317 Nouns That Start with Z [with Definitions and Examples]

List of nouns that start with Z has ample scope in functional and pragmatic life as this list comprise a lot of unique and fascinating words. If you come here looking for some nouns starting with Z that can support and jack up your sentence structure then this list will prove to be fruitful for you. Because relative to nouns beginning with other letters this list covers a lot of new horizons which includes but is not limited to nouns that start with Z to describe a person, present an idea and much more.
Nouns beginning with Z can also be used as adjective, object of preoposition, and to show possession of something. We feel that this is the one list that everyone should go through in order to discover some brand-new words for the his/her personal lexicon. One important thing to mention here is to always keep your style flexible while using these nouns that start with Z because the worst cas scenario is that you will use it incorrectly and the best case is that you will find your creative way to use a new word. So, the risk is worth it. So, let’s jump right at this list of nouns that start with Z.
Table of Contents
Nouns That Start with Z You Always Use
We’ll start this list with nouns that start with Z which are frequently a part of our daily conversations. Let’s start without any delay.
1. Zero
- Definition: zero is a number, and the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals
- Synonyms: nought, null, nill, nothing
- Example: It is ten degrees below zero now.
2. Zebra
- Definition: an African wild horse with black-and-white stripes and an erect mane
- Synonyms: mountain zebra, equus grevyi, equus burchelli
- Example: The zebra galloped away from the lion.
3. Z-axis
- Definition: one of the three axes of Cartesian math, perpendicular to axes x and y
- Synonyms: abscissa, direction
- Example: Accuracy in the Z direction depends solely on the Z-axis stepper motor.
4. ZiB
- Definition: a unit of information equal to 1024 exbibytes
- Synonyms: ZB, zebibyte
- Example: This computer can store 10ZiB of data.
5. Zoo
- Definition: place where animals are kept for humans to observe
- Synonyms: menagerie, wildlife park
- Example: In the zoo we saw many monkeys running round in the cage.
6. Zoologist
- Definition: scientist who studies animals
- Synonyms: entomologist, herpetologist, ichthyologist, mammalogist
- Example: Inevitably I was destined to become a zoologist in later life.
7. Zygote
- Definition: embryo in its earliest phase of development
- Synonyms: embryo, fertilized cell, fetus
- Example: After the sperm penetrates the egg, a zygote cell is formed.
8. Zone
- Definition: a particular area, a space marked for a purpose
- Synonyms: area, region, sector
- Example: It looked like a war zone and smelled like a cesspool.
9. Zombie
- Definition: mindless undead monster
- Synonyms: ghast, ghoul
- Example: I felt like a zombie, being led around aimlessly.
10. Zodiac
- Definition: pattern of constellations said to reveal the future
- Synonyms: augury, horoscope
- Example: The whole subject of the history of the zodiac is very obscure.
Nouns That Start with Z You Usually Use
It is usual for some nouns starting with Z to become a part of our routine due to their repetitiveness. Let’s see a few of these nouns.
1. Zinc
- Definition: bluish-white metal, number 30 on the periodic table
- Synonyms: bronze, metal, mineral
- Example: Copper and zinc are fused to make brass.
2. Zipper
- Definition: fastener made of alternating metal teeth
- Synonyms: buckle, lock
- Example: He fumbled for the light just as the zipper on his tent opened to reveal the bright smile of Betty from Boise.
3. Zamang
- Definition: large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers
- Synonyms: monkeypod, rain tree, saman
- Example: The tree called Zamang still stands today and is a Venezuelan national treasure.
4. Zip
- Definition: enthusiasm, energy, excitement
- Synonyms: jazz, pizzazz, thrill, zing
- Example: He’s full of zip.
5. Zinger
- Definition: quick joke or funny reply
- Synonyms: bon mot, one-liner, retort
- Example: This zinger out of the blue took me aback.
6. Zebrafish
- Definition: small freshwater fish of South Asia with zebra-like stripes
- Synonyms: danio rerio
- Example: Dr. Zon uses the zebrafish to study cancer.
7. Zigzag
- Definition: a side-to-side series of movements
- Synonyms: chevron, cringle-crangle, stagger
- Example: They staggered in a zigzag across the tarmac.
8. Zenith
- Definition: top, peak or highest point of an object or process
- Synonym: acme, apex, pinnacle, summit
- Example: The singer reached her zenith when she sold over twelve million records in 2013.
Nouns That Start with Z You Often Use
It is essential to have a good perception of nouns which we often use in our conversations. Below are few such nouns starting with Z.
