1200 Adjectives That Start with P | List with Definitions and Examples

Adjectives that start with P are so many in English language that you can easily find them in almost every article. For example, I bet you must be really familiar with these adjectives starting with P like “pleased”, “pleasant”, “polite”.
What is an adjective? It is a word you use to describe a person, place, or thing. Let’s look at some examples of adjectives beginning with P.
- Working with you is such a pleasant experience.
- He’s been living there for the past 20 years.
- She’s wearing a purple dress.
- Her personal fortune was recently estimated at $1 billion.
You see, by using some descriptive words starting with P in above sentences, the nouns they described immediately becomes a vivid image.
Now let’s get started with the full list of adjectives that start with P.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with P – Full List (1200 words)
The letter P is one of the commonly used letters in English language and we prepared a huge list of 1200 adjectives starting with P below for you. Keep on reading to see how many of these P adjectives are already known to you.
- Pachydermal
- Pachydermic
- Pachydermous
- Pacific
- Pacifist
- Pacifistic
- Packable
- Packed
- Padded
- Paederastic
- Paediatric
- Pagan
- Paid
- Painful
- Painless
- Painstaking
- Paintable
- Painted
- Painterly
- Pakistani
- Palaeolithic
- Palaeontological
- Palatable
- Palatal
- Palatalised
- Palatalized
- Palatial
- Palatine
- Palatoglossal
- Pale
- Paled
- Paleoanthropological
- Paleocortical
- Paleolithic
- Paleontological
- Paleozoic
- Palestinian
- Palingenetic
- Palish
- Palladian
- Palliative
- Pallid
- Pally
- Palmar
- Palmate
- Palmatifid
- Palmlike
- Palmy
- Palpable
- Palpatory
- Palpebrate
- Palpitant
- Paltry
- Pampered
- Panamanian
- Pancreatic
- Pandemic
- Pandurate
- Panduriform
- Panegyric
- Panegyrical
- Paneled
- Panhellenic
- Panicky
- Panicled
- Paniculate
- Panoptic
- Panoptical
- Panoramic
- Pantalooned
- Pantheistic
- Pantropic
- Pantropical
- Papal
- Paperback
- Paperbacked
- Paperlike
- Papery
- Papillary
- Papillate
- Papilliform
- Papillose
- Papist
- Papistic
- Papistical
- Pappose
- Papuan
- Parabolic
- Parabolical
- Paraboloidal
- Paradigmatic
- Paradisaic
- Paradisaical
- Paradisal
- Paradisiac
- Paradisiacal
- Paradoxical
- Paraguayan
- Parallel
- Paralytical
- Paralyzed
- Paramagnetic
- Paramedical
- Parametric
- Paramilitary
- Paramount
- Paranasal
- Paranoid
- Paranormal
- Paraphrastic
- Paraplegic
- Parasitic
- Parasitical
- Parasiticidal
- Parasympathetic
- Parasympathomimetic
- Parched
- Pardonable
- Parental
- Parented
- Parenteral
- Parenthetic
- Parenthetical
- Parentless
- Pareve
- Parheliacal
- Parhelic
- Parietal
- Paripinnate
- Parisian
- Parking
- Parky
- Parliamentary
- Parlous
- Parochial
- Paroicous
- Parotid
- Parous
- Paroxysmal
- Parrotlike
- Parsimonious
- Parthenogenetic
- Parthian
- Partial
- Partible
- Participatory
- Participial
- Particolored
- Particoloured
- Particular
- Particularised
- Particularistic
- Particularized
- Particulate
- Partisan
- Partitive
- Partizan
- Parturient
- Parve
- Parvenu
- Parvenue
- Paschal
- Pass
- Passable
- Passant
- Passe
- Passee
- Passerine
- Passing
- Passionate
- Passionless
- Passive
- Past
- Pastel
- Pastelike
- Pasteurian
- Pasteurised
- Pasteurized
- Pastoral
- Pasty
- Pat
- Patchy
- Patellar
- Patelliform
- Patent
- Patented
- Paternal
- Paternalistic
- Pathetic
- Pathless
- Pathogenic
- Pathologic
- Pathological
- Patient
- Patriarchal
- Patriarchic
- Patricentric
- Patrician
- Patrilineal
- Patrilinear
- Patriotic
- Patristic
- Patristical
- Patronised
- Patronising
- Patronizing
- Patronless
- Patronymic
- Patterned
- Pauline
- Paunchy
- Pavlovian
- Pawky
- Payable
- Paying
- Peaceable
- Peaceful
- Peacekeeping
- Peachy
- Peaky
- Peanut
- Pearlescent
- Pearly
- Pebbly
- Peccable
- Peccant
- Peckish
- Pectic
- Pectinate
- Pectineal
- Pectoral
- Peculiar
- Pecuniary
- Pedagogic
- Pedagogical
- Pedal
- Pedantic
- Pedate
- Pederastic
- Pedestrian
- Pediatric
- Pedigree
- Pedigreed
- Pedunculate
- Peerless
- Peeved
- Peevish
- Pejorative
- Pelagic
- Pelecypod
- Pelecypodous
- Pellucid
- Peloponnesian
- Peltate
- Pelvic
- Pemphigous
- Penal
- Penciled
- Pendant
- Pendent
- Pending
- Pendulous
- Penetrable
- Penetrating
- Penial
- Penile
- Peninsular
- Penitent
- Penitential
- Penitentiary
- Pennate
- Penniless
- Pensionable
- Pensive
- Pent
- Pentagonal
- Pentamerous
- Pentangular
- Pentasyllabic
- Pentatonic
- Pentavalent
- Pentecostal
- Penultimate
- Penumbral
- Penurious
- Peppery
- Peppy
- Peptic
- Perambulating
- Perceivable
- Perceptible
- Perceptive
- Perceptual
- Percipient
- Percussive
- Percutaneous
- Perdurable
- Peregrine
- Peremptory
- Perennial
- Perfect
- Perfected
- Perfectible
- Perfervid
- Perfidious
- Perfoliate
- Perforate
- Perforated
- Perfumed
- Perfunctory
- Perianal
- Pericardiac
- Pericardial
- Perigonal
- Perilous
- Perinasal
- Perinatal
- Perineal
- Period
- Periodic
- Periodical
- Periodontal
- Periodontic
- Peripatetic
- Peripheral
- Periphrastic
- Peripteral
- Perirhinal
- Perishable
- Peristylar
- Perithelial
- Peritoneal
- Peritrichous
- Periwigged
- Perky
- Permanent
- Permeable
- Permeant
- Permeative
- Permissible
- Permissive
- Permutable
- Pernicious
- Pernickety
- Peroneal
- Perpendicular
- Perpetual
- Perplexed
- Perplexing
- Persevering
- Persian
- Persistent
- Persnickety
- Personable
- Personal
- Personalised
- Personalized
- Perspicacious
- Perspicuous
