130 Verbs That Start with G [with Definitions and Examples]

To make one’s conversations and writings unique and appealing, one should have a vast encyclopedia of verbs at one’s command, especially verbs that start with G. If you get hold of as many verbs starting with G as possible, you can build for yourself an impressive rapport among other speakers and writers.
An interesting fact about letter G is that it is the seventh letter of the ISO basic Latin alphabets and it was introduced in the Old Latin period as a variant of ‘C’ to distinguish voiced /ɡ/ from voiceless /k/.
It is a common phenomenon that we often channel our thoughts into words and when those words come out of our mouth, a public self-image is created for us in the minds of the addressees. To distinguish our image from rest of the images, we need to come up with a unique set of words. Same is the case with our use of verbs. More verbs we will have up our sleeve, better the chance of creating a resounding public self-image for ourselves. For starters, we can place the verbs beginning with G in that starter pack.
Now let’s jump into the vast encyclopedia of verbs which is not just limited to verbs that start with G to describe a person, place, or animate and inanimate object. Learning verbs that start with G will not just help us in building our vocabulary but will also make us stand apart from the rest.
Table of Contents
Verbs That Start with G You Always Use
Let’s start with some of the verbs starting with G that you use on a day-to-day basis both while speaking and writing. These are some of the verbs that start with G that you use regularly.
1. Go
- Definition: to travel or to move to another place
- Synonyms: travel, leave, depart, flee
- Example: Does this train go to Newcastle?
2. Get
- Definition: to obtain, buy, or earn something
- Synonyms: earn, obtain, receive
- Example: He went to the shop to get some milk.
3. Guess
- Definition: estimate or conclude something without sufficient information to be sure of being correct
- Synonyms: presume, predict, suppose
- Example: She asked me to guess her age.
4. Gift
- Definition: to present someone with a gift
- Synonyms: bestow, donate, award
- Example: Anna’s grandmother gifted her £10,000.
5. Group
- Definition: put into categories; classify
- Synonyms: arrange, assemble, associate
- Example: I grouped the children according to age.
6. Gain
- Definition: to get something that is useful, that gives you an advantage
- Synonyms: achieve, acquire, get, obtain
- Example: The mayor has gained a lot of support from the teacher’s union.
7. Grow
- Definition: to increase in size or amount, or to become more advanced or developed
- Synonyms: develop, flourish, thrive, mature
- Example: Children grow so quickly.
8. Generate
- Definition: to bring into existence; produce
- Synonyms: produce, form, make, bring about
- Example: A good diplomat generates good will.
9. Grab
- Definition: to seize suddenly or quickly
- Synonyms: take, capture, grasp
- Example: He grabbed me by the collar.
10. Gather
- Definition: to bring together into one group, collection, or place
- Synonyms: choose, pick up, accumulate
- Example: The College is gathering a faculty from all over the country.
Verbs That Start with G You Usually Use
Verbs are at the heart of sentences and clauses; they are indispensable to the formation of a complete thought. Following is a list of verbs starting with G that you usually use in our daily life.
1. Grill
- Definition: to cook food over fire or hot coals
- Synonyms: barbecue, roast, sear
- Example: Dad was grilling chicken in the back yard.
2. Guarantee
- Definition: to promise that something will happen or exist
- Synonyms: assure, affirm, certify, confirm
- Example: European Airlines guarantees its customers top-quality service.
3. Grade
- Definition: to give a score to a student’s piece of work
- Synonyms: value, rate, mark
- Example: I graded forty tests last night.
4. Glance
- Definition: to look quickly or briefly
- Synonyms: peak, gaze, browse, peep
- Example: He glanced up from his book as I passed.
5. Grieve
- Definition: to feel or express great sadness
- Synonyms: lament, cry, bemoan, weep
- Example: He is still grieving over his wife.
6. Gamble
- Definition: to play at any game of chance for money or other stakes
- Synonyms: bet, wager, challenge, dare
- Example: I like to gamble when I play cards.
7. Generalize
- Definition: to make a statement that relates to many people, things, or conditions especially when based on limited facts
- Synonyms: establish, derive, induce, postulate
- Example: You can’t generalize about a continent as varied as Africa.
8. Grind
- Definition: to reduce to fine particles, as by pounding or crushing
- Synonyms: compress, crush, crunch
- Example: Shall I grind a little black pepper over your salad?
9. Grin
- Definition: to smile broadly, especially as an indication of pleasure
- Synonyms: smirk, beam, smile
- Example: He grinned at me from the doorway.
