550 Adjectives That Start with N | List with Definitions and Examples

Adjectives that start with N are indispensable in daily conversation and formal letters. So if you want to improve your English and expand vocabulary, these adjectives starting with N are definitely worth reading.
Adjectives are one of the four major word classes, along with nouns, verbs and adverbs. They modify or describe features and qualities of people, animals and things. Examples of adjectives beginning with N are: nice, noble, no, naughty.
- That’s a nice house.
- He’s a noble person.
- There is no dog on the street.
- She is a naughty girl.
You can see after adding descriptive words that start with N in sentences above, features and qualities of nouns immediately come into our mind.
So let’s get started to learn with list of adjectives that start with N.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with N – Full List (550 words)
We are not sure if this is the largest list, but most likely all the adjectives starting with N you’ll ever need can be found below. Check it for yourself and see if you want to add any more N adjectives.
- Nacreous
- Naiant
- Naif
- Naive
- Naked
- Nameless
- Namibian
- Nanocephalic
- Napoleonic
- Nappy
- Narcissistic
- Narcoleptic
- Narcotic
- Narcotising
- Narcotized
- Narcotizing
- Narial
- Narrative
- Narrow
- Narrow-bodied
- Narrow-minded
- Nary
- Nasal
- Nascent
- Nasopharyngeal
- Nasty
- Natal
- National
- Nationalist
- Nationalistic
- Nationwide
- Native
- Nativist
- Nativistic
- Natriuretic
- Natty
- Natural
- Naturalistic
- Naturistic
- Naughty
- Nauruan
- Nauseating
- Nauseous
- Nautical
- Naval
- Navicular
- Navigable
- Navy-blue
- Nazarene
- Nazi
- Neandertal
- Neanderthal
- Neanderthalian
- Neapolitan
- Near
- Nearby
- Nearsighted
- Neat
- Nebular
- Nebulose
- Nebulous
- Necessary
- Necessitous
- Neck-deep
- Neckless
- Necklike
- Necromantical
- Nectariferous
- Nectarous
- Nee
- Needful
- Needlelike
- Needless
- Needy
- Nefarious
- Negative
- Neglected
- Neglectful
- Negligent
- Negligible
- Negotiable
- Negro
- Neighboring
- Neighborly
- Neighbourly
- Neither
- Neo
- Neoclassic
- Neocortical
- Neoliberal
- Neolithic
- Neonatal
- Neoplastic
- Neotenic
- Neotenous
- Nepalese
- Nepali
- Nephritic
- Nephrotoxic
- Neritic
- Nerveless
- Nervous
- Nervy
- Nescient
- Nestorian
- Net
- Nether
- Nethermost
- Netlike
- Nett
- Netted
- Nettlesome
- Networklike
- Neural
- Neuralgic
- Neurasthenic
- Neuroanatomic
- Neurobiological
- Neuroendocrine
- Neurogenic
- Neuroglial
- Neurologic
- Neurological
- Neuromatous
- Neuromotor
- Neuromuscular
- Neuronal
- Neuronic
- Neurotic
- Neurotropic
- Neuter
- Neutral
- Never-ending
- New
- Newborn
- Newfangled
- Newfound
- Newsworthy
- Newtonian
- Next
- Nibbed
- Nicaean
- Nicaraguan
- Nice
- Nicene
- Nidicolous
- Nidifugous
- Niffy
- Nifty
- Nigerian
- Nigerien
- Nigh
- Nighted
- Nightlong
- Nightly
- Nightmarish
- Nihilistic
- Nilotic
- Nilpotent
- Nimble
- Nimble-minded
- Nipponese
- Nippy
- Nisi
- Nitid
- Nitric
- Nitwitted
- Noachian
- Noble
- Nocent
- Nociceptive
- Noctilucent
- Nocturnal
- Nodular
- Nodulated
- Noduled
- Nodulose
- Noetic
- No-frills
- Noiseless
- Noisome
- Noisy
- Nomadic
- Nominal
- Nominalistic
- Nominative
- Nomothetic
- Nonabrasive
- Nonabsorbent
- Nonabsorptive
- Nonadaptive
- Nonaddictive
- Nonadhesive
- Nonadjacent
- Nonadsorbent
- Nonadsorptive
- Nonaged
- Nonagenarian
- Nonaggressive
- Non-aggressive
- Nonalcoholic
- Nonaligned
- Nonappointive
- Nonarbitrable
- Nonarbitrary
- Nonarboreal
- Nonassertive
- Nonassociative
- Nonastringent
- Nonautonomous
- Nonbearing
- Nonbelligerent
- Noncaloric
- Noncarbonated
- Noncausal
- Noncausative
- Noncellular
- Nonchalant
- Nonchristian
- Nonchurchgoing
- Noncivilized
- Nonclassical
- Noncollapsable
- Noncollapsible
- Noncolumned
- Noncombatant
- Noncombinative
- Noncombining
- Noncombustible
- Noncommercial
- Noncommissioned
- Noncommittal
- Noncommunicable
- Noncompetitive
- Noncompliant
- Noncomprehensive
- Nonconcentric
- Nonconducting
- Nonconductive
- Nonconforming
- Nonconformist
- Nonconscious
- Nonconsecutive
- Noncontagious
- Noncontentious
- Noncontinuous
- Noncontroversial
- Nonconvergent
- Noncritical
- Noncrucial
- Noncrystalline
- Noncurrent
- Noncyclic
- Noncyclical
- Nondeductible
- Nondenominational
- Nondescript
- Nondestructive
- Nondigestible
- Nondisposable
- None
- Nonechoic
- Noneffervescent
- Nonelected
- Nonelective
- Nonenterprising
- Nonenzymatic
- Nonequivalent
- Nonessential
- Nonexclusive
- Nonexempt
- Nonexistent
- Nonexplorative
- Nonexploratory
- Nonexplosive
- Nonextant
- Nonextensile
- Nonfat
- Nonfatal
- Nonfictional
- Nonfigurative
- Nonfinancial
- Nonfissile
- Nonfissionable
- Nonflammable
- Nonflavored
- Nonflavoured
- Nonflowering
- Nonfunctional
- Nonglutinous
- Nongranular
- Nongregarious
- Nonhairy
- Nonharmonic
- Nonhereditary
- Nonheritable
- Nonhierarchic
- Nonhierarchical
- Nonhuman
- Nonimitative
- Nonimmune
- Nonindulgent
- Nonindustrial
- Noninfectious
- Noninflammatory
- Noninheritable
