1580 Adjectives That Start with S | List with Definitions and Examples

Adjectives that start with S will be discussed in this article. What is the first word that comes to your mind when mentioning adjectives starting with S? Is it “super”, “simple”, “special” or “safe”? I bet you see or use them all the time in daily life.
The letter S is quite a famous letter in the English language and there are so many adjectives beginning with S. So do you want to learn some more descriptive words that start with S to expand your vocabulary? Then you’ve come to the right place. We sorted out a huge list of adjectives that start with S as well as definitions and examples. Enjoy reading!
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with S – Full List (1580 words)
S is a superb letter in the English language and adjectives starting with S are almost everywhere in writings and conversations. Below you can find 1580 such S adjectives.
- Sabahan
- Sabbatarian
- Sabbatic
- Sabbatical
- Sabertoothed
- Sabine
- Sable
- Saccadic
- Saccharine
- Sacculate
- Sacculated
- Sacerdotal
- Saclike
- Sacral
- Sacramental
- Sacred
- Sacrificeable
- Sacrificial
- Sacrilegious
- Sacrosanct
- Sad
- Saddened
- Sadducean
- Sadistic
- Safe
- Sagacious
- Sage
- Sagittal
- Sagittate
- Sagittiform
- Saharan
- Sainted
- Saintlike
- Saintly
- Salable
- Salacious
- Salaried
- Saleable
- Salient
- Salientian
- Saliferous
- Saline
- Salivary
- Sallow
- Salmon
- Saltish
- Saltlike
- Salty
- Salubrious
- Salutary
- Salvadoran
- Salvadorean
- Salvageable
- Salvaged
- Salverform
- Salvific
- Same
- Samoan
- Sanative
- Sanctimonious
- Sanctionative
- Sandaled
- Sandalled
- Sandlike
- Sandpapery
- Sandy
- Sane
- Sanguinary
- Sanguine
- Sanguineous
- Sanious
- Sanitary
- Sanitised
- Sanitized
- Sapid
- Sapiens
- Sapient
- Sapiential
- Sapless
- Saponaceous
- Saponified
- Saporous
- Sapphic
- Sapphire
- Sapphirine
- Sappy
- Saprobic
- Saprophagous
- Saprophytic
- Saprozoic
- Sarawakian
- Sarcastic
- Sarcoid
- Sarcolemmal
- Sarcolemmic
- Sarcolemnous
- Sarcosomal
- Sardinian
- Sardonic
- Sartorial
- Sassy
- Satanic
- Satellite
- Satiable
- Satiate
- Satiated
- Satin
- Satiny
- Satiric
- Satirical
- Satisfactory
- Satisfiable
- Satisfied
- Satisfying
- Saturated
- Saturnine
- Satyric
- Satyrical
- Saucy
- Saudi
- Saurian
- Saute
- Sauteed
- Savage
- Saved
- Saving
- Savorless
- Savory
- Savourless
- Savoury
- Savvy
- Saxatile
- Saxicoline
- Saxicolous
- Saxon
- Scabby
- Scabrous
- Scalable
- Scalar
- Scalding
- Scaleless
- Scalelike
- Scalene
- Scaley
- Scalic
- Scalloped
- Scaly
- Scandalous
- Scandent
- Scandinavian
- Scant
- Scanty
- Scaphoid
- Scapose
- Scapular
- Scarce
- Scarecrowish
- Scared
- Scarlet
- Scarred
- Scary
- Scathing
- Scatological
- Scattered
- Scattershot
- Scatty
- Scenic
- Scented
- Scentless
- Sceptered
- Sceptical
- Sceptred
- Scheduled
- Schematic
- Schismatic
- Schismatical
- Schizoid
- Schizophrenic
- Schmaltzy
- Schmalzy
- Scholarly
- Scholastic
- Schoolboyish
- Schoolgirlish
- Schoolwide
- Sciatic
- Scientific
- Scintillant
- Scintillating
- Sciolistic
- Sclerosed
- Sclerotic
- Scopal
- Scorbutic
- Scorching
- Scoreless
- Scornful
- Scotch
- Scotomatous
- Scots
- Scottish
- Scoundrelly
- Scrabbled
- Scrabbly
- Scraggly
- Scraggy
- Scrappy
- Scratched
- Scratchy
- Scrawny
- Screaky
- Screaming
- Screeching
- Screechy
- Screwball
- Screwy
- Scribbled
- Scrimpy
- Scrimy
- Scriptural
- Scrivened
- Scrofulous
- Scrotal
- Scrub
- Scrubbed
- Scrubby
- Scruffy
- Scrumptious
- Scrupulous
- Sculpted
- Sculptural
- Sculpturesque
- Scummy
- Scurfy
- Scurrilous
- Scurvy
- Scythian
- Sea
- Seaborne
- Seafaring
- Seagirt
- Seagoing
- Sealed
- Seamanlike
- Seamanly
- Seamed
- Seamless
- Seamy
- Sear
- Searching
- Seared
- Searing
- Seasick
- Seasonable
- Seasonal
- Seasoned
- Seaward
- Seaworthy
- Sebaceous
- Secluded
- Second
- Secondary
- Secondhand
- Secret
- Secretarial
- Secretive
- Secretory
- Sectarian
- Sectional
- Sectorial
- Secular
- Secure
- Secured
- Sedate
- Sedative
- Sedentary
- Sedgelike
- Sedgy
- Sedimentary
- Seditious
- Seductive
- Sedulous
- Seeable
- Seedless
- Seedy
- Seeing
- Seeming
- Seemly
- Seething
- Segmental
- Seismal
- Seismic
- Seismologic
- Seismological
- Select
- Selected
- Selective
- Selfish
- Selfless
- Selfsame
- Seljuk
- Sellable
- Semantic
- Semestral
- Semestrial
- Semiabstract
- Semiannual
- Semiaquatic
- Semiarid
- Semiautomatic
- Semicentenary
- Semicentennial
- Semicomatose
- Semiconducting
- Semiconductive
- Semidark
- Semidetached
- Semiempirical
- Semiformal
- Semihard
- Semiliquid
- Semiliterate
- Semilunar
- Semimonthly
- Seminal
- Seminiferous
- Seminude
- Semiopaque
- Semiotic
- Semiotical
- Semiparasitic
- Semipermanent
- Semipermeable
- Semipolitical
- Semiprivate
