500 Positive Words That Start with P [with Definitions and Examples]

In this article, I am gonna share with you a list of positive words that start with P. As a matter of fact, the language you use majorly describes what kind of person you are. Using the right language not just improves communication but also increases optimism in others. You must be aware of the fact that words do play a significant role in one’s life, hence, positive words that start with P have been considered to have an extremely positive impact.
Well, you cannot just remember the entire dictionary because obviously it’s hard and time consuming. Yet, you can majorly focus on the positive words beginning with P. You must be wondering why there has been always emphasized on the letter P from the start. Therefore, the utmost reason is because words starting with P projects a service-oriented attitude and likewise highlights the positivity.
Have you ever given a thought to be the reason of someone’s happiness? It is not that strenuous since you can make an attempt just by words now. Using positive language can always light up people’s face. Moreover, making use of inspirational words that start with P can really nutrify oneself and be an aim for self-development.
Are you ready to be on the journey towards positivity? Fasten your seat belts as well as have access to the list of positive words that starts with P!
Table of Contents
Positive Words That Start With P – Full List (500 words)
Here is the full list of positive words that start with P, you will find 500 positive words that start with P.
- Pabulous
- Pacey
- Pachuco
- Pacific
- Pacifier
- Pacifism
- Pacify
- Pact
- Pacy
- Paean
- Pageant
- Pageantry
- Paid-up
- Pain-free
- Painkiller
- Painless
- Painlessly
- Painstaking
- Pair-bond
- Pal
- Palace
- Paladin
- Palatable
- Palatial
- Pally
- Palm
- Palmy
- Palpable
- Palsy-walsy
- Pamper
- Pampered
- Panacea
- Panache
- Panegyric
- Panegyrize
- Pangloss
- Panoply
- Panoramic
- Pantheon
- Pantisocracy
- Parable
- Parade
- Paradisal
- Paradise
- Paradisiac
- Paradisial
- Paragon
- Paramount
- Pardon
- Parental
- Parity
- Parnassian
- Participant
- Participation
- Participative
- Particular
- Partisan
- Partner
- Pash
- Pass
- Passable
- Passion
- Passionate
- Passionately
- Passive
- Pastime
- Pat
- Patch
- Paternal
- Path-breaking
- Pathfinder
- Patience
- Patient
- Patiently
- Patootie
- Patriarch
- Patrician
- Patriot
- Patriotic
- Patriotism
- Patronize
- Pax
- Payday
- Payout
- Peace
- Peaceable
- Peaceably
- Peaceful
- Peacefully
- Peacefulness
- Peacekeeper
- Peacekeepers
- Peacemaker
- Peach
- Peachy
- Peachy-keen
- Peak
- Pearl
- Pearled
- Pearlescent
- Pearly
- Peart
- Peck
- Pedicure
- Peerless
- Pellucid
- Penetrating
- Penetrative
- Penfriend
- Penitent
- Pennywise
- Pentecost
- Pep
- Peppiness
- Pepping
- Peppy
- Perceptible
- Perception
- Perceptive
- Perceptiveness
- Percipient
- Percolate
- Perfect
- Perfection
- Perfectionist
- Perfectly
- Perfevid
- Perk
- Perkiness
- Perky
- Permanent
- Permissible
- Permissive
- Permit
- Perseverance
- Perseverant
- Persevere
- Persevering
- Persist
- Persistence
- Persistent
- Persistently
- Personable
- Personage
- Personality
- Personalized
- Perspective
- Perspicacious
- Perspicuous
- Persuasive
- Persuasively
- Pert
- Pertinent
- Pet
- Petichor
- Petite
- Petition
- Phat
- Phenomena
- Phenomenal
- Phenomenally
- Phenomenon
- Phew
- Philanthrope
- Philanthropic
- Philanthropist
- Philanthropy
- Philogynist
- Philogynous
- Philogyny
- Philoprogenitive
- Philosopher
- Philosophical
- Philtre
- Photogenic
- Phwoah
- Physiotherapy
- Pick
- Picked
- Pick-me-up
- Pickup
- Pickwickian
- Picture-perfect
- Picturesque
- Pierian
- Piety
- Pilot
- Pinnacle
- Pinpoint
- Pinup
- Pioneer