- Noninstitutional
- Noninstitutionalized
- Nonintegrated
- Nonintellectual
- Noninterchangeable
- Nonintersecting
- Noninvasive
- Nonionic
- Nonionized
- Nonjudgmental
- Nonkosher
- Nonleaded
- Nonlegal
- Nonlethal
- Nonlexical
- Nonlinear
- Nonlinguistic
- Nonliteral
- Nonliterary
- Nonliterate
- Nonliving
- Nonmagnetic
- Nonmandatory
- Nonmaterial
- Nonmeaningful
- Nonmechanical
- Nonmechanistic
- Nonmedicinal
- Nonmetal
- Nonmetallic
- Nonmetamorphic
- Nonmigratory
- Nonmilitary
- Nonmodern
- Nonmonotonic
- Nonmotile
- Nonmoving
- Nonmusical
- Nonnative
- Nonnatural
- Nonnegative
- Nonnegotiable
- Nonnomadic
- Nonnormative
- Nonobjective
- Nonobligatory
- Nonobservant
- No-nonsense
- Nonopening
- Nonoperational
- Nonoscillatory
- Nonparallel
- Nonparametric
- Nonparasitic
- Nonpareil
- Nonparticulate
- Nonpartisan
- Nonpartizan
- Nonpasserine
- Nonperiodic
- Nonpersonal
- Nonphotosynthetic
- Nonphysical
- Nonpoisonous
- Nonpolar
- Nonpolitical
- Nonporous
- Nonpregnant
- Nonprehensile
- Nonprescription
- Nonproductive
- Nonprofessional
- Nonprofit
- Nonprognosticative
- Nonprogressive
- Nonproprietary
- Nonprotractile
- Nonpsychoactive
- Nonpublic
- Nonpurulent
- Nonracial
- Nonracist
- Nonradioactive
- Nonrandom
- Nonrational
- Nonreciprocal
- Nonreciprocating
- Nonrecreational
- Nonreflecting
- Nonreflective
- Nonrefundable
- Nonrenewable
- Nonrepetitive
- Nonrepresentative
- Nonresident
- Nonresidential
- Nonresilient
- Nonresinous
- Nonresiny
- Nonresistant
- Nonresonant
- Non-responsive
- Nonrestrictive
- Nonreticulate
- Nonretractable
- Nonretractile
- Nonreturnable
- Non-returnable
- Nonreversible
- Nonrhythmic
- Nonrigid
- Nonruminant
- Nonsectarian
- Nonsegmental
- Nonsegregated
- Nonsense
- Nonsensical
- Nonsensitive
- Nonsexual
- Nonsignificant
- Nonskid
- Nonslip
- Nonslippery
- Nonsocial
- Nonsovereign
- Nonspatial
- Nonspeaking
- Nonspecific
- Nonspherical
- Nonstandard
- Nonsteroidal
- Nonstick
- Nonstop
- Nonstructural
- Nonsubjective
- Nonsubmergible
- Nonsubmersible
- Nonsuppurative
- Nonsurgical
- Nonsweet
- Nonsyllabic
- Nonsymbiotic
- Nonsynchronous
- Nonsynthetic
- Nontaxable
- Nontechnical
- Nontelescopic
- Nontelescoping
- Nonterritorial
- Nonthermal
- Nontoxic
- Nontraditional
- Nontransferable
- Non-transferable
- Nontranslational
- Nontransmissible
- Nonturbulent
- Nonuniform
- Nonunion
- Nonunionized
- Nonuple
- Nonvenomous
- Nonverbal
- Nonviable
- Nonviolent
- Nonviscid
- Nonvisual
- Nonvolatile
- Nonvolatilizable
- Nonvoluntary
- Nonwashable
- Nonwoody
- Nordic
- Normal
- Norman
- Normative
- Normotensive
- Norse
- North
- Northbound
- Northeast
- Northeasterly
- Northeastern
- Northeastward
- Northerly
- Northern
- Northernmost
- Northmost
- Northward
- Northwest
- Northwesterly
- Northwestern
- Northwestward
- Norwegian
- Noseless
- Nosey
- Nosocomial
- Nosohusial
- Nostalgic
- Nosy
- Notable
- Noted
- Noteworthy
- Noticeable
- Noticed
- Notifiable
- Notional
- Notorious
- Nourishing
- Novel
- No-win
- Noxious
- Nubbly
- Nubby
- Nubile
- Nuclear
- Nucleate
- Nucleated
- Nude
- Nugatory
- Null
- Numb
- Numberless
- Numbing
- Numerable
- Numeral
- Numerate
- Numeric
- Numerical
- Numerological
- Numerous
- Numidian
- Numinous
- Nuptial
- Nurtural
- Nurturant
- Nutbrown
- Nutlike
- Nutrient
- Nutritional
- Nutritious
- Nutritive
- Nutty
- Nymphomaniac
Adjectives That Start with N – with Definitions and Examples
If you don’t know how to use these adjectives beginning with N properly, then check the definitions and examples we listed for you.
- Naked
Definition: not wearing any clothes
Example: Kate throws a kimono over her naked body.
- Nameless
Definition: having no name or no known name
Example: Some pictures were taken by a nameless photograph.
- Napoleonic
Definition: of, characteristic of, or like Napoleon 1, his campaigns, period, etc
Example: For years, it was said, French prisoners from the Napoleonic wars had been employed cutting out this path.
- Narcissistic
Definition: having too much interest in and admiration for yourself
Example: Narcissistic people have a hard time seeing another person’s point of view.
- Narcoleptic
Definition: suffering from or relating to narcolepsy (= a medical condition that makes you go to sleep suddenly)
Example: Few narcoleptic syndromes are reported to be associated with a tumour.
- Narcotic
Definition: drugs that relieves pain or induces numbness or sleepiness
Example: The drug has a narcotic effect and will make you feel sleepy.
- Narial
Definition: of or relating to the nares
Example: The orbits, narial openings and upper temporal fenestrae are large, and the lower temporal fenestrae are open ventrally.
- Narrative
Definition: telling a storing or describing a series of events
Example: You have to supply a narrative thread that allows the audience to make a connection with one or more characters.
- Narrow
Definition: limited in extent, amount, or scope
Example: They ate a narrow range of foods.
- Narrow-minded
Definition: not willing to accept opinions
Example: She is stingy, narrow-minded and bossy.
