275 Verbs That Start with P [with Definitions and Examples]

In this article, we will look at the list of verbs that start with P and how they will help you modernize your communication style. Communication is a methodical way to build your credibility. It makes another person feel comfortable and welcome if done properly. But if a person can’t even use verbs that start with P decently, then for better or worse it’s a little difficult to lay trust in his credibility. So, now that you have the incentive to improve your communication skills, let’s start with verbs that start with P.
Verbs beginning with P encompass a wide range of verbs for day-to-day, unique and common use. This list also includes verbs that start with P to describe a person. Utilizing these verbs starting with P, you can make your reader envision different scenarios. Given below is the list of verbs that start with P.
Table of Contents
Verbs That Start with P You Always Use
We’ll start with something undemanding. Since these verbs that start with P are the ones that pop up in our conversations repeatedly, it is easy for us to understand and use them. See it for yourself in the list below.
1. Paint
● Definition: to cover the surface of (something) with paint
● Synonyms: dye, decorate, tint
● Example: The ceiling was painted dark grey.
2. Participate
● Definition: to take part in an action or endeavor
● Synonyms: take part, engage, join
● Example: More than a thousand people participated in a nationwide strike.
3. Pass
● Definition: to move or cause to move in a specified direction
● Synonyms: go, proceed, move
● Example: During the trip, they passed through towns and villages.
4. Pause
● Definition: to stop doing something for a short time
● Synonyms: stop, cease, halt
● Example: He paused and thought for a moment.
5. Pay
● Definition: to give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or debt incurred
● Synonyms: reward, sponsor, recompense
● Example: The traveler paid a guide to show him across.
6. Pierce
● Definition: (of a sharp pointed object) go into or through (something)
● Synonyms: penetrate, puncture, perforate
● Example: A splinter had pierced the skin.
7. Penetrate
● Definition: to go into or through (something)
● Synonyms: pierce, puncture, perforate
● Example: The shrapnel had penetrated his head.
8. Perceive
● Definition: to become aware or conscious of (something)
● Synonyms: discern, recognize, understand
● Example: His mouth fell open as he perceived the truth.
9. Perform
● Definition: to carry out, accomplish, or fulfill (an action, task, or function)
● Synonyms: carry out, execute, fulfill
● Example: I have my duties to perform.
10. Permit
● Definition: to officially allow (someone) to do something
● Synonyms: allow, grant, authorize
● Example: The law permits councils to monitor any factory emitting smoke.
Verbs That Start with P You Usually Use
In this section, we will use the frequently used verbs starting with P to give you a deeper understanding of how these verbs can work in different ways. So, let’s read on to see if we can find something new or not.
1. Persist
● Definition: continue to exist
● Synonyms: hold, continue, last
● Example: If the symptoms persist for more than a few days, then contact your doctor.
2. Persuade
● Definition: to induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument
● Synonyms: talk someone into, coax, convince
● Example: It wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing.
3. Pick
● Definition: to choose (someone or something) from a number of alternatives
● Synonyms: select, pick out, choose
● Example: Maybe I picked the wrong career after all.
4. Place
● Definition: to put in a particular position
● Synonyms: position, put down, set down
● Example: A newspaper had been placed beside my plate.
5. Penalize
● Definition: subject to a penalty or punishment
● Synonyms: punish, discipline, sentence
● Example: High-spending councils will be penalized.
6. Pose
● Definition: to present or constitute (a problem or danger)
● Synonyms: constitute, present, create
● Example: The sheer number of visitors is posing a threat to the area.
7. Possess
● Definition: have as belonging to one
● Synonyms: own, have, hold
● Example: I don’t possess a television set.
8. Pray
● Definition: to address a prayer to God or another deity
● Synonyms: call on, plead, appeal to
● Example: The whole family was praying for the recovery of Michael.
9. Prepare
● Definition: to make (something) ready for use or consideration
● Synonyms: make ready, put together, produce
● Example: Prepare a summary of the essay.
10. Present
● Definition: to give or award formally or ceremonially
● Synonyms: hand over, give, confer
● Example: The duke presented certificates to the successful candidates.
Verbs That Start with P You Often Use
This section is all about verbs starting with P that we often use during our daily conversation or writing something formal. Let’s see how many of these verbs are already a part of your vocabulary.
1. Preserve
● Definition: to maintain (something) in its original or existing state
● Synonyms: conserve, protect, maintain
● Example: All the fossils were preserved for further examination.
2. Pretend
● Definition: behave so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not
● Synonyms: profess, pose, sham
● Example: I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep.
3. Prevent
● Definition: to keep (something) from happening
● Synonyms: stop, avert, fend off
● Example: Calculated measures must be taken to prevent further accidents.
4. Print
● Definition: to produce (books, newspapers, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text or designs to paper
● Synonyms: copy, reproduce, preprint
● Example: A thousand copies of the book were printed.
