400 Adjectives That Start with G | List with Definitions and Examples

Adjectives that start with G will be listed below. In learning English, noun is something that names a person, place or thing. Further to describe nouns; we use adjectives, or called descriptive words.
For example, if you say “Anna is a girl”, then what kind of girl is she? We can simply answer all these questions with adjectives starting with G like generous or good-looking.
Descriptive words that start with G are very useful in daily life. That is why we prepared this list. Keep on reading below adjectives beginning with G to improve vocabulary and English skills.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with G – Full List (400 words)
Keeping the following list in hand is your first step to learn adjectives starting with G. Then spare time to learn these G adjectives list over every day, soon you’ll see an improvement of your English.
- Gabby
- Gabled
- Gabonese
- Gaelic
- Gaga
- Gainful
- Gainly
- Galactic
- Galilaean
- Galilean
- Gallant
- Gallic
- Gallican
- Gallinaceous
- Galling
- Galore
- Galvanic
- Galvanising
- Galwegian
- Gambian
- Game
- Game-changing
- Gamey
- Gammy
- Gamopetalous
- Gamy
- Gandhian
- Gangling
- Gangly
- Gangrenous
- Gaping
- Gap-toothed
- Garbed
- Garbled
- Gardant
- Gargantuan
- Garish
- Garlicky
- Garmented
- Garmentless
- Garrulous
- Gaseous
- Gasified
- Gasping
- Gassy
- Gastric
- Gastroduodenal
- Gastroesophageal
- Gastrointestinal
- Gastronomic
- Gastronomical
- Gathered
- Gauche
- Gaudy
- Gauguinesque
- Gaumless
- Gaunt
- Gauntleted
- Gaussian
- Gauzy
- Gawky
- Gay
- Gelatinlike
- Gelatinous
- Gelded
- Gelid
- Gemmed
- Gemmiferous
- General
- Generalised
- General-purpose
- Generational
- Generative
- Generic
- Generous
- Genetic
- Genetical
- Genial
- Genic
- Geniculate
- Genital
- Genitals
- Genitival
- Genitive
- Genitourinary
- Genoese
- Genotypic
- Genotypical
- Genovese
- Genteel
- Gentile
- Gentle
- Gentlemanlike
- Gentlemanly
- Gentler
- Genuine
- Geocentric
- Geodesic
- Geodesical
- Geodetic
- Geographic
- Geographical
- Geologic
- Geological
- Geometric
- Geometrical
- Geophysical
- Geophytic
- Geopolitical
- Georgian
- Geostationary
- Geostrategic
- Geothermal
- Geothermic
- Geriatric
- German
- Germane
- Germanic
- Germfree
- Germinal
- Germy
- Gerundial
- Gestural
- Getable
- Getatable
- Gettable
- Ghanaian
- Ghanese
- Ghanian
- Ghastly
- Ghostlike
- Ghostly
- Ghoulish
- Giant
- Gibbose
- Gibbous
- Gibelike
- Giddy
- Gifted
- Gigantic
- Giggling
- Gilbertian
- Gilded
- Gilled
- Gilt
- Gilt-edged
- Gimbaled
- Gimcrack
- Gimpy
- Ginger
- Gingerly
- Gingery
- Gingival
- Girlish
- Given
- Giving
- Glabellar
- Glabrous
- Glace
- Glacial
- Glaciated
- Glad
- Gladsome
- Glamorous
- Glamourous
- Glandular
- Glaring
- Glary
- Glassed
- Glassless
- Glassy
- Glaswegian
- Glaucous
- Gleaming
- Gleeful
- Glial
- Glib
- Glimmery
- Glistening
- Glistering
- Glittering
- Glittery
- Global
- Globose
- Globular
- Glomerular
- Glooming
- Gloomy
- Glorious
- Gloriously
- Glossy
- Glottal
- Gloveless
- Glowing
- Gluey
- Glum
- Gluteal
- Glutinous
- Gluttonous
- Glycogenic
- Gnarled
- Gnarly
- Gnomic
- Gnomish
- Gnostic
- Go
- Goalless
- Goateed
- Gobsmacked
- Goddam
- Goddamn
- Goddamned
- God-fearing
- Godforsaken
- Godless
- Godlike
- Godly
- Goethean
- Goethian
- Goggle-eyed
- Going
- Gold
- Gold-digging
- Golden
- Gonadal
- Gonadotrophic
- Gonadotropic
- Gone
- Gonzo
- Good
- Good-hearted
- Good-humored
- Goodish
- Good-looking
- Goodly
- Good-natured
- Good-tempered
- Goody-goody
- Gooey
- Goofy
- Gooselike
- Goosey
- Goosy
- Gordian
- Gorgeous
- Gormless
- Gory
- Gossamer
- Gossamery
- Gossipy
- Gothic
- Gouty
- Governable
- Governing
- Governmental
- Gowned
- Grabby
- Graceful
- Graceless
- Gracile
- Gracious
- Gradable
- Gradational
- Gradatory
- Gradual
- Graduate
- Graduated
- Graecophile
- Graecophilic
- Grainy
- Grammatic
- Grammatical
- Grand
- Grander
- Grandest
- Grandiloquent
- Grandiose
- Granitelike
- Granitic
- Granular
- Granulose
- Grapelike
- Grapey
- Graphic
- Graphical
- Grapy
- Graspable
- Grasping
- Grassless
- Grasslike
- Grassroots
- Grassy
- Grateful
- Gratified
- Gratifying
- Grating
- Gratis
- Gratuitous
- Grave
- Gravelly
- Graven
- Gravest
- Gravid
- Gray
- Gray-haired
- Grayish
- Greaseproof
- Greasy
- Great
- Greater
- Greathearted
- Grecian
- Greco-roman
- Greedily
- Greedy
- Greek
- Green
- Green-eyed
- Greenhouse
- Greenish
- Greensick
- Greenside
- Gregarious
- Gregorian
- Grenadian
- Grey
- Greyed
- Greyish
- Grieving
- Grievous
- Grilled
- Grim
- Grimacing
- Grimy
- Grinding
- Grinning
- Gripping
- Grisly
- Gritty
- Grizzled
- Grizzly
- Groaning
- Groggy
- Groomed
- Groovy
- Groping
- Gross
- Grotesque
- Grotty
- Grouchy
- Groundbreaking
- Ground-floor
- Groundless
- Groveling
- Growing
- Growling
