a sequence of real or imaginary images like that seen in a dream
- Synonyms: apparition, hallucination, illusion
- Example: What happened next was a phantasmagoria of horror and mystery.
6. Paraphernalia
- Definition: all the objects needed for or connected with a particular activity
- Synonyms: equipment, stuff, apparatus
- Example: We sell pots, gloves, seeds and other gardening paraphernalia.
7. Paregoric
- Definition: a camphorated tincture of opium, containing benzoic acid, anise oil, etc., used chiefly to stop diarrhea in children
- Synonyms: medicine, drug
- Example: He wasn’t careful with the use of paregoric and morphine.
8. Paroxysm
- Definition: a sudden attack or outburst of a particular emotion or activity
- Synonyms: spasm, attack, seizure
- Example: In a sudden paroxysm of jealousy, he threw her clothes out of the window.
9. Parvenu
- Definition: someone from a low social position who has suddenly become rich or successful
- Synonyms: upstart, arriviste, braggart
- Example: The lottery winner was a parvenu who would never be welcome in their social circle.
10. Peregrination
- Definition: a long journey in which you travel to various different places, especially on foot
- Synonyms: travels, wanderings, journeys
- Example: His peregrinations took him to India.
Positive Nouns That Start with P
You will also show your consent to this thought that there are certain words that give off positive vibes whenever we come across them or use them in our conversations and writings. Following is a list of the positive nouns that start with P.
1. Parent
- Definition: a mother or father of a person or an animal
- Synonyms: father, mother, guardian
- Example: Obey your parents.
2. Paradise
- Definition: heaven, as the final abode of the righteous
- Synonyms: heaven, Zion, bliss
- Example: Martyrs who die in battle with the ungodly earn instant transmission to paradise.
3. Pacifist
- Definition: someone who opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes
- Synonyms: peacemaker, peace-monger, pacifier
- Example: I’ve never met such an ardent pacifist as Terry.
4. Partisan
- Definition: one who is passionately and strongly devoted to a cause, idea, faction or person
- Synonyms: devotee, zealot, enthusiast
- Example: He was an ardent partisan of the Douglases.
5. Passion
- Definition: a powerful or enthusiastic emotion or feeling
- Synonyms: love, excitement, fervor
- Example: Jackson possessed a true passion for music.
6. Patience
- Definition: the quality of being patient
- Synonyms: forbearance, tolerance, fortitude
- Example: Patience is the plaster of all sores.
7. Peace
- Definition: freedom from disturbance
- Synonyms: tranquility, calmness, quietude
- Example: He just wanted to drink a few beers in peace.
8. Pleasure
- Definition: the feeling or state of being gratified, satisfied or pleased
- Synonyms: happiness, joy, delight
- Example: It has always been a pleasure to work with you.
9. Prayer
- Definition: a reverent petition made to object of worship; a fervent request or hope
- Synonyms: invocation, devotion, worship
- Example: Prayer is a form of communion with God.
10. Patron
- Definition: one who support or protects someone or something
- Synonyms: sponsor, financier, contributor
- Example: The Princess Royal is a well-known patron of several charities.