10. Gaze
- Definition: to look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity
- Synonyms: peek, ogle, gawk, watch
- Example: Annette gazed admiringly at Warren as he spoke.
Verbs That Start with G You Often Use
Verbs are very important for language development. They also enhance people’s overall expressive language. Below is a list of verbs starting with G that we use more often compared to others to express our thoughts.
1. Google
- Definition: to search the internet for information about a person, or topic
- Synonyms: look up, search, explore
- Example: We googled the new applicant to check her background.
2. Gasp
- Definition: a sudden, short intake of breath, as in shock or surprise
- Synonyms: choke, snort, retch
- Example: “Help me!” he gasped.
3. Gear
- Definition: to make something ready or suitable for a particular purpose
- Synonyms: adapt, adjust, suit, blend
- Example: Our program is geared to the needs of children.
4. Grip
- Definition: to grasp or seize firmly
- Synonyms: clutch, clasp, clench
- Example: The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.
5. Glue
- Definition: to join things together using glue
- Synonyms: cement, paste, stick
- Example: Is it worth trying to glue this plate back together?
6. Grace
- Definition: to lend or add grace to
- Synonyms: dignify, distinguish, elevate
- Example: Many fine paintings graced the rooms of the house.
7. Groom
- Definition: to clean yourself or an animal
- Synonyms: brush, clean, comb
- Example: Polly spends hours in the stables grooming her pony.
8. Grasp
- Definition: to quickly take something in your hands and hold it firmly
- Synonyms: clutch, grip, catch, hook
- Example: Rosie suddenly grasped my hand.
9. Gesture
- Definition: to use a gesture to express or emphasize something
- Synonyms: signal, wave, action
- Example: She gestured meaningfully with the pistol.
10. Giggle
- Definition: to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way
- Synonyms: cackle, chuckle, snicker, titter
- Example: Stop that giggling in the back row!
Verbs That Start with G You Sometimes Use
In both verbal and written communications, some verbs are used more than the others. Following is a list of verbs starting with G that we don’t use with that much regularity in our daily lives.
1. Grunt
- Definition: to make a low, rough noise
- Synonyms: groan, cry, squawk, squeak
- Example: The pigs were grunting contentedly as they ate their food.
2. Gulp
- Definition: to swallow eagerly, or in large drafts or morsels
- Synonyms: consume, swallow, englut
- Example: She gulped down her drink and made a hasty exit.
3. Gut
- Definition: to destroy the interior of
- Synonyms: decimate, ransack, ravage
- Example: Fire gutted the building.
4. Govern
- Definition: to control and direct the public business of a country, city, or group of people
- Synonyms: administer, control, supervise, dictate
- Example: The country has been governed by military regimes.
5. Gobble
- Definition: to eat food too fast
- Synonyms: devour, gulp, swallow
- Example: She gobbled her dinner down.
6. Gag
- Definition: to restrain by force or authority from freedom of speech
- Synonyms: constrain, suppress, curb, repress
- Example: The media has obviously been gagged because nothing has been reported.
7. Gush
- Definition: to flow or send out quickly and in large amounts
- Synonyms: cascade, spew, spout, burst
- Example: Blood was gushing from his nose.
8. Glide
- Definition: to move easily without any effort
- Synonyms: sail, skate, soar
- Example: She came gliding gracefully into the ballroom in a long, flowing gown.
9. Glamorize
- Definition: to make something seem better than it is and therefore more attractive
- Synonyms: beautify, adorn, idealize, prettify
- Example: The ad glamorized life in the army.
10. Gossip
- Definition: to talk about other people’s private lives
- Synonyms: blab, babble, tattle, chat
- Example: People have started to gossip about us.
Verbs That Start with G You Occasionally Use
There are certain verbs that we only use in a specific situation to a specific person. These are some of the verbs beginning with G that are occasionally used in our writing and communication.
1. Gabble
- Definition: to speak quickly and not clearly so that it is difficult to understand
- Synonyms: jibber, blab, babble
- Example: Gina, as usual, was gabbling away on the phone.
2. Gallop
- Definition: to run rapidly by leaps
- Synonyms: dart, dash, canter, hasten
- Example: We galloped through the woods.
3. Gargle
- Definition: to wash or rinse the throat or mouth with a liquid
- Synonyms: irrigate, swish, mouthwash
- Example: The salt does one’s throat good when one gargles.
4. Gloat
- Definition: dwell on one’s own success or another’s misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure
- Synonyms: rejoice, exult, celebrate, whoop
- Example: She’s continually gloating over her new job.
