668 Nouns That Start with A [with Definitions and Examples]

How often do you see the nouns that start with A pop up in your everyday language? We talk about our Accommodation and our Assistant, and most of all, we strive to win an Award! The letter A takes first place in English alphabets and is one of the most commonly used letters in the English language.
The nouns starting with A are possibly more common than we might think. It makes a nice vocabulary study when we walk through the nouns beginning with A letter by letter and uncover new words and phrases. You’ll be beaming with this blissful bounty of nouns that start with A in no time.
We’re also likely to come across the nouns that start with A to describe a person in our reading and writing. Below, we’ll explore a list of nouns that start with A along with their definitions and examples for comprehensive learning.
Table of Contents
Nouns That Start with A You Always Use
Nouns that start with A, you always use in your daily life, give you a concrete way to talk about the people, places, and things around you. Let’s pluck a few of nouns that start with A always used in day-to-day life.
1. Ability
- Definition: the physical or mental power or skill needed to do something
- Synonyms: capability, capacity, power
- Example: She has the ability to explain things clearly and concisely in a simple way.
2. Accommodation
- Definition: a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay
- Synonyms: housing, living quarters, shelter
- Example: The resort provides accommodation to suit every pocket.
3. Attraction
- Definition: the action or power of evoking interest in or liking for someone or something
- Synonyms: desirability, appeal, seduction
- Example: The main attraction of the place is the nightlife.
4. Area
- Definition: a region or part of a town, a country, or the world
- Synonyms: region, zone, locality
- Example: The mountain area is covered entirely in dense jungle.
5. Address
- Definition: the physical location of something
- Synonyms: inscription, mark, directions
- Example: I asked her for her address.
6. Anger
- Definition: a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility
- Synonyms: irritation, vexation, resentment
- Example: He banged the door in anger.
7. Argument
- Definition: an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one
- Synonyms: disagreement, dispute, quarrel
- Example: Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.
8. Authority
- Definition: the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience
- Synonyms: power, jurisdiction, control, command
- Example: He had the authority to modify the documents for his benefit, but he decided not to abuse his power.
9. Average
- Definition: typical or common
- Synonyms: median, midpoint, norm
- Example: He was an average student in high school, but really did well at university.
10. Audio
- Definition: sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced
- Synonyms: hearing, phonic, auditory
- Example: The tapes are both video and audio.
Nouns That Start with A You Usually Use
Learning the nouns starting with A you usually use in your daily life is more helpful for any beginner English learner because mastering a shorter, more targeted list is a better use of your time than to memorizing a long list and easy to get carried away. Some are as follow:
1. Absence
- Definition: the state of being away from a place or person, the non-existence or lack of
- Synonyms: non-attendance, non-appearance, leave
- Example: He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.
2. Acceptance
- Definition: the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered
- Synonyms: receipt, obtaining, assumption
- Example: Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing.
3. Agreement
- Definition: coming to a mutual decision or arrangement
- Synonyms: accord, consensus, harmony
- Example: An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.
4. Assault
- Definition: an violent act that causes physical injury
- Synonyms: violence, mugging, grievous bodily harm
- Example: He was charged with deadliest assault.
5. Athlete
- Definition: a person either trained or with a natural ability to play sports
- Synonyms: sportsman, runner, player
- Example: The athlete has got powerful muscles.
6. Award
- Definition: something you receive for doing well
- Synonyms: prize, trophy, medal
- Example: He won the best actor award.
7. Academy
- Definition: a place of study or training in a special field
- Synonyms: college, university, institute
- Example: I visited Chinese Academy of Sciences yesterday.
8. Accident
- Definition: an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury
- Synonyms: mishap, tragedy, disaster
- Example: My car was completely wrecked in the accident.
9. Accountant
- Definition: a person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyze financial accounts
- Synonyms: auditor, analyst, teller
- Example: She has an appointment with her accountant.
10. Advertisement
- Definition: a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy
- Synonyms: poster, bulletin, announcement
- Example: I received an encouraging response to my advertisement.
Nouns That Start with A You Often Use
To learn the nouns starting with A you often use in your daily life is equally important to speak English fluently and confidently. They serve as building blocks of language learning and are vital for efficient stemming of English. Some of them are listed here:
1. Airport
- Definition: a complex of runways and buildings for the take-off, landing, and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passengers
- Synonyms: airfield, landing strip, helipad
- Example: My parents saw me off at the airport.