- Semipublic
- Semirigid
- Semiskilled
- Semisoft
- Semisolid
- Semisweet
- Semisynthetic
- Semite
- Semiterrestrial
- Semitic
- Semitransparent
- Semitropic
- Semitropical
- Semiweekly
- Sempiternal
- Senecan
- Senegalese
- Senescent
- Senile
- Senior
- Sensate
- Sensational
- Sensationalistic
- Senseless
- Sensible
- Sensitised
- Sensitising
- Sensitive
- Sensorial
- Sensorimotor
- Sensorineural
- Sensory
- Sensual
- Sensuous
- Sentential
- Sententious
- Sentient
- Sentimental
- Sepaline
- Sepaloid
- Separable
- Separate
- Separated
- Separatist
- Separative
- Septal
- Septate
- Septic
- Septicemic
- Septrional
- Septuple
- Sepulchral
- Sequent
- Sequential
- Sequined
- Seraphic
- Seraphical
- Serbian
- Sere
- Serene
- Serflike
- Serial
- Sericeous
- Sericultural
- Seriocomic
- Seriocomical
- Serious
- Serologic
- Serological
- Serous
- Serpentine
- Serrate
- Serrated
- Serried
- Serrulate
- Serviceable
- Servile
- Servo
- Servomechanical
- Sesquipedalian
- Sessile
- Set
- Setaceous
- Setose
- Settled
- Seven
- Sevenfold
- Seventeen
- Seventeenth
- Seventh
- Seventieth
- Seventy
- Severable
- Several
- Severe
- Sexagenarian
- Sexagesimal
- Sexist
- Sexless
- Sextuple
- Sexual
- Sexy
- Seychellois
- Shabby
- Shaded
- Shadowed
- Shadowy
- Shady
- Shagged
- Shaggy
- Shakable
- Shakeable
- Shakedown
- Shaky
- Shallow
- Sham
- Shamanist
- Shamanistic
- Shambolic
- Shameful
- Shameless
- Shaped
- Shapeless
- Shapely
- Sharp
- Sharpened
- Shattered
- Shattering
- Shaven
- Shavian
- Shed
- Sheepish
- Sheeplike
- Sheer
- Sheetlike
- Shelflike
- Shelfy
- Shellproof
- Sheltered
- Shelvy
- Shifting
- Shiftless
- Shifty
- Shimmering
- Shimmery
- Shingly
- Shining
- Shinto
- Shintoist
- Shintoistic
- Shiny
- Shipboard
- Shipshape
- Shirty
- Shivering
- Shivery
- Shoaly
- Shockable
- Shocked
- Shocking
- Shod
- Shodden
- Shoddy
- Shoed
- Shoeless
- Shona
- Shopsoiled
- Shopworn
- Shoreward
- Short
- Shorthand
- Shortish
- Shortsighted
- Shot
- Showery
- Showy
- Shredded
- Shrewd
- Shrewish
- Shrieking
- Shrill
- Shrimpy
- Shrinkable
- Shriveled
- Shrubby
- Shrunken
- Shuddery
- Shuha
- Shut
- Shuttered
- Shy
- Siamese
- Siberian
- Sibilant
- Sibyllic
- Sibylline
- Sicilian
- Sick
- Sickened
- Sickening
- Sickish
- Sickly
- Side
- Sidearm
- Sidelong
- Sidereal
- Sidesplitting
- Sideways
- Sightless
- Sightly
- Sigmoid
- Sigmoidal
- Sign
- Signal
- Signed
- Significant
- Significative
- Sikh
- Silent
- Siliceous
- Silicious
- Silken
- Silklike
- Silky
- Silly
- Silvan
- Silver
- Silverish
- Silvern
- Silvery
- Simian
- Similar
- Similiar
- Simple
- Simpleminded
- Simplex
- Simplified
- Simplistic
- Simulated
- Simultaneous
- Sincere
- Sinewy
- Sinful
- Singable
- Singaporean
- Singhalese
- Singing
- Single
- Singsong
- Singular
- Sinhala
- Sinhalese
- Sinister
- Sinistral
- Sinistrorsal
- Sinistrorse
- Sinitic
- Sinkable
- Sinless
- Sintered
- Sinuate
- Sinuous
- Sinusoidal
- Siouan
- Sissified
- Sissy
- Sissyish
- Sisterlike
- Sisterly
- Sisyphean
- Sitting
- Situated
- Sixfold
- Sixpenny
- Sizable
- Sizeable
- Sizzling
- Skanky
- Skeletal
- Skeptical
- Sketchy
- Skewed
- Skilful
- Skilled
- Skillful
- Skimmed
- Skimpy
- Skinless
- Skinnerian
- Skinny
- Skint
- Skintight
- Skittish
- Skyward
- Slack
- Slanderous
- Slanted
- Slanting
- Slapdash
- Slaphappy
- Slapstick
- Slatey
- Slatternly
- Slaty
- Slaughterous
- Slav
- Slaveholding
- Slaveless
- Slavelike
- Slavic
- Slavish
- Slavonic
- Sleazy
- Sleek
- Sleeping
- Sleepless
- Sleepy
- Sleepyheaded
- Sleeved
- Sleeveless
- Slender
- Slick
- Slicked
- Sliding
- Slight
- Slighted
- Slighting
- Slim
- Slimed
- Slimy
- Slippered
- Slippery
- Slippy
- Slipshod
- Slithery
- Slivery
- Sloped
- Sloping
- Slopped
- Sloppy
- Sloshed
- Slothful
- Slouchy
- Sloughy
- Slovakian
- Slovenian
- Slovenly
- Slow
- Slowgoing
- Slubbed
- Sluggish
- Slumberous
- Slumbery
- Slumbrous
- Slummy
- Slushy
- Sly
- Small
- Smallish
- Smarmy
- Smart
- Smashing
- Smeared
- Smelly
- Smiling
- Smitten
- Smoggy
- Smoked
- Smokeless
- Smoking
- Smoky
- Smoldering
- Smooth
- Smoothbore
- Smoothed
- Smoothened
- Smothering
- Smudged
- Smudgy
- Smug
- Smutty
- Snafu
- Snakelike
- Snaky
- Snapping
- Snappish
- Snappy
- Snarling
- Snarly
- Snazzy
- Sneak
- Sneaking
- Sneaky
- Sneering
- Sneezy
- Snide
- Sniffly
- Sniffy
- Snippy
- Snobbish
- Snobby
- Snoopy
- Snooty
- Snoring
- Snorty
- Snotty
- Snowbound
- Snowy
- Snub
- Snuff
- Snuffling
- Snuffly
- Snug
- Snugly
- Soaked
- Soaking
- Soaking Wet
- Soapy
- Soaring
- Sobering
- Sobersided
- Sociable
- Social
- Socialised
- Socialist
- Socialistic
- Societal
- Sociological
- Sociopathic
- Socratic
- Sodden
- Sodding
- Soft
- Softheaded
- Softhearted
- Softish
- Soggy
- Soigne
- Soignee
- Solanaceous
- Solar
- Soldierlike
- Soldierly
- Sole