- Nasal
Definition: of or related to the nose
Example: This medicine is supposed to relieve nasal congestion.
- Nascent
Definition: in the earliest stages of development
Example: Everyone in this nascent business is still struggling with basic issues.
- Nasopharyngeal
Definition: relating to the nasopharynx (= the upper part of the throat, behind the nose)
Example: Nineteen of the patients had been treated for nasopharyngeal carcinoma was made.
- Nasty
Definition: bad or very unpleasant
Example: He had a nasty cut above the eye.
- Natal
Definition: relating to the place or time of one’s birth
Example: He was living in the south, many miles from his natal city.
- National
Definition: relating to or typical of a whole country and its people, rather than to part of that country or to other countries
Example: Britain has more than ten national newspapers.
- Nationalist
Definition: supporting political independence for a group within a nation
Example: His views were those of the nationalist Quebec government.
- Nationalistic
Definition: strongly supporting your country or its political independence
Example: A series of nationalistic speeches prepared the country for going to war.
- Nationwide
Definition: existing or happening in all parts of a particular country
Example: Some miners are calling for a nationwide strike in support of their sacked colleagues.
- Native
Definition: relating to or describing someone’s country or place of birth or someone who was born in a particular country or place
Example: She’s a native Californian.
- Nativist
Definition: relating to or supporting the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants
Example: He has made his nativist beliefs known through his divisive comments about immigrants.
- Natty
Definition: stylish and tidy in every detail
Example: He’s always been a natty dresser.
- Natural
Definition: existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind
Example: Carrots contain a natural antiseptic.
- Naturalistic
Definition: similar to what exists in nature
Example: Most zoos try to exhibit animals in naturalistic setting.
- Natriuretic
Definition: of or relating to natriuresis
Example: Brain natriuretic peptide is a biologically active peptide of 32 amino acids.
- Naughty
Definition: (esp. of children) behaving badly and not being obedient, or (esp. of behavior or language) not socially acceptable
Example: You’ve been a very naughty boy!
- Nauseating
Definition: causing or liable to cause a feeling of nausea or disgust; disgusting
Example: The stench was nauseating.
- Nauseous
Definition: making you feel as if you might vomit
Example: The bride’s mother was wearing a nauseous combination of green and yellow.
- Nautical
Definition: relating to ships, sailing, or sailors
Example: The town is proud of its nautical history.
- Naval
Definition: belonging to a country’s navy, or relating to military ships
Example: Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.
- Navigable
Definition: (of an area of water) deep, wide, or safe enough for a boat to go through
Example: The area has hundreds of miles of navigable waterways.
- Navy-blue
Definition: dark blue
Example: It was a navy-blue polo, navy-blue trousers and dark trainers.
- Neapolitan
Definition: of, belonging to, or characteristic of Naples, Italy
Example: It was to receive a Neapolitan garrison for a year, and, if necessary, for a longer time.
- Near
Definition: only a short time ahead
Example: The conflict is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.
- Nearby
Definition: not far away; close
Example: He slung his jacket over a nearby chair.
- Neat
Definition: arranged in a tidy way; in good order
Example: The books had been stacked up in neat piles.
- Nebular
Definition: relating to a nebula (= a cloud of gas or dust in space, appearing either bright or dark)
Example: The nebular spectrograph was captured by the 200-inch telescope.
- Nebulous
Definition: (especially of ideas) not clear and having no form
Example: She has a few nebulous ideas about what she might want to do in the future, but nothing definite.
- Necessary
Definition: needed in order to achieve a particular result
Example: He lacks the necessary skills for the job.
- Necessitous
Definition: (of a person) lacking the necessities of life; needy
Example: Dried milk was supplied to necessitous mothers.
- Needful
Definition: needy
Example: She gave her money away to needful people.
- Needlelike
Definition: resembling a needle; sharp, pointed
Example: Even out of flower, it is attractive, with grey-green foliage and needlelike red thorns that contrast with the pale stems.
- Needless
Definition: (of something undesirable) not necessary because avoidable
Example: I deplore needless waste.
- Needy
Definition: poor or not having enough food, clothes, etc
Example: The proceeds from the sale go to help needy people in the area.
- Nefarious
Definition: (especially of activities) morally bad
Example: The company’s CEO seems to have been involved in some nefarious activities.
- Negative
Definition: (of a person, attitude, or situation) not desirable or optimistic
Example: The new tax was having a negative effect on car sales.
- Neglected
Definition: not receiving enough care or attention
Example: The badly neglected paintings have all been carefully restored.
- Negligent
Definition: failing to take proper care over something
Example: The Council had acted in a negligent manner.
- Negligible
Definition: too small in amount or degree to be of importance
Example: The economy had begun to crawl out of four years of negligible growth.
- Negotiable
Definition: (of a financial product) can be bought and sale
Example: Yamaichi will sell some negotiable securities to raise money.
- Neighboring
Definition: neighboring places are next to or near each other
Example: She married a man from a neighboring town.
- Neighbourly
Definition: characteristic of a good neighbour, especially in being helpful, friendly, or kind
Example: Shopping for the elderly is a regular feature of neighbourly support.
- Neoclassical
Definition: of, relating to, or constituting a revival or adaptation of the classical especially in literature, music, art, or architecture
Example: The building was erected between 1798 and 1802 in the neoclassical style of the time.
- Neocortical
Definition: of or pertaining to the neocortex
Example: Maternal hyperglycemia disturbs neocortical lamination in some non-malformed offspring.
- Neolithic
Definition: relating to the period when humans used tools and weapons made of stone and had just developed farming
Example: The neolithic period is sometimes called the new stone age.
- Neonatal
Definition: relating to newborn children (or other mammals)
Example: Special attention is given to mortality in the neonatal period.
- Nerveless
Definition: lacking vigour or feeling
Example: The knife dropped from Grant’s nerveless fingers.
- Nervous
Definition: relating to the nerves
Example: He suffers from a nervous disorder.
- Nervy
Definition: easily agitated or alarmed; nervous
Example: John liked him because he was a nervy guy and would stand up to anybody who john wanted him to.
- Nescient
Definition: lacking knowledge; ignorant
Example: I ventured into the new Korean restaurant with some equally nescient companions.
- Net
Definition: left when there is nothing else to be taken away
Example: The net weight of something if the material that it is packed in.
- Nether
Definition: lower in position
Example: The ballast is suspended from its nether end.
