630 Adjectives That Start with E | List with Definitions and Examples

In this article, I will be sharing with you 630 adjectives that start with E, to make your everyday communication more easily. These adjectives starting with E will help you modify, compare and quantify the nouns or the naming words of the people, things and places that you are talking about.
The major role of these descriptive words starting with E is to allow the readers or the listeners of your speech to get it a deeper meaning of the information that you are conveying to them.
For example, if you add adjectives beginning with E like “easy-going” to the sentence “She is a girl” to make it “She is an easy-going girl”, readers will immediately have a clearer impression of the girl.
Scroll down to read adjectives that start with E we prepared for you.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with E – Full List (630 words)
For English language learners, keeping a list of letters in hand is necessary. And below is a large list of adjectives starting with E. It contains 630 E adjectives.
- Eager
- Early
- Earnest
- Earthy
- East
- Eastern
- Easy
- Easy-going
- Eatable
- Ebullient
- Eccentric
- Echoing
- Ecological
- Economic
- Economical
- Economy
- Ecstatic
- Edgy
- Edible
- Editable
- Educated
- Educational
- Eerie
- Effective
- Effervescent
- Efficacious
- Efficient
- Effortless
- Effusive
- Egalitarian
- Egocentric
- Egotistical
- Egregious
- Egyptian
- Eight
- Eighth
- Elaborate
- Elastic
- Elated
- Elderly
- Electric
- Electrical
- Electronic
- Elegant
- Elementary
- Elevated
- Elfish
- Eligible
- Elite
- Eloquent
- Elusive
- Emaciated
- Embarrassed
- Embarrassing
- Embattled
- Embittered
- Emblematic
- Emboldened
- Embroiled
- Emergency
- Eminent
- Emotional
- Emotionless
- Empirical
- Empty
- Enamored
- Enchanted
- Enchanting
- Encouraged
- Encouraging
- Encrusted
- Endangered
- Endearing
- Endemic
- Endless
- Endurable
- Enduring
- Energetic
- Energizing
- Enforceable
- Engaging
- Engrossing
- Enhanced
- Enigmatic
- Enjoyable
- Enlarged
- Enlightened
- Enormous
- Enraged
- Ensuing
- Entertaining
- Enthralling
- Enthused
- Enthusiastic
- Enticing
- Entire
- Entrancing
- Enumerable
- Enviable
- Envious
- Environmental
- Episodic
- Equable
- Equal
- Equanimous
- Equidistant
- Equitable
- Equivalent
- Erect
- Eroding
- Errant
- Erratic
- Erroneous
- Eruptive
- Escalating
- Esoteric
- Essential
- Established
- Estimated
- Estranged
- Eternal
- Ethereal
- Ethical
- Ethnic
- Euphemistic
- Euphoric
- European
- Evasive
- Even
- Evenhanded
- Even-tempered
- Eventful
- Eventual
- Everlasting
- Evil
- Evocative
- Exact
- Exaggerated
- Exalted
- Excellent
- Exceptional
- Excessive
- Excitable
- Excited
- Exciting
- Exclusive
- Excusable
- Executable
- Exemplary
- Exhausted
- Exhausting
- Exhaustive
- Existing
- Exotic
- Expandable
- Expanded
- Expanding
- Expansive
- Expectant
- Expected
- Expedient
- Expendable
- Expensive
- Experimental
- Expert
- Expired
- Expiring
- Explainable
- Explicit
- Exploding
- Exploitative
- Exploited
- Explosive
- Exponential
- Exposed
- Express
- Expressive
- Exquisite
- Extendable
- Extended
- Extensive
- Exterior
- External
- Extra
- Extra-large
- Extraneous
- Extraordinary
- Extravagant
- Extreme
- Exuberant
- Each
- Eagle-eyed
- Eared
- Earless
- Earlier
- Earliest
- Earlyish
- Earned
- Earsplitting
- Earthborn
- Earthbound
- Earthen
- Earthlike
- Earthly
- Easier
- Easiest
- Eastbound
- Easterly
- Easternmost
- Eastmost
- Eastside
- Eastward
- Easygoing
- Ebionite
- Ebon
- Ebony
- Ebracteate
- Ecclesiastic
- Eccrine
- Ecdemic
- Echoic
- Echoless
- Echolike
- Echt
- Eclectic
- Ecologic
- Econometric
- Ectodermal
- Ectodermic
- Ectomorphic
- Ectopic
- Ectothermic
- Ectozoan
- Ecuadorian
- Ecumenic
- Ecumenical
- Edacious
- Edematous
- Edental
- Edentate
- Edentulate
- Edentulous
- Edgeless
- Editorial
- Educative
- Edwardian
- Eellike
- Eery
- Effaceable
- Effectual
- Effeminate
- Efferent
- Effervescing
- Effete
- Efflorescent
- Effluent
- Effortful
- Effulgent
- Egg-shaped
- Egoistical
- Egotistic
- Eidetic
- Eighteen
- Eighteenth
- Eightfold
- Eighties
- Eightieth
- Eightpenny
- Eighty
- Einsteinian
- Elaborated
- Elating
- Elder
- Eldest
- Eldritch
- Elect
- Elected
- Elective
- Electoral
- Electrochemical
- Electrolytic
- Elegiac
- Elemental
- Elementalism
- Elephantine
- Eleven
- Eleventh
- Elfin
- Elflike
- Elizabethan
- Ellipsoid
- Ellipsoidal
- Elliptic
- Elliptical
- Elongate
- Elongated
- Elucidative
- Elvish
- Elysian
- Emancipative
- Emarginate
- Emasculate
- Emasculated
- Embedded