5. Proceed
● Definition: to begin a course of action
● Synonyms: begin, get going, move
● Example: The consortium could proceed with the plan.
6. Produce
● Definition: to make or manufacture from components or raw materials
● Synonyms: manufacture, construct, build
● Example: The company has just produced a luxury version of the aircraft.
7. Prohibit
● Definition: to formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority
● Synonyms: forbid, ban, bar
● Example: All ivory trafficking between nations is prohibited.
8. Promise
● Definition: to assure someone that one will do something or that something will happen
● Synonyms: swear, pledge, vow
● Example: He promised to forward my mail.
9. Promote
● Definition: to support or actively encourage (a cause, venture, etc.)
● Synonyms: encourage, advance, develop
● Example: Some regulation is still required to promote competition.
10. Prompt
● Definition: (of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling)
● Synonyms: give rise to, bring about, cause
● Example: The violence prompted a wave of refugees to flee the country.
Verbs That Start with P You Sometimes Use
Owing to circumstances and our daily routine, some verbs are used more frequently than others. And in this list, we’ll cover verbs beginning with P that we only use sometimes.
1. Peck
● Definition: (of a bird) strike or bite something with its beak
● Synonyms: bite, nip, strike
● Example: Two geese were pecking at some grain.
2. Pal
● Definition: to form a friendship
● Synonyms: make friends, get in, buddy up
● Example: She palled up with some English chaps.
3. Pardon
● Definition: to forgive or excuse (a person, error, or offense)
● Synonyms: forgive, excuse, absolve
● Example: I know Catherine will pardon me.
4. Peer
● Definition: to look with difficulty or concentration at someone or something
● Synonyms: squint, peep, peek
● Example: Michael peered at her with suspicion.
5. Pilot
● Definition: to be the pilot of (an aircraft or ship)
● Synonyms: fly, control, handle
● Example: He piloted the helicopter from Paris to Deauville.
6. Pioneer
● Definition: to develop or be the first to use or apply (a new method, area of knowledge, or activity)
● Synonyms: develop, introduce, evolve
● Example: The technique was pioneered by a Swiss doctor in 1930.
7. Poise
● Definition: be or cause to be balanced or suspended
● Synonyms: balance, hang, hover
● Example: He is poised motionless on his toes.
8. Pen
● Definition: to write or compose
● Synonyms: put down, markdown, record
● Example: Olivia penned award-winning poetry.
9. Plug
● Definition: to block or fill in (a hole or cavity)
● Synonyms: stuff, fill up, pack
● Example: Trucks arrived loaded with gravel to plug the hole and clear the
10. Pollute
● Definition: to contaminate (water, the air, etc.) with harmful or poisonous substances
● Synonyms: contaminate, poison, foul
● Example: We shouldn’t pollute our environment.
Verbs That Start with P You Occasionally Use
These verb words that start with P are used occasionally during communication with others but they can bring a new style to your writing and speaking skills.
1. Peg
● Definition: fix, secure, or mark with a peg or pegs
● Synonyms: fix, pin, attach
● Example: Make sure the tarpaulin is securely pegged down.
2. Pee
● Definition: urinate
● Synonyms: pass water, widdle
● Example: The puppy was peeing on the carpet.
3. Peel
● Definition: to remove the outer covering or skin from (a fruit or vegetable)
● Synonyms: skin, strip, shave
● Example: She watched him peel an apple with deliberate care.
4. Publicize
● Definition: to make (something) widely known
● Synonyms: announce, report, communicate
● Example: We can use the magazine to publicize human rights abuses.
5. Pucker
● Definition: (especially with reference to a person’s face) tightly gather or contract into wrinkles or small folds
● Synonyms: wrinkle, crinkle, crumple
● Example: The child’s face puckered, ready to cry.
6. Promulgate
● Definition: to promote or make widely known (an idea or cause)
● Synonyms: publicize, spread, communicate
● Example: These objectives have to be promulgated within the organization.
7. Puke
● Definition: vomit
● Synonyms: vomit, throw up, retch
● Example: He was puking at the party due to excessive consumption of alcohol.
8. Pulp
● Definition: to crush into a soft, wet, shapeless mass
● Synonyms: mash, cream, crush
● Example: Bales of waste paper were chopped, shredded, and pulped.
9. Pulsate
● Definition: to produce a regular throbbing sensation or sound
● Synonyms: palpitate, pulse, throb
● Example: She could hear the music pulsating through the tiled walls.
10. Pulverize
● Definition: to reduce to fine particles
● Synonyms: grind, crush, pound
● Example: The brick of the villages was pulverized by the bombardment.
Verbs That Start with P You Seldom Use
Below is the list of verbs that start with the letter P, which are seldom used. You might be familiar with some of these but we bet you wouldn’t know about most of them.