- Grown
- Grownup
- Grown-up
- Grubby
- Grudging
- Grueling
- Gruelling
- Gruesome
- Gruff
- Grumbling
- Grumose
- Grumous
- Grumpy
- Grungy
- Guaranteed
- Guardant
- Guarded
- Guatemalan
- Gubernatorial
- Guided
- Guiding
- Guileless
- Guiltless
- Guilty
- Guinean
- Gullible
- Gummy
- Gumptious
- Gurgling
- Gushing
- Gushy
- Gusseted
- Gustative
- Gustatorial
- Gustatory
- Gusty
- Gutless
- Gutsy
- Guttural
- Guyanese
- Gynecologic
- Gynecological
- Gyral
- Gyroscopic
Adjectives That Start with G – with Definitions and Example
Checking definitions and examples is the basic yet most effective way to learn words. Therefore we got those for adjectives beginning with G below for you.
- Gabby
Definition: inclined to chatter; talkative
Example: The gabby neighbor was suddenly at a loss for words.
- Gabled
Definition: with gables
Example: A steeply gabled roof was built over this central dais and covers the front end of the posterior hallway.
- Gainful
Definition: providing something useful such as money or work
Example: The state is making great efforts to guide former welfare recipients into gainful employments.
- Galactic
Definition: relating to the galaxy or other galaxies
Example: There are more possible effects if we are working on a galactic scale.
- Gallant
Definition: (of a person or their behaviour) brave; heroic
Example: She had made gallant efforts to pull herself together.
- Gallic
Definition: of ancient Gaul or its people or culture; French
Example: The proposal has provoked howls of Gallic indignation.
- Galling
Definition: very annoying
Example: The most galling thing is that the guy who got promoted is less qualified than me.
- Game-changing
Definition: having the potential to change significantly the outcome of something
Example: There are potentially game -changing technologies out there.
- Gamey
Definition: having the smell or flavour of game, especially high game
Example: The mushrooms go with the gamey meat or in a stir-fry and the stems can be used to make a dark, tasty stock.
- Gammy
Definition: (of a person’s body, especially the leg) unable to function normally because of injury or chronic pain
Example: I’ve got a gammy knee.
- Gamopetalous
Definition: having or designating a corolla with partially or wholly united petals
Example: A gamopetalous corolla falls off in one piece; but sometimes the base of corolla remains persistent, as in Rhinanthus and Orobanche.
- Gangling
Definition: thin, tall, and awkward; of loose, lanky build
Example: Mary glanced up; a tall, gangling woman was standing by the horse litter that held the sleeping charley.
- Gangly
Definition: tall, thin, and awkward in movement
Example: Susan showed up with a tall, gangly boy.
- Gangrenous
Definition: (of a part of a person’s body) decaying because the blood has stopped flowing there
Example: The accident resulted in the amputation of his gangrenous leg.
- Gaping
Definition: (of a hole, wound, etc.) wide open
Example: There was a gaping hole in the wall.
- Gap-toothed
Definition: having space between the front teeth
Example: A gap-toothed old woman gazes at a goat on a tight rope; her eyes are wide with curiosity.
- Garbled
Definition: (of a message, sound or transmission) confused and distorted; unclear
Example: I got a garbled set of direction.
- Gargantuan
Definition: very large
Example: He has a gargantuan ego.
- Garish
Definition: showy or too brightly colored
Example: The coffee shop, painted a garish pink, is a landmark in the neighborhood.
- Garlicky
Definition: containing or resembling the taste or odour of garlic
Example: The haddock was roasted with lemon and olive oil while long strands of courgetti were fried in garlicky oil.
- Garrulous
Definition: having the habit of talking a lot, especially about unimportant things
Example: I had talked too much about myself and felt like a garrulous old fool.
- Gaseous
Definition: consisting of gas or gases, or like gas
Example: He drank gaseous beer at zinc counters, under no illusions about the initial pick-up.
- Gassy
Definition: full of, containing, or producing gas; especially flatulent
Example: The gassy quality of coal which made it valuable also made it dangerous.
- Gastric
Definition: of, relating to, near, or involving the stomach
Example: One treatment for seriously overweight patients is gastric band surgery.
- Gastrointestinal
Definition: of, pertaining to, or affecting the stomach and intestines
Example: Lemon helps flush out toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the immune system.
- Gastronomic
Definition: relating to the practice of cooking or eating good food
Example: The hotel restaurant serves the most exclusive gastronomic delights.
- Gathered
Definition: to collect several things, often from different places or people
Example: We gathered blueberries from the bushes.
