215 Verbs That Start with E [with Definitions and Examples]

Verbs that start with E are mentioned in this article. Verbs beginning with E are an inseparable part of our life as we cannot complete any writing piece without verbs. Do you think you would be able to restrain yourself from using any verbs starting with E while reading, writing, or speaking? No, right? It is impossible to do so.
Don’t you want your daily dose of nerd facts? E is used more often than any other letter as it appears 11% of all words. After this, who could think they can write an article fully without any verbs that start with E? I am confident my article won’t make any sense if I don’t use them.
This article contains a list of verbs that start with E that you may or may not be familiar with. So keep on reading and you might find some verbs that start with E to describe a person that you were looking for.
Table of Contents
Verbs That Start with E You Always Use
These are some verbs that are so common that we always end up using no matter what. Keep on reading and check for yourself if some of your common verbs that start with E are here or not.
1. Educate
● Definition: give intellectual, moral and social instruction to (someone) typically at a school or university
● Synonyms: teach, instruct, coach
● Example: She was educated at a boarding school.
2. Earn
● Definition: obtain (money) in return for labour or services
● Synonyms: gross, receive
● Example: He earns a lot this year.
3. Eat
● Definition: put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it
● Synonyms: consume, ingest, munch
● Example: He was eating a hot dog.
4. Excite
● Definition: cause (someone) to feel very enthusiastic and eager
● Synonyms: thrill, animate, stimulate
● Example: Flying still excites me.
5. Enjoy
● Definition: take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion)
● Synonyms: relish, adore
● Example: I enjoy watching good films.
6. Explain
● Definition: make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts.
● Synonyms: describe, spell out, clarify
● Example: They explained that their lives centered on the religious rituals.
7. End
● Definition: come or bring to a final point
● Synonyms: finish, conclude
● Example: Let’s end this debate.
8. Entertain
● Definition: provide (someone) with amusement
● Synonyms: delight, charm, cheer
● Example: A tremendous game that thoroughly entertained the crowd.
9. Encourage
● Definition: give support, confidence or to hope (someone)
● Synonyms: inspire, motivate, hearten
● Example: We were encouraged by the success of this venture.
10. Expect
● Definition: regard (something) as likely to happen
● Synonyms: anticipate, predict
● Example: It’s as well to expect the worst.
Verbs That Start with E You Usually Use
It is a fact that we always end up using verbs starting with E, don’t we? Here are some verbs starting with E that you might usually use. Check for yourself and make sure.
1. Elaborate
● Definition: develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in further detail
● Synonyms: explain, describe
● Example: Mary elaborated the process.
2. Empower
● Definition: give (someone) the authority or power to do something
● Synonyms: permit, entitle, allow
● Example: I want to empower the businessman.
3. Emphasize
● Definition: give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing
● Synonyms: highlight, spotlight, strengthen
● Example: It is important to emphasize this point.
4. Engage
● Definition: occupy or attract (someone’s interest or intention)
● Synonyms: capture, grab, seize
● Example: Organizations engage in a variety of activities.
5. Enhance
● Definition: intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of
● Synonyms: inflate, amplify, raise
● Example: His refusal does nothing to enhance his reputation.
6. Enrich
● Definition: improve or enhance the quality or value of
● Synonyms: upgrade, refine, complement
● Example: Her exposure to museums enriched her life in France.
7. Equal
● Definition: being the same in quality, size, degree or value
● Synonyms: equivalent, similar
● Example: Four plus six divided by two equals five.
8. Establish
● Definition: set up on a firm or permanent basis
● Synonyms: create, found
● Example: The scheme was established in 1975.
9. Esteem
● Definition: think in a particular way
● Synonyms: consider, regard
● Example: Many of these qualities are esteemed by managers.
10. Employ
● Definition: give work to (someone) and pray for them
● Synonyms: hire, appoint
● Example: The firm employs 150 people.
Verbs That Start with E You Often Use
Verbs are literally what makes a sentence make sense. Here are some verbs starting with E that you often end up using as some words might not be used as frequently as others.
1. Engineer
● Definition: skillfully arrange to occur
● Synonyms: fix, set up
● Example: He is the man who engineered the tunnel.
2. Enlighten
● Definition: give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation
● Synonyms: inform, advice
● Example: I hope the results of my research will enlighten my colleagues.