1. Pump
● Definition: to force (liquid, gas, etc.) to move by or as if by means of a pump
● Synonyms: force, drive, push
● Example: The blood is pumped around the body by the heart.
2. Punctuate
● Definition: to insert punctuation marks in (text)
● Synonyms: accentuate, apostrophize
● Example: They should be shown how to set out and punctuate direct speech.
3. Psych
● Definition: mentally prepare (someone) for a testing task or occasion
● Synonyms: prepare, nerve oneself, steel oneself
● Example: He had to psych himself for a tough conversation with his wife.
4. Prank
● Definition: to play a trick or practical joke on (someone)
● Synonyms: joke, trick, leg-pull
● Example: The individuals who were pranked thought they were auditioning to be a TV show host.
5. Prattle
● Definition: to talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way
● Synonyms: chatter, babble, prate
● Example: She began to prattle on about her visit to the zoo.
6. Precipitate
● Definition: to cause (an event or situation, typically one that is undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely
● Synonyms: bring about, bring on, cause
● Example: The meeting precipitated a political crisis.
7. Preclude
● Definition: to prevent from happening
● Synonyms: prevent, prohibit, rule out
● Example: The secret nature of his work precluded official recognition.
8. Police
● Definition: (of a police force) have the duty of maintaining law and order in or at (an area or event)
● Synonyms: guard, protect, defend
● Example: The march will be heavily policed by an anti-riot unit.
10. Pop
● Definition: make a light explosive sound
● Synonyms: crack, snap, burst
● Example: The kids were popping all the birthday balloons.
10. Pontificate
● Definition: to express one’s opinions in a pompous and dogmatic way
● Synonyms: hold forth, dogmatize, preach
● Example: He was pontificating about religion.
Verbs That Start with P You Rarely Use
This list is all about the P-verbs that are not a part of our daily conversations. We feel you will find a lot of unique verbs here.
1. Puncture
● Definition: to make a puncture in (something)
● Synonyms: pierce, penetrate, rupture
● Example: The knife went through his ribs and punctured his lungs.
2. Prearrange
● Definition: to arrange or agree upon (something) in advance
● Synonyms: pre-planned, pre-established, predetermined
● Example: Without the internet, it is not possible to prearrange online meetings.
3. Placate
● Definition: to make (someone) less angry or hostile
● Synonyms: pacify, calm, soothe
● Example: They attempted to placate the students with promises.
4. Plagiarize
● Definition: to take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one’s own
● Synonyms: copy, pirate, steal
● Example: He was fined $6,000 for having plagiarized the song.
5. Plague
● Definition: cause continual trouble or distress to
● Synonyms: afflict, torment, trouble
● Example: He has been plagued by ill-health.
6. Plaster
● Definition: to cover (a wall, ceiling, or other structure) with plaster
● Synonyms: smother, spread, smear
● Example: All the walls were plastered and painted within two days.
7. Plead
● Definition: to make an emotional appeal
● Synonyms: bed, petition, entreat
● Example: She pleaded with them not to gag the boy.
8. Pleat
● Definition: to fold into pleats
● Synonyms: fold, tuck, gather
● Example: She was absently pleating her skirt between her fingers.
9. Picket
● Definition: to act as a picket outside (a workplace or other venue)
● Synonyms: blockade, isolate, surround
● Example: A lot of people picketed the newspaper’s main building.
10. Pinch
● Definition: to grip (something, typically a person’s flesh) tightly and sharply between finger and thumb
● Synonyms: nip, tweak, squeeze
● Example: She pinched his cheek.
Positive Verbs That Start with P
In the end, we have a list of positive verbs that start with P. In this section, we will see an alternative approach to use verbs instead of learning more unique and fancy verbs.
1. Praise
● Definition: express warm approval or admiration of
● Synonyms: commend, applaud, compliment
● Example: He was praised by the CEO for his creative ideas.
2. Please
● Definition: cause to feel happy and satisfied
● Synonyms: pleasant, pleasurable, satisfying
● Example: He arranges a secret party to please his friends.
3. Play
● Definition: to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose
● Synonyms: enjoy oneself, have fun, relax
● Example: The children were playing in the stadium.
4. Plan
● Definition: to decide on and make arrangements for in advance
● Synonyms: organize, arrange, think out
● Example: They were planning a trip to Europe.
5. Perfect
● Definition: to make (something) completely free from faults or defects
● Synonyms: improve, better, polish (up)
● Example: He is busy perfecting his shooting technique.
6. Pep
● Definition: to make someone or something more lively or interesting
● Synonyms: improve, enliven, liven up
● Example: We need some amazing music to pep up this party.
7. Peak
● Definition: to reach the highest point, either of a specified value or at a specified time
● Synonyms: climax, culminate, come to a head
● Example: The pandemic peaked in 2019.
