580 Positive Words That Start with R [with Definitions and Examples]

Do you know that positive words that start with R have a very constructive impression on a person’s life? While interacting with people choosing the precise kind of words and vocabulary can help in inspiring people through your rational language. If someone is really enthusiastic about turning life for the betterment, it can be done by simply getting into habit of using positive language.
You can build a good perception among the people by using good and positive words. People will start liking you and remember you in good words if you have good command on vocabulary. However, it is not possible to learn all words of dictionary, it is a lifelong learning process and you can perfectly learn only by practicing over and over. Positive words beginning with R help us to express our feelings and emotions about particular things. Saying hopeful and soft words always help to bring happiness and smile on sad faces.
It is often said inspirational words that start with R are pretty soothing for the brain. Being able to speak better English can boost up the morale of a person.
Are you really particular about your vocabulary? Here is a list of positive words that start with R. Make sure to learn most of them and use in your daily life. Hope you will love reading!
Table of Contents
Positive Words That Start With R – Full List (580 words)
Here is the full list of positive words that start with R, you will find a total of 580 positive words that start with R.
- Rabid
- Racily
- Raconteur
- Racy
- Rad
- Radiance
- Radiancy
- Radiant
- Radiantly
- Radiative
- Radical
- Raffle
- Rag
- Rah
- Raillery
- Rainbow
- Raincheck
- Rainmaker
- Rain-maker
- Rainproof
- Raise
- Raja
- Rally
- Rallying
- Ramble
- Rambler
- Rambling
- Rambunctious
- Rambunctiously
- Rambunctiousness
- Ramp
- Rank
- Rapid
- Rapport
- Rapprochement
- Rapt
- Raptly
- Raptness
- Rapture
- Rapturous
- Rapturously
- Raring
- Raringly
- Rasasvada
- Rate
- Rathe
- Ratify
- Rational
- Rationalism
- Rationalist
- Rationalistic
- Rationalistically
- Rationality
- rationalize
- Rationally
- Rattling
- Raturous
- Rave
- Rave-up
- Ravish
- Ravishing
- Ravishingly
- Raw
- Ray
- Razmattazz
- Razor-sharp
- Razz
- Razzle
- Razzle-dazzle
- Razzmatazz
- Reaccept
- Reacceptance
- Reach
- Reachable
- Reacquaint
- Reacquire
- Reactivate
- Read
- Readable
- Readapt
- Readily
- Readiness
- Reading
- Readjust
- Readmit
- Readopt
- Ready
- Ready-made
- Reaffirm
- Reaffirmation
- Real
- Realism
- Realistic
- Realistically
- Reality
- Realizability
- Realizable
- Realization
- Realize
- Realizer
- Realpolitik
- Reanimate
- Reap
- Reappoint
- Reason
- Reasonable
- Reasonableness
- Reasonably
- Reasoned
- Reasoner
- Reassemble
- Reassurance
- Reassure
- Reassuring
- Reassuringly
- Reasurance
- Reasurring
- Reauthorise
- Rebalance
- Rebate
- Rebirth
- Reborn
- Rebound
- Rebuild
- Receive
- Reception
- Receptive
- Recharge
- Recherche
- Recipient
- Reciprocal
- Reciprocate
- Reciprocity
- Reclaim
- Reclaimable
- Recognition
- Recognizable
- Recognize
- Recognized
- Recommend
- Recommendable
- Recommendation
- Recommendatory
- Recommended
- Recommender
- Reconcilable
- Reconcile
- Reconcilement
- Reconciler
- Reconciliation
- Reconciliatory
- Recondition
- Reconnect
- Reconsecrate
- Reconsecration
- Record
- Record-breaking
- Record-setting
