530 Adjectives That Start with H | List with Definitions and Examples

In this article, we list 530 adjectives that start with H with their definitions and examples respectively, which are helpful in our daily communication and formal letters. So keep on reading.
In the very first step of learning English language, we come to know about the parts of speech having nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions…
Here we are going to discuss descriptive words that start with H. Descriptive words give a detailed meaning to a noun that must be a person, place or thing.
By using adjectives starting with H, we can simply make a picture of that noun it describes in our mind and in our writing.
For example, if we say “This is a room”, then the question comes to the mind, what type of room is this? If we use adjectives beginning with H, like humid in the above sentence like “This is a humid room”, then it makes a good image of the room in our minds.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with H – Full List (530 words)
To start, let’s take a look at a full list of 530 adjectives starting with H. I believe once you master all these H adjectives, your English skill will lift to a new level.
- Habilimented
- Habitable
- Habited
- Habitual
- Hackneyed
- Hadal
- Hadean
- Haemal
- Haematal
- Haematic
- Haematogenic
- Haemic
- Haemolytic
- Haemorrhagic
- Haggard
- Hagridden
- Haired
- Hairless
- Hairlike
- Hairsplitting
- Hairy
- Haitian
- Halal
- Halcyon
- Hale
- Half
- Halfhearted
- Half-hearted
- Halfway
- Half-way
- Hallowed
- Hallucinatory
- Hallucinogenic
- Halt
- Halting
- Hammy
- Handed
- Handelian
- Handheld
- Handicapped
- Handled
- Handleless
- Handless
- Handmade
- Handsewn
- Hands-off
- Handsome
- Handsomely
- Hands-on
- Handstitched
- Handwoven
- Handwritten
- Handy
- Hangdog
- Hanging
- Hanoverian
- Haphazard
- Hapless
- Haploid
- Haploidic
- Happier
- Happiest
- Happy
- Haptic
- Hard
- Hardback
- Hardbacked
- Hardbound
- Hardcore
- Hard-core
- Hardcover
- Hardened
- Hardfisted
- Hardheaded
- Hardhearted
- Hardline
- Hardscrabble
- Hardworking
- Hardy
- Harebrained
- Harmful
- Harmless
- Harmonic
- Harmonical
- Harmonious
- Harmonizable
- Harried
- Harrowing
- Harsh
- Harsher
- Harshest
- Hasidic
- Hassidic
- Hastate
- Hasty
- Hated
- Hateful
- Hatefully
- Hatless
- Hatted
- Haughty
- Haunting
- Hawaiian
- Hawk-eyed
- Hawkish
- Haywire
- Hazardous
- Hazel
- Hazy
- Head
- Headed
- Headfirst
- Headless
- Headlike
- Headlong
- Headstrong
- Heady
- Healing
- Healthful
- Healthy
- Hearable
- Hearing
- Hearsay
- Heartbreaking
- Heartbroken
- Heartfelt
- Heartless
- Heartrending
- Heartsick
- Heartwarming
- Heart-whole
- Hearty
- Heatable
- Heated
- Heathen
- Heathenish
- Heathlike
- Heatless
- Heavenly
- Heavenward
- Heavy
- Heavy-armed
- Heavy-duty
- Heavy-handed
- Heavyhearted
- Heavyset
- Hebdomadal
- Hebdomadary
- Hebephrenic
- Hebraic
- Hebraical
- Hebrew
- Hebridean
- Hectic
- Hedonic
- Hedonistic
- Heedful
- Heedless
- Hefty
- Hegelian
- Heinous
- Heliac
- Heliacal
- Helical
- Heliocentric
- Hellenic
- Hellenistic
- Hellish
- Helmeted
- Helminthic
- Helpful
- Helpfully
- Helpless
- Hemal
- Hematal
- Hematic
- Hematogenic
- Hematologic
- Hematological
- Hematopoietic
- Hemic
- Hemimetabolic
- Hemiparasitic
- Hemispheric
- Hemispherical
- Hemodynamic
- Hemolytic
- Hemophilic
- Hemopoietic
- Hemorrhagic
- Hemostatic
- Hempen
- Henpecked
- Hep
- Hepatic
- Hepatotoxic
- Heraldic
- Heraldist
- Herbaceous
- Herbal
- Herbivorous
- Herculean
- Here
- Hereditary
- Heretical
- Heritable
- Hermaphrodite
- Hermaphroditic
- Hermeneutic
- Hermetic
- Hermitic
- Hermitical
- Heroic
- Heroical
- Hertzian
- Hesitant
- Hesitating
- Hesperian
- Het
- Heterocercal
- Heterocyclic
- Heterodactyl
- Heterodox
- Heterodyne
- Heteroecious
- Heterogeneous
- Heterogenous
- Heteroicous
- Heterologic
- Heterological
- Heterologous
- Heterosexual
- Heterosporous
- Heterothermic
- Heterotrophic
- Heterozygous
- Heuristic
- Hex
- Hexadecimal
- Hexagonal
- Hexangular
- Hexed
- Hibernal
- Hick
- Hidden
- Hidebound
- Hideous
- Hidrotic
- Hiemal
- Hierarchal
- Hierarchic
- Hierarchical
- Hieratic
- Hieroglyphic
- Hieroglyphical
- Hifalutin
- High
- Highborn
- Highbrow
- Highbrowed
- Highfalutin
- Highfaluting
- Highflying
- High-functioning
- Highland
- High-maintenance
- High-rise
- High-risk
- High-sounding
- High-speed
- High-spirited
- High-strung
- High-tech
- High-toned
- High-yield
- Hilar
- Hilarious
- Hilly
- Himalayan
- Hind
- Hinder
- Hindering
- Hindermost
- Hindi
- Hindoo
- Hindu
- Hindustani
- Hip
- Hiplength
- Hipless
- Hipped
- Hippocratic
- Hircine
- Hired
- Hirsute