- Neural
Definition: involving a nerve or the system of nerves that includes the brain
Example: Some people suffered severe neural damages as a result of the disease.
- Neuralgic
Definition: involving short, severe pains felt suddenly along a nerve, especially in the neck or head
Example: She takes painkillers for the terrible neuralgic pains in her face.
- Neuroanatomic
Definition: of or pertaining to neuroanatomy
Example: Neuroanatomic phenotypes are often assessed using volumetric analysis.
- Neurogenic
Definition: originating in a nerve or nerve tissue
Example: Further, we also have identified mutations in genes involved in metabolic and neurogenic pathways that affect development time (heterochronic genes).
- Neurological
Definition: relating to nerves
Example: Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disorder.
- Neuromuscular
Definition: pertaining to or affecting both nerves and muscles
Example: This enhances neuromuscular stabilization, ensuring muscles and brain work together.
- Neuronal
Definition: relating to a nerve cell or a neuron (= a basic unit of a nerve cell)
Example: The drugs increase neuronal activity as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.
- Neurotropic
Definition: having an affinity for nervous tissue, as certain viruses and poisons.
Example: Neurotropic arboviral infections are an important cause of encephalitis.
- Neuter
Definition: of or denoting a gender of nouns in some languages, typically contrasting with masculine and feminine or common
Example: The Spirit is a neuter word in Greek.
- Neutral
Definition: not saying or doing anything that would encourage or help any of the groups involve in an argument or war
Example: If there’s an argument between my daughter and her mother, it’s important that I remain neutral.
- Never-ending
Definition: something that is never-ending never ends or seems as if it will never end
Example: Writing a dictionary is a never-ending task.
- Newborn
Definition: recently born
Example: Breast-feeding is extremely beneficial to the health of newborn babies.
- Newfangled
Definition: different from what one is used to; objectionably new
Example: I’ve no time for such newfangled nonsense.
- Newfound
Definition: (of a quality or ability) started recently
Example: This success is a reflection of their newfound confidence.
- Newsworthy
Definition: considered to be interesting enough to be reported in newspapers or on the radio or television
Example: This situation might develop into an even more newsworthy item if the police were involved.
- Newtonian
Definition: relating to the network of Isaac Newton or obeying the laws described by him
Example: The dynamics of space flight are developed from the Newtonian viewpoint.
- Next
Definition: (of a time) coming immediately after the time of writing or speaking
Example: We’ll go to Corfu next year.
- Nice
Definition: giving pleasure or satisfaction; pleasant or attractive
Example: We had a very nice time.
- Niffy
Definition: having an unpleasant smell
Example: A lot of animals are a bit on the niffy side.
- Nightly
Definition: (happening) every night
Example: Nightly bombardment of the city looks set to continue.
- Nightmarish
Definition: extremely unpleasant and very upsetting or frightening.
Example: He felt overwhelmed by the nightmarish scenario he faced.
- Nihilistic
Definition: rejecting all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless
Example: An embittered, nihilistic teenager.
- Nilpotent
Definition: equal to zero when raised to a particular power
Example: A paper about properties of the nilpotent elements of a residuated lattice.
- Nimble
Definition: quick and exact either in movement or thoughts
Example: His nimble mind calculation the answer before I could key the numbers into my computer.
- Nimble-minded
Definition: alert and clever
Example: He predicts initiatives across digital, data and cyber to proliferate – all of which can provide exciting for nimble-minded creative lawyers.
- Nippy
Definition: cold
Example: It’s a bit nippy outside.
- Nitid
Definition: shining or glossy
Example: In a strong and open daylight, all her nitid beauties show most clearly.
- Nitric
Definition: relating to or containing nitrogen
Example: He pushed himself up off the sofa and took an inch off the whisky in his glass and swallowed it as if it was nitric acid.
- Noble
Definition: having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principals
Example: The promotion of human rights was a noble aspiration.
- Nociceptive
Definition: relating to the perception or sensation of pain
Example: As the extremity warms, heat sensitive nociceptive afferents are stimulated.
- Noctilucent
Definition: meteorology (of high-altitude clouds) visible during the short night of the summer
Example: Noctilucent clouds used to be incredibly rare and largely seen in the polar regions.
- Nocturnal
Definition: done, occurring, or active at night
Example: Most owls are nocturnal.
- Nodular
Definition: having a small raised area or swelling
Example: This cream is only for treatment of severe, nodular acne.
- Nodulated
Definition: having nodules occurring as nodular growths
Example: In as-deposited condition the coating is amorphous and present a nodulated surface morphology.
- Noetic
Definition: relating to mental activity or the intellect
Example: The noetic quality of a mystical experience refers to the sense of revelation.
- No-frills
Definition: (of a product or a service) basic and has no extra or unnecessary details
Example: It’s a no-frills store supplying only basic goods at affordable prices.
- Noiseless
Definition: silent or very quiet
Example: The cycle is a noiseless form of transport.
- Noisome
Definition: having an extremely offensive smell
Example: The dog’s noisome odor is making me physically ill.
- Noisy
Definition: making a lot of noise
Example: Our neighbours are very noisy.
- Nomadic
Definition: moving from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time
Example: The dogs were used by the nomadic tribe to pull sleds and herd reindeer.
- Nominal
Definition: (of a price or charge) very small; far below the real value or cost
Example: They charge a nominal fee for the service.
- Nominative
Definition: designating, of, or in the case of the subject of a finite verb
Example: The nominative case is used as the subject of a sentence or a clause.
- Nonabsorbent
Definition: (of a material) not absorbing or holding liquid
Example: Afterwards persistence and residue effect of this insecticide decreased on absorbent and nonabsorbent surfaces.
- Nonadaptive
Definition: (of an organism) not able to adapt to the environment
Example: Such female ornaments have been proposed to evolve via both adaptive and nonadaptive evolutionary processes.
- Nonadhesive
Definition: not adhesive, not tending to stick or adhere
Example: The paper presents a comparison of technical characteristics of acoustic membranes with an adhesive layer and nonadhesive membranes.
- Nonadjacent
Definition: not adjacent or adjoining
Example: The adjacent vertices and punished nonadjacent vertices can be compared directly.
- Nonaggressive
Definition: not marked by or exhibiting aggression
Example: Tasteful people like nonaggressive art and are keen on the impressionists.
