5 Letter Words That Start with L (580+ to Tackle Word Games)

Letter words are the foundation of word games like Scrabble, Words with Friends, and Crosswords.
Knowing which letter words to use can make all the difference in the outcome of a game.
If you’re looking to expand your letter word knowledge, then this article contains 5 letter words that start with L that you can use to your advantage in any word game.
Scroll down to read all the words! And remember to save them for your next game.
Table of Contents
5 Letter Words That Start with L for Scrabble
Use our list of 5 letter words that start with L to show off your Scrabble skills, get more points, and win the game.
lezzy26 | lazzo23 | lazzi23 |
lezza23 | lazed15 | laxly15 |
lymph15 | lavvy14 | limax14 |
lazes14 | leaze14 | lazar14 |
leeze14 | lapje14 | lazos14 |
lezes14 | lozen14 | luvvy14 |
lucky14 | laxed13 | luxed13 |
loxed13 | lynch13 | linux12 |
lamby12 | leaky12 | larky12 |
lanky12 | lobby12 | lammy12 |
laxer12 | latex12 | lexes12 |
leccy12 | lakhs12 | lawks12 |
laxes12 | limby12 | lexis12 |
linky12 | lippy12 | lumpy12 |
lurex12 | lummy12 | looky12 |
luxer12 | loxes12 | loppy12 |
luxes12 | lacks11 | leavy11 |
lefty11 | locks11 | leafy11 |
lawny11 | lathy11 | licks11 |
lythe11 | lucks11 | lowry11 |
luffa11 | lushy11 | lovey11 |
lofty11 | luffs11 | lowly11 |
lochs10 | leech10 | latch10 |
leach10 | loach10 | laked10 |
linch10 | lacey10 | lichi10 |
loche10 | loamy10 | lauch10 |
ledgy10 | liked10 | licht10 |
laddy10 | leuch10 | layup10 |
leggy10 | lanch10 | laich10 |
larch10 | letch10 | lycra10 |
lycee10 | loopy10 | lowps10 |
lyams10 | loggy10 | lurch10 |
looby10 | luach10 | lunch10 |
lytic10 | lyric10 | lymes10 |
lycea10 | leeks9 | laksa9 |
layed9 | leaks9 | liker9 |
limpa9 | limbo9 | leugh9 |
limps9 | laved9 | lardy9 |
limma9 | limbi9 | limba9 |
larks9 | lawed9 | laker9 |
latke9 | laugh9 | likes9 |
lived9 | locum9 | lambs9 |
laiks9 | laika9 | laigh9 |
light9 | lirks9 | lakin9 |
lemma9 | likin9 | lamps9 |
leady9 | lakes9 | lanks9 |
laldy9 | lemme9 | liken9 |
limbs9 | lindy9 | lisks9 |
livid9 | lingy9 | links9 |
lying9 | lurgy9 | lyted9 |
lysed9 | lownd9 | lurks9 |
lough9 | lyard9 | lumps9 |
lordy9 | lokes9 | lumbi9 |
lumme9 | looks9 | lowed9 |
lunks9 | loved9 | lusks9 |
levin8 | loath8 | leany8 |
loave8 | lassy8 | lamed8 |
levis8 | leave8 | lawer8 |
latah8 | liver8 | lavra8 |
leary8 | lahal8 | lairy8 |
laves8 | laver8 | labda8 |
limed8 | levee8 | litho8 |
lithe8 | lefte8 | lavas8 |
leafs8 | lefts8 | leash8 |
larva8 | lehua8 | lever8 |
lethe8 | lepid8 | linny8 |
lobed8 | lipid8 | lahar8 |
ledum8 | laths8 | layer8 |
lieve8 | liven8 | lawin8 |
leery8 | laced8 | laevo8 |
lemed8 | level8 | leves8 |
levas8 | lewis8 | linty8 |
lathi8 | lawns8 | lathe8 |
layin8 | laity8 | laith8 |
leish8 | laufs8 | laval8 |
lehrs8 | lifts8 | lifes8 |
liefs8 | lifer8 | liney8 |
liths8 | lives8 | loafs8 |
livor8 | livre8 | lubed8 |
lyres8 | lysis8 | lowts8 |
lysol8 | lweis8 | lysin8 |
lotah8 | lyssa8 | lowse8 |
ludic8 | lorry8 | loony8 |
lurry8 | loofa8 | lowne8 |
lyses8 | lusty8 | lousy8 |
