A Brief Guide to a Bong and How to Use it for a Smoke

A bong is a simple device used to smoke cannabis and has been in use for several years across different cultures. With the growing popularity of cannabis both for its leisurely use and medical benefits, the demand for smoke supplies like pipes, bubblers and bongs is also increasing. Almost every contemporary bong for sale is made from glass and comes in a standard shape. Bongs made from different materials such as wood and metal with unique shapes also serve the aesthetic purpose in some homes. Irrespective of its shape and size, every bong is made up of five main parts. To understand the working mechanism behind a bong, you must learn the functions of the main parts.

The Main Parts of a Bong

1. Tube

The tube is the upper chamber that contains the smoke from the cannabis before it is inhaled. The smoke in the tube is filtered and cooled. The upper end of the tube has the mouthpiece through which the user takes in the smoke.

2. Bowl

The user employs the bowl to load the dried mari###na. The bowl is connected to a stem. The stem allows the smoke from the bowl to pass into the tube. You can also find a bong for sale with a removable bowl.

3. Base

The lower or bottom part of the bong is called the base. It is shaped like a beaker with a broad bottom. The base contains water that is used to cool the smoke. Some models may include a base that is differently shaped.

4. Carburetor

Not every model of a bong includes a carburetor. The carburetor is also known as choke or carb. The carb is an essential component because it allows fresh air to flow into the device. When fresh air enters the pipe, the user can quickly inhale the contents. Also, the carburetor offers a more potent hit. The carb hole may be located on the tube or base. Cover the carb hole with a finger during the first half of the puff to use the carb. Release the finger when you inhale the second puff after the fresh air flows through the hole.

5. Downstem

Downstem is the connecting tube between the tube and the bowl. In some bong models, the bowl and the downstem are one single piece, and in some models, they include two separate parts. The downstem is responsible for transmitting the smoke from the bowl to the base. The smoke then moves through the water in the base.

Smoking with a Bong

Before you get started, fill the base with water. The water level must be just before the carb hole and above the end of the stem. Grind up the cannabis to a coarse mixture. If you grind the cannabis into tiny particles, it may fall into the stem and then the water in the base.

Step 1: Light the weed and simultaneously use the mouthpiece to inhale the smoke. This will create a vacuum in the tube.

Step 2: Cover the carb hole with a finger.

Step 3: When the cannabis mix starts to burn, its chemical bonds are broken, and smoke is formed.

Step 4: The smoke passes into the stem and enters the base containing the water.

Step 5: Water cools the smoke before it enters your mouth and lungs. Water also absorbs the unwanted particles from the smoke, such as tar and ash. The cannabinoids and the terpenes remain in the vapor stream and arise with the smoke.

Step 6: When the filtered smoke fills the tube, uncover the carb hole, and enjoy inhaling the cooled smoke. The cool smoke makes the inhaling experience more enjoyable.

The bong may not impact the intensity of the cannabis. But it does provide a smoother feeling to the throat and lungs. When you find an excellent bong for sale, opt for designs that are easier to clean and made from less toxic materials like glass.

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