5 Letter Words That Start with O (280+ to Tackle Word Games)

Are you a word game fanatic?
Do you like to play against the clock, trying to come up with the most words possible?
If so, then you’ll love this blog post! In it, I’ll share with you 5 letter words that start with O that you can use in various word games.
So whether you’re playing Scrabble, Words with Friends, or other popular word games, keep these words in mind!
Below words are organized in various sections. Please scroll down to read all the words!
Table of Contents
5 Letter Words That Start with O for Scrabble
Get the upper hand in Scrabble by using this list of 5 letter words that start with O. Use them to earn high points!
ozzie23 | ozeki18 | oxbow17 |
oxeye15 | oozed15 | ojime14 |
orzos14 | ouzel14 | objet14 |
oozes14 | ozone14 | oxime14 |
ouzos14 | oxims14 | oxlip14 |
ochry13 | oxids13 | owche13 |
oxide13 | oxers12 | oxter12 |
orixa12 | ohmic12 | ouija12 |
okehs12 | oomph12 | offed12 |
oxies12 | okays12 | occam11 |
ogham11 | okapi11 | ocker11 |
oakum11 | offer11 | offal11 |
ovary11 | offie11 | ouphe10 |
obeys10 | outby10 | ouphs10 |
obeah10 | orach10 | opahs10 |
omovs10 | oaked10 | oddly10 |
omrah10 | oracy10 | octyl10 |
oches10 | ogmic10 | ochre10 |
oshac10 | ocher10 | omlah10 |
oucht10 | oinks9 | oundy9 |
opium9 | opepe9 | onkus9 |
oohed9 | oflag9 | occur9 |
optic9 | otaku9 | omber9 |
ombus9 | oulks9 | ohing9 |
oktas9 | odahs9 | osmic9 |
ovoid9 | odyle9 | owled9 |
oaker9 | odyls9 | oppos9 |
owned9 | ology9 | ogive9 |
okras9 | ombre9 | oaken9 |
ought9 | owing9 | orgic8 |
ouped8 | oping8 | often8 |
ohone8 | octad8 | odium8 |
ovule8 | onely8 | olive8 |
orfes8 | obang8 | ohias8 |
ovens8 | obied8 | ooped8 |
ovist8 | ovals8 | owres8 |
owrie8 | odeum8 | odism8 |
ovolo8 | ovoli8 | oyers8 |
owies8 | ollav8 | owsen8 |
omega8 | oaves8 | oaths8 |
opted8 | orbed8 | orval8 |
overs8 | owner8 | ortho8 |
onery8 | otary8 | ogams8 |
ovate8 | other8 | owler8 |
onlay8 | ofter8 | overt8 |
ovels8 | ovine8 | owlet8 |
ounce7 | osmol7 | oupas7 |
ocean7 | oleic7 | obeli7 |
opera7 | octet7 | orlop7 |
orpin7 | oncet7 | omers7 |
oribi7 | olpes7 | oncus7 |
ogeed7 | obits7 | opals7 |
oscar7 | opter7 | obols7 |
onium7 | oobit7 | opens7 |
oumas7 | opine7 | olpae7 |
octal7 | omens7 | ocrea7 |
orbit7 | octas7 | onces7 |
obias7 | obese7 | obiit7 |
orcas7 | oleum7 | orcin7 |
opsin7 | oubit7 | ormer7 |
oboli7 | ogled7 | obole7 |
ontic7 | oggin7 | omasa7 |
oncer7 | oculi7 | omits7 |
octan7 | odder7 | oboes7 |
oidia6 | odors6 | older6 |
orgia6 | orgue6 | oared6 |
outdo6 | orang6 | ogles6 |
oiled6 | odist6 | odeon6 |
ootid6 | oread6 | organ6 |
ogler6 | ogres6 | ogees6 |
oldie6 | ordos6 | outgo6 |
order6 | outed6 | odour6 |
onned6 | olden6 | odals6 |
ossia5 | ollie5 | oints5 |
oiler5 | onion5 | orlon5 |
ousel5 | orant5 | orles5 |
oasts5 | oaten5 | outer5 |
orals5 | olein5 | ornis5 |
oriel5 | oasis5 | orris5 |
oleos5 | ooses5 | osier5 |
ourie5 | oorie5 | orate5 |
oases5 | oater5 | outta5 |
oonts5 | ousts5 | ollas5 |
onset5 | olent5 | outre5 |
ostia5 | otter5 | oners5 |
ouens5 | outro5 | oller5 |
ottar5 | olios5 | ottos5 |
Valid 5 Letter Words That Start with O for Wordle
In order to maximize your chances of success in Wordle, we have compiled a list of 5 letter words starting with O. Check it out now!
