500 Adjectives That Start with L | List with Definitions and Examples

In this article, I’ll be discussing with you 500 adjectives that start with L, including list, definitions and examples.
In English linguistic, adjectives are used to provide relevant information about the nouns or pronouns they describe by answering the questions: What kind? How many? Which one? How much? Let’s look at some examples of adjectives starting with L below.
- He is a lazy man. (What kind?)
- I have lots of candies in my pocket. (How many?)
- I loved that large car. (Which one?)
The alphabet L is the most prominent letter of English language. There are more than 510 adjectives beginning with L. By using some descriptive words starting with L, you will be able to describe your noun more properly.
Here is a list of adjectives that start with L, which you can use for perfect description of the nouns around you.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with L – Full List (500 words)
Adjectives are an essential part in the English language, among which adjectives starting with L actually cover a pretty large proportion. And below is list of adjectives that start with L for you.
- Lysogenic
- Labeled
- Labial
- Labiate
- Labile
- Labored
- Laboring
- Laborious
- Laborsaving
- Laboured
- Labouring
- Laboursaving
- Labyrinthian
- Labyrinthine
- Lacelike
- Lacerate
- Lacerated
- Lacertilian
- Lachrymal
- Lachrymatory
- Lachrymose
- Laciniate
- Lackadaisical
- Lacking
- Lackluster
- Lacklustre
- Laconian
- Laconic
- Lacrimal
- Lacrimatory
- Lacteal
- Lactic
- Lactogenic
- Lacustrine
- Lacy
- Laden
- Ladened
- Ladylike
- Laggard
- Laic
- Laid
- Laid-back
- Laid-off
- Lamarckian
- Lambent
- Lamblike
- Lame
- Lamellibranch
- Lamentable
- Laminal
- Laminar
- Lamplit
- Lanate
- Lancastrian
- Lancelike
- Lanceolate
- Lancinate
- Lancinating
- Landed
- Landless
- Landlocked
- Landlubberly
- Languid
- Languishing
- Languorous
- Laniary
- Lank
- Lanky
- Lao
- Laotian
- Lapidarian
- Lapidary
- Lap-jointed
- Laputan
- Larboard
- Larcenous
- Large
- Large-hearted
- Large-scale
- Larghetto
- Larghissimo
- Largish
- Largo
- Larval
- Laryngeal
- Laryngopharyngeal
- Lascivious
- Last
- Last-ditch
- Lasting
- Last-minute
- Late
- Lateen
- Latent
- Later
- Lateral
- Lathery
- Latin
- Latinate
- Latino
- Latish
- Latitudinal
- Latitudinarian
- Latter
- Latter-day
- Latticed
- Latticelike
- Latvian
- Laudable
- Laudatory
- Laughable
- Laughing
- Laureate
- Laureled
- Laurelled
- Lavender
- Lavish
- Law-abiding
- Lawful
- Lawless
- Lax
- Laxative
- Laxity
- Lay
- Lazy
- Lead
- Leaded
- Leaden
- Leading
- Leadless
- Leafless
- Leaflike
- Leafy
- Leakproof
- Leaky
- Leal
- Lean
- Leaning
- Learnable
- Leased
- Least
- Leather
- Leathered
- Leatherlike
- Leathery
- Leaved
- Lebanese
- Lecherous
- Lee
- Leechlike
- Leering
- Leery
- Leeward
- Left
- Left-hand
- Left-handed
- Leftish
- Leftist
- Leftmost
- Leftover
- Left-wing
- Legal
- Legato
- Legendary
- Legged
- Leggy
- Legible
- Legion
- Legislative
- Legitimate
- Legless
- Leglike
- Leguminous
- Leibnitzian
- Leibnizian
- Leisurely
- Lemonlike
- Lemony
- Lendable
- Lengthways
- Lengthwise
- Lengthy
- Lenient
- Lenitive
- Lenten
- Lentic
- Lenticular
- Lentiform
- Lentiginose
- Lentiginous
- Lentissimo
- Lento
- Leonardesque
- Leonine
- Lepidote
- Leprose
- Leprous
- Leptorhine
- Leptorrhine
- Leptorrhinian
- Leptorrhinic
- Leptosporangiate
- Lesbian
- Less
- Lethal
- Lethargic
- Lettered
- Levantine
- Level
- Levelheaded
- Level-headed
- Levitical
- Levorotary
- Levorotatory
- Lewd
- Lexical
- Lexicalised
- Lexicalized
- Lexicographical
- Lexicostatistic
- Liable
- Libellous
- Libelous
- Liberal
- Liberian
- Libertine
- Libidinal
- Libidinous
- Libyan
- Licensed
- Licentious
- Licit
- Lidded
- Lidless
- Liege
- Lienal
- Life-giving
- Lifeless
- Lifelike
- Lifelong
- Lifesize
- Life-size
- Life-threatening
- Light
- Light-armed
- Light-blue
- Lighted
- Light-fingered
- Light-footed
- Light-handed
- Lightheaded
- Light-headed
- Lighthearted
- Light-hearted
- Lightless
- Light-minded
- Lightproof
- Lightsome
- Lightweight
- Ligneous
- Likable
- Like
- Likeable
- Liked
- Likely
- Like-minded
- Lilac
- Liliaceous
- Lilliputian
- Lily-livered
- Limacine
- Limacoid
- Limbed
- Limber
- Limbic
- Limbless
- Limited
- Limiting
- Limitless
- Limnological
- Limp
- Limpid
- Limping
- Lincolnesque
- Lincolnian
- Lineal
- Linear
- Lined
- Linelike
- Lingering
- Lingual
- Linguistic
- Lingulate
- Linked
- Linnaean
- Linnean
- Lionhearted
- Lipless
- Liplike
- Lipophilic
- Lipotropic
- Lipped
- Liquefiable
- Liquescent
- Liquid
- Liquifiable
- Liquified
- Lissom
- Lissome
- Listed
- Listless
- Lit
- Lite
- Literal
- Literary
- Literate
- Lithe
- Lithesome
- Lithic
- Lithographic
- Lithomantic
- Lithophytic
- Lithuanian
- Litigious
- Little
- Little-known
- Littoral
- Liturgical
- Livable
- Live
- Liveable
- Liveborn
- Lived
- Livelong
- Lively
- Liver-colored