- Soled
- Soleless
- Solemn
- Solicitous
- Solid
- Solitary
- Solo
- Solomonic
- Soluble
- Solvable
- Solvent
- Somali
- Somalian
- Somatic
- Somatogenetic
- Somatogenic
- Somatosensory
- Sombre
- Some
- Sometime
- Somniferous
- Somnific
- Somnolent
- Sonant
- Songful
- Songlike
- Sonic
- Sonly
- Sonorous
- Sonsie
- Sonsy
- Soothed
- Soothing
- Sophistic
- Sophistical
- Sophisticated
- Sophomore
- Soporiferous
- Soporific
- Soppy
- Sopranino
- Soprano
- Sorbed
- Sorbefacient
- Sordid
- Sore
- Sororal
- Sorrel
- Sorrowful
- Sorrowing
- Sorry
- Soteriological
- Sotho
- Sottish
- Soughing
- Soulful
- Soulless
- Sound
- Soundable
- Sounding
- Soundless
- Soundproof
- Soupy
- Sour
- Soured
- Sourish
- Soused
- South
- Southbound
- Southeast
- Southeastern
- Southeastward
- Southerly
- Southern
- Southernmost
- Southmost
- Southward
- Southwest
- Southwesterly
- Southwestern
- Southwestward
- Sovereign
- Soviet
- Sown
- Sozzled
- Spacey
- Spacial
- Spaciotemporal
- Spacious
- Spacy
- Spangled
- Spangly
- Spanish
- Spare
- Sparing
- Sparkling
- Sparkly
- Sparse
- Spartan
- Spasmodic
- Spastic
- Spatial
- Spatiotemporal
- Spattered
- Spatulate
- Spavined
- Spayed
- Speakable
- Speaking
- Special
- Specialised
- Specialist
- Specialistic
- Specialized
- Specifiable
- Specific
- Specious
- Specked
- Speckled
- Speckless
- Spectacled
- Spectacular
- Spectral
- Spectrographic
- Spectrometric
- Specular
- Speculative
- Speechless
- Speedy
- Spellbinding
- Spellbound
- Spendable
- Spendthrift
- Spent
- Spermatic
- Spermicidal
- Spermous
- Spheric
- Spherical
- Sphingine
- Spic
- Spicate
- Spick
- Spicy
- Spiderlike
- Spiderly
- Spidery
- Spiffing
- Spiffy
- Spikelike
- Spiky
- Spinal
- Spindly
- Spineless
- Spinnable
- Spinnbar
- Spinose
- Spinous
- Spiny
- Spiral
- Spiraled
- Spiraling
- Spirant
- Spirited
- Spiritless
- Spiritous
- Spiritual
- Spiritualist
- Spiritualistic
- Spirituous
- Spiteful
- Splanchnic
- Splashing
- Splashy
- Splattered
- Splay
- Splayfoot
- Splayfooted
- Splendid
- Splendiferous
- Splenetic
- Splenic
- Splintered
- Splinterless
- Splinterproof
- Splintery
- Split
- Splitting
- Splotched
- Spoilable
- Spoiled
- Spoken
- Spondaic
- Spongelike
- Spongy
- Spontaneous
- Spooky
- Sporadic
- Sporogenous
- Sporting
- Sportive
- Sportsmanlike
- Sporty
- Spotless
- Spotted
- Spotty
- Spousal
- Sprawling
- Sprawly
- Spread
- Sprigged
- Sprightly
- Springless
- Springlike
- Springy
- Sprite
- Spruce
- Spry
- Spumy
- Spurious
- Squab
- Squabby
- Squalid
- Squally
- Squamulose
- Squandered
- Square
- Squared
- Squarish
- Squashed
- Squashy
- Squat
- Squatting
- Squatty
- Squawking
- Squawky
- Squeaking
- Squeaky
- Squealing
- Squeamish
- Squeezable
- Squiffy
- Squiggly
- Squinched
- Squint
- Squinting
- Squinty
- Squirming
- Squirrelly
- Squishy
- Stabilised
- Stabilising
- Stable
- Staccato
- Stackable
- Stacked
- Stagey
- Stagflationary
- Staggering
- Stagnant
- Stagy
- Staid
- Stainable
- Stained
- Stainless
- Stale
- Stalemated
- Stalinist
- Stalkless
- Stalwart
- Staminate
- Stanch
- Standard
- Standby
- Standing
- Standoffish
- Standpat
- Stannic
- Stannous
- Staphylococcal
- Staple
- Star
- Starboard
- Starched
- Starchless
- Starchlike
- Starchy
- Staring
- Stark
- Starkers
- Starless
- Starlike
- Starlit
- Starred
- Starring
- Starry
- Starting
- Startled
- Startling
- Starving
- Statant
- Stated
- Stateless
- Stately
- Statesmanlike
- Statesmanly
- Statewide
- Static
- Stationary
- Statistical
- Stative
- Statuary
- Statuesque
- Status
- Statute
- Statutory
- Staunch
- Steadfast
- Steadied
- Steady
- Steadying
- Stealth
- Stealthy
- Steamed
- Steaming
- Steamy
- Stearic
- Steel
- Steely
- Steep
- Steepish
- Steerable
- Stellar
- Stellate
- Stemless
- Stemmatic
- Stenosed
- Stenotic
- Stentorian
- Stepwise
- Stereo
- Stereoscopic
- Stereotypic
- Sterile
- Sterilised
- Sterling
- Stern
- Sternal
- Sternutative
- Sternutatory
- Steroidal
- Stertorous
- Sticky
- Stiff
- Stifled
- Stifling
- Stigmatic
- Still
- Stillborn
- Stilled
- Stilly
- Stilted
- Stimulant
- Stimulating
- Stimulative
- Stinging
- Stingless
- Stingy
- Stinking
- Stinky
- Stinting
- Stipendiary
- Stippled
- Stipulatory
- Stirring
- Stochastic
- Stock
- Stocked
- Stockinged
- Stocky
- Stodgy
- Stoic
- Stoical
- Stoichiometric
- Stolid
- Stoloniferous
- Stomachal
- Stomachic
- Stomatal
- Stomatous
- Stone
- Stoned
- Stoneless
- Stonelike
- Stony
- Stonyhearted
- Stoppable
- Stoppered
- Storeyed
- Storied
- Stormbound
- Stormproof
- Stormy
- Stout
- Stouthearted
- Stovepiped
- Straggling
- Straggly
- Straight
- Straightarrow
- Straightaway
- Straightforward
- Straightlaced
- Strained
- Strait
- Straitlaced
- Stranded
- Strange
- Strapless
- Straplike
- Strategic
- Strategical
- Stratified
- Stravinskian
- Stravinskyan
