480 Positive Words That Start With C [with Definitions and Examples]

Positive words that start with C are just like all other alphabets, a lot in number. Positive means happy, so these positive words beginning with C will be used to describe things and people in a happy way! The positive words that start with C will make you and everyone around you feel happy and positive.
Letter C is very interesting because Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States allegedly wanted to erase the word C along with some other and replace it with his own word! Aren’t we glad that didn’t happen?
Anyways, the list of positive words that start with C in this article not only will help us express ourselves better but also expand our vocabulary. I’m sure there will be some inspirational words that start with C in this article that will be new and exciting for you. One great thing is that all these words are positive, so by the time you are done reading them, you might feel a little giddy yourself!
Table of Contents
Positive Words That Start with C – Full List (480 words)
You will find a full positive words list here, hope you enjoy the learning of these 480 positive words.
- Cachinnate
- Cagey
- Cajole
- Caliber
- Calibre
- callback
- callipygean
- callipygous
- Calm
- Calmative
- Calming
- Calmly
- Calmness
- camaraderie
- Camelot
- Camp
- Campaign
- Campaigner
- Can
- Candescent
- Candid
- Candidly
- Can-do
- Candor
- candour
- Candy
- Cannily
- Canny
- canoodle
- Canorous
- Canteen
- Canter
- Canty
- Capability
- Capable
- Capably
- Capacious
- Capital
- Cappella
- Captain
- Captivate
- Captivating
- Care
- Career
- Carefree
- Carefreeness
- Careful
- Carefully
- Carefulness
- Caress
- Caretaker
- Caring
- Caritas
- Carol
- Cashcow
- Casual
- Casually
- Catalyst
- Catch
- Catching
- Catchy
- Categorical
- Cater
- Cathartic
- Causative
- Cause
- Ceaseless
- Celebrate
- Celebrated
- Celebration
- Celebrator
- Celebratory
- Celebrity
- Celeritous
- Celestial
- Center
- Centered
- Central
- Centric
- Cerebral
- Ceremonial
- Ceremonious
- Certain
- Certainly
- Certainty
- Chairperson
- Champ
- Champion
- Chance
- Change
- Changeable
- Changeless
- Chaperone
- Characteristic
- Charisma
- Charismatic
- Charitable
- Charity
- Charmed
- Charmer
- Charming
- Charmingly
- Chaste
- Chatty
- Cheap
- Cheaper
- Cheapest
- Cheeky
- Cheer
- Cheerful
- Cheerfully
- Cheerfulness
- Cheerily
- Cheering
- Cheerio
- Cheers
- Cheery
- Chemistry
- Cherish
- Cherished
- Cherry
- Cherub
- Chic
- Chichi
- Chief
- Chieftain
- Child
- Childish
- Childlike
- Chill
- Chipper
- Chirp
- Chirpy
- Chiseled
- Chivalrous
- Chivalry
- Chock-full
- Choice
- Choose
- Chops
- Choral
- Chortle
- Chosen
- Christ
- Christian
- Christianity
- Chuck
- Chuckle
- Chuffed
- Chum
- Chummy
- Ciao
- Cinch
- CinCin
- Civic
- Civil
- Civility
- Civilize
- Civilized
- Clairvoyant
- Clap
- Clapping
- Clarity
- Classic
- Classical
- Classy
- Clean
- Clean-cut
- Cleanliness
- Cleanly
- Clear
- Clear-cut
- Cleared
- Clearheaded
- Clear-headed
- Clearly
- Clebrant
- Clemency
- Clement
- Clerical
- Clever
- Cleverly
- Cleverness
- Click
- Climax
- Clinquant
- Close
- Closely
- Closeness
- Cloudless
- Clubby
- Clustered
- Coadjutant
- Coequal
- Cogent
- Cognizance
- Cognizant
- Cohere
- Coherence
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Cojones
- Collabolator
- Collaborate
- Collaboration
- Collaborative
- Collaborator
- Collateral
- Colleague
- Collected
- Collective
- Collector
- Color-coordinated
- Colorful
- Colorist
- Colossal
- Colourful
- Coltish
- Comely
- Comer
- Comfort
- Comfortable
- Comfortably
- Comforter
- Comforting
- Comfy
- Comic
- Comical
- Commander
- Commanding
- Commend
- Commendable
- Commendably
- Commendatory
- Commending
- Commiserate
- Commiserative
- Commited
- Commitment
- Committed
- Commodious
- Commodity
- Commonsensical
- Communicative
- Communion
- Community
- Commutual
- Compact
- Compacted
- Compactly
- Companion
- Companionable
- Companionship
- Company
