5 Letter Words That Start with F (620+ to Tackle Word Games)

Word games are a great way to challenge the brain and have a bit of fun.
If you’re stuck trying to find the right word for your next move, then read this article to learn the words and shock your opponent.
From ‘fable’ to ‘fungus’, there are plenty of 5 letter words that start with F. They can help you tackle your next game of Scrabble or Wordle!
So, why not learn them now?
This is the right time to impress your opponent with your vocabulary.
Go ahead and start exploring all the words!
Table of Contents
5 Letter Words That Start with F for Scrabble
Here is a list of 5 letter words that start with F for the popular word game Scrabble. These words are sure to help you maximize your points and strategy in the game.
fizzy29 | fuzzy29 | fezzy29 |
frizz26 | fiqhs20 | furzy20 |
flaxy18 | fazed18 | fuzed18 |
furze17 | forze17 | frize17 |
fuzes17 | feeze17 | fuzil17 |
fique17 | forza17 | fazes17 |
faqir17 | faffy17 | froze17 |
feaze17 | fuzee17 | fritz17 |
fuffy17 | fezes17 | faxed16 |
fixed16 | fjord16 | flyby16 |
fjeld16 | foxed16 | fyked16 |
fedex16 | fixit15 | fixer15 |
flaky15 | forex15 | foxes15 |
falaj15 | fixes15 | faxes15 |
flexi15 | folky15 | forky15 |
flexo15 | funky15 | fubby15 |
fujis15 | foxie15 | fabby15 |
fluky15 | fakey15 | femmy15 |
fykes15 | flaff14 | flack14 |
flick14 | flawy14 | fowth14 |
frack14 | flock14 | fishy14 |
fleck14 | frock14 | fawny14 |
feyly14 | faffs14 | fuffs14 |
frowy14 | fluff14 | feoff14 |
fifth14 | fifty14 | fecks14 |
fiked13 | fancy13 | filmy13 |
faked13 | fitch13 | fudgy13 |
filch13 | fuddy13 | fetch13 |
flamy13 | figgy13 | forby13 |
finch13 | faddy13 | foamy13 |
farcy13 | flype13 | fehme13 |
fecht13 | fyces13 | fubsy13 |
fiche13 | fichu13 | foggy13 |
fuggy13 | fight12 | fayed12 |
fisks12 | femme12 | flake12 |
firks12 | flisk12 | flank12 |
fikes12 | fendy12 | fakie12 |
fusks12 | flimp12 | filks12 |
fleek12 | flask12 | flamm12 |
forks12 | finks12 | fanks12 |
freak12 | flaks12 | foody12 |
faiks12 | frisk12 | folks12 |
faker12 | flunk12 | funks12 |
faugh12 | fakir12 | feyed12 |
frump12 | fogey12 | fakes12 |
fifed12 | frank12 | fugly12 |
fyrds12 | fluke12 | flump12 |
fenks12 | fundy12 | fluty11 |
frory11 | furry11 | flosh11 |
flawn11 | fanny11 | firth11 |
foyer11 | flows11 | faery11 |
flesh11 | filly11 | flava11 |
flory11 | flays11 | fusty11 |
fitly11 | fohns11 | flash11 |
funny11 | furth11 | festy11 |
flews11 | foyne11 | fytte11 |
forty11 | flary11 | fetwa11 |
finny11 | frown11 | flaws11 |
faith11 | fiver11 | firry11 |
fisty11 | faves11 | fully11 |
favus11 | fleys11 | fifer11 |
frays11 | fatly11 | flown11 |
felly11 | fives11 | filth11 |
frows11 | fluey11 | fayer11 |
ferny11 | fayne11 | frosh11 |
faced11 | fiery11 | flush11 |
fyles11 | favor11 | fawns11 |
fayre11 | fumed11 | forth11 |
fouth11 | flyer11 | fovea11 |
fussy11 | fever11 | folly11 |
foley11 | famed11 | froth11 |
fresh11 | ferly11 | fiefs11 |
frush11 | foyle11 | feyer11 |
fryer11 | fewer11 | fremd11 |
frith11 | faver11 | fifis11 |
fifes11 | flyte11 | footy11 |
ferry11 | fauve11 | favas11 |
favel11 | fonly11 | fatty11 |
fairy11 | felty11 | fowls11 |
foehn11 | fenny11 | fluyt11 |
fatwa11 | foray11 | flocs10 |
flops10 | fleme10 | flubs10 |
flaps10 | flips10 | flims10 |
facer10 | feebs10 | flics10 |
fadge10 | firms10 | fucus10 |