1. Zakat
- Definition: the practice of giving a certain proportion of one’s wealth to the poor, one of the Five Pillars of Islam
- Synonyms: alms, tithe, tzedakah
- Example: He argues that they are devilish animals and the act of paying zakat purifies them.
2. Zipline
- Definition: rope hung at an incline to provide an exciting slide
- Synonyms: flying fox
- Example: There is a zipline running through the area, which allows children to grab a T bar to zip into the waiting water.
3. Zookeeper
- Definition: one who cares for the animals at a zoo
- Synonyms: animal tender, wrangler, zoologist
- Example: He intended to keep his relationship to their zookeeper a secret.
4. Zoology
- Definition: the scientific study of animals
- Synonyms: entomology, herpetology, naturalism
- Example: The library didn’t stock zoology textbooks.
5. Zealot
- Definition: fanatical believer
- Synonyms: devotee, enthusiast, fanatic, partisan
- Example: He was forceful, but by no means a zealot.
6. Zap
- Definition: electricity or energy, or to produce a similar sensation
- Synonyms: jolt, shock, sizzle
- Example: She needs to put a bit more zap into her performance.
7. Zag
- Definition: a line or pattern that looks like a Z or a row of Zs joined together
- Synonyms: zig
- Example: The kids ran in zigzags around the playground.
8. Zantewood
- Definition: a rutaceous tree, Chloroxylon swietenia, that occurs in the East Indies and has hard wood
- Synonyms: fustic, tree
- Example: There is a zantewood, or satinwood, but it does not take its name from this island.
9. Zaphara
- Definition: one who sings
- Synonyms: female singer
- Example: She sings very well, she is a zaphara.
10. Zilch
- Definition: slang for zero, none
- Synonyms: bubkes, nada, nothing, zip
- Example: She knew the zilch about camping, so when she was asked to help put up the tent she fumbled with poles.
Nouns That Start with Z You Sometimes Use
This segment is all about nouns beginning with Z which are portion of our statements from time to time. So, you might find some new nouns here.
1. Zillion
- Definition: slang for a very large number
- Synonyms: bunch, loads, lots, tons
- Example: He’d been fevered for a zillion years, trapped in the tiny cell in ever-changing forms, always in darkness.
2. Zit
- Definition: pimple, particularly one caused by acne
- Synonyms: boil, carbuncle, furuncle, sore
- Example: The day got worse when I looked in the mirror and saw this huge zit on my chin.
3. Zirconia
- Definition: zirconium dioxide, naturally occurring as a white powder, can be refined into a gemstone
- Synonyms: gem, rock, lozenge
- Example: Zirconia is a hard silver-grey metal of the transition series.
4. Zircon
- Definition: zirconium silicate, naturally occurring as a clear to brown crystal, can be refined into a gemstone
- Synonyms: gem, rock, lozenge
- Example: The effect of zircon on the structure and properties of magnesia castable were studied.
5. Zionism
- Definition: pursuit of a Jewish national state
- Synonyms: capitalism, collectivist
- Example: There is growing tendency to combine anti Zionism with Anti Semitism.
6. Zapper
- Definition: an electronic device used for killing insects
- Synonyms: electric device
- Example: More than 15 million viewers now own a zapper.
7. Zaria
- Definition: major city in Kaduna State in northern Nigeria, as well as being a Local Government Area
- Synonyms: metropolis, urban center
- Example: Zaria is an agricultural trading center in north central Nigeria.
8. Zebu
- Definition: a zebu, sometimes known as indicine cattle or humped cattle, is a species or subspecies of domestic cattle originating in South Asia.
- Synonyms: moo-cow
- Example: The horns of the zebu variety are sometimes four feet long.
9. Zen
- Definition: a Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship or study of scriptures
- Synonyms: window pane, acid, back breaker
- Example: Her Zen values allowed her to focus on what was really important.
10. Zetland
- Definition: an archipelago of about 100 islands in the North Atlantic off the north coast of Scotland
- Synonyms: shetland islands
- Example: The principal buildings are the town hall, public hall, public institute and free library, and there is a public park presented by the marquess of Zetland.
Nouns That Start with Z You Occasionally Use
Majority of occasionally used nouns will act as shot in the arm for your writing style. Let’s see if we could find some favourale noun words that start with Z in this section.
1. Zebra-finch
- Definition: small Australian weaverbird with markings like a zebra’s
- Synonyms: weaver finch, weaver
- Example: Zebra-finches become less faithful to their partners when exposed to traffic noise.
2. Zebibit
- Definition: the zebibit is a multiple of the bit, a unit of digital information storage, prefixed by the standards-based multiplier zebi (symbol Zi), a binary prefix meaning 270
- Synonyms: unit of information, storage
- Example: The data company had zebibits of data.