- Compassion
- Compassionate
- Compatible
- Compelling
- Competent
- Competitive
- Complement
- Complementary
- Complemented
- Complements
- Complete
- Completely
- Compliant
- Compliment
- Complimentary
- Compose
- Composed
- Comprehension
- Comprehensive
- Concentrate
- Concentrated
- Concentration
- Concert
- Conciliate
- Conciliation
- Conciliatory
- Concise
- Conclusive
- Conclusively
- Concordance
- Concordant
- Concrete
- Concupiscent
- Concurrent
- Condolatory
- Condole
- Condolence
- Conductor
- Confederate
- Conferrable
- Confidant
- Confide
- Confidence
- Confident
- Confirm
- Confirmation
- Congenial
- Congrats
- Congratulate
- Congratulation
- Congratulatory
- Congruous
- Conjunction
- Connect
- Connected
- Connectedness
- Connection
- Connoisseur
- Conquer
- Conquest
- Conscientious
- Conscious
- Consciousness
- Consensual
- Consentaneous
- Consentient
- Consequential
- Consider
- Considerable
- Considerate
- Consist
- Consistency
- Consistent
- Consistently
- Console
- Consoler
- Consonant
- Conspicuous
- Constant
- Constantly
- Constitutional
- Constructive
- Consul
- Consultant
- Consummate
- Contemplative
- Contemporary
- Content
- Contented
- Contentment
- Continuity
- Continuous
- Contrast
- Contribute
- Contribution
- Contributive
- Contributor
- Contrite
- Contrition
- Control
- Convenience
- Convenient
- Conveniently
- Conversant
- Conversation
- Converse
- Convert
- Converted
- Convey
- Conviction
- Convictive
- Convince
- Convinced
- Convincing
- Convincingly
- Convivial
- Conviviality
- Cool
- Coolest
- Cool-headed
- Cooperate
- Cooperation
- Cooperative
- Cooperatively
- Coordinated
- Copacetic
- Cope
- Copious
- Cordial
- Cordially
- Cornerstone
- Corporation
- Correct
- Correctly
- Coruscant
- Cosmic
- Cost-effective
- Cost-saving
- Cosy
- Counsel
- Counselor
- Countenance
- Couple
- Courage
- Courageous
- Courageously
- Courageousness
- Courteous
- Courtesy
- Courtlike
- Courtly
- Courtship
- Couthie
- Covenant
- Coy
- Coyness
- Cozy
- Crack
- Crackerjack
- Craft
- Craftsman
- Craftsmanship
- Crafty
- Cratfy
- Cream
- Creamy
- Create
- Creation
- Creative
- Creativity
- Creator
- Credence
- Credential
- Credibility
- Credible
- Credit
- Creditable
- Crew
- Crisp
- Crowd
- Crowd-pleaser
- Crowd-puller
- Crucial
- Crush
- Crutch
- Crystal
- Crystal-clear
- Crystalize
- Cuddle
- Cuddlesome
- Cuddly
- Culminate
- Culmination
- Cultivated
- Cultural
- Culture
- Cultured
- Cunning
- Cunningly
- Cupid
- Curator
- Cure
- Cure-all
- Curiosity
- Curious
- Current
- Curtsy
- Curvaceous
- Curvy
- Cushion
- Cushy
- Cute
- Cuteness
- Cutie
- Cutting-edge
Positive Words That Start with C to Describe a Person
As these words are all positive, the words starting with C are used to describe a person positively. Sometimes writing descriptions can be hard, especially when you can’t find the right words; these words starting with C to describe a person positively, hopefully, will help you with that problem.
1. Calm
- Definition: not feeling nervousness, anger, the absence of strong feelings
- Synonyms: tranquil, quiet
- Example: She always tries to remain calm in any difficult situation, though sometimes it becomes hard for her to do that.
2. Clear-headed
- Definition: the ability to think logically and in a clear way
- Synonyms: far-sighted, wise
- Example: He is clear-headed enough to solve that convoluted problem.
3. Cooperative
- Definition: showing a willingness to help or do what people ask
- Synonyms: nice, neighborly
- Example: She is exceptionally cooperative and reaches out to those who need help at any time.
4. Cunning
- Definition: the skill of showing cleverness at planning something or achieving something
- Synonyms: tricky, crafty
- Example: He is a very cunning man and hence can sort his problems out very quickly.
5. Competitive
- Definition: showing a tendency to win or be more successful than other people
- Synonyms: cut-throat, fierce
- Example: He is really competitive and gets furious if he loses at anything.