- Straw
- Stray
- Straying
- Streaked
- Streaky
- Streamlined
- Street
- Streetwise
- Strenuous
- Strep
- Streptococcal
- Streptococcic
- Stressed
- Stressful
- Stretch
- Stretchable
- Stretched
- Stretchy
- Striate
- Strict
- Strident
- Strikebound
- Striking
- Stringent
- Stringy
- Striped
- Stripy
- Strong
- Stroppy
- Structural
- Struggling
- Strung
- Stubbled
- Stubbly
- Stubborn
- Stubby
- Stuck
- Studded
- Studied
- Studious
- Stuffed
- Stuffy
- Stumbling
- Stumpy
- Stunned
- Stunning
- Stunted
- Stupendous
- Stupid
- Stuporous
- Sturdy
- Stuttering
- Stygian
- Styleless
- Stylised
- Stylish
- Stylistic
- Stylized
- Styptic
- Suasible
- Suave
- Subacid
- Subacute
- Subalpine
- Subaltern
- Subaquatic
- Subaqueous
- Subarctic
- Subartesian
- Subatomic
- Subclavian
- Subclinical
- Subconscious
- Subcortical
- Subcutaneous
- Subduable
- Subdued
- Subdural
- Subfusc
- Subgross
- Subhuman
- Subjacent
- Subject
- Subjective
- Subjugable
- Subjunctive
- Sublimate
- Sublimated
- Sublime
- Sublimed
- Subliminal
- Sublingual
- Subliterary
- Sublittoral
- Sublunar
- Sublunary
- Submarine
- Submergible
- Submersed
- Submersible
- Submissive
- Subnormal
- Subocean
- Suboceanic
- Subocular
- Suborbital
- Subordinate
- Subordinated
- Subordinating
- Subordinative
- Subscript
- Subsequent
- Subservient
- Subsidiary
- Subsidised
- Subsonic
- Substandard
- Substantial
- Substantiated
- Substantiative
- Substantival
- Substantive
- Substitutable
- Substitute
- Subsurface
- Subterminal
- Subterranean
- Subterraneous
- Subtitled
- Subtle
- Subtractive
- Subtropic
- Subtropical
- Suburban
- Suburbanised
- Suburbanized
- Subversive
- Successful
- Successive
- Succinct
- Succinic
- Succulent
- Such
- Suchlike
- Suctorial
- Sudanese
- Sudden
- Sudorific
- Sudsy
- Suety
- Sufferable
- Suffering
- Sufficient
- Suffocative
- Suffrutescent
- Suffusive
- Sufi
- Sugarless
- Sugary
- Suggestible
- Suggestive
- Suicidal
- Suitable
- Sulcate
- Sulfuretted
- Sulfuric
- Sulfurized
- Sulfurous
- Sulky
- Sullen
- Sulphuretted
- Sulphuric
- Sulphurous
- Sultry
- Sumatran
- Sumerian
- Summary
- Summational
- Summative
- Summery
- Sumptuary
- Sumptuous
- Sunbaked
- Sunburned
- Sunburnt
- Sundried
- Sundry
- Sunken
- Sunless
- Sunny
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Sunstruck
- Suntanned
- Super
- Superable
- Superabundant
- Superannuated
- Superb
- Supercharged
- Supercilious
- Supercritical
- Supererogatory
- Superfatted
- Superficial
- Superfine
- Superfluous
- Superhuman
- Superincumbent
- Superior
- Superjacent
- Superlative
- Superlunar
- Superlunary
- Supernal
- Supernatant
- Supernatural
- Supernaturalist
- Supernaturalistic
- Supernormal
- Supernumerary
- Superordinate
- Superpatriotic
- Superposable
- Supersaturated
- Superscript
- Supersensitised
- Supersensitive
- Supersensitized
- Supersonic
- Superstitious
- Supervisory
- Supine
- Supperless
- Supple
- Supplemental
- Supplementary
- Suppliant
- Supplicant
- Supplicatory
- Supportable
- Supporting
- Supportive
- Supposable
- Supposed
- Suppositional
- Suppositious
- Supposititious
- Suppressive
- Suppurative
- Supranational
- Supranormal
- Supraocular
- Supraorbital
- Suprasegmental
- Supreme
- Surd
- Sure
- Surefooted
- Surface
- Surficial
- Surgical
- Surly
- Surmisable
- Surmountable
- Surpassing
- Surpliced
- Surplus
- Surprised
- Surprising
- Surreal
- Surrealistic
- Surreptitious
- Surrogate
- Surrounded
- Surrounding
- Survivable
- Susceptible
- Suspect
- Suspected
- Suspensive
- Suspicious
- Sustainable
- Sustained
- Sustentacular
- Susurrant
- Susurrous
- Svelte
- Swaggering
- Swampy
- Swank
- Swanky
- Swart
- Swarthy
- Swashbuckling
- Swayback
- Swaybacked
- Swaying
- Swazi
- Sweaty
- Swedish
- Sweeping
- Sweet
- Sweetheart
- Sweetish
- Swell
- Swelled
- Sweltering
- Sweltry
- Sweptback
- Sweptwing
- Swift
- Swimming
- Swingeing
- Swinging
- Swingy
- Swinish
- Swish
- Swishing
- Swishy
- Swiss
- Swollen
- Swooning
- Swooping
- Swordlike
- Sybaritic
- Sycophantic
- Syllabic
- Syllabled
- Syllogistic
- Sylvan
- Symbiotic
- Symbolic
- Symbolical
- Symmetric
- Symmetrical
- Sympathetic
- Sympatric
- Sympetalous
- Symphonic
- Symphonious
- Symptomatic
- Symptomless
- Synaesthetic
- Synaptic
- Syncarpous
- Synchronal
- Synchronic
- Synchronous
- Synclinal
- Syncopated
- Syncretic
- Syncretical
- Syncretistic
- Syndetic
- Synecdochic
- Synergetic
- Synergistic
- Synesthetic
- Synoecious
- Synoicous
- Synonymous
- Synoptic
- Synoptical
- Synovial
- Synsemantic
- Syntactic
- Syntactical
- Syntagmatic
- Synthetic
- Synthetical
- Syrian
- Syrupy
- Systematic
- Systemic
- Systolic
Adjectives That Start with S – with Definitions and Examples
If you need definitions and examples for adjectives beginning with S as well, they are just below.