- Liveried
- Liverish
- Liverpudlian
- Livery
- Livid
- Living
- Loaded
- Loathsome
- Lobar
- Lobate
- Lobated
- Lobed
- Lobeliaceous
- Lobular
- Local
- Localised
- Localized
- Locatable
- Located
- Locked
- Loco
- Locomotive
- Locomotor
- Lofty
- Logarithmic
- Loggerheaded
- Logical
- Logistic
- Logistical
- Logogrammatic
- Logographic
- Logy
- Lone
- Lonely
- Lonesome
- Long
- Longanimous
- Long-armed
- Long-distance
- Longhand
- Longing
- Longish
- Longitudinal
- Long-life
- Long-lived
- Long-range
- Longsighted
- Longstanding
- Long-suffering
- Long-term
- Longtime
- Long-winded
- Loony
- Loopy
- Loose
- Looseleaf
- Lopsided
- Loquacious
- Lordless
- Lordly
- Lordotic
- Lossless
- Lossy
- Lost
- Loth
- Lotic
- Louche
- Loud
- Loud-mouthed
- Loud-voiced
- Lousy
- Loutish
- Louvered
- Lovable
- Loveable
- Loveless
- Lovelorn
- Lovely
- Loverlike
- Loverly
- Lovesick
- Lovesome
- Loving
- Low
- Lowborn
- Lowbred
- Lowbrow
- Lowbrowed
- Low-budget
- Low-calorie
- Low-carb
- Low-cost
- Low-density
- Lowercase
- Lowering
- Lowermost
- Low-fat
- Low-grade
- Low-key
- Lowland
- Low-level
- Lowly
- Low-lying
- Low-maintenance
- Low-necked
- Low-pressure
- Low-priced
- Low-ranking
- Low-risk
- Lowset
- Low-spirited
- Loyal
- L-shaped
- Lubberly
- Lubricious
- Lucent
- Lucid
- Lucifugal
- Lucifugous
- Lucky
- Lucrative
- Luculent
- Lucullan
- Ludicrous
- Lugubrious
- Lukewarm
- Lumbar
- Lumbosacral
- Luminescent
- Luminous
- Lumpen
- Lumpish
- Lumpy
- Lunar
- Lunate
- Lunatic
- Lunisolar
- Lupine
- Lurid
- Luscious
- Lush
- Lusitanian
- Lusterless
- Lustful
- Lustreless
- Lustrous
- Lusty
- Luteal
- Lutheran
- Luxe
- Luxembourgian
- Luxemburger
- Luxuriant
- Luxurious
- Lying
- Lymphatic
- Lymphocytic
- Lymphoid
- Lynx-eyed
- Lyonnaise
- Lyophilized
- Lyrate
- Lyric
- Lyrical
Adjectives That Start with L – with Definitions and Examples
List of adjectives beginning with L alone does not seem enough for learners. So we complied their definitions and examples as well.
- Lacerated
Definition: (of flesh or skin) torn or deeply cut
Example: He suffered a lacerated hand and arm.
- Laciniate
Definition: bordered with a fringe especially cut into deep irregular usually pointed lobes
Example: A single plant was selected in 1998 based on its purple, almost black, laciniate foliage.
- Lacking
Definition: (of a quality) absent
Example: There was something lacking in our marriage.
- Lacklustre
Definition: (of the hair or the eyes) not shining; dull
Example: The conditioner will revitalize lackluster hair.
- Lacy
Definition: made of or resembling lace
Example: She is wearing a tight lacy dress and high heels.
- Laden
Definition: causing or holding a lot of something
Example: The table, as always, was laden with food.
- Ladylike
Definition: appropriate for or typical of a well-bred, decorous woman or girl
Example: Her antics were considered very undignified by her ladylike peers.
- Laggard
Definition: slower than desired or expected
Example: A bell to summon laggard children to school.
- Laid-back
Definition: not tending to get anxious about behaviour or things that need to be done
Example: It’s a laid-back company – you can choose your own hours and the dress is very casual.
- Lambent
Definition: playing lightly over a surface; flickering
Example: A lambent glow flickered from the low burning campfire.
- Lame
Definition: (especially of an excuse or argument) weak and unsatisfactory
Example: He mumbled some lame excuse about having gone to sleep.
- Lamplit
Definition: lit by a lamp
Example: So, we went back to the house, leaving the poor beasts, and drank cocoa in a warm lamplit room, and shivered ourselves dry and warm.
- Landed
Definition: used to describe the total price of goods that are taken somewhere, including tax, insurance, and transport costs
Example: The landed price is calculated by adding the freight price to the loaded product price.
- Landless
Definition: used to describe people who do not have any land for farming, or who are prevented from owning the land that they farm
Example: The government has acquired large blocks of farmland for the resettlement of landless peasants.
- Languid
Definition: lacking energy or causing a lack of energy or enthusiasm
Example: He sat on the porch enjoying the delicious, languid warmth of a summer afternoon.
- Languorous
Definition: characterized by an oppressive stillness
Example: The atmosphere is languorous and sultry.
- Lank
Definition: (of a person) lanky
Example: He sprawled his long, lank figure over a chair.
- Lanky
Definition: tall and thin and often moving awkwardly as a result
Example: I was your typical lanky teenager.
- Large
Definition: of wide range or scope
Example: We can afford to take a large view of the situation.
- Large-hearted
Definition: having a generous heart or disposition; noble; liberal
Example: Elizabeth Barratt Browning wrote sonnets to the large-brained woman and large-hearted man, self-named George Sand.
