250 Verbs That Start with S [with Definitions and Examples]

Verbs that start with S are very useful, and so we have included them in this article. Without verbs, it is barely possible for the English language to function properly. There are numerous verbs starting with S, and you can learn some of them by reading this article.
In order to make sense of something, it is important to use not just verbs beginning with S but any verbs in general. Verbs that start with S are quite useful, and knowing more of them will help to expand your vocabulary. Knowing these verbs that start with S is so important because of the fact that not only do they hold significance but also can describe a person.
In this article, the list of verbs that start with S will help you in the long run and will come in handy too. Moreover, you can use these verbs that start with S to describe a person.
Table of Contents
Verbs That Start with S You Always Use
Verbs that start with S are used literally everywhere and by everyone. Among hundreds of verbs that you come across daily, these are some which are known by almost everyone.
1. Say
- Definition: utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, a feeling or intention, or an instruction
- Synonyms: speak, utter, voice
- Example: ‘Thank you,’ he said.
2. Sit
- Definition: adapt or be in a position in which one’s weight is supported by one’s buttocks rather than one’s feet and one’s back is upright
- Synonyms: take a seat, perch
- Example: I sat next to him at dinner.
3. See
- Definition: perceive with the eyes; discern visually
- Synonyms: discern, perceive
- Example: In the distance, she could see the blue sea.
4. Sell
- Definition: give or hand over (something) in exchange for money
- Synonyms: vend, exchange
- Example: They had sold the car.
5. Set
- Definition: put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position
- Synonyms: put, place
- Example: Delaney set the mug of tea down.
6. Send
- Definition: cause to go or be taken to a particular destination; arrange for the delivery of, especially by post
- Synonyms: dispatch, mail
- Example: We sent a reminder letter but received no reply.
7. Show
- Definition: put on display in an exhibition or competition
- Synonyms: display, exhibit
- Example: He ceased early in his career to show his work.
8. Speak
- Definition: say something in order to convey information or to express a feeling
- Synonyms: talk, utter, tell
- Example: In his agitation, he was unable to speak.
9. Slice
- Definition: cut (something, especially food) into slices
- Synonyms: cut, carve
- Example: I was told to slice the onion into rings.
10. Sleep
- Definition: be in a state of sleep; be asleep
- Synonyms: doze, rest
- Example: She slept for half an hour.
Verbs That Start with S You Usually Use
These are some verbs starting with S that you usually use and are most probably familiar with. But this list will surely make it easier for you to find them if needed.
1. Sew
- Definition: join, fasten, or repair (something) by making stitches with a needle and thread or a sewing machine
- Synonyms: stitch, embroider
- Example: She sewed the seams and hemmed the border.
2. Scan
- Definition: look at all parts of (something) carefully in order to detect some feature
- Synonyms: study, examine
- Example: He raised his binoculars to scan the coast.
3. Sing
- Definition: make musical sounds with the voice, especially words with a set tune
- Synonyms: chant, intone
- Example: Bella sang to the baby.
4. Sight
- Definition: manage to see or observe (someone or something); catch an initial glimpse of
- Synonyms: glimpse, see
- Example: Tell me when you sight London Bridge.
5. Select
- Definition: carefully choose as being the best or most suitable
- Synonyms: choose, pick
- Example: Children must select their GCSE subjects.
6. Seek
- Definition: ask for (something) from someone
- Synonyms: request, solicit
- Example: He sought help from the police.
7. Shoot
- Definition: kill or wound (a person or animal) with a bullet or arrow
- Synonyms: hit, injure
- Example: He was shot in the leg during an armed robbery.
8. Shape
- Definition: give a particular shape or form to
- Synonyms: form, fashion, make
- Example: Most caves are shaped by the flow of water through limestone.
9. Seem
- Definition: give the impression of being something or having a particular quality
- Synonyms: appear, look
- Example: Dawn seemed annoyed.
10. Shift
- Definition: move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance
- Synonyms: move, carry, transfer
- Example: A team from the power company came to shift the cables away from the house.
Verbs That Start with S You Often Use
There are some verbs that are not so commonly used but are used often. This section contains such verbs starting with S, which are often used, and you might already know some.
1. Shave
- Definition: (of a man) cut the hair off the face with a razor
- Synonyms: crop, trim
- Example: He washed, shaved, and had breakfast.
2. Serve
- Definition: perform duties or services for (another person or an organization)
- Synonyms: obey, assist
- Example: Malcolm has served the church very faithfully.
3. Slit
- Definition: make a long, narrow cut in
- Synonyms: cut, slash
- Example: Give me the truth or I will slit your throat.