- Non-aligned
Definition: relating to a state in the Non-aligned movement
Example: The non-aligned investors would have to vote to waive the stock exchange rules.
- Nonassertive
Definition: not aggressively self-assured
Example: He is usually nonassertive and introverted.
- Nonbearing
Definition: (of a wall or partition) supporting no load other than its own weight
Example: Masonry nonbearing walls placed only at the upper stories may generate a weak story behavior for the structure.
- Noncaloric
Definition: (of food or drink) containing few or no calories
Example: Noncaloric sweetener usage was nonexistent.
- Noncausal
Definition: not casual
Example: In this paper, we propose two feedback coding schemes for the action-dependent wiretap channel with noncausal state at the transmitter.
- Noncellular
Definition: not composed of or containing cells
Example: The cellular and noncellular components influence each other and can be influenced by the tumor cells.
- Nonclassical
Definition: pertaining to a law, theory, or observation that cannot be expressed or understood in terms of Newtonian physics
Example: Accordingly, we study nonclassical properties of the output states such as the quantum entanglement.
- Non-combatant
Definition: not involving combat
Example: About 100,000 non-combatant civilians died in that battle.
- Non-commercial
Definition: used to describe something that is not used in order to make money
Example: The software is free to download for non-commercial use.
- Non-commissioned
Definition: a military officer who has not earned a commission
Example: He had recently been promoted to non-commissioned officer.
- Noncommittal
Definition: not expressing an opinion or decision
Example: The ambassador was typically noncommittal when asked whether further sanctions would be introduced.
- Non-communicable
Definition: (of a disease) not able to be transmitted from one sufferer to another
Example: Diabetes is one of the most common non-communicable diseases globally.
- Non-competitive
Definition: not involving competition; not competitive
Example: They joined in non-competitive activities like friendship week.
- Non-compliant
Definition: failing to act in accordance with a wish or command
Example: Non-compliant companies face legal action.
- Nonconducting
Definition: not able to conduct electricity, sound, or heat
Example: We investigated an axisymmetric unsteady two-dimensional flow of nonconducting, incompressible second grade fluid between two circular plates.
- Non-conforming
Definition: (of a loan) does not meet official standards, especially because it is more than the borrower will be able to pay back
Example: Non-conforming mortgages will become hard to obtain.
- Nonconformist
Definition: relating to Nonconformists or their principles and practices
Example: Teetotalism was a largely nonconformist movement.
- Nonconscious
Definition: relating to mental activity that is not conscious
Example: What about the new computerized methods for identifying people’s nonconscious attitudes?
- Nonconsecutive
Definition: (of two or more items, events, etc) following one another with an interruption between
Example: You should exercise at least three times a week on nonconsecutive days to maintain fitness.
- Noncontiguous
Definition: not contiguous, not touching
Example: We identified potential physical interactions of noncontiguous proximal and distal regulatory elements.
- Noncontinuous
Definition: not continuous; interrupted
Example: Medians and ranges were calculated for noncontinuous variables.
- Noncontroversial
Definition: not causing dispute, argument, debate, etc
Example: Also, for the first time in a long while we have a noncontroversial hero and leader.
- Noncritical
Definition: not containing or making severe or negative judgments
Example: Standards should be written to describe fully satisfactory performance for critical as well as noncritical tasks.
- Nondeductible
Definition: not able to be deducted
Example: This percentage should then be applied to any business expenses incurred to determine the nondeductible portion.
- Nondenominational
Definition: not affiliated with any religious denomination
Example: Pastors in nondenominational churches have always had to rely solely on their personal network.
- Nondescript
Definition: lacking distinctive or interesting features or characteristics
Example: She lived in a nondescript suburban apartment block.
- Nondestructive
Definition: not capable of causing damage (to a structure or material)
Example: The university is testing a fast, nondestructive method to find flaws and measure damage in major structures such as bridges and airplanes.
- Nonelective
Definition: relating to something that is required or mandatory
Example: The mean number of catheters removed due to nonelective reasons was calculated to evaluate the effectiveness of flushing solutions.
- Nonequivalent
Definition: not equivalent, equal, or interchangeable
Example: This study used a nonequivalent control group design.
- Non-essential
Definition: not absolutely necessary (tending to be less forceful in meaning than inessential)
Example: During the strike non-essential hospital services were halted.
- Non-exclusive
Definition: not restricted to the person, group, or area concerned; not exclusive
Example: The broadcaster will buy non-exclusive rights for games from time to time.
- Non-exempt
Definition: used to describe something that has to be done, paid, etc. because it is not one of the situations where a particular rule or law does not have to be obeyed
Example: People going bankrupt sometimes try to prevent non-exempt assets being taken from them.
- Non-existent
Definition: not existing or not real or present
Example: She pretended to tie a non-existent shoelace.
- Nonexplosive
Definition: not capable of causing an explosion
Example: The idea to use acid as a nonexplosive fluid for well stimulation was introduced in the 1930s.
- Non-fat
Definition: (of food) having very low amount of fat
Example: Non-fat dairy products supply the needed nutrients without excessive calories.
- Non-fatal
Definition: (of an illness, injury, or accident) does not cause death
Example: The infection is usually non-fatal if the patient gets treatment right away.
- Nonfigurative
Definition: (of art) not representing actual or natural objects or realities; abstract
Example: He also started painting nonfigurative art.
- Non-financial
Definition: used to describe a company that is not a financial institution
Example: The latest banking scandal has not affected industrial and other non-financial companies.
- Nonflammable
Definition: not flammable; not combustible or easily set on fire
Example: The much-loved pet’s fleeces are also sold for suits, jerseys, hypoallergenic mattresses and nonflammable aircraft seats.
- Nonflowering
Definition: not capable of producing flowers or seeds
Example: Flowering and nonflowering varieties are used for cultivation.
- Non-functional
Definition: not operating or in working order
Example: The cooker was non-functional except for the hotplate.
- Nongranular
Definition: not consisting of granules
Example: This study aimed to evaluate the use of image-enhanced endoscopy for visualizing laterally spreading tumors of the nongranular type.
- Nonharmonic
Definition: not of or relating to musical harmony
Example: The nonlinear external disturbances with nonharmonic periodic characteristics are generated by multiclass nonlinear external systems.
- Nonhereditary
Definition: not passed down through families, not hereditary
Example: Age and lower uterine segment involvement were not statistically different between the hereditary and nonhereditary groups.