- Sable
Definition: having a dark brown or black colour
Example: I could see his long dark sable hair.
- Sacral
Definition: of or related to the sacrum
Example: I wash the lettuces and tomatoes tenderly, and stir dressing like sacral wine.
- Sacramental
Definition: relating to an important religious ceremony in the Christian Church, such as baptism or communion
Example: The closed churches are unable to hold sacramental rites such as baptisms or communion.
- Sacred
Definition: considered too important to be changed
Example: Islam’s most sacred shrine is at Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
- Sacrificial
Definition: offered as a sacrifice
Example: The priest held up the head of the sacrificial goat.
- Sacrilegious
Definition: (of someone’s actions or behaviour) show great disrespect towards something holy or towards something that people think should be respected
Example: A number of churches were sacked and sacrilegious acts committed.
- Sad
Definition: unhappy or sorry
Example: I’ve just received some very sad news.
- Sadistic
Definition: deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others
Example: She took a sadistic pleasure in tormenting him.
- Safe
Definition: not dangerous or likely to cause harm
Example: She wished us a safe journey.
- Sagacious
Definition: having or showing understanding and ability to make good judgments
Example: He is a sagacious businessman.
- Sage
Definition: wise and knowledgeable, especially as the result of a lot of experience
Example: He was famous for his sage advice to younger painters.
- Sagittate
Definition: shaped like an arrow
Example: The casts have a pronounced sagittate shape when viewed from the underside, with a tapering and a blunter end.
- Sainted
Definition: like a saint in character or nature
Example: It’s hard to reconcile the femme fatale image with Carrie’s sainted benefactor.
- Saintly
Definition: like a saint
Example: Her saintly manner concealed a devious mind.
- Saleable
Definition: fit or able to be sold
Example: Their leading scorer is another highly saleable asset.
- Salacious
Definition: causing or showing a strong interest in sexual matters
Example: The salacious content of some popular novels has led parents to demand that they be removed from school libraries.
- Salaried
Definition: being paid a salary
Example: A new grading structure for salaried staff will be introduced next year.
- Salient
Definition: most noticeable or important
Example: It succinctly covered all the salient points of the case.
- Saliferous
Definition: containing or producing salt
Example: In this region, aridity and outcrops of saliferous strata induce soil salinity in some irrigated districts.
- Saline
Definition: of, containing, or resembling common table salt; salty or saltlike
Example: They now face the possibility that her death could have been caused by infected saline solution.
- Salivary
Definition: relating to or secreting saliva
Example: Two pairs of salivary glands open into the buccal cavity.
- Sallow
Definition: (of a person’s face or complexion) of an unhealthy yellow or pale brown colour
Example: His skin was sallow and pitted.
- Salty
Definition: tasting of salt or containing a lot of salt
Example: I love peanuts and other salty snacks.
- Salubrious
Definition: (of a place) pleasant; not run-down
Example: I know a salubrious place which is pedestrian only.
- Salutary
Definition: (of an experience) good for you, even though it may seem difficult or unpleasant at first
Example: The letter had a particularly salutary effect.
- Salvadoran
Definition: of El Salvador or its people or culture
Example: I may have mentioned it to Feather at the Salvadoran workshop.
- Salvageable
Definition: able to be improved from a bad situation and made good again
Example: In a disaster, you save the most salvageable things.
- Salvific
Definition: leading to salvation
Example: The NT emphasizes, however, a close link between the salvific effect of Jesus’ death and his being raised from the dead.
- Same
Definition: of an identical type; exactly similar
Example: They all wore the same clothes.
- Sanative
Definition: conductive to physical or spiritual health and well-being
Example: The more we argued the impossibility of supplying him, the more was he urgent and imperative for the sanative mineral.
- Sanctimonious
Definition: making a hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, righteousness, etc
Example: The sanctimonious piety of the man is sickening.
- Sandy
Definition: covered with sand or containing sand
Example: Cactuses grow well in sandy soil.
- Sane
Definition: showing good judgement and understanding
Example: It was a sane decision and one we all respected.
- Sanguinary
Definition: extremely violent and involving a lot of blood and injuries
Example: The film moves with a furious moment towards its sanguinary conclusion.
- Sanguine
Definition: red in colour
Example: The sun lit up her hair, bringing out tremendous sanguine red and amber highlights.
- Sanitary
Definition: clean and not dangerous for your health, or protecting health by removing dirt and waste, especially human waste
Example: Cholera thrives in poor sanitary conditions.
- Sanitized
Definition: (of a new report, document, etc) with unpleasant details omitted to make it more palatable
Example: He’s worried that he’s only going to get a sanitized version of what actually happened.
- Sapid
Definition: having a strong, pleasant taste
Example: The sapid steak was more appetizing than any other meat in the café.
- Sapient
Definition: relating to the human species Homo sapiens
Example: We may inherit a universal linguistic blueprint from our sapient ancestors of 40,000 years ago.
- Sapiential
Definition: relating to wisdom
Example: I saw them as sapiential metaphors, far more meaningful than their didactic pretext.
- Sapless
Definition: without sap; withered; dry
Example: The rats and roaches scurrying along the sapless plants.
- Saponaceous
Definition: of, like, or containing soap; soapy
Example: The cloth is padded again with the saponaceous liquor; and again spread on the grass, or dried hard in the stove.