- Gauche
Definition: awkward and uncomfortable with other people, especially because young and without experience
Example: She had grown from a gauche teenager to a self-assured young woman.
- Gaudy
Definition: having too many bright colors
Example: He was wearing a gaudy Hawaiian shirt.
- Gaunt
Definition: bony and emaciated in appearance
Example: His new gaunt face caused a much wider public to worry about his health.
- Gauzy
Definition: made of a very thin, light cloth
Example: The skirts are made of fine gauzy cottons and silk.
- Gawky
Definition: tall and awkward
Example: Pfeiffer, as usual, is gorgeous, pretty, gawky and a lot tougher and smarter than she looks.
- Gay
Definition: light-hearted and carefree
Example: Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face.
- Gelatinous
Definition: Thick and like jelly
Example: The liquid solidifies into a gelatinous mass.
- Gelid
Definition: icy; extremely cold
Example: A gelid air mass over southern Canada will push south into the plains.
- General
Definition: involving or relating to most or all people, things especially when these are considered as a unit
Example: The general impression of the place was good.
- Generational
Definition: relating to particular generation, or to the relationship between particular generations
Example: People’s lifestyles are usually fixed by generational habits and fashions.
- Generative
Definition: of the production of offspring; procreative
Example: They feed on the generative organs of their host plant.
- Generic
Definition: shared by, typical of, or relating to a whole group of similar things, rather to any particular things
Example: The new range of engines all had a generic problem with their fan blades.
- Generous
Definition: willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected
Example: His mother is one generous woman.
- Genial
Definition: friendly and pleasant
Example: The teacher has a genial manner.
- Genital
Definition: relating to a person’s external sexual organs
Example: The genital cells are simple wandering cells.
- Genteel
Definition: typical of a high social class
Example: The mansion had an atmosphere of genteel elegance and decay.
- Gentile
Definition: not Jewish
Example: Our gentile neighbours remained loyal to us and continued to maintain a friendly relationship.
- Gentle
Definition: not violent, severe, or strong
Example: You can actually accomplish a lot more by gentle persuasion.
- Gentlemanly
Definition: of, characteristic of, or fit for a gentleman; well-mannered
Example: He shows us how both men use eloquence and gentlemanly manner to hide their base motives.
- Genuine
Definition: being what something or someone appears or claim to be; real, not false
Example: She showed genuine sorrow at the news.
- Geodesic
Definition: designating the shortest surface line between two points on a surface, esp. a curved surface
Example: The most valuable collections are housed in geodesic glass building, with additional aircraft displayed on the surrounding grounds.
- Geographical
Definition: relating to the features of earth’s surface, or those of a particular area or place
Example: Melbourne is a multi-cultural city that is characterized by its people rather than any geographical feature.
- Geologic
Definition: of, pertaining to, or based on geology
Example: The sides of my slab were ripped vertically by ancient geologic forces.
- Geometric
Definition: characterized by or using straight lines, triangles, circles, or similar regular shapes or forums
Example: I love this geometric rectangular pattern designed for the Tube.
- Geophysical
Definition: relating to the physics of the earth
Example: A geophysical survey revealed other uncovered buildings nearby.
- Geopolitical
Definition: relating to politics, especially international relations, as influenced by geographical factors
Example: The organization is out of touch with modern geopolitical realities.
- Georgian
Definition: belonging or relating to the US states of Georgia or its people
Example: Savannah is a Georgian city known for its historic squares and parks.
- Geostationary
Definition: (of a satellite) in a circular equatorial orbit in which it circles the earth once per sidereal day so that it appears stationary in relation to the earth’s surface
Example: It also distributes real-time imagery from geostationary satellites.
- Geriatric
Definition: old and weak
Example: This place attracts a geriatric crowd.
- German
Definition: a native or inhabitant of Germany
Example: The German doctor went up to Lorrain.
- Germanic
Definition: typical of German people or things
Example: The museum has a collection of Germanic art.
- Germfree
Definition: containing no germs; sterile or clean
Example: The hospitals focus on a germfree environment garnered a certificate of special congressional recognition in 2009.
- Germy
Definition: carrying germs; contaminated or infected.
Example: Buttons of elevators are extremely germy.
- Getable
Definition: capable of being obtained
Example: This is a getable total; the first session here has always been good for batters.
- Ghastly
Definition: extremely bad
Example: It was all a ghastly mistake.
- Ghostly
Definition: of or like a ghost in appearance or sound; eerie and unnatural
Example: The moon shone, shedding a ghostly light on the fields.
- Ghoulish
Definition: morbidly interested in death or disaster
Example: She told the story with ghoulish relish.
- Giant
Definition: of very great size or force; gigantic
Example: The giant pipe ran through a wooded area, away from the cliff edge.
- Gibbous
Definition: (of the moon or a planet) more than half but less than fully illuminated
Example: Perhaps it was due to the gibbous moon which was shining right through my window on to my bed.
- Giddy
Definition: feeling dizzy or unsteady
Example: February was a month of giddy excitement.
- Gifted
Definition: having a natural ability or aptitude; talented
Example: Your new partner is a gifted musician.
- Gigantic
Definition: very large; enormous
Example: We’ll have your family crest gripped in the jaws of a gigantic fish.
- Giggling
Definition: something or someone that provokes amusement
Example: Each toy makes an odd giggling sound whenever your dog plays with it.
- Gilded
Definition: rich or of a higher social class
Example: The story revolves around the gilded youth of the 1920s and their glittering lifestyles.
- Gilt
Definition: covered with or as if with gold or gilt; gilded
Example: Ten-year gilt yields also edged up slightly.