lynes8 | loury8 | lytes8 |
lytta8 | lovie8 | loped8 |
lohan8 | lowns8 | lovat8 |
lofts8 | lover8 | lyase8 |
looey8 | lucid8 | lolly8 |
lossy8 | lurve8 | lomed8 |
lowes8 | loves8 | loyal8 |
lowan8 | loofs8 | lower8 |
lyart8 | logic8 | lapel7 |
linac7 | loams7 | leapt7 |
liman7 | limns7 | leben7 |
labor7 | limas7 | licit7 |
labis7 | lamer7 | locos7 |
lobes7 | labia7 | lames7 |
ledge7 | lemel7 | lemon7 |
limit7 | lobar7 | locis7 |
lobos7 | laics7 | lapin7 |
leams7 | larum7 | leaps7 |
lilac7 | libra7 | letup7 |
liber7 | lerps7 | locie7 |
local7 | locus7 | lobus7 |
lapis7 | lamia7 | leeps7 |
label7 | lance7 | limen7 |
leuco7 | lipas7 | lacer7 |
lacet7 | labra7 | laces7 |
leman7 | limes7 | lepta7 |
lisps7 | lipes7 | legge7 |
lemur7 | lapse7 | leggo7 |
laded7 | lamas7 | lemes7 |
limos7 | libri7 | ligge7 |
lepra7 | libel7 | leper7 |
linum7 | lipin7 | llama7 |
lipos7 | loipe7 | lodge7 |
lumas7 | looms7 | loper7 |
loric7 | lumen7 | lubes7 |
louma7 | lomes7 | loupe7 |
luces7 | lotic7 | lucre7 |
lubra7 | lupin7 | lupus7 |
loups7 | lomas7 | lopes7 |
luged7 | loops7 | lased6 |
laird6 | loden6 | lings6 |
lager6 | lader6 | lades6 |
legal6 | ledes6 | leger6 |
lated6 | large6 | largo6 |
laden6 | legit6 | leges6 |
laund6 | lauds6 | ligne6 |
lidar6 | lidos6 | lengs6 |
liang6 | lited6 | ladle6 |
lagan6 | lends6 | laids6 |
lande6 | leads6 | lards6 |
lands6 | lingo6 | ligan6 |
lined6 | liger6 | linga6 |
linds6 | leuds6 | liege6 |
lered6 | liard6 | loads6 |
ludos6 | luges6 | lurid6 |
logos6 | luted6 | lurgi6 |
ludes6 | looed6 | lound6 |
loids6 | longa6 | logia6 |
lunge6 | loord6 | lords6 |
loued6 | longe6 | losed6 |
longs6 | lolog6 | lungi6 |
lungs6 | lured6 | login6 |
luger6 | logan6 | logie6 |
logoi6 | lodes6 | logon6 |
loges6 | lears5 | least5 |
litai5 | lalls5 | laser5 |
larnt5 | leant5 | lease5 |
learn5 | leers5 | laura5 |
lense5 | leans5 | larns5 |
laten5 | lassu5 | lenes5 |
leirs5 | lassi5 | lanas5 |
lenis5 | lenti5 | lenos5 |
lirot5 | lites5 | latte5 |
latus5 | leets5 | leats5 |
laris5 | leare5 | lilos5 |
lills5 | liens5 | lieus5 |
liana5 | liers5 | leses5 |
lests5 | lions5 | litas5 |
loast5 | linin5 | loans5 |
leese5 | leear5 | lasso5 |
lases5 | lasts5 | laari5 |
lairs5 | laers5 | liner5 |
linns5 | lisle5 | liane5 |
lists5 | lanai5 | lants5 |
lares5 | laree5 | lanes5 |
later5 | lauan5 | lilts5 |
lines5 | leres5 | linen5 |
liart5 | leone5 | liars5 |
lento5 | liras5 | lints5 |
litre5 | linos5 | llano5 |
liter5 | loirs5 | lulls5 |
loran5 | lunas5 | loess5 |
lunts5 | lotas5 | loner5 |
lotte5 | losen5 | loris5 |
lures5 | lolls5 | lulus5 |
lotus5 | lutes5 | loses5 |
lours5 | lusus5 | losel5 |
lunet5 | loose5 | lunar5 |
loral5 | louis5 | loure5 |
lorel5 | loins5 | loots5 |
lotes5 | loser5 | lotos5 |
lunes5 | lurer5 | luter5 |
luaus5 | louns5 | lores5 |
lotta5 | lotsa5 | lotto5 |
louts5 | lutea5 | looie5 |
louse5 | louie5 | luser5 |
lusts5 | loons5 |
Valid 5 Letter Words That Start with L for Wordle
If you need help coming up with words to solve Wordle, this list of legitimate 5 letter words starting with L is just what you need.