- Saponified
Definition: turn (fat or oil) into soap by reaction with an alkali
Example: The saponified samples were cooled at room temperature for 25 minutes.
- Saporous
Definition: full of flavor; good-tasting
Example: Stirring the saporous stew, the chef couldn’t wait to serve his flavor-packed simmer to his guests.
- Sapphic
Definition: relating to lesbians (=women who are sexually attracted to other women)
Example: Both women would go on to write works with themes of sapphic love.
- Sapphire
Definition: having a bright blue colour
Example: The sun shimmers off the water with a million sapphire highlights.
- Sappy
Definition: used to describe something that is extremely emotional in embarrassing way
Example: It’s a sappy movie – your husband will hate it.
- Saprobic
Definition: of or pertaining to saprophytes
Example: From the total number of microphytobenthic species determined, 94 species or 68% belonged to saprobic indicators.
- Saprophagous
Definition: (of certain animals) feeding on dead or decaying organic matter
Example: This saprophagous species relies on its environment where it funds the decomposing matter for the larvae to grow.
- Saprophytic
Definition: obtaining food by absorbing dissolved organic material especially obtaining nourishment from the products of organic breakdown and decay
Example: Saprophytic fungi like coral spot-on mulch are an indication of insufficient hoeing.
- Sarcastic
Definition: using remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what you say, in order to hurt someone’s feelings or to humorously criticize something
Example: She poked fun at people’s shortcomings with sarcastic remarks.
- Sardonic
Definition: grimly mocking or cynical
Example: Starkey attempted a sardonic smile.
- Sartorial
Definition: relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress
Example: He was a tall man, with a distinct sartorial elegance.
- Sassy
Definition: rude but not seriously offensive
Example: I was a sassy kid who sometimes talked back to my mother.
- Satanic
Definition: of or characteristic of Satan
Example: The Charismatic Movement continuous its relentless search for evidence of satanic influence.
- Satiny
Definition: having a smooth, glossy surface or finish like that of satin
Example: The walls glow with a satiny sheen.
- Satiric
Definition: exposing human folly to ridicule
Example: Devoutness seems to have drawn the old satiric sting.
- Satirical
Definition: criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, especially in order to make a political point
Example: She was known for her satirical humour.
- Satisfactory
Definition: good or good enough for a particular need or purpose
Example: We hope very much to find a satisfactory solution to the problem.
- Satisfied
Definition: contented; pleased
Example: The most satisfied students are often not at universities with the best employment prospects.
- Satisfying
Definition: giving fulfilment or the pleasure associated with this
Example: These are very satisfying books.
- Saturated
Definition: (of a fat, esp an animal fat) containing a high proportion of fatty acids having single bonds
Example: Cashews rich in saturated fat, should be avoided.
- Saturnine
Definition: (of someone) serious and unfriendly
Example: He had a rather forbidding, saturnine manner.
- Saucy
Definition: rude; impudent
Example: You claim you were just being polite when you answered her saucy texts.
- Saudi
Definition: belonging or relating to Saudi Arabia or to its people, language, or culture
Example: Saudi officials have dismissed such reports as rumours.
- Sauteed
Definition: fried until lightly brown
Example: This is good served with mashed or sauteed potatoes.
- Savage
Definition: extremely violent, wild, or frightening
Example: It was a savage attack.
- Savoury
Definition: (of something) not pleasant or socially acceptable
Example: That hotel doesn’t have a very savoury reputation.
- Savvy
Definition: shrewd and knowledgeable; having common sense and good judgement
Example: Bob is a very savvy veteran who knows all the tricks.
- Scabby
Definition: (of a person, animal or a part of their body) having scabs on it
Example: He had short trousers and scabby knees.
- Scabrous
Definition: offensive or shocking, because describing or showing sex
Example: The book includes some memorably seedy characters and scabrous descriptions.
- Scalable
Definition: used to describe a system that can be made larger, for example by adding extra hardware, or deal with extra work without affecting its performance
Example: The supercomputing system combines true scalable performance with high production.
- Scalar
Definition: (of a quantity, distance, speed, or temperature) having size but no direction
Example: Scalar variables contain a single element, while ordered sets contain multiple elements.
- Scalding
Definition: very hot; burning
Example: Se took a sip of scalding tea.
- Scaleless
Definition: not having scales
Example: The bayad, a scaleless fish commonly eaten, reaches sometimes 31/2 ft.
- Scalene
Definition: (of a triangle) having sides unequal in length
Example: The axillary region containing the axillary sclerites has, in general, the form of a scalene triangle.
- Scalloped
Definition: (of objects) decorated with a series of small curves along the edges
Example: The quilt has pretty, scalloped edges and intricate quilting.
- Scaly
Definition: (of skin) having small, dry areas that fall off in small pieces
Example: I get scaly patches on my scalp.
- Scandent
Definition: (especially of a graptolite) having a climbing habit
Example: Its scandent habit means it can be trained against a wall.
- Scandinavian
Definition: relating to Scandinavia, its people, or their languages
Example: The Scandinavian countries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies.
- Scant
Definition: very little and not enough
Example: He pays scant attention to the needs of his children.
- Scanty
Definition: small or insufficient in quantity or amount
Example: They paid whatever they could out of their scanty wages to their families.
- Scaphoid
Definition: used to refer to body parts that curve inwards
Example: He suffered a mild concussion and a fractured scaphoid bone in his right wrist and was placed on the disabled list.
- Scapose
Definition: resembling, bearing, or consisting of a scape
Example: In the area sampled 84 months after fire, both nanophanerophytes and scapose herbaceous chamaephytes were dominant.
- Scarce
Definition: not easy to find or get
Example: This is a huge waste of scarce resources.
- Scared
Definition: frightened or worried
Example: She had a scared look on her face.
- Scary
Definition: frightening
Example: She’s a scary woman.
- Scathing
Definition: witheringly scornful; severely critical
Example: She launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister.
- Scatological
Definition: relating to or characterized by an interest in excitement and excretion
Example: His interest in scatological reading gained him very few friends.
- Scattered
Definition: (of things) spread over an area in an untidy or irregular way
Example: He picked up the scattered toys.
- Scattershot
Definition: denoting something that is broad but random and haphazard in its range
Example: You cannot take a scattershot approach to a public relations campaign.
- Scatty
Definition: absent-minded and disorganized
Example: Your scatty son has forgotten his key again
- Scenic
Definition: having or showing beautiful natural surroundings
Example: They took the scenic route on the way home.