- Ginger
Definition: having a red or orange-brown colour
Example: His nickname was ginger because of his ginger hair.
- Gingery
Definition: connected with ginger, the spicy root of a tropical plant that is used in cooking or preserved in sugar
Example: If you’re a fan of really gingery cookies, add some extra ginger.
- Gingival
Definition: relating to or affecting the gums
Example: Gingivitis around the teeth is a general term for gingival disease affecting the gums.
- Girlish
Definition: girlish behaviour or characteristics are typical of a girl
Example: She was full of girlish excitement.
- Given
Definition: specified or stated
Example: They gathered at a given time.
- Glabrous
Definition: (chiefly of the skin or a leaf) free from hair or down; smooth
Example: Some nerve endings in glabrous skin are encapsulated.
- Glace
Definition: (of fruit) preserved in sugar
Example: Sprinkle in the pistachios, cherries and glace fruits, then layer on the clementine slices.
- Glacial
Definition: extremely cold
Example: The village has a spectacular setting at the bottom of a wide glacial valley.
- Glaciated
Definition: formed or covered by glaciers
Example: However, a lengthy blizzard caught him high on the glaciated terrain, and he was ultimately forced to retreat to his starting point.
- Gladsome
Definition: joyful or cheerful
Example: A garden is a gladsome thing, he said to himself, surveying the new translucent lime-green growth on the beech hedge.
- Glamorous
Definition: possessing glamour; alluring and fascinating
Example: Your new love has glamorous lifestyle.
- Glandular
Definition: belonging or relating to, or produced or caused by, a gland or glands
Example: Glandular material and mesenteric blood vessels were stripped from the intestine.
- Glaring
Definition: (of something bad) very obvious
Example: It was a glaring mistake.
- Glassless
Definition: not furnished with glass
Example: They sleep in bare rooms with glassless windows and missing walls.
- Glassy
Definition: void of expression, life, or warmth a glassy stare
Example: She gave me a glassy stare.
- Glaucous
Definition: greyish-green in colour
Example: The plant has glaucous leaves and yellow flowers.
- Gleaming
Definition: (of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished
Example: He shook my hand before ushering me towards a gleaming car.
- Gleeful
Definition: happy, excited, or pleased
Example: The manager had a gleeful smile on his face.
- Glib
Definition: speaking or spoken in a confident way, but without careful thought or honesty
Example: No one was convinced by his glib explanations.
- Glistening
Definition: shinning with a sparkling light
Example: If the surface was kept in good repair, the effect of glistening white building was very striking.
- Glittering
Definition: exciting or admired by many people, usually relating to rich and famous people
Example: The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most glittering occasion in the movie world.
- Global
Definition: relating to the whole world
Example: They have attempted to chart the global temperature variations over the last 140 years.
- Globular
Definition: shaped like a ball
Example: The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.
- Gloomy
Definition: unhappy and without hope
Example: The cemetery is a gloomy place.
- Glorious
Definition: very beautiful
Example: They had glorious weather for their wedding.
- Glossy
Definition: looking attractive, but often not having serious value or quality
Example: This magazine is full of glossy advertisements of aftershave.
- Glottal
Definition: relating to or produced by the glottis
Example: The only thing to stop the glottal spasms is a muscle relaxant.
- Glowing
Definition: expressing great praise
Explanation: He received a glowing report from his teachers.
- Gluey
Definition: sticky or covered with glue
Example: You’d better wash those gluey hands of yours.
- Glum
Definition: if a place is glum, it is not attractive and has nothing that causes pleasure
Example: They live in one glum little room.
- Gluteal
Definition: relating to the buttocks, especially the muscles
Example: The gluteal muscles are important for standing up, walking and running.
- Glutinous
Definition: sticky
Example: Short-grain rice turns into a soft, glutinous mass when cooked.
- Gnarled
Definition: rough and twisted, especially because of old age or no protection from bad weather
Example: The old man drew a long, gnarled finger across his throat.
- Gnarly
Definition: surfing slang; difficult and dangerous
Example: There were low trees with thick, gnarly branches.
- Goddam
Definition: used to emphasize or express annoyance with someone or something
Example: I feel so sick I can hardly raise my goddam head.
- Goddamn
Definition: used to add emphasis to what is being said
Example: Don’t drive so goddamn fast.
- God-fearing
Definition: religious and behaves according to the moral rules of their religion
Example: They brought up their children to be God-fearing Christians.
- Godless
Definition: without a god
Example: It may represent humanity coming to terms with a godless world.
- Godly
Definition: devoutly religious; pious
Example: How to live the godly life?
- Going
Definition: (of a price or a charge) usual or suitable at the present time
Example: What’s the going rate for this kind of work?
- Gold
Definition: made of or coloured like gold
Example: Mr. Graham was amazed to find 46 ancient gold coins inside the pot.
- Golden
Definition: the colour of gold
Example: Once upon a time there was a beautiful young princess with long golden hair.
- Good
Definition: very satisfactory, enjoyable, pleasant, or interesting
Example: I’ve just had some very good news.
- Good-hearted
Definition: (of a person) kind, caring, and generous
Example: Mary McAllister was one of the most good-hearted people Cooper had ever met.
- Good-humored
Definition: naturally cheerful and friendly; genial
Example: Charles was brave and remarkably good-humoured.
- Good-looking
Definition: of good or attractive appearance; handsome or beautiful
Example: She was a good-looking woman who wanted me and I went with it.