outdo | ovate | ombus |
ormer | orpin | ochry |
oater | ousts | objet |
omega | oobit | ossia |
oktas | orang | obese |
octas | oller | ohias |
oncet | odors | onset |
okras | odeum | ohone |
odals | ouzel | orris |
obols | olive | oleic |
opera | orlop | orgia |
ordos | odium | ottar |
outed | opepe | ootid |
oxims | oxies | olpes |
orals | oldie | orate |
olios | ollas | outby |
odyls | oleos | oiled |
ogeed | ornis | otaku |
ollie | owche | ogres |
obied | onely | ouped |
owned | ojime | omber |
ovolo | oboli | omasa |
octyl | orbit | oxers |
ochre | ohmic | oxide |
ovist | oaked | owing |
oxlip | orant | owler |
ouphe | order | odahs |
oxbow | ohing | osmic |
odist | orach | ology |
owrie | opium | oidia |
onion | oxeye | owlet |
ostia | oaves | ousel |
orixa | outer | obeah |
oucht | oulks | ogled |
oaken | ooses | osmol |
olden | ouija | ogles |
oyers | osier | owres |
oupas | oorie | odour |
orlon | oozed | olent |
outro | opens | orfes |
ogham | oriel | odyle |
obiit | onkus | ocean |
owies | opals | ocrea |
ovels | opsin | opahs |
onned | overt | ombre |
octal | obang | ofter |
ottos | oread | oxter |
opted | obeys | omovs |
onery | oncus | oozes |
ogler | oubit | outta |
often | offer | ozzie |
ocher | omrah | oribi |
omlah | ouphs | oohed |
onium | octan | other |
orgue | opter | ovule |
otary | oasis | offal |
occam | oping | ogmic |
oshac | olein | outgo |
ovary | ooped | oches |
oaten | odism | oracy |
ovoli | oppos | owsen |
odder | oumas | oleum |
ouens | ovoid | outre |
older | omers | oddly |
owled | opine | oflag |
oinks | orgic | octet |
orbed | orles | orcin |
oints | obeli | occur |
ocker | ogams | optic |
oasts | ozone | oaths |
ovals | oonts | ogees |
obits | oggin | omens |
offie | ovine | ollav |
ovens | orzos | oomph |
octad | obole | oculi |
oboes | oners | orcas |
offed | oundy | orval |
ogive | oiler | oncer |
onces | owner | ozeki |
oxime | olpae | otter |
oscar | oases | okapi |
oxids | oaker | oared |
obias | oakum | ought |
ortho | organ | ounce |
ouzos | overs | ontic |
ourie | odeon | okehs |
onlay | omits | okays |
5 Letter Words That Start with O for Words with Friends
The list below contains all the 5 letter words beginning with O, perfect for the popular game “Words with Friends.” To score high in the game, learn them now!
oxbow18 | objet17 | oxlip16 |
ouzel16 | oxims15 | ouzos15 |
ozone15 | oxime15 | oozed15 |
orzos14 | oxeye14 | oozes14 |
oxids13 | oomph13 | oakum13 |
oxide13 | ohmic13 | offal12 |
ocker12 | ogham12 | offed12 |
ochry12 | occur12 | okapi12 |
oxter12 | opium12 | optic11 |
offer11 | ovary11 | osmic11 |
omber11 | ombre11 | oping11 |
outby11 | owing11 | ouphe11 |
ouphs11 | ogive11 | okays11 |
octyl11 | okehs11 | ovule11 |
owned10 | oleum10 | oculi10 |
orach10 | olive10 | onium10 |
ocher10 | ovals10 | ofays10 |
ohing10 | ology10 | ochre10 |
omega10 | opahs10 | ovoid10 |
ovoli10 | ogams10 | odeum10 |
oddly10 | obeah10 | ovolo10 |
oinks10 | oaken10 | obeys10 |
ounce10 | ovine10 | orgic10 |
ovens10 | odium10 | ought10 |
okras9 | orbed9 | orpin9 |
orlop9 | oaves9 | omens9 |
ocean9 | opsin9 | opens9 |
odyls9 | ontic9 | odyle9 |
opine9 | opals9 | overs9 |
often9 | oboli9 | obeli9 |
octad9 | ogled9 | obole9 |
oleic9 | obols9 | ovate9 |
opted9 | owner9 | osmol9 |
octal9 | owlet9 | orcin9 |
owsen9 | octan9 | overt9 |
onery8 | ormer8 | oohed8 |
omers8 | omasa8 | obits8 |
olden8 | opera8 | oboes8 |
obias8 | outgo8 | orang8 |
ogles8 | omits8 | ocrea8 |
ogler8 | octet8 | oribi8 |
orcas8 | obese8 | orbit8 |
ofter8 | organ8 | oyers7 |
older7 | odder7 | ortho7 |
odour7 | onion7 | oaths7 |
ollas7 | other7 | ohias7 |
ogres7 | outdo7 | outed7 |
ousel7 | oiled7 | odeon7 |
ogees7 | oldie7 | olein7 |
ornis6 | orles6 | oriel6 |
odist6 | ourie6 | oidia6 |
ousts6 | olios6 | oared6 |
onset6 | orals6 | odors6 |
ootid6 | oleos6 | ordos6 |
oaten6 | oread6 | outer6 |
outre6 | oiler6 | order6 |
oases5 | ottar5 | oasis5 |
orris5 | orate5 | oasts5 |
ottos5 | ossia5 | osier5 |
oorie5 | oater5 | ostia5 |
otter5 |
More 5 Letter Words (A to Z)
This list includes not just those 5 letter words beginning with the letter ‘O’; but all five-letter words in the English alphabet.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, mastering five-letter words starting with O is a great way to give yourself an edge in various word games.
Whether you’re playing Scrabble, Boggle, or any other game, you’ll be able to quickly come up with the right words to get the most points.
We hope this guide has been useful in helping you discover some new five-letter words that start with O.
Feel free to comment below if there are any other words you’d like to share with the community!