- Persuadable
- Persuasible
- Persuasive
- Pert
- Pertinacious
- Pertinent
- Perturbed
- Perturbing
- Peruked
- Peruvian
- Pervasive
- Perverse
- Perversive
- Pervious
- Pesky
- Pessimal
- Pessimistic
- Pessimum
- Pestiferous
- Pestilent
- Pestilential
- Pet
- Petaled
- Petalled
- Petalless
- Petallike
- Petaloid
- Petalous
- Petite
- Petitionary
- Petrous
- Petticoated
- Pettish
- Petty
- Petulant
- Phagocytic
- Phalangeal
- Phallic
- Phantasmagoric
- Phantasmagorical
- Phantom
- Pharaonic
- Pharisaic
- Pharisaical
- Pharmaceutic
- Pharmaceutical
- Pharmacologic
- Pharmacological
- Pharyngeal
- Phenomenal
- Philanthropic
- Philatelical
- Philharmonic
- Philhellene
- Philhellenic
- Philippine
- Philistine
- Philosophic
- Philosophical
- Phlegmatic
- Phlegmatical
- Phobic
- Phocine
- Phoenician
- Phonemic
- Phonetic
- Phoney
- Phonic
- Phonogramic
- Phonologic
- Phony
- Phosphorescent
- Phosphoric
- Phosphorous
- Photic
- Photochemical
- Photoconductive
- Photoelectric
- Photoelectrical
- Photoemissive
- Photogenic
- Photographic
- Photomechanical
- Photometric
- Photometrical
- Photosensitive
- Photovoltaic
- Phrasal
- Phreatic
- Phrenetic
- Phrenic
- Phrenological
- Phyletic
- Phylliform
- Phyllodial
- Phylogenetic
- Physical
- Physicochemical
- Physiologic
- Physiological
- Physiotherapeutic
- Phytophagic
- Phytophagous
- Phytophilous
- Piagetian
- Pianissimo
- Pianistic
- Piano
- Picaresque
- Picayune
- Picky
- Pictographic
- Pictorial
- Pictural
- Picturesque
- Piddling
- Piebald
- Piecemeal
- Pied
- Piercing
- Pietistic
- Pietistical
- Piezoelectric
- Piffling
- Piggish
- Piggy
- Pigheaded
- Pilar
- Pilary
- Pillared
- Pilose
- Pilosebaceous
- Pilotless
- Pilous
- Pimpled
- Pimply
- Pinchbeck
- Pineal
- Pink
- Pinkish
- Pinnate
- Pinnated
- Pinnatifid
- Pinnatisect
- Pinstriped
- Pious
- Piquant
- Piratical
- Piscatorial
- Piscatory
- Piscine
- Piscivorous
- Pissed
- Pistillate
- Pitchy
- Piteous
- Pithy
- Pitiable
- Pitiful
- Pitiless
- Pituitary
- Pivotal
- Pixilated
- Pizzicato
- Placable
- Placating
- Placative
- Placatory
- Placeable
- Placental
- Placid
- Placoid
- Plagiarised
- Plagiaristic
- Plagioclastic
- Plaguey
- Plaguy
- Plaid
- Plain
- Plainspoken
- Plaintive
- Planar
- Planate
- Plane
- Planetal
- Planetary
- Plangent
- Planktonic
- Planless
- Planned
- Planoconcave
- Planoconvex
- Planographic
- Plantal
- Plantar
- Plantigrade
- Plastered
- Plastic
- Platelike
- Platitudinal
- Platitudinous
- Platonic
- Platonistic
- Platyrhine
- Platyrhinian
- Platyrrhine
- Platyrrhinian
- Platyrrhinic
- Plausible
- Plausive
- Playable
- Playful
- Pleading
- Pleasant
- Pleased
- Pleasing
- Pleasurable
- Plebeian
- Plenary
- Plenteous
- Plentiful
- Pleochroic
- Pleomorphic
- Pleonastic
- Pleural
- Pleuritic
- Pleurocarpous
- Pliable
- Pliant
- Plodding
- Ploughed
- Plucky
- Plumaged
- Plumate
- Plumb
- Plumbable
- Plumbaginaceous
- Plumbic
- Plumbous
- Plumed
- Plumelike
- Plumlike
- Plummy
- Plumose
- Plump
- Plumping
- Plumy
- Pluperfect
- Plural
- Pluralistic
- Plus
- Plush
- Plushy
- Plutocratic
- Plutocratical
- Plutonian
- Plutonic
- Pneumatic
- Pneumococcal
- Pneumogastric
- Pneumonic
- Pocked
- Pocketable
- Pockmarked
- Podgy
- Podlike
- Poetic
- Poetical
- Poetically
- Poignant
- Poikilothermic
- Pointed
- Pointillist
- Pointillistic
- Pointless
- Poised
- Poisonous
- Pokey
- Poky
- Polar
- Polarographic
- Polemic
- Polemical
- Polemoniaceous
- Polish
- Polished
- Polite
- Politic
- Political
- Polluted
- Pollyannaish
- Poltroon
- Polyandrous
- Polyatomic
- Polychromatic
- Polychrome
- Polychromic
- Polydactyl
- Polydactylous
- Polyestrous
- Polygenic
- Polyglot
- Polygynous
- Polymeric
- Polymorphemic
- Polymorphic
- Polymorphous
- Polynesian
- Polynomial
- Polyoestrous
- Polyoicous
- Polypetalous
- Polyphase
- Polyploid
- Polysemantic
- Polysemous
- Polysyllabic
- Polysynthetic
- Polytonal
- Polyunsaturated
- Polyvalent
- Pomaded
- Pompous
- Ponderable
- Ponderous
- Pontifical
- Poor
- Poorly
- Pop
- Popeyed
- Popish
- Popliteal
- Popping
- Popular
- Populous
- Porcine
- Poriferous
- Porose
- Porous
- Porphyritic
- Portable
- Portentous
- Porticoed
- Portly
- Portuguese
- Posh
- Positionable
- Positional
- Positive
- Positivistic
- Possessive
- Possible
- Postal
- Postbiblical
- Postdiluvian
- Postdoctoral
- Posted
- Posterior
- Postexilic
- Postganglionic
- Postglacial
- Postgraduate
- Posthumous
- Postictal
- Postindustrial
- Postmenopausal
- Postmeridian
- Postmillennial
- Postmodern
- Postmodernist
- Postmortal
- Postmortem
- Postnatal
- Postnuptial
- Postoperative
- Postpaid
- Postpartum
- Postpositive
- Postprandial
- Postulational
- Postural
- Postwar
- Potable
- Potbellied
- Potbound
- Potent
- Potential
- Potholed
- Potty
- Pouched
- Pouchlike
- Powdery
- Powerful
- Powerless
- Practicable
- Practical
- Practiced
- Praetorial
- Praetorian
- Pragmatic
- Pragmatical
- Praiseful
- Praiseworthy
- Praising
- Prakritic
- Prandial
- Prankish
- Prayerful
- Preachy
- Preanal
- Precancerous
- Precarious
- Precast
- Precative
- Precatory
- Precautional
- Precautionary
- Precedent
- Precedented
- Precedential
- Preceding
- Precious
- Precipitant
- Precipitate
- Precipitating
- Precipitous
- Precise
- Preclinical
- Preclusive
- Precocial
- Precocious
- Precognitive
- Preconceived
- Preconcerted
- Preconditioned
- Precooked
- Precooled
- Precordial
- Precursory
- Predaceous
- Predacious
- Predatory
- Predestinate
- Predestined
- Predicative
- Predictable
- Predictive
- Predigested
- Predisposed
- Predominant
- Predominate