- Large-scale
Definition: involving many people or things, or happening over a large area
Example: We must improve our response to large-scale natural disasters.
- Larghetto
Definition: played fairly slowly
Example: It is tempting to concentrate on the larghetto start to the final.
- Largish
Definition: fairly large, but not very large
Example: Their new house is largish, but it’s not as big as their old one.
- Largo
Definition: played with a slow tempo and dignified style
Example: A hauntingly beautiful English horn solo was the highlight of the famous largo movement.
- Larval
Definition: relating to a form of insect or an animal such as a frog that has left its egg but is not yet completely developed
Example: Strong winds can catch his early larval form of the insect and carry it up to 50 miles.
- Lascivious
Definition: feeling or revealing an overt sexual interest or desire
Example: He gave her a lascivious wink.
- Last
Definition: coming after all others in time or order; final
Example: They caught the last bus.
- Last-ditch
Definition: happening or tried at the final opportunity, before it is too late
Example: In a last-ditch attempt to win the election, he promised sweeping tax cuts.
- Lasting
Definition: enduring or able to endure over a long period of time
Example: They left a lasting impression.
- Last-minute
Definition: happening or done at the latest possible opportunity for doing something
Example: If you want to avoid the last-minute rush, get your application in today.
- Late
Definition: belonging or taking place far on in a particular period
Example: They won the game with a late goal.
- Latent
Definition: (of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed
Example: They have a huge reserve of latent talent.
- Later
Definition: happening towards the end of a period of time or the end of someone’s life
Example: During his later years, he lived in Cape Town.
- Lateral
Definition: of, at, towards, or from the side or sides
Example: The plant takes up water through its lateral roots.
- Lathery
Definition: covered with or consisting of a pale, usually white, mass of small bubbles produced specially when soap is mixed with water
Example: She sank into the warm lathery bath.
- Latish
Definition: happening or done fairly late
Example: I always take a latish train to work.
- Latitudinal
Definition: relating to the position north or south of the equator measured from 0⁰ to 90⁰
Example: Russia has a high longitudinal position.
- Latter
Definition: near or towards the end of something
Example: Building of the new library should begin in the latter part of the next year.
- Latter-day
Definition: begin a new or recent form of a person or thing from the past
Example: He acts like a latter-day cowboy armed with ideas.
- Laudable
Definition: deserving praise or praiseworthy
Example: Despite her disabilities, Candace has achieved some laudable achievements.
- Laudatory
Definition: expressing praise
Example: Patients speak of Dr. Goertzen in laudatory terms.
- Laughable
Definition: so ludicrous as to be amusing
Example: He was a laughable figure.
- Lavish
Definition: large in quantity and expensive or impressive
Example: The evening was a lavish affair with glorious food and an endless supply of champagne.
- Law-abiding
Definition: obedient to the laws of society
Example: Such actions against law-abiding citizens will not be tolerated.
- Lawful
Definition: conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules
Example: it is an offence to carry a weapon in public without lawful authority.
- Lawless
Definition: not controlled by laws, or illegal
Example: The film is set in a lawless city sometime in the future.
- Lax
Definition: not severe or strong enough
Example: He took a gun through baggage control to highlight the lax security.
- Laxative
Definition: (chiefly of a drug or medicine) tending to stimulate or facilitate evacuation of the bowels
Example: The artificial sweetener sorbitol has a laxative effect.
- Lay
Definition: not trained in or not having a detailed knowledge of a particular object
Example: From a lay viewpoint the questionnaire is virtually incomprehensible.
- Lazy
Definition: slow and relaxed
Example: We spent a lazy day on the beach sunbathing.
- Lead
Definition: used to describe the main performance or part in a performance
Example: The lead guitarist was good.
- Leaded
Definition: (of petrol) containing tetraethyl lead in order to improve combustion
Example: Japanese refiners stopped producing leaded petrol in December 1987.
- Leaden
Definition: like lead in colour or weight, gray or heavy
Example: They said goodbye under a leaden sky.
- Leading
Definition: first or most important
Example: She is a leading expert on the art of ancient Greece.
- Leafless
Definition: having no leaves
Example: The trees were leafless and dead.
- Leafy
Definition: having many leaves or much foliage
Example: People love the leafy streets and period houses of the area.
- Lean
Definition: (of a person) thin and in good physical condition
Example: Her body is lean, taut, athletic.
- Learnable
Definition: able to be learned
Example: Listening is a learnable and teachable skill, he said.
- Least
Definition: less than anything or anyone else; (of) the smallest amount or number
Example: He gave the least amount of money of anyone.
- Leatherlike
Definition: resembling leather
Example: The new ball is covered in Tacithane, a leatherlike synthetic material created by Spalding.
- Leathery
Definition: with the look and feel of leather
Example: His skin was tough and leathery.
- Lebanese
Definition: coming from or relating to Lebanon or its people
Example: They live in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.
- Lecherous
Definition: having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire
Example: She ignored his lecherous gaze.
- Leering
Definition: looking or gazing in a lascivious or unpleasant way
Example: Every leering eye in the room was on her.
- Leery
Definition: not trusting someone or something and usually avoiding him, her, or it if possible
Example: I’ve always been a little leery of authority figures.
- Left
Definition: on or towards the side of your body that is to the west when you are facing north
Example: His left eye was heavily bandaged.
- Left-hand
Definition: On or to the left
Example: You’ll find the knives and forks in the left-hand drawer.
- Left-handed
Definition: (of a person) using the left hand more naturally than the right
Example: There is a place in London that supplies practically everything for left-handed people.
- Leftish
Definition: showing leftist tendencies or a moderately leftist character
Example: It took the same line as the leftish Guardian, advising scepticism over the US evidence.
- Leftist
Definition: Supporting or relating to the political left
Example: The whole speech was infused with the leftist belief that the state knows best and must provide.