- Goodly
Definition: great or large
Example: The audience was of a goodly size.
- Good-natured
Definition: having or showing a pleasant, kindly disposition; amiable
Example: Bates looks like a good-natured lad.
- Good-tempered
Definition: naturally friendly and pleasant and does not easily get angry or upset
Example: He was a happy, good-tempered child.
- Gooey
Definition: soft and sticky
Example: These cakes are fudgy, gooey and delicious.
- Goofy
Definition: silly, especially in an amusing way
Example: The movie has talking skeletons and goofy stuff like that.
- Gorgeous
Definition: very beautiful and attractive
Example: What a gorgeous dress!
- Gory
Definition: unpleasant and disagreeable
Example: Actors are part of the gory scenes and will do their best to scare the life out of you.
- Gossipy
Definition: characterized by casual conversation or reports about other people
Example: His latest book is a gossipy memoir.
- Gouty
Definition: suffering from or relating to gout (a painful disease that makes the hands, feet, and knees swell)
Example: This drug is for joint pain and swelling due to attack of acute gouty arthritis.
- Governing
Definition: having the power to direct and control the actions, affairs, policies, functions, etc. a political unit, organization, etc;rule
Example: This opposition says there’s civil war within the governing party.
- Grabby
Definition: wanting to or designed to attract attention
Example: They exist to sell ads by writing articles with grabby headlines and little substance.
- Graceful
Definition: moving in a smooth, relaxed, attractive way or having a smooth, attractive shape
Example: She is a wonderfully graceful dancer.
- Graceless
Definition: not polite or showing respect or sympathy towards others
Example: It was the most graceless acceptance speech I have ever heard.
- Gracile
Definition: slender; slim
Example: She reached across the table and set her gracile hand upon my rough one.
- Gracious
Definition: having the qualities of great comfort, beauty and freedom made possible by being rich
Example: We can’t afford gracious living.
- Gradual
Definition: having or changing slowly over a long period of time or distance
Example: There has been a gradual improvement in our sales figures over the last two years.
- Graduated
Definition: divided into levels or stages
Example: The government has introduced fixed, graduated fee schemes.
- Grainy
Definition: having a rough surface or texture, or containing small bits of something
Example: Do not use a grainy mustard.
- Grammatical
Definition: relating to grammar or obeying the rules of grammar
Example: Today we’re going to have another look at the grammatical structure of a sentence.
- Grand
Definition: important and large in degree
Example: His job has a grand title, but he’s little more than a clerk.
- Grandiloquent
Definition: A grandiloquent style or way of using language is complicated in order to attract admiration and attention
Example: Her speech was full of grandiloquent language, but it contained no new ideas.
- Granular
Definition: including small details
Example: We need a broad picture, not the granular details of people’s buying habits.
- Grapey
Definition: tasting or smelling of grapes
Example: It’s rich with a luscious grapey flavour and relatively smooth, silky texture.
- Graphic
Definition: very clear and powerful
Example: He insisted on describing his operation in graphic detail while we were eating lunch.
- Graphical
Definition: relating to or in the form of a graph
Example: Flow charts are graphical presentations.
- Graspable
Definition: able to be apprehended or understood
Example: Aron represents graspable reality, which can be perceived through the senses and shared.
- Grasping
Definition: avaricious; greedy
Example: They were regarded as grasping landlords.
- Grassroots
Definition: involving the ordinary people in a society or organization
Example: The initiative has grassroots support.
- Grassy
Definition: covered in grass
Example: Its buildings are half-hidden behind grassy banks.
- Grateful
Definition: showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person
Example: I’m grateful for your love and support
- Grating
Definition: of or like the unpleasant sound of two hard objects rubbing together
Example: I turned on the car’s engine, and there was that familiar grating sound.
- Gratis
Definition: available without payment
Example: All food is gratis, but they charge for the drinks.
- Gratuitous
Definition: given or done free of charge
Example: Solicitors provide a form of gratuitous legal advice.
- Gravelly
Definition: area of land covered in or full of small stones
Example: Water runs through the gravelly soil very quickly.
- Gravid
Definition: pregnant
Example: Male sticklebacks recognise gravid females by their swollen bellies.
- Greaseproof
Definition: paper that does not allow oil through, used especially in cooking
Example: Line the tins with greaseproof paper.
- Greasy
Definition: covered with, resembling, or produced by grease or oil
Example: He wiped his greasy fingers.
- Great
Definition: of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average
Example: The article was of great interest.
- Grecian
Definition: something which is in the style of things from ancient Greece
Example: I’m wearing a blazing orange floor-length Grecian tunic, with pleating as fine as Fortuny silk.
- Green
Definition: of a colour between blue and yellow; of the colour of grass
Example: I think I’ll take your advice and get the green dress.
- Gregarious
Definition: (of a person) fond of company; sociable
Example: He was a popular and gregarious man.
- Gregorian
Definition: relating to, associated with, or introduced by any of the popes named Gregory, esp. Gregory
Example: I liked the Latin obscurity of the old-fashioned Mass; I liked the Gregorian music.
- Grey
Definition: boring and sad
Example: He saw a grey future stretch ahead of him.
- Greyish
Definition: slightly grey in colour
Example: The building was of greyish plaster and looked old.
- Grievous
Definition: having very serious effects or causing great pain
Example: Her death is a grievous loss to the whole of the community.
- Grim
Definition: worrying; without hope
Example: She was quickly brought back to the grim reality of her life.
- Grimy
Definition: dirty
Example: Don’t wipe your grimy hands on that clean towel!