2. Alert
- Definition: the state of being watchful for possible danger
- Synonyms: vigilance, attentiveness, caution
- Example: The troops were placed on full alert.
3. Agenda
- Definition: a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting
- Synonyms: program, schedule, plan
- Example: There are several items on the agenda for tonight’s meeting.
4. Aid
- Definition: help, typically of a practical nature
- Synonyms: assistance, support, backing
- Example: Humanitarian aid is being sent to the refugees.
5. Album
- Definition: a blank book for the insertion of photographs, stamps, or pictures
- Synonyms: collection, index, depository
- Example: I keep the photographs in an album.
6. Ambassador
- Definition: an accredited diplomat sent by a state as its permanent representative in a foreign country
- Synonyms: envoy, diplomat, consul
- Example: He was appointed ambassador to America.
7. Anxiety
- Definition: a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe
- Synonyms: concern, uneasiness, disquiet
- Example: Her anxiety mounted month by month.
8. Analyst
- Definition: a person who conducts analysis
- Synonyms: examiner, researcher, questioner
- Example: Jenny’s husband is a financial analyst.
9. Approval
- Definition: the action of approving something
- Synonyms: acceptance, endorsement, confirmation
- Example: The president has already given his approval to the plan.
10. Author
- Definition: a writer of a book, article, or document
- Synonyms: writer, novelist, columnist
- Example: The book has a preface written by the author.
Nouns That Start with A You Sometimes Use
Below are some nouns beginning with A you sometimes use in your daily life. They are of utmost importance because it’s difficult to write or speak logical and comprehensive sentences without their inclusion.
1. Abortion
- Definition: a procedure to end a pregnancy
- Synonyms: termination, miscarriage, feticide
- Example: Her strong Catholic beliefs made abortion unthinkable.
2. Abuse
- Definition: cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal
- Synonyms: maltreatment, ill-treatment, misuse
- Example: Child abuse is a punishable offense.
3. Accessory
- Definition: a thing which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive
- Synonyms: attachment, addition, add-on
- Example: This silk scarf is the perfect accessory for stylish summer evenings.
4. Accusation
- Definition: a statement saying that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind
- Synonyms: allegation, charge, claim
- Example: They leveled an accusation against her.
5. Addiction
- Definition: the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity
- Synonyms: dependency, craving, habit
- Example: He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.
6. Administration
- Definition: the process or activity of running a business, organization, etc
- Synonyms: management, command, governing
- Example: We’re looking for someone with experience in administration.
7. Affair
- Definition: a sexual relationship between two people, one or both of whom are married to someone else
- Synonyms: relationship, romance, flirtation
- Example: He resigned after revelations about his affair with his secretary.
8. Ancestor
- Definition: a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended
- Synonyms: forebear, forefather, predecessor
- Example: Lions and house cats evolved from a common ancestor.
9. Angel
- Definition: a person of exemplary conduct or virtue
- Synonyms: saint, darling, star
- Example: John is no angel, believe me.
10. Aptitude
- Definition: a natural ability to do something
- Synonyms: capacity, talent, ability
- Example: He has a natural aptitude for teaching.
Nouns That Start with A You Occasionally Use
English has a tone of unique words that you may be well versed with but use it occasionally. There are certain noun words that start with A which refer to occasionally use in English speaking and writing. Some of them are appended below:
1. Abdomen
- Definition: the part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly
- Synonyms: stomach, tummy, middle
- Example: He was suffering from pains in his abdomen.
2. Accelerator
- Definition: a device, typically a foot pedal, which controls the speed of a vehicle’s engine
- Synonyms: hastening, speeding up, stepping up
- Example: She put her foot down on the accelerator pedal.
3. Accord
- Definition: an official agreement or treaty
- Synonyms: pact, treaty, agreement
- Example: A peace accord was reached on 26 March.
4. Acquittal
- Definition: a judgment or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which he has been charged
- Synonyms: release, clearing, absolution
- Example: He was released from prison following his acquittal.
5. Admiration
- Definition: respect and warm approval
- Synonyms: commendation, appreciation, applause
- Example: I have great admiration for her courage.