Nouns That Start with P – Full List (922 words)
- Paba
- Pace
- Pacemaker
- Pacer
- Pacifier
- Pacifism
- Pacifist
- Pack
- Package
- Packet
- Pact
- Pad
- Paddock
- Padlock
- Paean
- Pagan
- Paganism
- Page
- Pageant
- Pageantry
- Pagoda
- Pail
- Pain
- Paint
- Paintbrush
- Painter
- Painting
- Pair
- Pajama
- Pal
- Palace
- Palatability
- Palate
- Palazzo
- Pale
- Paleoexplosion
- Palette
- Pall
- Palladium
- Pallet
- Pallor
- Palm
- Palsy
- Pamphlet
- Pan
- Pandemic
- Pane
- Panel
- Panelization
- Panic
- Panjandrum
- Panorama
- Pansy
- Pantheist
- Pantheon
- Pantomime
- Pantry
- Pap
- Paper
- Paperback
- Paperweight
- Paprika
- Par
- Parable
- Parachute
- Parade
- Paradigm
- Paradise
- Paradox
- Paragon
- Paragraph
- Paralanguage
- Parallel
- Parallelism
- Paramagnet
- Parameter
- Paramount
- Paranoiac
- Paraoxon
- Parapet
- Paraphernalia
- Paraphrase
- Parapsychology
- Parasite
- Parasol
- Parcel
- Parchment
- Pard
- Pardon
- Parenchyma
- Parent
- Parentage
- Parenthood
- Pariah
- Parish
- Parisology
- Park
- Parkway
- Parlance
- Parliament
- Parlor
- Parody
- Parole
- Parquet
- Parsimony
- Parsley
- Parson
- Parsonage
- Part
- Partaker
- Participant
- Participation
- Particle
- Particular
- Particularity
- Partisan
- Partition
- Partner
- Partnership
- Party
- Passage
- Passageway
- Passenger
- Passerby
- Passion
- Passivity
- Passport
- Past
- Paste
- Pastel
- Pasteurization
- Pastime
- Pastor
- Pastry
- Pasture
- Pat
- Patch
- Patchwork
- Pate
- Patent
- Paternalism
- Path
- Pathfinder
- Pathologist
- Pathology
- Patience
- Patient
- Patina
- Patio
- Patriarch
- Patriarchy
- Patrician
- Patriot
- Patriotism
- Patrol
- Patrolman
- Patrolmen
- Patron
- Patronage
- Patsy
- Patter
- Pattern
- Paucity
- Paunch
- Pause
- Pavement
- Pavilion
- Paw
- Pawn
- Pawnshop
- Pay
- Paycheck
- Payday
- Paymaster
- Payment
- Payoff
- Payroll
- Peace
- Peacekeeper
- Peacetime
- Peach
- Peacock
- Peak
- Peanut
- Pear
- Pearl
- Peasant
- Peasanthood
- Pebble
- Pecan
- Peck
- Peculiarity
- Pedagogue
- Pedal
- Peddler
- Pedestal
- Pedestrian
- Pedigree
- Peer
- Peg
- Pegboard
- Pellagra
- Peltry
- Pemmican
- Pen
- Penalty
- Penance
- Penchant
- Pencil
- Pendulum
- Penetration
- Penicillin
- Peninsula
- Penman
- Pennant
- Penny
- Pension
- Pensioner
- Pentagon
- Penthouse
- Penury
- People
- Pep
- Pepper
- Pepperoni
- Peptide
- Percent
- Percentage
- Perception
- Percolator
- Percussion
- Perfectability
- Perfectibility
- Perfection
- Perfectionism
- Perfectionist
- Performance
- Performer
- Perfume
- Perfumery
- Perfusion
- Peril
- Perilla
- Perimeter
- Period
- Periodical
- Periodicity
- Periphery
- Perjury
- Permanence
- Permissibility
- Permission
- Permit
- Peroxide
- Perpetration
- Perpetrator
- Perpetuation
- Perplexity
- Persecution
- Perseverance
- Persiflage
- Persistence
- Persistent
- Person
- Persona
- Personae
- Personage
- Personality
- Personification
- Personnel
- Perspective
- Perspiration
- Persuasion
- Pertinence
- Perturbation
- Perusal
- Pervaporation
- Pessimism
- Pest
- Pet
- Petition
- Petitioner
- Petroleum
- Petulance
- Pfennig
- Phalanx
- Phantasy
- Phantom
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacy
- Phase
- Pheasant
- Phenomena
- Phenomenon
- Phenonenon
- Phenothiazine
- Philanthropist
- Philanthropy
- Philantrophy
- Philharmonic
- Philology
- Philosopher
- Philosophy
- Phloem
- Phone
- Phonograph
- Phonology
- Phony
- Phosgene
- Phosphate
- Phosphide
- Phosphor
- Photo
- Photocathode
- Photograph
- Photographer
- Photography
- Photoluminescence
- Photomicrograph
- Photomicrography
- Photorealism
- Phrase
- Phraseology
- Phthalate
- Phyla
- Physician