filum10 | finca10 | flume10 |
fiscs10 | flabs10 | frabs10 |
fermi10 | flame10 | facts10 |
facta10 | fasci10 | forms10 |
furca10 | films10 | feces10 |
fraps10 | fleam10 | fudge10 |
flobs10 | flams10 | fumet10 |
focal10 | force10 | femes10 |
forbs10 | filmi10 | forum10 |
fices10 | facet10 | faded10 |
facia10 | fraim10 | faces10 |
femur10 | fidge10 | farci10 |
farms10 | franc10 | fable10 |
fomes10 | fribs10 | forme10 |
fecal10 | fence10 | fames10 |
ferms10 | farce10 | ficos10 |
folic10 | ficin10 | frape10 |
fecit10 | fiber10 | ficus10 |
fract10 | femal10 | fibre10 |
frame10 | fanum10 | foams10 |
focus10 | fumer10 | fibro10 |
foram10 | fumes10 | flegs9 |
frond9 | fared9 | flied9 |
fados9 | flood9 | fungo9 |
fanga9 | flued9 | folds9 |
flogs9 | filed9 | fired9 |
fades9 | fands9 | farad9 |
fugue9 | figos9 | flong9 |
fried9 | feods9 | fugio9 |
flags9 | fetid9 | fated9 |
frags9 | finds9 | found9 |
feuds9 | fonda9 | forge9 |
fused9 | fugle9 | fango9 |
foods9 | feted9 | foids9 |
fogle9 | freed9 | fordo9 |
fined9 | fards9 | fling9 |
fouds9 | fiord9 | fogou9 |
fader9 | fidos9 | fungs9 |
frogs9 | forgo9 | felid9 |
fondu9 | fiend9 | feued9 |
fauld9 | fluid9 | fangs9 |
fugus9 | fundi9 | frugs9 |
fagin9 | feeds9 | fugal9 |
fungi9 | field9 | faurd9 |
fonds9 | fends9 | fords9 |
fraud9 | funds9 | fides9 |
feign9 | fogie9 | fugie9 |
flung9 | frigs9 | fires8 |
floes8 | foins8 | fleet8 |
fetus8 | fluor8 | filer8 |
frees8 | first8 | fruit8 |
finer8 | flane8 | fanal8 |
fusel8 | fetor8 | furls8 |
fenis8 | fille8 | fills8 |
fists8 | fasti8 | fetta8 |
flors8 | fouat8 | freit8 |
files8 | fleer8 | flees8 |
flint8 | frorn8 | floor8 |
finos8 | firer8 | firie8 |
frust8 | fails8 | foist8 |
flurr8 | flans8 | flirs8 |
fines8 | fitna8 | flail8 |
feats8 | fleur8 | friar8 |
firns8 | final8 | frets8 |
front8 | fanon8 | flora8 |
fanes8 | furan8 | farts8 |
fusee8 | fouer8 | frore8 |
filar8 | flair8 | flite8 |
fusil8 | feels8 | farse8 |
frere8 | feria8 | fuses8 |
fries8 | fural8 | flats8 |
fetes8 | flare8 | flitt8 |
freer8 | flies8 | flier8 |
finis8 | float8 | frise8 |
flota8 | ferer8 | fests8 |
flirt8 | fitte8 | foils8 |
fetal8 | fetas8 | floss8 |
filet8 | flour8 | flout8 |
flits8 | fraus8 | fauns8 |
filos8 | fitts8 | flote8 |
freon8 | filii8 | fleas8 |
fillo8 | fuels8 | fuero8 |
feals8 | ferns8 | furrs8 |
froes8 | frost8 | fears8 |
fasts8 | farro8 | fairs8 |
faros8 | furol8 | fease8 |
fiars8 | fiere8 | feare8 |
fones8 | faena8 | freet8 |
frist8 | frons8 | flues8 |
folio8 | furor8 | farer8 |
feint8 | farle8 | fares8 |
farls8 | feuar8 | forte8 |
fella8 | fours8 | feast8 |
fools8 | fusts8 | forts8 |
fouet8 | frier8 | falls8 |
faint8 | feres8 | faine8 |
fossa8 | folia8 | fates8 |
fains8 | frate8 | folie8 |
futon8 | fouls8 | false8 |
fores8 | festa8 | fiers8 |
frats8 | foule8 | feist8 |
fetts8 | flute8 | fosse8 |
foals8 | feers8 | felon8 |
fesse8 | fauts8 | forel8 |
fount8 | feese8 | frena8 |
frail8 | frass8 | fulls8 |
frits8 | fritt8 | feral8 |
frati8 | fatal8 | fanos8 |
fonts8 | fient8 | fault8 |
fells8 | fiest8 | fauna8 |
fiats8 | feens8 | fents8 |
frill8 | feart8 | foots8 |
felts8 |
Valid 5 Letter Words That Start with F for Wordle
Practicing your Wordle prowess just got easier thanks to our list of 5 letter words starting with F. With so many choices at your disposal, you’ll soon be the undisputed champion.