- Emblematical
- Embodied
- Embolic
- Embonpoint
- Embossed
- Embryologic
- Embryonal
- Embryonic
- Embryotic
- Emended
- Emergent
- Emerging
- Emeritus
- Emmetropic
- Emollient
- Emotive
- Empathetic
- Empathic
- Emphasised
- Emphasized
- Emphatic
- Empiric
- Employable
- Employed
- Empty-handed
- Empurpled
- Empyreal
- Empyrean
- Emulous
- Enabling
- Enate
- Enatic
- Enceinte
- Enchained
- Enclosed
- Encomiastic
- Encyclical
- Encysted
- Endemical
- Endergonic
- Endermatic
- Endermic
- Endocentric
- Endocrinal
- Endocrine
- Endodontic
- Endoergic
- Endogenetic
- Endogenic
- Endogenous
- Endometrial
- Endomorphic
- Endoparasitic
- Endothelial
- Endothermal
- Endothermic
- Endovenous
- Endozoan
- Endozoic
- Energising
- Enervating
- Enfeebling
- Enforced
- Engaged
- English
- English-speaking
- Engorged
- Engraved
- Engrossed
- Enhancive
- Enigmatical
- Enkindled
- Enmeshed
- Enolic
- Enough
- Enraptured
- Ensiform
- Ensuant
- Enteral
- Enteric
- Enthralled
- Entomologic
- Entozoan
- Entozoic
- Entrenched
- Enured
- Enwrapped
- Enzootic
- Enzymatic
- Eolithic
- Eolotropic
- Eonian
- Eparchial
- Epenthetic
- Ephemeral
- Ephesian
- Epic
- Epical
- Epicarpal
- Epicene
- Epicurean
- Epicyclic
- Epicyclical
- Epideictic
- Epidemic
- Epidural
- Epigastric
- Epileptic
- Epilithic
- Epimorphic
- Epiphyseal
- Epiphysial
- Epiphytic
- Epiphytotic
- Episcopal
- Epistemic
- Epistolary
- Epithelial
- Epizoan
- Epizoic
- Epizootic
- Epochal
- Eponymic
- Eponymous
- Equatorial
- Equestrian
- Equine
- Equinoctial
- Equipoised
- Equipotent
- Equipped
- Equiprobable
- Equipt
- Equivocal
- Eradicable
- Erasable
- Erasmian
- Erectile
- Eremitic
- Eremitical
- Ergodic
- Ergonomic
- Ergotic
- Ergotropic
- Eristic
- Eristical
- Eritrean
- Erogenous
- Erose
- Erosive
- Erotic
- Errhine
- Error-prone
- Errorless
- Ersatz
- Erstwhile
- Erudite
- Erythroid
- Escaped
- Especial
- Essene
- Esthetic
- Esthetical
- Estimable
- Estival
- Estonian
- Estranging
- Estrous
- Estuarial
- Estuarine
- Esurient
- Ethiopian
- Ethnical
- Etiolate
- Etiolated
- Etiologic
- Etiological
- Eucaryotic
- Euclidean
- Euclidian
- Eudaemonic
- Eudemonic
- Eugenic
- Eukaryotic
- Eulogistic
- Euphonic
- Euphonical
- Euphonious
- Euphonous
- Euphoriant
- Eupneic
- Eupnoeic
- Eurafrican
- Eurasian
- Eurasiatic
- Eurocentric
- Eutherian
- Eutrophic
- Evacuant
- Evaluative
- Evanescent
- Evangelical
- Evangelistic
- Evaporable
- Evaporative
- Ever-changing
- Ever-present
- Evergreen
- Every
- Everyday
- Evident
- Evidential
- Evidentiary
- Evil-minded
- Eviscerate
- Evitable
- Evolutionary
- Exanimate
- Exaugural
- Exceeding
- Exceptionable
- Excess
- Exchangeable
- Excitant
- Excitative
- Excitatory
- Exclamatory
- Excogitative
- Excrescent
- Excretory
- Exculpated
- Excursive
- Excusatory
- Execrable
- Executive
- Exegetic
- Exegetical
- Exempt
- Exergonic
- Exhaustible
- Exhibitionistic
- Exhortative
- Exhortatory
- Exigent
- Exiguous
- Exilic
- Existent
- Existential
- Existentialist
- Exocentric
- Exocrine
- Exodontic
- Exoergic
- Exogamic
- Exogamous
- Exogenic
- Exogenous
- Exonerative
- Exorbitant
- Exoteric
- Exothermal
- Exothermic
- Expandible
- Expansible
- Expansile
- Expectable
- Expectantly
- Expeditionary
- Experienced
- Experient
- Experiential
- Expiable
- Expiative
- Expiatory
- Expiratory
- Explanatory
- Explicable
- Exploded
- Exploitatory
- Exploitive
- Exportable
- Expositive
- Expository
- Expressed
- Expressible
- Exsanguine
- Exsanguinous
- Extant
- Extemporary
- Extempore
- Extendible
- Extensible
- Extensile
- Extensional
- Extenuating
- Exterminable
- Exteroceptive
- Exterritorial
- Extinct
- Extinguishable
- Extirpable
- Extortionate
- Extracellular
- Extractable
- Extractible
- Extradural
- Extralegal
- Extramarital
- Extramural
- Extraversive
- Extravert
- Extraverted
- Extremist
- Extricable
- Extrinsic
- Extropic
- Extrovert
- Extroverted
- Extrovertish
- Extrovertive
- Extrusive
- Exultant
- Exuvial
- Eye-catching
- Eye-popping
- Eyeless
Adjectives That Start with E – with Definitions and Examples
If you want to completely understand the meanings of adjectives beginning with E and use them correctly, you have to learn their definitions and examples first.
- Eager
Definition: having or showing desire or interest
Example: Lots of eager volunteers responded to the appeal for help.
- Early
Definition: happening or done before the usual or expected time
Example: We ate an early lunch.
- Earnest
Definition: serious and determined, especially too serious and unable to find your own action funny
Example: He was a very earnest young man.