- Nonhierarchical
Definition: lacking hierarchical structure; egalitarian
Example: Its proselytizers declare that the internet distribute, nonhierarchical design naturally favours transparency, sharing, freedom, egalitarianism and populism.
- Nonhuman
Definition: not human or not produced by humans
Example: Hostility towards outsiders is characteristic of both human or nonhuman animals.
- Nonimmune
Definition: lacking immunity to a particular organism or antigen
Example: Down regulated genes represented nonimmune processes, such as development, metabolism and transport.
- Nonindustrial
Definition: not of or relating to an industrial society, place, or age
Example: The lowest value, 0.83 mg/kg, was found for nonindustrial soils.
- Noninfectious
Definition: (of a disease) not able to be caught by being near a person who has its noninfectious diseases
Example: Noninfectious uveitis tends to improve during pregnancy.
- Noninflammatory
Definition: not inflammatory, not causing or caused by inflammation
Example: There was no significant different between the two groups in noninflammatory eruptions and general rashes.
- Nonintegrated
Definition: not integrated, lacking integration
Example: Imbrication of the rectus muscles over a nonintegrated implant traditionally was thought to impart movement to the implant and prosthesis.
- Nonintersecting
Definition: not intersecting, having paths that do not cross or intersect
Example: In the experiments, cross-injection coolant flow from two-row, paired, inclined holes with nonintersecting centerlines was utilized.
- Nonionic
Definition: not ionic, not occurring in the form of ions
Example: Nonionic surfactants of major demand in the polyolefin industry were studied.
- Non-judgmental
Definition: not judgemental; avoiding moral judgements
Example: It may well be the non-judgemental personality of a machine that motivates a child to preserver.
- Nonlegal
Definition: not legal
Example: Law graduates can bring a great deal to many nonlegal careers and with it achieve success and personal satisfaction.
- Nonlethal
Definition: not resulting in or capable of causing death
Example: Britain in supplying nonlethal equipment, like bulletproof jackets and radio communications.
- Non-linear
Definition: used to describe a process, series of events, etc. in which one thing does not clearly or directly follow from another
Example: Researchers say that non-linear thinking may be an increasingly important attribute for tomorrow’s workers.
- Nonlinguistic
Definition: not relating to or conveyed using language
Example: The results show that multilinguals were faster in comparison to monolinguals in the nonlinguistic task.
- Non-literal
Definition: not using or taking words in their usual or most basic sense
Example: Young children and foreigners may not at first understand these non-literal meanings.
- Nonliterary
Definition: not of, relating to, converted with, or characteristic of literature or scholarly writing
Example: These people have a function; they are recognized by large audiences of nonliterary people as being proper participants.
- Nonliving
Definition: not living; inanimate
Example: Humic acids represent the largest portion of nonliving soil organic matter.
- Nonmagnetic
Definition: not magnetic
Example: All the carbides are nonmagnetic or antiferromagnetic.
- Non-mandatory
Definition: not required by law or mandate; voluntary
Example: The company has a non-mandatory pension scheme.
- Non-material
Definition: not relating to physical objects or money
Example: Influence is to do with non-material power.
- Nonmechanical
Definition: not involving the use of machines or physical forces
Example: It also stocks nonmechanical plant, such as fencing and acrow support props, and established a lifting division in 2020.
- Nonmetallic
Definition: not of metal
Example: Transfer to a shallow, nonmetallic dish and add the cutlets.
- Nonmigratory
Definition: not migratory, not involved in migration
Example: Compared to sparrows in a nonmigratory state, migratory sparrows spent approximately two-thirds less time sleeping.
- Nonmodern
Definition: not modern, of or resembling an earlier age or time
Example: In contrast, the nonmodern approach reestablished symmetry between science and technology on the one hand and society on the other.
- Nonmotile
Definition: (of cells) not capable of movement; immotile
Example: Terrestrial fungi lost all flagellated stages and reproduce instead with nonmotile spores.
- Nonmoving
Definition: not moving
Example: The images depicted the different nonmoving religious holidays.
- Nonmusical
Definition: not belonging to or relating to music
Example: The era when their nonmusical hobbies were as notorious as their record sales were huge is long gone.
- Nonnegative
Definition: of the real number, either positive or zero; not negative; greater than or equal to zero
Example: We determine the concavity of all scalar solutions in the nonnegative quadrant.
- Non-negotiable
Definition: used to describe something that someone refuses to discuss or change
Example: Talks failed because there were too many non-negotiable on both sides.
- Nonnormative
Definition: not normative, not based on norms
Example: Nonnormative influences are unpredictable and not tied to a certain development time, personally or historically.
- No-nonsense
Definition: serious and practical
Example: Barnes has a quiet, no-nonsense manner of doing business.
- Nonoperational
Definition: not in working order or ready to use
Example: This is enough to make me forgive the front pockets for being fake, a trompe 1’oeil of nonoperational stitching.
- Nonparasitic
Definition: not parasitic
Example: Histopathology showed evidence of congenital solitary nonparasitic cyst of the liver.
- Nonpersonal
Definition: not personal
Example: Hospital much publish all nonpersonal data about patient safety.
- Nonpoisonous
Definition: not having the effects or quality of a poison
Example: Volunteers who were scared of snakes were asked to move closer or further away from a nonpoisonous species.
- Nonpolitical
Definition: not of, dealing with, or relating to politics a nonpolitical organization
Example: You may argue this discrepancy stems from our rather nonpolitical panel.
- Nonporous
Definition: not permeable to water, air, or other fluids
Example: Season, then transfer to a nonporous container and place in the fridge to chill for 3 hours.
- Non-pregnant
Definition: (of a woman or female animal) not pregnant
Example: Pregnant woman are at greater risk of malaria than non-pregnant woman.
- Non-professional
Definition: used to describe someone who does something not as their job but because they are interested in it
Example: There are certain indicators that signal an upturn that may to be obvious to non-professional investors.
- Non-profit
Definition: not intended to make a profit, but to make money for asocial or political purpose or to provide a service that people need
Example: We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of ocean mammals.
- Nonprogressive
Definition: not progressive, old-fashioned
Example: we further classify distal adding-on into progressive and nonprogressive group according to its natural evolution.
- Nonpublic
Definition: not public; private
Example: A stock is placed onto a restricted list when an institution has nonpublic information about the company.
- Non-racist
Definition: not influenced by a person’s race
Example: We’re a non-sexist and non-racist employer.