- Preeminent
- Preemptive
- Preexistent
- Preexisting
- Prefab
- Prefabricated
- Prefaded
- Prefatorial
- Prefatory
- Prefectural
- Preferable
- Preferent
- Preferential
- Preferred
- Prefigurative
- Prefrontal
- Pregnant
- Prehensile
- Prehistoric
- Prehistorical
- Prejudiced
- Prejudicial
- Prejudicious
- Prelapsarian
- Preliminary
- Preliterate
- Premarital
- Premature
- Premedical
- Premeditated
- Premenopausal
- Premenstrual
- Premier
- Premiere
- Premium
- Premonitory
- Prenatal
- Prenominal
- Prenuptial
- Preoccupied
- Preoperative
- Prepackaged
- Prepacked
- Prepaid
- Preparative
- Preparatory
- Prepared
- Preponderant
- Preponderating
- Prepositional
- Prepossessing
- Preposterous
- Preprandial
- Prepubertal
- Prepubescent
- Prepupal
- Prerecorded
- Prerequisite
- Presbyopic
- Prescient
- Prescribed
- Prescription
- Prescriptive
- Present
- Presentable
- Presentational
- Preservable
- Preservative
- Preserved
- Preset
- Presidential
- Presocratic
- Pressed
- Pressing
- Pressor
- Pressurized
- Prestigious
- Prestissimo
- Presto
- Presumable
- Presumptive
- Presumptuous
- Preteen
- Pretended
- Pretentious
- Preternatural
- Pretorial
- Pretorian
- Pretty
- Prevailing
- Prevalent
- Prevenient
- Preventable
- Preventative
- Preventive
- Previous
- Prewar
- Priapic
- Priceless
- Pricey
- Prickly
- Pricy
- Prideful
- Priestlike
- Priestly
- Priggish
- Prim
- Prima
- Prima Donna
- Primaeval
- Primal
- Primary
- Prime
- Primed
- Primeval
- Primiparous
- Primitive
- Primo
- Primordial
- Princely
- Principal
- Principled
- Printable
- Prior
- Prismatic
- Prisonlike
- Prissy
- Pristine
- Private
- Privileged
- Privy
- Prize
- Prized
- Prizewinning
- Proactive
- Probabilistic
- Probable
- Probative
- Probatory
- Probing
- Problematic
- Problematical
- Procaryotic
- Procedural
- Processional
- Proconsular
- Procreative
- Procrustean
- Procumbent
- Procurable
- Prodigal
- Prodigious
- Prodromal
- Prodromic
- Productive
- Profanatory
- Profane
- Profaned
- Professed
- Professional
- Professorial
- Proficient
- Profitable
- Profitless
- Profligate
- Profound
- Profuse
- Prognathic
- Prognathous
- Prognostic
- Prognosticative
- Programmable
- Progressive
- Prohibitive
- Prohibitory
- Proinflammatory
- Projectile
- Prokaryotic
- Prolate
- Proletarian
- Prolific
- Prolix
- Prolonged
- Prolusory
- Prominent
- Promiscuous
- Promised
- Promising
- Promissory
- Promotional
- Promotive
- Prompt
- Prone
- Pronged
- Prongy
- Pronominal
- Pronounced
- Proof
- Proofed
- Propaedeutic
- Propagative
- Propellant
- Propellent
- Proper
- Propertied
- Propertyless
- Prophetic
- Prophetical
- Prophylactic
- Propitiative
- Propitiatory
- Propitious
- Proportionable
- Proportional
- Proportionate
- Proportioned
- Proprietary
- Proprioceptive
- Propulsive
- Prosaic
- Prospective
- Prosperous
- Prospicient
- Prostate
- Prostatic
- Prosthetic
- Prosthodontic
- Prostrate
- Prostyle
- Protanopic
- Protean
- Protecting
- Protective
- Proteinaceous
- Proteolytic
- Proterozoic
- Protestant
- Proto
- Prototypal
- Prototypic
- Prototypical
- Protozoal
- Protozoan
- Protozoic
- Protracted
- Protractible
- Protractile
- Protrusible
- Protrusile
- Protrusive
- Protuberant
- Proud
- Proustian
- Provable
- Proven
- Proven/al
- Provencal
- Proverbial
- Provident
- Providential
- Provincial
- Provisional
- Provisionary
- Provisory
- Provocative
- Provoking
- Prox
- Proximal
- Proximate
- Proximo
- Prudent
- Prudential
- Prudish
- Prurient
- Prussian
- Prying
- Pseudo
- Psychedelic
- Psychiatric
- Psychological
- Psychosomatic
- Psychotic
- Psychotropic
- Pteridological
- Ptolemaic
- Puberulent
- Pubescent
- Pubic
- Public
- Publicised
- Publishable
- Pucka
- Puckish
- Puddingheaded
- Pudendal
- Pudgy
- Puerile
- Puerperal
- Puff
- Puffed
- Puffy
- Pugilistic
- Pugnacious
- Puissant
- Pukka
- Pulmonary
- Pulmonic
- Pulpy
- Pulseless
- Pulverised
- Pumped
- Punctilious
- Punctual
- Puncturable
- Punctureless
- Pungent
- Punic
- Punishable
- Punitive
- Punitory
- Punk
- Puny
- Pupal
- Pupillary
- Puppyish
- Puppylike
- Puranic
- Purblind
- Purchasable
- Pure
- Pureblood
- Pureblooded
- Purebred
- Purgative
- Purgatorial
- Purified
- Puritanic
- Puritanical
- Purple
- Purplish
- Purported
- Purposeful
- Purposeless
- Purposive
- Purring
- Pursuant
- Pursy
- Purulent
- Pushful
- Pushy
- Pusillanimous
- Pussy
- Pustulate
- Putative
- Putdownable
- Putrefacient
- Putrefactive
- Putrefiable
- Putrescent
- Putrescible
- Putrid
- Puzzled
- Puzzling
- Pyaemic
- Pycnotic
- Pyemic
- Pyknic
- Pyknotic
- Pyloric
- Pyogenic
- Pyramidal
- Pyramidic
- Pyramidical
- Pyrectic
- Pyretic
- Pyrochemical
- Pyroelectric
- Pyroelectrical
- Pyrogallic
- Pyrogenetic
- Pyrogenic
- Pyrogenous
- Pyrographic
- Pyroligneous
- Pyrolignic
- Pyrolytic
- Pyrotechnic
- Pyrrhic
- Pythagorean
Adjectives That Start with P – with Definitions and Examples
To know the exact meaning and usage of adjectives beginning with P, check below.
- Pacific
Definition: peaceful, calm, tranquil, or nonviolent
Example: It was strange to see my usually pacific friend yell at the rude store cashier.
- Pacifist
Definition: holding the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable
Example: A small country, forced to live by its wits, its foreign policy contained a strong pacifist element.
- Pacifistic
Definition: advocating, relating to, or characterized by pacifism
Example: Why aren’t young people more idealistic and pacifistic than others?
- Packed
Definition: full of people or things
Example: The hall was packed for the opening lecture.
