650 Adjectives That Start with D | List with Definitions and Examples

This article will list 650 easy and comprehensive adjectives that start with D, which are used to describe, modify and quantify nouns. Descriptive words starting with D are categorized into eight different categories depending on their positive and negative use.
Adjectives starting with D, when used in your communication will enhance the deeper meaning of the information you are delivering to others. Moreover, adjectives beginning with D are needed for the comparison of nouns.
Whenever adjectives are used with a person, place or thing, at once, either a positive or a negative sense comes to the mind of the listener.
Continue reading adjectives that start with D below with definitions, examples and synonyms for easily understanding.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with D – Full List (650 words)
Have you ever tried to find a full list of adjectives starting with D? Then you’ve come to the right place. Below you can find 650 D adjectives.
- Dacitic
- Dactylic
- Daedal
- Daffy
- Daft
- Daily
- Dainty
- Damaged
- Damaging
- Damask
- Damn
- Damnatory
- Damp
- Danceable
- Dandified
- Dandy
- Dandyish
- Dangerous
- Dank
- Dantean
- Dantesque
- Dapper
- Dappled
- Daredevil
- Daring
- Dark
- Darkened
- Darkish
- Darling
- Darwinian
- Dashing
- Dastard
- Dated
- Daughterly
- Daunting
- Dauntless
- Dawdling
- Day
- Daylong
- Dazed
- Dazzling
- Dead
- Deadly
- Deadpan
- Deaf
- Deafened
- Deafening
- Deafly
- Dear
- Dearness
- Deathless
- Debatable
- Debile
- Debonair
- Debonaire
- Deboned
- Debonnaire
- Decadent
- Decalescent
- Decayed
- Decaying
- Deceased
- Deceitful
- Deceivable
- Deceiving
- Decent
- Decentralized
- Deceptive
- Decided
- Deciduous
- Decimal
- Decimated
- Decisive
- Deckled
- Declining
- Decollete
- Decompound
- Decorated
- Decorative
- Decorous
- Decreasing
- Decrepit
- Decumbent
- Decurved
- Decussate
- Dedicated
- Deducible
- Deductive
- Deep
- Deepening
- Deeply
- Defamatory
- Defeasible
- Defeated
- Defective
- Defendable
- Defenseless
- Defensible
- Defensive
- Deferent
- Defiant
- Deficient
- Defiled
- Definable
- Defined
- Definite
- Definitive
- Defoliate
- Defoliated
- Deformed
- Deft
- Defunct
- Degage
- Degenerate
- Degraded
- Degrading
- Degressive
- Dehiscent
- Dehydrated
- Deictic
- Deific
- Deist
- Deistic
- Dejected
- Delayed
- Delectable
- Deleterious
- Deliberate
- Delible
- Delicate
- Delicious
- Delighted
- Delightful
- Delineate
- Delineative
- Delinquent
- Deliquescent
- Delirious
- Deliverable
- Delphian
- Delphic
- Deltoid
- Deluded
- Delusive
- Deluxe
- Demagogic
- Demanding
- Demented
- Democratic
- Demode
- Demoniac
- Demonic
- Demotic
- Demulcent
- Demure
- Denary
- Denatured
- Dendriform
- Dendritic
- Deniable
- Denigrative
- Denotative
- Denotive
- Dense
- Dental
- Dentate
- Denticulate
- Denudate
- Denumerable
- Dependable
- Dependant
- Dependent
- Depilatory
- Depilous
- Deplorable
- Deploring
- Depraved
- Deprecatory
- Depressant
- Depressed
- Depressing
- Depressive
- Deprived
- Deranged
- Derelict
- Derisive
- Derisory
- Derivative
- Dermal
- Derogative
- Derogatory
- Descendent
- Descending
- Descriptive
- Desegrated
- Deserted
- Desiccate
- Designate
- Designator
- Designatory
- Designed
- Designer
- Desirable
- Desirous
- Deskbound
- Desolate
- Despairing
- Desperate
- Despicable
- Despised
- Despondent
- Despotic
- Destined
- Destitute
- Destroyed
- Destructive
- Desultory
- Detachable
- Detached
- Detailed
- Detectable
- Detergent
- Determinant
- Determinative
- Determined
- Deterrent
- Detersive
- Detestable
- Detested
- Detrimental
- Deuced
- Devalued
- Devastated
- Devastating
- Developed
- Developing
- Deviant
- Deviate
- Deviatory
- Devious
- Devoid
- Devoted
- Devout
- Deweyan
- Dewy
- Dexter
- Dexterous
- Dextral
- Dextrorotary
- Dextrorsal
- Dextrorse
- Dextrous
- Diabatic
- Diabetic
- Diabolical
- Diachronic
- Diacritic
- Diacritical
- Diadromous
- Diagnostic
- Diagonal
- Dialectic
- Dialectical
- Diamagnetic
- Diamantine
- Diametrical
- Dianoetic
- Diaphanous
- Diaphoretic
- Diaphyseal
- Diaphysial
- Diarrheal
- Diarrheic
- Diarrhetic
- Diarrhoeal
- Diarrhoeic
- Diarrhoetic
- Diastolic
- Diatomic
- Diatonic
- Diazo
- Dicarboxylic
- Dicey
- Dichotomous
- Dichromatic
- Dickensian
- Dickey
- Dicky
- Diclinous
- Dictatorial
- Dictyopteran
- Didactic
- Didactical
- Diestrous
- Diestrual
- Dietary
- Dietetical
- Different
- Differential
- Difficult
- Diffident