6. Content
- Definition: pleased with one’s own situation and not hoping for change
- Synonyms: satisfied, gratified
- Example: Being content with what you have is one of the best ways to be happy in life.
7. Courageous
- Definition: showing courage
- Synonyms: daring, brave
- Example: She is a courageous woman who fought cancer.
8. Chivalrous
- Definition: Being courteous, polite, and fair towards women
- Synonyms: Respectful, gallant
- Example: He is a chivalrous guy, and so he defends any woman facing torture.
9. Cautious
- Definition: the act of avoiding risks
- Synonyms: careful, wary, vigilant
- Example: He is a cautious driver and hence doesn’t encounter road accidents frequently.
10. Casual
- Definition: relaxed in style and manner
- Synonyms: easy-going, open
- Example: She is an amiable woman with a casual sort of attitude towards life.
Positive Words That Start with C to Encourage Yourself
If you want to encourage others, you need to start with encouraging yourself. These good words that start with C will make you feel cheerful, just like the words.
1. Confident
- Definition: showing confidence in one’s abilities and qualities.
- Synonyms: self-assured, assertive
- Example: Being confident is one of the most effective ways to be successful in life.
2. Cheerful
- Definition: being in a state of happiness and optimistic
- Synonyms: merry, jolly
- Example: When I feel really down about something, I think about my accomplishments which make me cheerful.
3. Charged
- Definition: filled with excitement, and emotion
- Synonyms: emotional, gut
- Example: A delicious cup of coffee is enough to make my depressed mind cheerful, and so I get charged.
4. Can-do
- Definition: Showing a willingness to take action and achieve results
- Synonyms: assertive, rakish
- Example: My can-do attitude greatly helps me to achieve success in my office work.
5. Chill
- Definition: to relax
- Synonyms: laid-back, rested
- Example: I chill for some moments when I feel exhausted, which makes me more lively and positive.
6. Cool
- Definition: showing calmness and not worried or frightened
- Synonyms: refreshing, bracing
- Example: Having a cool attitude towards everything helps me to stay motivated in my life.
7. Compulsive
- Definition: having a strong desire to do something repeatedly
- Synonyms: determined, driven
- Example: People call me compulsive, but I can’t really rest before I accomplish my goals.
8. Committed
- Definition: willing to give your time and energy to something you believe in
- Synonyms: dedicated, devoted
- Example: I am always committed to my artworks which gives me peace of mind.
9. Concentrate
- Definition: to give your attention to a particular activity, subject,, or problem
- Synonyms: focus, put one’s mind to
- Example: When I think of myself as an incapable person, I try to concentrate on my abilities which help to change my mind positively.
10. Champ
- Definition: someone who wins a contest
- Synonyms: champion, title-holder
- Example: Though I can’t be a champ in every sector, the desire to be a champ inspires me to move forward.
Positive Words That Start with C to Compliments others
Sometimes you need the perfect word to compliment your partner or friend, but you might not have found it. Don’t worry, just keep on reading to find nice words that start with C to complement your fellow humans.
1. Comely
- Definition: pleasant or attractive to look at(typically used for a woman)
- Synonyms: beautiful, pretty
- Example: That woman looked comely in that blue gown.
2. Cute
- Definition: attractive or pleasant in looks
- Synonyms: adorable, lovable
- Example: He is an absolutely cute child.
3. Charming
- Definition: having a pleasant appearance
- Synonyms: appealing, sweet
- Example: Your sister looks so charming in that purple dress.
4. Cool-headed
- Definition: to stay calm in difficult situations
- Synonyms: nerveless, unstressed
- Example: Flora is cool-headed, and so she can tackle any adverse situation easily.
5. Creative
- Definition: producing or creating unique, original, and unusual ideas
- Synonyms: artistic, innovative
- Example: Her creative works are worthy of praise.
6. Captivating
- Definition: capable of holding interest and attracting attention
- Synonyms: alluring, enchanting
- Example: The forest looks so captivating that I could spend all my life staying there.
7. Celebrated
- Definition: famous for possessing special character, or quality
- Synonyms: well-known, renowned
- Example: Colleen Hoover is celebrated for her amazing fiction.
8. Comical
- Definition: funny in a silly or strange way
- Synonyms: amusing, hilarious
- Example: Her comical stories can make any sad people have a good day.
9. Classy
- Definition: describing people, place, or anything stylish and sophisticated
- Synonyms: elegant, high-class
- Example: It’s her classy attitude that makes her different from other girls.