3. Entrust
● Definition: assign the responsibility for doing something to (someone)
● Synonyms: charge, invest
● Example: I have been entrusted with the task of getting him safely back.
4. Exact
● Definition: demand and obtain something from someone
● Synonyms: require, impose
● Example: He exacted promises that another Watergate would never be allowed to happen.
5. Embarrass
● Definition: cause (someone) to feel awkward, self-concerned or ashamed
● Synonyms: abash, humiliate
● Example: She wouldn’t embarrass either of them by making a scene.
6. Expand
● Definition: become or make larger or more extensive
● Synonyms: enlarge, swell
● Example: Their business expanded into other hotels.
7. Extend
● Definition: cause to cover a wider area; make larger
● Synonyms: widen, broaden
● Example: The car park has been extended.
8. Escape
● Definition: break free from confinement or control
● Synonyms: getaway, bolt
● Example: Two burglars have just escaped from prison.
9. Endeavour
● Definition: try hard to do or achieve something
● Synonyms: aspire, try, attempt
● Example: He is endeavoring to help the Third World.
10. Exercise
● Definition: engage in physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness
● Synonyms: work out, train
● Example: Try to exercise as often as possible.
Verbs That Start with E You Sometimes Use
There will always be some words that you use less or more compared to others. Here are some verbs beginning with E that you don’t use as often as other verbs.
1. Excuse
● Definition: seek to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense) try to justify
● Synonyms: overlook, indulge
● Example: She did nothing to excuse her misbehavior.
2. Exist
● Definition: have objective reality or being
● Synonyms: live, breathe
● Example: You can’t exist by hope alone.
3. Enter
● Definition: come or go into (a place)
● Synonyms: invade, infiltrate
● Example: She entered the kitchen.
4. Explode
● Definition: burst or shatter violently or noisily as a result of rapid combustion, excessive internal pressure, or another process
● Synonyms: blow up, detonate
● Example: An ammunition lorry exploded with a roar.
5. Eclipse
● Definition: (of a celestial body) obscure the light from or to (another celestial body)
● Synonyms: excel, outshine
● Example: Jupiter was eclipsed by the Moon.
6. Elevate
● Definition: raise or lift (something) to a higher position
● Synonyms: upraise, boost
● Example: The exercise will naturally elevate your chest and head.
7. Eliminate
● Definition: completely remove or get rid of (something)
● Synonyms: quash, eradicate
● Example: A policy that would eliminate inflation.
8. Emerge
● Definition: move out of or away from something and become visible
● Synonyms: come out, appear
● Example: Black ravens emerged from the fog.
9. Enclose
● Definition: surround or close of all sides
● Synonyms: encompass, confine
● Example: The entire estate was enclosed with walls.
10. Encounter
● Definition: unexpectedly be faced with or experience (something hostile or difficult)
● Synonyms: confront, run into
● Example: We have encountered one small problem.
Verbs That Start with E You Occasionally Use
We are reminded of some words from time to time and occasionally use them. These are a list of verb words that start with E that are not as common and so are occasionally used.
1. Endure
● Definition: suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently
● Synonyms: undergo, meet
● Example: It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.
2. Encrypt
● Definition: convert (information or data) into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access
● Synonyms: code, inscribe
● Example: Account details are encrypted to protect privacy.
3. Enfold
● Definition: hold or clasp (someone) lovingly in one’s arm
● Synonyms: wrap, squeeze
● Example: He enfolded her in his arms.
4. Echo
● Definition: (of an object or event) be reminiscent of or have shared characteristics with.
● Synonyms: copy, imitation
● Example: A blue suit echoed the color of the eyes.
5. Edit
● Definition: prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it
● Synonyms: correct, polish
● Example: He began to edit the magazine in 1923.
6. Elongate
● Definition: make (something) longer, especially unusually so in relation to its width
● Synonyms: extend, enlarge
● Example: An artist known for elongating the human figures in his paintings.
7. Embark
● Definition: begin (a course of action)
● Synonyms: undertake, enter on
● Example: She embarked on a new career.
8. Emit
● Definition: to send out light, or a smell, or a gas, or other substance.
● Synonyms: release, discharge
● Example: She was heard to emit a cry of horror.
9. Enact
● Definition: make (a bill or other proposal) law
● Synonyms: sanction, approve
● Example: Legislation was enacted to attract international companies.