- Hispanic
- Hispaniolan
- Hispid
- Hissing
- Histologic
- Histological
- Historical
- Historied
- Histrionic
- Hi-tech
- Hitlerian
- Hitless
- Hittite
- Hmong
- Hoar
- Hoarse
- Hoary
- Hobnailed
- Hogged
- Hoggish
- Hokey
- Holey
- Holiday
- Holier
- Holiest
- Holistic
- Hollow
- Hollywood
- Holographic
- Holographical
- Holometabolic
- Holophytic
- Holozoic
- Holy
- Home
- Homebound
- Homegrown
- Homeless
- Homelike
- Homely
- Homemade
- Homeopathic
- Homesick
- Homespun
- Homeward
- Homey
- Homicidal
- Homiletic
- Hominal
- Homing
- Hominian
- Hominid
- Hominine
- Homocercal
- Homocyclic
- Homoecious
- Homoerotic
- Homogeneous
- Homogenized
- Homogenous
- Homoiothermic
- Homologic
- Homological
- Homologous
- Homophile
- Homophobic
- Homophonic
- Homophonous
- Homosexual
- Homosporous
- Homostyled
- Homostylic
- Homostylous
- Homothermic
- Homozygous
- Homy
- Honduran
- Honest
- Honey
- Honeycombed
- Honeyed
- Honeylike
- Honied
- Honking
- Honorable
- Honorary
- Honored
- Honourable
- Hoofed
- Hooflike
- Hooked
- Hooklike
- Hooved
- Hopeful
- Hopeless
- Horary
- Horizontal
- Hormonal
- Horned
- Hornless
- Hornlike
- Horrendous
- Horrible
- Horrid
- Horrific
- Horrified
- Horrifying
- Hortative
- Hortatory
- Horticultural
- Hospitable
- Hostile
- Hot
- Hotheaded
- Hot-tempered
- Hotter
- Hottest
- Hottish
- Hourly
- House
- Housebound
- Housebroken
- Housewifely
- Howling
- Hoydenish
- Hubristic
- Huffish
- Huffy
- Huge
- Huger
- Hugest
- Huggable
- Hugoesque
- Hulking
- Hulky
- Human
- Humane
- Humanistic
- Humanitarian
- Humanlike
- Human-like
- Humble
- Humbled
- Humbling
- Humdrum
- Humic
- Humid
- Humified
- Humiliated
- Humiliating
- Humming
- Humongous
- Humorless
- Humorous
- Humourless
- Humourous
- Humpbacked
- Humped
- Hunchbacked
- Hundred
- Hundredth
- Hungarian
- Hungrier
- Hungriest
- Hungry
- Hurried
- Hurt
- Hurtful
- Husbandly
- Hushed
- Huskier
- Huskiest
- Husky
- Huxleian
- Huxleyan
- Hyaline
- Hyaloid
- Hybrid
- Hydraulic
- Hydric
- Hydrophobic
- Hydrophytic
- Hydroponic
- Hydrostatic
- Hydrothermal
- Hydrous
- Hydroxy
- Hygienic
- Hygienical
- Hygrophytic
- Hygroscopic
- Hymenal
- Hymeneal
- Hyoid
- Hypaethral
- Hyperactive
- Hyper-active
- Hyperbolic
- Hyperboloidal
- Hypercritical
- Hyperemic
- Hyperfine
- Hypermetropic
- Hyperopic
- Hypersensitive
- Hypertensive
- Hyperthermal
- Hypertonic
- Hypertrophied
- Hypethral
- Hypnagogic
- Hypnogogic
- Hypnoid
- Hypnotic
- Hypnotised
- Hypnotizable
- Hypoactive
- Hypochondriac
- Hypocritical
- Hypodermal
- Hypodermic
- Hypoglycaemic
- Hypoglycemic
- Hypognathous
- Hypophyseal
- Hypophysial
- Hypotensive
- Hypothalamic
- Hypothetic
- Hypothetical
- Hypotonic
- Hypovolaemic
- Hypovolemic
- Hysterical
Adjectives That Start with H – with Definitions and Examples
To help you learn these adjectives beginning with H more easily, we complied their definitions and examples below.
- Habitable
Definition: able to be lived in
Example: The place is perfectly habitable, but there is work to be done.
- Habitual
Definition: usual or repeated
Example: Longer prison sentences will help keep habitual criminals off the streets.
- Hackneyed
Definition: (of phrases, fashions, etc.) used so often as to be trite, dull, and stereotyped
Example: The mind tries with the second or third hackneyed phrase.
- Haggard
Definition: (of a person) having dark areas around the eyes and lines on the face, esp. from being tired or from suffering
Example: His face was haggard, and his eyes were bloodshot.
- Haired
Definition: having hair as specified
Example: He was a small, dark haired man.
- Hairless
Definition: having little or no hair
Example: He looked exactly as I remembered him – leathery seamed face, sharp little blue eyes, and a smooth hairless dome.
- Hairsplitting
Definition: characterized by or fond of small and overfine distinctions.
Example: The legal experts have a particularly hairsplitting mentality.
- Hairy
Definition: difficult, dangerous, or frightening
Example: The roads were really icy, and it was definitely a hairy situation even going slow.
- Halal
Definition: denoting or relating to meat prepared as prescribed by Muslim law.
Example: Observant Muslims should be assured that their halal food is protected.
- Halcyon
Definition: prosperous; golden
Example: I was very content during the halcyon days of my childhood.
- Half-hearted
Definition: showing no enthusiasm or interest
Example: He made a half-hearted attempt to clear up the rubbish.
- Halfway
Definition: in the middle of something, or at a place that is equally far from two other places
Example: New York City is halfway between Boston and Washington, DC.