leggy | laics | lotte |
leirs | liman | lurex |
loops | lotas | loden |
lucks | loirs | leuds |
locie | litho | lapje |
loopy | leaps | lests |
limma | loupe | licks |
longa | lites | lindy |
limos | lahal | lenes |
lowed | louma | lurid |
larky | lotta | leccy |
loofs | lunes | leges |
least | lousy | ladle |
leary | lolly | loury |
laiks | lysin | lezes |
liter | lahar | leses |
liver | locks | lovie |
lengs | ludic | loche |
lysis | lance | lowse |
layup | lathi | lagan |
lazos | leery | lushy |
livid | luaus | laved |
lemed | linux | lipos |
lumps | looky | loure |
leach | ligan | laari |
lolls | limas | lycra |
loans | lures | later |
lager | lefte | lunet |
loves | levis | lucky |
lived | lomed | lowes |
loxed | laura | lupus |
lichi | llama | largo |
lanai | lawed | larks |
lakin | liers | lawks |
longe | labis | loipe |
lapel | loads | lords |
loots | lofty | local |
lotos | lipes | leaze |
litai | lotes | lavvy |
lungs | lidar | loppy |
lubed | lumpy | lurry |
looby | lumbi | litas |
looks | losen | luvvy |
lammy | laced | lants |
lotic | lotah | liang |
lummy | layin | lings |
larch | larns | lozen |
lassu | laity | leeks |
leaks | lears | lends |
lochs | lanes | lever |
looms | liths | lieve |
lethe | lisle | limns |
limed | linty | ligge |
lucre | lions | lairy |
lymph | lemma | loxes |
ledgy | lound | lodge |
lifer | lavas | lytta |
lards | lerps | lilac |
leats | leave | lehrs |
liens | lunar | lysed |
logic | leves | leeps |
lacey | louse | loofa |
limen | lawns | loped |
liana | luffa | lingo |
loyal | logan | lemel |
laers | lulls | laree |
loups | luxer | luach |
latch | laval | lodes |
lyres | lweis | lyses |
lazed | lyted | lomes |
lefty | loges | lytic |
lirot | loses | lowps |
lacks | lazzo | leggo |
leare | leeze | lyric |
luted | lyart | louts |
luter | licit | lezza |
lands | louie | lauch |
lairs | luces | lexis |
limbs | lower | leavy |
latte | latex | losed |
lexes | lovey | lycea |
leish | labra | lifes |
leads | lurgi | lakhs |
liefs | lipid | loord |
louns | lills | lurgy |
luger | lyams | limax |
licht | laser | lutea |
latah | lumas | lithe |
laths | laird | lured |
lynes | lepta | lathy |
lusty | loamy | lythe |
linen | lowly | lucid |
lilts | lawny | laids |
lamia | louis | lemur |
ligne | lusks | loser |
liard | latus | levee |
liart | locum | leear |
lezzy | litre | lirks |
lifts | lysol | lobos |
liras | lades | lamed |
lowns | lyssa | lovat |
livre | lares | lacer |
limpa | loids | lasso |
laker | lunas | legal |
limbo | lunts | lisps |
looie | lambs | leany |
lapis | lusts | leech |
locus | lordy | lassy |
lalls | laces | lenis |
losel | lered | lunge |
leger | loach | labda |
lawer | limit | logoi |
legge | loath | lavra |
lunch | lores | laddy |
luser | limps | lepid |
loafs | lenos | lusus |
lease | lumen | lorry |
lines | lungi | loony |
ledge | lobed | linac |
lippy | longs | lawin |
lurks | lofts | leams |
lardy | leady | lamer |
likin | lopes | lazes |
lased | laded | layed |
loran | lamas | liars |
liane | lotto | ludos |
lupin | loggy | laxed |
loued | loose | links |