8. Partner
● Definition: to associate or work together as partners
● Synonyms: collaborate, join forces, get together
● Example: We’ve partnered with several venues and organizations to bring fun science events to the city.
9. Parent
● Definition: to be or act as a parent to (a child)
● Synonyms: bring up, look after, take care of
● Example: I believe Jim was parented very well.
10. Pet
● Definition: to treat (someone) with affection or favoritism
● Synonyms: pamper, spoil, coddle
● Example: He loves to be petted and cosseted by his parents.
Verbs That Start with P – Full List (275 words)
- Pace
- Pacify
- Pack
- Pact
- Pad
- Paddle
- Padlock
- Pain
- Pair
- Pal
- Palaver
- Palliate
- Palm
- Pamper
- Pan
- Panel
- Pant
- Paper
- Parade
- Paragon
- Paralyze
- Paraphrase
- Pardon
- Pare
- Parent
- Park
- Parley
- Parody
- Part
- Participate
- Particularize
- Partition
- Partner
- Pass
- Paste
- Pasteurize
- Pasture
- Pat
- Patch
- Patent
- Patrol
- Patronize
- Patter
- Pause
- Pave
- Paw
- Pay
- Peak
- Pearl
- Peck
- Pedal
- Peddle
- Peek
- Peel
- Peep
- Peer
- Peg
- Pen
- Penalize
- Pencil
- Penetrate
- Pension
- People
- Pep
- Pepper
- Perceive
- Perch
- Percolate
- Peregrinate
- Perfect
- Perforate
- Perform
- Perfume
- Perish
- Perk
- Permeate
- Permit
- Perpetrate
- Perpetuate
- Persecute
- Persevere
- Persist
- Personalize
- Personify
- Perspire
- Persuade
- Pertain
- Perturb
- Peruse
- Pervade
- Pervert
- Pester
- Pet
- Petition
- Petrify
- Philosophize
- Phone
- Phosphorate
- Photograph
- Phrase
- Pick
- Picket
- Picture
- Pierce
- Pig
- Pile
- Pilfer
- Pillage
- Pilot
- Pin
- Pinch
- Pine
- Pinion
- Pioneer
- Pipe
- Pirate
- Pirouette
- Piss
- Pit
- Pitch
- Pity
- Pivot
- Place
- Plagiarize
- Plague
- Plait
- Plan
- Plaster
- Plate
- Play
- Plead
- Please
- Pleasure
- Pledge
- Plot
- Pluck
- Plug
- Plump
- Plunder
- Plunge
- Poach
- Point
- Poise
- Poison
- Poke
- Polarize
- Polish
- Pollute
- Polymerize
- Ponder
- Pontificate
- Poop
- Pop
- Popularize
- Populate
- Pore
- Portray
- Pose
- Position
- Possess
- Post
- Postdate
- Postpone
- Pot
- Potter
- Pound
- Pour
- Powder
- Power
- Practice
- Praise
- Prattle
- Pray
- Preach
- Precede
- Precipitate
- Predestinate
- Predetermine
- Predict
- Predispose
- Predominate
- Preexist
- Prefer
- Preform
- Prejudge
- Prelude
- Premeditate
- Preoccupy
- Prepare
- Presage
- Prescribe
- Present
- Preserve
- Preside
- Press
- Presume
- Presuppose
- Pretend
- Pretty
- Prevail
- Prevaricate
- Prevent
- Prey
- Price
- Prick
- Prime
- Privilege
- Prize
- Probe
- Proceed
- Process
- Proclaim
- Procrastinate
- Procreate
- Proctor
- Produce
- Profane
- Profess
- Profile
- Profit
- Program
- Progress
- Prohibit
- Project
- Proliferate
- Prolong
- Promise
- Promote
- Prompt
- Promulgate
- Pronounce
- Prop
- Propagate
- Propel
- Prophesy
- Proportion
- Propose
- Propulse
- Prosecute
- Prospect
- Prosper
- Prostitute
- Protect
- Protest
- Protrude
- Prove
- Provide
- Provoke
- Prowl
- Prune
- Pry
- Publish
- Pucker
- Puff
- Puke
- Pull
- Pullulate
- Pulp
- Pulverize
- Pump
- Punch
- Punctuate
- Puncture
- Punish
- Purchase
- Purge
- Purify
- Purpose
- Purr
- Pursue
- Push
- Put
- Putrefy
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with P
We hope some of these verbs beginning with P, were able to make it in your vocabulary list. But you must always remember that “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch but on its own wings”. These verbs starting with P are like a branch, and they will support you, but your faith shouldn’t be in these verbs but in your ability to use them.
If you find some unique and creative way to use verbs that start with P, please tell us about it in the comment section.
Ps. See also positive words that start with P, adjectives that start with P and nouns that start with P.