750 Adjectives That Start with B | List with Definitions and Examples
Adjectives that start with B are plenty and widely used in daily communication. So we prepared this list of 750 adjectives starting with B for you to read and hope it is helpful.
When we speak or write in any language, our intention is to elaborate and to clearly explain the meaning and the senses of our sentences to the listeners or the readers. Adjectives add a lot of information to the basics of what we are conveying to other people.
For example, if you say “There is a guy wearing jeans in the car”, then what are the guy, the jeans or the car look like? And if you add these adjectives beginning with B to make it “There is a black guy wearing blue jeans in the bright car”, a clear image will immediately turn up.
In this article, I will share with you a list of adjectives that start with B commonly used in our day to day communication. You will be able to read the definitions, synonyms and examples of each of these descriptive words that start with B, which will enable you to use the words in many different ways, thus grooming your vocabulary.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with B – Full List (750 words)
Memorizing words is the first step to learn a language. With much energy and efforts devoted, we prepared a list of 750 adjectives starting with B below for you. Try to learn several of these B adjectives every day, soon you’ll become an expert in English.
- Babelike
- Baboonish
- Babylonian
- Baccate
- Bacchanal
- Bacchanalian
- Bacchantic
- Bacchic
- Bacciferous
- Baccivorous
- Bacillar
- Bacillary
- Bacilliform
- Back
- Backbreaking
- Backed
- Backhand
- Backhanded
- Backless
- Backmost
- Backstage
- Backstair
- Backstairs
- Backswept
- Backward
- Bacteremic
- Bactericidal
- Bacterioid
- Bacterioidal
- Bacteriologic
- Bacteriological
- Bacteriolytic
- Bacteriophagic
- Bacteriophagous
- Bacteriostatic
- Bacteroid
- Bacteroidal
- Baculiform
- Bad
- Baggy
- Bahai
- Bahamian
- Bahraini
- Bailable
- Baked
- Balanced
- Balconied
- Bald
- Balding
- Baleful
- Balky
- Ballistic
- Bally
- Balmy
- Baltic
- Balzacian
- Banal
- Banausic
- Bandy
- Baneful
- Bangladeshi
- Bankable
- Bankrupt
- Banned
- Banner
- Bantam
- Bantering
- Bantoid
- Bantu
- Baptised
- Baptismal
- Baptistic
- Baptized
- Barbadian
- Barbarian
- Barbaric
- Barbarous
- Barbate
- Barbellate
- Bare
- Bareback
- Barebacked
- Bared
- Barefaced
- Barefoot
- Barefooted
- Barehanded
- Bareheaded
- Barelegged
- Baric
- Baritone
- Barmy
- Barometric
- Baronial
- Baroque
- Barred
- Barren
- Barytic
- Basal
- Base
- Baseborn
- Based
- Baseless
- Bashful
- Basic
- Basidial
- Basidiomycetous
- Basidiosporous
- Basifixed
- Basilar
- Basilary
- Basilican
- Basined
- Basipetal
- Basiscopic
- Basophilic
- Bass
- Bastard
- Bastardised
- Bastardized
- Bastardly
- Bated
- Bathetic
- Batholithic
- Batholitic
- Bathyal
- Bathymetric
- Batrachian
- Battered
- Battleful
- Battlemented
- Batty
- Batwing
- Bauxitic
- Bavarian
- Bawdy
- Bay
- Bayesian
- Beaded
- Beadlike
- Beaming
- Bearable
- Beardless
- Beardown
- Bearing
- Bearish
- Beastly
- Beat
- Beatable
- Beaten
- Beatific
- Beautiful
- Becalmed
- Becoming
- Bedaubed
- Bedewed
- Bedfast
- Bedimmed
- Bedless
- Bedraggled
- Bedrid
- Bedridden
- Beechen
- Beethovenian
- Beetle
- Beetling
- Befitting
- Befogged
- Beforehand
- Befouled
- Beggarly
- Beginning
- Begrimed
- Behavioral
- Behaviorist
- Behavioristic
- Behaviourist
- Behaviouristic
- Behind
- Behindhand
- Beholden
- Beige
- Belarusian
- Belated
- Belemnitic
- Belgian
- Believable
- Bellbottom
- Belletristic
- Bellicose
- Belligerent
- Bellyless
- Beloved
- Belowground
- Beltlike
- Bemused
- Bended
- Benedictine
- Benedictive
- Benefic
- Beneficed
- Beneficent
- Beneficial
- Beneficiary
- Benevolent
- Bengali
- Benighted
- Benign
- Benignant
- Beninese
- Bent
- Benthal
- Benthic
- Benthonic
- Bentonitic
- Benumbed
- Benzenoid
- Benzoic
- Benzylic
- Bereaved
- Bereft
- Bermudan
- Berrylike
- Berserk
- Besotted
- Bespectacled
- Besprent
- Best
- Bestial
- Bestubbled
- Beta
- Better
- Bettering
- Betulaceous
- Bewhiskered
- Bewildered
- Bewitched
- Bewitching
- Bhutanese
- Biannual
- Bias
- Biased
- Biaural
- Biauricular
- Biaxal
- Biaxate
- Biaxial
- Bibbed
- Bibless
- Biblical
- Bibliolatrous
- Bibliomaniacal
- Bibliophilic
- Bibliopolic
- Bibliothecal
- Bibliothecarial
- Bibliotic
- Bibulous
- Bicameral
- Bicapsular
- Bicentenary
- Bicentennial
- Bicentric
- Bicephalous
- Bichromated
- Bichrome
- Bicipital
- Bicolor
- Bicolored
- Bicolour
- Bicoloured
- Biconcave
- Biconvex
- Bicorn
- Bicornate
- Bicorned
- Bicornuate
- Bicornuous
- Bicuspid
- Bicuspidate
- Bicyclic
- Bicylindrical
- Biddable
- Bidentate
- Bidirectional
- Biedermeier
- Biennial
- Biface
- Bifacial
- Bifid
- Bifilar
- Biflagellate
- Bifocal
- Bifoliate
- Biform
- Bifurcate
- Bifurcated
- Big
- Bigeminal
- Bigeneric
- Bigger
- Biggish
- Bigheaded
- Bighearted
- Bigmouthed
- Bignoniaceous
- Bigoted
- Bilabial
- Bilabiate
- Bilateral
- Bilgy
- Biliary