5. Gnaw
- Definition: to bite or chew something repeatedly
- Synonyms: chomp, eat, consume
- Example: Babies like to gnaw hard objects when they’re teething.
6. Grapple
- Definition: to hold someone while fighting with him or her
- Synonyms: attack, claw, wrestle
- Example: He briefly grappled with the police officer.
7. Grimace
- Definition: to make an expression of pain or strong dislike
- Synonyms: contort, distort, frown, scowl
- Example: He tried to stand and grimaced with pain.
8. Garner
- Definition: to collect something, usually after much work or with difficulty
- Synonyms: amass, pick up, gather, accumulate
- Example: Coppola garnered several Oscar awards for “The Godfather”.
9. Globalize
- Definition: to make something become generally accepted all over the world
- Synonyms: popularize, internationalize
- Example: Markets are being increasingly globalized.
10. Grease
- Definition: to put grease or oil on something
- Synonyms: anoint, oil, butter
- Example: Grease the tins well before adding the cake mixture.
Verbs That Start with G You Seldom Use
There are a lot of verbs that we don’t come across too often. Following is a list of verbs starting with G that are very seldom used in sentences and clauses that we utter and write.
1. Garble
- Definition: to make words or messages unclear and difficult to understand
- Synonyms: confuse, misquote, misinterpret
- Example: It’s bad when phones garble conversations.
2. Galvanize
- Definition: to cause someone to suddenly take action
- Synonyms: arouse, astonish, excite, motivate
- Example: Western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people.
3. Gesticulate
- Definition: to make or use gestures, especially in an animated or excited manner
- Synonyms: gesture, motion, signal
- Example: There was a man outside the window gesticulating wildly.
4. Gape
- Definition: to look in great surprise at someone or something
- Synonyms: glare, gloat, stare
- Example: They stood gaping at the pig in the kitchen.
5. Gawk
- Definition: to look at something or someone in a stupid or rude way
- Synonyms: glare, ogle, goggle
- Example: Don’t sit there gawking like that – give me a hand!
6. Gibe
- Definition: to utter mocking or scoffing words
- Synonyms: mock, ridicule, taunt, scoff
- Example: Michael began to gibe at his cowardice.
7. Glean
- Definition: to collect information in small amounts and often with difficulty
- Synonyms: deduce, extract, garner
- Example: From what I was able to glean, the news isn’t good.
8. Glisten
- Definition: to shine by reflecting light from a wet or smooth surface
- Synonyms: flicker, gleam, sparkle
- Example: His eyes glistened with tears.
9. Grovel
- Definition: to abase or demean oneself
- Synonyms: beseech, fawn, cringe
- Example: I’ll apologize, but I won’t grovel just because I made a mistake.
10. Gouge
- Definition: to dig or cut into something in a rough or violent way
- Synonyms: burrow, dig, claw, cut
- Example: A symbol was gouged into the surface of the wood.
Verbs That Start with G You Rarely Use
There are some verbs that are very rare and are used to a minimal extent in our daily lives. By going through the list given below, confirm it for yourself how many of these verbs starting with G have you heard of?
1. Gainsay
- Definition: to refuse to accept something as the truth
- Synonyms: combat, contravene, disprove
- Example: Certainly there’s no gainsaying the technical brilliance of his performance.
2. Gambol
- Definition: to run and jump in a happy way
- Synonyms: frolic, frisk, hop, jump
- Example: Lambs were gamboling around in the spring sunshine.
3. Garrote
- Definition: to kill someone by putting a metal wire or collar around their neck and pulling it
- Synonyms: assassinate, execute, kill
- Example: He had been garroted with piano wire.
4. Gerrymander
- Definition: manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class
- Synonyms: falsify, rig, manipulate, doctor
- Example: The government dropped plans to gerrymander rural constituencies.
5. Gestate
- Definition: to think of and develop an idea slowly in the mind
- Synonyms: conceive, conceptualize, believe
- Example: The subconscious mind needs time to gestate the work.
6. Grubstake
- Definition: to give money to someone to start a new business in return for part of its profits
- Synonyms: back, bank, fund
- Example: If he grubstaked her she would be willing to go fifty-fifty on the book.
7. Grouse
- Definition: to complain angrily
- Synonyms: grumble, complain, protest
- Example: She’s always grousing about how she’s been treated by the management.
8. Genuflect
- Definition: to bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor in reverence or worship
- Synonyms: bow, stoop, kneel
- Example: People were genuflecting in front of the altar.