- Hallowed
Definition: described something that is respected and admired, usually because it is old, important, or has a good reputation
Example: Every cricketer wants to prove his worth on the hallowed turf of Lord’s.
- Hallucinatory
Definition: relating to or causing hallucination
Example: In some patients the drug has been found to have hallucinatory side effects.
- Hallucinogenic
Definition: causing hallucination
Example: LSD is a hallucinogenic drug.
- Halting
Definition: slow and hesitant, especially through lack of confidence; faltering
Example: She speaks halting English with a heavy accent.
- Hammy
Definition: (of a hand or thigh) thick and solid
Example: He often pounds one hammy fist into the other.
- Handheld
Definition: designed to be held in the hand
Example: Now kids are making animated movies on handheld tablets.
- Handicapped
Definition: (of a person) having a condition that markedly restricts their ability to function physically, mentally, or socially
Example: His mother died and his father doesn’t want to be troubled with a handicapped child.
- Handless
Definition: having no hands
Example: Sam found Lirael a moment later, curled up in the ash, the carving of the dog nestled in the crook of her handless arm.
- Handmade
Definition: made by someone using their hands rather than by using a machine
Example: Handmade products are becoming increasingly popular.
- Handsewn
Definition: sewn by a person rather than a machine
Example: There are handsewn artefacts, impressive inside and out.
- Hands-off
Definition: dealing with situation and people in a way that allows others to make decisions
Example: Paul has a hands-off style of management.
- Handsome
Definition: having a pleasingly and usually impressive or dignified appearance
Example: Her dream is to be whisked off her feet by a tall, dark, handsome stranger.
- Hands-on
Definition: involving practical experience of equipment, etc
Example: She’s very much a hands-on manager.
- Handwoven
Definition: woven by hand rather than a machine
Definition: The handwoven carpets in each chamber have a pattern of eucalyptus leaves and wattle blossom.
- Handwritten
Definition: written by hand; not printed or typed
Example: She noticed a handwritten note on the table and tentatively picked it up.
- Handy
Definition: useful or convenient
Example: The personal finance software includes handy features such as automatic bill payment reminders.
- Hangdog
Definition: shamefaced; guilty
Example: He sneaked out of the room with a hangdog expression.
- Haphazard
Definition: lacking any obvious principle of organization
Example: The music business works in a haphazard fashion.
- Hapless
Definition: unlucky and usually unhappy
Example: Many children are hapless victims of this war.
- Happiest
Definition: feeling, showing, or expressing joy; pleased
Example: Yesterday was the happiest day of my life.
- Happy
Definition: (of a condition or situation) lucky
Example: We hadn’t planned to be in France at the same time as Ann and Charles – it was just a happy coincident.
- Haptic
Definition: relating to or based on the sense of touch
Example: Haptic devices may also be able to trigger emotions in viewers.
- Hard
Definition: difficult to understand, do, experience, or deal with
Example: I feel sorry for the kids, too – they’ve had a hard time.
- Hard-core
Definition: serious or difficult to deal with and unlikely to change
Example: He will focus more on fighting hard-core antitrust cases.
- Hardened
Definition: no longer likely to change a bad way of life or feel sorry about it
Example: The judge called him a hardened criminal.
- Hardhearted
Definition: incapable of being moved to pity or tenderness; unfeeling
Example: Only the most hardhearted man would not have offered comfort.
- Hardline
Definition: extreme and severe and not likely to change
Example: His hardline stance appears to have gained him greater popularity with the public.
- Hardscrabble
Definition: involving hard work and struggle
Example: The firm recounts a year in the hardscrabble life of a tenant farmer.
- Hardworking
Definition: something or someone that is diligent in laboring and that puts effort in doing and completing tasks
Example: If you still cannot sell off all your cards, give them as thank you presents to your organization’s hardworking volunteers.
- Hardy
Definition: strong enough to bear extreme conditions or difficult situations
Example: A few hardy souls continue to swim in the sea even in the middle of winter.
- Harmful
Definition: causing or likely to cause harm
Example: The ozone layer blocks the harmful rays from the sun.
- Harmless
Definition: not able or likely to cause harm
Example: Some think television hurts children and others regard it as harmless entertainment.
- Harmonious
Definition: looking, tasting, or working well together
Example: The cake is a wonderful, harmonious balance of fish, potato and breadcrumbs.
- Harried
Definition: worried and angry, especially because people keep wanting things from you
Example: He greets visitors with a kind but harried expressions.
- Harrowing
Definition: extremely upsetting because connected with suffering
Example: For many women, the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.
- Harsh
Definition: unpleasant, unking, cruel, or more severe than is necessary
Example: He said some harsh words about his brother.
- Hasty
Definition: rapid; swift; quick
Example: He warned against making hasty decisions.
- Hated
Definition: disliked very strongly and by many people
Example: He was the most hated teacher in the school.
- Hateful
Definition: very unpleasant
Example: I never wear grey because it reminds me of my hateful school uniform.
- Haughty
Definition: unfriendly and seeming to consider yourself better than other people
Example: She has a rather haughty manner.
- Hawaiian
Definition: belonging or relating to the US state of Hawaii or its people or language
Example: Five restaurants in San Francisco serve Hawaiian food.
- Hawk-eyed
Definition: vigilant, watchful, or observant
Example: Hawk-eyed store detectives stood by the door.
- Hawkish
Definition: favouring the use or display of force rather than diplomacy to achieve foreign-policy goals
Example: He is one of the most hawkish members of the new cabinet.
- Hazardous
Definition: dangerous
Example: Heavy rain is causing hazardous driving conditions.
- Hazy
Definition: characterized by reduced visibility; misty
Example: The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost.
- Headlong
Definition: with great speed or without thinking
Example: In the headlong rush to buy houses, many people got into debt.