- Bilinear
- Bilingual
- Bilious
- Billiard
- Billion
- Billionth
- Billowing
- Billowy
- Bilobate
- Bilobated
- Bilobed
- Bilocular
- Biloculate
- Bimanual
- Bimestrial
- Bimetal
- Bimetallic
- Bimetallistic
- Bimillenial
- Bimodal
- Bimolecular
- Bimonthly
- Bimorphemic
- Bimotored
- Binary
- Binate
- Binaural
- Bindable
- Binding
- Binocular
- Binomial
- Binominal
- Binuclear
- Binucleate
- Binucleated
- Biocatalytic
- Biochemical
- Bioclimatic
- Biodegradable
- Biogenetic
- Biogenic
- Biogenous
- Biogeographic
- Biogeographical
- Biographic
- Biographical
- Biologic
- Biological
- Biologistic
- Bioluminescent
- Biomedical
- Bionic
- Bionomic
- Bionomical
- Biosynthetic
- Biosystematic
- Biotic
- Biotitic
- Biotypic
- Biovular
- Biparous
- Bipartisan
- Bipartite
- Bipartizan
- Biped
- Bipedal
- Bipinnate
- Bipinnatifid
- Bipolar
- Biquadratic
- Biracial
- Biradial
- Biramous
- Birch
- Birchen
- Birefringent
- Birken
- Biserrate
- Bisexual
- Bismarckian
- Bismuthal
- Bismuthic
- Bisontine
- Bistered
- Bistred
- Bistroic
- Bisulcate
- Biting
- Bitter
- Bitterish
- Bittersweet
- Bittie
- Bitty
- Bitumenoid
- Bituminoid
- Bituminous
- Bivalent
- Bivalve
- Bivalved
- Bivariate
- Biweekly
- Biyearly
- Bizarre
- Bizonal
- Blabbermouthed
- Blabby
- Black
- Blackguardly
- Blackish
- Bladelike
- Blae
- Blamable
- Blame
- Blameable
- Blamed
- Blameful
- Blameless
- Blameworthy
- Bland
- Blank
- Blanket
- Blanketed
- Blase
- Blasphemous
- Blastemal
- Blastematic
- Blastemic
- Blastocoelic
- Blastodermatic
- Blastodermic
- Blastogenetic
- Blastomeric
- Blastomycotic
- Blastoporal
- Blastoporic
- Blastospheric
- Blastular
- Blatant
- Blate
- Bleak
- Blear
- Bleary
- Blebbed
- Blebby
- Blended
- Blessed
- Blest
- Blighted
- Blimpish
- Blind
- Blinded
- Blindfold
- Blindfolded
- Blinding
- Blinking
- Blissful
- Blistering
- Blistery
- Blithe
- Blithesome
- Blocked
- Blockheaded
- Blond
- Blonde
- Bloodcurdling
- Blooded
- Bloodguilty
- Bloodless
- Bloodshot
- Bloodstained
- Bloodsucking
- Bloodthirsty
- Bloody
- Blooming
- Blotched
- Blotchy
- Blotto
- Blowsy
- Blowy
- Blowzy
- Blubbery
- Blue
- Blue-eyed
- Blueish
- Bluff
- Bluish
- Blunt
- Blunted
- Blunting
- Blurred
- Blurry
- Boastful
- Bobtail
- Bobtailed
- Bodacious
- Bodiless
- Bodily
- Bodyless
- Boeotian
- Boffo
- Bogartian
- Bogus
- Bohemian
- Boisterous
- Bold
- Bolivian
- Bolshy
- Bombastic
- Bombproof
- Bone
- Boned
- Boneless
- Bonelike
- Boney
- Bonkers
- Bonnie
- Bonny
- Bony
- Bonzer
- Bookable
- Bookish
- Boolean
- Booming
- Boon
- Boorish
- Boozy
- Boracic
- Borated
- Borderline
- Boreal
- Bored
- Boric
- Boring
- Born
- Boronic
- Boskopoid
- Bosky
- Bosnian
- Bosomed
- Boss
- Bossy
- Botanic
- Botanical
- Botchy
- Both
- Bothersome
- Botonee
- Botonnee
- Botryoid
- Botryoidal
- Botswanan
- Bottom
- Botulinal
- Bouffant
- Boughless
- Boughten
- Bouldered
- Bounded
- Bounden
- Bounderish
- Bounteous
- Bountied
- Bountiful
- Bourgeois
- Boustrophedonic
- Bovid
- Bovine
- Bowed
- Bowery
- Bowfront
- Bowleg
- Bowlegged
- Boxlike
- Boyish
- Boylike
- Boytrose
- Brachial
- Brachiate
- Brachiopod
- Brachiopodous
- Bracing
- Brackish
- Bracteal
- Bracteate
- Bracted
- Bracteolate
- Brag
- Braggart
- Bragging
- Braggy
- Brahminic
- Brahminical
- Braided
- Brainish
- Brainless
- Brainsick
- Braised
- Braky
- Braless
- Brambly
- Branchial
- Brash
- Brassbound
- Brasslike
- Brassy
- Bratty
- Brave
- Braw
- Brawny
- Brazen
- Brazilian
- Breakable
- Breakaway
- Breakneck
- Breastless
- Breathing
- Breathless
- Breathtaking
- Breeched
- Breeding
- Bregmatic
- Briary
- Brickle
- Brickly
- Bridal
- Brief
- Briefless
- Briery
- Bright
- Brilliant
- Brimfull
- Brinded
- Brindle
- Brindled
- Briny
- Brisant
- Brisk
- Bristled
- Bristlelike
- Britannic
- British
- Briton
- Brittle
- Broad
- Broadband
- Broke
- Broken
- Brokenhearted
- Bromic
- Bromidic
- Bronchial
- Bronze
- Broody
- Brotherlike
- Brotherly
- Brown
- Brumous
- Brunet
- Brunette
- Brushed
- Brusk
- Brusque
- Brut
- Brutal
- Brute
- Brutish
- Bryophytic
- Bubaline
- Bubonic
- Buccal
- Buckram
- Buckshee
- Bucolic
- Buddhist
- Buddhistic
- Budding
- Budgetary
- Buff
- Buffoonish
- Buggy
- Buirdly
- Bulgarian
- Bulimic
- Bulky
- Bullate
- Bulletproof
- Bullheaded
- Bullish
- Bullnecked
- Bullocky
- Bully
- Bullying
- Bum
- Bumbling
- Bumptious
- Bumpy
- Bungaloid
- Bunglesome
- Bungling
- Buoyant
- Burbling
- Burbly
- Burdenless
- Burdensome
- Burglarproof
- Burked
- Burnable
- Burning
- Burnt
- Burred
- Burrlike
- Burry
- Bursal
- Bursiform
- Burundi
- Burundian
- Bush
- Bushed
- Bushwhacking
- Bushy
- Businesslike
- Bust
- Busted
- Bustling
- Busty
- Busy
- Busybodied
- Butch
- Buteonine
- Butterfingered
- Buttonlike
- Buttressed
- Butyraceous
- Butyric
- Buxom
- Bygone
- Bypast
- Byzantine
Adjectives That Start with B – with Definitions and Examples
Learning words, including adjectives beginning with B may be hard if you don’t understand them well or how to use them properly. Therefore we listed their definitions and examples to help you out.