- Grinding
Definition: a situation in which people are extremely poor over a long period
Example: He was brought up in grinding poverty.
- Grinning
Definition: smiling broadly
Example: She looked at Mick’s grinning face.
- Grisly
Definition: causing horror or disgust
Example: The town was shaken by a series of grisly crimes.
- Gritty
Definition: brave and determined
Example: He showed the gritty determination that we’ve come to expect from him.
- Grizzled
Definition: having hair that is grey or becoming grey
Example: Grizzled veterans in uniform gathered at the war monument.
- Grizzly
Definition: grayish; grizzled
Example: He also liked grizzly bears.
- Groaning
Definition: denoting a low creaking sound made by an object under pressure
Example: The pillar gave a huge groaning noise and crumbled.
- Groovy
Definition: very fashionable and interesting
Example: That’s a groovy hat you’re wearing, did you knit it yourself?
- Gross
Definition: (in) total
Example: A person’s gross income is the money they earn before tax is deducted from it.
- Grotty
Definition: seedy, wretched; dirty
Example: She spends all her time at their grotty flat.
- Grouchy
Definition: in a grouch; grumbling; sulky
Example: Its grouchy tone also belies the appeal of its author.
- Groundbreaking
Definition: original and important; showing a new way of doing or thinking about things
Example: This groundbreaking work changed the way historian looked at slavery.
- Ground-floor
Definition: on or relating to the floor of building that is at the same level as the ground outside
Example: She lived in the ground-floor flat, with direct access to the garden.
- Growing
Definition: increasing in size or quantity
Example: There is a growing awareness of the seriousness of this disease.
- Grown
Definition: an adult
Example: I don’t like to see a grown man in tears.
- Grubby
Definition: dirty or messy
Example: He was wearing some old shorts and a grubby T-shirt.
- Grudging
Definition: a grudging action or feeling is one that you do or have unwillingly
Example: Her hard work won the grudging respect of her boss.
- Grueling
Definition: extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and determination
Example: He eventually won the match after five grueling sets.
- Gruesome
Definition: extremely unpleasant and shocking, and usually dealing with death or injury
Example: The newspaper article included a gruesome description of the murder.
- Gruff
Definition: dealing with people in a way that lacks patience and seems unfriendly
Example: He has that gruff exterior, but underneath he’s very kind.
- Grumbling
Definition: making a low rumbling sound
Example: You don’t have to sacrifice your diet to silence a grumbling stomach.
- Grumpy
Definition: grouchy; peevish; bad-tempered
Example: He has walked around with a grumpy face in recent months and that transmits to the players.
- Grungy
Definition: (of a person) feeling tired and dirty, or (of a thing) dirty
Example: He showed up for the interview wearing some grungy old sweatshirt and jeans.
- Guaranteed
Definition: for which a guarantee is provided; formally assured
Example: The guaranteed bonus is not very high.
- Guarded
Definition: cautions and having possible reservations
Example: He has given a guarded welcome to the idea.
- Guided
Definition: equipped with a guidance system
Example: Guided missiles ensure accurate delivery of the weapons.
- Guileless
Definition: honest, not able to deceive
Example: She regarded him with wide, guileless blue eyes.
- Guiltless
Definition: having no guilt; innocent
Example: The guiltless Vishnu is sent to jail for killing his own brother.
- Guilty
Definition: feeling guilt
Example: You’ve got a guilty conscience – that’s why you can’t sleep.
- Gullible
Definition: easily deceived or cheated
Example: It is another way to pinch off gullible people.
- Gummy
Definition: showing the gums
Example: The baby gave her a gummy smile.
- Gurgling
Definition: making or characterized by a hollow bubbling sound
Example: She heard the gurgling water before the creek came into view.
- Gushing
Definition: expressing a positive feeling, especially praise, in such a strong way that it does not sound sincere
Example: One of the more gushing newspapers described the occasion as a fairy-tale wedding.
- Gushy
Definition: given to or marked by excessively effusive talk, behaviour, etc
Example: Her praise may sound gushy but it is considered.
- Gustatory
Definition: of or pertaining to taste or tasting
Example: It assumes you have no gustatory self-control and expect to pile on the kilos.
- Gusty
Definition: with sudden, strong winds
Example: The forecast was for gusty winds and rain.
- Gutless
Definition: lacking courage or determination
Example: By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.
- Gutsy
Definition: showing courage or determination
Example: I’ve always been drawn to tough, gutsy women.
Positive Adjectives That Start with G to Describe a Person
If the following adjectives that start with G to describe a person remind you of any friend, then congratulations and he/she deserves to be a friend forever.
1. Glassy
Definition: smooth and clear
Synonyms: burnished, sleek, transparent, glazy
Example: He had glassy eyes with a pale skin tone.
2. Generous
Definition: act of kindness towards others
Synonyms: liberal, bountiful, giving
Example: I brought so many generous replies on my articles.
3. Gracious
Definition: use to express politeness and kindness
Synonyms: courteous, polite, kind
Example: This is very gracious of you that you take care of your grand-parents all alone.
4. Gorgeous
Definition: very pleasant and attractive
Synonyms: good looking, beautiful, lovely
Example: Helen was looking gorgeous even though she dressed up casually.
5. Glib
Definition: talk smoothly; artful
Synonyms: fluent, insincere, flip, plausible
Example: He is a self-centred and responsive man and his answer was too glib.
6. Gutsy
Definition: forceful and daring
Synonyms: bold, brave, determined
Example: You really gave a gutsy performance.