10. Endanger
● Definition: put (someone or something) at risk or in danger
● Synonyms: imperil, risk
● Example: You will endanger your health if you smoke.
Verbs That Start with E You Seldom Use
Can you challenge yourself to not use any verbs that start with the letter E? No, right? Then here are some verbs that start with the letter E that you might seldom use.
1. Eavesdrop
● Definition: secretly listen to a conversation
● Synonyms: monitor, spy
● Example: My father eavesdropped on my phone calls.
2. Elapse
● Definition: pass; go by
● Synonyms: expire, finish
● Example: Many years were to elapse before I saw it again.
3. Elicit
● Definition: evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone
● Synonyms: obtain, extract
● Example: I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna.
4. Embed
● Definition: fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass
● Synonyms: set, fix
● Example: The arrow embedded itself in the wall.
5. Embezzle
● Definition: steal or misappropriate (money placed in one’s trust or belonging to the organization for which one works)
● Synonyms: rob, thieve
● Example: She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity.
6. Emulate
● Definition: match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation
● Synonyms: reproduce, copy
● Example: Most rulers wished to emulate Alexander the Great.
7. Embody
● Definition: be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling)
● Synonyms: realize, incorporate
● Example: The national body that embodies the competitive spirit and skill.
8. Elate
● Definition: make (someone) ecstatically happy
● Synonyms: thrilled, happy
● Example: She was elated by the news.
9. Enamour
● Definition: be filled with love for
● Synonyms: attract, captivate
● Example: She is enamored with books.
10. Engross
● Definition: absorb all the attention or interest of
● Synonyms: rivet, grip, hold
● Example: They seemed to be engrossed in conversation.
Verbs That Start with E You Rarely Use
Aren’t there some words that you barely see yourself using or sometimes forget? These are some of the E-verbs that you rarely use or may not even be familiar with.
1. Endorse
● Definition: declare one’s public approval or support of
● Synonyms: initial, inscribe, validate
● Example: The report was endorsed by the college.
2. Enthrall
● Definition: capture the fascinated attention of
● Synonyms: enchant, beguile
● Example: The passengers were enthralled by the scenery.
3. Epitomize
● Definition: be a perfect example of
● Synonyms: typify, manifest
● Example: The company epitomized the problems faced by British industry.
4. Eulogize
● Definition: praise highly in speech or writing
● Synonyms: acclaim, extol
● Example: He was eulogized as a rock star.
5. Expedite
● Definition: make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly
● Synonyms: speed up, accelerate
● Example: He promised to expedite economic reforms.
6. Escort
● Definition: a person, vehicle, or a group accompanying another for protection or as a mark of rank
● Synonyms: guard, protector, defense
● Example: He escorted her back to her hotel.
7. Eject
● Definition: force or throw (something) out in a violent or sudden way
● Synonyms: emit, pour out
● Example: Lumps of viscous lava were ejected from the volcano.
8. Enthuse
● Definition: express eager enjoyment, interest, or approval regarding something
● Synonyms: rave, motivate
● Example: Public art is a tonic that can enthuse alienated youth.
9. Enunciate
● Definition: say or pronounce clearly
● Synonyms: utter, express
● Example: She enunciated each word slowly.
10. Exude
● Definition: (with reference to moisture or a smell) discharge or be discharged slowly and steadily
● Synonyms: send out, emanate
● Example: The beetle exudes a caustic liquid.
Positive Verbs That Start with E
We always use positive words that start with E on a daily basis, right? So, keep on reading and you might find some positive words that you might be looking for.
1. Edify
● Definition: instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually
● Synonyms: guide, inculcate
● Example: They tried to edify the child with music.
2. Electrify
● Definition: charge with electricity, pass an electricity through
● Synonyms: arouse, thrill
● Example: The audience was electrified by her performance.
3. Evoke
● Definition: being or recall (a feeling, memory or image) to the conscious mind
● Synonyms: elicit, induce, raise
● Example: The sight evoked pleasant memories of his childhood.
4. Exceed
● Definition: be greater in number or size than (a quantity, number, or other measurable thing)
● Synonyms: surpass, be over
● Example: Economic growth exceeded expectations this year.
5. Ennoble
● Definition: give (someone) a noble rank or title
● Synonyms: dignify, honor
● Example: There was something ennobling about it.
6. Endow
● Definition: provide with a quality, ability or asset
● Synonyms: supply, furnish, favor
● Example: He was endowed with tremendous physical strength.
