521 Objects That Start with N to Build Kids’ Vocabulary

Words beginning with the letter N have the sound “/n/,” such as night, now, net, etc.
The letter N, however, is also occasionally silent.
If your kids have been familiar with alphabets A to M, now it’s time to learn ‘N’ with objects that start with N.
Start by teaching them simple things that start with N, such as two- and three-letter everyday items.
Let’s dive in now.
Table of Contents
Household Objects That Start with N
Here is a list of household items that start with N. Children can better grasp their environment and the things around them if they are assisted in learning the names of these items.
- Nylon
- Nuts And Bolts
- Nuts
- Nutmeg
- Nutella
- Nutcracker
- Nut Cracker
- Nut Butter
- Nut And Bolt
- Nuke
- Nuggets
- Nozzle
- Novel
- Nothing
- Notebook Paper
- Notebook
- Note Pad
- Note
- Nose Trimmer
- Nope
- Nook
- Noodle
- Nokia Phone
- Nitrogen
- Nit Comb
- Nit
- Nintendo (A Video Game Hardware)
- Nintendo
- Ninja Blender
- Nike Shoes
- Nike
- Nightie
- Night Table
- Night Stand
- Night Light
- Night Lamp
- Night Gown
- Night Cap
- Nicotine
- Nickle
- Nickels
- Nib
- News Paper
- New Vacuum
- New Shoes
- Netting
- Net
- Nest
- Nerf Gun
- Needlepoint
- Needle
- Necktie
- Necklace
- Neck Warmer
- Neck Tie
- Neck Pillow
- Neck Massager
- Nebulizer
- Nasal Spray
- Nasal Aspirator
- Nappy
- Nappies
- Napkins
- Napkin Rings
- Napkin Holder
- Napkin
- Nanny
- Nancy
- Nan
- Name
- Nailcutter
- Nail Polish Remover
- Nail Polish
- Nail Gun
- Nail File
- Nail Cutter
- Nail Clipper
- Nail
- Nachos
Electronic Objects That Start with N
- Nvidia Graphics Card
- Nutcracker
- Nuke
- Nothing
- Note Pad
- Note Book
- Nose Trimmer
- Nose Hair Trimmer
- Noon
- Nook
- Nokia Phone
- Nokia
- Noise Maker
- Noise Machine
- Noise Cancelling Headphones
- Nitro
- Nissan
- Nintendo Wii
- Nintendo Switch
- Nintendo Game Cube
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Nintendo
- Ninja Blender
- Ninja
- Nikon Camera
- Nikon
- Nike Watch
- Nightlight
- Night Vision Goggles
- Night Light
- Night Lamp
- Night Goggles
- Nice Watch
- Nice Phone
- N-Gage
- Nexus Phone
- Nexus
- Next
- New Phone
- New Iphone
- Network Router
- Netbook
- Net
- Nest Thermostat
- Nerf Gun
- Neon Sign
- Neon Light
- Neck Massager
- Nebuliser
- Navigator
- Navigation
- Narnia
- Nanotech
- Nanobot
- Nano Pod
- Nano
- Nail Trimmer
- Nail Gun
- Nail Cutter
Sharp Objects That Start with N
- Nylon
- Nunchuks
- Nunchuck
- Nuke
- Notebook
- Nose Ring
- Nippers
- Ninja Sword
- Ninja Star
- Nine Inch Nails
- Nike
- Nice
- Nib
- New Scissors
- New Knifes
- Nettle
- Net
- Nest
- Navaja
- Narwhal Horn
- Nailcutter
- Nail File
- Nail Cutter
- Nail Clipper
- Nail
Furniture That Starts with N
- Notepad
- Normal Chair
- Nook Table
- Nightstand
- Nightshade
- Nightlight
- Night Table
- Night Light
- Night Lamp
- Niche
- Nice Chair
- Newspaper Stand
- Newspaper Rack
- New Table
- New Sofa
- New Chair
- New Bed
- New
- Nesting Table
- Nest Tables
- Nest Of Tables
- Nest Chair
- Neon Lamp
- Neck Rest
- Neck Massager
- Navy Blue Couch
- Navy Blue Chair
- Napping Chair
- Napkin Holder
- Name
- Nail Bed
Clothing Names That Start with N
- Nose Ring
- Nose
- North Face Jacket
- North Face
- Nordstrom
- No Show Socks
- Niqab
- Nipple Tassels