- Diffuse
- Diffused
- Diffusible
- Diffusing
- Diffusive
- Digestible
- Digestive
- Dighted
- Digital
- Digitate
- Digitigrade
- Dignified
- Digressive
- Dilapidated
- Dilatory
- Dilettante
- Dilettantish
- Diligent
- Dilute
- Diluvian
- Dim
- Dimensional
- Diminishing
- Diminutival
- Diminutive
- Dimmed
- Dimmer
- Dimorphic
- Dimorphous
- Dingy
- Dinky
- Diocesan
- Dioecian
- Dioecious
- Dioestrous
- Diploid
- Diplomatic
- Dipolar
- Dipterous
- Dipylon
- Dire
- Direct
- Directing
- Directionless
- Directive
- Direful
- Dirigible
- Dirt
- Dirtier
- Dirtiest
- Dirty
- Disabled
- Disaffected
- Disagreeable
- Disappearing
- Disappointed
- Disappointing
- Disapproving
- Disarming
- Disarranged
- Disarrayed
- Disastrous
- Discalceate
- Discalced
- Discarded
- Discernable
- Discernible
- Discerning
- Disciform
- Disciplinary
- Disciplined
- Disclike
- Disclosed
- Discoid
- Discoidal
- Discomposed
- Discomycetous
- Disconcerted
- Disconfirming
- Disconnected
- Disconsolate
- Discontent
- Discordant
- Discorporate
- Discouraged
- Discovered
- Discreditable
- Discredited
- Discreet
- Discrepant
- Discrete
- Discretional
- Discretionary
- Discriminable
- Discriminate
- Discriminating
- Discriminative
- Discriminatory
- Discursive
- Discussable
- Disdainful
- Diseased
- Disembodied
- Disenchanting
- Disfranchised
- Disgraced
- Disguised
- Disheveled
- Dishevelled
- Dishonest
- Dishonored
- Dishonourable
- Dishy
- Disinfectant
- Disjoined
- Disjunct
- Disjunctive
- Disklike
- Dislogistic
- Dismayed
- Disobliging
- Disordered
- Disorganised
- Dispersed
- Dispirited
- Dispiriting
- Displaced
- Displeased
- Displeasing
- Disposable
- Disposed
- Disproved
- Disputable
- Disputatious
- Disputed
- Disruptive
- Dissatisfied
- Dissentient
- Dissentious
- Dissidence
- Dissident
- Dissilient
- Dissimulative
- Dissociable
- Dissoluble
- Dissolute
- Dissolving
- Dissonant
- Dissuasive
- Distaff
- Distal
- Distant
- Distensible
- Distinctive
- Distinguished
- Distortable
- Distorted
- Distracted
- Distrait
- Distraught
- Distressed
- Distributed
- Distributive
- Distrustful
- Disturbing
- Disunited
- Disused
- Disyllabic
- Dithyrambic
- Diurnal
- Divalent
- Divergent
- Divers
- Diversified
- Diverting
- Divided
- Divinatory
- Divine
- Divining
- Divisible
- Divisional
- Divisive
- Dizygotic
- Dizygous
- Dizzy
- Dizzying
- Djiboutian
- Doable
- Docile
- Doctoral
- Doctrinaire
- Documental
- Documentary
- Documented
- Doddering
- Doddery
- Dodgy
- Dogged
- Doggish
- Dogmatic
- Dogmatical
- Dolabrate
- Dolabriform
- Doleful
- Dolichocranic
- Dollish
- Dolomitic
- Dolorous
- Dolourous
- Doltish
- Domed
- Domestic
- Domesticated
- Domiciliary
- Dominant
- Dominated
- Dominical
- Dominican
- Donatist
- Done
- Donnean
- Donnian
- Donnish
- Dope
- Dopey
- Dopy
- Dorian
- Doric
- Dormant
- Dormie
- Dormy
- Dorsal
- Doting
- Dotted
- Dotty
- Double
- Doubled
- Doubtful
- Doubting
- Doughy
- Dour
- Dovish
- Dowdy
- Dowered
- Dowerless
- Down
- Downbound
- Downcast
- Downfield
- Downhill
- Downlike
- Downmarket
- Downright
- Downscale
- Downstage
- Downstair
- Downstairs
- Downstream
- Downtrodden
- Downwind
- Dozen
- Dozing
- Dozy
- Drab
- Draconian
- Drafty
- Draggled
- Drained
- Draining
- Dramatic
- Drastic
- Draughty
- Drawn
- Dreaded
- Dreadful
- Dreaming
- Dreamless
- Dreamlike
- Dreamy
- Drear
- Dreary
- Drenched
- Dress
- Dressed
- Dressy
- Dried
- Drinkable
- Dripless
- Dripping
- Drippy
- Drivable
- Driven
- Driving
- Drizzly
- Droll
- Drooping
- Droopy
- Dropsical
- Drowsy
- Drudging
- Drugless
- Drumhead
- Drunk
- Drunken
- Drupaceous
- Dry
- Drying
- Dual
- Dualistic
- Dubious
- Dubitable
- Ducal
- Duckbill
- Ductile
- Ductless
- Dud
- Due
- Dulcet
- Dull
- Dulled
- Dumb
- Dummy
- Dumpy
- Dun
- Duncical
- Duodecimal
- Duodenal
- Duple
- Duplex
- Duplicable
- Duplicate
- Duplicitous
- Durable
- Dural
- Dusky
- Dustlike
- Dusty
- Dutch
- Duteous
- Dutiable
- Dutiful
- Dwarfish
- Dwindling
- Dyadic
- Dying
- Dynamic
- Dynamical
- Dynastic
- Dyspeptic
Adjectives That Start with D – with Definitions and Examples
Definitions and examples are necessary to learn any language. Of course, this also applies to learning adjectives beginning with D.
- Dactylic
Definition: used to refer to a rhythm in poetry in which one strong or one long syllable is followed by two unstressed or short syllables
Example: The word “elephant” demonstrates a dactylic stress pattern.
- Daft
Definition: silly; foolish
Example: Don’t ask such daft questions.