fleer | flyer | flees |
fixed | fujis | falaj |
figgy | fairy | feods |
folia | ferns | fibre |
fiend | ficin | fiked |
fusts | fired | firie |
funds | fundy | frabs |
flock | fands | fifer |
fraim | futon | fifed |
flaps | focus | flood |
footy | fugio | fives |
fient | faros | forks |
fraps | frape | feces |
fasts | fixit | finch |
flows | farse | fifth |
fakir | flype | foyer |
feoff | fenks | fatal |
fulls | fleas | fuzes |
fears | feuar | fayed |
fural | felid | frisk |
first | feral | fezes |
fetes | fiqhs | fetas |
frate | flier | forum |
friar | foids | finos |
fykes | foley | frays |
flare | float | froes |
foots | fared | found |
faffs | flout | flite |
fyrds | frier | fyles |
frond | fagin | firth |
favas | fatty | feued |
fleur | forel | foals |
fusil | furth | fauns |
fohns | felts | fenis |
fluid | flied | fuddy |
fados | fault | flubs |
femal | fluky | finer |
fires | facer | flary |
freed | fitch | flirs |
fards | fouds | fishy |
fisty | fabby | fusty |
feeds | flack | filer |
faver | fosse | fuffs |
forte | fauve | faery |
flair | fores | fitte |
femmy | frump | filed |
folds | fumer | farer |
farro | frizz | fazes |
foehn | fudge | fools |
fices | fined | faxed |
faugh | farts | fusee |
festy | farms | flics |
favor | flors | feare |
flawn | fovea | fiest |
floes | fjord | flung |
fedex | freak | final |
fusel | fount | fames |
freon | foods | fakes |
fluyt | ficos | flued |
fucus | filum | fuzee |
fesse | flocs | fiche |
frize | furzy | fract |
fifis | flobs | focal |
flown | filii | fitly |
fides | fiars | fitna |
freit | faxes | folks |
flake | fiery | flesh |
filch | foams | force |
faves | fecal | fisks |
fones | fiord | farcy |
flour | flute | fanga |
flabs | fouat | flank |
foody | fazed | flote |
freer | fugal | flump |
fehme | fully | fogle |
filly | felly | feyly |
foule | fomes | flyte |
faine | fossa | fairs |
fixes | frail | femur |
fancy | flisk | fuzil |
fuses | ferer | fugly |
flexi | furze | fubby |
fanks | fendy | filmi |
fauts | femes | feats |
fleme | fated | fogie |
flues | flosh | foxie |
flogs | fanny | famed |
fetor | fewer | frees |
front | feuds | fuero |
FALSE | fused | fille |
femme | foggy | flips |
fjeld | fetta | faint |
foray | fests | forms |
ficus | flurr | flits |
fanal | flaky | fecht |
flams | frise | fauna |
fumet | flats | faked |
feted | frost | fetch |
flaff | fonda | fiere |
furrs | flaxy | fribs |
faces | foins | fluff |
fares | flexo | fills |
flays | finds | fleek |
frons | flora | fleam |
faith | fugie | furca |
folly | falls | farci |
flash | fowth | frits |
fifty | fiber | fonds |
fugus | fryer | flame |
forky | faena | forza |
fremd | funky | firms |
furor | feast | forze |
fecit | flint | fugue |
fraus | feria | farle |
furol | folie | fakie |
fango | faced | feals |
floor | fiver | fluty |
fyked | flies | flims |
flail | foist | festa |
fuels | fella | foils |
frass | frush | filmy |
flume | fiefs | frill |
fondu | flick | flota |
fluor | fents | flask |
flimp | faqir | filet |
fetwa | fries | frory |
finis | foamy | fenny |
fayne | flush | fours |
facia | felty | fasti |
fritz | froze | frogs |
flans | fadge | fifes |
flawy | fowls | fetid |
feese | fakey | fayre |
funks | foram | fists |
frosh | feens | fraud |
forge | fleys | fatly |
fundi | feers | flane |