- Scented
Definition: (of flowers) having a sweet smell
Example: It carries pale, yellowish, scented flowers in spring.
- Scheduled
Definition: planned to happen at a particular time
Example: This programme will be broadcast half an hour later than the scheduled time.
- Schematic
Definition: (of a diagram or picture) shows something in a simple way
Example: This is represented in the schematic diagram below.
- Schismatic
Definition: of, characteristic of, or having the nature of, schism
Example: The job of a marketer is to cultivate this schismatic core, this broken soul, at the center of every product.
- Schmaltzy
Definition: excessively sentimental
Example: I thought of Valentine’s Day as a schmaltzy waste of paper.
- Scholarly
Definition: relating to or typical of scholars
Example: Her research was published in a scholarly journal.
- Scholastic
Definition: relating to school and education
Example: Laura’s scholastic achievements won her acceptance into Harward.
- Schoolboyish
Definition: like or characteristic of a schoolboy
Example: She smiled politely, secretly amused by his Schoolboyish earnestness.
- Schoolgirlish
Definition: like or characteristic of a schoolgirl
Example: Other authors’ prose was described as mediocre, schoolgirlish nonsense.
- Sciatic
Definition: of, in the region of, or affecting the hip or its nerve
Example: It affects the great sciatic nerve which emerges from the pelvis and runs down the leg to the foot.
- Scientific
Definition: careful and using a system or method
Example: We will have to adopt a more scientific approach in the future.
- Scintillating
Definition: brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful
Example: The audience loved his scintillating wit.
- Sclerosed
Definition: hardened; sclerotic
Example: Robert’s face, lit with the distant glow of downtown, was stone-hard with either rage or sclerosed sorrow.
- Sclerotic
Definition: not happening, developing, or changing quickly enough
Example: The tax cuts are designed to bring growth to a sclerotic economy.
- Scorbutic
Definition: of or relating to, or having scurvy
Example: He divided twelve scorbutic sailors into six groups of two.
- Scorching
Definition: very fast
Example: She set a scorching pace.
- Scoreless
Definition: having no points scored
Example: After eight innings, the game was still a scoreless tie.
- Scornful
Definition: filled with or showing scorn or contempt
Example: It is the descriptive epithet for bitter or scornful laughter.
- Scottish
Definition: relating to Scotland or its people
Example: His remarks deeply offended many Scottish people.
- Scraggly
Definition: ragged, thin, or untidy in form or appearance
Example: Indeed, it would have been impossible to shave Pedar’s scraggly beard without cutting him.
- Scrappy
Definition: untidy and not very attractive or well developed
Example: They live on a scrappy street in a poor part of town.
- Scratchy
Definition: (of a voice or sound) rough; grating
Example: She dropped her voice to a scratchy whisper.
- Scrawny
Definition: unpleasantly thin, often with bones showing
Example: He hated his scrawny legs.
- Screaming
Definition: giving a long; loud, piercing cry or cries
Example: I heard the screaming woman.
- Screeching
Definition: making a long, loud, high noise that is unpleasant to hear
Example: There was a crowd of screeching demonstrators outside the hotel.
- Screechy
Definition: making a loud, high noise; unpleasant to hear
Example: Bending over his electric guitar, he attacked the strings, creating loud, screechy feedback and buzz.
- Screwball
Definition: used to describe a type of film in which there are funny characters and silly situations
Example: The film has the vitality and verbal fireworks of a classic screwball comedy.
- Screwy
Definition: rather odd or eccentric
Example: My uncles were odd screwy guys who had abandoned everyday life.
- Scriptural
Definition: from or relating to the holy writings of a religion
Example: Most of his scriptural reflections concern stories of Jesus healing or meeting people in unexpected places.
- Scrofulous
Definition: of, relating to, resembling, or having scrofula
Example: He was pink-eyed, with thinning red hair, and had suspiciously scrofulous looking skin.
- Scrubby
Definition: (of plants, bushes and trees) shorter than normal
Example: El Rancho is in the scrubby lowlands of eastern Guatemala.
- Scruffy
Definition: untidy and looking a little dirty
Example: They live in a scruffy part of town.
- Scrumptious
Definition: very pleasing, attractive, etc., esp. to the taste; delicious
Example: From breakfast until dinner, hawkers sell an infinite variety of some of the world’s most scrumptious snacks.
- Scrupulous
Definition: extremely honest
Example: A scrupulous politician would not lie about her business interests.
- Sculpted
Definition: smooth, taut, and lacking imperfections
Example: It made him all the more untamed, unlike Romas’s sculpted beauty.
- Sculptural
Definition: made by shaping a material such as wood, clay, metal, or stone
Example: Her delicate sculptural pieces are now selling in the USA and Japan.
- Scummy
Definition: (of water or another liquid) covered with a layer of an unpleasant substance
Example: Children should especially be kept from entering scummy water since they are more likely than adults to ingest water.
- Scurrilous
Definition: grossly or obscenely abusive or defamatory
Example: There appears to be no evidence to support any of these scurrilous allegations.
- Seaborne
Definition: carried on or by the sea
Example: Seaborne trade can be traced to at least the 13th century.
- Seafaring
Definition: (of a person) regularly travelling by sea
Example: The Danes are an ancient seafaring people.
- Sea-girt
Definition: surrounded by the sea
Example: We live on a sea-girt island.
- Sealed
Definition: closed
Example: The host opened the sealed envelope containing the names of the winners.
- Seamed
Definition: covered in lines
Example: The old man’s face was seamed and wrinkled.
- Seamless
Definition: happening without any sudden changes, interruption, or difficulty
Example: The intention is to achieve a seamless transition with a continuity of management.
- Seamy
Definition: unpleasant and sometimes illegal, immoral, or violent
Example: Every city has its seamy neighborhood.
- Searching
Definition: thoroughly scrutinizing, especially in a disconcerting way
Example: You have to ask yourselves some searching questions.
- Searing
Definition: very powerful
Example: Gary felt searing pain in his leg.
- Seasonable
Definition: expected at or suitable for a particular time of the year
Example: December brought some seasonable snow showers.
- Seasonal
Definition: relating to or happening during a particular period in the year
Example: Temperatures are well below the seasonal average.
- Seasoned
Definition: used to describe a person who has a lot of experience of something
Example: He began acting with the confidence of a seasoned performer.