4. Slope
- Definition: (of a surface or line) be inclined from a horizontal or vertical line; slant up or down
- Synonyms: slant, incline
- Example: The garden sloped down to a stream.
5. Slay
- Definition: kill (a person or animal) in a violent way
- Synonyms: kill, murder
- Example: St George slew the dragon.
6. Skip
- Definition: move along lightly, stepping from one foot to the other with a hop or bounce
- Synonyms: caper, prance
- Example: She began to skip down the path.
7. Separate
- Definition: cause to move or be apart
- Synonyms: part, slip
- Example: Both owners were trying to separate the dogs.
8. Search
- Definition: try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly
- Synonyms: hunt, look, explore
- Example: I searched among the rocks, but there was nothing.
9. Smell
- Definition: perceive or detect the odor or scent of (something)
- Synonyms: scent, aroma, whiff
- Example: I think I can smell something burning.
10. Scream
- Definition: give a long, loud, piercing cry or cries expressing extreme emotion or pain
- Synonyms: screech, yell
- Example: They could hear him screaming in pain.
Verbs That Start with S You Sometimes Use
Not all words are equally as frequently used as others and so you may or may not know these verbs beginning with S that are sometimes used. Keep reading to check for yourself.
1. Shout
- Definition: (of a person) utter a loud cry, typically as an expression of a strong emotion
- Synonyms: yell, cry
- Example: She shouted for joy.
2. Shatter
- Definition: upset (someone) greatly
- Synonyms: shock, devastate
- Example: Everyone was shattered by the news.
3. Smash
- Definition: violently break (something) into pieces
- Synonyms: break, shatter
- Example: The thief smashed a window to get into the car.
4. Slant
- Definition: slope or lean in a particular direction; diverge or cause to diverge from the vertical or horizontal
- Synonyms: slop, tilt
- Example: A plowed field slanted up to the skyline.
5. Sink
- Definition: (of a ship) go to the bottom of the sea or some other body of water because of damage or a collision
- Synonyms: founder, submerge
- Example: The trawler sank with the loss of all six crew.
6. Shower
- Definition: (of a mass of small things) fall or be thrown in a shower
- Synonyms: rain, fall, drizzle
- Example: Bits of broken glass showered over me.
7. Shake
- Definition: (of a structure or area of land) tremble or vibrate
- Synonyms: vibrate, tremble
- Example: Buildings shook in Sacramento, and tremors were felt in Reno.
8. Shelve
- Definition: decide not to proceed with (a project or plan), either temporarily or permanently
- Synonyms: stay, suspend
- Example: Plans to reopen the school have been shelved.
9. Shove
- Definition: push (someone or something) roughly
- Synonyms: push, thrust
- Example: They started shoving people out of the way.
10. Shampoo
- Definition: wash or clean (something, especially the hair) with shampoo
- Synonyms: bath, cleanse
- Example: Dolly was sitting in the bath, shampooing her hair.
Verbs That Start with S You Occasionally Use
We surely come across some new words once in a while reading, right? In this list below are some verb words that start with S, which are occasionally used.
1. Shuffle
- Definition: walk by dragging one’s feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground
- Synonyms: shamble, stumble
- Example: I stepped into my skis and shuffled to the edge of the steep slope.
2. Smear
- Definition: coat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance
- Synonyms: smudge, stain
- Example: His face was smeared with dirt.
3. Scratch
- Definition: score or mark the surface of (something) with a sharp or pointed object
- Synonyms: score, scrape
- Example: The car’s paintwork was battered and scratched.
4. Saddle
- Definition: burden (someone) with an onerous responsibility or task
- Synonyms: burden, encumber
- Example: He’s saddled with debts of $12 million.
5. Shun
- Definition: persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution
- Synonyms: avoid, evade
- Example: He shunned fashionable society.
6. Smelt
- Definition: extract (metal) from its ore by a process involving heating and melting
- Synonyms: melt, purify
- Example: The ores are smelted in a blast furnace.
7. Slash
- Definition: cut with a wide, sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword
- Synonyms: gash, slit
- Example: For what felt like hours, we climbed behind the trackers slashing the undergrowth ahead.
8. Shrug
- Definition: dismiss something as unimportant
- Synonyms: disregard, dismiss
- Example: The managing director shrugged off the criticism.
9. Shed
- Definition: (of a tree or other plant) allow (leaves or fruit) to fall to the ground
- Synonyms: cast, mold
- Example: Both varieties shed leaves in winter.