flirt | feint | fudgy |
fines | floss | fleck |
frati | forby | finca |
fords | fetal | frets |
fuzed | foyne | folio |
fawny | fight | flamm |
furry | fanes | farls |
field | fichu | faddy |
fells | franc | fains |
flava | fizzy | fanon |
farad | faurd | feaze |
fanos | fiats | flyby |
facts | fried | freet |
feeze | films | foxed |
fauld | firry | faiks |
fussy | filks | fique |
fibro | fayer | flews |
favus | fecks | feyed |
fatwa | fermi | furls |
fuffy | fader | fiscs |
fuzzy | fuggy | fanum |
frock | fever | feres |
fouet | fates | fouls |
frame | forts | fable |
frats | fillo | fumed |
ferms | ferly | fungs |
fidge | frack | forbs |
farce | fades | foyle |
fiers | fease | frist |
frena | fugle | forgo |
feign | folky | frags |
forme | filos | flegs |
flags | folic | filth |
frore | frith | feyer |
fikes | faker | felon |
flong | fogou | furan |
favel | fends | facet |
frank | fouth | fogey |
fyces | frust | fleet |
flory | fonly | figos |
flitt | fungi | forty |
fangs | feart | fawns |
flaws | fonts | faded |
faffy | funny | fling |
firer | fetts | fusks |
fluke | frigs | fence |
fordo | frorn | flops |
forth | fetus | files |
fubsy | fruit | frugs |
frown | forex | fungo |
feist | finny | fluey |
fresh | fouer | fasci |
firns | feebs | finks |
fumes | filar | frows |
flamy | foxes | ferny |
ferry | firks | facta |
feels | fails | fezzy |
fytte | frowy | flunk |
frere | froth | fixer |
fitts | fidos | fritt |
flaks |
5 Letter Words That Start with F for Words with Friends
Improve your Words with Friends score by using any of these 5 letter words beginning with F. Try out some of these high-point words and see how they fare against the competition.
fuzzy29 | fizzy28 | frizz26 |
furzy20 | fuzil19 | fjeld19 |
fuzed19 | fique18 | fazed18 |
furze18 | fuzes18 | fujis18 |
fuzee18 | flaxy18 | fjord18 |
fazes17 | faqir17 | feaze17 |
feeze17 | fezes17 | froze17 |
fritz17 | faxed16 | fleck16 |
fluky16 | fucks16 | flock16 |
fluff16 | flyby16 | flick16 |
funky16 | flack16 | fixed16 |
foxed16 | flump16 | fecks15 |
faxes15 | fixer15 | flaky15 |
fuggy15 | foxes15 | flunk15 |
fixes15 | frock15 | frump15 |
fixit15 | folky15 | fawny14 |
finch14 | fichu14 | filmy14 |
femme14 | faggy14 | fakey14 |
feoff14 | fancy14 | filch14 |
flamy14 | funks14 | flawy14 |
foggy14 | forky14 | fluke14 |
fubsy14 | fykes14 | flank14 |
finks13 | favus13 | fetch13 |
fauve13 | fifty13 | fiche13 |
faked13 | filum13 | fitch13 |
fifth13 | fanum13 | farcy13 |
feyly13 | faugh13 | flask13 |
fyces13 | funny13 | frank13 |
flake13 | flubs13 | foamy13 |
flung13 | fully13 | flown13 |
fumed13 | fucus13 | forby13 |
flume13 | folks13 | favor12 |
fecal12 | fence12 | finny12 |
films12 | filly12 | faves12 |
fawns12 | favas12 | famed12 |
faker12 | fakes12 | fifed12 |
faced12 | ficin12 | ficus12 |
felly12 | fakir12 | faddy12 |
femur12 | fable12 | fishy12 |
fever12 | fight12 | fenny12 |
fanny12 | forum12 | fleam12 |
fugue12 | fugle12 | fumes12 |
frisk12 | fling12 | flong12 |
fogey12 | flaws12 | flocs12 |
focal12 | flics12 | fugus12 |
flows12 | fugal12 | fluty12 |
freak12 | forks12 | flame12 |
focus12 | frown12 | fungo12 |
fluyt12 | flush12 | fungi12 |
fovea12 | fudge12 | fiver12 |
fumet12 | fives12 | fumer12 |
folly12 | fowls12 | flips12 |
franc12 | flams12 | flews12 |
flops12 | flabs12 | flaps12 |