- Padded
Definition: filled or covered with soft material for the purpose of protection, comfort, or to add shape
Example: Both mother and daughter were wrapped up warm in padded jackets.
- Pagan
Definition: belonging to or used in a religion that worships many gods
Example: Those altars were used in pagan worship.
- Paid
Definition: being given money for something
Example: Are you looking for paid work or voluntary work?
- Painful
Definition: causing emotional or physical pain
Example: The old photographs brought back painful memories.
- Painless
Definition: without pain, or causing no pain
Example: Laser treatments for this condition are simple and painless.
- Painstaking
Definition: extremely careful and correct, and involving a lot of effort
Example: It took months of painstaking research to write the book.
- Paintable
Definition: easily painted
Example: A top layer of render will give a smooth, paintable finish; save work by adding a colorant to the render itself.
- Pakistani
Definition: relating to Pakistan or its people
Example: My wife is Pakistani.
- Paleolithic
Definition: relating to the period when humans used tools and weapons made of stone
Example: The Paleolithic Period is sometimes called the Old Stone Age.
- Palatable
Definition: good enough to eat or drink
Example: They could make powdered eggs into palatable omelets.
- Palatal
Definition: of or relating to the palate
Example: Palatal rugae are periodically patterned ridges situated on the hard palate of mammals.
- Palatial
Definition: (of a house or other property) large and highly decorated; likely a palace
Example: They lived in a palatial apartment.
- Pale
Definition: inferior or unimpressive
Example: The new cheese is a pale imitation of continental cheeses.
- Palish
Definition: quite pale
Example: The sky was a palish blue.
- Palliative
Definition: serving to or tending to palliate
Example: This guidance clearly sets out the best practice for all those involved in palliative care, whether that be at home, in a hospice or in a hospital.
- Pallid
Definition: showing no enthusiasm or excitement
Example: This is a pallid production of what should be a great ballet.
- Palmar
Definition: relating to the palm (= the inside surface of the hand)
Example: The deep palmar arch is a network of arteries in the palm.
- Palmate
Definition: having more than three lobes or segments that spread out from a common point
Example: It lay on its side, palmate leaves riffling in the wind, gray bark standing, out against the green of the pasture.
- Palmlike
Definition: resembling a palm
Example: A long skirt was patterned with palmlike foliage.
- Palmy
Definition: covered with palms
Example: A conference centre set among palmy trails.
- Pampered
Definition: given special treatment that makes you feel as comfortable as possible or gives you whatever you want
Example: He was a pampered rich kid who was driven to school in a limousine.
- Pancreatic
Definition: relating to or involving the pancreas
Example: About 10,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the UK this year.
- Pandemic
Definition: (of a disease) existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group of people, animals, pr plants
Example: Experts estimated pandemic influenza might kill between 89,000 and 207,000 people in the United States.
- Paneled
Definition: (of a wall, door or window) does not have a flat surface but has square or rectangular areas set into its surface
Example: A paneled family room walks out on to the property’s main feature, a spectacular landscaped garden with interlocking brick.
- Panicky
Definition: feeling or characterized by uncontrollable fear or anxiety
Example: I started to feel panicky and breathless.
- Pantheistic
Definition: showing or holding a belief in many or all gods, or the belief that God exists in, and is the same as, all things, animals, and people within the universe
Example: The pantheistic approach to nature is that God is in everything.
- Papery
Definition: thin and dry like paper
Example: The skin on his hand was wrinkled and papery.
- Paradigmatic
Definition: serving as a typical example of something
Example: His biography is paradigmatic of the experiences of this generation.
- Paradisaic
Definition: relating to or befitting Paradise
Example: He described a small country town set in a fertile plain of paradisaic beauty, with three hundred tile-roofed houses.
- Paradisaical
Definition: of, like, or fit for paradise
Example: The days settled into a paradisiacal routine.
- Paradisal
Definition: (of a place or state) ideal or idyllic; heavenly
Example: She told me tales of her paradisal childhood.
- Paradoxical
Definition: seeming impossible or difficult to understand because of containing two opposite facts or characteristics.
Example: I was in a very difficult and paradoxical situation.
- Parallel
Definition: (of lines, planes, or surfaces) side by side and having the same distance continuously between them
Example: Parallel lines never meet.
- Paramedical
Definition: related to the medical profession in a secondary or supplementary capacity
Example: Various small private hospital is also set up in this town but these hospitals also lack qualified nursing and paramedical staff.
- Parametric
Definition: relating to the parameters of something
Example: There is a finite number of parametric variations.
- Paramilitary
Definition: connected with and helping the official armed forces
Example: In some countries, police and firefighters have paramilitary training.
- Paramount
Definition: more important than anything else
Example: There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is of paramount importance.
- Paranoid
Definition: suffering from a mental illness in which you believe that other people are trying to harm you
Example: He was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic.
- Paranormal
Definition: impossible to explain by known natural forces or by science
Example: This book is about people who claim to have paranormal abilities such as ESP and mind reading.
- Parasitic
Definition: (of diseases) caused by parasites
Example: The kidneys were infected with a parasitic worm.
- Parasympathetic
Definition: relating to the part of autonomic nervous system which balances the action of the sympathetic nerves
Example: The parasympathetic nervous system opposes the effects of the sympathetic nervous system.
- Parched
Definition: dried out with heat
Example: The clouds gathered and showers poured down upon the parched earth.
- Pardonable
Definition: able to be forgiven; excusable
Example: He had made the pardonable mistake of trusting the wrong person.
- Parental
Definition: relating to parents or to being a parent
Example: The government repeatedly stressed its support for parental choice in the selection of a child’s school.
- Parenteral
Definition: designating a drug to be injected
Example: He was treated symptomatically along with parenteral antibiotic and admitted to the general medical ward.
- Parenthetical
Definition: written in parenthesis, or said in addition to the main part of what you are saying
Example: He added a parenthetical comment to his original statement.
- Parentless
Definition: having no living parents; orphaned
Example: Indeed, my parentless interpreter regarded the school as his real home.
- Pareve
Definition: having no meat or milk in any form as ingredient
Example: Pareve foods accordingly can be consumed together with either dairy or meat.
- Parhelic
Definition: of or like a parhelion or parhelia
Example: This was a weather phenomenon called a parhelic circle, a type of halo.
- Parietal
Definition: relating to the wall or outer surface of a body part
Example: Parietal cells line the wall of the stomach.
- Paripinnate
Definition: having an equal number of leaflets on either side of the central stalk
Example: It has 6.25 cm long paripinnate dark-green leaves with 412 leaflets.
- Parisian
Definition: from, belonging to, or relating to the city of Paris in France
Example: She’s got that Parisian chic.
- Parliamentary
Definition: of or relating to a parliament
Example: They did not dare to challenge the ideals of parliamentary democracy.
- Parlous
Definition: very bad, dangerous, or uncertain
Example: Relations between the two countries have been in a parlous state for some time.
- Parochial
Definition: used to describe things that relate to the parish connected with a particular church
Example: She was a secretary on the local parochial church council.
- Parotid
Definition: either of two glands that produce saliva
Example: Damage to one or both parotid glands will increase the thickness of the saliva.