- Nipple Pasties
- Nipple Covers
- Ninja Suit
- Ninja Costume
- Nike’s
- Nike Top
- Nike Sweater
- Nike Socks
- Nike Sneakers
- Nike Shoes
- Nike Shirt
- Nike Jumper
- Nike Jacket
- Nike
- Nighty
- Nightwear
- Nightshirt
- Nightie
- Nightgown
- Nightdress
- Nightcap
- Night Wear
- Night Suit
- Night Shirt
- Night Gown
- Night Dress
- Night Clothes
- Night Cap
- Nicker
- Nice Shoes
- Nice Jeans
- Nice Hat
- Nice Dress
- Next
- New Top
- New Socks
- New Shoes
- New Jacket
- New Dress
- New Clothes
- New Balance Shoes
- New Balance
- Netted Stockings
- Net Tights
- Net Stockings
- Net Socks
- Net Leggings
- Net
- Neoprene
- Neon Socks
- Neon Shorts
- Neon Shirt
- Neon Pants
- Negligee
- Necktie
- Necklace
- Neckerchief
- Necker
- Neck Wrap
- Neck Warmer
- Neck Tie
- Neck Scarf
- Neck Scar
- Neat Shirt
- Navy Shirt
- Nat
- Nappy Necklace
- Nappy
- Nappies
- Nails
- Nail Polish
- Nude Bra
- Nude Tights
- Nun’s Habit
- Nurse Outfit
- Nurse Scrubs
- Nurse Shoes
- Nylon
- Nylon Handbags
- Nylon Pants
- Nylon Shirt
- Nylon Socks
- Nylon Stockings
- Nylon Tights
- Nylons
Foods That Start with N
- Nutty Brownies
- Nuts
- Nutrition
- Nutriment
- Nutmeg Melon
- Nutmeg
- Nutella
- Nut Butter
- Nut Bread
- Nuggets
- Nourishment
- Nougatine
- Nougat
- Nosh
- Norman Tart
- Nori
- Norbury Blue
- Noodle
- Nonpareil
- No-Knead Bread
- Nipa
- Nigella Seeds
- Nicoise Salad
- New York Pizza
- New York Cheesecake
- New Orleans Beignet
- New England Clam Chowder
- Neufchatel Cheese
- Nettles
- Netted Melon
- Nesselrode
- Nerds
- Negus
- Neep
- Nectarine Upside Down Cake
- Nectarine
- Nectar
- Neck
- Neapolitan Ice Cream
- Navy Beans
- Navette
- Naval Orange
- Natto
- Natilla
- Natal Plum
- Nasturtium
- Nasi Goreng
- Nashi Pear
- Naranjilla Fruit
- Napoleon Cake
- Napa Cabbage
- Nantua
- Nankhatai
- Nan
- Nachos
- Naan Bread
- Naan
Animals That Start with N
- Nutria
- Nuthatch
- Nut Weevil
- Nurseryfish
- Nurse Shark
- Nuralagus
- Nunlet
- Nunbird
- Numbray
- Numbat
- Nudibranch
- Nubian Goat
- Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
- Nose-Horned Viper
- Norwich Terrier
- Norwhich Terrier
- Norwegian Lundehund
- Norwegian Forest
- Norwegian Elkhound
- Norwegian Buhund
- Norway Rat
- Northern Water Snake
- Northern Screamer
- Northern Potoo
- Northern Parula
- Northern Jacana
- Northern Inuit Dog
- Northern Harrier
- Northern Fur Seal
- Northern Flicker
- Northern Cardinal
- Northern Alligator Lizard
- North American Black Bear
- North American Beaver
- Norrbottenspets
- Norfolk Terrier
- Noodlefish
- Noddy
- Noctule
- Nkupe
- Ningaui
- Nilgai
- Nile Crocodile
- Nightjar
- Nightingale
- Nighthawk
- Nightfish
- Nightcrawler
- Night Snake
- Night Heron
- Night Adder
- Nigerian Goat
- Nicobar Pigeon
- Nicator
- Nguni Cattle
- Newt
- Newfypoo
- Newfoundland
- Netherland Dwarf Rabbit
- Neptune Grouper
- Neon Tetra
- Nene
- Nematode
- Nelore Cattle
- Needlefish
- Neddicky
- Nebelung
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- Neanderthal
- Nautilus
- Natterjack
- Nase
- Narwhal
- Napu
- Nandu
- Nalolo
- Naked Mole Rat
- Naegleria
- Nabarlek
- Nyala
Random Objects That Start with N
- Nurse
- Nunnery
- Numdah
- Numbers
- Number Plate
- Nugget
- Nucleon
- Nubbin
- Nub
- Novas
- Notes
- Notepaper
- Notch
- Nostrum
- Nostrils
- Nosewheel