7. Gentle
Definition: having pleasing, mild and kind nature
Synonyms: agreeable, soft, quiet,
Example: Her voice was gentle as she instructed her students about their exams.
8. Genius
Definition: creative and natural ability or skills
Synonyms: brilliant, cleverness, intellectual, ingenious
Example: The genius act of John impressed the whole audience.
9. Gabby
Definition: being talkative; chattering
Synonyms: gossiping, chatty, gushing, voluble
Example: She is a nice and intelligent girl but also very gabby.
Positive Adjectives That Start with G to Describe an Event
Check descriptive words that start with G below and they may recall some pleasant memories.
1. Gainful
Definition: very productive and profitable
Synonyms: profitable, fruitful, beneficial, well paid
Example: Soon Peter will find a gainful employment because of his wonderful skills and experience in programming.
2. Gallant
Definition: behaviour or efforts of a person
Synonyms: daring, splendid, bold, brave
Example: She had made gallant efforts to get that job.
3. Gigantic
Definition: very great and enormous
Synonyms: extensive, huge, broad, expansive
Example: Mr and Mrs William arranged a gigantic party and gift for her daughter’s birthday.
4. Gleeful
Definition: very delighted and joyful
Synonyms: pleased, happy, cheerful
Example: Sara gave a gleeful treat to his friends on her brilliant success.
5. Gratified
Definition: feeling that one’s needs or desires have been met
Synonyms: contented, happy, pleased, satisfied
Example: A good meal eaten in an excellent company is enough to keep me gratified for some time.
6. Graphical
Definition: the form of arts, visual arts
Synonyms: visual, symbolic, illustrate
Example: A sample graphical representation is better to show continuous variations in our new year projects.
7. Glorious
Definition: very charming; divine
Synonyms: dazzling, celebrated, elevated, heroic
Example: Christmas is a glorious annual festival celebrated by Christians all around the world.
8. Genuine
Definition: authentic
Synonyms: real, absolute, factual, accurate
Example: If it is a genuine Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions.
9. Gymnastic
Definition: related to gymnastic
Synonyms: athletic, active
Example: Olga Corbett became famous after her inspirational gymnastic routines in the 1972 Olympics.
10. Gusty
Definition: airy or windy
Synonyms: blowy, robust, breezy, stormy
Example: The weather was so gusty in the afternoon, but after sometime it gets clear and looks amazing.
Positive Adjectives That Start with G to Describe a Place
Which of the following adjectives that start with the letter G best describes your favorite place? Tell us in the comment area please.
1. Gelid
Definition: freezing
Synonyms: cold, frozen, chill, icy
Example: The soldiers spend time in gelid nights just to protect our country.
2. Generic
Definition: having something in common; not specified
Synonyms: general, inclusive, wide
Example: The generic city of New York in relation to his work is Singapore and Lagos.
3. Giant
Definition: very large or huge
Synonyms: gigantic, vast
Example: The forest of Kuala Lumpur is well-known for its giant wood trees, also called as woodland.
4. Glamorous
Definition: fascinating in style
Synonyms: attractive, flashy, exciting
Example: Paris is a glamorous city and well known a city of lights.
5. Groovy
Definition: cool or exciting
Synonyms: excellent, fabulous, splendid, great
Example: The valley of Manchester has groovy scenes.
6. Grand
Definition: something great or impressive
Synonyms: ambitious, admirable, dignified, elevated
Example: I have a grand plan for the new year, a world tour.
7. Globular
Definition: round
Synonyms: arced, annular, bent, circular
Example: Earth is globular in shape.
8. Germane
Definition: related to something in an appropriate way
Synonyms: allied, applicable, connected, kindred
Example: Only facts that are germane to his case have been shared by him to the lawyer.
Positive Adjectives That Start with G to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
If some of the following adjectives with letter G fit your recent status, I believe you are having a good time lately.
1. Graceful
Definition: charming or lovely
Synonyms: comely, delicate, artistic, elegant
Example: Ali has a graceful and admirable personality; everyone likes to meet him.
2. Glad
Definition: feeling pleasure and happiness
Synonyms: happy, delightful, cheerful, joyful
Example: I’m so glad I could help you in your project for needy people.
3. Grateful
Definition: feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received
Synonyms: thankful, appreciative
Example: I’m grateful for your help.
4. Good-humoured
Definition: showing kindness and good attitude towards others.
Synonyms: benevolent, generous
Example: Malek attitude towards needy people was one of good-humoured ridicule.
5. Godly
Definition: having religious and faithful nature
Synonyms: divine, pious, superior, faithful
Example: Peter’s teacher said to him that it was not impossible to live a godly life.
6. Glittery
Definition: reflecting a bright, shimmering light
Synonyms: glittering, sparkling
Example: She had glittery expressions on her face seeing his mom coming in front of her after about a year.
7. Gleamy
Definition: bright or glossy
Synonyms: brilliant, glazed, glassy, smooth
Example: Her gleamy blue eyes were unforgettable.
8. Green
Definition: colour like grass or emeralds
Synonyms: flourishing, grassy, fresh
Example: The colour of leaves is green in summer but it turns yellow in autumn.
Negative Adjectives That Start with G to Describe a Person
Negativity spreads easily. Even when reading adjective words that start with G below, you can feel the negative vibe coming near.
1. Greedy
Definition: desiring something unnecessarily
Synonyms: craving, eager, avid, close-fisted
Example: Do not be too greedy, it will lead you towards destruction.