- Bacchic
Definition: relating to Bacchus or the worship of Bacchus
Example: I adopted its religion and celebrated the Bacchic rites.
- Back
Definition: at or near the back of something
Example: She left the house by the back door.
- Backbreaking
Definition: needing a lot of hard, physical effort and making you feel extremely tired
Example: Digging the vegetable garden was backbreaking work.
- Backhanded
Definition: (of something said) not clear and usually meaning the opposite of what it seems to mean
Example: Her backhanded compliments annoyed everyone.
- Backless
Definition: not covering most of a person’s back
Example: She is wearing a black backless dress.
- Backmost
Definition: furthest back
Example: The backmost tooth on my top right side hurts badly.
- Backstage
Definition: in or to the area behind the stage of a theater
Example: He is a backstage worker.
- Backswept
Definition: swept, slanted, or sloped backwards
Example: His backswept hair looks cute.
- Backward
Definition: directed behind or to the rear
Example: She left the room without a backward glance.
- Bacteriological
Definition: related to the study of bacteria, especially those that cause disease
Example: A bacteriological pesticide was sprayed over the area to combat West Nile virus.
- Bad
Definition: unpleasant and causing difficulties
Example: Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather.
- Baggy
Definition: (of clothes) hanging loosely because of being too big or having been stretched
Example: My T-shirt went all baggy in the wash.
- Bailable
Definition: capable of being set free on bail
Example: The only qualification is that the offence is bailable.
- Balanced
Definition: considering all sides or opinions equally
Example: The news programme prided itself on its balanced reporting.
- Bald
Definition: having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair
Example: He was starting to go bald.
- Balding
Definition: becoming bald
Example: Eammon was plump and balding.
- Baleful
Definition: threatening to do something bad or to hurt someone
Example: He gave me a baleful look.
- Balky
Definition: awkward; uncooperative
Example: He was trying to get his balky horse to move.
- Ballistic
Definition: to become extremely angry
Example: If your dad finds out you’ve been skipping school, he’ll go ballistic.
- Bally
Definition: used instead of a rude word such as ‘bloody’ to express anger with something or someone
Example: It is parliamentary jargon, part of this bally nationalisation when nobody tells you the truth.
- Balmy
Definition: (of weather) pleasantly warm
Example: It was a balmy summer evening.
- Baltic
Definition: very cold
Example: It’s baltic outside.
- Banal
Definition: boring, ordinary, and not original
Example: He just sat there making banal remarks all evening.
- Banausic
Definition: not operating on an elevated level; mundane
Example: Serious discussion of scientific problems was regarded as banausic.
- Bandy
Definition: (of a person’s legs) curved outwards so that the knees are wide apart
Example: she had bent, slightly bandy legs.
- Baneful
Definition: causing harm or trouble
Example: He sought to remove his children from the baneful influences of the city.
- Bangladeshi
Definition: of, relating to, or characteristic of Bangladesh or its people
Example: She is a Bangladeshi model.
- Bankable
Definition: likely to make money
Example: She is currently Hollywood’s most bankable actress.
- Bankrupt
Definition: (of a person or organization) declared in law as unable to pay their debts
Example: His father went bankrupt and the family had to sell their home.
- Banner
Definition: excellent; outstanding
Example: The company was having a banner year.
- Bantering
Definition: involving conversation that is funny and not serious
Example: I grew weary of his bantering style of conversation.
- Baptismal
Definition: relating to the Christian rite of baptism
Example: We will renew our baptismal vows.
- Barbaric
Definition: extremely cruel and unpleasant
Example: She found the idea of killing animals for pleasure barbaric.
- Barbarous
Definition: extremely cruel or unpleasant, or failing to reach acceptable social standards
Example: His murder was an outrageous and barbarous act.
- Bare
Definition: (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered
Example: He was bare from the waist up.
- Bareback
Definition: without a saddle on the back of a horse that someone is riding
Example: There is a bareback rider.
- Barefaced
Definition: not showing any shame about, or trying to hide, your bad behaviour
Example: That’s a barefaced lie!
- Barefoot
Definition: not wearing any shoes or socks
Example: A young barefoot girl led him away.
- Barehanded
Definition: done with nothing in or covering one’s hands
Example: He made an athletic barehanded catch.
- Bareheaded
Definition: wearing nothing on one’s head
Example: Some of the men wear hats, others are bareheaded.
- Barelegged
Definition: wearing clothing that does not cover one’s legs
Example: Swap the barelegged summer look with leggings for autumn.
- Barmy
Definition: mad; crazy
Example: I thought I was going barmy at first.
- Barometric
Definition: relating to the measurement of air pressure
Example: It was the sixth most intense storm on record in terms of barometric pressure.
- Baronial
Definition: very large, grand, and impressive
Example: It is a baronial mansion.
- Barred
Definition: closed or secured with a long rigid piece of wood, metal, or similar material
Example: He sits by a barred window.
- Barren
Definition: (of land) too poor to produce much or any vegetation
Example: The plains of Kyrenia were barren.
- Base
Definition: not showing any honour and having no morals
Example: I accused him of having base motives.
- Based
Definition: if one thing is based on another, it is developed from it
Example: All these new products were based on extensive market research.
- Baseless
Definition: not based on facts
Example: She assured me that my fears were baseless.
- Bashful
Definition: often feeling uncomfortable with other people and easily embarrassed
Example: She gave a bashful smile as he complimented her on her work.
- Basic
Definition: simple and not complicated, so able to provide the base or starting point from which something can develop
Example: I really need to get some basic financial advice.