9. Gyrate
- Definition: to move in a circle or spiral, or around a fixed point
- Synonyms: rotate, revolve, circle
- Example: A line of male dancers gyrated to the music.
10. Guillotine
- Definition: to cut someone’s head off using a guillotine
- Synonyms: decapitate, behead, execute
- Example: During the French Revolution, thousands of people were guillotined.
Positive Verbs That Start with G
There are some positive verbs that both carry and spread positivity and also describe your skills, results, and accomplishments. These are some of the positive verbs that start with G that you should have at your disposal.
1. Garden
- Definition: to take care of a garden, as planting seeds and watering the plants
- Synonyms: farm, plant, cultivate
- Example: You’ve probably never gardened in your life.
2. Gad
- Definition: to go from place to place in the pursuit of pleasure
- Synonyms: gallivant, roam, rove, wander
- Example: Don’t think you’ll keep me here while you gad about.
3. Grant
- Definition: to give or allow someone something,
- Synonyms: contribute, donate, gift
- Example: He was granted asylum.
4. Give
- Definition: to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation
- Synonyms: award, donate, provide
- Example: We always try to give to charity.
5. Glorify
- Definition: to honor with praise, admiration, or worship
- Synonyms: commend, honor, acclaim, dignify
- Example: A statue was erected to glorify the country’s national heroes.
6. Glow
- Definition: to look attractive because you are happy or healthy
- Synonyms: brighten, illuminate, glitter
- Example: The children’s faces were glowing with excitement.
7. Graduate
- Definition: to complete a first university degree successfully
- Synonyms: finish, certify, be commissioned
- Example: After he graduated from high school, he joined the Army.
8. Greet
- Definition: to address with some form of salutation
- Synonyms: welcome, receive, salute, address
- Example: The teacher greeted each child with a friendly “Hello!”
9. Guide
- Definition: to show someone how to do something
- Synonyms: advise, instruct, steer
- Example: He guided us around the city.
10. Guard
- Definition: to keep safe from harm or danger
- Synonyms: protect, defend, safeguard
- Example: A brother guards his sister from all dangers.
Verbs That Start with G – Full List (130 words)
- Gab
- Gad
- Gag
- Gain
- Gallivant
- Gallop
- Galvanize
- Gamble
- Game
- Gang
- Gangrene
- Gape
- Garb
- Garble
- Garden
- Gargle
- Garland
- Garner
- Garnish
- Garrote
- Gash
- Gasp
- Gather
- Gauge
- Gawk
- Gear
- Geld
- Generalize
- Generate
- Gentle
- Germinate
- Gesticulate
- Gesture
- Get
- Ghost
- Gift
- Giggle
- Gild
- Gin
- Ginger
- Gird
- Give
- Glad
- Gladden
- Glad-hand
- Glamorize
- Glamour
- Glance
- Glare
- Glaze
- Gleam
- Glean
- Glide
- Glimmer
- Glimpse
- Glisten
- Glister
- Glitter
- Gloat
- Globalize
- Glorify
- Glory
- Gloss
- Glove
- Glow
- Glue
- Gnash
- Gnaw
- Go
- Goad
- Gobble
- Gossip
- Gouge
- Govern
- Grab
- Grace
- Grade
- Graduate
- Graft
- Grain
- Grant
- Granulate
- Grapple
- Grasp
- Grass
- Grate
- Gratify
- Gravel
- Gravitate
- Graze
- Grease
- Greet
- Grieve
- Grill
- Grimace
- Grin
- Grind
- Grip
- Grit
- Groan
- Grok
- Groom
- Groove
- Grope
- Ground
- Group
- Grouse
- Grovel
- Grow
- Grub
- Grubstake
- Grumble
- Grunt
- Guarantee
- Guard
- Guerdon
- Guess
- Guest
- Guffaw
- Guide
- Guillotine
- Gulp
- Gun
- Gurgle
- Gush
- Gussy
- Gut
- Guzzle
- Gyrate
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with G
It is hoped that you would have learnt something new about the use of verbs while reading this article. There is a never-ending list of verbs and new verbs are being added to it every now and then. By having a large reservoir of verbs at your disposal, you can bring terseness and compactness in your speech and writing which will indirectly build an impressive public self-image for you in the eyes of your audience. There are a number of verbs that start with G that can help you achieve that output. By inserting such verbs beginning with G in the phrases, clauses and sentences you utter will bring you great success.
Ps. See also positive words that start with G, adjectives that start with G and nouns that start with G.