6. Adversary
- Definition: one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute
- Synonyms: rival, enemy, foe
- Example: He defeated his old adversary.
7. Aggression
- Definition: the action of attacking without provocation
- Synonyms: hostility, attack, assault
- Example: We need to defend against military aggression.
8. Alliance
- Definition: a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations
- Synonyms: association, league, pact
- Example: NATO is sometimes called the Atlantic Alliance.
9. Anniversary
- Definition: the date on which a couple were married in a previous year
- Synonyms: jubilee, commemoration, ceremony
- Example: It’s our tenth anniversary.
10. Arena
- Definition: a level area surrounded by seating, in which sports, entertainments, and other public events are held
- Synonyms: stadium, theatre, ground
- Example: The circus elephants were led into the arena.
Nouns That Start with A You Seldom Use
Under this category, we will bring together a list of some weird and unfamiliar nouns that start with the letter A which you probably won’t need in everyday conversation or writing, but which is fun, interesting and unusual.
1. Abduction
- Definition: the action of forcibly taking someone away against their will
- Synonyms: kidnap, hijack, carry off
- Example: Detectives are questioning a woman about the child’s abduction.
2. Abeyance
- Definition: a state of temporary disuse or suspension
- Synonyms: suspension, pending, postponed
- Example: The rule has been in abeyance since 1980.
3. Accomplice
- Definition: a person who helps another commit a crime
- Synonyms: abettor, co-conspirator, collaborator
- Example: The butler was an accomplice in the robbery.
4. Acumen
- Definition: the ability to make good judgments and take quick decisions
- Synonyms: awareness, acuity, sharpness
- Example: She has considerable business acumen.
5. Adjournment
- Definition: a pause or rest during a formal meeting or trial
- Synonyms: suspension, deferment, postponement
- Example: The judge granted us a short adjournment.
6. Agony
- Definition: extreme physical or mental suffering
- Synonyms: pain, hurt, suffering
- Example: He lay in agony until the doctor arrived.
7. Affinity
- Definition: a natural liking for and understanding of someone or something
- Synonyms: sympathy, harmony, bond
- Example: Humans have a special affinity for dolphins.
8. Alumni
- Definition: a former student or pupil of a school, college, or university
- Synonyms: graduate, old grad, bachelor
- Example: The college appealed to its alumni for funds.
9. Anecdote
- Definition: a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
- Synonyms: story, tale, narrative
- Example: This research is based on anecdote not fact.
10. Apparel
- Definition: clothing
- Synonyms: dress, garments, attire
- Example: She looked lovely, despite her strange apparel.
Nouns That Start with A You Rarely Use
There are some rare or infrequently-used nouns that start with A (A-nouns) which tickle the ear and vital for sentence stemming. Though these nouns are not heard on a regular basis, the list below includes the most fascinating and useful obscure words of the English language.
1. Appeasement
- Definition: the act of giving the opposing side in a war an advantage that they have demanded, in order to prevent further disagreement
- Synonyms: reconciliation, allaying, acceding
- Example: During the Munich crisis, U.S.A. pursued the appeasement policy to Nazi Germany.
2. Abbey
- Definition: the building or buildings occupied by a community of monks or nuns
- Synonyms: monastery, convent, nunnery
- Example: The ancient abbey was in imminent danger of collapse.
3. Abasement
- Definition: the action or fact of abasing or being abased; humiliation or degradation
- Synonyms: humiliation, disgrace, degradation
- Example: Each confession brought her into an attitude of abasement.
4. Accolade
- Definition: an award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgement of merit
- Synonyms: recognition, award, prize
- Example: She received a Grammy Award, the highest accolade in the music business.
5. Acquaintance
- Definition: a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend
- Synonyms: associate, colleague, ally
- Example: She was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna.
6. Alibi
- Definition: defense against charges of wrongdoing; evidence of absence
- Synonyms: pretext, excuse, justification
- Example: He had a perfect alibi and the police let him go.
7. Ambiance
- Definition: the character and atmosphere of a place
- Synonyms: atmosphere, aura, mood
- Example: I like the ambiance of this restaurant.
8. Apex
- Definition: the top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point
- Synonyms: top, peak, pinnacle
- Example: He was at the apex of his career.