- Daily
Definition: happening on or relating to every day
Example: Exercise has become part of my daily routine.
- Dainty
Definition: small, delicate, and often moving in a careful way
Example: The chicken salad was served in dainty pastry shells.
- Damaged
Definition: harmed or spoiled
Example: They’re selling off damaged goods at reduced price.
- Damaging
Definition: causing harm
Example: Many chemicals have a damaging effect on the environment.
- Damask
Definition: a type of heavy cloth that has a pattern woven into it that is the same colour as the cloth
Example: An iron pot stood on one of the best damask table-cloths.
- Damn
Definition: used to express anger with someone or something
Example: You’re a damn fool!
- Damp
Definition: slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable
Example: The hotel walls were covered in damp patches.
- Dandified
Definition: looking or acting like a dandy
Example: An embroidered silk waistcoat contributed to his dandified appearance.
- Dandy
Definition: excellent
Example: Things are all fine and dandy.
- Dangerous
Definition: a dangerous person, animal, thing, or activity could harm you
Example: The men are armed and dangerous.
- Dank
Definition: (especially of buildings and air) wet, cold, and unpleasant
Example: In the cathedral vaults the air was dank and stale.
- Dapper
Definition: neat and spruce in dress and bearing; trim
Example: Hercule Poirot is the dapper detective of the Agatha Christie novels.
- Dappled
Definition: covered with spots of colour that are lighter or darker than the main colour, or covered with areas of light and darkness
Example: The dappled sunlight fell across her face as she lay beneath the tree.
- Daring
Definition: brave and taking risks
Example: This is a daring new film by one of our most original modern directors.
- Dark
Definition: nearer to black than white in colour
Example: He was tall, dark and handsome.
- Darkened
Definition: made dark, or without light
Example: We crept slowly along the darkened corridor.
- Darling
Definition: very attractive
Example: They’ve just bought a darling little apartment.
- Dashing
Definition: stylish; lively
Example: Two elegant Scotsmen travelling together wore dashing kilts at dinner.
- Dated
Definition: old-fashioned
Example: Spy thrillers with plots based on the cold War look particularly dated nowadays.
- Daunting
Definition: making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve something
Example: The country was faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades of division.
- Dauntless
Definition: showing determination and no fear
Example: In spite of the scale of the famine, the relief workers struggled on with dauntless optimism.
- Dazzling
Definition: causing or likely to cause strong admiration
Example: A dazzling smile flashed across his face.
- Dead
Definition: no longer alive
Example: The president has sent a message of sympathy to the relatives of the dead soldiers.
- Deadly
Definition: complete or extreme
Example: They have been deadly enemies ever since Mark stole Greg’s girlfriend.
- Deadpan
Definition: impassive or expressionless
Example: She delivered her monologue in a deadpan voice.
- Deafening
Definition: (of a noise) so loud as to make it impossible to hear anything else
Example: The music reached a deafening crescendo.
- Dear
Definition: loved or liked very much
Example: She was a very dear friend.
- Debatable
Definition: open to discussion or argument
Example: It was his habit to encourage informal reunions of his intimates, to discuss debatable questions in science and theology.
- Debonair
Definition: confident, stylish, and charming (typically used of a man)
Example: All the men looked debonair and handsome in white tie and tails.
- Decayed
Definition: having fallen into disrepair; deteriorated
Example: There are ruins of a castle and an old decayed church, which contains some fine Norman work.
- Deceased
Definition: dead
Example: A death certificate for the deceased owner of the property is required.
- Deceivable
Definition: capable of being deceived
Example: The above brokers also push some local financial officials to find deceivable investors.
- Decent
Definition: socially acceptable or good
Example: I thought he was a decent person.
- Deceptive
Definition: giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading
Example: He put the question with deceptive casualness.
- Decided
Definition: (of a quality) definite; unquestionable
Example: The sunshine is a decided improvement.
- Deciduous
Definition: denoting the milk teeth of a mammal, which are shed after a time
Example: This is the period when the deciduous teeth are being shed.
- Decisive
Definition: setting an issue; producing a definite result
Example: The archers played a decisive part in the victory.
- Deckled
Definition: having a rough edge
Example: A deckled edge is also a feathery, unfinished paper edge.
- Decorative
Definition: made to look attractive
Example: He gave the picture a decorative border, which changed the look of the page.
- Decreasing
Definition: becoming smaller and fewer in size, amount, intensity or degree
Example: The affair attracts a decreasing number of visitors.
- Decrepit
Definition: in very bad condition because of being old, or not having been cared for, or having been used a lot
Example: A decrepit old man sat on a park bench.
- Dedicated
Definition: designed to be used for one particular purpose
Example: Only a truly dedicated scientist would want to read such a detailed report.
- Deducible
Definition: able to be deduced
Example: There is no rationally deducible connection between the two facts.
- Deductive
Definition: reaching an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts
Example: The education system that most of us have grown up with teaches logical, deductive thinking.
- Deep
Definition: very intense or extreme
Example: She was in deep trouble.
- Deepening
Definition: increasing or becoming darker
Example: They felt a deepening sense of despair.
- Deeply
Definition: extremely or strongly
Example: I’m deeply grateful to you.
- Defamatory
Definition: damaging the reputation of a person or group by saying or writing bad things about them that are not true
Example: The magazine had refused to withdraw the defamatory allegations.
- Defeated
Definition: having been beaten in a battle or other contest
Example: Bill Clinton defeated George Bush for the presidency in 1992.
- Defective
Definition: containing a fault, or not working correctly
Example: The company does not accept returns on any technology products unless they’re defective or damaged.
- Defenseless
Definition: without defense or protection; totally vulnerable
Example: The bandits descended on the defensible village.
- Defensible
Definition: able to be protected
Example: This city has a defensible location.