- Basilar
Definition: related to the base of something, especially the base of the skull
Example: The basilar membrane of the inner ear is an elastic shell immersed in fluid that vibrates in response to the incident sound.
- Bastardized
Definition: If something is bastardized, it has been changed in such a way that it no longer represents the values and qualities that it is intended to represent
Example: The house was badly altered and so bastardized that it no longer reflected the architect’s style.
- Bated
Definition: in an anxious or excited way
Example: I waited for the results with bated breath.
- Bathetic
Definition: producing an unintentional effect of anticlimax
Example: The movie manages to be poignant without becoming bathetic.
- Bathymetric
Definition: involving the study or measurement of the depth of water in an ocean, sea, or lake
Example: Bathymetric charts indicate the depths of water and are used to show submarine topographic features.
- Battered
Definition: hurt by being repeatedly hit
Example: She set up a sanctuary for battered wives.
- Batty
Definition: mad; insane
Example: You’ll drive me batty!
- Batwing
Definition: used to refer to sleeves that fit closely at the wrist but hang loosely under the arm, or to clothes that have this type of sleeve
Example: Batwing sleeves are back in fashion.
- Beaded
Definition: decorated with beads
Example: She wore an elaborately beaded 20s-style dress.
- Beaming
Definition: smiling broadly; grinning
Example: His beaming face told its own story.
- Bearable
Definition: able to be endured
Example: As far as she was concerned, only the weekends made life bearable.
- Beardless
Definition: without a beard
Example: That man is beardless.
- Bearish
Definition: expecting a fall in prices
Example: The overall oil price outlook is expected to remain bearish.
- Beastly
Definition: unkind or unpleasant
Example: Why are you being so beastly to me?
- Beat
Definition: extremely tired
Example: I’m beat – I’m going to bed.
- Beatable
Definition: able to be defeated in a game or other competitive situation
Example: The champions were vulnerable and beatable in this match.
- Beaten
Definition: exhausted and dejected
Example: He sat feeling old and beaten.
- Beatific
Definition: appearing happy and calm, especially in a holy way
Example: The angels in the painting have beatific smiles.
- Beautiful
Definition: very attractive
Example: She was wearing a beautiful dress.
- Becalmed
Definition: (of a sailing ship) unable to move through lack of wind
Example: His ship was becalmed for nine days.
- Becoming
Definition: used to say that something is attractive and suits the person wearing or doing it
Example: That’s a very becoming dress, my dear.
- Bedraggled
Definition: wet, dirty, and untidy
Example: His plumes have been considerably bedraggled since that day.
- Bedridden
Definition: having to stay in bed because of illness or injury
Example: His aunt was 93 and bedridden.
- Beetling
Definition: (of a rock or a person’s eyebrows) prominent or overhanging
Example: Piercing eyes glittered beneath a great beetling brow.
- Befitting
Definition: suitable or right for someone or something
Example: They were greeted with befitting courtesy.
- Beggarly
Definition: small in amount and not at all generous
Example: The council voted to give the new project a beggarly amount of money.
- Beginning
Definition: just formed
Example: It is a beginning company.
- Behavioral
Definition: relating to behavior
Example: She studied behavioral psychology in college.
- Behaviorist
Definition: supporting or relating to the theory of behaviorism
Example: He’s written a behaviorist account of the emotions.
- Behindhand
Definition: late or slow in doing something
Example: The Yoruba have not been behindhand in economic activity.
- Beholden
Definition: owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or a service
Example: I don’t like to be beholden to anybody.
- Beige
Definition: pale brown in colour
Example: The walls are white and the ceiling is beige.
- Belarusian
Definition: belonging to or relating to Belarus, its people, or its language
Example: The Belarusian president made a speech.
- Belated
Definition: coming later than expected
Example: They did make a belated attempt to reduce the noise.
- Belgian
Definition: belonging to or relating to Belgium or its people
Example: The Belgian doctor is famous all over the world.
- Believable
Definition: able to be believed; credible
Example: She felt that Dawn’s story was not quite believable.
- Bellicose
Definition: wishing to fight or start a war
Example: The general made some bellicose statements about his country’s military strength.
- Belligerent
Definition: wishing to fight or argue
Example: Watch out! Lee’s in a belligerent mood.
- Beloved
Definition: loved very much
Example: Her beloved husband died last year.
- Bemused
Definition: slightly confused
Example: I was bemused at his sudden anger.
- Beneficent
Definition: (of a person) generous or doing good
Example: She is a beneficent landowner.
- Beneficial
Definition: helpful, useful, or good
Example: A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health.
- Benevolent
Definition: kind and helpful
Example: He was a benevolent old man and wouldn’t hurt a fly.
- Bengali
Definition: belonging to or relating to Bangladesh and West Bengal or their people
Example: She is a Bengali writer.
- Benighted
Definition: without knowledge or morals
Example: Some of the early explorers thought of the local people as benighted savages who could be exploited.
- Benign
Definition: pleasant and kind
Example: She is a benign old lady.
- Benignant
Definition: kindly and benevolent
Example: He is an old man with a benignant expression.
- Beninese
Definition: relating to or characteristic of Benin or its people
Example: This bustling port is the lifeblood of the Beninese economy.
- Bent
Definition: curved and not straight or flat
Example: The metal bars were bent and twisted.
- Benumbed
Definition: deprived of physical or emotional feeling
Example: A hoarse shout cut through his benumbed senses.
- Bereaved
Definition: having a close relation or friend who has recently died
Example: The bereaved parents wept openly.
- Bereft
Definition: not having something or feeling great loss
Example: Alone now and almost penniless, he was bereft of hope.
- Bermudan
Definition: belonging to or relating to Bermuda or its people
Example: He is a famous Bermudan scientist.
- Besotted
Definition: completely in love with someone and always thinking of them
Example: He was so completely besotted with her that he couldn’t see how badly she treated him.
- Bespectacled
Definition: wearing glasses
Example: There is a small, bespectacled man in a drab suit.
- Best
Definition: of the highest quality, or being the most suitable, pleasing, or effective type of thing or person
Example: This is the best meal I’ve ever had.
- Bestial
Definition: cruel or like an animal
Example: The soldiers were accused of bestial acts against unarmed civilians.
- Beta
Definition: used to describe a product or system that is at the second stage of development and that is being tested by a few customers before it is offered for sale
Example: You can download the beta version from the website.