- Headstrong
Definition: very determined to do what you want without listening to others
Example: She was a headstrong child, always getting into trouble.
- Heady
Definition: having a powerful effect, making you feel slightly drunk or excited
Example: In the heady days of their youth, they thought anything was possible.
- Healing
Definition: helping to make someone well again, especially after a cut or other injury
Example: Amber was thought to have healing powers.
- Healthful
Definition: helping to produce good health
Example: A healthful diet includes lots of green vegetables.
- Healthy
Definition: strong and well
Example: She’s a normal, healthy child.
- Hearing
Definition: able to hear
Example: We wanted to create something that both deaf and hearing audiences could enjoy.
- Heartbreaking
Definition: causing overwhelming distress; very upsetting
Example: The team suffered another heartbreaking defeat.
- Heartfelt
Definition: strongly felt and sincere
Example: Please accept my heartfelt apologies.
- Heartless
Definition: displaying a complete lack of feeling or consideration
Example: Heartless thieves stole the pushchair of a two-year-old boy.
- Heartsick
Definition: feeling very sad
Example: When the vet said that her cat was too badly hurt to survive, Keri was heartsick.
- Hearty
Definition: very great
Example: She has a hearty dislike of any sort of office work.
- Heated
Definition: impassioned or highly emotional
Example: It was a very heated argument and they were shouting at each other.
- Heavenly
Definition: relating to the abode of God; divine
Example: He is such a lofty, heavenly soul!
- Heavenward
Definition: toward, to, or in heaven
Example: Then the world has advanced one step in its heavenward march.
- Heavy
Definition: weighing a lot, and needing effort to move or lift
Example: Several pieces of heavy equipment had to be manhandled into the lorry.
- Heavy-duty
Definition: strong and designed to be used for a long time
Example: These are large, heavy-duty bags for those who buy a lot of groceries.
- Heavy-handed
Definition: using too much force in dealing with someone
Example: The protestors accused the police of using heavy-handed tactics.
- Heavyset
Definition: having a large, wide body
Example: He is a heavyset man with a beautiful tenor voice.
- Hebraic
Definition: relating to the Hebrew people, language, or culture
Example: He still follows the Hebraic faith.
- Hebrew
Definition: in or relating to the ancient language of the Jewish people, or the modern form of it
Example: There were Hebrew inscriptions on the walls.
- Hectic
Definition: full of activity, or very busy and fast
Example: They tried to fit a holiday into their hectic schedules.
- Hedonic
Definition: connected with feelings of pleasure
Example: Many purchases are related to hedonic impulses.
- Heedless
Definition: not giving attention to a risk or possible difficulty
Example: Heedless destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming.
- Hefty
Definition: done with vigour or force
Example: He aimed a hefty kick at the door.
- Heinous
Definition: extremely evil or horrible
Example: Her life has been permanently blighted by his heinous crime.
- Heliacal
Definition: of or relating to the sun, especially rising and setting with the sun
Example: Astronomical data, especially the heliacal risings of Sothis recorded by dates of their celebration in the vague year.
- Helical
Definition: in the shape of a helix
Example: DNA is a double-stranded helical molecule that resembles a twisted rope ladder with wooden rungs.
- Heliocentric
Definition: having or representing the sun as the centre, as in the accepted astronomical model of the solar system
Example: This was finally the first observable evidence of a heliocentric universe.
- Hellenic
Definition: of or relating to ancient or modern Greeks, and their history, art, etc
Example: We detect the dawn of that art spirit which afterwards animated Hellenic art.
- Hellenistic
Definition: of or relating to the period of Greek culture, history, or art after Alexander the Great
Example: In the Hellenistic period it gained importance as a fortress by which the Macedonian rulers controlled central Greece.
- Hellish
Definition: of or like hell
Example: We had a hellish time getting through traffic.
- Helmeted
Definition: wearing a helmet
Example: Helmeted, baton-wielding police forced back the crowd.
- Helpful
Definition: willing to help, or useful
Example: He made several helpful suggestions.
- Helpless
Definition: uncontrollable
Example: They burst into helpless laughter.
- Hemispherical
Definition: shaped like half a sphere
Example: Archaeologists found jewellery including pendants and small hemispherical beads.
- Hemophilic
Definition: characteristic of or affected by hemophilia
Example: This study highlights the magnitude of some problems of hemophilic patients.
- Heraldic
Definition: relating to coats of arms shields or shield-shaped patterns that are the sign of family, that they belong to
Example: A red lion is the heraldic beast of the Scottish crown.
- Herbaceous
Definition: of, or having the nature of, an herb or herbs, as distinguished from woody plants
Example: This is a herbaceous perennial dying right back in winter.
- Herbal
Definition: relating to or made from herbs, especially those used in cooking and medicine
Example: You can take home a handmade herbal tea.
- Herbivorous
Definition: (of an animal) eating plants
Example: The iguanadon was a herbivorous dinosaur.
- Herculean
Definition: needing great strength and determination
Example: She faces the Herculean task of bringing up four children single-handedly.
- Hereditary
Definition: (of characteristics or diseases) passed from the genes of a parent to a child, or passed from parent to a child as a right
Example: It is a hereditary title, so Mark Howard will become Sir Mark Howard on his father’s death.
- Heretical
Definition: opposite to or against the official or popular opinion, or showing no respect for the official opinion
Example: He did not reveal his heretical views on the drug war until after he was reelected.
- Heritable
Definition: A disease or characteristic that can be passed from a parent or grandparent to a child through the genes
Example: Autism is a heritable neurological disorder.
- Hermetic
Definition: (of a seal or closure) complete and airtight
Example: This would permit air to enter, breaking the hermetic seal of the jar.
- Heroic
Definition: showing extreme bravery
Example: His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.
- Hesitant
Definition: tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking
Example: She gave me a hesitant smile.
