Reasons for Hiring a Lawyer to Help With Workers’ Compensation Claims

When a worker is injured on the job, it is often their right to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Although the process of filing a claim is meant to be straightforward, many injured workers find they are given the runaround and treated unfairly by their employers and their insurance companies. With this guide, injured workers will learn how they can get help with their workers’ compensation claim so they can receive the benefits they deserve for their injuries and time out of work. 

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is an insurance program that was put into place at the federal level in 1916. This program protects both injured workers and their employers. If a worker is injured on the job, they have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim. When it comes to filing for workers comp, the process is supposed to be straightforward, and injured workers are to receive their fair benefits quickly. 

Once a person is injured on the job, they must inform their employer as soon as possible. The employer is then responsible for informing their insurance company so the process can begin. Within 14-30 days, depending on the state, the insurance company must either approve or deny the claim. If the claim is denied, a letter is sent to the injured worker informing them why. 

Reasons for Hiring a Lawyer to Help With Workers’ Compensation Claims

When someone is injured on the job, they often have a lot of questions and want answers. Most people can benefit from at least meeting with a workers’ compensation lawyer to learn about their rights and the steps involved in filing a claim. The following are some of the important reasons for hiring an attorney to help with workers’ compensation. 

  • A lawyer will help injured workers determine if they are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. The lawyer will help an injured worker avoid wasting time on filing a claim they are not eligible to file. 
  • Hiring a lawyer ensures the injured worker meets all legal requirements to help ensure they will be approved for their workers’ compensation benefits. 
  • When injured workers hire a lawyer for their claims, they can rest assured they are seeking the right benefits for their injuries. 
  • Injured workers will also ensure they are receiving enough benefits for the degree of injury they have suffered. 
  • When a lawyer is hired, they handle the insurance company for their injured clients. Dealing with the insurance company alone can bring on a lot of stress for an injured worker. 

Schedule a Consultation Appointment

One of the first things an injured worker needs to do after reporting their injury to their employer is to schedule a consultation appointment with a workers’ comp lawyer. Many of these lawyers offer free case evaluations for injured workers. 

At a consultation appointment, the injured worker will learn more about their rights and how to pursue the fair workers’ compensation benefits they are owed. Meeting with a lawyer offers sound legal guidance for injured workers and ensures they know the steps that are necessary for the process. 

Take the First Step

If you have been injured on the job, time is ticking on the statute of limitations. Getting legal help is wise, even if an injured worker believes they will experience no problems from their employer or the insurance company. A lawyer becomes an advocate for an injured worker. 

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  1. Consulting a compensation lawyer after a major injury could indeed be extremely useful to anyone who needs financial aid. If you don’t, you might struggle to convince someone that the reason you were hurt wasn’t at all your fault, making it hard to prove your claim. If that happens to me, I’ll take your advice and look for a worker’s compensation lawyer for sure.

  2. It’s great that you mentioned how workers compensation lawyers would help injured workers determine if they are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. I was reading a guide about workers’ compensation claims earlier and I noticed that the process is not simple. Fortunately, individuals could just hire a workers’ compensation lawyer now.

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