7. Enrapture
● Definition: give intense pleasure or joy to
● Synonyms: charm, delight
● Example: Ruth was enraptured by the sleeping child.
8. Enlist
● Definition: engage (a person or their help or support)
● Synonyms: obtain, procure
● Example: The company enlisted the help of independent consultants.
9. Enliven
● Definition: make (something) more entertaining, interesting, appealing
● Synonyms: improve, revitalize
● Example: The wartime routine was enlivened by a series of concerts.
10. Exalt
● Definition: think or speak very highly of (someone or something)
● Synonyms: glorify, extol, acclaim
● Example: The party will continue to exalt their hero.
Verbs That Start with E – Full List (215 words)
- Earn
- Ease
- Eat
- Eavesdrop
- Ebb
- Echo
- Eclipse
- Economize
- Edge
- Edit
- Educate
- Efface
- Effect
- Egg
- Ejaculate
- Eject
- Eke
- Elaborate
- Elapse
- Elbow
- Elect
- Electrify
- Electrocute
- Elevate
- Elicit
- Eliminate
- Elongate
- Elope
- Elucidate
- Elude
- Emaciate
- Emanate
- Emancipate
- Emasculate
- Embalm
- Embark
- Embarrass
- Embed
- Embellish
- Embezzle
- Embitter
- Emblazon
- Embody
- Embolden
- Emboss
- Embrace
- Embroider
- Emerge
- Emigrate
- Emit
- Emphasize
- Employ
- Empower
- Empty
- Emulate
- Emulsion
- Enable
- Enact
- Enamel
- Encase
- Enchant
- Encircle
- Enclave
- Enclose
- Encompass
- Encounter
- Encourage
- Encroach
- Encrust
- Encrypt
- Encumber
- End
- Endanger
- Endear
- Endorse
- Endow
- Endue
- Endure
- Energize
- Enervate
- Enfeeble
- Enfold
- Enforce
- Engage
- Engender
- Engrave
- Engross
- Engulf
- Enhance
- Enjoy
- Enlarge
- Enlighten
- Enlist
- Enliven
- Ennoble
- Enquire
- Enrage
- Enrapture
- Enrich
- Enrol
- Enroll
- Enshrine
- Enslave
- Ensnare
- Ensue
- Enter
- Entertain
- Enthral
- Enthrall
- Enthrone
- Enthuse
- Entice
- Entitle
- Entomb
- Entrap
- Entreat
- Entrench
- Entrust
- Entwine
- Enucleate
- Enumerate
- Envelop
- Envisage
- Envy
- Equal
- Equalize
- Equip
- Eradicate
- Erase
- Erect
- Erode
- Err
- Erupt
- Escape
- Escort
- Establish
- Esteem
- Estimate
- Estrange
- Evacuate
- Evade
- Evaluate
- Evaporate
- Even
- Evict
- Evoke
- Evolve
- Exacerbate
- Exaggerate
- Exalt
- Examine
- Exasperate
- Excavate
- Exceed
- Excel
- Except
- Exchange
- Excise
- Excite
- Exclaim
- Exclude
- Excommunicate
- Excrete
- Excuse
- Execrate
- Execute
- Exemplify
- Exempt
- Exercise
- Exert
- Exfoliate
- Exhale
- Exhaust
- Exhibit
- Exhort
- Exhume
- Exile
- Exist
- Exit
- Exonerate
- Exorcise
- Expand
- Expatriate
- Expect
- Expedite
- Expel
- Expend
- Experience
- Experiment
- Expiate
- Expire
- Explain
- Explode
- Exploit
- Explore
- Export
- Expose
- Express
- Expropriate
- Expurgate
- Extend
- Extenuate
- Exterminate
- Extinguish
- Extirpate
- Extol
- Extort
- Extract
- Extradite
- Extrapolate
- Extricate
- Exude
- Exult
- Eye
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with E
I hope you found this article useful after reading it thoroughly. Did you come across some new verbs starting with E while reading it? Even if you learned one new verb beginning with E today, it is good for your vocabulary in my opinion. No matter how much you already know, knowing one more verb can actually come in handy when needed.
After reading this article, I hope you learned something new today. When you need some verbs that start with E, come back to this article and you might be helped by it.
Ps. See also positive words that start with E, adjectives that start with E and nouns that start with E.