- Earthy
Definition: referring to sex and the human body in a direct way
Example: She has an earthy sense of humour.
- East
Definition: in or forming the east part of something
Example: Cambridge is in East Anglia.
- Eastern
Definition: in or from the east part of an area
Example: The eastern part of the country is very mountainous.
- Easy
Definition: comfortable or charm; free from worry, pain etc
Example: They both retired and went off to lead an easy life in the Bahamas.
- Easy-going
Definition: relaxed and not easily upset or worried
Example: She’s a generous and easy-going boss.
- Eatable
Definition: fit to be consumed as food
Example: Lutein is a natural and efficient food additive as eatable pigment and also as nourishment.
- Ebullient
Definition: very energetic, positive, and happy
Example: He wasn’t his usual ebullient self.
- Eccentric
Definition: (of a person or their behaviour) unconventional and slightly strange
Example: He noted her eccentric appearance.
- Echoing
Definition: repeated or reverberating after the original sound has stopped
Example: The sound of echoing footsteps slowed to a stop.
- Ecological
Definition: relating to or concerned with the relation of living organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings
Example: Pollution is posing a serious threat to the ecological balance of the oceans.
- Economical
Definition: not using a lot of fuel, money, space, etc
Example: Most printer software let you fit four pictures per sheet to make the most economical use of the space available.
- Ecstatic
Definition: extremely happy
Example: The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd.
- Edgy
Definition: nervous; not calm
Example: She is obviously in a state of edgy depression.
- Edible
Definition: fit or suitable or to be eaten
Example: The shrub has small edible berries.
- Editable
Definition: (of text or software) in a format that can be edited by the user
Example: The program will read an incoming fax and convert it into editable text.
- Educated
Definition: having learned a lot at school or university and having a good level of knowledge
Example: She was probably the most highly educated prime minister of this century.
- Educational
Definition: providing education or relating to education
Example: Reducing the size of classes may improve educational standards.
- Effective
Definition: successful or achieving the results that you want
Example: The lightening for the production made a very effective use of shadow.
- Effervescent
Definition: active, positive, and full of energy
Example: She’s one of those effervescent personalities that you often see hosting TV game shows.
- Efficient
Definition: working well and quickly
Example: The lawyers working on the case were skilled, efficient and fair.
- Effortless
Definition: requiring no physical or mental exertion
Example: I went up the steps in two effortless bounds.
- Effusive
Definition: expressing welcome, approval, or pleasure in a way that shows very strong feeling
Example: They gave us such an effusive welcome it was quite embarrassing.
- Egotistical
Definition: excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself; self-centered
Example: He’s selfish, egotistical and arrogant.
- Egregious
Definition: extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable
Example: It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance.
- Elaborate
Definition: containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts
Example: They’re making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.
- Elastic
Definition: (of a material) able to stretch and be returned to its original shape or size
Example: A lot of sportswear is made of very elastic material.
- Elderly
Definition: old
Example: A large number of elderly people live alone.
- Electric
Definition: relating to electricity
Example: Our electric bill for July was $115.
- Electrical
Definition: relating to or using electricity
Example: Most electrical goods come with a one-year guarantee.
- Electronic
Definition: involving a system of operation that involves the control of a flow of electrons esp. in various devices including computers
Example: The huge electronic scoreboard showed a replay of the last goal.
- Elegant
Definition: graceful and stylish in appearance or manner
Example: She wore an elegant dove-grey jacket.
- Elementary
Definition: basic
Example: I have an elementary knowledge of physics.
- Elevated
Definition: situated or placed higher than the surrounding area
Example: This hotel has an elevated position above the village.
- Elfish
Definition: lively and slightly mischievous; impish
Example: He always had an elfish twinkle in his eye when telling a story.
- Eligible
Definition: allowed to do or receive something because you satisfy certain conditions
Example: The company will offer its 104,000 eligible employees a stock option scheme this year.
- Elite
Definition: belonging to the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society
Example: Elite troops were airlifted to the trouble zone.
- Eloquent
Definition: giving a clear, strong message
Example: The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano.
- Emaciated
Definition: very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger
Example: There were pictures of emaciated children on the cover of the magazine.
- Embarrassed
Definition: feeling or showing embarrassment
Example: I felt quite embarrassed whenever I talked to her.
- Embarrassing
Definition: making you feel embarrassed
Example: My most embarrassing moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldn’t remember.
- Embattled
Definition: (of a building or part of a building) having battlements
Example: The church has a low embattled tower.
- Embittered
Definition: very angry about unfair things that have happened to you
Example: He died a disillusioned and embittered old man.
- Emblematic
Definition: of, relating to, or constituting an emblem; symbolic, representative
Example: Waving to someone is an emblematic way to say goodbye.
- Emergency
Definition: a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action
Example: The pilot of the aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing on Lake Geneva.
- Eminent
Definition: famous and important
Example: The commission consisted of fifteen eminent political figures.
- Emotional
Definition: relating to the emotions
Example: Amnesia can be caused by emotional trauma.
- Emotionless
Definition: not showing any emotion; unemotional
Example: Her voice was flat and emotionless.
- Empirical
Definition: based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory
Example: This theory needs to be backed up with solid empirical evidence.
- Empty
Definition: containing nothing; not filled or occupied
Example: She put down her empty cup.
- Enchanted
Definition: filled with delight; charmed
Example: The orchestra played classical favourites to an enchanted audience.
- Enchanting
Definition: very pleasant or charming
Example: Belgium is an enchanting country.
- Encouraging
Definition: giving someone support or confidence; supportive
Example: She gave me an encouraging smile.
- Endangered
Definition: in danger of being harmed, lost, unsuccessful, etc
Example: Social workers who look after abused or endangered children often have stressful days at work.