10. Catchy
- Definition: pleasing or easy to remember (tunes or phrases)
- Synonyms: unforgettable, memorable
- Example: Her catchy voice keeps buzzing in my ears.
Positive Words That Start with C to Help Through Difficulties
We all have bad days, and occasionally, all it takes is one word to cheer us up and get through the day. The following encouraging words start with C and might be the trick for your mood.
1. Canty
- Definition: a state of happiness
- Synonyms: cheerful, lively
- Example: Difficulties can easily be solved in a canty mood.
2. Crucial
- Definition: extremely important as many things depends on it
- Synonyms: essential, vital
- Example: Time is the crucial thing in times of danger.
3. Cognizant
- Definition: realizing and understanding something
- Synonyms: aware, conscious
- Example: It’s better to be cognizant while making decisions on hard days.
4. Close
- Definition: denoting a person who is a part of one’s immediate family
- Synonyms: near, adjacent
- Example: Sometimes, close people show their true color in times of danger.
5. Clear-cut
- Definition: sharply defined or easy to perceive
- Synonyms: assure, definite
- Example: She has clear-cut evidence that her friend cheated her.
6. Credible
- Definition: able to be believed or trusted
- Synonyms: convincing, believable
- Example: Getting a credible friend during bad days is like a blessing.
7. Comprehend
- Definition: to understand something completely
- Synonyms: follow, grasp
- Example: It’s better to comprehend any situation before doing any work.
8. Constructive
- Definition: intended to help someone or improve understanding
- Synonyms: useful, helpful
- Example: Constructive work brings success in the future.
9. Cease
- Definition: come to an end, or to stop something
- Synonyms: terminate, finish
- Example: Soon, hard times will cease, and you will be able to shine again.
10. Cut
- Definition: to make something shorter, or to remove something, or someone
- Synonyms: elimination, banish
- Example: Cut those people from your life who are harmful to your mental health.
Positive Words That Start with C to Uplift Our Mind
Having a very busy and stressful day can affect our mood in a bad way. Therefore, these motivational words that start with C are here! They start with the letter C and are very sweet.
1. Candid
- Definition: truthful and straightforward
- Synonyms: frank, sincere
- Example: It is important for us to be candid in all sectors of life.
2. Charismatic
- Definition: practicing a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others
- Synonyms: fascinating, appalling
- Example: He was a charismatic figure with great appeal to all people.
3. Capable
- Definition: able to do anything
- Synonyms: able, efficient
- Example: I am capable of doing everything perfectly.
4. Commendable
- Definition: deserving praise
- Synonyms: admirable, praiseworthy
- Example: Everyone is amazed at his commendable behavior.
5. Conscious
- Definition: aware and responding to one’s surrounding
- Synonyms: awake, alert
- Example: We should remain conscious about everything.
6. Companion
- Definition: a person you spend a lot of time with often as you are friends
- Synonyms: buddy, friend
- Example: A good companion makes us happy all the time.
7. Cabalistic:
- Definition: having an occult, mystical, or escort meaning
- Synonyms: magic, mysterious
- Example: Many people love to study cabalistic symbols during their leisure time.
8. Color
- Definition: the appearance that something has as a result of reflecting light
- Synonyms: shade, tint
- Example: Drawing scenery using bright colors always looks aesthetic.
9. Cantabile
- Definition: performed with a smooth singing style
- Synonyms: melodious, melodic
- Example: The singer sang cantabile like an angel.
10. Colossal
- Definition: something which is extremely large or great in amount
- Synonyms: massive, gigantic, huge
- Example: Getting a colossal teddy bear as a birthday gift can definitely make anyone happy.
List of Positive Words That Start with C to Keep Us Stay Positive
Staying positive every day can be hard, but these positive words that start with C might make these hard days a little easier for you and those around you.
1. Consistent
- Definition: always behaving or happening in a similarly positive way
- Synonyms: unchanging, unchangeable
- Example: There has been a consistent improvement in his behavior.
2. Congenial
- Definition: friendly and pleasant, producing comfort
- Synonyms: warm, convivial
- Example: Spending time with congenial friends is everything.
4. Convivial
- Definition: (of a person) cheerful and friendly
- Synonyms: jovial, lively
- Example: Mr. Abdur Rahim is a convivial person who is able to make everyone around him cheerful.
5. Cheery
- Definition: Happy and optimistic
- Synonyms: merry, bubbly
- Example: A cheery smile from my favorite person makes my day.
6. Connection
- Definition: state of being related to someone, or something else
- Synonyms: concerning, regarding
- Example: Spiritual connection with God is always helpful to bring peace of mind.