- Better
Definition: of a higher standard, or more suitable, pleasing, or effective than other things or people
Example: He stood near the front to get a better view.
- Bewhiskered
Definition: (of a man) with hair on the lower part or sides of the face
Example: He was a bewhiskered, distinguished-looking gentleman.
- Bewildered
Definition: confused and uncertain
Example: Arriving in a strange city at night, I felt alone and bewildered.
- Bewitched
Definition: extremely attracted to something, or completely controlled by something
Example: Once kids step inside a circus tent, they’re bewitched.
- Bewitching
Definition: enchanting or delightful
Example: I gazed deeply into the most bewitching blue eyes.
- Bhutanese
Definition: belonging to or relating to Bhutan, its people, or its language
Example: She is a famous Bhutanese coach.
- Biannual
Definition: happening twice a year
Example: The committee has just published its biannual report.
- Biased
Definition: unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something
Example: We will not tolerate this biased media coverage.
- Biblical
Definition: in or relating to the Bible
Example: They named their son Isaac after the biblical figure.
- Bibulous
Definition: fond of or addicted to drink
Example: Aside from his bibulous peculiarities, Old Roy is generous, brave, courteous and a keen lover of fun.
- Bicameral
Definition: (of a legislative body) having two chambers
Example: Secondly, even if both chambers in a bicameral system are malapportioned, the same territorial units may not be overrepresented and underrepresented equally in each chamber..
- Bicentenary
Definition: relating to a two-hundredth anniversary
Example: Now, ahead of the bicentenary of his death on May 5th 1821, those rival passions have been revived.
- Bicolored
Definition: having two colors
Example: It is a bicolored postage stamp.
- Bicylindrical
Definition: having straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross-section; in the shape or form of a cylinder
Example: It is a cylindrical plastic container.
- Biddable
Definition: meekly ready to accept and follow instructions
Example: He is a biddable, sweet-natured child.
- Biennial
Definition: happening once every two years
Example: This is a biennial exhibit.
- Bifurcate
Definition: divided into two branches or forks
Example: A bifurcate tree was cut down.
- Big
Definition: large in size or amount
Example: He’s a big man.
- Bigheaded
Definition: thinking that you are more important or more intelligent than you really are
Example: She’s so bigheaded!
- Bighearted
Definition: kind and generous
Example: We could be very bighearted and say that it is used to avert more serious circumstances.
- Bigmouthed
Definition: (of a person) loud or talkative, especially in an indiscreet manner
Example: She is such a bigmouthed person.
- Bigoted
Definition: utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own
Example: He was removed from the committee for making bigoted remarks.
- Bilabial
Definition: (of a sound) made using both lips
Example: “P” is a bilabial consonant.
- Bilingual
Definition: able to use two languages equally well
Example: They are raising bilingual children.
- Bilious
Definition: relating to an illness, caused by too much bile, that can cause vomiting
Example: She suffered from bilious attacks.
- Billiard
Definition: used in or relating to billiards
Example: The billiard room of the Athletic Club is decorated with photos of the club’s legends.
- Billowing
Definition: (of fabric) filled with air and swelling outwards
Example: It’s a billowing skirt.
- Billowy
Definition: appearing large and soft or filled with air
Example: They draped the set in billowy satin fabric.
- Bimetallic
Definition: made of two metals
Example: Harrison also invented the bimetallic strip and the rolling bearing, without which most vehicles could not move.
- Bimonthly
Definition: happening or appearing every two months or twice a month
Example: This is a bimonthly publication.
- Binary
Definition: using a system of numbers that uses only 0 and 1
Example: Computers store all data in binary code.
- Binding
Definition: (especially of an agreement) that cannot be legally avoided or stopped
Example: The contract wasn’t legally binding.
- Binocular
Definition: using both eyes to see things; made for use with both eyes
Example: These fish have humanlike binocular vision.
- Binomial
Definition: (especially of a system of naming plants and animals) having or consisting of two names
Example: All plants, from seaweeds to orchids, follow the rules of binomial nomenclature.
- Biochemical
Definition: connected with the chemistry of living things
Example: To date, there have been no reports of the biochemical characterization, including any cofactor requirements of this inhibitory protein.
- Biodegradable
Definition: able to decay naturally and in a way that is not harmful
Example: Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.
- Biogenic
Definition: produced by living organisms
Example: Emerson recently proposed using aircraft to distribute a fine iron dust produced by iron-eating bacteria, called biogenic oxide.
- Biographical
Definition: about someone’s life
Example: There was a biographical note about the author on the back of the book.
- Biologic
Definition: relating to the natural processes of living things
Example: It seems unlikely, however, that a single biologic agent will provide complete response in all patients.
- Biological
Definition: connected with the natural processes of living things
Example: Eating is a biological necessity!
- Biomedical
Definition: relating to biology and medicine
Example: The hospital has been focusing on stem cells and biomedical research since 2009.
- Bionic
Definition: having or denoting an artificial, typically electromechanical, body part or parts
Example: There’s no doubt that Aird’s bionic arm has transformed his life.
- Biotic
Definition: involving, caused by, or relating to living things in the environment
Example: Climate can also be affected by biotic factors.
- Bipartisan
Definition: involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other’s policies
Example: The reforms received considerable bipartisan approval.
- Bipartite
Definition: involving two people or organizations, or existing in two parts
Example: There was a bipartite meeting on border security.
- Bipedal
Definition: walking on two legs, or relating to this movement
Example: He was fascinated by the giant, bipedal ape.
- Bipolar
Definition: suffering from bipolar disorder
Example: Since going public with her diagnosis in 2011, Lovato has been a vocal advocate for the bipolar community.
- Biracial
Definition: concerning or containing members of two different races
Example: A false racial heritage is only now under historical review – what was once exclusively white is being retold as biracial national narrative.
- Birchen
Definition: made from or resembling the wood of a birch tree
Example: They are reweighing pine, alder and birchen forests.
- Birefringent
Definition: having two different refractive indices
Example: Moreover, this tells us that this mineral is not birefringent.
- Bisexual
Definition: sexually attracted to both men and women
Example: Walker announced she was bisexual, and her literary trajectory continued.
- Bismarckian
Definition: relating to or characteristic of the Prussian statesman Otto von Bismarck or his policies
Example: He approved of the occupation of Bismarckian system of manipulated alliances and antagonisms.
- Biting
Definition: used to describe words or people that criticize someone or something, usually in an unkind way
Example: He made some biting remarks about the whole occasion.