- Heterodox
Definition: beliefs, opinions, or ideas different from the accepted or official ones
Example: His heterodox beliefs raised doubts about his fitness for high office.
- Heterogeneous
Definition: consisting of parts or things that are very different from each other
Example: Switzerland is a heterogeneous confederation of 26 self-governing cantons.
- Heterosexual
Definition: involving people who are sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex
Example: Their kids were products of earlier heterosexual relationships.
- Heterozygous
Definition: having two different alleles of a particular gene or genes
Example: The genetic study showed two heterozygous variants.
- Heuristic
Definition: enabling someone to discover or learn something for themselves.
Example: The purpose of the heuristic class is to teach people through personal trials.
- Hexadecimal
Definition: relating to or using a system of numerical notation that has 16 rather than 10 as its base.
Example: All single digit hexadecimal numbers can be written with four bits.
- Hexagonal
Definition: having a shape with six straight sides
Example: The panel consist of 55 small hexagonal tiles.
- Hexangular
Definition: having six sides or divided into hexagons.
Example: Fix the beverage holder on the base with the M 5 inner hexangular screw.
- Hibernal
Definition: of, characteristic of, or occurring in winter.
Example: In addition to spring, ecological reckoning identifies an earlier separate prevernal (early or pre-spring) season between the hibernal (winter) and vernal (spring) season.
- Hidden
Definition: not easy to find
Example: There were hidden microphones in the room to record their conversation.
- Hidebound
Definition: unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention
Example:They are working to change hidebound corporate cultures.
- Hideous
Definition: extremely ugly or bad
Example: She wears the most hideous colour combination you could ever imagine.
- Hierarchical
Definition: of the nature of a hierarchy; arranged in order of rank
Example: The military has a hierarchal rank structure.
- Hieratic
Definition: of or concerning priest
Example: He raised both his arms in a hieratic gesture.
- Highborn
Definition: of noble birth
Example: Only the highborn knights were spared, all other being thrown into the sea.
- Highbrow
Definition: intellectual or rarefied in taste
Example: Innovatory art had a small, mostly highbrow following.
- Highfalutin
Definition: (especially of speech, writing, or ideas) pompous or pretentious
Example:You don’t want any highfalutin jargon.
- High-maintenance
Definition: something or someone that requires more attention, time, money, or effort
Example: Small gardens can be high-maintenance.
- High-rise
Definition: a tall modern building with many floors
Example: She lives in a high-rise overlooking the river.
- High-risk
Definition: involving a greater than usual amount of risk
Example: Only people can afford to lose their money should make high-risk investments.
- High-sounding
Definition: having an impressive or pretentious sound; ground
Example: They saw those machineries, which proclaimed high-sounding title, with mingled feelings.
- High-speed
Definition: used to describe something that moved or operate very quickly
Example: High-speed rail between the two cities is still a long way from happening.
- High-strung
Definition: easily becoming worried or upset, and finding it difficult to relax
Example: As a teenager she was high-strung and restless.
- High-tech
Definition: using the most advanced machines and methods
Example: Only a few teaching hospitals have those new, high-tech devices.
- High-yield
Definition: producing a large amount; giving a high return
Example: The practice ensures that the land can continue to produce high-yield crops.
- Hilarious
Definition: boisterously merry or cheerful
Example: It was a hilarious moment, and had to be preserved for posterity.
- Hilly
Definition: full of hills; rugged, uneven, or rolling
Example: Home is a short walk down a narrow hilly straight.
- Hind
Definition: at the back of an animal’s body
Example: Phil’s dog stands on her hind leg to greet me.
- Hipped
Definition: having hips
Example: Another of the lost souls – a wide hipped woman – had approached, and puked up some words of her own.
- Hippocratic
Definition: pertaining to Hippocrates
Example: It is here that the real continuation and development of Hippocratic medicines can be traced.
- Hired
Definition: employed for a short time to do a particular job
Example: The fruit is picked by hired labourers.
- Hirsute
Definition: covered with hair
Example: Frighteningly hirsute, a single black eyebrow spanned his protruding forehead.
- Hispanic
Definition: connected with a person who lives in US but originally came from Spanish-speaking Latin America
Example: The US Hispanic population totaled more than 22 million in 1990.
- Histological
Definition: relating to the study of the structure of cells and tissue seen under a microscope
Example: A histological section refers to a thin slice of tissue that is viewed under a microscope.
- Historical
Definition: connected with studying or representing things from the past
Example: Many important historical documents were destroyed when the library was bombed.
- Histrionic
Definition: very emotional and energetic, but not sincere or without real meaning
Example: She put on a histrionic display of grief at the funeral.
- Hitless
Definition: denoting a game, inning, etc., in which no hits are achieved especially by a special player or team
Example: After two hitless innings, Kansas City took a 4-2 lead.
- Hoarse
Definition: having a vocal tone characterized by weakness of intensity and excessive breathiness; husky
Example: She asked me a question in a hoarse voice.
- Hoary
Definition: very old and familiar and therefore not interesting or funny
Example: He told a few hoary old jokes and nobody laughed.
- Hoggish
Definition: selfish, gluttonous or dirty
Example: His landlady was a hoggish woman.
- Hokey
Definition: cloyingly sentimental; mawkish
Example: It was a hokey speech, but it was a rhetorical triumph.
- Holey
Definition: having holes or full of holes
Example: Skating fashions are also closely related to the punk clothing movement, which favors plaid prints or holey jeans and messy hairstyles.
- Holiday
Definition: a time when you are away from home, and can relax, visit new places, etc
Example: Online holiday sales are up 28% compared with the same period last year.
- Holistic
Definition: dealing with or treating with the whole of something or someone and not just a part
Example: My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease.
- Hollow
Definition: without real significance or value
Example: The result was a hollow victory.