- Endemic
Definition: especially of a disease or a condition, regularly found and very common among a particular group or in a particular area
Example: There is endemic violence in many of the country’s cities.
- Endless
Definition: countless; innumerable
Example: We smoked endless cigarettes.
- Enduring
Definition: lasting over a period of time; durable
Example: He formed a number of enduring relationships with women.
- Energetic
Definition: having or involving a lot of energy
Example: See how the artist has applied the paint using big, swirling, energetic brushstrokes.
- Energizing
Definition: that energizes someone
Example: Acupuncture has a harmonizing and energizing effect on mind and body.
- Enforceable
Definition: (of a law or rule) possible to make people obey, or possible to make happen or be accepted
Example: We need enforceable environmental and safety laws.
- Engaging
Definition: pleasant, attractive, and charming
Example: He is a very engaging conversationalist.
- Engrossing
Definition: taking all your attention; very interesting
Example: She had written an engrossing and moving story.
- Enigmatic
Definition: difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious
Example: He took the money with an enigmatic smile.
- Enjoyable
Definition: (of an activity or occasion) giving delight or pleasure
Example: They had an enjoyable afternoon.
- Enlarged
Definition: having become or been made larger
Example: Root-hairs give an enlarged superficial area to the roots of plants, and thus are related to the procuring of water.
- Enlightened
Definition: showing understanding, acting in a positive way, and not following old-fashioned or false beliefs
Example: The school has an enlightened policy of teaching boys to cook.
- Enormous
Definition: extremely large or great
Example: He earns an enormous salary.
- Enraged
Definition: filled with rage; anger
Example: I have to admit, I got kind of mad at Jeni because she really wasn’t taking my enraged rants very seriously.
- Ensuing
Definition: occurring afterwards or as a result
Example: There were repeated clashes in the ensuing days.
- Entertaining
Definition: funny and enjoyable
Example: It’s a very entertaining play with a hilarious final act.
- Enthralling
Definition: causing and holding one’s attention; fascinating
Example: Tag Heuer presents an enthralling combination of strength and seduction.
- Enthusiastic
Definition: feeling or showing intense and eager excitement, interest, or approval
Example: Their enthusiastic whispering was audible to those three rows away.
- Enticing
Definition: attractive or tempting; alluring
Example: The diamond called out to the thief, an enticing display that was hard to ignore.
- Entire
Definition: with no part left out; whole
Example: My plans are to travel the entire world.
- Entrancing
Definition: beautiful or interesting in a way that means you cannot stop listening to or watching someone or something
Example: She has created an entrancing theatre piece.
- Enumerable
Definition: capable of being calculated or estimated
Example: Decidable sets and languages are a strict subclass of the class of recursively enumerable sets.
- Enviable
Definition: arousing or likely to arouse envy
Example: The firm is in the enviable position of having a full order book.
- Environmental
Definition: relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition
Example: Acid rain may have caused major environmental damage.
- Episodic
Definition: (of a programme or story) broadcast or published as a series of instalments
Example: Episodic television is a difficult medium to write for.
- Equable
Definition: not changing suddenly
Example: The south of the country enjoys an equable climate.
- Equal
Definition: the same in importance and deserving the same treatment
Example: They’ve got a long way to go before they achieve equal status for men and women.
- Equitable
Definition: treating everyone equally; fair
Example: She charged that women are being denied equitable pay.
- Equivalent
Definition: having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc
Example: She’s doing the equivalent job in the new company but for more money.
- Errant
Definition: not correctly done or not behaving well
Example: Teachers dislike errant spelling and misused words.
- Erratic
Definition: moving or behaving in a way that is not regular, certain, or expected
Example: He drove in an erratic course down the road.
- Erroneous
Definition: wrong or false
Example: No one could explain how the erroneous information had got into the report.
- Escalating
Definition: becoming more intense or serious
Example: The authorities grew anxious about the escalating situation.
- Esoteric
Definition: very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge
Example: He has an esoteric collection of old toys and games.
- Essential
Definition: necessary or needed
Example: There is essential work to be done before the building can be reoccupied.
- Established
Definition: (of a church or religion) recognized by the state as the national Church or religion
Example: America had no established Church.
- Estimated
Definition: roughly calculated or approximated
Example: The bridge was begun five years ago and the estimated cost has already doubled.
- Eternal
Definition: lasting forever or for a very long time
Example: The company is engaged in the eternal search for a product that will lead the market.
- Ethereal
Definition: (of a solution) having diethyl ether as a solvent
Example: Sodium is dissolved in ethereal solutions of aromatic ketones.
- Ethical
Definition: morally right
Example: The awards recognize companies, individuals, and nonprofit organizations for ethical behavior.
- Ethnic
Definition: relating to a particular race of people
Example: A question on ethnic origin was included in the census.
- European
Definition: of or from Europe or the European Union
Example: A slowdown in European growth has prompted investors to switch away from the euro.
- Evasive
Definition: directed towards avoidance or escape
Example: They decided to take evasive action.
- Even
Definition: equal or equally balanced
Example: Both sides played well – it was a very even contest.
- Evenhanded
Definition: treating everyone fairly and equally
Example: Several broadcasters have been criticized for failing to give evenhanded treatment to all the parties during the election campaign.
- Even-tempered
Definition: not easily annoyed or made angry
Example: He was a gentle and even-tempered man.
- Eventful
Definition: full of interesting or important events
Example: Her time at college was the most eventful period of her life.
- Eventual
Definition: occurring or existing at the end of or as a result of a process or period of time
Example: It’s impossible to predict the eventual outcome of the competition.
- Everlasting
Definition: lasting forever or for a long time
Example: I wish someone would invent an everlasting light bulb.
- Evil
Definition: morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant
Example: He was an evil dictator who murdered his own people.