- Recover
- Recoverable
- Recovery
- Recreate
- Recreation
- Re-creation
- Recreational
- Recreative
- Recruitable
- Recruited
- Rectifiable
- Rectification
- Rectify
- Rectifying
- Rectitude
- Recuperate
- Recuperating
- Recuperation
- Recuperative
- Recycle
- Redecorate
- Rededicate
- Redeem
- Redeemable
- Redeemer
- Redeeming
- Redemption
- Redevelop
- Rediscover
- Redivivus
- Redolent
- Redolently
- Redound
- Refine
- Refined
- Refinement
- Refiner
- Refinery
- Reflective
- Reform
- reformable
- Reformative
- Reformed
- Reformer
- Reforming
- Reforms
- Refresh
- Refreshed
- Refresher
- Refreshing
- Refreshingly
- Refreshment
- Refuge
- Refulgence
- Refulgent
- Refulgently
- Refund
- Refunded
- Refurbish
- Refurnish
- Regain
- Regal
- Regale
- Regalia
- Regality
- Regally
- Regard
- Regardable
- Regardful
- Regenerate
- Regnant
- Regular
- Rehab
- Rehabilitate
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitative
- Rehearsal
- Rehearse
- Rehire
- Rehome
- Rehouse
- Rehydrate
- Rehydrating
- Rehydration
- Reign
- Reigning
- Reignite
- Reiki
- Reimburse
- Reincarnate
- Reincarnation
- Reinstate
- Reinstatement
- Reinvent
- Reinvest
- Reinvigorate
- Reinvigorated
- Reinvigorating
- Rejoice
- Rejoicer
- Rejoicing
- Rejoicingly
- Rejoin
- Rejoinder
- Rejuvenate
- Rejuvenated
- Rejuvenating
- Rejuvenation
- Rejuvenator
- Rejuvenescence
- Rejuvenescent
- Rekindle
- Relate
- Relateable
- Relatedness
- Relationship
- Relax
- Relaxant
- Relaxation
- Relaxed
- Relaxedly
- Relaxedness
- Relaxer
- Relaxing
- Release
- Relent
- Relevant
- Relevantly
- Reliability
- Reliable
- Reliably
- Reliance
- Reliant
- Relief
- Relievable
- Relieve
- Relieved
- Relievedly
- Reliever
- Religion
- Religious
- Relish
- Rely
- Remarkable
- Remarkableness
- Remarkably
- Remarry
- Remaster
- Remediable
- Remedial
- Remedially
- Remediation
- Remedy
- Rememberance
- Remission
- Remissive
- Remnant
- Remodel
- Remorse
- Remorseful
- Remorsefully
- Remunerate
- Remuneration
- Remunerative
- Renaissance
- Renascence
- Renascent
- Render
- Renderer
- Rendering
- Renew
- Renewable
- Renewal
- Renewed
- Renovate
- Renovated
- Renown
- Renowned
- Repair
- Reparable
- Reparation
- Repartee
- Repay
- Repent
- Repentance
- Repentant
- Repenter
- Replaceable
- Replenish
- Replenisher
- Replenishment
- Replete
- Repose
- Reposte
- Represent
- Reprieve
- Reputable
- Reputation
- Resible
- Resilience
- Resiliency
- Resilient
- Resiliently
- Reskill
- Resoluble
- Resolute
- Resolutely
- Resolution
- Resolutive
- Resolve
- Resolved
- Resonant
- Resonate
- Resort
- Resound
- Resounding
- Resoundingly
- Resource
- Resourceful
- Resourcefulness
- Respect
- Respectable
- Respected
- Respectful
- Respectfully
- Resplendent
- Responsibility
- Responsible
- Responsibly
- Responsive
- Rest
- Rested
- Restful
- Restorative
- Restore
- Restored
- Restructure
- Restructured
- Restructuring
- Result
- Resurgence
- Resurgent
- resurrect
- Resurrection
- Resuscitate
- Retentive
- Retort
- Retrain
- Retrousse
- Reunify
- Reunion
- Reunite
- Revalidate
- Revealing
- Revealingly
- Revel
- Revelation
- Revelational
- Revelationist
- Revelatory
- Revenue
- Revere
- Revered
- Reverence
- Reverent
- Reverently
- Reverie
- Revitalize
- Revitalized
- Revitalizing
- Revival
- Revivalism
- Revive
- Reviveble
- Revived
- Reviver
- Revives
- Revivification
- Revivified
- Revivify
- Revivifying