- Nonrational
Definition: not in accordance with the principles of logic or reason
Example: Those processes belong to the nonrational component of scientific discovery and, as such, are not methodological.
- Nonreciprocal
Definition: not reciprocal
Example: Empirical social networks in general also include a substantial number of nonreciprocal edges.
- Non-reflective
Definition: not capable of or not designed to reflect light
Example: The non-reflective screen is clearly visible in all condition bar bright sunlight.
- Non-refundable
Definition: used to describe money that you pay that you cannot get back
Example: At this point, the purchaser will have to pay a 10% non-refundable cash deposit to the auctioneer.
- Non-renewable
Definition: existing in limited quantities that cannot be replaced after they have all been used
Example: Oil, natural gas, and coil are non-renewable fuels.
Positive Adjectives That Start with N to Describe a Person
If you find these simple words like “good”, “nice”, “kind”, etc. are not able to express yourself when complimenting others, then try following adjectives that start with N to describe a person.
1. Naive
Definition: unaffectedly, or sometimes foolishly simple; childlike
Synonyms: credulous, innocent, simple
Example: Carol is so naive that she doesn’t realize Ben is just using her.
2. Noble
Definition: having or showing high moral qualities or ideals, or greatness of character; having excellent qualities
Synonyms: aristocratic, patrician, righteous
Example: It’s very noble of you to spend all your weekends helping the old folk.
3. Needy
Definition: Poor enough to need help from others
Synonyms: poor, deprived, disadvantaged
Example: Unfortunately, Jackson realized too late that Cassandra was a crazy bitch, and needy as well.
4. Newborn
Definition: (of a child or animal) recently or just born
Synonyms: newly born
Example: She’s incapable of looking after a newborn.
5. Nice
Definition: giving pleasure or satisfaction; pleasant or attractive
Synonyms: enjoyable, pleasant, satisfying
Example: We had a very nice time.
6. Noetic
Definition: of or relating to the intellect or mind
Synonyms: brainy, clever, rational
Example: In the debate between the two top teams, it became apparent of the leader’s noetic capabilities to describe the history and reasoning behind their debating topic.
7. Non-belligerent
Definition: not aggressive or hostile.
Synonyms: even handed, fair minded, unbiased
Example: Over time, such cooperation could gradually acclimate Arab peoples to a non-belligerent stance toward Israel.
8. Notable
Definition: worthy of notice or note; remarkable; characterized by distinction or excellence; memorable
Synonyms: outstanding, important, remarkable
Example: No matter how strong you are how notable your attainments, you have enduring significance only in your relationship to others.
9. Nourished
Definition: being provided with nourishment; fed
Synonyms: sustain, feed, nutrify
Example: All the children were well nourished and in good physical condition.
Positive Adjectives That Start with N to Describe an Event
Some people may think adjectives are less important than nouns, because adjectives just work to modify nouns. To some extent, that may be true. But still, adjectives are indeed an indispensable part. For example, if you remove descriptive words that start with N from examples below, the message they conveyed immediately becomes unclear or even meaningless.
1. Negotiable
Definition: possible or easy to be negotiated or negotiate; open to change, modification or discussion
Synonyms: flexible, passable
Example: The bonds were negotiable, and afford us the earliest instance of the issue of government stock.
2. Nasal
Definition: of the nose.
Synonyms: ear-splitting, penetrating, sharp
Example: His singing voice is more nasal than his speaking voice.
3. Natural
Definition: of, or arising from, nature; in accordance with what is found or expected in nature; not artificial or manufactured
Synonyms: essential, innate, instinctive
Example: The amazing curls in Beth’s hair are natural.
4. Nifty
Definition: very good; great; first-rate
Synonyms: skillful, capable, agile
Example: What a nifty little gadget – you can use it for all kinds of things.
5. Novel
Definition: new and unusual; especially, being the first of its kind
Synonyms: original, unusual, unfamiliar
Example: Who first had the novel idea of putting peanut butter and jelly together?
6. Nutritious
Definition: nourishing; of value as food
Synonyms: nourishing, good food
Example: Berries are both nutritious and delicious.
7. Nonalcoholic
Definition: a beverage usually containing less than 0.5% alcohol by volume
Synonyms: alcohol-free
Example: Coke is my favorite nonalcoholic drink.
8. National
Definition: relating to or characteristic of a nation; common to a whole nation
Synonyms: state, public, federal
Example: This policy may have been in the national interest.
9. Neat
Definition: arranged in a tidy way; in good order
Synonyms: tidy, fine
Example: The handwriting on the letter was neat and feminine.
10. Necessary
Definition: needed to be done, achieved, or present; essential
Synonyms: obligatory, requisite, imperative
Example: Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.
Positive Adjectives That Start with N to Describe a Place
If you want to improve your English and express yourself more freely, memorizing these adjectives that start with the letter N is a good way.
1. Narrow
Definition: not wide; limited in meaning, size, amount, or extent
Synonyms: small, tapered, strait
Example: The hallway may be narrow, but the rooms are very large.
2. Native
Definition: belonging to a locality or country by birth, production, or growth
Synonyms: home-grown, vernacular, local
Example: The movie deals with injustices suffered by Native Americans.
3. Noteworthy
Definition: worthy of note; deserving notice; outstanding; remarkable
Synonyms: notable, interesting, significant
Example: There are many noteworthy restaurants in New York City.
4. Nameless
Definition: being or having an unknown or unnamed source
Synonyms: unspeakable, unutterable, inexpressible
Example: The nameless height is located in the belarusian forests.
5. Nariel
Definition: Of or relating to or near the nares
Synonyms: perta, opening
Example: Its position is not indicative of a nariel opening either.
6. Navigable
Definition: able to be sailed on or through safely
Synonyms: passable, negotiable
Example: Such commerce on the national scale was made possible by China’s system of navigable waterways, partly natural and partly man-made.
7. Nearby
Definition: not far away, close
Synonyms: close by, near,
Example: She darted behind the nearby rocks.
8. Nobby
Definition: elegant; stylish; chic; smart; aristocratic.
Synonyms: ritzy, chichi, spry
Example: Quite a nobby place it is, in fact.
Positive Adjectives That Start with N to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
In either verbal or written communication, using various adjectives where appropriate always looks more appealing. So learning more adjectives with letter N will only do good to you.
1. Normal
Definition: conforming with or constituting an accepted standard, model, or pattern; natural
Synonyms: usual; standard; regular
Example: John exhibits self composure and normal behavior in every situation.