- Nosepiece
- Northern White Pine
- North Star
- North Pole
- North
- Noose
- Noodles (Pool Float)
- Noodles (Food)
- Noodles
- Nontricyclic
- Noisemaker
- Nodes
- Noble Fir
- Noah’s Arc
- Nitrazepam
- Nissan (Brand Of Car)
- Niobrara
- Nine
- Nightshades
- Nightlamp
- Nightclub
- Nightclothes
- Night
- Niger
- Nickel
- Newsroom
- Newspaper
- Newborn
- Neutron
- Neutrino
- Neuroleptic
- Network
- Nerves
- Nerve
- Nerf Ball
- Nerds Candy
- Nerd
- Neptune
- Nephrite (Semi-Precious Stone)
- Nepeta
- Neonlight
- Neon Markers
- Neon
- Nemesia
- Neighbor
- Neggram
- Negatron
- Needlework
- Nectarines
- Nectarine Tree
- Neckcloth
- Neckband
- Nebula
- Navy
- Navel Orange
- Navel
- Naumachy
- Naumachia
- Naturhorn
- Nature
- Natural Sign
- Nasturtiums
- Narrowboat
- Narghile
- Nard
- Narcotic
- Narcoleptic
- Narcissus
- Nappy (Diaper)
- Nape
- Naltrexone
- Nalorphine
- Nalline
Bonus | Words That Start with N for Kids
Everyone should possess a strong vocabulary that is both broad and deep. Teach your toddlers some fun and intriguing words starting with N to help them develop their word skills as preschoolers.
- Noble
- Noah
- No
- Nitwit
- Nirvana
- Nintendo
- Ninja
- Nine
- Nincompoop
- Nimrod
- Nightlight
- Nightingale
- Nighthawk
- Nightclothes
- Nightcap
- Night
- Nickle
- Nice
- Nibble
- Next
- Newt
- Newsworthy
- Newspaper
- Newborn
- New York
- New Year
- New Mexico
- New Jersey
- New Hampshire
- New England
- New
- Never
- Nevada
- Neurons
- Net
- Nesting Cups
- Nest
- Nervous
- Nerves
- Nerf
- Nerd
- Neptune
- Nephron
- Neophyte
- Neon
- Neighborhood
- Neighbor
- Needle
- Need
- Nector
- Nectarine
- Nectar
- Necktie
- Necklace
- Neck
- Nebulous
- Nebraska
- Neat
- Near
- Ne
- Navy
- Navigate
- Navel
- Naval
- Nautical
- Nature
- Natural
- Nativity
- Native American
- National
- Narwhal
- Narrowboat
- Narrow
- Narrate
- Napping
- Napkin
- Nap
- Nanny
- Nandu
- Namesake
- Name
- Namby-Pamby
- Naked
- Nail (Hardware)
- Nail (Finger)
- Nail
- Nag
- Nachos
- Na
- Nocturnal
- Nod
- Noggin
- Noise
- Nomenclature
- None
- Nonplussed
- Noodge
- Noodles
- Noon
- Nope
- Normal
- North
- North America
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- North Pole
- Northern Hemisphere
- Nose
- Nosy
- Not
- Note
- Note (Letter)
- Note (Music)
- Notebook
- Noticeable
- Nought
- Noun
- Nourishing
- Novel
- November
- Now
- Nozzle
- Nu
- Nuggets
- Nuisance
- Number
- Numbers
- Numbskull
- Numerous
- Nun
- Nurse
- Nursery
- Nursery Rhyme
- Nut
- Nut (Food)
- Nut (Hardware)
- Nutmeg
- Nutritious
- Nuts
- Nylon
Objects by Alphabets (A to Z)
If you found these objects that start with the letter ‘N’ useful, you might want to try more by clicking on any alphabet from A to Z. You’ll be directed straight to that article!
Final Thoughts
It’s helpful to have a list of common objects beginning with N you can use to associate as preschoolers and kindergarteners learn their letters.
These things that start with N are very useful for early reading tasks as well as letter recognition exercises.
These words are helpful for kindergarten learning as they are simple and relatable for your little one!
Do any other things beginning with the letter ‘N’ come to your mind?
If so, kindly let us know in the comments so we can add them to the list.
Happy learning!