- Revolutionary
- Revolutionize
- Revolutionized
- Revolutionizes
- Reward
- Rewardable
- Rewarding
- Rewardingly
- Rhapsodic
- Rhapsodist
- Rhapsodize
- Rhapsody
- Rhetoric
- Rhetorical
- Rhetorician
- Rhythmical
- Rhythmicity
- Rich
- Richen
- Richer
- Riches
- Richly
- Richness
- Right
- Rightable
- Righten
- Righteous
- Righteously
- Righteousness
- Righter
- Rightful
- Rightfully
- Right-hand-man
- Rightly
- Right-minded
- Right-mindedness
- Rightness
- Righto
- Right-on
- Right-thinking
- Righty-ho
- Rigorous
- Rigorously
- Rigorousness
- Riley
- Ringside-seat
- Riot
- Ripe
- Ripened
- Riposte
- Ripper
- Ripping
- Rippingly
- Rip-roaring
- Ripsnorter
- Rip-snorter
- Rip-snorting
- Ripsnortingly
- Rise
- Rishi
- Risible
- Risk-free
- Risk-taker
- Ritz
- Ritzily
- Ritziness
- Ritzy
- Rivet
- Riveting
- Rivetingly
- Roadholding
- Roadworthy
- Roar
- Roaring
- Roaringly
- Robust
- Robustly
- Robustness
- Rocaille
- Rock
- Rockstar
- Roister
- Role-model
- Rollick
- Rollicking
- Romance
- Romancer
- Romanic
- Romantic
- Romantically
- Romanticism
- Romanticist
- Romanticization
- Romanticize
- Romcom
- Romeo
- Romp
- Roomie
- Roomier
- Room-mate
- Roomy
- Rooted
- Rooter
- Rort
- Rorty
- Rosace
- Rosarian
- Rosarium
- Rose
- Roseate
- Rosebud
- Rose-coloured
- Rosette
- Rosetted
- Rosily
- Rosiness
- Rosy
- Rotarian
- Round
- Rounded
- Rouse
- Rousing
- Rousingly
- Royal
- Royally
- Royalty
- Rubescent
- Rubicon
- Ruby
- Ruddy
- Rude
- Rugged
- Ruggedly
- Ruggedness
- Ruler
- Ruling
- Ruminate
- Rush
- Rustic
- Rutilant
- Rythmically
Positive Words That Start With R to Describe a Person
If you love writing or reading then here you can have wide range of words starting with R to describe a person positively. These words will surely help you to enhance your writing and reading and will make your vocabulary better than before.
1. Racy
- Definition: lively and typically sexually titillating
- Synonyms: naughty, Juicy
- Example: Paul shocked the ladies with his racy stories.
2. Rad
- Definition: slang for an excellent person or thing
- Synonyms: cool, groovy
- Example: The brave man whose leg is injured is a rad.
3. Radiant
- Definition: shining or glowing brightly
- Synonyms: brilliant, glowing
- Example: She looks radiant in white silk dress.
4. Rambunctious
- Definition: marked by uncontrollable exuberance
- Synonyms: alert, clever
- Example: The classroom was filled with rambunctious young scholars.
5. Rapid
- Definition: happening in a short time or at a great rate
- Synonyms: quick, swift
- Example: This town has undergone a rapid change.
6. Rapture
- Definition: a feeling of intense pleasure or joy
- Synonyms: bliss, joy
- Example: She was in the seventh heaven of rapture.
7. Rational
- Definition: in accordance with reason or logic
- Synonyms: sensible, reasonable,
- Example: These physical discomforts rendered rational thought and remembrance near impossible.
8. Ravish
- Definition: fill (someone) with intense delight; enrapture.
- Synonyms: delight, spellbind
- Example: She could ravish anyone’s day without even thinking.
9. Reachable
- Definition: accessible or achievable
- Synonyms: convenient, within reach
- Example: The first floor is reachable by the external staircase.
10. Readable
- Definition: able to be read or deciphered
- Synonyms: understandable, comprehensible
- Example: The book is informative and highly readable.