3. Zealand
- Definition: island of Zealand and the Danish Straits between Denmark and Sweden, connecting the Baltic Sea
- Synonyms: nz
- Example: New Zealand was poorly stocked with a weak flora.
4. Zea
- Definition: zea is a genus of flowering plants in the grass family. The best-known species is Z. mays, one of the most important crops for human societies throughout much of the world
- Synonyms: corn, maize, corn whiskey
- Example: Zea is widely cultivated in America in many varieties.
5. Zapotecan
- Definition: the language of the Zapotec
- Synonyms: linguistic communication, speech, terminology
- Example: Zapotecan language is spoken by over 300,000 speakers.
6. Zanzibar
- Definition: one of several toponyms sharing similar etymologies.
- Synonyms: land of the blacks
- Example: Zanzibar is a Tanzanian archipelago off the coast of East Africa.
7. Zabian
- Definition: Name Zabian in the Lebanese, Arabic origin, means a worshiper of heavenly bodies
- Synonyms: zaabian, zabien
- Example: He was named Zabian after his grandfather.
8. Zany
- Definition: a zany person
- Synonyms: eccentric, bizarre, weird
- Example: He acts as if he is a zany.
9. Zephyr
- Definition: light, pleasant gust of wind
- Synonyms: aura, breeze, wind
- Example: So it goes without saying you can expect more than a light zephyr.
10. Zine
- Definition: short magazine, usually self-published
- Synonyms: chapbook, pamphlet
- Example: This zine is no longer available.
Nouns That Start with Z You Seldom Use
Nearly all the nouns that start with the letter Z included in this section are the ones that are seldom used by us in our daily talks. So, make sure to drill these words over and over again till you get them right.
1. Ziti
- Definition: a type of tubular pasta
- Synonyms: manicotti, penne
- Example: Vegetable lasagna and tomato sauce on ziti are excellent choices suitable for the vegetarians on your guest list.
2. Zinfandel
- Definition: species of black grape, also the wines made from that grape
- Synonyms: crljenak kastelanski, primitivo, tribidrag
- Example: Zinfandel is a dry red table wine made from a small black grape that is grown chiefly in California.
3. Ziggurat
- Definition: a Sumerian monument built of large stone steps
- Synonyms: turret, spire, cupola
- Example: This represents the ancient ziggurat of the temple of Shamash, which was in part explored by Loftus.
4. Zig
- Definition: a sharp movement at an angle
- Synonyms: zag
- Example: His mind has a lightning-like zig zag which is its straight line of smiting.
5. Zeppelin
- Definition: large aircraft held aloft by an envelope of lighter-than-air gas
- Synonyms: airship, blimp
- Example: The best airships were the giant Graf Zeppelin and the luxurious Hindenburg of the 1930s.
6. Zanthoxylum
- Definition: westren Indian tree with smooth lustrous and slightly oily wood.
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Zanthoxylum armatum fruits are used traditionally as a spice in various food preparations.
7. Zantac
- Definition: a histamine blocker and antacid
- Synonyms: ranitidine
- Example: Zantac is used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis and esophageal reflux.
8. Zamboorak
- Definition: a camel cavalry used in the early modern era by Arab, Afghan, and Indian armies
- Synonyms: a small swivelling cannon mounted on a camel’s back
- Example: Bertagna had heard the moan of the zamboorak seven times.
9. Zamboni
- Definition: a brand of machine that smooths the surface of the ice on a rink
- Synonyms: ice resurfacer, ice resurfacing machine
- Example: He said that he never drove the Zamboni.
10. Zambia
- Definition: a republic in central Africa; formerly controlled by Great Britain and called Northern Rhodesia
- Synonyms : (none)
- Example: Zambia gained independence within the commonwealth in 1964.
Nouns That Start with Z You Rarely Use
In this segment we’ll skim through Z-nouns which are rarely used by majority of the individuals. Thus, it will help you add universality and richness in your writing.
1. Zambezi
- Definition: an African river; flows into the Indian Ocean
- Synonyms: river, riparious, fluvial
- Example: He had already taken Mary and their three children on two journeys to the Zambezi region.
2. Zaphrentis
- Definition: a genus of solitary tetracorals that are common in Paleozoic formations and have numerous septa radiating from a deep pit in one side of the cup
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: The shales between the limestones are rich in fossils and contain abundant single corals referable to Zaphrentis
3. Zampogna
- Definition: zampogna is a generic term for a number of Italian double chantered pipes
- Synonyms: musical instrument
- Example: I marched all the distance, playing my zampogna.