- Physicist
- Physiognomy
- Physiologist
- Physiology
- Physiotherapist
- Physique
- Pianism
- Pianist
- Piano
- Piazza
- Pick
- Pickaxe
- Picker
- Picket
- Pickle
- Pickoff
- Pickup
- Picnic
- Picture
- Pidgin
- Pie
- Piece
- Pier
- Piety
- Piezoelectricity
- Pig
- Pigen
- Pigeon
- Pigeonhole
- Pigment
- Pigskin
- Pike
- Pile
- Pilgrim
- Pilgrimage
- Pill
- Pillage
- Pillar
- Pillow
- Pilot
- Pimp
- Pin
- Pinball
- Pinch
- Pine
- Pineapple
- Pinhead
- Pink
- Pinnacle
- Pinochle
- Pinpoint
- Pint
- Pinto
- Pin-Up
- Pioneer
- Pip
- Pipe
- Pipeline
- Pique
- Piracy
- Pirate
- Pirouette
- Pistachio
- Pistol
- Piston
- Pit
- Pitch
- Pitcher
- Pitchfork
- Pitfall
- Pith
- Pituitary
- Pity
- Pivot
- Pizza
- Pizzicato
- Place
- Placement
- Plagiarism
- Plague
- Plaid
- Plain
- Plaintiff
- Plan
- Plane
- Planeload
- Planer
- Planet
- Planetarium
- Planetoid
- Plank
- Planner
- Plant
- Plantain
- Plantation
- Planter
- Plaque
- Plasm
- Plasma
- Plaster
- Plasterer
- Plastic
- Plasticity
- Plate
- Plateau
- Platform
- Platinum
- Platoon
- Platter
- Play
- Playback
- Playboy
- Player
- Playground
- Playmate
- Playoff
- Playroom
- Playtime
- Playwright
- Plea
- Pleader
- Pleasance
- Pleasant
- Pleasure
- Pledge
- Plenipotentiary
- Plenitude
- Plenty
- Pleura
- Plight
- Plot
- Plow
- Pluck
- Plug
- Plugugly
- Plum
- Plumb
- Plumber
- Plume
- Plunder
- Plunge
- Pluralism
- Plush
- Plywood
- Pneumonia
- Poark
- Pocketbook
- Pocketful
- Podium
- Poem
- Poet
- Poetry
- Poignancy
- Point
- Pointer
- Poise
- Poison
- Poker
- Polarity
- Polarization
- Pole
- Polecat
- Polemic
- Police
- Policeman
- Policemen
- Policy
- Polio
- Polish
- Politician
- Politico
- Polity
- Polka
- Poll
- Pollen
- Pollution
- Polo
- Polonaise
- Polybutene
- Polyester
- Polyether
- Polyethylene
- Polyisobutylene
- Polyisocyanate
- Polymer
- Polymerization
- Polynomial
- Polyphosphate
- Polypropylene
- Polystyrene
- Pomp
- Poncho
- Pond
- Pony
- Poodle
- Pool
- Pop
- Pope
- Poplar
- Poplin
- Poppy
- Poppyseed
- Populace
- Popularity
- Population
- Porcelain
- Porch
- Pore
- Pork
- Porosity
- Porridge
- Port
- Portal
- Porter
- Portfolio
- Portico
- Portion
- Portrait
- Portraiture
- Portrayal
- Pose
- Poseur
- Position
- Positive
- Positivism
- Positivist
- Posse
- Posseman
- Possemen
- Possession
- Possessive
- Possessor
- Possibility
- Possum
- Post
- Postcard
- Poster
- Posterity
- Postgraduate
- Postman
- Postmark
- Postmen
- Postponement
- Postscript
- Postulant
- Posture
- Pot
- Potassium
- Potato
- Potboiler
- Potency
- Potential
- Potentiality
- Potentiometer
- Pothole
- Potpourri
- Pottery
- Pouch
- Poultice
- Poultry
- Pound
- Pout
- Poverty
- Pow
- Powder
- Powderpuff
- Power
- Practicability
- Practicality
- Practice
- Practitioner
- Pragmatic
- Pragmatism
- Prairie
- Praise
- Pram
- Pranha
- Prank
- Prayer
- Preacher
- Preamble
- Precaution
- Precedence
- Precedent
- Precept
- Prechlorination
- Precinct
- Precipice
- Precipitate
- Precipitin
- Precision
- Precocity
- Precondition
- Predecessor
- Predicament
- Predicator
- Predictability
- Prediction
- Predisposition
- Prednisone
- Predominance
- Predomination
- Preemption
- Preface
- Preference
- Preferment
- Pregnancy
- Prejudice
- Preliminary
- Prelude
- Premier
- Premiere
- Premise
- Premium
- Premix
- Premonition
- Preoccupation
- Preordainment
- Prep
- Preparation
- Prepayment
- Prepolymer
- Preponderance
- Preposition
- Prepublication
- Preradiation
- Prerequisite
- Prerogative
- Prescription
- Presence
- Present
- Presentation
- Presenter
- Preservation
- Preserve
- Presidency
- President
- Press
- Pressure
- Prestidigitator
- Prestige
- Presumption