- Pioneering
- Pious
- Piquancy
- Piquant
- Pith
- Pithy
- Pivotal
- Pizzazz
- Placable
- Placate
- Placebo
- Placid
- Plafond
- Plain
- Plan
- Plaque
- Platonic
- Plaudit
- Plausible
- Play
- Playful
- Playfully
- Playfulness
- Playmate
- Playtime
- Pleasant
- Pleasantly
- Please
- Pleased
- Pleasing
- Pleasingly
- Pleasurable
- Pleasurably
- Pleasure
- Pledge
- Plenary
- Plenitude
- Plenteous
- Plentiful
- Plenty
- Pleroma
- Pliability
- Pliable
- Pluck
- Plucky
- Plum
- Plume
- Plummy
- Plump
- Plumy
- Plus
- Pluses
- Plush
- Ply
- Poet
- Poetic
- Poetical
- Poeticize
- Poetize
- Poignant
- Poise
- Poised
- Poky
- Polish
- Polished
- Polite
- Politely
- Politeness
- Politesse
- Pollyanna
- Pomp
- Pool
- Poon
- Pootle
- Poppy
- Popsy
- Popular
- Popularity
- Populist
- Portable
- Portly
- Posh
- Positive
- Positively
- Positiveoptimistic
- Positives
- Positivity
- Possess
- Possibility
- Possible
- Potable
- Potent
- Potential
- Potentiate
- Potentize
- Potlatch
- Potluck
- Potty
- Pourboire
- Power
- Powerful
- Powerfully
- Powwow
- Practicable
- Practical
- Practicality
- Practically
- Practice
- Practiced
- Practise
- Pragmatic
- Pragmatically
- Pragmatism
- Praise
- Praiseworthy
- Praising
- Pray
- Prayer
- Prayerful
- Preach
- Precaution
- Precedence
- Precious
- Precise
- Precisely
- Precision
- Precocial
- Precocious
- Precognition
- Predominant
- Preeminent
- Preen
- Prefer
- Preferable
- Preferably
- Preferred
- Preferring
- Premier
- Premium
- Preparation
- Prepared
- Preparedness
- Preponderant
- Preponderate
- Prepotent
- Preppy
- Prescient
- Presence
- Present
- Presentable
- Presentee
- Preservation
- Preserve
- President
- Prestige
- Prestigious
- Presto
- Prettify
- Prettily
- Pretty
- Prevail
- Prevailing
- Prevalent
- Prevenient
- Prezzie
- Priceless
- Pride
- Primal
- Primary
- Prime
- Primed
- Primetime
- Primo
- Prince
- Princely
- Princess
- Principal
- Principle
- Principled
- Priority
- Pristine
- Privacy
- Private
- Privilege
- Privileged
- Prize
- Prized
- Prizewinner
- Prizewinning
- Pro
- Proactive
- Proactivity
- Probable
- Probative
- Problem-free
- Problem-solver
- Proceed
- Procurable
- Prodigious
- Prodigiously
- Prodigy
- Produce
- Productive
- Productively
- Productivity
- Professional
- Professionally
- Professor
- Proffer
- Proficient
- Proficiently
- Profit
- Profitable
- Profit-sharing
- Profound
- Profoundly
- Profundity
- Profuse
- Profusion
- Progenitive
- Progenitor
- Progress
- Progression
- Progressive
- Pro-life
- Prolific
- Prominence
- Prominent
- Prominently
- Promise
- Promised
- Promising
- Promote
- Promoter
- Promotion
- Prompt
- Promptly
- Promptness
- Pronoia
- Pronounced
- Proper
- Properly
- Propertied
- Prophetic
- Propinquity
- Propitiate
- Propitious
- Propitiously
- Proponent
- Propose
- Pros
- Prospect
- Prospective
- Prosper
- Prosperity
- Prosperous
- Protagonist
- Protean
- Protect
- Protected
- Protection
- Protective
- Protector
- Protege
- Prothalamium
- Proto
- Proud
- Proudly
- Proven
- Provide
- Providence
- Provident
- Providential
- Provider
- Provocative
- Prowess
- Prudence
- Prudent
- Prudential
- Prudently
- Psalm
- Public-spirited
- Puckish
- Puissance
- Puissant
- Pukka
- Pulchritude
- Pulchritudinous
- Pull
- Pumped
- Pun
- Punch-line
- Punchy
- Punctilious
- Punctual
- Punctuality
- Pundit
- Puppies
- Pure
- Purely
- Purify
- Purity
- Purpose
- Purposeful
- Purr
- Pursue
- Pursuit
- Push
- Pzazz
Positive Words That Start With P to Describe a Person
When giving details regarding the person, it is essential to remember their positive attributes. Hence it is true to say that words starting with P expresses the person in a positive yet optimistic way. Below is the list of words starting with P to describe a person positively.