4. Zeaxanthin
- Definition: natural yellow pigment that occurs in corn, egg yolk and the human retina
- Synonyms: lutein, carotenoid, lycopene, betacarotene
- Example: The fovea has a high concentration of the yellow carotenoid pigments lutein and zeaxanthin.
5. Zeitgeist
- Definition: spirit or quality of a particular time and place
- Synonyms: atmosphere, milieu, tenor
- Example: The zeitgeist of the years preceding the war was a desire for isolation since no one wanted to get involved in an international crisis.
6. Zoot
- Definition: man’s suit, popular in the 1930s and 1940s, with baggy high-waisted trousers and padded shoulders
- Synonyms: zoot suit
- Example: The longer jackets, which work so well on a tall man, are reminiscent of the zoot suits worn by snappy younger men in the 1940s.
7. Zooplankton
- Definition: mobile microscopic animals in fresh or seawater
- Synonyms: plankton, protists, protozoans
- Example: These are fed upon by the tiny animals called zooplankton.
8. Zoroastrianism
- Definition: monotheistic religion of Persia (in modern Iran)
- Synonyms: religious belief, Beliefs, faith, belief, religion, theology
- Example: Numerous coincidences with the Indian religion survive in Zoroastrianism, side by side with astonishing diversities.
9. Zoster
- Definition: belt or girdle worn by men in ancient Greece
- Synonyms: belt, girdle, zone
- Example: He was wearing a leather zoster.
10. Zucchini
- Definition: edible cylindrical green gourd
- Synonyms: courgette
- Example: One is zucchini, a summer squash that produces so prolifically that in the end we can hardly give it away.
Positive Nouns That Start with Z
Positive words will assist you in establishing yourself as a confident and assertive individual on any platform. On that account it is of utmost importance to have positive nouns that start with Z in your vocabulary.
1. Zaniness
- Definition: the quality of being laugable or comical
- Synonyms: drollness, funniness, humorousness
- Example: For all his occasional zaniness and bad positions on various issues, I’ve got a certain respect for him.
2. Zeal
- Definition: great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective
- Synonyms: passion, love fire
- Example: His zeal for becoming a football start is commendable.
3. Zegedine
- Definition: silver drinking cup
- Synonyms: silverware
- Example: In ancient time, the royals used to drink alcohol in zegedine.
4. Zibeline
- Definition: a soft lustrous wool fabric with mohair, alpaca, or camel’s hair
- Synonyms: (none)
- Example: Zibeline is usually made with the skin of animals.
5. Zing
- Definition: energy, enthusiasm, or liveliness
- Synonyms: zest, relish, gusto
- Example: He was expected to add some zing to the lacklustre team.
6. Zest
- Definition: great enthusiasm and energy
- Synonyms: gusto, relish, apetite
- Example: They campaigned with zest and intelligence.
7. Zen
- Definition: the state of calm attentiveness in which one’s actions are guided by intuition
- Synonyms: religious meditation
- Example: Perhaps in the zen of gardening you become one with the plants and lost if the task at hand.
Nouns That Start with Z – Full List (317 words)
- Za
- Zabaglione
- Zabaism
- Zabian
- Zabism
- Zacco
- Zachun
- Zaerthe
- Zaffer
- Zag
- Zaibatsu
- Zaim
- Zaimet
- Zain
- Zakat
- Zalambdodont
- Zamang
- Zambo
- Zamia
- Zamindar
- Zamindari
- Zamindary
- Zamite
- Zamouse
- Zampogna
- Zander
- Zandmole
- Zaniness
- Zante
- Zantewood
- Zantiot
- Zany
- Zanyism
- Zap
- Zaphara
- Zaphrentis
- Zapotilla
- Zaptiah
- Zarathustrism
- Zaratite
- Zareba
- Zarf
- Zarnich
- Zarthe
- Zati
- Zauschneria
- Zax
- Z-Axis