Positive Words That Start With R to Encourage Yourself
If you are looking for some motivation for yourself, then take a look at these good words that start with R. They will surely help you in achieving your spark.
1. Ready
- Definition: in a suitable state for an action or situation
- Synonyms: prepared, organized, equipped
- Example: She was ready to help him with organizing the office.
2. Reaffirm
- Definition: state again very strongly
- Synonyms: claim, allege
- Example: These events reaffirm my belief in the need for better information.
3. Realistic
- Definition: having a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected
- Synonyms: practical, matter of fact
- Example: I thought we had a realistic chance to win.
4. Reality
- Definition: the state of things as they actually exist
- Synonyms: real life, actually
- Example: He is always ready to learn and face reality.
5. Realizable
- Definition: able to be achieved or made to happen
- Synonyms: workable, doable
- Example: He needs to define realizable targets.
6. Really
- Definition: in actual fact, as opposed to what is said or imagined to be true or possible
- Synonyms: in fact, reality
- Example: Do you really love her song?
7. Navigate
- Definition: to plan your course
- Synonyms: direct, guide
- Example: The better you navigate your life.
8. Reap
- Definition: Receive (something, especially something beneficial)
- Synonyms: gain, obtain,
- Example: You will reap what you have sown.
9. Reason
- Definition: a cause, explanation, or justification for an action
- Synonyms: cause, motive
- Example: If you reason out well, you might win.
10. Reasonable
- Definition: having sound judgment; fair and sensible
- Synonyms: decent, wise
- Example: No reasonable person could have objected.
Positive Words That Start With R to Compliment Others
Well, when you encourage people and compliment about their effort, this kind act always can bring happiness on their face. Here you will find some nice words that start with R that are used to make others feel happy, pleasure, and confident.
1. Reassurance
- Definition: the action of removing someone’s doubts or fears
- Synonyms: comforting, consoling
- Example: Children need reassurance and praise.
2. Reborn
- Definition: brought back to life or activity
- Synonyms: newborn, recreated
- Example: A reborn version of social democracy.
3. Receive
- Definition: be given, presented with, or paid (something)
- Synonyms: experience, gain
- Example: the band will receive a $100,000 advance.
4. Rebate
- Definition: a partial refund to someone for tax, rent, or a utility
- Synonyms: refund, discount
- Example: The scheme eases the move to the council tax by giving rebates in the first year.
5. Receptive
- Definition: accept new suggestions and ideas
- Synonyms: open minded, responsive
- Example: The goldfish’s vision is receptive.
6. Reciprocal
- Definition: given, felt, or done in return
- Synonyms: corresponding, return, requited
- Example: She was hoping for some reciprocal comment or gesture.
7. Reclaim
- Definition: retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given, or paid)
- Synonyms: claim back, recover, take back
- Example: The best part about Sally is that she knows how to reclaim her strengths.
8. Recognize
- Definition: the state of being recognized
- Synonyms: acknowledge, accept
- Example: It is easy to recognize true talent.
9. Recommend
- Definition: (put forward) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose
- Synonyms: endorse, approve
- Example: George did recommend some local architects once who were very skillful.
10. Reconcile
- Definition: restore friendly relations between
- Synonyms: harmonize, vital
- Example: The king and the archbishop were publicly reconciled.
Positive Words That Start With R to Help Through Difficulties
When you are passing through your difficult times and depression it is vital to get out of that painful phase. Here are some encouraging words that start with R.
1. Recover
- Definition: return to a normal state of health
- Synonyms: take back, redeem
- Example: The police was lucky enough to recover the stolen video.
2. Rectify
- Definition: convert (alternating current) to direct current
- Synonyms: sort out, correct
- Example: Even if you make a mistake, you can rectify it later.
3. Recuperative
- Definition: having the effect of restoring health or strength
- Synonyms: corrective, uplifting
- Example: To get the recuperative benefits of a vacation, you need time and, believe it or not, there are ways you can get it with the right mindset and strategies.