- Exact
Definition: in great detail, or complete, correct, or true in every way
Example: The exact time of the accident was 2.43 p.m.
- Exaggerated
Definition: enlarged or altered beyond normal proportions
Example: Comic book characters are drawn with exaggerated features so you will remember them.
- Exalted
Definition: (of a person or their rank or status) at a high or powerful level
Example: It had taken her years of infighting to reach her present exalted rank.
- Excellent
Definition: extremely good; outstanding
Example: The lorry was in excellent condition.
- Exceptional
Definition: much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc
Example: The company has shown exceptional growth over the past two years.
- Excessive
Definition: too much
Example: Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.
- Excited
Definition: feeling very happy and enthusiastic
Example: An excited crowd waited for the singer to arrive.
- Exciting
Definition: making you feel excited
Example: It was a really exciting match.
- Exclusive
Definition: limited to only one person or group of people
Example: This room is for the exclusive use of guests.
- Excusable
Definition: able to be justified or forgiven; forgivable
Example: The error is excusable.
- Executable
Definition: a file that contains a program
Example: Beware of unsolicited emails with executable attachments.
- Exemplary
Definition: (of a punishment) serving as a warning or deterrent
Example: The judge awarded exemplary damages.
- Exhausting
Definition: making you feel extremely tired
Example: I’ve had an exhausting day.
- Exhaustive
Definition: including or considering all elements or aspects; fully comprehensive
Example: The guide outlines every bus route in exhaustive detail.
- Existing
Definition: used to refer to something that exists now
Example: The existing laws covering libel in this country are thought by many to be inadequate.
- Expandable
Definition: able to increase in size
Example: This printer has expandable memory to meet the needs of the most demanding work environment.
- Expansive
Definition: (of a person or their manner) relaxed and genially frank and communicative
Example: He is in an expansive mood.
- Expected
Definition: believed to be going to happen or arrive
Example: The painting sold for three times the expected price.
- Expedient
Definition: helpful or useful in a particular situation, but sometimes not morally acceptable
Example: The management has taken a series of expedient measures to improve the company’s financial situation.
- Expendable
Definition: not completely necessary for success or continuing in business
Example: It seems he has become an expendable asset at the company.
- Expensive
Definition: costing a lot of money
Example: He was looking for insurance to cover the expensive equipment in his home office.
- Experimental
Definition: relating to tests, especially scientific ones
Example: The drug is still at the experimental stage.
- Expert
Definition: having or showing a lot of knowledge or skill
Example: The centre provides expert advice for people with financial problems.
- Explicit
Definition: clear and exact
Example: I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.
- Exploding
Definition: very loud and sudden, like an explosion
Example: There was an explosive clap of thunder overhead.
- Exponential
Definition: (of an increase) becoming more and more rapid
Example: The society budget was rising at an exponential rate.
- Exposed
Definition: not covered or hidden; visible
Example: The venue featured beautiful hardwood floors and exposed brick walls.
- Express
Definition: moving or being sent fast
Example: The dry cleaners offer a normal or an express service.
- Expressive
Definition: effectively conveying thought or feeling
Example: She has big expressive eyes.
- Exquisite
Definition: very beautiful and delicate
Example: Look at this exquisite painting.
- Extendable
Definition: able to be made longer or larger
Example: The rolling bag comes with an extendable handle.
- Extensive
Definition: covering a large area; having a great range
Example: The wedding received extensive coverage in the newspaper.
- Exterior
Definition: on or from the outside
Example: In some of the villages the exterior walls of the houses are painted pink.
- Extra
Definition: added to what is normal
Example: If you need any extra help, just call me.
- Extraneous
Definition: of external origin
Example: When the transmitter pack is turned off no extraneous noise is heard.
- Extraordinary
Definition: very unusual, special, unexpected, or strange
Example: He told the extraordinary story of his escape.
- Extravagant
Definition: extreme and unreasonable
Example: The product does not live up to the extravagant claims of the advertisers.
- Extreme
Definition: very large in amount or degree
Example: They live in extreme poverty.
- Exuberant
Definition: (esp. of people and their behavior) very energetic, and showing the happiness of being alive
Example: She is an exuberant dancer.
- Eagle-eyed
Definition: quick to notice things; observant
Example: An eagle-eyed reader spotted the error in last week’s column.
- Earthly
Definition: used for emphasis
Example: There was no earthly reason why she should not come too.
- Easterly
Definition: lying or moving in an eastward position or direction
Example: The captain ordered an easterly course.
- Echt
Definition: authentic and typical
Example: Bart was an echt baseball fan.
- Eclectic
Definition: consisting of different types, methods, styles, etc
Example: It was an eclectic mix of our ethnic foods and traditional Thanksgiving food.
- Edacious
Definition: very eager for something, especially a lot of food
Example: Paul has an edacious appetite.
- Edgeless
Definition: not sharp; blunt; obtuse; unfit to cut or penetrate
Example: It also prints edgeless pictures which is nice.
- Editorial
Definition: relating to editors or editing, or to the editor of a newspaper or magazine
Example: Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors.
- Educative
Definition: providing education
Example: Very few activities at this age have no educative value at all.
- Effectual
Definition: effective and successful
Example: They wish to promote a real and effectual understanding between the two countries.
- Effeminate
Definition: behaving or looking similar to a woman
Example: He’s got a very effeminate voice.
- Efferent
Definition: away from a central organ or part
Example: An efferent nerve carries signals away from the brain and spinal cord.
- Effete
Definition: having lost character, vitality, or strength
Example: The huge wrestler made fun of the effete man who entered the ring to challenge him.
- Effulgent
Definition: (of a person or their expression) emanating joy or goodness
Example: Standing there was my father with the most effulgent smile on his face.
- Egg-shaped
Definition: round like an egg
Example: Rugby is played with an egg-shaped ball.