- Zayat
- Ze
- Zea
- Zeal
- Zealant
- Zealot
- Zealotism
- Zealotist
- Zealotry
- Zeaxanthin
- Zebec
- Zebra
- Zebrafish
- Zebrawood
- Zebu
- Zebub
- Zechin
- Zechstein
- Zed
- Zedoary
- Zeds
- Zee
- Zeekoe
- Zegedine
- Zehner
- Zein
- Zeitgeist
- Zemindar
- Zemindari
- Zemindary
- Zemni
- Zemstvo
- Zemstvos
- Zen
- Zenana
- Zenanas
- Zend
- Zend-Avesta
- Zendik
- Zenick
- Zenik
- Zenith
- Zeolite
- Zeolites
- Zephyr
- Zephyrus
- Zeppelin
- Zequin
- Zerda
- Zeriba
- Zero
- Zest
- Zeta
- Zetetic
- Zeuglodon
- Zeuglodonta
- Zeugma
- Zeugmatic
- Zeugobranchiata
- Zeus
- Zeuzerian
- Zeylanite
- Zibeline
- Zibet
- Zibeth
- Ziega
- Zietrisikite
- Zif
- Zig
- Ziggurat
- Zigzag
- Zigzaggery
- Zilch
- Zilla
- Zillah
- Zillion
- Zillionaire
- Zimb
- Ziment-Water
- Zinc
- Zincane
- Zincide
- Zincification
- Zincite
- Zincode
- Zincographer
- Zincography
- Zine
- Zinfandel
- Zing
- Zingaro
- Zingel
- Zinger
- Zink
- Zinkenite
- Zinnia
- Zinnwaldite
- Zinsang
- Zion
- Zionism
- Zionist
- Zip
- Ziphioid
- Zipline
- Ziploc
- Zipped
- Zipper
- Zircofluoride
- Zircon
- Zircona
- Zirconate
- Zirconia
- Zirconium
- Zirconoid
- Zit
- Zither
- Ziti
- Zittern
- Zizania
- Zizel
- Zloty
- Zoanthacea
- Zoantharia
- Zoantharian
- Zoanthodeme
- Zoanthropy
- Zoanthus
- Zobo
- Zocco
- Zoccolo
- Zocle
- Zodiac
- Zodiacs
- Zoea
- Zoetrope
- Zohar
- Zoide
- Zoilism
- Zoisite
- Zokor
- Zollverein
- Zombie
- Zombies
- Zomboruk
- Zona
- Zonar
- Zonaria
- Zonation
- Zone
- Zoned
- Zonnar
- Zonule
- Zonulet
- Zonure
- Zoo
- Zoochemistry
- Zoochemy
- Zoochlorella
- Zoocyst
- Zoocytium
- Zoodendrium
- Zooecium
- Zooerythrine
- Zoogamy
- Zoogeny
- Zoogeographical
- Zoogeography
- Zoogloea
- Zoogony
- Zoographer
- Zoographist
- Zoography
- Zooid
- Zooids
- Zookeeper
- Zookeepers
- Zoolatry
- Zoologer
- Zoologist
- Zoology
- Zoomelanin
- Zoomorphism
- Zoon
- Zoonite
- Zoonomy
- Zoonoses
- Zoonotic
- Zoonule
- Zoopathology
- Zoophaga
- Zoophagan
- Zoophilist
- Zoophily
- Zoophite
- Zoophorous
- Zoophyta
- Zoophytology
- Zooplankton
- Zoopraxiscope
- Zoopsychology
- Zoos
- Zoosperm
- Zoosporangium
- Zoospore
- Zoot
- Zootomist
- Zootomy
- Zoozoo
- Zope
- Zopilote
- Zoril
- Zorilla
- Zoroastrian
- Zoroastrianism
- Zoroastrism
- Zoster
- Zostera
- Zosterops
- Zouave
- Z-Score
- Zu/Is
- Zubr
- Zucchini
- Zuche
- Zuchetto
- Zufolo
- Zuisin
- Zulus
- Zumbooruk
- Zumic
- Zumological
- Zumology
- Zumometer
- Zunyite
- Zwanziger
- Zwitterionic
- Zydeco
- Zygantrum
- Zygapophysis
- Zygenid
- Zygobranchia
- Zygodactyl
- Zygodactylae
- Zygodactyle
- Zygodactyli
- Zygoma
- Zygosis
- Zygosity
- Zygosperm
- Zygosphene
- Zygospore
- Zygote
- Zylonite
- Zymase
- Zyme
- Zymogen
- Zymogene
- Zymologist
- Zymology
- Zymome
- Zymometer
- Zymophyte
- Zymose
- Zymosimeter
- Zymosis
- Zyophyte
- Zythem
- Zythepsary
- Zythum
Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with Z
Appropritate nouns, verbs, adjective and others parts of speech, are what makes a great sentence structure. If any of these is missing it will gets tough to convery the message. Within this list we’ve included the nouns beginning with Z that we consider will be serviceable for your style. Nouns starting with Z have a immense implementation in our daily routine which makes it imperative for us to learn them correctly.
Since there is drageed out list of nouns that start with Z, it is possible that we might’ve missed some important words. So, if are familiar with such salient words that are not included above, please tell us about it in the comment section.
Ps. See also positive words that start with Z, adjectives that start with Z and verbs that start with Z.