- Defensive
Definition: used to protect someone or something against attack
Example: These are purely defensive weapons, not designed for attack.
- Defiant
Definition: not willing to accept criticism or disapproval
Example: The CEO was in a defiant mood as she entered the boardroom.
- Definable
Definition: able to be defined
Example: The Book Talker has eight hundred and forty-six definable phrases.
- Definite
Definition: clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful
Example: We had no definite plans.
- Definitive
Definition: not able to be changed or improved
Example: There are no definitive solutions to this problem.
- Deformed
Definition: spoiled by not having a usual or regular shape or structure
Example: The child was born with a deformed heart.
- Deft
Definition: skillful, clever, or quick
Example: She answered the journalist’s questions with a deft touch.
- Defunct
Definition: no longer existing
Example: He was a reporter for defunct New York Herald newspaper.
- Degenerate
Definition: bad or worse in quality or character, or (of a person) morally bad
Example: He was a lazy, degenerate young man.
- Degraded
Definition: reduced in quality; inferior
Example: It will grow successfully even on degraded land.
- Degrading
Definition: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating
Example: The prisoners were subjected to cruel and degrading treatment.
- Degressive
Definition: tending to descend or decrease
Example: Consequently, marshall’s pay is degressive doctrine still has its theory energy in new economy progress.
- Dehiscent
Definition: (of a pod or wound) characterized by splitting or bursting open
Example: Mature fruits are dehiscent capsules that break open upon ground impact.
- Dehydrated
Definition: having lost a large amount of water from the body
Example: In a single day his stubbly cheeks had begun to look hollow, and the muscles of his shoulders and legs stood out in dehydrated splendor.
- Deific
Definition: resembling a god in qualities such as power or beauty; divine
Example: He achieved deific status.
- Dejected
Definition: unhappy, disappointed, or without hope
Example: She looked a bit dejected when they told her she didn’t get the job.
- Delayed
Definition: happening at a later time than expected or intended
Example: The protests are delayed reaction to last week’s announcement.
- Delectable
Definition: (of food or drink) delicious
Example: I could not stop eating the delectable fish.
- Deleterious
Definition: causing harm or damage
Example: Divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children.
- Deliberate
Definition: (often of something bad) intentional or planned
Example: We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while.
- Delible
Definition: capable of or able to be deleted
Example: For the Ranger had found a faint boot-track, and with amazing pains he was following this delible record of guilt.
- Delicate
Definition: needing careful treatment, especially because easily damaged
Example: Peaches have delicate skins which are easily bruised.
- Delicious
Definition: having a very pleasant taste or smell
Example: The delicious smell of freshly made coffee came from the kitchen.
- Delighted
Definition: feeling or showing great pleasure
Example: She laughed in a delighted way.
- Delightful
Definition: very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable
Example: Thank you for a delightful evening.
- Delinquent
Definition: illegal or not acceptable, or behaving in a way that is illegal or not acceptable
Example: They are carrying out research on the causes of delinquent behaviour among young people.
- Delirious
Definition: in a state of wild excitement or ecstasy
Example: There was a great roar from the delirious world.
- Deliverable
Definition: able to be delivered
Example: The goods were not in a deliverable state.
- Deltoid
Definition: a muscle in the shoulder, shaped like a triangle and used for lifting the arm
Example: The deltoid muscle lifts the arm sideways.
- Deluded
Definition: believing things that are not real or true
Example: Poor deluded girl, she thinks he’s going to marry her.
- Delusive
Definition: false
Example: I harboured the delusive hope that he would return my love.
- Deluxe
Definition: very comfortable and of very high quality
Example: The salesman tried to sell us the deluxe model.
- Demagogic
Definition: trying to win support by exciting the emotions of ordinary people rather than by having good or morally right ideas
Example: Demagogic politicians were tempted to exaggerate the threat of communism.
- Demanding
Definition: (of a task) requiring much skill or effort
Example: She has a busy and demanding job.
- Demented
Definition: crazy
Example: The man is demented – he’s going to wreck the whole operation.
- Democratic
Definition: based on the principles of democracy
Example: We must accept the results of democratic election.
- Demonic
Definition: wild and evil
Example: He had a demonic gleam in his eye.
- Demure
Definition: (especially of women) quiet and well behaved
Example: She gave him a demure smile.
- Dendritic
Definition: having a branched form resembling a tree
Example: Moss agate has a pale background colour with numerous darker dendritic patterns.
- Deniable
Definition: able to be denied
Example: The audience pounced on a plausibly deniable slip of the tongue.
- Dense
Definition: having parts that are close together so that it is difficult to go or see through
Example: The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.
- Dental
Definition: relating to the teeth
Example: She had to cancel her dental appointment.
- Dependable
Definition: deserving of trust or confidence
Example: I need a dependable baby-sitter.
- Dependent
Definition: needing the support of something or someone in order to continue existing or operating
Example: He has three dependent children.
- Depilatory
Definition: relating to or intended for removing unwanted hair from the human body
Example: I use a depilatory cream under my arms.
- Deplorable
Definition: very bad
Example: They are forced to live in deplorable conditions.
- Deploring
Definition: feeling or expressing strong disapproval
Example: He shook his head with a deploring smile.
- Depraved
Definition: morally corrupt; wicked
Example: He was a depraved lecher.
- Depressant
Definition: slowing the rate of the body’s functions
Example: These drugs have a depressant effect.
- Depressed
Definition: showing a lack of money or business activity
Example: This is an economically depressed area.
- Depressing
Definition: making you feel unhappy and without hope for the future
Example: The holiday will soon be over – that’s a depressing thought.
- Deprived
Definition: lacking something that is needed to live
Example: He took pictures in deprived areas of the city.