2. Nostalgic
Definition: of or related to a longing for something far away or long ago, or for former happy circumstances
Synonyms: wistful, evocative, sentimental
Example: Claire always feels nostalgic when she listens to Jimmy Buffet because it reminds her of childhood summers.
3. Nosey
Definition: showing too much curiosity about other people’s affairs.
Synonyms: prying, inquisitive, probing
Example: Sorry if I seem nosey, I don’t mean to, I’m just curious.
4. Numb
Definition: not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive
Synonyms: insensible, insensate, senseless
Example: Jackpots once topping $1 billion have tumbled during the coronavirus pandemic, and the public has become numbto what once seemed to be astonishingly large prizes.
Negative Adjectives That Start with N to Describe a Person
There are certain adjectives that we usually use on specific occasions. For example, to describe a person from a negative point of view, you can use below adjective words that start with N to describe a person.
1. Nasty
Definition: very dirty, filthy; offensive in taste or smell; morally offensive; very unpleasant
Synonyms: malicious; ill-humored, mean
Example: Mr. Scrooge was a nasty man with a nasty temper who liked to eat nasty foods like haggis and liverwurst.
2. Nearsighted
Definition: having better vision for near objects than for distant ones; myopic
Synonyms: purblind, short-sighted, myopic
Example: Sallie is nearsighted, so she needs glasses when she drives to see the road signs clearly.
3. Naughty
Definition: not behaving properly; mischievous or disobedient.
Synonyms: indecent, bawdy, rude
Example: Kyle isn’t naughty; he has ADHD and finds it hard to sit still in class.
4. Negligent
Definition: habitually failing to do the required thing; neglectful
Synonyms: careless, lax, remiss
Example: Social Services can take children away from parents who are negligent.
5. Nerdy
Definition: describing a person regarded as socially dull, unsophisticated, awkward, etc., especially one who is preoccupied with academics, intellectual hobbies, etc
Synonyms: geeky, egg headed, highbrow
Example: Have you ever noticed how many nerdy guys there are with really beautiful women?
6. Noisy
Definition: making, or accompanied by noise; making more sound than is expected or customary; full of noise.
Synonyms: rowdy, clamorous, boisterous
Example: My roommates are so noisy in the mornings, I can never sleep in.
7. Nude
Definition: completely unclothed or uncovered
Synonyms: bare, stripped, stark naked
Example: She looks at me rather askance when I suggest a swim in the nude.
8. Notorious
Definition: widely but unfavorably known or talked about
Synonyms: infamous, ill-famed
Example: The professor was notorious for giving impossible tests.
9. Nonchalant
Definition: without warmth or enthusiasm; not showing interest
Synonyms: calm, cool, unconcerned
Example: He seemed so nonchalant about the financial crisis; we had no idea he was going bankrupt.
10. Nefarious
Definition: Extremely wicked
Synonyms: evil, sinful, villainous
Example: I know the list of nefarious uses of the Internet—but on balance, we are building it for good purposes.
Negative Adjectives That Start with N to Describe an Event
Describing words beginning with N for events are not that common and below are some of them for you.
1. Nauseous
Definition: causing nausea; sickening, disgusting.
Synonyms: sick, queasy, bilious
Example: His warm breath on her neck and the added heat of his body made her feel nauseous again.
2. Nebulous
Definition: unclear; vague; indefinite.
Synonyms: indistinct, indefinite, vague
Example: We spent so much time together without defining our relationship. It just became a rather nebulous and confusing thing.
3. Noxious
Definition: harmful to the health; corrupting
Synonyms: poisonous, toxic, deadly
Example: You should always paint in a well-ventilated area because paint fumes are noxious.
4. Nonsensical
Definition: unintelligible, foolish, silly, absurd, etc.
Synonyms: meaningless, illogical, senseless
Example: Dr. Seuss books are nonsensical in a way, but they also teach children valuable lessons about all kinds of things.
5. Nuisance
Definition: a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance
Synonyms: irritant, annoyance, trouble
Example: The dogs next door are a real nuisance.
6. Nonsensical
Definition: (of words or language) having little or no meaning; making little or no sense
Synonyms: ridiculous, senseless
Example: A baby’s babbling is appealingly nonsensical.
Negative Adjectives That Start with N to Describe a Place
When it comes to adjectives that start with N to describe a place negatively, “Noisy” immediately pops up in my head.
1. Noisy
Definition: making or given to making a lot of noise.
Synonyms: rowdy, clamorous
Example: Deep rivers move in silence, shallow brooks are noisy.
2. Nonhuman
Definition: refer to existence of no human
Synonyms: without human,
Example: The house which was long way nonhuman looked horrific.
3. Nightmarish
Definition: resembling a bad dream
Synonyms: unearthly, ghostly, horrific
Example: Mostly within grey, barren cell-like structures, nightmarish scenarios, which are unspecific in their narrative, are enacted.
4. Non-existent
Definition: not existing or not real or present.
Synonyms: imaginary, unreal, fictional
Example: The hotel turned out to be completely non-existent.
Negative Adjectives That Start with N to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
This list of adjectives that start with N may not be a complete one, but as long as you master these N adjectives, you’ll see a dramatic improvement of your English skill.
1. Nauseated
Definition: feeling nausea
Synonyms: sickening, stomach-churning, stomach-turning
Example: I feel nauseated when I smell beef cooking.
2. Nervous
Definition: easily agitated or alarmed
Synonyms: anxious, edgy, tense
Example: I get very nervous before a big race.
3. Numb
Definition: weakened in or deprived of the power of feeling or moving; deadened; insensible
Synonyms: benumbed, dead
Example: He was numb to the cries for mercy.
4. Negated
Definition: make ineffective; nullify
Synonyms: invalidate, nullify, refute
Example: There emerged a tacit agreement between the two men that Dean’s position negated his direct involvement in officially pursuing the investigation.
5. Neutral
Definition: not supporting or helping either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial
Synonyms: impartial, unbiased
Example: Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with N
Are you feeling smarter now after reading adjectives that start with the letter N? I bet so. Remember to read them over and over again, soon you’ll see yourself a big jump-up.
Learning a language is never an easy thing. It takes a lot of practice before it becomes fluent and instinctive. So always keep learning and use these adjectives that start with N whenever appropriate.
Ps. See also positive words that start with N, nouns that start with N and verbs that start with N.