- Parsimonious
Definition: characterized by parsimony; miserly; close
Example: Trees are scored according to the degree to which they imply a parsimonious distribution of the character data.
- Partial
Definition: existing only in part; incomplete
Example: A question to which we have only partial answers.
- Partible
Definition: involving or denoting a system of inheritance in which a deceased person’s estate is divided equally among the heirs
Example: The entire family lost status as a consequence of partible inheritance.
- Participatory
Definition: allowing people to take part in or become involved in an activity
Example: Participatory sports are becoming more popular.
- Particular
Definition: used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class
Example: The action seems to discriminate against a particular group of companies.
- Particularized
Definition: individualized
Example: A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment.
- Particulate
Definition: consisting of small pieces of dirt, especially ones produced by road vehicles, that cause pollution
Example: Particulate pollution is unhealthy at the levels recorded last summer.
- Paschal
Definition: of or relating to Easter
Example: The most obvious element of the feast is the paschal lamb.
- Passable
Definition: satisfactory but not excellent
Example: Mary can speak passable Russian.
- Passing
Definition: (of a period of time) going by
Example: She detested him more with every passing second.
- Passionate
Definition: having very strong feelings or emotions
Example: The child’s mother made a passionate plea for help.
- Passionless
Definition: without any passion
Example: They had a passionless marriage.
- Passive
Definition: not acting to influence or change a situation; allowing other people to be in control
Example: Traditionally in many professions women have been confined to more passive roles.
- Past
Definition: used to refer to a period of time before and until the present
Example: I’ve been walking three miles a day for the past 30 years.
- Pastel
Definition: having a pale soft colour
Example: Their house is decorated in pastel shades.
- Pasteurized
Definition: milk, cream, or cheese has had bacteria removed from it by a special heating process to make it safer to eat or drink
Example: Adding specific strains of bacteria to pasteurized milk allows more consistent production.
- Pastoral
Definition: used to refer to the part of the work of teachers and priests that involves giving help and advice about personal matters
Example: A priest’s pastoral duties include helping the poor and sick.
- Pasty
Definition: (of someone’s face or skin) very pale and unhealthy looking
Example: He’s an unattractive man with long greasy hair and pasty skin.
- Pat
Definition: (esp. of an answer) having been already prepared and therefore said without thinking much about the question
Example: You’ve got a pat response to every question that comes along.
- Patchy
Definition: only existing or happening in some parts
Example: The morning will start with some patchy fog at first.
- Patent
Definition: easily recognizable; obvious
Example: She was smiling with patent insincerity.
- Paternal
Definition: of or appropriate to a father
Example: He reasserted his paternal authority.
- Paternalistic
Definition: (of people in authority) making decisions for other people rather than letting them take responsibility for their own lives
Example: The country has a paternalistic culture.
- Pathetic
Definition: miserably inadequate; of very low standard
Example: He’s a pathetic excuse for a man.
- Pathless
Definition: without any roads, tracks, etc. so that it is easy to get lost
Example: He was lost for days in the vast pathless desert.
- Pathological
Definition: (of a person) unable to control part of their behaviour; unreasonable
Example: I’ve got a pathological fear of heights.
- Patriarchal
Definition: relating to a patriarchy, or to the idea that men are more important than women
Example: Her morality is not dictated by patriarchal norms, but rather guided by the belief that women’s needs are her sole concern.
- Patriotic
Definition: showing love for your country and being proud of it
Example: Many Americans felt it was their patriotic duty to buy bonds to support the war effect.
- Patronizing
Definition: speaking or behaving towards someone as if they are stupid or not important
Example: It’s that patronizing tone of hers that I can’t bear.
- Patronymic
Definition: (of a name) based on the given name of someone’s father or one of their father’s ancestors
Example: The patronymic form D’Amanti was given to the children of such unions
- Patterned
Definition: decorated with a repeated design; having a pattern or patterns
Example: She wore leather trousers and a patterned shirt.
- Paunchy
Definition: (especially of a man) having a fat stomach
Example: She encourages even slightly paunchy patients to lose weight.
- Payable
Definition: used for saying when and how an amount of money should be paid
Example: The fees are payable monthly.
- Peaceable
Definition: not liking or involving fighting or argument
Example: The group supports peaceable, nonviolent protest.
- Peaceful
Definition: without violence
Example: She hoped the different ethnic groups in the area could live together in peaceful co-existence.
- Peacekeeping
Definition: of or relating to the process of maintaining peace by the deployment of military forces in a particular area
Example: I was stationed there three years ago as part of a United Nations peacekeeping force.
- Peaky
Definition: having a wan or sickly appearance
Example: You look a bit peaky Boss, said Herbert, studying him in the mirror.
- Pearlescent
Definition: having a surface that seems to shine with different colours
Example: This neckline is embellished with tiny, pearlescent beads.
- Pearly
Definition: something that is pale and shines softly, like a pearl
Example: Her skin was pearly white.
- Pebbly
Definition: having a bumpy, uneven surface or gain resembling pebbles
Example: Sherman walked from the weather station to staff HQ along a worn path in the pebbly ground.
- Peccant
Definition: having committed a fault or sin
Example: The peccant officials fell on their knees.
- Peckish
Definition: hungry
Example: I hadn’t eaten and was quite peckish.
- Pectic
Definition: of, containing, or derived from pectin
Example: The gelling ability of the pectic substances has been studied.
- Pectoral
Definition: of the chest
Example: He flexed his pectoral muscles.
- Peculiar
Definition: different to what is normal or expected; strange
Example: He gave her some very peculiar looks.
- Pecuniary
Definition: relating to or consisting of money
Example: He admitted obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.
- Pedagogic
Definition: relating to a teaching
Example: They show great pedagogic skills.
- Pedagogical
Definition: relating to the methods and theory of teaching
Example: The book describes current pedagogical methods used in teaching reading.
- Pedal
Definition: operated by a pedal or pedals
Example: She emptied the ashtray into the pedal bin.
- Pedantic
Definition: caring too much about unimportant rules or details and not enough about understanding or appreciating a subject
Example: Professor Harris had a narrow, pedantic approach to history that put us to sleep.
- Pedunculate
Definition: growing on or having a peduncle
Example: The leaves on a pedunculate oak have no stalks and the acorns do.
- Peerless
Definition: without equal; unrivaled
Example: They will remain peerless examples of how it should be done.
- Peevish
Definition: having or showing an irritable disposition
Example: She glared down at me with a peevish expression on her face.
- Pejorative
Definition: expressing disapproval, or suggesting that something is not good or is of no importance
Example: Permissiveness is used almost universally as a pejorative term.
- Pelagic
Definition: relating to the open sea
Example: The kittiwakes return from their pelagic winter wanderings.
- Pellucid
Definition: very clear in meaning and easy to understand
Example: He writes in pellucid prose.
- Pelvic
Definition: of or near the pelvis
Example: He had a lot of aches and pains round the pelvic area.
- Penal
Definition: of or relating to punishment given by law
Example: He had been in and out of penal institutions (= prison) from the age of 16.
- Penciled
Definition: written or drawn using a pencil
Example: Some of the sections are already marked off with penciled crosses.