- Bitter
Definition: having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet
Example: Raw berries have an intensely bitter flavour.
- Bitterish
Definition: somewhat bitter
Example: The wine has a dark red to purple-dark red color with blue reflections, it is harmonious and full, pleasantly bitterish and astringent.
- Bittersweet
Definition: containing a mixture of sadness and happiness
Example: The bittersweet end to the movie is just right.
- Bitty
Definition: made up of a lot of different things that do not fit together well
- Example: I enjoyed the film but I found it quite bitty, jumping from one family’s story to another.
- Bituminous
Definition: of, containing, or of the nature of bitumen
Example: We have the finest anthracite, the finest bituminous coal and the finest steam coal.
- Bivalent
Definition: (of homologous chromosomes) associated in pairs
Example: Each antibody has at least two antigen-binding sites, therefore antibodies are bivalent to multivalent.
- Bivariate
Definition: involving or depending on two variates
Example: The bivariate probit model therefore provides some efficiency gains relative to two separate probit regressions.
- Biweekly
Definition: done, produced, or occurring every two weeks or twice a week
Example: The German central bank will hold its biweekly policy meeting tomorrow.
- Biyearly
Definition: done, produced, or occurring every two years or twice a year
Example: This is a biyearly match.
- Bizarre
Definition: very strange and unusual
Example: I had a really bizarre dream last night.
- Bizonal
Definition: of or relating to the affairs of a zone governed or administered by two powers acting together
Example: The United Nations has supported reunification in a bizonal federation.
- Blabby
Definition: unwisely talking too much
Example: I’m stuck in Washington with the Blabby Twins.
- Black
Definition: having the darkest colour there is, like the colour of coal or of a very dark night
Example: I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy.
- Bladelike
Definition: shaped like a sword blade
Example: By his side lay a scepter with a bladelike handle.
- Blameable
Definition: responsible for a fault or wrong
Example: His friends thought him blameable.
- Blameless
Definition: innocent of wrongdoing
Example: He led a blameless life.
- Blameworthy
Definition: responsible for wrongdoing and deserving of censure or blame
Example: The argument is that persons with mental retardation are less morally blameworthy.
- Bland
Definition: not having a strong taste or character or not showing any interest or energy
Example: I find chicken a little bland.
- Blank
Definition: empty or clear, or containing no information or mark
Example: Sign your name in the blank space at the bottom of the form.
- Blanket
Definition: including or affecting everything, everyone, or all cases, in a large group or area
Example: “Man”, as a blanket term for both men and women, is now considered sexist.
- Blase
Definition: bored or not excited, or wishing to seem so
Example: He flies first class so often, he’s become blase about it.
- Blasphemous
Definition: (of speech or writing) showing lack of respect to God or to a religion
Example: Some people believe such art is blasphemous.
- Blatant
Definition: very obvious and intentional, when this is a bad thing
Example: The whole episode was a blatant attempt to gain publicity.
- Bleak
Definition: (of an area of land) lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements
Example: The house stands on a bleak, windswept hilltop.
- Bleary
Definition: (of eyes) tired, red, or watery
Example: After studying all night, his eyes were bleary.
- Blended
Definition: (of a drink) containing two or more different types of the same product
Example: Lacquer thinner is a blended mixture of two or more solvents.
- Blessed
Definition: to be lucky in having a particular thing
Example: Fortunately we were blessed with fine weather.
- Blind
Definition: unable to see
Example: She’s been blind since birth.
- Blinding
Definition: (of light) very bright and likely to dazzle or cause temporary blindness
Example: The sunlight outside was blinding.
- Blinking
Definition: an expression of anger
Example: I wish they’d turn down that blinking music!
- Blissful
Definition: extremely or completely happy
Example: We spent a blissful year together before things started to go wrong.
- Blistering
Definition: extremely hot
Example: We went out in the blistering heat.
- Blithe
Definition: happy and without worry
Example: She shows a blithe disregard for danger.
- Blithesome
Definition: (of a person) having a cheerful disposition
Example: The ploughman is a blithesome lad.
- Blocked
Definition: If something is blocked, no-one or nothing can move through it
Example: The road is blocked – you’ll have to go round the other way.
- Blonde
Definition: (of hair) fair or pale yellow
Example: Her long blonde hair looks very attractive.
- Bloodcurdling
Definition: causing a feeling of extreme fear
Example: It is a bloodcurdling story.
- Bloodless
Definition: (of a revolution or conflict) without violence or killing
Example: Al-Bashir took power in a bloodless coup in 1989.
- Bloodshot
Definition: (of the eyes) with the white part showing red or pink
Example: Hay fever gives me a runny nose and bloodshot eyes.
- Bloodstained
Definition: with marks of blood on it or in it
Example: Bloodstained clothing was found near the scene.
- Bloodsucking
Definition: drawing blood from the body of another
Example: Bloodsucking worms maintained her circulation and probably saved her scalp.
- Bloodthirsty
Definition: having or showing a desire to kill and maim
Example: Forget about bringing bloodthirsty aliens to life or building virtual worlds.
- Bloody
Definition: covered, smeared, or running with blood
Example: The bloody carpet in the reception area has been pulled up.
- Blooming
Definition: A person who is blooming has a healthy, energetic, and attractive appearance
Example: Jo looked really well, positively blooming.
- Blotchy
Definition: If someone’s skin is blotchy, it is covered in marks, usually temporary ones, that are not regular in shape
Example: He’d been crying and his face was all blotchy.
- Blotto
Definition: extremely drunk
Example: We got blotto.
- Blowsy
Definition: coarse, untidy, and red-faced (typically used of a woman)
Example: The cheap perfume worn by the blowsy woman smells bad.
- Blowy
Definition: windy or windswept
Example: It is a blowy day.
- Blue
Definition: of the colour of the sky without clouds on a bright day, or a darker or lighter type of this
Example: Her hands were blue with cold.
- Blue-eyed
Definition: having blue eyes
Example: He is a blue-eyed boy.
- Bluff
Definition: direct or too honest, often in a way that people find rude
Example: Despite her bluff manner, she’s actually a very kind woman.
- Bluish
Definition: slightly blue
Example: He has bluish-grey eyes.
- Blunt
Definition: (of a cutting implement) not having a sharp edge or point
Example: It is a blunt knife.
Positive Adjectives That Start with B to Describe a Person
Positive adjectives that start with B to describe a person are widely used in daily life and writing, because all of us are happy to hear them. So do keep reading these B adjectives.