9. Aroma
- Definition: a distinctive, typically pleasant smell
- Synonyms: odor, fragrance, scent
- Example: The whole house was filled with the aroma of coffee.
10. Atonement
- Definition: the action of making amends for a wrong or injury
- Synonyms: reparation, redress, compensation
- Example: The criminal reformed and promised atonement for his acts.
Positive Nouns That Start with A
Have you ever considered nouns to be positive or negative? Indeed, nouns can convey positive or negative connotations. Let’s start the journey with an abundant list of positive nouns that start with A.
1. Ace
- Definition: being an expert in some activity
- Synonyms: master, champion, star
- Example: He took my ace with a low trump.
2. Affection
- Definition: a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something
- Synonyms: fondness, love, liking
- Example: She has deep affection for her parents.
3. Accuracy
- Definition: the quality or state of being correct or precise
- Synonyms: correctness, precision, rightness
- Example: The latest missiles can be fired with incredible accuracy.
4. Achievement
- Definition: a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage
- Synonyms: attainment, gaining, winning
- Example: Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life.
5. Advantage
- Definition: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position
- Synonyms: edge, head, lead
- Example: She had the advantage of a good education.
6. Ardor
- Definition: great enthusiasm or passion
- Synonyms: passion, zeal, eagerness
- Example: She displayed great ardor for art.
7. Amusement
- Definition: the state or experience of finding something funny
- Synonyms: delight, enjoyment, pleasure
- Example: Her eyes sparkled with amusement.
8. Amity
- Definition: friendly relations
- Synonyms: friendship, understanding, harmony
- Example: He lives in amity with his neighbors.
9. Ambition
- Definition: a strong desire to do or achieve something
- Synonyms: aspiration, intention, goal
- Example: His greatest ambition is to sail round the globe.
10. Attainment
- Definition: a thing achieved, especially a skill or educational achievement
- Synonyms: achievement, accomplishment, realizing
- Example: The attainment of his ambitions was still a dream.
Nouns That Start with A – Full List (668 words)
- Aardvark
- Abandon
- Abandonment
- Abaringe
- Abasement
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abbreviation
- Abdomen
- Abduction
- Aberration
- Abeyance
- Ability
- Abjection
- Ablation
- Abode
- Abolition
- Abolitionist
- Aborigine
- Abortion
- Abreaction
- Abridgment
- Abscissa
- Absence
- Absentee
- Absenteeism
- Absentia
- Absinthe
- Absolute
- Absolution
- Absorbency
- Absorber
- Absorption
- Abstention
- Abstinence
- Abstract
- Abstraction
- Abstractionism
- Absurdity
- Abundance
- Abuse
- Abyss
- Acacia
- Academeh
- Academic
- Academician
- Academy
- Acceleration
- Accelerator
- Accelerometer
- Accent
- Acceptability
- Acceptance
- Acceptor
- Access
- Accessibility
- Accessory
- Accident
- Acclaim
- Acclamation
- Accolade
- Accommodation
- Accompaniment
- Accompanist
- Accomplice
- Accomplishment
- Accord
- Accordance
- Accordion
- Account
- Accountability
- Accountant
- Accreditation
- Accretion
- Acculturation
- Accumulation
- Accuracy
- Accusation
- Ace
- Ace-In-The-Hole
- Acetate
- Acetone
- Acetonemia
- Ache
- Achievement
- Achiever
- Acid
- Acidity
- Acknowledgement
- Acknowledgment
- Acolyte
- Aconte
- Acquaintance
- Acquiescence
- Acquiesence