- Pendent
Definition: hanging; suspended
Example: The dramatic and very large pendent hanging blossoms have individual flowers in a bold curved shaped.
- Pending
Definition: about to happen or waiting to happen
Example: The pending releases of the prisoners are meant to create a climate for negotiation.
- Pendulous
Definition: hanging down loosely
Example: Due to the pendulous flaps on the oversized tablecloth, the cat would claw at it.
- Penetrable
Definition: allowing things to pass through
Example: The outer membrane is penetrable.
- Penetrating
Definition: very loud
Example: He has very penetrating voice.
- Peninsular
Definition: consisting of or relating to a peninsula (= a long piece of land that sticks out from a larger area of land into the sea or into a lake)
Example: I was going to hike round the peninsular coastal path.
- Penitent
Definition: showing that you are sorry for something you have done because you feel it was wrong
Example: “I’m sorry”, she said with a penitent smile.
- Penitential
Definition: showing that you are sorry, especially in a formal religious way, for wrong things that you have done
Example: It was the end of the penitential month of Ramadan.
- Penniless
Definition: having no money
Example: She fell in love with a penniless artist.
- Pensionable
Definition: used to refer to someone’s age, job, health, etc. when they are given the right to receive a pension
Example: The survey reveals that 35% of employers are actively hiring people who are already of pensionable age.
- Pensive
Definition: expressing or suggesting pensiveness
Example: It’s an anniversary that has put him in pensive mood.
- Pentavalent
Definition: having five valences
Example: The pentavalent vaccine was safe both for primary and booster vaccinations.
- Penultimate
Definition: second from the last
Example: It’s the penultimate episode of the series tonight.
- Penurious
Definition: extremely poor; poverty-stricken
Example: The penurious little boy could not afford to buy school lunch.
- Peppery
Definition: having a spicy flavour like pepper
Example: This salad has a sharp peppery flavour.
- Peptic
Definition: relating to pepsin
Example: Peptic ulcers are partly caused by the actions of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.
- Perceptible
Definition: that can be seen, heard, or noticed
Example: There was a barely perceptible movement in his right arm.
- Perceptive
Definition: very good at noticing and understanding things that many people do not notice
Example: Her books are full of perceptive insights into the human conditions.
- Perceptual
Definition: relating to the ability to notice something or come to an opinion about something using your senses
Example: Perceptual skills are particularly important in sports.
- Percipient
Definition: having good insight or understanding; perceptive
Example: He is a percipient interpreter of the public mood.
- Percussive
Definition: of, pertaining to, or characterized by percussion
Example: If you look at tribes, they have had their percussive dance music for so many years.
- Percutaneous
Definition: done through the skin
Example: A percutaneous injection is one that is given through the skin.
- Peregrine
Definition: travelling or migratory
Example: We hire a peregrine falcon to keep them off our pitch.
- Peremptory
Definition: expecting to be obeyed immediately and without any questions
Example: He started issuing peremptory instructions.
- Perennial
Definition: lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time
Example: We face the perennial problem of not having enough money.
- Perfect
Definition: complete and correct in every way, of the best possible type or without fault
Example: This church is a perfect example of medieval architecture.
- Perfectible
Definition: that can become, or be made, perfect or more nearly perfect
Example: The anonymous narrator’s struggle with the intractable but potentially perfectible medium of language is what constitutes the real story.
- Perfidious
Definition: unable to be trusted, or showing no loyalty
Example: She described the new criminal bill as a perfidious attack on democracy.
- Perforated
Definition: pierced with a hole or holes
Example: The walls are clad in perforated leather panels.
- Perfumed
Definition: (of something) have sweet smell, either naturally or because perfume has been added to them
Example: She opened the perfumed envelope.
- Perfunctory
Definition: (of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort
Example: He gave a perfunctory nod.
- Perilous
Definition: exposed to imminent risk of disaster or ruin
Example: The economy is in a perilous state.
- Perinatal
Definition: (of deaths, problems, or experiences) happen at the time of birth or soon after the time of birth
Example: Premature birth is the main cause of perinatal mortality.
- Period
Definition: the clothes or furniture of a particular time in history
Example: They performed “Julius Caesar” in period dress.
- Periodic
Definition: happening repeatedly over a period of time
Example: He suffers periodic mental breakdowns.
- Periodical
Definition: occurring or appearing at intervals; occasional
Example: She took periodical gulps of her tea.
- Periodontal
Definition: relating to the gums and other tissues around the teeth
Example: The periodontal ligaments attach to the tooth for stability.
- Peripatetic
Definition: travelling from place to place, in particular working or based in various places for relatively short periods
Example: Rather than limit myself to one destination, I like to take a more peripatetic vacation where I move around from place to place.
- Peripheral
Definition: happening at the edge of something
Example: A figure came into my peripheral vision.
- Periphrastic
Definition: of, like, or expressed in peripherals
Example: A range of further aspectual nuances may be conveyed by a variety of periphrastic constructions.
- Perishable
Definition: (of food) decays quickly
Example: It’s important to store perishable food in a cool place.
- Peritrichous
Definition: having flagella evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cell
Example: Electron micrographs showed that these 3 mutants lost their long peritrichous fimbriae.
- Perky
Definition: showing a lot of energy in a happy, confident way
Example: Kimberly burst in with a crowd of perky teenagers.
- Permanent
Definition: lasting for a long time or for ever
Example: She is looking for a permanent place to stay.
- Permeable
Definition: (of a substance) allows liquids or gases to go through it
Example: The solvent passes through the permeable membrane to the solution.
- Permeant
Definition: that permeates
Example: Generally, smaller permeant molecules diffused at a higher rate than larger molecules.
- Permissive
Definition: (of a person or society) allows behaviour that other people might disapprove of
Example: It’s a very permissive school where the children are allowed to do whatever they want.
- Pernicious
Definition: having a harmful effect or influence
Example: The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services.
- Perpendicular
Definition: at an angle of 90⁰ to a horizontal line or surface
Example: We scrambled up the nearly perpendicular side of the mountain.
- Perpetual
Definition: continuing for ever in the same way
Example: They lived in perpetual fear of being discovered.
- Perplexed
Definition: completely baffled; very puzzled
Example: She gave him a perplexed look.
- Persevering
Definition: continuing in a course of action despite difficulty or delay in achieving success
Example: She has been a remarkably steadfast and persevering woman.
- Persistent
Definition: lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of
Example: Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough.
- Personable
Definition: having a pleasing and attractive manner
Example: She is intelligent and personable young woman.
- Personal
Definition: relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a group or an organization
Example: Her uncle takes a personal interest in her progress.
- Personalized
Definition: designed or produced to meet someone’s individual requirements
Example: A steward will deliver personalized service to every passenger.
- Perspicacious
Definition: having a ready insight into and understanding of things
Example: It offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter.
- Perspicuous
Definition: clear and easy to understand
Example: This theory provides a simpler and more perspicuous explanation that its rival.
- Persuadable
Definition: easily persuaded; amenable
Example: They need to identify the most persuadable voters.
- Persuasive
Definition: good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation
Example: Michael Grade’s persuasive powers overcame their objections.
