6 Expert Tips on How to Shop for an Engagement Ring
Deciding on an engagement ring is difficult. However, with these expert tips, you will find it much easier to shop for that dream engagement ring.
1. Decide On a Stone
Stones are the main attraction in any jewelry, but especially in the case of an engagement ring. The true beauty of the ring often lies with the stone you’re using. People try different stones like diamonds, rubies, sapphires, etc., to make the engagement ring look stunning and unique. They play with color and size to see what suits them best.
Natural fancy colored diamonds are all the rage right now. People who plan on getting a unique engagement ring often look towards red, black, blue, and other color variants in diamonds. White and colorless ones are also popular but have recently become ornamental to the ring rather than being the centerpiece.
Apart from deciding what stone you want, have a carat size and shape in mind too. It will help you get a rough estimate of the total price for your engagement ring.
2. Pick a Band
You need a wedding band that complements the stone you want to get. Go to any good jewelry shop, and the experts there will guide you through various available options. They will also lead you to the bands that will look gorgeous with your choice of stone.
Platinum and silver bands are in-demand these days. That’s mostly because these bands go with all types of stones. Platinum and silver look best with sapphires, blue diamonds, white diamonds, yellow diamonds, black diamonds, etc.
You should opt for a rose-gold band for rubies or red diamonds. The blood-red colors will stand out in that setting.
You might even consider going with a band-only option. That’s when you ditch the gemstones and use the wedding band itself as the ring. Not only is it a cheaper alternative, but it’s also stylish in a minimalistic way.
People can get creative just with the band. For instance, you can imprint your name, heartbeat, or fingerprint on the inner side of the band. Your partner will do the same before you exchange rings. Many people believe that such creative band ideas help develop a stronger bond between the couple.
3. Think of a Style
Your idea for the style of the ring will mostly come from Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Feel free to research other platforms too. You can also Google engagement ring ideas and see which ones you like.
Make a list of all the ones that made you fall in love with at first sight. Afterward, narrow down the list by keeping only those that you think will be practical and affordable.
People will often look at their favorite celebrities, see what rings they are wearing, and then try to replicate those. You can take the same route if you have something like that in mind. Or perhaps you’d rather do the opposite. Instead of checking out popular styles, you can look to more classic, timeless pieces for inspiration. The ring signifying your betrothal need not have a diamond as its centerpiece. A timeless vintage engagement ring can be set in other precious gems, such as sapphires, pearls, or rubies.
4. Visualize Your Design
Getting a visual of the design you want will help you realize whether or not you want to finalize it. Try to prepare the visuals in your mind first. Then, drawing it with pen and paper is one way to go about it.
You could also use the design tool on leibish.com to generate the visuals. Here, you can pick from a variety of bands and stones to design the ring. Besides, you can see what other Leibish customers have designed in the past and seek inspiration from those.
5. Get Your Measurements
Go to a jewelry store to get accurate measurements. Trying to take measurements by yourself will prove to be messy and give you inaccurate information.
Having a tight or loose wedding ring is the last thing you want. Rings need to fit perfectly. It’s always a good idea to have an expert take your finger measurements rather than doing it yourself.
6. Finalize the Deal
Once everything is ready, you can finalize the design and get your jeweler working on it. Make sure you buy the stones from authentic dealers who can provide certificates for the stones (if applicable).
As for pricing, expect slight variations from the standard prices of the stones on the market. Prices will vary from dealer to dealer, but they shouldn’t be too far off from the standard ones.
So, now that you know what to do, it’s time you start planning for your engagement ring.