- Leftmost
Definition: located furthest to the left
Example: Luc steered her to the leftmost shed.
- Leftover
Definition: something that remains unused or unconsumed esp. food that serves at a later meal
Example: When they returned house, she warmed up some leftover spaghetti and sat down at the table to with them.
- Legal
Definition: allowed by the law
Example: You have a legal obligation to ensure your child receives a proper education.
- Legato
Definition: smooth and flowing in manner; without breaks between notes
Example: His legato approach seems to add tension to the hand and produce a heavier sound.
- Legendary
Definition: very famous and admired or spoken about
Example: He became editor of the legendary Irish journal “The Bell”.
- Leggy
Definition: (of a plant) having an excessively long and straggly stem
Example: Tulips may grow tall and leggy.
- Legible
Definition: (of handwriting or print0 clear enough to read
Example: The original typescript is scarcely legible.
- Legion
Definition: very large in number
Example: The difficulties surrounding the court case are legion.
- Legislative
Definition: relating to laws or the making of laws
Example: The European Parliaments will have greater legislative powers.
- Legitimate
Definition: reasonable and acceptable
Example: He claimed that the restaurant bill was a legitimate business expense.
- Legless
Definition: having no legs
Example: Caecilians are legless amphibians that resemble worms.
- Leguminous
Definition: used to refer to a plant that has its seeds in a pod, such as the bean or pea
Example: The soybean seed is the most important leguminous food in the world.
- Leisurely
Definition: used to describe an action that is done in a relaxed way, without hurrying
Example: We enjoyed a leisurely picnic lunch on the lawn.
- Lemony
Definition: tasting or smelling of lemon
Example: Add the lemon juice and pour the lemony butter over the trout.
- Lendable
Definition: available for lending
Example: With a reduction in Cash Reserve Ratio and the Statutory Liquidity Ratio, the lendable resources of the banks have increased.
- Lengthy
Definition: continuing for a long time
Example: Many airline passengers face lengthy delays because of the strike.
- Lenient
Definition: not as severe or strong in punishment or judgement as would be expected
Example: In view of the quantity of drugs involved, 16 years was the most lenient sentence (=punishment) the judge could impose.
- Lenten
Definition: of, pertaining to, or suitable for lent
Example: In the morning, Margarethe is at her post preparing the modest Lenten breakfast.
- Lentiginous
Definition: of or pertaining to a lentigo
Example: Histological findings were consistent with a diagnosis of acral lentiginous melanoma.
- Lento
Definition: played slowly
Example: The slow lento movement highlights the quartet’s individual excellence.
- Leonine
Definition: of, relating to, suggestive of, or resembling a lion
Example: The angry man’s leonine roar caused the workers to question if they were in an office or a jungle.
- Leprous
Definition: of or likely leprosy
Example: The reddened skin on his brow and cheeks was peeling now, giving him a leprous look.
- Lesbian
Definition: relating to a woman who is sexually attracted to other women
Example: They made history by becoming the first lesbian couple to be married in San Francisco.
- Less
Definition: a smaller amount of something, to a smaller degree, or not as much
Example: We’ve got to spend less money.
- Lethal
Definition: able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous
Example: Three minutes after the fire started, the house was full of lethal fumes.
- Lethargic
Definition: affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic
Example: I blame myself for a lethargic performance.
- Lettered
Definition: something that is covered or decorated with letters or words
Example: A violently lettered poster stuck to the glass commanded UNITE.
- Level
Definition: having a flat, horizontal surface
Example: We had reached level ground.
- Level-headed
Definition: calm and sensible even in difficult situation
Example: Simon is level-headed and practical.
- Lewd
Definition: crude and offensive in a sexual way
Example: She began to gyrate to the music and sing a lewd song.
- Lexical
Definition: relating to the words of a language
Example: We chose a few of the commonest lexical items in the language.
- Libellous
Definition: making false or unfair statements that are likely to damage the reputation of a person or organization
Example: Bloggers should take care to avoid making libellous remarks.
- Liberal
Definition: willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas
Example: They have liberal views on divorce.
- Liberian
Definition: of or relating to Liberia or its inhabitants
Example: Nor does this consideration just apply to extreme cases, such as the trial referred to earlier involving the Liberian fishermen.
- Libidinal
Definition: of the libido
Example: It never sloshes into melodrama in this production, and its libidinal undercurrents are particularly compelling.
- Libidinous
Definition: showing excessive sexual drive; lustful
Example: Engaging in libidinous behaviour is a sure way to get kicked out of the school dance.
- Licensed
Definition: having a license that gives you permission to own, do, or use something
Example: He is not a licensed mental health counselor.
- Licentious
Definition: lacking moral restraint, especially in sexual conduct
Example: His mask of veneration slowly turned into a licentious grin.
- Licit
Definition: allowed by law
Example: Illicit and licit drugs are both dangerous to human health if abused or used incorrectly.
- Lidded
Definition: covered with or as with a lid
Example: Place in a lidded pan with butter and cook gently, stirring with pinch of salt.
- Lienal
Definition: of or relating to the spleen
Example: Positive correlation was observed between the lienal artery and spleen length with the rostrum-sacral length.
- Life-giving
Definition: sustaining or revitalizing life
Example: Osiris represented the life-giving waters and the soil fertilized by the Nile.
- Lifeless
Definition: dead or apparently dead
Example: His lifeless body was taken from the river.
- Lifelike
Definition: very similar to the person or thing represented
Example: The artist had etched a lifelike horse.
- Lifelong
Definition: lasting or remaining in a particular state through a person’s life
Example: The two men were to remain lifelong friends.
- Life-size
Definition: of the natural size of an object, person, etc., in life, of the actual size of a living original
Example: He has a life-size sculpture of me in his garden.
- Life-threatening
Definition: capable of causing death
Example: Caitlin was born with a life-threatening heart abnormality.