1. Bodacious
Definition: someone who is simultaneously attractive, admirable and bold
Synonyms: Audacious, excellent
Example: She is always bodacious which is why others can’t easily compete with her.
2. Beautiful
Definition: someone who is pleasing aesthetically to the mind or senses of others and oneself
Synonyms: appealing, elegant, good-looking
Example: Many beautiful women were gazing at the beautiful waterfall in complete silence.
3. Brisk
Definition: someone who is exceptionally full of energy and activity
Synonyms: sprightly, vibrant, speedy
Example: All the staff members of our office were brisk on an early Monday morning.
4. Brilliant
Definition: someone who has a deep level of talent and cleverness
Synonyms: genius, gifted, adept
Example: They are very brilliant people, so you will never be disappointed with their work.
5. Buxom
Definition: someone (especially a woman) who is full-figured, plump and healthy
Synonyms: busty, bosomy, curvaceous
Example: The buxom player was out of breath within a few minutes.
6. Busy
Definition: someone who is engaged in a lot of work
Synonyms: Industrious, bustling, tireless
Example: I was too busy to enjoy myself.
7. Baboonish
Definition: having a resemblance to a baboon
Synonyms: funny, amusing, entertaining
Example: The children began to laugh when they saw the baboonish clown.
Positive Adjectives That Start with B to Describe an Event
When an event happens, you must be careful to use the most proper words to describe, in order to help people understand how important or serious it is. So you are advised to keep following descriptive words that start with B in hand.
1. Bright
Definition: reflecting or emitting a lot of light
Synonyms: shining, glittering, sparkling, dazzling
Example: It was a bright birthday party as uncountable fairy lights were hanging from the ceiling.
2. Brief
Definition: something that happens for a very short period
Synonyms: hasty, momentary, transitory
Example: His speech at the meeting was brief yet meaningful.
3. Biweekly
Definition: something that happens after every two weeks or twice a week
Synonyms: fortnightly
Example: The doctor advised the pregnant women to visit the clinic biweekly.
4. Biyearly
Definition: something that happens after every two years or twice a year
Synonyms: biannually
Example: We were all very excited to watch the biyearly match.
5. Breezy
Definition: windy in a pleasant way
Synonyms: blowy, gusty, freshly-airy
Example: I love to enjoy my tea with my friends and guests on the outdoor patio while gazing at the setting sun and the flames from my firepit because of the breezy evening.
6. Braw
Definition: pleasant time
Synonyms: fine, colourful, showy
Example: It was a braw morning.
7. Bewitching
Definition: something that can cast a spell over someone or captivate the attention and the imagination of someone
Synonyms: delightful, enchanting, seductive
Example: My mother is firmly convinced that the bewitching views of New York have gained my love, this is why I keep refusing to return to my hometown.
8. Beneficient
Definition: something that is generous and charitable
Synonyms: benevolent, bounteous, magnanimous
Example: Everything became alright after the beneficient donations at the blood bank.
9. Benefic
Definition: something that is characterized by kindness and generosity
Synonyms: philanthropic, munificent, unselfish
Example: When the foreign delegates visited the flooded village, they became benefic and the victims could recover easily.
10. Beatific
Definition: full of happiness and joy
Synonyms: glad, blissful, serene
Example: As soon as my father announced that we would spend the weekend on the beach, the whole situation became beatific.
11. Bygone
Definition: something that has happened in olden times
Synonyms: Previous, former, past
Example: Most of the poems written by William Shakespeare are the relics of the bygone English society.
12. Bypast
Definition: an event that took place in former times
Synonyms: departed, gone, foregone
Example: The romantic poets dream of the part of their lives that are bypast as fantastical.
Positive Adjectives That Start with B to Describe a Place
There must be some places that have left us unforgettable and pleasant memories. And you can use adjectives that start with the letter B below to describe and share them with your friends.
1. Businesslike
Definition: a place with minimum distraction where people can work efficiently without wasting any time
Synonyms: well-ordered, planned, professional
Example: The library and computer lab of our college is a businesslike place to study with complete concentration and peace.
4. Burred
Definition: a place that has rough edges to prevent the predators or intruders from entering the private property
Synonyms: barbed, briery, thorny
Example: The field has a burred fence around its boundary to keep the cows safe while they are grazing on the fresh grass.
5. Beaming
Definition: reflecting or transmitting a lot of light
Synonyms: shining, sparkling, glittering
Example: I could see the rays of light beaming through my greenhouse.
6. Bliss
Definition: something that is full of joy, excitement and happiness
Synonyms: delightful, ecstasy, pleasure
Example: The whole place was bliss with fireworks.
7. Baccate
Definition: something that bears or produces berries
Synonyms: berry farm
Example: I found myself in a baccate field filled with giggling kids and cheerful couples.
8. Botanical
Definition: relating to plants
Synonyms: green
Example: The Government must invest in our botanical gardens to conserve our natural environment and protect them against man-made pollution caused by landfilling with non-degradable plastics.
Positive Adjectives That Start with B to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Have you ever felt so happy and amazed that you even can not find the right words to describe your feelings? Then try adjectives with letter B below.
1. Beloved
Definition: state of being loved and cared for
Synonyms: dearest, adored, precious
Example: Her beloved husband departed at the railway station to go to another town to fight off a pandemic.
2. Balanced
Definition: something that is in perfect proportion
Synonyms: well-structured, arranged, even
Example: It is very important to have a balanced diet to stay healthy.
3. Bovine
Definition: a person having characteristics similar to that of a cow
Synonyms: cowlike, calflike, cattlelike
Example: She fell a victim to obesity and gained too much weight, so her friends would tease her by calling her bovine.
4. Budgetary
Definition: a house or an office where there is strict accordance with the estimates of sources of income and expenses
Synonyms: monetary
Example: Only one person is earning in our family feeding half a dozen dependents, so the situation is budgetary.
5. Barbed
Definition: a place surrounded by barbs or spikes
Synonyms: pointed, hooked, brambly
Example: The farmers leave their cattle in a barbed field.
6. Barbellate
Definition: a place that is covered by protective spines
Synonyms: jagged, spinous, bristled
Example: In some countries, it is advisable to put a barbellate wire on top of your main gate to prevent theft.
7. bacciferous
Definition: a place which produces a lot of berries
Synonyms: baccate
Example: There are numerous bacciferous forests in our Northern areas.