4. Redeem
- Definition: compensate for the faults or bad aspects of
- Synonyms: save, rescue
- Example: I got some solid reason to redeem my judgments.
5. Redemption
- Definition: the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil
- Synonyms: vindication, absolution
- Example: The peasants found the terms of redemption unattractive.
6. Refine
- Definition: with impurities or unwanted elements having been removed by processing
- Synonyms: pure, polished
- Example: Her voice was very refine and unique.
7. Reflective
- Definition: capable of reflecting light or other radiation
- Synonyms: yearning, nostalgic
- Example: The dark eyes wandered over her face in reflective silence.
8. Reform
- Definition: make changes in (something, especially an institution or practice) in order to improve it
- Synonyms: improved, better, refined, mend
- Example: Bill gates will reform the tax system.
9. Refresh
- Definition: give new strength or energy
- Synonyms: revive, restore
- Example: The speech helped refresh the audience.
10. Regal
- Definition: of, resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent or dignified
- Synonyms: majestic, impressive
- Example: She looked regal in that red grand dress.
Positive Words That Start With R to Uplift Our Mind
Sometimes when you feel so unhappy about yourself, especially on that particular time you need to read these motivational words that start with R. These positive words will amazingly uplift your mind and boost up your energy level.
1. Regard
- Definition: consider or think of in a specified way.
- Synonyms: consider, look on
- Example: She regarded London as her base.
2. Regular
- Definition: arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual instances.
- Synonyms: well ordered, systemic, structured
- Example: Plan the flags in regular intervals.
3. Rejoice
- Definition: feel or show great joy or delight
- Synonyms: happiness, pleasure
- Example: We should rejoice our success!
4. Rejuvenate
- Definition: give new energy or vigor
- Synonyms: freshen, renew
- Example: The exercise and fresh air will help rejuvenate you.
5. Relatedness
- Definition: the state or fact of being related or connected
- Synonyms: accordance, bearing
- Example: In nature, the obvious way is through genetic relatedness.
6. Relationship
- Definition: the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.
- Synonyms: connection, link, relation
- Example: The study will assess the relationshipbetween unemployment and political attitudes.
7. Relax
- Definition: make or become less tense or anxious
- Synonyms: ease, comfort
- Example: All you have to do is relax and things will fall into place.
8. Release
- Definition: allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free.
- Synonyms: free, let go
- Example: I can help you release all the negativity in your mind.
9. Relevant
- Definition: closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered
- Synonyms: applicable, apposite
- Example: What small companies need is relevant advice.
10. Reliable
- Definition: consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted
- Synonyms: authentic, well founded
- Example: You are my reliable friend.
List of Positive Words That Start With R to Keep Us Stay Positive
Positive words that start with R are really very helpful in your crucial times. These words can turn your mood happy instantly.
1. Religion
- Definition: a particular system of faith and worship
- Synonyms: faith, believe
- Example: Every religion has positivity in it.
2. Relish
- Definition: great enjoyment
- Synonyms: enjoy, adore
- Example: Be thankful and relish every moment of glory.
3. Remarkable
- Definition: worthy of attention
- Synonyms: extraordinary, exceptional
- Example: It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player.
4. Remedy
- Definition: a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury
- Synonyms: treatment, cure
- Example: I can suggest a great herbal remedy for pain.
5. Remission
- Definition: the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty.
- Synonyms: cancellation, revocation
- Example: The scheme allows for the partial remission of tuition fees.
6. Renovate
- Definition: restore (something old, especially a building) to a good state of repair
- Synonyms: restore, refurbish
- Example: It is time that you renovate your house to sell it at a higher price.
7. Renew
- Definition: resume (an activity) after an interruption.
- Synonyms: extend, prolong
- Example: Once we renew your contract, you can continue.
8. Represent
- Definition: be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity.
- Synonyms: stand for
- Example: She became the first woman to represent a South Wales mining valley.
9. Resolve
- Definition: settle or find a solution to (a problem or contentious matter
- Synonyms: settle, sort out
- Example: Once we resolve this issue, everything will be fine.