- Light
Definition: (of a colour) pale
Example: Her eyes were light blue.
- Light-armed
Definition: carrying light weapons
Example: Mounted archers were stationed, together with light-armed slingers, in front of main infantry line.
- Light-blue
Definition: of a light shade of blue
Example: The light-blue dolphin had pulled him underneath the freezing cold waters.
- Lighted
Definition: provided with light or lightening; illuminated
Example: He shifted his attention to the lighted street.
- Light-fingered
Definition: having or showing delicate skill with the hands.
Example: It is played with an irresistibly light-fingered spontaneity.
- Light-handed
Definition: having a light touch, handling things delicately and deftly
Example: It was a luxury item, like the icing on a cake. Bearable only when applied by a light-handed pastry cook.
- Light-headed
Definition: frivolous in disposition or behaviour
Example: The taste was not enjoyable and again the light-headed sensation was instant.
- Light-hearted
Definition: happy and not serious
Example: It was a fairly light-hearted discussion.
- Light-minded
Definition: not having a serious attitude; frivolous
Example: They thought him easy-going and light-minded.
- Lightproof
Definition: not penetrable by light
Example: For delivery, ten cells were stacked, wrapped in a lightproof plastic wrapper, and then placed in a box.
- Lightsome
Definition: airy; nimble
Example: The lightsome path was lined with lanterns.
- Lightweight
Definition: weighing only a little or less than average
Example: I need a lightweight jacket for the summer evenings.
- Ligneous
Definition: made, consisting of, or resembling wood; woody
Example: All these ligneous plants are imported from Russia.
- Like
Definition: (of a person or thing) having similar qualities or characteristics to another person or thing.
Example: I responded in like manner.
- Likeable
Definition: (of a person) pleasant and easy to like
Example: He’s a very likeable sort of bloke.
- Likely
Definition: such as well might happen or be true; probable
Example: What’s the likely outcome of this whole business?
- Like-minded
Definition: having similar tastes or opinion
Example: A radio ham with like-minded friends all over the world.
- Lilac
Definition: a pale pinkish-violet colour
Example: She selected an off-the-shoulder lilac coloured sun dress that Alex liked.
- Liliaceous
Definition: of or relating to the family Liliaceae
Example: I have noticed the same fact with several liliaceous plants, which nevertheless grew vigorously.
- Lilliputian
Definition: extremely small; tiny; diminutive
Example: She did want to see his view, as well as the layout of the Lilliputian rooftop house.
- Lily-livered
Definition: weak and cowardly
Example: The hates lily-livered politicians and permissive judges.
- Limber
Definition: able to bend and move easily
Example: Good posture makes your muscles more limber.
- Limbic
Definition: of, relating to, or characterized by a limbus
Example: The limbic system plays an important part in regulation of human moods and emotions.
- Limited
Definition: kept within a particular size, range, time, etc
Example: I only have a limited knowledge of Spanish.
- Limitless
Definition: without end, limit, or boundary
Example: Our resources are not limitless.
- Limp
Definition: not firm or stiff
Example: The lettuce in this salad is completely limp.
- Limpid
Definition: (of a person’s eyes) unclouded; clear
Example: The limpid grey eyes gazed trustfully at her.
- Limping
Definition: walking with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot
Example: The video clip shows a limping gunman.
- Lineal
Definition: of or composed of lines; linear
Example: They are generally designated as 1.01, 1.25 or 1.33, referring to the weight in pounds per lineal foot.
- Linear
Definition: involving a series of events or thoughts in which one follows another one directly
Example: These mental exercises are designed to break linear thinking habits and encourage creativity.
- Lined
Definition: (of the skin on the face) having lines because of age
Example: His face was heavily lined.
- Lingering
Definition: lasting for a long time or slow to end
Example: There are still some lingering doubts in my mind.
- Lingual
Definition: relating to the tongue
Example: Lingual nerve damage will bring about loss of sensation to one half of the tongue.
- Linguistic
Definition: connected with language or the study of language
Example: I’m particularly interested in the linguistic development of young children.
- Lionhearted
Definition: brave and determined
Example: Winning captain Nasser Hussain complimented the lionhearted performance by Collingwood.
- Lipophilic
Definition: having a strong affinity for lipids
Example: Cyclic imines are lipophilic marine toxins that bioaccumulate in seafood.
- Liquid
Definition: in the form of money, rather than investments or property, or able to be changed into money easily
Example: She has very few liquid assets as most of her wealth is tied up in property.
- Lissom
Definition: (of a person or their body) thin, supple, and graceful
Example: The lissom break dancers twisted and bent their bodies in a mesmerizing routine.
- Listless
Definition: used to describe an economy, stock market, etc. in which there is not much activity or trade
Example: Stocks closed mixed in listless trading ahead of Saturday’s presidential elections.
- Lit
Definition: very good, enjoyable, or exciting
Example: It was the most lit party ever.
- Literal
Definition: the wording having its own original, basic meaning
Example: You will need to show more than just a literal understanding of the text.
- Literary
Definition: connected with literature
Example: She has been described as the creative colossus of the literary world.
- Literate
Definition: able to read or write
Example: The top priority must be ensuring young people are literate, numerate, and ready for work.
- Lithe
Definition: (especially of a person’s body) thin, supple, and graceful
Example: She lay gazing up at his tall, lithe figure.
- Lithesome
Definition: supple in the limbs or body; lithe; flexible
Example: He swings with authority, creates constantly, improvises as though he was born doing it, and all of this with a light and lithesome touch.
- Litigious
Definition: too often taking arguments to a court of law for a decision
Example: The US is the most litigious society in the world.
- Little
Definition: small in size or amount
Example: He gave a little smile.
- Littoral
Definition: the part of a river, lake, or sea close to the land
Example: The littoral zone covers the region between high and low tide.