Negative Adjectives That Start with B to Describe a Person
We all hope everyone around us is kind and spreads positivity. But we also have to accept the fact that bad and harsh people do exist. And below adjective words that start with B are some of their characteristics.
1. Bashful
Definition: someone who is reluctant to gain the attention of other people
Synonyms: coy, shy, wary
Example: The little girl is too bashful which is why she cannot explain her matters clearly to others.
2. Bookish
Definition: someone who spends all the time studying and reading books
Synonyms: Literary, studious, scholarly
Example: Most of the professors at my university are bookish.
3. Belligerent
Definition: someone who is always against the opinion of others, a person who always disagrees, opposes, differentiates and objects the ideas of other people
Synonyms: aggressive, argumentative, quarrelsome
Example: The teacher became belligerent after being asked a question he couldn’t answer.
4. Bad
Definition: someone who is always unable to meet the moral standards and the virtuous conduct of living in a society
Synonyms: evil, immoral, sinful, wicked, corrupt
Example: She was punished for her bad behaviour because she would never feel sorry for what she did.
5. Boring
Definition: an uninteresting person
Synonyms: repetitive, monotonous, lifeless
Example: The children began to scream when they found the characters of the story to be boring.
6. Betrayed
Definition: a person whose secret information was exposed treacherously by an enemy
Synonyms: deceived, cheated, let down
Example: She felt betrayed when she saw her husband with his lover.
7. Babelike
Definition: Like a child at dependence
Synonyms: childish, childlike, innocent
Example: Your behaviour is babelike.
8. Boisterous
Definition: a person that is tumultuous, noisy, and rude
Synonyms: violent, hostile, disorderly
Example: The police arrested the boisterous men when the watchman complained about them.
9. Bonkers
Definition: someone who goes crazy in excitement, the state of being crazy
Synonyms: mad, uncontrollable
Example: As soon as the famous singer appeared on the stage for his live concert, the audience went bonkers, they couldn’t stop screaming and whistling with extreme joy.
10. Butch
Definition: having characteristics or appearance of men
Synonyms: masculine, manly, unfeminine
Example: I saw a butch woman riding a horse.
11. Brash
Definition: someone who is a self-assertive in an overbearing, noisy or rude manner
Synonyms: cocksure, cheeky, brassy
Example: You are not allowed to talk in a brash way to your seniors in an office.
12. Brittle
Definition: something which is too hard and falls apart when touched or pressed
Synonyms: fragile, breakable, delicate
Example: The deficiency of vitamin D causes a disease named rickets which makes the bones, nails, hair, and teeth of the patient brittle.
13. Bulimic
Definition: a person who suffers from the eating disorder bulimia
Synonyms: overeating, illness
Example: She couldn’t control her stress and even her therapists failed to manage her stress so she became bulimic.
14. Bankrupt
Definition: a person or a group of people who face bad time economically because of failure to pay debts and become financially dependants on others
Synonyms: skint, broke
Example: Soon after the industrial revolution, the Russian aristocracy became bankrupt because they couldn’t give up their lavish lifestyle.
15. Barbarous
Definition: someone who inflicts suffering and pain on other people
Synonyms: cruel, tyrant
Example: The barbarous people were defeated in this war.
16. Barmy
Definition: someone who is mentally ill or irregular
Synonyms: kooky, loco
Example: Some students are barmy so they make wrong decisions at college.
Negative Adjectives That Start with B to Describe an Event
When suffering a negative event, below describing words beginning with B can help you describe them precisely.
1. Bacchanal
Definition: an event characterized by uncivilized, wild drunken revelry
Synonyms: bacchanalian
Example: The birthday party of the prince was marked in the social calendar as a shameless bacchanal.
2. Bacterial
Definition: a period of time that is characterized by the rapid growth and the spread of disease-causing bacteria
Synonyms: infectious, harmful, contagious
Example: It is very important to follow the precautionary measures to prevent the transmission of bacterial diseases.
3. Backbreaking
Definition: a task or work which demands a lot of physical labour
Synonyms: toilsome, taxing, laborious
Example: The farmers were resting under the trees after a whole day’s backbreaking work.
4. Burning
Definition: a dialogue full of insult of somebody in a particularly cutting manner
Synonyms: hateful, unpleasant
Example: The husband’s burning sentences made his wife weeping.
5. Baleful
Definition: something which threatens other people
Synonyms: malicious, vindictive, hostile
Example: The husband shot a baleful sight in his wife’s direction when she asked for expensive jewellery.
Negative Adjectives That Start with B to Describe a Place
If you hated any place, then use following adjectives that start with B to describe them.
1. Bumpy
Definition: road or path full of turns and twists, able to be reached uneasily
Synonyms: irregular, rough, uneven
Example: The resort is not easily accessible by the bumpy road.
2. Buzzy
Definition: an atmosphere or a place having a lot of noise like that of the bees, full of vibration
Synonyms: noisy, unsilent
Example: The Great Disco is buzzy all over the evenings.
3. Burnable
Definition: a place which is capable of burning anything which comes in its contact
Synonyms: ignitable, ignitible
Example: The environmentalists request the public to throw out only burnable waste into their trash bins to help protect the environment.
4. Backward
Definition: a place that has made minimum progress
Synonyms: poor
Example: She belongs to a backward village.
Negative Adjectives That Start with B to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
If you are unhappy about someone of something, don’t keep it inside. Let others know your feelings with list of adjectives that start with B below.
1. Brackish
Definition: bearing an unpleasant taste
Synonyms: brak, briny, saline, slightly salty
Example: Many species of fish and frogs live in brackish water.
2. Balky
Definition: uncooperative or reluctant just like a riding horse
Synonyms: reluctant, stubborn
Example: The behaviour of some customers is balky.
4. Bullheaded
Definition: unthinking and irrational manner
Synonyms: stupid, emptyheaded
Example: Superstitious people believe in their bullheaded thoughts.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with B
I have explained with detail above adjectives that start with letter B, which is the second alphabet of the English language.
I have divided these descriptive words starting with B in 8 different categories, 4 positive and 4 negative, so that you can understand them easily.
By using the above-given adjectives that start with B in your day to day conversation, you can add a lot of description to what you are trying to inform others. In this way, your listeners will be able to enjoy the talk with you, at the same time understand the meaning that you intend to convey deeply and completely.
Ps. See also positive words that start with B, nouns that start with B and verbs that start with B.