1. Pally
- Definition: a close relationship
- Synonyms: friendly, affectionate
- Example: I see you are getting quite pally with Carlos.
2. Passionate
- Definition: to have strong emotions and feelings.
- Synonyms: intense, impassioned, ardent
- Example: The novelist characterizes his heroine as capricious and passionate.
3. Playful
- Definition: fond of games and amusement; light-hearted
- Synonyms: frisky, jolly, lively
- Example: You are certainly in a playful mood!
4. Perfect
- Definition: having all the desirable qualities and characteristics
- Synonyms: ideal, model, flawless
- Example: His teeth looked too perfect to be real.
5. Peaceful
- Definition: free from disturbance
- Synonyms: tranquil, calm, restful
- Example: Her peaceful nature was enough to resolve any conflict.
6. Patient
- Definition: having tolerance
- Synonyms: forbearing, uncomplaining
- Example: The doctor was extremely patient with his staff.
7. Plump
- Definition: having a full rounded shape
- Synonyms: chubby, fat
- Example: A plump little boy walked along the pathway.
8. Positive
- Definition: optimistic
- Synonyms: constructive, productive
- Example: She made very positive noises at the interview about me getting the job.
9. Polite
- Definition: having behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people
- Synonyms: well mannered, civil, courteous
- Example: They thought she was wrong but were too polite to say so.
10. Pleasant
- Definition: friendly and considerate
- Synonyms: agreeable, amiable
- Example: They found him pleasant and cooperative.
Positive Words That Start with P to Encourage Yourself
Motivation is essential to make your life going in a flow and keeping it on track; hence, take a look at these good words that start with P.
1. Peachy
- Definition: very satisfactory; fine
- Synonyms: calm
- Example: Everything in her life is just peachy.
2. Peerless
- Definition: having no equal or peer
- Synonyms: matchless, unparalleled
- Example: Our army is peerless, winning every war.
3. Peppy
- Definition: characterized by high spirits and energy
- Synonyms: cheerful, vigorous
- Example: Her character is peppy and friendly in a way seldom seen in reality.
4. Perceptive
- Definition: having ability and keenness of perception and understanding
- Synonyms: insightful, responsive
- Example: It was very perceptive of you to notice that.
5. Perky
- Definition: characterized by lightheartedness and liveliness
- Synonyms: jaunty, sprightly, firm
- Example: Her step father is one of those too perky cheerful people.
6. Permissive
- Definition: granting permission
- Synonyms: broad-minded, liberal
- Example: He claims that society has been far too permissive towards drug taking.
7. Permanent
- Definition: lasting without marked change in condition.
- Synonyms: enduring, continuing
- Example: To them, its permanent like this tattoo.
8. Personable
- Definition: pleasing in appearance or personality
- Synonyms: attractive, presentable
- Example: He is a personable young man.
9. Perspicuous
- Definition: easily understandable
- Synonyms: clear, lucid
- Example: The audience had no problem understanding the presenter’s perspicuous speech.
10. Pert
- Definition: high-spirited
- Synonyms: lively, brisk, smart, bold
- Example: Angie gave him one of her pert little glances.
Positive Words that Start with P to Compliment Others
As a matter of fact, your words can really cheer people up and bring smile on their faces. Therefore, below are some nice words that start with P used to make others feel worthy.
- Prized
- Definition: valuable
- Synonyms: precious
- Example: Within weeks, he became a prized scalp.
- Philanthropic
- Definition: charitable
- Synonyms: generous
- Example: As a man he was loyal, affectionate, philanthropic and entirely estimable.
- Placid
- Definition: not easily upset or excited
- Synonyms: calm, even-tempered, equable
- Example: He had a placid nature.
- Polished
- Definition: someone who shows confidence and knows how to behave socially
- Synonyms: confident, well-behaved
- Example: He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.
- Popular
- Definition: being liked by many
- Synonyms: favored, admired
- Example: Mary is popular among the students.
- Praiseworthy
- Definition: having behavior that deserves approval
- Synonyms: commendable, laudable, admirable
- Example: His aim is honorable and praiseworthy.
- Precious
- Definition: important
- Synonyms: valuable, costly, high-prized
- Example: His children are very precious to him.
- Pretty
- Definition: visually attractive
- Synonyms: lovely, appealing, charming
- Example: The smile of the pretty woman are the tears of the purse.