- Liturgical
Definition: relating to the words, music, and actions used in ceremonies in some religions, especially Christianity
Example: He has taught classes on liturgical worship.
- Livable
Definition: worth living
Example: Fatherhood makes life more livable.
- Livelong
Definition: (of time) long or seemingly long, esp. In a tedious way; whole; entire
Example: He likes to sit and fish all the livelong day.
- Lively
Definition: full of energy and enthusiasm; interesting and exciting
Example: It’s hard work teaching a class of lively children.
- Liverish
Definition: resembling liver, esp. in color
Example: It was old, a liverish red worn almost to pink at its edges.
- Livid
Definition: (esp. of marks on the skin) of a purple or dark blue color, usually caused by an injury
Example: There was a livid bruise on her upper arm where she had fallen.
- Living
Definition: alive now
Example: He is probably the best-known living architect.
- Loaded
Definition: full or covered with a layer of food
Example: I want to make loaded potatoes skin with bacon and cheese.
- Loathsome
Definition: extremely unpleasant
Example: He’s a loathsome man.
- Lobed
Definition: (of a leaf) having rounded or pointed parts that stick out from the main part
Example: Some varieties have more handsomely lobed foliage than others.
- Local
Definition: from, existing in, serving, or responsible for a small area, especially of a country
Example: Our children all go to the local school.
- Localized
Definition: happening only in specific areas
Example: External economic changes seem to have a specific and localized impact on business.
- Locked
Definition: (of a mobile phone) able to operate only on the network of a particular carrier
Example: Locked phone can only be sold to people who have the same carrier.
- Loco
Definition: crazy; demented
Example: I had spent years in loco parentis, and I probably was more loco than parental at this point.
- Lofty
Definition: of imposing height
Example: The elegant square was shaded by lofty palms.
- Logical
Definition: using reason
Example: Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.
- Logistical
Definition: relating to the careful organization of a complicated activity
Example: Assigning an armed federal officer to every commercial flight would be a logistical nightmare.
- Lone
Definition: having no companions; solitary or single
Example: I approached a lone drinker across the bar.
- Lonely
Definition: a situation or period of time in which you feel unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk to
Example: I desperately needed something to occupy me during those long, lonely nights.
- Lonesome
Definition: having or causing a lonely feeling
Example: It was a very lonesome place.
- Long
Definition: being a distance between two points that is more than average or usual
Example: There was a long queue at the post office.
- Long-distance
Definition: relating to services, especially telecommunications, that connect places long way from each other
Example: Some long-distance carriers are lobbying to gain equal access to mobile phone customers.
- Longish
Definition: fairly long
Example: She had longish hair.
- Longitudinal
Definition: placed or running lengthwise
Example: The insect’s back is black with yellow longitudinal stripes.
- Long-life
Definition: long-lasting
Example: Mobile phones with long-life batteries give newcomers the edge in rural India.
- Long-lived
Definition: living or lasting a long time
Example: We’re a long-lived family.
- Long-range
Definition: travelling over a long distance
Example: The long-range jets are capable of flying about 14 hours non-stop.
- Long-sighted
Definition: able to see things clearly that are far away but not things that are near you
Example: Long-sighted people are unable to see close objects clearly.
- Longstanding
Definition: having existed for a long time
Example: It’s been our long-standing policy not to allow pets at the hotel.
- Long-suffering
Definition: someone patiently puts up with a lot of trouble or unhappiness, especially when it is caused by someone else
Example: He went back to Yorkshire to join his loyal, long-suffering wife.
- Long-term
Definition: continuing a long time into the future
Example: It’s too early to assess the long-term consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
- Loony
Definition: silly or stupid
Example: He had lots of loony ideas about education.
- Loose
Definition: (of a garment) not fitting tightly or closely
Example: She slipped into a loose T-shirt.
- Lopsided
Definition: with one side or part much bigger or higher than the other; uneven
Example: The Yankees won by the lopsided score of 17 to 2.
- Loquacious
Definition: having the habit of talking a lot
Example: Once a loquacious politician, he now makes rarely grants interviews and read speeches from texts.
- Lossless
Definition: not involving the loss of data or electrical energy
Example: Lossless compression algorithm reduce file size with no loss in image quality.
- Lossy
Definition: involving the loss of data or of electrical energy
Example: Lossy file compression results in lost data and quality from the original version.
- Lost
Definition: that has been taken away or cannot be recovered
Example: Mikey turned up with the lost book.
Positive Adjectives That Start with L to Describe a Person
Adjectives that start with L to describe a person have a magic power to uplift an ordinary sentence into an extraordinary one. Just have a try with L adjectives below!
1. Lanky
Definition: very tall and thin
Synonyms: slim, slender, lean
Example: A lanky boy in his late teens stood beside the bed.
2. Laudable
Definition: worthy of being praised
Synonyms: commendable, admirable, praiseworthy
Example: His noble ideas and polite behavior are laudable.
3. Laurelled
Definition: bestow an award or praise on (someone) in recognition of an achievement
Synonyms: commendation, award, glory
Example: She will be laurelled alongside politicians, historians, and other actors.
4. Lucky
Definition: positive outcome that occurs by chance
Synonyms: fortunate, blessed, favored
Example: She is a lucky girl who won the car in a lucky draw.
6. Lowly
Definition: humble
Synonyms: plebeian, proletarian
Example: “You do not normally demean yourself by talking to someone as lowly as I am,”
he replied, turning.
7. Literate
Definition: having the ability to read and write
Synonyms: educated, brainy, cultivated
Example: Kids on the edge of adolescence are more and more computer literate.
8. Likable
Definition: having a pleasant demeanor that people find easy to like
Synonyms: pleasant, fine, nice
Example: Taking control of your stress will make you a more productive, likable and happier person.
9. Ladylike
Definition: proper behavior, exhibiting manners suitable for a lady
Synonyms: genteel, polite, refined
Example: Laura is very ladylike and elegant, but also very acrobatic and agile.