- Presupposition
- Pretence
- Pretense
- Pretext
- Pretty
- Prevalence
- Prevention
- Preview
- Prevision
- Prey
- Price
- Prick
- Pride
- Priest
- Primacy
- Primary
- Prime
- Primitive
- Primitivism
- Primogenitor
- Prince
- Princess
- Princesse
- Principal
- Principle
- Printer
- Priority
- Prison
- Prisoner
- Privacy
- Private
- Privet
- Privilege
- Privy
- Prize
- Pro
- Probability
- Probate
- Probation
- Probe
- Probity
- Problem
- Procaine
- Procedure
- Process
- Procession
- Processional
- Processor
- Proclamation
- Proconsul
- Procrastination
- Procreation
- Procreativity
- Procreator
- Proctor
- Procurement
- Procurer
- Prod
- Prodigy
- Produce
- Producer
- Product
- Production
- Productivity
- Profanity
- Profession
- Professional
- Professionalism
- Professor
- Professorship
- Profet
- Proficiency
- Profile
- Profit
- Profitability
- Profoundity
- Profundity
- Profusion
- Progandist
- Progenitor
- Progeny
- Prognostication
- Prognosticator
- Program
- Programmer
- Progress
- Progression
- Progressive
- Progressivism
- Prohibition
- Prohibiton
- Project
- Projectile
- Projection
- Projector
- Prolepsis
- Proletariat
- Proliferation
- Prolixity
- Prolongation
- Prolusion
- Promazine
- Promenade
- Prominence
- Promise
- Promoter
- Promotion
- Promulgator
- Pronoun
- Pronouncement
- Proof
- Prop
- Propaganda
- Propagandist
- Propagation
- Propeller
- Property
- Prophecy
- Prophet
- Propionate
- Proponent
- Proportion
- Proportionality
- Proposal
- Proposer
- Proposition
- Proprieter
- Proprietor
- Proprietorship
- Propriety
- Propulsion
- Propylthiouracil
- Proscription
- Prose
- Prosecution
- Prosecutor
- Prospect
- Prospective
- Prosperity
- Prostate
- Prostitute
- Prostitution
- Protagonist
- Protease
- Protection
- Protective
- Protector
- Protege
- Protein
- Protest
- Protocol
- Proton
- Protoplasm
- Prototype
- Protozoa
- Protrusion
- Protuberance
- Provenance
- Proverb
- Providence
- Provider
- Province
- Provincialism
- Provision
- Proviso
- Provocation
- Provocative
- Prow
- Prowl
- Proximity
- Proxy
- Prudence
- Prune
- Psalm
- Psalmist
- Pseudonym
- Pseudophloem
- Pseudynom
- Psi
- Psyche
- Psychiatrist
- Psychiatry
- Psychoanalyst
- Psychologist
- Psychology
- Psychopath
- Psychopomp
- Psychotherapy
- Psyllium
- Pterygia
- Pub
- Puberty
- Public
- Publication
- Publicity
- Publisher
- Puddle
- Puke
- Pull
- Pulley
- Pulp
- Pulpit
- Pulsation
- Pulse
- Pump
- Pumpkin
- Pun
- Punch
- Punchbowl
- Puncher
- Punctuality
- Punctuation
- Punditry
- Pungency
- Punishment
- Punk
- Punster
- Pup
- Pupil
- Puppet
- Puppy
- Purchase
- Purgation
- Purgatory
- Purge
- Purification
- Purism
- Purity
- Purple
- Purpose
- Purse
- Pursuer
- Pursuit
- Purveyor
- Push
- Pussy
- Pussycat
- Putout
- Putt
- Putter
- Putty
- Puzzle
- Puzzlement
- Puzzler
- Pynte
- Pyorrhea
- Pyramid
- Pyre
- Pyrometer
- Pyrophosphate
- Pyschiatrist
- Python
Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with P
A noun is a word for who, what or where. Can you talk or write about people if you cannot use words for who? Can you talk or write about things if you cannot use words for what? Can you talk or write about places without words for where? Hence, nouns are an essential part of our lives and we cannot just do away with them. Same goes for nouns that start with P.
Although nouns beginning with P are very common, you should still try and learn as many as you can. If you will have a vast collection of nouns starting with P up your sleeves you will sound knowledgeable and cool at the same time.
Ps. See also positive words that start with P, adjectives that start with P and verbs that start with P.