- Priceless
- Definition: too important to place a value on
- Synonyms: invaluable, beyond price
- Example: She loved dressing up and wearing priceless jewels.
- Pure
- Definition: without faults
- Synonyms: unmixed, unblended
- Example: His dress is pure silk.
Positive Words that Start with P to Help Through Difficulties
People often face depression during their difficult times. In order to get away with it, these encouraging words that start with P can help you throughout.
- Patience
- Definition: capacity to accept and tolerate
- Synonyms: forbearance, tolerance
- Example: You can find bargains if you have the patience to sift through the rubbish.
- Peak
- Definition: the highest point or ability
- Synonyms: ultimate, top, greatest
- Example: She is at the peak of her career.
- Pep
- Definition: high spirits; liveliness
- Synonyms: energy, dynamism
- Example: A good night sleep will pep you up.
- Prime
- Definition: most important
- Synonyms: best, main, central
- Example: Her prime motive was personal ambition.
- Purr
- Definition: soft satisfied sound
- Synonyms: hum, chirr
- Example: It did not purr like a cat but growled.
- Pacify
- Definition: to calm or satisfy
- Synonyms: placate, appease
- Example: He had to pacify angry spectators.
7. Pardon
- Definition: forgiveness
- Synonyms: absolve, forgiveness
- Example: He obtained pardon for his sins.
8. Patron
- Definition: a supporter
- Synonyms: sponsor, fan, leader
- Example: If you have a patron who orders an alcoholic beverage, please ask to see his identification.
9. Prodigy
- Definition: a very talented young person
- Synonyms: wunderkind, genius
- Example: She was a child prodigy on the violin.
- Pacifist
- Definition: a peace-loving person
- Synonyms: peacemaker, passive resister
- Example: She was a committed pacifist all her life.
Positive Words That Start with P to Uplift Our Mind
It is natural to feel low sometimes. Such days can be really challenging, hence, motivational words that start with P can really uplift your mood and can be a game changer.
- Peace
- Definition: freedom form disturbance
- Synonyms: tranquility, calmness
- Example: He just wanted to drink a few bears in peace.
- Perfection
- Definition: the state or quality of being perfect
- Synonyms: excellence, flawlessness
- Example: I am told that she is perfection itself.
- Perseverance
- Definition: doing something despite difficulty
- Synonyms: tenacity, determination
- Example: His perseverance with the technique illustrates his single mindedness.
- Persistence
- Definition: the fact of continuing in an opinion in spite of difficulty
- Synonyms: resolve, resolution
- Example: Cardiff’s persistence was rewarded with a try.
- Possibility
- Definition: the state or fact being possible; likelihood
- Synonyms: feasibility, practicability, chances
- Example: Relegation remains a distinct possibility.
- Power
- Definition: ability to do something or act in a particular way
- Synonyms: capacity, potential
- Example: I promised I would do anything in my power to not let that happen.
- Preparation
- Definition: process of preparing
- Synonyms: devising, construction
- Example: He is making preparations for a trip.
- Pressure
- Definition: use of persuasion to make someone do something
- Synonyms: coercion, force, compulsion
- Example: Backbenchers put pressure on the government to provide safeguards.
- Pride
- Definition: feeling of deep pleasure
- Synonyms: joy, delight, gratification
- Example: The team was bursting with pride after recording a sensational victory.
- Prosperity
- Definition: the state of being prosperous
- Synonyms: wealth, success
- Example: When Jake reached his goal of prosperity, he realized he had neglected his family for his professional achievement.
List of Positive Words That Start with P to Keep Us Stay Positive
Positivity pushed a person to be on the right track, thus, below mentioned are some positive words that start with P.
- Pain-free
- Definition: not causing pain
- Synonyms: painless
- Example: Getting into good work habits now can ensure a lifetime of pain-free typing.
- Painless
- Definition: involving little effort or stress
- Synonyms: easy, trouble-free, effortless
- Example: It is true to say that airplane is a painless way to travel.
- Painstaking
- Definition: done with or employing great care
- Synonyms: careful, meticulous
- Example: The work has been done with painstaking attention to deal.
- Pal
- Definition: a friend
- Synonyms: companion, comrade
- Example: We have been pals for a long time.
- Paradise
- Definition: an ideal place or state
- Synonyms: heaven, promised land
- Example: The surrounding countryside is a walker’s paradise.