11. Legendary
Definition: extremely popular; famous; fabled
Synonyms: heroic, fabled, ancient
Example: He became editor of the legendary Irish journal ‘The Bell’.
Positive Adjectives That Start with L to Describe an Event
If you want your writing looks more fascinating, try to use some descriptive words that start with L and you’ll find it could be this easy!
1. Lucid
Definition: understandable, information that is expressed clearly
Synonyms: cogent, coherent, comprehensible
Example: Lucid explanations have been most helpful to my understanding.
2. Logical
Definition: conclusion derived via sound reasoning, fact-based reasoning
Synonyms: rational, objective, thinking
Example: Since she helped us before, it’s logical to assume that she’ll help us again.
3. Lawful
Definition: legal, consistent with what is allowed under the law
Synonyms: legitimate, licit, permitted
Example: By the law of God and man you should have subsistence and lawful to take it.
4. Lifelong
Definition: remaining throughout the entirety of someone’s life
Synonyms: lasting, long lasting, long standing
Example: The four men became lifelong friends and fellow-workers.
5. Lenient
Definition: someone or something that’s not harsh or strict
Synonyms: Clement, forbearing, sparing
Example: As a first offender, he received a lenient sentence.
6. Lengthy
Definition: taking a long time, protracted
Synonyms: long, long lasting
Example: With a deep and long-drawn sigh she seemed to be prepared for a lengthy talk.
7. Legitimate
Definition: something that is obtained or owned in an appropriate or legal manner
Synonyms: legal, lawful, licit
Example: You must have a legitimate excuse for missing an exam.
8. Languid
Definition: without energy, enthusiasm, slow
Synonyms: relaxed, unhurried, slow
Example: A slow, languid smile crossed his features, one that made her body flush and ache for him.
9. Legible
Definition: text that is sufficiently clear to be read
Synonyms: readable
Example: The summer is almost nightless, print being legible at midnight, but in winter the days are only six hours long, though the nights are frequently illuminated with brilliant displays of the aurora borealis.
10. Loaded
Definition: filled completely; having an excessive amount or an abundance of something
Synonyms: laden, packed, crammed
Example: These ships were loaded with corn.
11. Latent
Definition: something present within someone or something but rarely used
Synonyms: dormant, quiescent, unused
Example: The latent heat of vaporization of mercury was found by Marignac to be 103 to 106.
12. Latter
Definition: the second of two; closer to the end than the beginning
Synonyms: final, end, concluding
Example: He’ll go to school in the latter part of the year.
13. Legislative
Definition: of or relating to or created by legislation
Synonyms: law making, judicial, senatorial
Example: Clear legislative reform is needed to overcome the inadequacies of the current situation.
Positive Adjectives That Start with L to Describe a Place
In order to make your writing more compelling, utilize some of these adjectives that start with the letter L and you’ll find they are a great boost.
1. Luxuriant
Definition: relating to richness and extravagance; lush, fertile
Synonyms: lush, rich, profuse
Example: In circuit, and of suburbs containing luxuriant gardens.
2. Large
Definition: marked by intense physical force, big
Synonyms: huge, considerable, sizeable.
Example: He is living in a large and well furnished house.
3. Leaflike
Definition: resembling a leaf in shape or appearance
Synonyms: like a leaf in shape
Example: Early and middle delta was leaflike delta, at this sedimentary period, lake shoreline was comparatively steady-going, the lake and the river both had some energy.
4. Lavender
Definition: light purple in color
Synonyms: lilac, bluish red, violet
Example: The Portsmouth Road from the south-west is well marked as far as Lambeth, under the names of Wandsworth, High Street, St John’s Hill, Lavender Hill and Wandsworth Road.
5. Leafy
Definition: having quite a few leaves
Synonyms: green, leaf-covered, lush
Example: Farther back beyond the dark trees a roof glittered with dew, to the right was a leafy tree with brilliantly white trunk and branches, and above it shone the moon, nearly at its full, in a pale, almost starless, spring sky.
6. Licensed
Definition: given official approval to act
Synonyms: permit, allow, authorize
Example: His liquor bar is licensed and regulated by the state board.
7. Livable
Definition: fit or suitable to live in or with
Synonyms: homey, habitable, bearable
Example: Although John’s home is not so lavish but yet quite livable.
8. Lively
Definition: somewhere with lots of things going on
Synonyms: vibrant, full of life
Example: Newcastle is a lively city with lots of things to do and see.
9. Luxurious
Definition: extremely comfortable or elegant, especially when involving great expense.
Synonyms: opulent, affluent, expensive
Example: Blue Moon Hotel is the island’s most luxurious hotel.
10. Lush
Definition: (of vegetation, especially grass) growing luxuriantly.
Synonyms: rich abundant, profuse
Example: Protected from the harsh winter storms, the valley was already lush and green.
Adjectives That Start with L to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Following are some adjectives with letter L that you can use to describe emotions, personalities and feelings. If you know more, don’t hesitate to share with us in the comment section area.
1. Lavish
Definition: generous or liberal in giving; elaborate, luxurious
Synonyms: sumptuous, opulent, luxurious
Example: He was at all times addicted to lavish hospitality, and according to the testimony of contemporaries was too fond of burgundy.
2. Limber
Definition: able to move smoothly, flexible
Synonyms: lithe, supple, nimble
Example: It might make you appreciate how limber you were as a child.
3. Laden
Definition: burdened psychologically or mentally
Synonyms: burdened, oppressed, hampered
Example: Instantly he released her arm and his voice was laden with concern.
4. Leaden
Definition: to feel sluggish, slow, or lacking in energy
Synonyms: full, inert, inactive
Example: She stumbled forward, her legs leaden
5. Lustrous
Definition: having lustre; shining
Synonyms: shiny, glassy, gleaming
Example: Her fur was lustrous and her nose looked like black velvet.