10. Seize
- Definition: take hold of suddenly and forcibly
- Synonyms: grab, grasp
- Example: She jumped up and seized his arm.
Verbs That Start with S You Seldom Use
These words are not so commonly used, and so you will surely come across some new verbs here. Keep reading to find some new verbs that start with the letter S.
1. Shunt
- Definition: push or pull (a train or part of a train) from the mainline to a siding or from one line of rails to another
- Synonyms: avert, deviate
- Example: Their train had been shunted into a siding.
2. Shudder
- Definition: (of a person) tremble convulsively, typically as a result of fear or revulsion
- Synonyms: shake, shiver
- Example: She still shuddered at the thought of him.
3. Sever
- Definition: divide by cutting or slicing, especially suddenly and forcibly
- Synonyms: cut off, cleave
- Example: The head was severed from the body.
4. Scoff
- Definition: speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way
- Synonyms: mock, deride
- Example: Patrick professed to scoff at soppy love scenes in films.
5. Scrunch
- Definition: crush or squeeze (something) into a compact mass
- Synonyms: crush, rumple
- Example: Flora scrunched the handkerchief into a ball.
6. Scrabble
- Definition: scratch or grope around with one’s fingers to find, collect, or hold on to something
- Synonyms: scratch, grope
- Example: She scrabbled at the grassy slope, desperate for purchase.
7. Slacken
- Definition: make or become slack
- Synonyms: loosen, relax
- Example: He slackened his grip.
8. Sear
- Definition: burn or scorch the surface of (something) with a sudden, intense heat
- Synonyms: scorch, burn
- Example: The water got so hot that it seared our lips.
9. Seep
- Definition: (of a liquid) flow or leak slowly through a porous material or small holes
- Synonyms: ooze, exude
- Example: Water began to seep through the soles of his boots.
10. Scurry
- Definition: (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps
- Synonyms: scamper, scuttle
- Example: The mouse scurried across the floor.
Verbs That Start with S You Rarely Use
Our brain isn’t a dictionary, and so it is likely that we don’t know all the words that exist. These are some S-verbs that might be new to you as they are rarely used.
1. Scintillate
- Definition: emit flashes of light
- Synonyms: sparkle, shine
- Example: The sleek boat seemed to scintillate with a dark blue light.
2. Superannuate
- Definition: retire (someone) with a pension
- Synonyms: retired, pensioned
- Example: His pilot’s license was withdrawn, and he was superannuated.
3. Scrimp
- Definition: be thrifty or parsimonious
- Synonyms: economize, skimp
- Example: I have scrimped and saved to give you a good education.
4. Scrutinize
- Definition: examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
- Synonyms: inspect, survey
- Example: Customers were warned to scrutinize the small print.
5. Skulk
- Definition: move stealthily or furtively
- Synonyms: lurk, hide
- Example: He spent most of his time skulking about the corridors.
6. Skirmish
- Definition: engage in a skirmish
- Synonyms: fight, combat
- Example: The two powers have fought three major wars and have skirmished continually.
7. Scrawl
- Definition: write (something) in a hurried, careless way
- Synonyms: scribble, doodle
- Example: Charlie scrawled his signature.
8. Slabber
- Definition: dribble at the mouth
- Synonyms: slaver, splatter
- Example: He was slabbering like a child.
9. Slake
- Definition: quench or satisfy (one’s thirst)
- Synonyms: quench, satisfy
- Example: Slake your thirst with a glass of lemon water.
10. Shrivel
- Definition: wrinkle and contract or cause to wrinkle and contract, especially due to loss of moisture
- Synonyms: wither, wrinkle
- Example: The flowers simply shriveled up.
Positive Verbs That Start with S
Positive verbs that start with S can be quite useful when it comes to cheering ourselves up. So here are some verbs that can possibly help you feel better and can increase your vocabulary at the same time.
1. Salute
- Definition: show or express admiration and respect for
- Synonyms: honor, recognize
- Example: We salute a truly great photographer.
2. Smile
- Definition: form one’s features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed
- Synonyms: grin, beam
- Example: She was smiling broadly.
3. Save
- Definition: keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger
- Synonyms: rescue, liberate
- Example: They brought him in to help save the club from bankruptcy.
4. Sport
- Definition: play in a lively, energetic way
- Synonyms: play, caper
- Example: The children sported in the water.
5. Satisfy
- Definition: meet the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone)
- Synonyms: please, content
- Example: I have always been satisfied with my job.
6. Sparkle
- Definition: be vivacious and witty
- Synonyms: brilliant, dazzling
- Example: After a glass of wine, she began to sparkle.