- Eidetic
Definition: ability to remember things in exact detail, as if you can see them in your mind
Example: He was a brilliant student with an eidetic memory.
- Eighty
Definition: the number 80
Example: I bought a package of eighty plastic cups.
- Elaborated
Definition: (rhetoric) expanded
Example: This is the absorption of elaborated compounds from their environment by whose decomposition the potential energy expended in their construction can be liberated.
- Eldritch
Definition: strange and frightening
Example: The fox let out an eldritch screech.
- Elected
Definition: opt for or choose to do something
Example: She was elected Chair of the Board of Governors.
- Elective
Definition: chosen or filled by popular election
Example: There is also an elective general council.
- Electoral
Definition: relating to an election or voting
Example: The committee endorses electoral reforms for fairer elections.
- Electrolytic
Definition: relating to the way electricity goes through a substance, usually a liquid, or the separation of a substance into its parts
Example: Pure copper is refined from the solution through an electrolytic process.
- Elemental
Definition: relating to or embodying the powers of nature
Example: A thunderstorm is the inevitable outcome of battling elemental forces.
- Elephantine
Definition: large and clumsy
Example: His legs were elephantine.
- Elfin
Definition: (of a person or their face) small and delicate, typically with a mischievous charm
Example: Her black hair suited her elfin face.
- Elliptic
Definition: relating to or resulting from ellipsis
Example: Indeed, air-traffic control uses codes based on elliptic curves to keep information about flight paths secure from hackers.
- Elliptical
Definition: difficult to understand
Example: His message was written in a deliberately elliptical style.
- Elongate
Definition: having a shape that is much longer than it is wide
Example: Acanthoclinus are elongate fishes.
- Elongated
Definition: long in relation to width, especially unusually so
Example: The males are smaller and have more elongated bodies.
- Elysian
Definition: relating to or characteristic of heaven or paradise
Example: Homer represents him as dwelling in the Elysian fields.
- Emasculated
Definition: deprived of or lacking virility, strength or vigor
Example: He was a boy split in allegiance between a snobbish, devouring mother and an emasculated father.
- Embedded
Definition: (of a journalist) attached to a military unit during a conflict
Example: Embedded journalists were scrutinized for their ability to report with independence.
- Embodied
Definition: possessing or existing in bodily form
Example: The duty of watching over one another for good was insisted on by the early Friends, and has been embodied in a system of discipline.
- Embolic
Definition: of or relating to an embolus or embolism
Example: The majority of these cases presented with embolic complications or syncope.
- Embossed
Definition: (of a design) carved, moulded, or stamped on a surface or object
Example: A magnetic disk with an embossed pattern is provided.
- Embryonic
Definition: (of a system, idea, or organization) in a rudimentary stage with potential for development
Example: The plan is still in its embryonic stages.
- Emended
Definition: make corrections and revisions to (a text)
Example: These studies show him collating manuscripts and emending texts.
- Emergent
Definition: in the process of coming into being or becoming prominent.
Example: Blockchains are still an emergent technology.
- Emerging
Definition: becoming apparent or prominent
Example: He walked through the halls quickly, the emerging thoughts in his head baffling him.
- Emeritus
Definition: no longer having a position, especially in a college or university, but keeping the title of the position
Example: She became Emeritus Professor of Linguistics when she retired.
- Emollient
Definition: having to avoid confrontation; calming
Example: The central character is a deceptively emollient senior figure in a conservative government.
- Emotive
Definition: causing strong feelings
Example: Animal experimentation is a highly emotive issue.
- Empathetic
Definition: showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another
Example: The book helps us realize that the autistic world is emotive, empathetic and beautiful.
- Empathic
Definition: of, relating to, or characterized by empathy
Example: Emotions are close to the surface and this sign is very compassionate because of his or her empathic abilities.
- Emphatic
Definition: done or said in a strong way and without any doubt
Example: The minister has issued an emphatic rejection of the accusation.
- Employable
Definition: suitable for paid work
Example: They will emerge as highly employable graduates.
- Employed
Definition: having a job working for a company or another person
Example: In April the number of employed people in the region dropped by 1,900 to 637,500.
- Empty-handed
Definition: having failed to obtain or achieve what one wanted
Example: The burglars fled empty-handed.
- Emulous
Definition: who tries to imitate or copy another person
Example: An emulous student might both admire and feel jealous of the teacher he imitates.
- Enabling
Definition: making something possible or easier
Example: The government has lowered corporate tax to create an enabling business environment.
- Enchained
Definition: to bind or hold with or as if with chains
Example: Enchained prisoners languished in dank, dark dungeons.
- Enclosed
Definition:included along with something else in a parcel or envelope
Example: You may be interested in the enclosed clipping from today’s paper.
- Endocrine
Definition: of, relating to, affecting, or resembling an endocrine gland or secretion
Example: Everolimus is used in combination with endocrine therapy to treat other forms of breast cancer and on its own to treat kidney cancer.
- Enforced
Definition: happening because of a situation that you cannot control or prevent
Example: Wyatt blamed injury for his enforced absence from the game.
- English-speaking
Definition: able to speak English through having learned it
Example: We had an English-speaking guide.
- Enough
Definition: as much or as many as required
Example: There’s too much work and not enough people to do it.
- Enraptured
Definition: filled with great pleasure or extremely pleased by something
Example: The audience was enraptured by the young soloist’s performance.
Positive Adjectives That Start with E to Describe a Person
What is the first adjective that comes to your mind? Mine is “Elegant”. Positive adjectives that start with E to describe a person are abundant. Please check and see if you can add more E adjectives to list below.
1. Educated
Definition: a person who has been trained and taught intellectual, ethical, social and moral standards
Synonyms: improved, informed
Example: It is the policy of our company to recruit highly educated people.