libri | ludes | lazar |
lense | laika | leaky |
large | lipin | leper |
linos | lewis | laves |
lanky | lomas | lobar |
loris | lanks | loast |
loins | linin | lemme |
larum | limbi | luxes |
lieus | lowne | lauan |
luffs | leash | laris |
leant | locos | lamps |
lobes | laxer | levin |
lyase | liker | laten |
logia | llano | lulus |
learn | laith | labor |
linum | leafs | lited |
lanch | leben | lemes |
lingy | latke | letup |
laxes | lokes | labia |
logie | lefts | leafy |
linns | loner | lated |
loess | lurer | libel |
loams | leres | lames |
loper | linga | lanas |
laked | layer | loric |
lownd | loral | lough |
leers | laver | lader |
leuco | linky | liber |
lubra | login | likes |
lubes | lobby | lossy |
looed | loons | limes |
lymes | lobus | larnt |
limba | laxly | lumme |
lasts | leets | loved |
lints | lurch | luged |
lacet | lassi | lunks |
lowan | laksa | liner |
light | lotsa | lepra |
lapin | lorel | lamby |
leans | laugh | label |
lemon | liney | laldy |
loave | lytes | looey |
liken | lathe | lives |
legit | liege | laden |
levas | lycee | lento |
lists | lilos | lisks |
leman | locis | lenti |
laigh | leuch | logos |
lehua | libra | liven |
lowts | lover | lours |
livor | luges | lutes |
limby | linch | liger |
lapse | lauds | larva |
laufs | lined | laevo |
leapt | leese | linny |
laich | lotus | lowry |
lande | lying | lolog |
lyard | laund | lynch |
lazzi | lohan | ledum |
leugh | ledes | leone |
lases | lidos | lurve |
level | linds | logon |
luxed | letch | liked |
lipas | lakes |
5 Letter Words That Start with L for Words with Friends
If you want to improve your score in Words with Friends, one strategy is to choose 5 letter words beginning with L. To help you win, we have mentioned them in the table below.
lezzy26 | laxly16 | lazed16 |
lucky16 | lymph16 | lazes15 |
lazar15 | lumpy15 | limby14 |
lamby14 | lobby14 | loppy14 |
lippy14 | luxes14 | lynch14 |
lucks14 | loxed14 | licks13 |
lexis13 | latex13 | lanky13 |
laxer13 | lexes13 | lacks13 |
locks13 | linky13 | locum13 |
lunch13 | luffa13 | loxes13 |
lumps13 | luffs13 | limba12 |
lemma12 | limps12 | lamps12 |
layup12 | limbs12 | leavy12 |
limbo12 | leaky12 | larky12 |
leggy12 | lawny12 | limbi12 |
limpa12 | lakhs12 | lambs12 |
loggy12 | lurch12 | lunks12 |
lowly12 | leach11 | laved11 |
lichi11 | leech11 | ledgy11 |
laked11 | larch11 | levin11 |
limey11 | letch11 | licht11 |
laugh11 | leafy11 | liked11 |
level11 | latch11 | liken11 |
lacey11 | laich11 | lefty11 |
loopy11 | looby11 | lough11 |
loach11 | liven11 | loved11 |
linum11 | loamy11 | livid11 |
lingy11 | lochs11 | logic11 |
links11 | lived11 | lofty11 |
lying11 | lycea11 | lurks11 |
lycee11 | lucid11 | lumen11 |
lytic11 | ludic11 | lupin11 |
lyric11 | lupus11 | lance10 |
lemon10 | levee10 | lapin10 |
leben10 | laves10 | lapel10 |
limns10 | lathy10 | lavas10 |
larva10 | laevo10 | larum10 |
larks10 | leman10 | lemur10 |
lever10 | lawns10 | laver10 |
label10 | lakes10 | laced10 |
libel10 | leave10 | lawed10 |
lindy10 | linac10 | limen10 |
liman10 | leeks10 | laigh10 |
latke10 | likes10 | liker10 |