- Derisive
Definition: expressing contempt or ridicule
Example: He gave a harsh, derisive laugh.
- Derisory
Definition: ridiculously small or inadequate
Example: They were given a derisory pay rise.
- Dermal
Definition: for, in, or relating to the skin
Example: Dermal fillers are used to plump up wrinkles.
- Derogatory
Definition: showing strong disapproval and not showing respect
Example: He made some derogatory remark about her appearance.
- Descending
Definition: moving down a scale of quality
Example: The categories are listed in descending order of usefulness.
- Descriptive
Definition: serving or seeking to describe
Example: The text contains some good descriptive passages.
- Deserted
Definition: having no people or things in it; empty
Example: We parked in a deserted lot near the river.
- Designed
Definition: planned or conceived in detail or for a specific purpose
Example: The aircraft performed their designed functions well.
- Desirable
Definition: worth having and wanted by most people
Example: It’s regarded as a highly desirable job.
- Desolate
Definition: (of a place) empty and not attractive, with no people or nothing pleasant in it
Example: The house stood in a bleak and desolate landscape.
- Despairing
Definition: showing the loss of all hope
Example: He gave a despairing little shrug.
- Desperate
Definition: very great or extreme
Example: He has a desperate desire to succeed.
- Despicable
Definition: very unpleasant or bad, causing strong feelings of dislike
Example: He’s a despicable human being!
- Despotic
Definition: having unlimited power over other people, and often using it unfairly and cruelly
Example: A handful of corrupt and despotic leaders make the decisions.
- Destitute
Definition: extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself
Example: The charity cares for destitute children.
- Destructive
Definition: causing, or able to cause, damage
Example: I worry about the destructive effect that violent films may have on children.
- Desultory
Definition: lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm
Example: A few people were left, dancing in a desultory fashion.
- Detached
Definition: aloof and objective
Example: He is a detached observer of his own actions.
- Detailed
Definition: giving a lot of information with many details
Example: A witness gave a detailed description of the man.
- Detectable
Definition: that can be noticed or discovered
Example: There has been no detectable change in the patient’s condition.
- Determined
Definition: possessing or displaying resolve
Example: Helen was a determined little girl.
- Detrimental
Definition: causing harm or damage
Example: These chemicals have a detrimental impact on the environment.
- Deuced
Definition: used for emphasis, especially to express disapproval or frustration
Example: I sound like a deuced newspaper reporter.
- Devastated
Definition: completely destroyed
Example: Thousands of people have left their devastated villages and fled to the mountains.
- Devastating
Definition: causing severe shock, distress, or grief
Example: The news came as a devastating blow.
- Developed
Definition: advanced or powerful
Example: Sharks have a highly developed sense of smell.
- Developing
Definition: growing and becoming more mature, advanced, or elaborate
Example: This is a rapidly developing field.
- Devious
Definition: (of a route or journey) longer and less direct than the most straightforward way
Example: They arrived at the town by a devious route.
- Devoted
Definition: very loving or loyal
Example: He was a devoted husband.
- Devout
Definition: having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment
Example: She was a devout Catholic.
- Dewy
Definition: connected with dew
Example: Her dewy skin has the look of a woman 20 years younger.
- Dexterous
Definition: having the ability to think quickly and effectively or to do something difficult extremely well
Example: He is a dexterous debater who deals swiftly with interrogators.
- Diachronic
Definition: concerned with the way in which something, especially language, has developed and evolved through time
Example: The census is also a diachronic data set.
- Diagnostic
Definition: used for making a judgement about what a particular problem is
Example: The model is a useful diagnostic tool to determine what has the most impact on employees’ performance.
- Diagonal
Definition: (of a line) straight and sloping, so that it is neither horizontal nor vertical
Example: A diagonal line in a circle is often used as a symbol to show that certain behavior is forbidden.
- Dialectic
Definition: using questions and answers as a method of examining something or of finding a solution to a problem
Example: Conflict and disagreement are a necessary part of a dialectic approach.
- Dialectical
Definition: discovering what is true by considering opposite theories
Example: Plato’s dialogues contain many instances of dialectical argument.
- Diarrheal
Definition: connected with an illness in which the body’s solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often
Example: Breast milk was found to be the best treatment for infants’ diarrheal disease.
- Diastolic
Definition: relating to the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle relaxes and allows the chambers to fill with blood
Example: Consistently high diastolic pressure could lead to organ damage.
- Diatomic
Definition: consisting of two atoms
Example: Only diatomic molecules are easy to study in this way, as larger molecules invariably fragment.
- Dicky
Definition: weak, especially in health, and likely to fail or suffer from problems
Example: Grandad’s got a dicky heart.
- Dictatorial
Definition: liking to give orders
Example: Her father is very dictatorial.
- Didactic
Definition: intended to teach, or to improve morals by teaching
Example: Children’s books possess a practical, didactic purpose – to instill a love for reading.
- Dietary
Definition: relating to your diet
Example: Dietary habits can be very difficult to change.
- Different
Definition: not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality
Example: You can play this game in different ways.
- Difficult
Definition: not friendly, easy to deal with, or behaving well
Example: His wife is a very difficult woman.
- Diffuse
Definition: spread out and not directed in one place
Example: The company has become large and diffuse.
- Diffusing
Definition: to (cause something to) spread in many directions
Example: Television is a powerful means of diffusing knowledge.
- Digestible
Definition: (of information) easy to understand or follow
Example: Her books convey philosophical issues in a lucid and digestible form.
- Digital
Definition: using or relating to computers and the internet
Example: Social media is an essential tool in a digital world.
- Dignified
Definition: controlled, serious, and calm, and therefore deserving respect
Example: He has maintained a dignified silence about the rumours.
- Dilapidated
Definition: (esp. of a structure) in bad condition and needing repair
Example: We still use the dilapidated barn for storing tools.