2. Energetic
Definition: a person who has extraordinary vitality and activity
Synonyms: high-spirited, vibrant, lively
Example: He is pretty energetic, so he would not complain even if he had to do the work of two people.
3. Efficient
Definition: a person who has the capability to achieve maximum productivity without wasting any time, expenses or effort
Synonyms: systematic, well-organized
Example: She is always efficient at everything she does, which is why others can’t easily compete with her.
4. Eager
Definition: a person who has a strong want to perform a task or have something
Synonyms: longing, yearning
Example: I was eager to please my professors with my best results.
5. Extraordinary
Definition: someone who is exceptionally remarkable and unusual
Synonyms: exceptional, heavenly, wonderful
Example: The extraordinary powerful man pulled a truck by his hair.
6. Exceptional
Definition: a person who has a deep level of uniqueness
Synonyms: uncommon, rare
Example: They are very exceptional people, so you will never be disappointed with their enthusiasm.
7. Elegant
Definition: someone who is very stylish, pleasant and graceful in manners and appearance
Synonyms: appealing, alluring
Example: He had an elegant style of fashion everyone was attracted to.
8. Ecstatic
Definition: a person who expresses and feels extreme excitement, joy and happiness
Synonyms: elated, thrilled, jubilant
Example: As soon as the movie started, the ecstatic audience gave out a shrill of joy.
9. Ethical
Definition: a person who practices the moral principles of the society he is living in
Synonyms: behavioural, social
Example: Our society is full of ethical churchgoing men.
10. Extrospective
Definition: a person who has the habit of examining everything that is outside of himself and is regardful of the well-being of others
Synonyms: unselfish, extrovert
Example: His extrospective personality made him more respectable as a person.
11. Erudite
Definition: a person who has a great deal of knowledge and information about something
Synonyms: scholarly, knowledgeable
Example: Our erudite professor has the talent to convert even a joke into a lecture.
12. Eloquent
Definition: a person who has fluency in writing and speaking
Synonyms: expressive, persuasive, articulate
Example: William Shakespeare was an eloquent poet whose works are enjoyed all over the world till today.
Positive Adjectives That Start with E to Describe an Event
When describing an event, “exciting” immediately jumps out in my head. What about you? Anyway you can find more descriptive words that start with E below.
1. Everlasting
Definition: an event which will last for an extremely long time
Synonyms: never-ending, constant, timeless
Example: This novel has everlasting beauty.
2. Eonian
Definition: an event which continues indefinitely, an event which is longer than an era
Synonyms: aeonian, ageless, unending, unceasing
Example: Greek mythology is full of eonion beauty.
3. Exciting
Definition: an event which causes great eagerness and enthusiasm
Synonyms: stirring, thrilling
Example: The ride on the roller coaster was so exciting, that I could not stop laughing.
4. Expressive
Definition: something which can effectively and completely convey the emotions, feelings and thoughts
Synonyms: meaningful, suggestive
Example: The expressive documentary upheld a mirror to society.
5. Embellished
Definition: an event which is made more attractive and decorative by adding more features and details to it
Synonyms: adorned, enhanced
Example: I embellished my birthday party with balloons, candles and lights.
6. Entertaining
Definition: an event which provides a lot of enjoyment and amusement
Synonyms: delightful, enjoyable
Example: It is an entertaining drama.
7. Enthralling
Definition: an event which can captivate and capture one’s interest, imagination and attention
Synonyms: bewitch, charm
Example: This video game is enthralling.
8. Entrancing
Definition: an event which can attract and hold somebody
Synonyms: wonderful, beguile
Example: I got lost by his entrancing smile.
9. Empowering
Definition: an event which can overpower one’s senses
Synonyms: sceptring, sceptering
Example: This song is empowering.
10. Electronic
Definition: something which operates using electricity
Synonyms: electric, machinery
Example: The invention of electronic machines has simplified our life.
11. Easygoing
Definition: an event which is relaxing and tolerable in manner and approach
Synonyms: mellow, even-tempered
Example: The party was easygoing despite the bitter cold outside.
12. Energizing
Definition: an event which provides a great deal of enthusiasm and vitality to the people attending it
Synonyms: wonderful, overwhelming
Example: The turn of events was energizing.
13. Ebullient
Definition: an event which is full of cheerfulness
Synonyms: merry, exuberant
Example: An ebullient day was chosen for the wedding ceremony.
Positive Adjectives That Start with E to Describe a Place
Time always flies when we are in a pleasant place and sometimes we feel no word is good enough to describe how much we’ve enjoyed the place. Anyway below adjectives that start with the letter E may help a little.
1. Enterprising
Definition: a place that is resourceful
Synonyms: entrepreneurial, businesslike
Example: Some enterprising offices have started their own recycling programs.
2. Enwrapping
Definition: a place that can cover or hide someone
Synonyms: enveloping
Example: The branches of the tree were enwrapping the nests of the birds.
3. Exemplary
Definition: a place that has an ideal construction, location and design
Synonyms: model, perfect
Example: The palace of the king is an exemplary building and everyone desires to live in such a place.
4. Enchanting
Definition: a place that is attractive and charming
Synonyms: irresistible, captivating
Example: This cave is an enchanting place.
5. Endearing
Definition: a place that inspires love
Synonyms: winsome, engaging
Example: Our hometown is very endearing for us.
6. Enticing
Definition: a place that is tempting
Synonyms: alluring, attracting
Example: The show was enticing huge audience.
7. Eternal
Definition: a place that is existing or lasting forever
Synonyms: endless, deathless
Example: Muslims believe that heaven and hell are eternal.
8. Expansive
Definition: a place that is covering a large area of land
Synonyms: extensive, wide
Example: The old castle is expansive.
Positive adjectives That Start with E to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
People, especially girls are easily affected by surroundings and switch emotions so fast. Sometimes boys don’t even know what happened at all. Below adjectives with letter E are some examples.