- Holographic
Definition: related to images in which objects look as if they are solid and real, not flat
Example: The holographic design on the front of a bank card is a security feature.
- Holy
Definition: related to a religion or a God
Example: The area is a holy site for many Muslims.
- Home
Definition: relating to the place where one lives
Example: I don’t have your home address.
- Homegrown
Definition: belonging to one’s own particular locality or county
Example: She’s is a homegrown talent.
- Homeless
Definition: without a home
Example: Accommodation needs to be found for thousands of homeless families.
- Homely
Definition: Plain or ordinary, but pleasant
Example: The hotel was homely and comfortable.
- Homemade
Definition: made at home and not bought from a store
Example: Farmers’ markets are a traditional way of selling homemade products effectively.
- Homespun
Definition: simple and unsophisticated
Example: The book is simple homespun philosophy.
- Homeward
Definition: going towards home
Example: It happened when she was on the homeward flight back to the UK.
- Homicidal
Definition: capable of or tending towards murder; murderous
Example: He had homicidal tendencies.
- Homing
Definition: relating to the ability of some animals to find their way home
Example: Migrating birds and fish have a strong homing instinct.
- Homogeneous
Definition: consisting of parts or having qualities that are the same
Example: Like the other valley towns, this was once a fairly homogeneous Anglo community.
- Homogenized
Definition: changed so that all parts or features become the same or very similar
Example: I think people are tired of homogenized radio and they want something different.
- Homoiothermic
Definition: if a living organism is homeothermic, it is able to keep its body temperature at the same level despite
Example: Homeothermic animals are often described as warm-blooded.
- Homological
Definition: having the same or a similar relation; corresponding
Example: Furthermore, we investigate the homological classification problems of pomonoids by using this new property.
- Homologous
Definition: having the same origin although having the same purpose or shape, usually as a result of evolution
Example: The wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous structures.
- Homophobic
Definition: involving a fear or dislike of gay people
Example: He muttered a homophobic comment as he walked past.
- Homophonous
Definition: of, relating to, or denoting a homophone
Example: This paper argues that homophonous linguistic objects differ in syntactic structures.
- Homosexual
Definition: sexually attracted to people of one’s own sex
Example: A young man was beaten up in a local high school after trying to start a club for homosexual students.
- Homozygous
Definition: having two identical alleles of a particular gene or genes
Example: Homozygous mutant animals displayed increased chromosomal stability in a micronucleus test.
- Homy
Definition: (of a place or surroundings) comfortable and cozy.
Example: We sat silent for a while, and a homy feeling invaded my ugly little cubicle.
- Honest
Definition: telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie
Example:I’d like you to give me an honest answer/ your honest opinion.
- Honeyed
Definition: (of a person’s words or tone of voice) soothing, soft, and intended to please
Example: He wooed her with honeyed words.
- Honorable
Definition: worthy of being honored
Example: He will be a good son to you and a good grandson to his honorable grandparents.
- Honorary
Definition: (especially of adegree) given as an honour to someone who has not done a course of study
Example: She receive an honorary doctorate from Exeter University.
- Honored
Definition: great respect for someone
Example: We are honored to have you here tonight.
- Honourable
Definition: bringing or deserving honour
Example: This is the only honourable course.
- Hoofed
Definition: having a hoof or hoofs
Example: She has hoofed feet and a horse tail.
- Hooked
Definition: shaped like a hook
Example: He was a thin and tall, with a hooked nose.
- Hopeful
Definition: giving hope
Example: The green shoots were hopeful signs of spring.
- Hopeless
Definition: feeling or causing despair
Example: Jess looked at him in mute hopeless appeal.
- Horary
Definition: occurring every hour
Example: I took horary observations of the barometer.
- Horizontal
Definition: parallel to the ground or to the bottom or top edge of something
Example: Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the page.
- Hormonal
Definition: relating to hormones
Example: These surgical procedures are rarely used today and have been replaced by additive hormonal therapies.
- Horned
Definition: having a horn or horns
Example: Cattle-breeding is probably the most lucrative branch of stock-farming, the country being preeminently adapted for horned cattle.
- Hornless
Definition: having no horns
Example: Galloway also gives its name to a famous indigenous breed of black hornless cattle.
- Hornlike
Definition: made of horn (or of a substance resembling horn)
Example: Wallace remarks that it is difficult to understand what can be the use of these hornlike teeth.
- Horrendous
Definition: extremely unpleasant or bad
Example: The firm made horrendous (very big) losses last year.
- Horrible
Definition: very unpleasant or bad
Example: He’s got a horrible cold.
- Horrid
Definition: very bad or unpleasant
Example: It was a horrid purple color which she detested.
Positive Adjectives That Start with H to Describe a Person
If you need some more advanced letters to compliment others than good, nice, etc., then check adjectives that start with H to describe a person below.
1. Healthy
Definition: in good condition
Synonyms: active, all right, fit, full of life
Example: They both grew up healthy, breathing on their own and most importantly strong enough to spend a good life.
2. Handsome
Definition: attractive appearance
Synonyms: admirable, comely, graceful, impressive
Example: He sounds like a handsome looking gentleman but not really…
3. Harmless
Definition: not injurious and dangerous
Synonyms: innocent, safe, gentle, trustworthy
Example: I didn’t know why but she’d looking harmless and beautiful.
4. Helpful
Definition: being serviced or useful
Synonyms: accessible, beneficial, caring
Example: Anna’s notes were very helpful to me for preparing for my exams.
5. Heuristic
Definition: enable someone to discover or learn something
Synonyms: interested, interrogative, searching
Example: Heuristic method adopted by teachers nowadays is really admirable.
6. Heroic
Definition: brave or champion
Synonyms: courageous, epic, fearless
Example: He really did a heroic effort but there was nothing to admire.