- Dilatory
Definition: slow to act
Example: The boss sacked a dilatory worker yesterday.
- Diligent
Definition: done in a careful and detailed way
Example: The discovery was made after years of diligent research.
- Dim
Definition: not giving or having much light
Example: The lamp gave out a dim light.
- Dimensional
Definition: relating to measurements or dimensions
Example: Technicians check dimensional accuracy using coordinate measuring machines.
- Diminutive
Definition: very small
Example: My grandmother was a diminutive woman, less than 5 feet tall. 150
- Dimorphic
Definition: occurring in or representing two distinct forms
Example: In the sexually dimorphic species only the males have wings.
- Dingy
Definition: dark and often also dirty
Example: Her hair was a dingy brown colour.
- Diocesan
Definition: connected with a diocese
Example: Bishops continue to exercise great control over diocesan funds.
- Diploid
Definition: a cell or organism that has paired chromosomes, one from each parent
Example: There is no diploid nucleus, with a complement of chromosomes, until we reach the two-cell stage.
- Diplomatic
Definition: of or concerning diplomacy
Example: The governments have broken off diplomatic relations.
- Dipterous
Definition: of, relating to, or belonging to the Diptera
Example: There was no evident temporal separation between ecologically similar coleopterous or dipterous taxa during succession.
- Direct
Definition: without anyone or anything else being involved or between
Example: She decided to take direct control of the project.
- Directionless
Definition: lacking in general aim or purpose
Example: after a few directionless years I have become a self-employed translator in Belgium, where I have a lovely flat and am very happy.
- Directive
Definition: involving the management or guidance of operations
Example: The authority is seeking a directive role in energy policy.
- Direful
Definition: dreadful; terrible
Example: Two parties were contending in the state, and their obstinacy could not fail to produce a most direful collision.
- Dirty
Definition: marked by dirt, mud, etc., or containing something such as pollution or bacteria
Example: Her face was dirty and tear-stained.
- Disabled
Definition: lacking one or more of the physical or mental abilities that most people have
Example: They opened a group home for mentally disabled adults.
- Disaffected
Definition: no longer supporting or being satisfied with an organization or idea
Example: The party needs to take steps to attract disaffected voters.
- Disagreeable
Definition: unfriendly and bad-tempered
Example: Henry was always a very disagreeable boy.
- Disappointed
Definition: (of hopes or expectations) prevented from being realized
Example: The rising was a revolution of disappointed hopes.
- Disappointing
Definition: failing to fulfil someone’s hopes or expectations
Example: The team made a disappointing start.
- Disapproving
Definition: expressing an unfavourable opinion
Example: He shot a disapproving glance at her.
- Disarming
Definition: making someone like you, especially when they had not expected to
Example: He displayed a disarming honesty by telling them about his father’s bankruptcy.
- Disastrous
Definition: causing great damage
Example: A disastrous fire swept through the museum.
- Discarded
Definition: get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable
Definition: Discarded food containers and bottles discarded the streets.
- Discernible
Definition: able to be discerned; perceptible
Example: The scandal had no discernible effect on his career.
- Discerning
Definition: having or showing good judgement
Example: The brasserie attracts discerning customers.
- Disciplinary
Definition: concerning or enforcing discipline
Example: A soldier will face disciplinary action after going absent without leave.
- Disciplined
Definition: behaving in a very controlled way
Example: The young gymnasts who won the competition were a talented and disciplined team.
- Disclosed
Definition: to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden
Example: The company has disclosed profits of over £200 million.
- Discoid
Definition: shaped like a disc
Example: The three-dimensional shape of arborization is discoid and flat.
- Disconcerted
Definition: unsettled or confused
Example: Pierre seemed disconcerted and embarrassed.
- Disconnected
Definition: having had a connection broken
Example: He expected the disconnected phone to start ringing.
- Disconsolate
Definition: very unhappy and unable to be comforted
Example: The children were disconsolate about the death of their mother.
- Discontent
Definition: dissatisfied
Example: He was discontent with his wages.
- Discordant
Definition: disagreeing or incongruous
Example: The operative principle of democracy is a balance of discordant qualities.
- Discovered
Definition: find unexpectedly or during a search
Example: America was discovered by Columbus in 1492.
- Discreditable
Definition: causing or likely to cause a loss of respect for a person, group, or idea
Example: Defence lawyers may try to bring up discreditable incidents in the victim’s life.
- Discreet
Definition: careful and prudent in one’s speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment
Example: We made some discreet inquiries.
- Discrepant
Showing a difference between two things that should be the same
Definition: Discrepant results have been described by one group of scientists.
- Discrete
Definition: individually separate and distinct
Example: Speech sounds are produced as a continuous sound signal rather than discrete units.
- Discretionary
Definition: available for use at the discretion of the user
Example: There has been an increase in year-end discretionary bonuses.
- Discriminable
Definition: able to be discriminated; distinguished
Example: He concluded that the term culture-bound syndrome ‘still has currency but little discriminable content’.
- Discriminating
Definition: having or showing refined taste or good judgement
Example: He became a discriminating collector and patron of the arts.
- Discriminative
Definition: making fine distinctions; discerning
Example: The viscosity test, although of considerable importance in the examination of lubricating oils, has been shown to have very little discriminative value as a general test.
- Discriminatory
Definition: characterized by or showing prejudicial treatment, especially as an indication of bias related to age, color, religion, etc
Example: Race, religion and other discriminatory factors do not play a role in the decision process.
- Discursive
Definition: digressing from subject to subject
Example: Students often write dull, second-hand, discursive prose.
Positive Adjectives That Start with D to Describe a Person
If you are in need of positive adjectives that start with D to describe a person, below D adjectives are right for you.