- Partner
- Definition: pair of people engaged together in a same activity
- Synonyms: ally, associate
- Example: Arrange the children in pairs so that each person has a partner.
- Paternal
- Definition: related through the father
- Synonyms: patrilineal, patrimonial
- Example: His father and paternal grandfather were porcelain painters.
- Patriotic
- Definition: expressing devotion for one’s country
- Synonyms: nationalist, loyalist
- Example: Today’s game will be played before a fiercely patriotic crowd.
- Patronize
- Definition: treat in a way that is helpful but betrays a feeling of superiority
- Synonyms: treat condescendingly
- Example: She was determined not to be put down or patronized.
- Peerless
- Definition: unequalled
- Synonyms: incomparable, matchless
- Example: He is indeed a peerless cartoonist.
Commonly Used Positive Words That Start with P
There are number of words that we use commonly and these positive words that start with P which you can use.
- Painter
- Definition: an artist who paint pictures
- Synonyms: interior decorator
- Example: He is a painter in water colors.
- Palm
- Definition: a leaf of tree awarded as a prize
- Synonyms: trophy, award
- Example: The consensus was that the palm should go to Deorner.
- Parade
- Definition: group of people marching in ceremony
- Synonyms: procession, march
- Example: The crowd cheered as the parade began.
- Parallel
- Definition: side by side
- Synonyms: aligned, collateral
- Example: Parallel lines never meet.
- Parent
- Definition: person’s father or mother
- Synonyms: biological parents
- Example: The parents of the child seemed to be strict.
- Participate
- Definition: take part in an action
- Synonyms: engage, join
- Example: It is said that thousands have to participate in a nationwide strike.
- Party
- Definition: social gathering
- Synonyms: celebration, reunion
- Example: We had so much fun at the party.
- Passage
- Definition: process of moving through
- Synonyms: transit, progress, passing
- Example: There were moorings for boats wanting passage through the lock.
- Paste
- Definition: a thick soft substance produced by mixing
- Synonyms: puree, mixture
- Example: You need to now blend onions, sugar and oil to a paste.
- Path
- Definition: track for walking
- Synonyms: footpath, pathway
- Example: The path continues alongside the river for half a mile.
Positive Words That Start with P for Attractive Resumes
Making resumes can be difficult a task but it truly depends on the capability of the person of how with the use of just words they can impress others around them. Positive words start with P will help you be a strong candidate.
- Pizzazz
- Definition: an attractive combination of vitality and glamour.
- Synonyms: attractive
- Example: At my previous job, I designed a summer collection with pizzazz.
- Philosophical
- Definition: relating to philosophy
- Synonyms: thoughtful, rational
- Example: His philosophical writings are imbued with religious belief.
- Pithy
- Definition: terse and vigorously expressive
- Synonyms: meaningful, concise
- Example: As usual my questions will be brief and pithy.
- Piquant
- Definition: pleasing or stimulating to the taste or mind
- Synonyms: attractive, charming, interesting
- Example: More piquant details of his life were mentioned in the document.
- Plausible
- Definition: apparently or seemingly valid
- Synonyms: acceptable, credible
- Example: She could find no plausible explanation for its disappearance.
- Plenary
- Definition: full or complete in all respects
- Synonyms: fully attended, entire, absolute
- Example: The groups reported back in plenary session at the end of the lesson.
- Plenteous
- Definition: abundant; rich
- Synonyms: productive, fruitful
- Example: Hardworking proves plenteous in your crucial time.
- Plentiful
- Definition: existing in great quantity
- Synonyms: copious, ample
- Example: His plentiful qualities were enough to impress the boss.
- Pliable
- Definition: easily shaped or bent
- Synonyms: adaptable, flexible
- Example: Quality leather is pliable and will not crack
10. Plummy
- Definition: exceedingly rich and mellow
- Synonyms: advantageous, profitable
- Example: Her plummy singing voice was enough to make the crowd stand up in the honor.
Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with P
Indeed, all the above-mentioned positive words starting with P will play a significant role in uplifting your mind. Well, it gets hard to memorize all these words but you can divide the work and make a habit of learning at least 3 words per day. It is not very difficult, pair up with a friend to learn them all. It is not very time consuming either.
Each day of progress will be counted and you can start using them in your everyday conservations too. Hence, this way you can also share your knowledge to the wider community. Positive words that start with the letter P will surely make your life much easier. I hope this article has helped you to improve your communication skills.
Ps. See also adjectives words that start with P, nouns that start with P and verbs that start with P.