- Pert
Definition: (of a bodily feature or garment) attractively small and well-shaped
Example: She had a pert nose and deep blue eyes.
- Pertinacious
Definition: holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action
Example: The pertinacious actress chained herself to a tree to bring attention to her environmental fight.
- Pertinent
Definition: relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite
Example: She asked me a lot of very pertinent questions.
- Perturbing
Definition: causing anxiety or concern; unsettling
Example: His whereabouts remain a perturbing mystery.
- Pervasive
Definition: tending to pervade or spread throughout
Example: The arms business would not survive in its current form without pervasive corruption.
- Perverse
Definition: strange and not what most people would expect or enjoy
Example: She took a perverse pleasure in hearing that her sister was getting divorced.
- Pervious
Definition: open or accessible to reason, feeling, argument, etc
Example: Unfortunately, she was pervious to whatever rationale had been most recently presented.
- Pesky
Definition: annoying or causing trouble
Example: Those pesky kids from next door have let the air out of my car tyres again!
- Pessimal
Definition: having condition that present the lowest chance of survival for a creature
Example: An effort has been made to reveal survival strategy of yew under pessimal conditions.
- Pessimistic
Definition: tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen
Example: Hardy has often been criticised for an excessively pessimistic view of life.
- Pestiferous
Definition: harbouring infection and disease
Example: In many tropical climates, pestiferous insects infect the people and make them sick.
- Pestilent
Definition: causing annoyance; troublesome
Example: They are bickering like pestilent children.
- Pestilential
Definition: relating to or causing very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large number of people
Example: Smallpox is clearly the worst of the pestilential disease.
- Pet
Definition: especially liked or personally important
Example: The legislation will face strong opposition from senators whose pet projects would be cut back.
- Petaloid
Definition: having the form or appearance of a petal
Example: The anodic oxide film presented a uniform petaloid drums and micro-cracks morphology.
- Petite
Definition: (of a woman) small, delicate and dainty
Example: This neat and petite woman is a survivor of one of the worst crimes in modern history.
- Pettish
Definition: showing anger and behaving impatiently, especially about things that are not very important
Example: I felt ashamed at my pettish resentment.
- Petty
Definition: not important and not worth giving attention to
Example: Prisoners complain that they are subjected to too many petty rules and restrictions.
- Petulant
Definition: easily angered or annoyed, esp. in a rude way
Example: He plays the part of a petulant young man in the film.
- Phantom
Definition: like a ghost
Example: A phantom coach is said to pass through the grounds of this house when there’s a full moon.
Positive Adjectives That Start with P to Describe a Person
Adjectives that start with P to describe a person are commonly used in daily talks. For example, “She is a pretty girl”, “I am passionate about writing”.
1. Passionate
Definition: intense interest or enthusiasm, easily angered
Synonyms: intense, ardent, fervent
Example: He was very passionate about science.
2. Patient
Definition: able to wait without showing any intolerance
Synonyms: forbearing, tolerant, stoical
Example: The patient boy did not complain when the bus was late.
3. Personable
Definition: sociable, enjoys talking to people
Synonyms: agreeable, affable, amiable
Example: The personable girl had lots of friends.
4. Playful
Definition: Lighthearted, fun
Synonyms: frisky, jolly, lively
Example: The playful boy ran to the swings.
5. Popular
Definition: being liked by many
Synonyms: well liked, favored, liked
Example: The most popular girl won the class election.
6. Pretty
Definition: attractive
Synonyms: attractive, lovely, good looking
Example: I get very self-conscious around pretty people.
7. Prosperous
Definition: wealthy, successful
Synonyms: affluent, booming, rich
Example: The prosperous businessman drove a fancy sports car.
8. Pally
Definition: friendly; chummy; having the relationship of pals or friends.
Synonyms: intimate, affectionate, close
Example: Suddenly she started acting very pally towards me.
9. Participant
Definition: taking part or sharing in; participating.
Synonyms: contributor, member, partaker
Example: Salvation was for the nation, and the individual was not necessarily participant in it.
10. Peerless
Definition: having no equal or peer; matchless; unparalleled.
Synonyms: incomparable, matchless, inimitable
Example: Mei is a peerless artist, but he is also a lonely mortal.
11. Perseverant
Definition: persevering; enduring; constant
Synonyms: insistent, persistent, earnest
Example: In general positive people are perseverant and they don’t give up easily.
12. Petite
Definition: small and slender (especially woman or girl)
Synonyms: dainty, diminutive, tiny
Example: His wife was a petite dark-haired woman in her early thirties.
13. Pious
Definition: worthy; commendable; showing or having reverence or devotion for a duty.
Synonyms: reverent, devoted, God-fearing
Example: She is a pious follower of the faith, never missing her prayers.
Positive Adjectives That Start with P to Describe an Event
It feels pleasant whenever seeing some of the descriptive words that start with P below, even “pleasant’ itself, doesn’t it?
1. Pleasant
Definition: nice, fine, pleasing
Synonyms: joyful, comforting
Example: The atmosphere of the office was quite pleasant.
2. Polite
Definition: having good manners
Synonyms: well mannered, respectful, courteous
Example: Polite requests receive more consideration.
3. Precious
Definition: important, valued highly
Synonyms: valuable, costly, expensive
Example: If time be of all things the most precious, wasting of time must be the greatest prodigality.
4. Proficient
Definition: skilled at
Synonyms: skillful, expert, skilled
Example: She is a proficient, graceful swimmer, and her devotion to technique is paramount.
5. Proper
Definition: correct, suitable
Synonyms: real, actual, true
Example: We should have had a proper discussion before voting.
6. Pure
Definition: without faults, innocent
Synonyms: unmixed, unalloyed, unblended
Example: The horse was almost pure white in color.
7. Pacey
Definition: progressing or moving fast or quickly; quick; rapid; lively
Synonyms: rapid, swift, brisk
Example: The plot seems simpler and more streamlined, and this makes it much more pacey and lively.
8. Palatable
Definition: pleasing, agreeable or acceptable to the taste; tasty
Synonyms: tasty, edible, appetizing
Example: Dinner was sardines and stew, made palatable by two lots of vodka.
9. Peachy
Definition: fine; splendid; very good; resembling a peach
Synonyms: fine, excellent, divine
Example: Everything in her life is just peachy.
10. Persuasive
Definition: convincing; tending or able to persuade
Synonyms: cogent, compelling, convincing
Example: I was hyped up by his persuasive remarks.
11. Pertinent
Definition: having logical or precise relevance to the matter at hand; relevant
Synonyms: to the point, fitting, suitable
Example: The expert made some pertinent comments on the scheme.
12. Premium
Definition: superior (especially in value or quality)
Synonyms: superior, elite, top
Example: The building is on a premium site.
Positive Adjectives That Start with P to Describe a Place
Adjectives can give a clear picture of the nouns they modified for readers. For example, if you see “Her room is clean”, a picture of a tidy room may immediately pop up in your mind. Below are more such adjectives that start with the letter P.
1. Peaceful
Definition: Calm, restful, at peace
Synonyms: tranquil, quiet, relaxing
Example: The beach is such a peaceful and wonderful place to visit.