fremd12 | ferly11 | filth11 |
fagin11 | firms11 | fames11 |
feces11 | fifes11 | fangs11 |
fiscs11 | fayed11 | fanga11 |
fibre11 | farce11 | fidge11 |
femes11 | fatly11 | farms11 |
facia11 | fewer11 | fices11 |
ferny11 | fitly11 | feign11 |
farci11 | fifer11 | fauld11 |
facer11 | fatwa11 | facts11 |
faces11 | facet11 | fermi11 |
fadge11 | fiber11 | flash11 |
foams11 | fiefs11 | flesh11 |
furry11 | fleys11 | fugio11 |
fundi11 | forme11 | frugs11 |
fussy11 | fusty11 | force11 |
funds11 | forms11 | flyte11 |
fraps11 | foram11 | fluid11 |
flays11 | foehn11 | flags11 |
frame11 | flyer11 | found11 |
fohns11 | fulls11 | flogs11 |
frows11 | forbs11 | flued11 |
fondu11 | fells10 | fined10 |
final10 | finds10 | firry10 |
ferry10 | fella10 | fagot10 |
fillo10 | faery10 | fairy10 |
fille10 | faith10 | felon10 |
fills10 | felid10 | fault10 |
fiery10 | fauna10 | falls10 |
filed10 | fanon10 | feued10 |
fends10 | fauns10 | firth10 |
fatty10 | feyer10 | faded10 |
fiend10 | feuds10 | field10 |
fouls10 | furls10 | furan10 |
fusel10 | forth10 | fount10 |
fogie10 | forty10 | footy10 |
fused10 | fuels10 | foray10 |
froth10 | forge10 | fusil10 |
frosh10 | frith10 | frags10 |
frigs10 | forgo10 | flail10 |
flood10 | frogs10 | foyer10 |
flied10 | frond10 | fryer10 |
fraud10 | fluor10 | flans10 |
futon10 | frill10 | flour10 |
flint10 | flute10 | frays10 |
fonds10 | fytte10 | flues10 |
folds10 | fresh10 | flout10 |
feuar9 | fetid9 | fetus9 |
fired9 | finer9 | firns9 |
finis9 | fiord9 | feted9 |
fines9 | farle9 | finos9 |
faint9 | ferns9 | fetal9 |
filer9 | farad9 | filet9 |
feint9 | filos9 | fails9 |
feeds9 | fidos9 | fared9 |
fated9 | flees9 | fatal9 |
farls9 | feral9 | filar9 |
felts9 | fanos9 | files9 |
fader9 | feels9 | fards9 |
fados9 | feods9 | fanes9 |
fades9 | faena9 | fleet9 |
furor9 | fleer9 | flora9 |
flier9 | fords9 | flits9 |
floes9 | fusee9 | frail9 |
foils9 | fleas9 | flats9 |
fordo9 | fools9 | flota9 |
floss9 | fruit9 | floor9 |
flair9 | foins9 | flies9 |
fours9 | frons9 | flite9 |
float9 | foods9 | flare9 |
frena9 | fuses9 | folia9 |
fried9 | folio9 | front9 |
flirt9 | freed9 | foals9 |
fonts9 | fares8 | first8 |
fetor8 | firer8 | fires8 |
fasts8 | feria8 | fairs8 |
feats8 | feast8 | fesse8 |
farer8 | fetas8 | fatso8 |
feres8 | fates8 | fetes8 |
feist8 | fears8 | fease8 |
fists8 | faros8 | fiars8 |
farts8 | fiats8 | fossa8 |
fosse8 | freer8 | frore8 |
frost8 | fores8 | foots8 |
frere8 | fritt8 | frass8 |
frits8 | forte8 | frise8 |
forts8 | frats8 | friar8 |
froes8 | frees8 | frier8 |
foist8 | fries8 | frets8 |
More 5 Letter Words (A to Z)
Here you’ll find the whole list of five-letter words, starting with the letter A and going all the way to the letter Z. In the previous, we’ve talked about using 5 letter words beginning with the letter ‘F’ in word games.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, five-letter words starting with F can be an invaluable resource for tackling word games.
This article has highlighted five-letter words beginning with F that can help you outsmart your opponents.
We hope you have found this article useful and that it will spur you on to success in your next word game!
Do you have any suggestions for future word game-related articles? We look forward to seeing your precious recommendations in the comments below!