10. Rebound
- Definition: an increase in value, amount, or strength after a previous decline
- Synonyms: pickup, recover
- Example: They revealed a big rebound in profits for last year.
Commonly Used Positive Words That Start With R
The people whose vocabulary is not up to the mark can take help from the positive words that start with R. These words can be helpful in their routine life.
1. Respect
- Definition: a feeling of deep admiration for someone’s abilities, qualities, or achievements
- Synonyms: esteem, regard
- Example: The director has a lot of respect for employees.
2. Responsible
- Definition: having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one’s job or role
- Synonyms: accountable, answerable
- Example: A cabinet minister responsible for education.
3. Rest
- Definition: movement in order to relax, sleep, or recover strength
- Synonyms: relax, let up
- Example: She needed to rest after the feverish activity.
4. Restore
- Definition: the process of restoring a building, work of art
- Synonyms: fixing, mending,
- Example: The owner has decided to restore the building.
5. Restructure
- Definition: organize differently
- Synonyms: streamline, revamp
- Example: You need to make a plan to strengthen and restructure.
6. Reveal
- Definition: make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others
- Synonyms: disclose
- Example: Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie’s whereabouts.
7. Revere
- Definition: feel deep respect or admiration for (something).
- Synonyms: respect, admire
- Example: You should revere that old man for his efforts.
8. Reward
- Definition: a thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement
- Synonyms: prize, winnings
- Example: The holiday was a reward for 40 years’ service with the company.
9. Rise
- Definition: move from a lower position to a higher one
- Synonyms: get up, jump up
- Example: The strongest of us rise from our greatest downfalls.
10. Role
- Definition: an actor’s part in a play, film, etc
- Synonyms: part, character, title role
- Example The equipment will play a vital role in the fight against cancer.
Positive Words That Start with R for Attractive Resumes
A strong resume is an important tool for job searching. Therefore, it is very necessary that a resume must be very precise and attractive, which will enable the employer to know about your experience and skill. Positive words start with R can be very helpful to create a strong resume to get the job.
1. Rightful
- Definition: having a legitimate right to property, position, or status
- Synonyms: proper, lawful
- Example: They are determined to take their rightful place in a new South Africa.
2. Risk
- Definition: a situation involving exposure to danger
- Synonyms: possible chance, danger
- Example: If you don’t take risks in life, you cannot progress.
3. Roger
- Definition: your message has been received (used in radio communication)
- Synonyms: amen, agreed
- Example: Roger; we’ll be with you in about ten minutes.
4. Romance
- Definition: a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love
- Synonyms: love, passion
- Example: I had thrust for romance.
5. Runner
- Definition: a person that runs, especially in a specified way
- Synonyms: scout, agent
- Example: The runner up for the competition was elated.
6. Ruler
- Definition: a person exercising government or dominion
- Synonyms: leader, sovereign
- Example: Alexander was a great ruler.
7. Rumor
- Definition: a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth
- Synonyms: gossip, hearsay
- Example: Sometimes, a good rumor can be helpful in uplifting others.
8. Roomy
- Definition: (especially of accommodation) having plenty of room; spacious
- Synonyms: Sizeable, large
- Example: Her new apartment is very roomy.
9. Royalty
- Definition: people of royal blood or status
- Synonyms: Kingship, power, distinction
- Example: She swept by as if she were royalty.
10. Rich
- Definition: having a great deal of money or assets; wealthy
- Synonyms: wealthy, well off
- Example: The rich have power but also a big heart.
Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start With R
All these positive words starting with R are useful to raise your intellectual skill. If you want to improve your thoughts, this article can be very helpful. You cannot read this whole article at once, so you can read it partially and keep coming back to it. This will help you to improve your speaking skills and in-turn your communication skills will be enhanced. Practice a few each day.
Positive words that start with the letter R have mind blowing changes in your life. If you are really concerned to enhance your speaking skill, then you can read this article and share your knowledge with others. After reading this article, you will notice a remarkable difference in your vocabulary.
Ps. See also adjectives words that start with R, nouns that start with R and verbs that start with R.