7. Humorous
Definition: to show good sense of humour
Synonyms: funny, comic, amusing
Example: I had a humorous and interesting conversation with her about E-commerce.
8. Honest
Definition: being genuine or faithful
Synonyms: authentic, sincere, respectable
Example: At least he deserved an honest answer about his humble request.
9. Honourable
Definition: bringing or having honour
Synonyms: moral, ethical, righteous
Example: You both done a great job, however, you both are honourable to the core.
10. Heartfelt
Definition: genuine
Synonyms: deep, ardent, cordial
Example: Her voice actually told everyone how heartfelt that simple words were; they didn’t take seriously at all.
11. Hygienic
Definition: maintaining health or preventing disease keeping yourself clean; germ-free
Synonyms: sanitary, disinfected, sterilized, dirt-free
Example: Sam has a hygienic institute along with a hospital to prevent people and give them awareness about it.
12. Hardy
Definition: to be able to survive in any situation
Synonyms: strong, sturdy, robust
Example: He is hardy enough to survive in a forest.
Positive Adjectives That Start with H to Describe an Event
“Oh, what happened?”, when hearing this, you need some descriptive words that start with H below to help you describe the event.
1. Harmonic
Definition: having component elements of pleasure in state of accord; harmonious
Synonyms: accordant, in concert, consonant, rhythmical
Example: It’s been centuries of harmonic evolution on classical series.
2. Hesitant
Definition: unsure or uncertain
Synonyms: tentative, doubtful, undecided
Example: The customer was hesitant about buying a laptop for programming.
3. Hilarious
Definition: very funny or entertaining
Synonyms: joyful, gut-busting, happy, gleeful
Example: That comedy scene was hilarious but also there was a lesson in that scene too.
4. Horticultural
Definition: of or relating to the cultivation of plants
Synonyms: agricultural, gardening
Example: He is a professor of horticultural science.
5. Headstrong
Definition: energetic or determined
Synonyms: contrary, wilful, strong-willed
Example: you are the most headstrong person I ever met, nice to meet you.
6. Hastily
Definition: very good speed
Synonyms: rashly, impulsive, apace
Example: Peter does his assignments as hastily as he can so that he could also go on a trip with his colleagues coming weekend.
7. Hexagonal
Definition: related to hexagon; six straight sides and six angles
Synonyms: senary, semestral, hexadic
Example: There was a hexagonal tower between two buildings.
8. Hierarchical
Definition: arrange in order; nature of hierarchy
Synonyms: gradable, stratified, class-conscious
Example: It was developed under a hierarchical system.
9. Hourly
Definition: every once a while
Synonyms: orbital, alternate, cyclical, serial
Example: I need hourly updates on regular bases.
10. Herbal
Definition: related to herbs
Synonyms: grassy, verdant, vegetative, herbaceous
Example: The second edition of Herbal having a number of variations and many more illustrations was published by Thomson.
Positive Adjectives That Start with H to Describe a Place
No matter how far you go, home is always the place you are most comfortable with. Which of the following adjectives that start with the letter H best describes your home?
1. Heavenly
Definition: very pleasant, divine
Synonyms: adorable, beautiful, delightful
Example: The interior of Blue Mosque in turkey grabs the heart; as it has heavenly views.
2. Humble
Definition: down to earth nature
Synonyms: blushing, shy, courteous, backward
Example: it may be humble, but there is no place like home.
3. Humanitarian
Definition: being helpful
Synonyms: do-gooder, generous, merciful, unselfish
Example: Turkey is well-known country in all over the world for his humanitarian cultures and people.
4. Hospitable
Definition: having friendly nature
Synonyms: welcoming, sociable, obliging
Example: They are not only hospitable to the people of their own city, but also to other visitors.
5. Historical
Definition: concern about history
Synonyms: ancient, classical, old, authentic
Example: China was one of the earliest centres of human civilization and many has many historical buildings.
6. High
Definition: tall, at a great distance aloft
Synonyms: arial, big, elevated, giant
Example: Saudi Arabia ranks top for its high buildings and towers.
7. Holy
Definition: something religious
Synonyms: blessed, angelic, godly, glorified
Example: Makkah and Madinah are holy cities for Muslims.
8. Hunnish
Definition: related to Huns
Synonyms: bouche, kraut
Example: The design of this tower was discovered a hunnish king, but never had been revealed or known by any single person.
Positive Adjectives That Start with H to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
How are you feeling lately? Can any of adjectives with letter H below describe your mood? Remember to always stay positive.
1. Happy
Definition: feeling blissful or having high spirits
Synonyms: blessed, contented, cheerful
Example: I am very happy to have an outing with my friends after a long time.
2. Hungry
Definition: feeling uncomfortable because of a lack of food
Synonyms: starving, covetous, craving, famished
Example: I’m hungry, let’s go for lunch in my favourite restaurant.
3. Humane
Definition: having sympathy and care for others
Synonyms: compassionate, kindly, civilized, lenient
Example: God forbid that everyone should be humane, should love or pity on others; especially on lower class people who needs you.
4. Hydrous
Definition: containing water; water of hydration
Synonyms: hydrated, sulfidic, hydroxy
Example: Hydrous phase takes place and can be categorized by various science techniques.
5. Honeyed
Definition: something sugary or sweetened
Synonyms: candied, sugar-coated, flattering, cajoling
Example: We have not seen your wedding pictures yet; they said in a honeyed voice.
Negative Adjectives That Start with H to Describe a Person
You can have negative mood sometimes, but you can not be a negative person. Always try to get yourself rid of adjective words that start with H below.
1. Humourless
Definition: lack of humour or not able to appreciate
Synonyms: gloomy, grave, serious
Example: John is such a humourless person.
2. Harsh
Definition: having rough behaviour; crude
Synonyms: asperous, bitter, cracked, clashing
Example: His harsh voice and expressions hurt his mother a lot.