2. Gibbering
Definition: speaking rapidly and unintelligibly, typically through fear or shock
Synonyms: babbling, bumbling, chattering, chatting
Example: He is such a gibbering idiot.
3. Gawky
Definition: clumsy or awkward
Synonyms: rude, rustic
Example: She thought John was gawky because of his frizzy hair and too pale skin tone.
4. Gauche
Definition: tactless
Synonyms: ill-mannered, crude, unpolished, inelegant
Example: She should avoid sentimentality and gauche emotions in front of her boss.
5. Growing
Definition: increasing or expanding
Synonyms: amplifying, swelling, spreading
Example: Mr. Moseley and others like him are on the front lines of a growing battle for control of the shop floor.
6. Gaudy
Definition: bright and vulgar
Synonyms: florid, glaring, splashy, gross, loud
Example: Don’t do gaudy things just for the sake of money.
7. Gaunt
Definition: having no fat; skinny
Synonyms: bare, bony, attenuated
Example: That animal was generally gaunt and thin itself.
8. Glaring
Definition: used to say that something bad is very obvious
Synonyms: obvious, obtrusive
Example: It was a glaring mistake.
9. Giddy
Definition: having or showing silly sense of humour
Synonyms: impulsive, careless, brainless, bemused
Example: When she looks at her face, she really had a giddy feeling in her eyes.
10. Galling
Definition: making someone feel annoying and irritating
Synonyms: annoying, displeasing, annoying
Example: it would be galling to lose my best friend just because of a dress.
11. Goofy
Definition: having silly sense of humour or being crazy
Synonyms: crazy, empty-headed, weird, foolish
Example: Some of the students were creative but others were a little goofy.
Negative Adjectives That Start with G to Describe an Event
Life is not full of pleasure and when you hear describing words beginning with G below, you should know sad event happened.
1. Gloomy
Definition: dark and overcast appearance
Synonyms: bleak, clouded, dim, dusky, cheerless
Example: It was a gloomy morning with its cloudy sky and air filled with fog.
2. Ghastly
Definition: extremely unwell
Synonyms: horrible, dreadful, unwell
Example: It was ghastly holiday; I was not able to go out the whole day because of the pending assignments.
3. Graceless
Definition: unsophisticated
Synonyms: improper, awkward, rough, rude
Example: I found that culture graceless, because I didn’t find any motivation in it.
4. Groundless
Definition: without any reason or purpose
Synonyms: causeless, empty, false, idle
Example: She adopted that habit pattern which is proved to be completely groundless.
5. Gossipy
Definition: tends to gossip or whispering
Synonyms: spilling, whispering
Example: Be aware of people having gossipy nature, they are the actual spoiler.
6. Grievous
Definition: something very severe
Synonyms: bitter, cruel, grim, burdensome
Example: Nothing is more grievous above freedom and civilization.
7. General
Definition: common or accustomed
Synonyms: familiar, commonplace, regular, normal, natural
Example: The meeting was held on very general terms and conditions.
8. Grating
Definition: something irritating or annoying
Synonyms: dry, rough, shrill, hoarse
Example: When she opened the door, it makes a grating sound.
9. Gooey
Definition: very sticky or gummy
Synonyms: gluey, adhesive, viscous, tacky
Example: Some foods were very gooey or hard to eat there.
Negative Adjectives That Start with G to Describe a Place
Have you ever visited a place that reminds you of any adjectives that start with G below? If so, I believe you’ll never want to be there again.
1. Grimy
Definition: covered with dirt
Synonyms: dirty, stained, grimed, grubby
Sentence: Please clean that grimy garden which is looking so unpleasant.
2. Greasy
Definition: slippery or oily
Synonyms: fatty, creamy, slick, lubricated
Example: My skin gets greasy during summer holidays.
3. Ghostly
Definition: scaring feeling; spooky
Synonyms: haunted, deathlike, divine, spiritual
Example: That ghostly voices and whistles in the air can’t be real; I don’t believe yet.
Negative Adjectives That Start with G to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
I hope none of the words in list of adjectives that start with G below fits you, because otherwise you must pay more attention to your mental health.
1. Guilty
Definition: found at fault
Synonyms: blameworthy, accusable, censured, condemned
Example: He found himself guilty of his misbehave or the way he treated his parents.
2. Gutless
Definition: faint-hearted
Synonyms: feeble, craven, weak
Example: I should have had the support of my team but they are gutless.
3. Grumpy
Definition: in a bad or worst mood
Synonyms: bad-tempered, griping, pettish, surly
Example: Alia had been in a grumpy mood since she came back home.
4. Grudgeful
Definition: full of grudge
Synonyms: begrudged, resented
Example: His testimony this week, considering he has been silent for so long, was at best rambling and at times grudgeful.
5. Grumbly
Definition: ready to complain
Synonyms: bearish, crying, scrappy, deploring
Example: Teachers always seem to be grumbly about their students’ final result.
6. Grotty
Definition: feeling or having something unpleasant; unwell
Synonyms: cheap, useless, worthless
Example: The surrounding is looking a bit grotty because I’m upset today.
7. Garish
Definition: overdone or tasteless
Synonyms: brassy, cheap, blatant, flaunting
Example: It’s a little bit garish according to my taste.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with G
There are more than above adjectives that with letter G in English language to describe a person, place or thing. The most important thing is to use them properly.
To help formal writing and to make concepts clearer, we listed the above adjectives that start with G together with their exact definitions, synonyms and examples. We hope they are helpful to you.
Ps. See also positive words that start with G, nouns that start with G and verbs that start with G.