- Acquisition
- Acquittal
- Acre
- Acreage
- Acrobacy
- Acrylic
- Act
- Actinometer
- Action
- Activation
- Active
- Activism
- Activity
- Actor
- Actuality
- Acumen
- Adage
- Adagio
- Adaptation
- Adapter
- Addiction
- Addition
- Additive
- Address
- Adequacy
- Adherence
- Adherent
- Adhesion
- Adhesive
- Adjective
- Adjournment
- Adjudication
- Adjunct
- Adjustment
- Adjutant
- Administration
- Administrator
- Adminstration
- Admiralty
- Admiration
- Admirer
- Admission
- Admittance
- Admonition
- Adobe
- Adolescence
- Adolescent
- Adoption
- Adorer
- Adrenal
- Adulation
- Adult
- Adultery
- Adulthood
- Advance
- Advancement
- Advantage
- Advent
- Adventure
- Adverb
- Adversary
- Adversity
- Advertisement
- Advice
- Advisability
- Advisement
- Adviser
- Advisor
- Advisory
- Advocacy
- Advocate
- Aeon
- Aeration
- Aerator
- Aerial
- Aerosol
- Aesthete
- Aesthetic
- Affair
- Affect
- Affectation
- Affection
- Affiliation
- Affinity
- Affirmation
- Affliction
- Affluence
- Affront
- Afghan
- Aficionada
- Aficionado
- Aftermath
- Afternoon
- Age
- Agency
- Agenda
- Agent
- Agglomeration
- Agglutination
- Agglutinin
- Aggregate
- Aggregation
- Aggression
- Aggressor
- Agility
- Agitation
- Agitator
- Agnomen
- Agony
- Agrarian
- Agreement
- Agriculture
- Ague
- Aiche
- Aid
- Aide
- Ailment
- Aim
- Air
- Aircraft
- Airfield
- Airflow
- Airframe
- Airlift
- Airline
- Airlock
- Airmail
- Airmen
- Airplane
- Airport
- Airspeed
- Airstrip
- Aisle
- Aku
- Alabaster
- Alarm
- Alaskan
- Album
- Albumin
- Alchemy
- Alcohol
- Alcoholism
- Alderman
- Aldermen
- Ale
- Aleck
- Alert
- Alfresco
- Algae
- Algaecide
- Algebra
- Algorithm
- Alibi
- Alien
- Alienation
- Alignment
- Alimony
- Alizarin
- Alkali
- Allay
- Allegiance
- Allegory
- Allergy
- Alleviation
- Alley
- Alliance
- Alligator
- Alliteration
- Allocation
- Allotment
- Allowance
- Alloy
- Allure
- Allurement
- Allusion
- Ally
- Almond
- Almsgiver
- Alpaca
- Alphabet
- Altar
- Alteration
- Altercation
- Alternate
- Alternation
- Alternative
- Altitude
- Alto
- Altruism
- Altruist
- Alum
- Aluminum
- Alumnae
- Alumni
- Alundum
- Alveoli
- Amalgamation
- Amateur
- Amazement
- Ambassador
- Ambiance
- Ambiguity
- Ambition
- Ambivalence
- Ambulance
- Ambuscade
- Ambush
- Amendment
- Amethystine
- Amide
- Amino
- Amity
- Ammo
- Ammonium
- Ammunition
- Amorality
- Amorist
- Amortization
- Amount
- Amp
- Amphibology
- Amphitheater
- Amplification
- Amplifier
- Amplitude
- Amulet
- Amusement
- Anachronism
- Anaconda
- Anaesthesia
- Anagram
- Analogue
- Analogy
- Analyst
- Analyticity
- Anaprapath
- Anarchist
- Anarchy
- Anatomical
- Anatomy
- Ancestor
- Ancestry
- Anchor
- Anchorage
- Anchoritism
- Anchovy
- Ancient
- Andrena
- Anecdote
- Anemia
- Anesthetic
- Angel
- Angelica
- Anger
- Angle
- Anglophilia
- Anglophobia
- Anguish
- Aniline
- Animal
- Animation
- Animism
- Animosity
- Anion
- Anise
- Anisotropy
- Ankle
- Annihilation
- Anniversary
- Announcement
- Announcer
- Annoyance
- Annual
- Annum
- Anode
- Anomaly
- Anomie
- Anonymity
- Anorexia
- Answer
- Ant
- Antagonism
- Antagonist
- Ante
- Anteater
- Antecedent
- Antelope
- Antenna
- Antennae
- Anthology
- Anthropologist
- Anthropology
- Antibiotic
- Antibody
- Anticipation
- Anticoagulation
- Antidote
- Antifundamentalist
- Antigen
- Antipathy
- Antique
- Antiquity
- Antiredeposition
- Antiseptic
- Antisera
- Antiserum
- Anvil
- Anxiety
- Aorta
- Apartheid
- Apartment
- Apathy
- Ape
- Aperture
- Apex
- Aplomb
- Apocalypse
- Apogee
- Apologetic
- Apologist