2. Perfect
Definition: Flawless, expert, complete
Synonyms: ideal, model, consummate
Example: Cyprus is the perfect setting for a beach holiday
3. Placid
Definition: calm
Synonyms: equable, still, noiseless
Example: There was no wind and the sea was placid.
4. Priceless
Definition: Too important to place a value on
Synonyms: extremely valuable, precious
Example: Fortunately these words are of minor importance for the historical value of this priceless place.
5. Prominent
Definition: Well known
Synonyms: important, eminent, leading
Example: The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
6. Particular
Definition: most important; specific or unique to thing or person.
Synonyms: specific, certain, distinct
Example: Students apply for admission to a particular college.
7. Plush
Definition: luxurious or appearing expensive; having a fluffy and soft exterior.
Synonyms: palatial, deluxe, sumptuous
Example: He took me out to a really plush restaurant.
Positive Adjectives That Start with P to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Some people may feel struggling with improvement of English. Don’t worry, everything starts hard, then goes easy. Mastering the following adjectives with letter P may just be a milestone for you.
1. Pleasant
Definition: Enjoyable
Synonyms: nice, agreeable, satisfying
Example: I took a pleasant afternoon nap.
2. Poignant
Definition: Keenly affecting the senses
Synonyms: touching, sad, pitiful
Example: The poignant movie made me cry.
3. Proud
Definition: Pleased with, showing pride.
Synonyms: protruding, jutting, projecting
Example: She was fiercely proud of family traditions and continuity.
4. Palpable
Definition: capable of being felt, touched or handled; easily perceived
Synonyms: perceptible, visible, noticeable
Example: There was a palpable sense of relief among the crowd.
5. Paramount
Definition: supreme; highest
Synonyms: most important, of greatest importance
Example: Safety is of paramount importance.
6. Parental
Definition: relating to or characteristic of a parent; affectionate; tender
Synonyms: patrimonial, fatherly, motherly,
Example: Parental love is the greatest and in the disaster, our soldiers are like our parents, give our boundless love.
7. Pet
Definition: indulged and cherished; showing or expressing affection; most preferred or favorite
Synonyms: caress, fondle, stroke
Example: The legislation will face strong opposition from senators whose pet projects would be cut back.
8. Plausible
Definition: apparently or seemingly valid, acceptable or likely; credible; praiseworthy
Synonyms: credible, reasonable, believable
Example: He did not think it plausible that all the differences could be explained in this way.
9. Pleasing
Definition: giving enjoyment, cheer, gratification or pleasure; agreeable
Synonyms: nice, satisfying, gratifying
Example: The new building was pleasing to the eye.
Negative Adjectives That Start with P to Describe a Person
As the famous saying goes “Practice makes perfect”, the best way to learn the adjective words that start with P is to keep practicing.
1. Pathetic
Definition: arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness
Synonyms: pitiful, pitiable, piteous
Example: She looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her.
2. Peccant
Definition: having committed a fault or sin
Synonyms: corrupt, criminal, offensive
Example: According to the psychology, the author analyzes the mentality of peccant reader in University library.
3. Penniless
Definition: (of a person) having no money; very poor
Synonyms: poor, indigent, penurious
Example: Alone now and almost penniless, he was bereft of hope.
4. Painful
Definition: (of a part of the body) affected with pain
Synonyms: sore, hurting, tender
Example: He died a slow and painful death.
5. Panicky
Definition: feeling or characterized by uncontrollable fear or anxiety.
Synonyms: fearful, perplexed, nervous
Example: I started to feel panicky and breathless.
6. Paralyzed
Definition: cause (a person or part of the body) to become partly or wholly incapable of movement
Synonyms: disable, immobilize, incapacitated
Example: The accident left her paralyzed from the waist down.
7. Perplexed
Definition: completely baffled; very puzzled
Synonyms: bewildered, confused, puzzle
Example: We were perplexed by his failure to answer the letter.
Negative Adjectives That Start with P to Describe an Event
Some of the following describing words beginning with P can be extremely helpful if you incorporate them into your essays, speeches or daily conversations. Give it a try!
1. Piddling
Definition: pathetically trivial; trifling.
Synonyms: petty, trifling, trivial
Example: Piddling amounts of money that nobody cares about.
2. Perilous
Definition: full of danger or risk.
Synonyms: hazardous, risky, unsafe
Example: The journey through the jungle was perilous.
3. Persecutory
Definition: of, or relating to persecuting or a persecution
Synonyms: oppression, maltreatment, victimization
Example: The paranoid type has prominent persecutory or grandiose delusions or hallucinations with similar content.
4. Perverse
Definition: strange and not what most people would expect or enjoy
Synonyms: wayward, old-fashioned
Example: Jack was being perverse and refusing to agree with anything we said.
5. Pitilessly
Definition: showing no pity; cruel.
Synonyms: ruthless, merciless,
Example: Even the darkness of night and the pitilessly storm failed to stop the fierce contest
Negative Adjectives That Start with P to Describe a Place
Writing requires a creative mind to use different and proper adjectives where appropriate. Therefore you need to keep in mind of a large collection of adjectives, including adjectives that start with P.
1. Prisonous
Definition: resembling or characteristic of a prison
Synonyms: dangerous, deadly
Example: Their sloping ceilings, cumbrous rusty locks and grates, had a prisonous look, and he had the haggard face of a prisoner.
2. Prohibited
Definition: that has been forbidden; banned
Synonyms: restricted area, limited area,
Example: They had deliberately entered in prohibited area.
3. Polluted
Definition: Dirty; contaminated
Synonyms: taint, befoul
Example: Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.
Negative Adjectives That Start with P to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Have you learnt any new words yet? Add them into your own list of adjectives that start with P and practise regularly.
1. Pessimistic
Definition: the state of mind of someone who always expects the worst.
Synonyms: negative, demotivated
Example: A pessimistic attitude isn’t very hopeful, shows little optimism, and can be a downer for everyone else.
2. Panicky
Definition: feeling or characterized by uncontrollable fear or anxiety.
Synonyms: fearful, perplexed
Example: I started to feel panicky and breathless.
3. Pained
Definition: affected with pain, especially mental pain; hurt or troubled.
Synonyms: upset, hurt, insulted, injured
Example: She was pained when you refused her invitation.
4, Perplexed
Definition: completely baffled; very puzzled.
Synonyms: bemuse, confound, confuse
Example: she gave him a perplexed look.
5. Powerless
Definition: without ability, influence, or power.
Synonyms; impotent, ineffectual, ineffective
Example: When the enemy attacked, we were completely powerless against them.
6. Preoccupied
Definition: engrossed in thought; distracted.
Synonyms: pensive, brooding, heedless
Example: What’s wrong with Cindy? She seems a little preoccupied.
7. Provoking
Definition: serving to provoke, causing annoyance
Synonyms: inducing, giving rise to, escalation
Example: There is evidence of provoking conduct and loss of self-control.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with P
Are these adjectives that start with the letter P helpful to your writing? It would be an honor to us if the answer is yes.
Description begins in the writer’s imagination but should end in the reader’s. Writing a good description is art as well as craft. We hope these adjectives that start with P will bring your English skills to the next level.
Ps. See also positive words that start with P, nouns that start with P and verbs that start with P.