1. Dauntless
Definition: to have the strength, determination and fearlessness
Synonyms: undaunted, undismayed
Example: He showed dauntless bravery while training to become a naval officer.
2. Decent
Definition: someone who is following the acceptable standards of morality
Synonyms: suitable, satisfactory
Example: He is a decent man.
3. Deferent
Definition: someone who is considerate and respectful
Synonyms: dutiful, regardful
Example: She is always deferent.
4. Decisive
Definition: someone who is capable of producing results and settling the issues
Synonyms: conclusive, crucial
Example: He is decisive, so he does not waste any time to get to the conclusions of the matter.
5. Deft
Definition: someone who is able to move quickly, skillfully and neatly
Synonyms: dexterous, dextrous
Example: She is a deft woman, this is why she can manage multiple tasks at the same time.
6. Dedicated
Definition: someone who is loyal to and devoted to a purpose or a task
Synonyms: committed, wholehearted
Example: They are very dedicated people, so you will never be disappointed with their enthusiasm.
7. Delighted
Definition: someone or something that shows and feels great happiness and pleasure
Synonyms: thrilled, glad
Example: He was delighted to see his daughter win the race.
8. Demure
Definition: someone who is shy, modest and reserved
Synonyms: meek, bashful
Example: She is demure, which is one of her many admirable qualities.
9. Dependable
Definition: someone who is completely reliable and trustworthy
Synonyms: loyal, faithful
Example: She is a dependable woman.
10. Daring
Definition: someone who is audaciously bold or adventurous
Synonyms: brave, intrepid
Example: She was a daring girl, so she decided to become an acrobat.
11. Dainty
Definition: someone who is delicate and pretty
Synonyms: nice, fine
Example: She was dressed in a dainty manner.
Positive Adjectives That Start with D to Describe an Event
To describe an event precisely, some of descriptive words that start with D below may just meet your need.
1. Diverse
Definition: an activity which happens with a great deal of variety
Synonyms: sundry, manifold
Example: The new year fireworks celebration took place in a diverse manner.
2. Daedal
Definition: something which is ingenious or complex in function and design
Synonyms: convoluted, sophisticated
Example: The daedal workings of my favourite teapot are amazing.
3. Daily
Definition: something which happens every day of the week
Synonyms: everyday, day-to-day
Example: The doctor advised me to add yoga to my daily routine because I was pregnant.
4. Damascene
Definition: something which can transform the beliefs and attitude of people dramatically, (when used for metal) decorated or embellished in an attractive wavy pattern
Synonyms: damask
Example: In the light of the recent statement, the court thinks that the witness had undergone something like a damascene conversion.
5. Danceable
Definition: an event on which it is enjoyable to dance for celebration
Synonyms: playful, entertaining
Example: I found the wedding ceremony to be danceable, because of heart-touching music.
6. Dandy
Definition: something which is excellent and outstanding
Synonyms: admirable, exceptional
Example: Everything was dandy at the new year celebration.
7. Dateable
Definition: an event or thing which is able to be dated to a particular time in the calendar
Synonyms: datable
Example: When my baby spoke the first word, I thought the day was dateable.
8. Dazzling
Definition: something which is extremely bright and illuminated
Synonyms: glaring, gleaming
Example: I could see the dazzling rays of sunlight filtering into my greenhouse.
9. Dapper
Definition: something characterized by neatness and good looks
Synonyms: spruce, smart
Example: Everything was arranged in a dapper manner at the art exhibition.
10. Dulcet
Definition: an event full of sweet and melodious sounds
Synonyms: sweet-sounding, soothing
Example: I love to spend some time besides my birdbath fountain because I enjoy the dulcet environment.
11. Dreamlike
Definition: something that is characterized by the qualities of a dream or fantasy
Synonyms: wonderful, overwhelming
Example: When my parents took me to the Cadbury World and Disneyland, I saw a dreamlike view.
12. Dramatic
Definition: an event, situation or circumstance that take place strikingly and suddenly
Synonyms: noticeable, significant
Example: The pandemic brought about a dramatic increase in the death rate.
13. Domiciliary
Definition: an event which takes place in somebody’s house or is concerned with somebody’s house
Synonyms: homely, domestic
Example: An official from the domiciliary authority was notified of the upcoming problems.
Positive Adjectives That Start with D to Describe a Place
When finding a pleasant place, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends. Because they may also be very interested to come. I believe some of adjectives that start with the letter D below are able to help you describe these places perfectly.
1. Decorated
Definition: a place that is made more attractive and appealing by adding embellishments
Synonyms: adorn, beautify
Example: The resort was decorated to celebrate the golden jubilee.
2. Decurved
Definition: a place that is bent downwards
Synonyms: curved, twisted
Example: The railway platform was decurved to allow easy access for the disabled.
3. Delightful
Definition: a place that is charming and exciting
Synonyms: enjoyable, entertaining, satisfying
Example: Our beach house is such a delightful place.
4. Domestic
Definition: a place that is concerned with family relations and chores
Synonyms: household, private
Example: Domestic abuse is a crime.
5. Developed
Definition: a place that is progressive, elaborated and advanced to a specific degree
Synonyms: grown, evolved
Example: They have an ancestral home in a developed society of Louisiana.
6. Deluxe
Definition: a place that is superior, sumptuous and luxurious
Synonyms: magnificent, splendid
Example: This hotel is a deluxe place to spend the summer vacation.
7. Democratic
Definition: a place or country that is supporting, following, favouring or relating to the practice and principles of democracy
Synonyms: popular, republican
Example: I live in a democratic country.
Positive Adjectives That Start with D to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
As you may know, there are a lot of adjectives with letter D that can be used to describe emotions, personalities and feelings. And below are some of them.
1. Deliberate
Definition: an action which is done intentionally, willingly and consciously
Synonyms: calculated, preconceived
Example: His refusal was deliberate.