- Apology
- Apostle
- Apothecary
- Appanage
- Apparel
- Apparency
- Apparition
- Appeal
- Appearance
- Appeasement
- Appestat
- Appetite
- Applause
- Apple
- Applejack
- Appliance
- Applicability
- Applicant
- Application
- Applicator
- Appointee
- Appointment
- Apportionment
- Appraisal
- Appreciation
- Appreciator
- Apprehension
- Apprentice
- Apprenticeship
- Approach
- Appropriation
- Approval
- Approximation
- Apricot
- Apron
- Aptitude
- Aquarium
- Aqueduct
- Aquisition
- Arabesque
- Arak
- Arbiter
- Arbitration
- Arc
- Arcade
- Arch
- Archaeology
- Archaism
- Archbishop
- Archdiocese
- Archenemy
- Archery
- Archetype
- Archfool
- Archipelago
- Architect
- Architecture
- Archtype
- Ardor
- Area
- Arena
- Areosol
- Argentina
- Argon
- Argot
- Argument
- Argumentation
- Aridity
- Aristocracy
- Arithmetic
- Arm
- Armadillo
- Armament
- Armchair
- Armful
- Armhole
- Armistice
- Armload
- Armoire
- Armor
- Armpit
- Army
- Arnica
- Aroma
- Arousal
- Arrack
- Arrangement
- Array
- Arrest
- Arrival
- Arrogance
- Arrow
- Arroyo
- Arsenal
- Arsenic
- Arside
- Arson
- Art
- Artery
- Article
- Articulation
- Artifice
- Artificer
- Artificiality
- Artillerist
- Artillery
- Artisan
- Artist
- Artiste
- Artistry
- Aryl
- Arylesterase
- Ascendancy
- Ascent
- Ascetic
- Asceticism
- Asdic
- Ash
- Asme
- Aspect
- Aspen
- Asphalt
- Aspirant
- Aspiration
- Aspirin
- Aspr
- Assailant
- Assassin
- Assassination
- Assault
- Assay
- Assemblage
- Assembly
- Assent
- Assertion
- Assesment
- Assessment
- Assessor
- Asset
- Assiduity
- Assignee
- Assigner
- Assignment
- Assimilation
- Assist
- Assistance
- Assistant
- Associate
- Association
- Assonance
- Assortment
- Assumption
- Assurance
- Asteroid
- Asthma
- Astonishment
- Astringency
- Astronaut
- Astronomer
- Astronomy
- Asw
- Asymmetry
- Asynchrony
- Athlete
- Athleticism
- Atm
- Atmosphere
- Atom
- Atomisation
- Atonement
- Atp
- Atrophy
- Attachment
- Attack
- Attacker
- Attainment
- Attempt
- Attendance
- Attendant
- Attention
- Attic
- Attire
- Attitude
- Attorney
- Attraction
- Attribute
- Attrition
- Auction
- Auctioneer
- Audacity
- Audience
- Audio
- Audit
- Audition
- Auditor
- Auditorium
- Aunt
- Aura
- Austerity
- Authentication
- Authenticator
- Authenticity
- Author
- Authoritarianism
- Authority
- Authorization
- Authorship
- Autism
- Auto
- Autobiography
- Autocollimator
- Autofluorescence
- Autograph
- Autoloader
- Automatic
- Automation
- Automaton
- Automobile
- Autonavigator
- Autonomy
- Autopsy
- Autosuggestibility
- Autumn
- Auxiliary
- Avail
- Availability
- Avalanche
- Avarice
- Avenue
- Average
- Aversion
- Aviary
- Aviation
- Aviator
- Avidity
- Avocado
- Avocation
- Avoidance
- Avowal
- Award
- Awardee
- Awe
- Awkwardness
- Awoc
- Ax
- Axe
- Axiom
- Axis
- Axle
- Aye
- Azalea
- Aztec
- Azure
Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with A
The more we read the nouns starting with A, the more we naturally pick up new vocabulary words. And, if you enjoy acting as the author of the nouns beginning with A instead of the reader, an extensive vocabulary list will help you craft catchy sentences.
Many of these words may not be used very often and that may put you at an advantage to stand you out of the pack because using of unique nouns that start with A will make you soundsmart. In addition, learning the unique nouns beginning with A is one path to becoming an advanced English learner.
Ps. See also positive words that start with A, adjectives that start with A and verbs that start with A.