1. Extrovert
Definition: someone who is overtly expressive
Synonyms: socializer, mixer
Example: He is generally an extrovert person, so it is no surprise he is our honourable guest this evening.
2. Extreme
Definition: feeling or showing the highest or the greatest degree
Synonyms: maximum, uttermost
Example: He could not control his extreme joy.
3. Endmost
Definition: nearest to the end
Synonyms: uttermost, extreme
Example: At the time of childbirth, she faced endmost pain.
Negative Adjectives That Start with E to Describe a Person
If any of adjective words that start with E below made you think of someone in your life, then you should definitely keep away from them. Because they’ll bring you negativity.
1. Envious
Definition: a person who is showing and feeling extreme envy of other people’s happiness
Synonyms: jealous, malicious
Example: When I saw my ex-husband with his lover I became envious.
2. Extravagant
Definition: a person who spends and wastes a lot of resources and money
Synonyms: spendthrift, thriftless, wasteful
Example: He is rather extravagant because he bought two cars for his small family.
3. Exasperating
Definition: a person who is behaving in an intensely frustrating and irritating way
Synonyms: annoying, maddening
Example: When my son failed in the maths exam for the third time his behaviour towards studies became exasperating.
4. Egocentric
Definition: a person who is always thinking about his own feelings and desires only without any considerations for others
Synonyms: egotistic, vain
Example: She is egocentric, which is why everyone refuses to hang out with her.
5. Egregious
Definition: a person who is extremely shocking and bad
Synonyms: horrific, awful
Example: It is necessary to punish the egregious people.
6. Emptyheaded
Definition: a person who is foolish and lacking intelligence and smartness
Synonyms: stupid, idiot
Example: Everyone was complaining and objecting at the promotion of the empty-headed employee.
Negative Adjectives That Start with E to Describe an Event
If you heard describing words beginning with E below for events, be prepared, because probably it is bad news.
1. Embarrassing
Definition: an event which is a shameful
Synonyms: humiliating, upsetting
Example: It was an embarrassing situation when I broke the cup in the cafe.
2. Entrapping
Definition: an event which can trap people
Synonyms: entangle, ensnare
Example: The environment of the disco was so entrapping that I could not escape it before midnight.
3. Earsplitting
Definition: an event which is extremely noisy
Synonyms: ear-piercing, ear-shattering
Example: The whole situation was so ear-splitting that the neighbours had to complain to the police.
4. Earthbound
Definition: something which cannot make any progress or development
Synonyms: backward, slow
Example: The villages located on the southern boundary of our country are earthbound.
5. Earthshaking
Definition: a musical event which is extremely loud and throbbing
Synonyms: drilling, shattering
Example: The earthshaking music at the birthday party was so deafening that we could not talk to the guests.
Negative Adjectives That Start with E to Describe a Place
If someone describes a place using any of adjectives that start with E below, then you won’t want to go there. Because it won’t bring a pleasant experience.
1. Eccentric
Definition: a place that has no centre and does not have its axis or other part placed centrally
Synonyms: bottomless, unfathomable
Example: I saw a servo driving an eccentric cam.
2. Extraneous
Definition: a place that has no relation or relevance to the subject being dealt with
Synonyms: inappropriate, inapplicable
Example: The weak patient was bound to wade through many extraneous departments in the hospital.
3. Evil
Definition: a place that is cursed by a saint
Synonyms: destructive, catastrophic, ominous
Example: The ruins of the earthquake looked evil.
4. Empty
Definition: a place that contains nothing.
Synonyms: unfilled, vacant
Example: My room was empty of furniture.
5. Elusive
Definition: a place that is difficult to reach or find
Synonyms: evasive, shifty
Example: The house will become even more elusive without having its correct address.
6. Eerie
Definition: a place that is frightening and strange
Synonyms: unnatural, uncanny, sinister, scaring
Example: The climate of this place is very eerie.
7. Echoless
Definition: a narrow place or room where sound cannot transfer from one part to the other
Synonyms: soundless, airless
Example: There should be no meetings held in a place that is fully echoless.
Negative Adjectives That Start with E to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
It is normal to feel negative sometimes, because people are all emotional. Just you need to learn to dispel it by talking to your friends and get comforted. Use list of adjectives that start with E below and your friends will definitely understand your feeling.
1. Expensive
Definition: something that costs a lot of money
Synonyms: costly, demanding, high-priced, pricey
Example: Not everybody can afford expensive toys for children nowadays.
2. Erotic
Definition: something that can arouse unbearable and uncontrollable sexual excitement and desire about someone or something
Synonyms: indecent, bawdy, steamy
Example: When the young man was left alone for the entire weekend, he did nothing but watched erotic movies.
3. Eroding
Definition: something that can slowly wear away other things coming in its contact
Synonyms: harming, wearing
Example: The engine of my old lawnmower has been eroded by rust, dust, bird droppings and webs.
4. Expressionless
Definition: a person who is unemotional
Synonyms: unreadable, dull, lifeless, flat
Example: The racist speaker delivered an expressionless speech.
5. Emaciated
Definition: something or someone who is very weak and ill
Synonyms: bony, scrawny, thin
Example: He was feeling very emaciated after starving for a week
6. Edgy
Definition: someone who is tense
Synonyms: jittery, uptight
Example: He was edgy about the arrival of the new movie.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with E
Congratulations on reading all the way to the end of adjectives that start with the letter E. I believe you’ve found yourself with a larger vocabulary now.
I have listed and explained with detail descriptive words starting with E, which is the fifth alphabet of the English language.
The best way to learn a language is to practise and use it frequently in daily life. So, try your best to use the above adjectives that start with E where appropriate.
Ps. See also positive words that start with E, nouns that start with E and verbs that start with E.