2. Demanding
Definition: work which requires too much physical labour, attention, skill and effort
Synonyms: challenging, taxing
Example: 12-hour job is too demanding.
3. Daughterly
Definition: someone who loves a woman just like his daughter
Synonyms: dear, beloved
Example: He treated all his employees in a daughterly manner.
Negative Adjectives That Start with D to Describe a Person
After talking so much about positive adjectives, now it is time for negative adjectives. Below are some negative adjective words that start with D.
1. Dangerous
Definition: someone who intends to harm himself or others
Synonyms: injurious, threatening
Example: The patient of schizophrenia is a dangerous person.
2. Deceitful
Definition: someone who is involved in and guilty of dishonesty
Synonyms: untruthful, crooked
Example: She is very deceitful, this is why it is important to keep your precious belongings away from her.
3. Disheartened
Definition: someone who has lost all his confidence, determination and courage
Synonyms: dispirited, deprived
Example: When we lost our final match, all of the team members were very disheartened.
4. Discouraged
Definition: someone who has lost all his enthusiasm and bravery
Synonyms: fearful, anxious, afraid
Example: She felt discouraged when she faced a heavy loss.
5. Demoralized
Definition: someone who has lost all his hope and confidence
Synonyms: disheartened, discouraged
Example: His actions easily declare the fact that he is demoralized.
6. Distressing
Definition: someone who is facing extreme pain, sorrow and anxiety
Synonyms: miserable, grieve
Example: I heard she grew up in a distressing family.
7. Defiant
Definition: someone who resists authority, power and opposition
Synonyms: obstinate, stubborn
Example: His defiant personality made him ruder.
Negative Adjectives That Start with D to Describe an Event
Besides for people, describing words beginning with D can be used to describe events as well.
1. Deplorable
Definition: something that deserves very strong condemnation
Synonyms: shameful, dishonourable
Example: The condition of most of our Southern villages is deplorable.
2. Dank
Definition: something that is disagreeably cold, musty and damp
Synonyms: humid, moist
Example: After boiling pasta for a long time, my kitchen became dank.
3. Deafening
Definition: something that is extremely noisy and makes it impossible to hear any other sound
Synonyms: ear-shattering, ear-piercing
Example: The whole situation was so deafening, that I could not talk over the phone.
4. Deadly
Definition: something that has the potential to cause a death
Synonyms: lethal, mortal
Example: A wildfire broke out, it was a deadly situation for the wild animals because they had no way to escape it.
5. Disputable
Definition: something that is not factual or established
Synonyms: questionable, debatable, arguable
Example: When different political parties unite, the decisions made are always disputable for the public.
6. Debatable
Definition: something that is not agreeable for the common people
Synonyms: doubtful uncertain and unclear
Example: It is strongly debatable whether the developing countries will ever come out of the financial recession.
7. Darkling
Definition: something that is dark and obscure
Synonyms: uncannily, threatening
Example: Everything became darkling, after the sunset.
Negative Adjectives That Start with D to Describe a Place
In this section, we’ll discuss some negative adjectives that start with D to describe a place. I’m sure some of them are familiar to you.
1. Dark
Definition: a place that has no light at all
Synonyms: unlit, unilluminated
Example: Even the small pond felt abysmal because of the pitch dark night.
2. Debased
Definition: a place that has lost its original quality and value
Synonyms: fake, false, imitation
Example: The abandoned house at the corner of the street is now debased.
3. Degraded
Definition: a place or something that describes or displays disregard and disrespect
Synonyms: disgrace, cheapen
Example: If the outdoor furniture is not looked after, it becomes degraded.
4. Devalued
Definition: to underestimate and decrease the importance or worth of any place or thing
Synonyms: decry, defame, traduce,
Example: When my lawn got full of weeds, it was devalued in the market.
5. Deckled
Definition: a place that has rough edges
Synonyms: bordered, fenced
Example: My chicken coop is deckled, this is why it does not allow the water to flow in.
6. Defunct
Definition: a place that is not functional or existing anymore
Synonyms: inoperative, disused
Example: The science laboratory of our college is defunct.
Negative Adjectives That Start with D to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
When you are feeling negative, be brave to talk it out loud with this list of adjectives that start with D. They will help to dispel the negativity.
1. Drugged
Definition: a person who is unconscious because of taking drugs
Synonyms: intoxicated, anaesthetized
Example: The victim was drugged, to keep him free of pain throughout the surgery.
2. Dowdy
Definition: a person who is unfashionable and lacks smartness
Synonyms: ill-dressed, shabby
Example: When a rich French woman entered the room, all of us looked dowdy.
3. Dishevelled
Definition: a person who is untidy
Synonyms: messy, disordered
Example: The dishevelled appearance of the man and was the reason that he got rejected in the interview.
4. Disarrayed
Definition: a person who is unorganised and shabby
Synonyms: disarranged, unsettled
Example: Everyone was very annoyed when they saw the waitress in a disarrayed appearance.
5. Demode
Definition: a person who is unfashionable, something which is outdated and out of fashion
Synonyms: old fashioned, unstylish
Example: The big old radio and the wooden benches made my room look demode.
6. Doddering
Definition: a person who is excessively affected by old age
Synonyms: weak, unsteady
Example: He was a doddering old man, so he was given a wheelchair at the entrance of the shopping mall.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with D
After understanding the proper meaning of an adjective, you can use the above adjectives that start with the letter D where appropriate.
I have explained with detail descriptive words starting with D, which is the fourth alphabet of the English language.
I have divided these adjectives starting with D in 8 different categories, 4 positive and 4 negative, so that you can understand them easily.
By using the above-given adjectives that start with D in your day to day conversation, you can convey your message to others more precisely. So keep on learning.
Ps. See also positive words that start with D, nouns that start with D and verbs that start with D.