letup10 | light10 | limed10 |
lilac10 | laker10 | leaks10 |
lamed10 | lieve10 | looks10 |
loves10 | lolly10 | lovat10 |
lover10 | loped10 | lowed10 |
lipid10 | llama10 | lipin10 |
lives10 | loups10 | loupe10 |
livre10 | lobed10 | locus10 |
liver10 | local10 | lubes10 |
lungs10 | lucre10 | lungi10 |
lunge10 | luged10 | luces10 |
laics9 | limit9 | labia9 |
licit9 | lamia9 | lacer9 |
leafs9 | lehua9 | lagan9 |
laces9 | lames9 | layed9 |
lapis9 | labra9 | lapse9 |
ligan9 | limas9 | leper9 |
lifer9 | leaps9 | leady9 |
legal9 | limos9 | lepta9 |
labor9 | ledge9 | leapt9 |
lardy9 | lamer9 | liber9 |
liang9 | libra9 | lifts9 |
limes9 | libri9 | lewis9 |
lamas9 | lefts9 | looms9 |
lingo9 | longe9 | loofs9 |
lower9 | lings9 | loper9 |
longs9 | linga9 | loops9 |
lousy9 | lopes9 | logan9 |
liney9 | linty9 | loafs9 |
loofa9 | lobar9 | loury9 |
lowes9 | lisps9 | loony9 |
lobes9 | lotic9 | lodge9 |
lobos9 | locos9 | loams9 |
lofts9 | lweis9 | lyard9 |
lulls9 | luger9 | lusty9 |
lysed9 | luges9 | loyal9 |
lowse9 | lulus9 | lysin9 |
lauds8 | lager8 | laith8 |
laity8 | layer8 | liege8 |
lauan8 | ladle8 | large8 |
laden8 | lehrs8 | laded8 |
lined8 | leuds8 | lands8 |
largo8 | legit8 | lethe8 |
leges8 | laths8 | leger8 |
leash8 | lathe8 | lathi8 |
lahar8 | leary8 | lends8 |
leery8 | lalls8 | liger8 |
lorry8 | linns8 | litho8 |
lolls8 | llano8 | lotah8 |
loath8 | lithe8 | logia8 |
linin8 | looey8 | lossy8 |
logoi8 | logos8 | loges8 |
loden8 | linen8 | lyart8 |
lunes8 | lusus8 | lyase8 |
luted8 | ludes8 | lyses8 |
lyssa8 | lyres8 | lurid8 |
lunts8 | lunet8 | lunar8 |
lunas8 | lysis8 | lytta8 |
lured8 | luaus8 | lidos7 |
leads7 | lanes7 | lased7 |
lidar7 | lenis7 | leans7 |
lader7 | lilts7 | laird7 |
laten7 | laura7 | liana7 |
leant7 | lanai7 | lenes7 |
lento7 | lenos7 | liane7 |
lieus7 | lense7 | lated7 |
lades7 | learn7 | lards7 |
liard7 | leone7 | liens7 |
louie7 | lords7 | loral7 |
losel7 | loran7 | louse7 |
lines7 | loins7 | lours7 |
looed7 | loans7 | loner7 |
lotus7 | louts7 | loons7 |
louis7 | loads7 | linos7 |
lints7 | lisle7 | lodes7 |
lions7 | liner7 | lutes7 |
lures7 | lutea7 | lusts7 |
lurer7 | lasts6 | laari6 |
laser6 | lases6 | latte6 |
lairs6 | lasso6 | least6 |
lears6 | later6 | laree6 |
leers6 | lease6 | leets6 |
liars6 | laris6 | lares6 |
liers6 | looie6 | loris6 |
litre6 | lotto6 | lores6 |
lotte6 | liras6 | loots6 |
loose6 | lirot6 | lotas6 |
liter6 | loses6 | lists6 |
loser6 | litas6 | lotos6 |
litai6 | loess6 |
More 5 Letter Words (A to Z)
This list includes five letters from all English alphabet letters, not only those 5 letter words beginning with the letter ‘L’ given earlier. It covers A to Z words.
Final Thoughts
In short, five-letter words starting with L can be quite helpful when tackling word games.
It’s a great way to build your vocabulary and have some fun at the same time.
We hope this article has been helpful in providing some of the more commonly used five-letter words beginning with the letter L.
Did you discover any 5-letter words starting with L not mentioned in the article? Kindly share your insights in the comments section.