Negative Adjectives That Start with L to Describe a Person
Similar to nouns and verbs, adjectives sometimes also carry positive or negative connotation. And below are some adjective words that start with L to describe a person from a negative point of view.
1. Lax
Definition: someone or something that’s not strict or firm; loose, slack
Synonyms: careless, neglectful, slipshod
Example: Never let go of that privacy or be lax with your security.
2. Lazy
Definition: lacking effort or energy; without a drive to work or accomplish tasks.
Synonyms: idle, indolent, slothful
Example: John is a lazy boy.
3. Lugubrious
Definition: sad, dismal, gloomy, especially in an exaggerated way
Synonyms: mournful, doleful, unhappy
Example: In his first novel, the mysterious postman is the perfect example of a lugubrious character.
4. Loquacious
Definition: very talkative
Synonyms: garrulous, voluble
Example: He sipped it with relish and soon became somewhat loquacious.
5. Loopy
Definition: slightly crazy, confused, eccentric
Synonyms: insane, silly, absurd
Example: He must have gone completely loopy to give up a job like that.
6. Lackadaisical
Definition: showing absolutely no interest or enthusiasm
Synonyms: half-hearted, lazy, unenthusiastic
Example: The theory encourages parents to work as a guide with their children rather than taking a controlling or lackadaisical approach.
7. Lame
Definition: weak or unconvincing; having an injured leg or foot
Synonyms: limping, hobbling, incapacitated
Example: He muttered some lame excuse, feigning making an error.
8. Lascivious
Definition: expressing lust or desire
Synonyms: lecherous, lewd, lustful
Example: Williams private character was detestable: he was cruel, lascivious, greedy of gain, a habitual breaker of oaths and promises, ungrateful and irreligious.
9. Liable
Definition: being accountable or responsible for something
Synonyms: accountable, answerable, responsible
Example: Failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.
Negative Adjectives That Start with L to Describe an Event
Some of the describing words beginning with L may be unfamiliar to you or even the first time to see. The best to learn such words is to incorporate them into daily conversations.
1. Lackluster
Definition: boring or without much energy; dull
Synonyms: uninspired, unimaginative, full
Example: She gave the illusion of efficiency but was unable to build up a staff she trusted, and her fundraising was lackluster.
2. Lamentable
Definition: bad or unsatisfactory
Synonyms: regrettable, tragic, horrible
Example: The institution had fallen into a state of lamentable inefficiency.
3 Lethal
Definition: harmful, destructive, causing (or likely to cause) death
Synonyms: deadly, life threatening, homicidal
Example: Hydrocyanic acid is a protoplasmic poison, directly lethal to all living tissues, whether in a plant or an animal.
4. Lecherous
Definition:- given to excessive, offensive desire
Synonyms: lustful, licentious, lascivious
Example: Demented woman who has murdered her lecherous father now roams the streets of Los Angeles looking for prey.
5. Late
Definition: after expected or allowed; just before the end of something
Synonyms: behind time, behind hand, behind schedule
Example: It’s not too late to change your mind.
6. Leftover
Definition: surplus amount, quantity remaining after original use
Synonyms: residue, survivor, legacy
Example: If your child has a backpack from last year that he can use for the first few weeks of school, many retailers discount leftover merchandise by 25%, 50% and even 75% or more after the season for those items has passed.
7. Laggard
Definition: wasting time
Synonyms: straggler, snug, snail
Example: I hate being stuck behind laggard motorists on the freeway.
Negative Adjectives That Start with L to Describe a Place
To get hold of these adjectives that start with L faster, practice them regularly and 5 times a day. Soon they’ll be part of your vocabulary.
1. Leafless
Definition: without any leaves
Synonyms: defoliated, scapose, aphyllous
Example: The garden looked gaunt and somehow lonely with these leafless trees.
2. Lawless
Definition: not legal, done without consideration for what the law requires
Synonyms: unruly, anarchic, ungovernable
Example: These border areas are among the most lawless regions in the world.
3. Lifeless
Definition: lacking animation or excitement or activity
Synonyms: dead, extinct, perished
Example: Lacking the basic amenities, the city seemed lifeless and boring place to visit.
Negative Adjectives That Start with L to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Has your list of adjectives that start with L been larger already? I am sure you’ve learnt some new words. Keep up the good work and all your efforts will pay off.
1. Lonely
Definition: sad because one has no friends or company.
Synonyms: alone, friendless, isolated
Example: She stared into the pool, remembering a lonely childhood.
2. Loathsome
Definition: causing hatred or disgust; repulsive.
Synonyms: hateful, detestable, repulsive
Example: She frequently walks a dog, a loathsome animal who fails to warm to my affection.
3. Loony
Definition: informal or slang terms for mentally irregular.
Synonyms: mad, insane, lunatic
Example: What’s she up to? She is as loony as her brother.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with L
Congratulations on reading till the end of adjectives that start with L. We’ll end with a few words about adjectives and style. It’s one thing to know how to use an adjective; it’s another to know when using one is a good idea.
Good writing is precise and concise. Sometimes, you need an adjective to convey exactly what you mean. It’s hard to describe a red sports car without the word “red”. But, often, choosing the right noun eliminates the need to tack on an adjective. Is it a big house, or is it a mansion? A large crowd, or a throng? A mixed-breed dog, or a mutt? A dark night, or just . . . night?
Always remember to make every word count in your writing. If you need an adjective, use it. But if it’s not pulling its weight, delete it. What is important is to use the accurate adjective in the right place. As adjectives tell more about a noun, it may present the noun in the wrong way if we use a wrong adjective.
So, we should be careful about using an adjective. After understanding the proper meaning of an adjective, it should be placed before or after a noun.
So, be sure to use the above adjectives that start with the letter L where it is appropriate.
Ps. See also positive words that start with L, nouns that start with L and verbs that start with L.