7. Shine
- Definition: (of a person’s eyes) be bright with emotion
- Synonyms: glowing, beaming
- Example: Her eyes shone as she spoke about family values.
8. Secure
- Definition: protect against threats
- Synonyms: protect, strengthen
- Example: The government is concerned to secure the economy against too much foreign ownership.
9. Settle
- Definition: resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem)
- Synonyms: resolve, sort out
- Example: The unions have settled their year-long dispute with Hollywood producers.
10. Support
- Definition: give assistance to, especially financially
- Synonyms: help, aid
- Example: The government gives £2,500 million a year to support the voluntary sector.
Verbs That Start with S – Full List (250 words)
- Sabotage
- Sacrifice
- Sag
- Sail
- Saint
- Salute
- Sanctify
- Sanction
- Satirize
- Satisfy
- Saunter
- Save
- Savor
- Savvy
- Saw
- Say
- Scald
- Scale
- Scamper
- Scandalize
- Scare
- Scintillate
- Scold
- Scoop
- Score
- Scowl
- Scrabble
- Scramble
- Scrap
- Scrape
- Scratch
- Scrawl
- Scream
- Screech
- Screw
- Scribble
- Script
- Scrub
- Scrutinize
- Sculp
- Search
- Season
- Seat
- Secularize
- Secure
- Seduce
- See
- Seize
- Select
- Sell
- Send
- Sense
- Sensitize
- Sensualize
- Sentence
- Sentinel
- Separate
- Serve
- Service
- Set
- Sew
- Shake
- Shape
- Share
- Sharpen
- Shatter
- Shave
- Shear
- Shed
- Shelter
- Shift
- Shine
- Ship
- Shiver
- Shock
- Shoe
- Shoot
- Shop
- Shorten
- Shout
- Shove
- Shovel
- Show
- Shred
- Shrink
- Shrivel
- Shrug
- Shudder
- Shuffle
- Shut
- Sight
- Sign
- Signal
- Signify
- Simplify
- Sinew
- Sing
- Sink
- Sire
- Sister
- Sit
- Size
- Sizzle
- Skate
- Ski
- Skid
- Skill
- Skylark
- Slam
- Slaughter
- Sleek
- Sleep
- Slick
- Slide
- Slip
- Slit
- Slow
- Smack
- Smash
- Smear
- Smell
- Smile
- Smoke
- Smooth
- Snap
- Snivel
- Snow
- Snug
- Snuggle
- Soar
- Socialize
- Solemnize
- Solve
- Soothe
- Sophisticate
- Sort
- Sound
- Soup
- Sovietize
- Sow
- Spark
- Sparkle
- Spatialize
- Speak
- Specialize
- Speed
- Spell
- Spend
- Spice
- Spill
- Spin
- Spirit
- Spiritualize
- Spit
- Split
- Spoil
- Sponsor
- Sport
- Spot
- Sprain
- Spray
- Spread
- Spring
- Sprout
- Spruce
- Square
- Squat
- Squeeze
- Squint
- Squire
- Stabilize
- Stable
- Stamp
- Stand
- Standardize
- Star
- Start
- State
- Stave
- Stay
- Steady
- Steal
- Stem
- Step
- Sterilize
- Steward
- Stick
- Stigmatize
- Stimulate
- Sting
- Stink
- Stir
- Stitch
- Stop
- Store
- Strengthen
- Stress
- Strew
- Strike
- String
- Strip
- Strive
- Struggle
- Strum
- Strut
- Study
- Stumble
- Stun
- Style
- Stylize
- Sublime
- Submit
- Subsidize
- Substitute
- Succeed
- Suffer
- Suffice
- Sugar
- Suggest
- Suit
- Summarize
- Supervize
- Supple
- Supply
- Support
- Suppose
- Surpass
- Surprise
- Surrender
- Surround
- Survey
- Survive
- Suspect
- Suspend
- Sustain
- Swallow
- Swank
- Swap
- Sway
- Swear
- Sweat
- Sweep
- Sweeten
- Swell
- Swim
- Swing
- Symbolize
- Sympathize
- Synchronize
- Synthesize
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with S
Congratulations on finishing this article. So did you come across some new verbs or not? I am confident that you surely did. These are some verbs starting with S, but of course not all. It is fascinating how many verbs beginning with S there are, but not many are aware of all of them. If you memorize these verbs, I am sure you will be able to improve your English skills drastically.
Keep on reading this article, and you will surely be able to expand your vocabulary and excel in your writing skills. Hope you found this article containing verbs that start with S helpful.
Ps. See also positive words that start with S, adjectives that start with S and nouns that start with S.