3. Hysterical
Definition: behaving in an uncontrolled way; out of control
Synonyms: frantic, wild, emotional
Example: I don’t know the reason behind his hysterical behaviour, but everyone there gets emotional.
4. Horrific
Definition: causing fear
Synonyms: awful, horror, dreadful, terrible
Example: Recently, he had a horrific accident that made him internally sick.
5. Homeless
Definition: person without home
Synonyms: vagrant, destitute, on the streets
Example: Unfortunately, he loses his home in the flood; now he is homeless.
6. Heated
Definition: angry
Synonyms: avid, bitter, violent
Example: He became heated on her ignorance.
7. Hoarse
Definition: (of a voice or a person) having a rough voice, often because of a sore throat or a cold
Synonyms: cracked, croaking, husky, uneven
Example: You’ll make yourself hoarse if you keep shouting like that!
8. Homely
Definition: being simple, ordinary or comfortable
Synonyms: comfy, domestic, modest, familiar
Example: Wow! He is such a homely kid.
9. Hooked
Definition: having or showing addiction
Synonyms: absorbed, captivated, obsessed, devoted
Example: She hooked up with a nice hearted and caring man.
Negative Adjectives That Start with H to Describe an Event
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I hope all your endeavors will pay off and you won’t hear describing words beginning with H below in the end.
1. Hostile
Definition: unfriendly or mean
Synonyms: hateful, opposed, adverse, allergic
Example: He gave a very good performance but he had to blow up with a hostile audience.
2. Hellion
Definition: trouble maker, demon
Synonyms: evildoer, instigator
Example: After some relax reading, she felt herself like a swimming hellion.
3. Haggle
Definition: quarrel
Synonyms: argue, beat down, dispute, barter
Example: It is not good to haggle over the price of small things.
4. Hokey
Definition: feeble or commonplace
Synonyms: old hat, trite, stale
Example: They found an old-fashioned decoration and the restaurant to be a bit hokey.
5. Heedful
Definition: attentive or observant
Synonyms: careful, thoughtful, mindful
Example: While your father is giving you any advice, you should be more heedful.
6. Hormonal
Definition: related to hormones; containing hormones
Synonyms: hormone, germinal, nominal, hormones
Example: Her feet swell because of hormonal issues in her body.
7. Hulking:
Definition: immense or massive
Synonyms: clumsy, bulky, tremendous
Example: There were three hulking men to decorate the house for wedding ceremony.
8. Hurried
Definition: rushing, quickly
Synonyms: sudden, abrupt, brief, hasty
Example: Jonson hurried off to the science class because they are going to do an experiment today; he doesn’t want to miss.
Negative Adjectives That Start with H to Describe a Place
What is the worst place you’ve been to? Compared to “worst”, does any of adjectives that start with H below give a more specific description?
1. Hilly
Definition: mountainous or sloppy area
Synonyms: broken, inclined, rugged, rough
Example: The northern areas of Pakistan are generally hilly, cold and rocky.
2. Haunted
Definition: being disturbed; frequented
Synonyms: obsessed, preyed upon
Examples: The haunted scenes of the movie forefront in his mind since he was a child.
3. Hated
Definition: strong feeling or dislike about someone or something
Synonyms: cursed, disliked, avoided, offensive
Example: She hated his idea and mad as hell at him.
4. Hellish
Definition: unpleasant
Synonyms: cruel, accursed
Example: They reserved room in a hotel that was hellish expansive.
5. Hazardous
Definition: dangerous, insecure
Synonyms: unpredictable, chancy, wicked, uncertain
Example: You are going to do a magic trick? It is very hazardous without practice.
6. Horrendous
Definition: terrible
Synonyms: atrocious, awful, dangerous, beastly
Example: The game has horrendous scenes but awesome features.
Negative Adjectives That Start with H to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Make friends only with people who bring you positive vibe and leave those otherwise. Because you may be easily affected by their negative mood. And list of adjectives that start with H below is to help you recognize those people.
1. Hypnotised
Definition: having your attention fixated as though by a spell
Synonyms: fascinated, mesmerised
Example: Hypnosis is used in medicine, patients have been hypnotised and not needed anaesthetic for operations.
2. Hopeless
Definition: pessimist, downhearted
Synonyms: bad, dejected, demoralized
Example: I feel so hopeless because I’m not able to help you because of my illness.
3. Hateful
Definition: obnoxious or disgusting
Example: blasted, awful, nasty, damnable
Example: I don’t know why she reacted like that; there was nothing hateful.
4. Hectic
Definition: furious or frantic
Synonyms: busy, confused, fevered
Example: Last Sunday, I had a hectic fever.
5. Hideous
Definition: horrible or dreadful
Synonyms: monstrous, awful, ghastly, abominable
Example: He looked up to find the hideous beasts that were staring at all of them.
6. Howling
Definition: very painful
Synonyms: bark, bawl, keen, shriek
Example: Why you all are howling? Even it’s not that much scary.
7. Hueless
Definition: colourless; having no shade
Synonyms: untinged, achromatic, uncoloured
Example: There were so many hueless rocks but looked interesting.
8. Hurtful
Definition: make someone feel distressed; upsetting
Synonyms: distressing, wounding, painful, unkind
Example: It might be hurtful for her sister to refuse her for wedding.
9. Huffy
Definition: having bad mood
Synonyms: angry, annoyed, crusty, grumpy
Example: He is getting huffy and loses his patience.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with H
Congratulations on reading till the end. We have discussed 530 adjectives that start with the letter H above with their meaning synonyms and examples. I hope you find them helpful.
Keep on learning, and soon you’ll be an expert in adjectives that start with H.
Ps. See also positive words that start with H, nouns that start with H and verbs that start with H.