7. Compelling
- Definition: very interesting and exciting that makes you want to watch or listen
- Synonyms: absorbing, fascinating
- Example: A compelling film can refresh anyone’s mind.
8. Competent
- Definition: able to do something well
- Synonyms: skillful, good at
- Example: Being competent at your passion is one of the best feelings ever.
9. Comedy
- Definition: a (type of) film, play, or book that is intentionally funny either in its characters or its action
- Synonyms: hilarious, amusing
- Example: A comedy movie is a must-watch after a long tiring day.
10. Collect
- Definition: to get and keep things of one type, especially for hobby
- Synonyms: accumulate, assemble
- Example: People collect different things like coins, old used pens for a hobby.
Commonly Used Positive Words That Start with C
These are common but maybe not so common in your life. In order for you to make them common in your everyday life as well, keep on reading about these positive words that start with C.
1. Caring
- Definition: displaying kindness and concern for others
- Synonyms: kind, tender
- Example: Everyone deserves a caring friend who will always help and cheer them up in their bad days.
2. Carefree
- Definition: free from anxiety or responsibility
- Synonyms: unworried, untroubled
- Example: We were carefree and young.
3. Comfortable
- Definition: Providing ease and relaxation
- Synonyms: snug, warm
- Example: I always feel comfortable with any good book and a cup of coffee.
4. Communicative
- Definition: willing, eager, or able to talk and impart information.
- Synonyms: vocal, expressive
- Example: He was in a bad mood and wasn’t very communicative.
5. Clean
- Definition: morally uncontaminated, innocent
- Synonyms: neat, pure
- Example: A clean environment is crucial for a healthy lifestyle.
6. Chosen
- Definition: having selected as the best
- Synonyms: selected, pick
- Example: He has been chosen as the best captain of the year.
7. Cozy
- Definition: comfortable, pleasant, and inviting of a room because it is warm
- Synonyms: airy, comfy
- Example: The flickering lamp gave the room a cozy live-in air.
8. Classic
- Definition: having high quality standards against which other things are judged.
- Synonyms: divine, amazing
- Example: Classic people are always admired.
9. Camp
- Definition: a place with temporary accommodation of huts, tents, or other structures, typically used by soldiers, refugees, or traveling people.
- Synonyms: tent, base
- Example: We set up camp by the lakeside.
10. Continue
- Definition: persist in an activity or process
- Synonyms: resume, recommence
- Example: The girl wants to continue her studies after marriage.
Positive Words That Start with C for Attractive Resumes
You want that job so very badly, so how should you impress them in order to get the job? Well, duh, use these positive words that start with C on your resume.
1. Complete
- Definition: having all necessary or appropriate parts
- Synonyms: absolute, total
- Example: The university offers a complete list of courses.
2. Compose
- Definition: write, or create something
- Synonyms: produce, originate
- Example: The committee was composed entirely of specialists.
3. Consult
- Definition: An act of consulting a professional
- Synonyms: ask, turn to
- Example: I will have to consult with my senior before I make any decision.
4. Consist
- Definition: to be composed, or to be made up of
- Synonyms: comprise, contain
- Example: This information consists of our company.
5. Confirm
- Definition: establish the truth or correctness
- Synonyms: verify, check
- Example: Her announcement confirmed that she would be joining as a CEO.
6. Conduct
- Definition: organize, or perform a specific activity
- Synonyms: activity, agency
- Example: We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local service.
7. Consider
- Definition: to spend time thinking about possibilities or making decisions.
- Synonyms: contemplate, ponder
- Example: Without considering the situation, our firm does not take any decision.
8. Conclude
- Definition: to end a speech or writing
- Synonyms: finish, end
- Example: The company concluded the meeting.
9. Compile
- Definition: collecting information from different places
- Synonyms: assemble,
- Example: We are compiling some figures for the betterment of our company.
10. Clue
- Definition: a piece of information or evidence in a particular matter
- Synonyms: hint, sign
- Example: The company is still searching for clues about the lost documents.
Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with C
Congratulations on reading this article all the way till the end! I am sure you already feel smarter after reading these positive words starting with C than you did at the beginning of this article. If not, maybe you need to keep reading it till you do? Anyways, don’t forget to apply the words you learned today in real life too, maybe while writing a story or sending a text to someone you want to impress!
It would be our pleasure to know that you found this article helpful, even if a little bit. Keep on studying about all these positive words that start with the letter C, and soon you will be an expert in the English language.
Ps. See also adjectives words that start with C, nouns that start with C and verbs that start with C.