- Seaward
Definition: going or pointing towards the sea
Example: There was a seaward movement of water on the bottom.
- Seaworthy
Definition: (of a boat) in a good condition to sail on the sea
Example: Recently some manufacturers have added an internal frame to a multi-section inflatable sit-on-top kayak to produce a seaworthy boat.
- Sebaceous
Definition: of or like fat, tallow, or sebum; esp., designating certain skin glands that secrete sebum
Example: She scribbles a diagram to show me the working of the sebaceous glands.
- Secluded
Definition: (of a place) quiet and private
Example: We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room.
- Secondary
Definition: less important than relating things
Example: Her health is what matters – the cost of the treatment is of secondary importance.
- Secondhand
Definition: not new; having been used in the past by someone else
Example: Your next secondhand car is only a click away.
- Secret
Definition: not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others
Example: How did you guess I’d got a secret plan?
- Secretarial
Definition: relating to the work of a secretory
Example: She’s found some part-time secretarial work.
- Secretory
Definition: of, relating to, or producing a secretion
Example: The peduncular glands consist of a few secretory cells on top of a single-celled stalk.
- Sectarian
Definition: caused by or feeling very strong support for the religious or political group that you are a member of, in a way that can cause problems with other groups
Example: In Uganda and elsewhere in Africa, the anger has spawned sectarian violence.
- Sectional
Definition: (of interest or aims) limited to a particular group within an organization, society, or country and not consider other groups
Example: The national interest is more important than any personal or sectional interest.
- Sectoral
Definition: relating to a sector of the economy
Example: Most sectoral policies in the country relate to the wood and fish industries.
- Secular
Definition: not having any connection with religion
Example: We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less influence on our daily lives.
- Secure
Definition: (of a place) difficult to get out of or escape from
Example: He skilled the man just a month after his release from a secure mental hospital.
- Sedate
Definition: avoiding excitement or great activity and usually calm and relaxed
Example: The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
- Sedative
Definition: promoting calm or inducing sleep
Example: The seeds have a sedative effect.
- Sedentary
Definition: involving little exercise or physical activity
Example: Marilyn leads a more sedentary lifestyle now that she works at home.
- Sedimentary
Definition: characteristic of, resembling, or containing sediment
Example: Autocyclic processes such as lateral migration of ooid and bioclastic shoals added to the sedimentary record.
- Seditious
Definition: intending to persuade other people to oppose their government
Example: He and three others were charged with seditious conspiracy for opposition to the drafts.
- Seductive
Definition: intending to seduce someone
Example: It was a seductive black evening dress.
- Sedulous
Definition: constant or persistent in use or attention; assiduous; diligent
Example: His communion services were remarkable for their fervour, and he was a sedulous pastor.
- Seedless
Definition: denoting a fruit that has no seed
Example: Conference pear trees produce both seeded and seedless fruits.
- Seedy
Definition: looking dirty or in bad condition and likely to be involved in dishonest or illegal activities
Example: He didn’t like the look of the seedy characters who were hanging around outside the bar.
- Seething
Definition: extremely angry but unable or unwilling to express it clearly
Example: A feeling of seething resentment led to angry exchanges between the teams.
- Seismic
Definition: having very great and usually damaging effects
Example: The news that the chairman would resign set off seismic waves in the business community.
- Select
Definition: of only the best type or highest quality, and usually small in size or amount
Example: Hamilton lives in a very select part of Boston.
- Selective
Definition: relating to or involving the selection of the most suitable or best qualified
Example: The cow is the result of generations of selective breeding.
- Selfish
Definition: too much concerned with one’s own welfare or interests and having little or no concern for others; self-centered
Example: You can be morally unimpeachable for entirely selfish reasons.
- Selfless
Definition: caring about other people’s needs and interests than about your own
Example: She’s a selfless person who is deeply concerned about social justice.
- Selfsame
Definition: exactly the same
Example: His father had suffered from the selfsame disease.
- Semantic
Definition: (of words and language) connected with meaning
Example: Words are semantic units that convey meaning.
- Semiannual
Definition: occurring twice a year
Example: Regular consultative meetings shall be held on a semiannual basis.
- Semiconducting
Definition: having the properties of a semiconductor
Example: Photons in sunlight hit the solar panel and are absorbed by semiconducting materials.
- Semi-detached
Definition: (of a house) joined to another similar house on only one side
Example: They live in a semi-detached house.
- Semiempirical
Definition: partly empirical
Example: The combined models have advantages over other empirical and semiempirical models.
- Semihard
Definition: somewhat hard, but easily cut
Example: This success could be attributed to the similar electronic charge density gradients, suggesting a wide use in modeling semihard materials.
- Semiliquid
Definition: having a thick consistency between solid and liquid
Example: It’s essentially a semiliquid fudge for pouring and spreading over everything.
- Semiliterate
Definition: barely able to read and write
Example: Steil noticed that the man read like a semiliterate person, word by word, his mind searching for hidden effects or derivations.
- Semilunar
Definition: shaped like a half-moon; crescent-shaped
Example: Two semilunar arcs were drawn upon this straight line.
- Semimonthly
Definition: done, happening, published, etc. every half month or twice a month
Example: Bowrick made semimonthly paycheck deposits, each around five hundred bucks.
- Seminal
Definition: containing important new ideas and having a great influence on later work
Example: She wrote a seminal article on the subject while she was still a student.
- Semiotic
Definition: relating to the semiotics (=the study of signs and symbols)
Example: They deconstruct text and images on the basis of their semiotic meaning beyond the surface text.
- Semipermanent
Definition: not permanent, but involving some stability or endurance
Example: The company employs him on a semipermanent basis.
- Semipermeable
Definition: permeable only to certain small molecules
Example: Waters thick with xenos and also with curtains of gelatinous semipermeable membranes haunted by clouds of bacteria.
- Semi-private
Definition: partially or somewhat private
Example: Syd and I sat quite apart, and left them alone to their semi-private conversation.
- Semipublic
Definition: partially but not entirely open to the public
Example: These guidelines can be applied to public and semipublic spaces as well as private property.
- Semi-skilled
Definition: (of work or a worker) having or needing some, but not extensive, training
Example: They would then join the workforce as semi-skilled trainee.
- Semisolid
Definition: having a somewhat firm consistency; more or less solid
Example: Her hand closed around a clump of semisolid chocolate, and she flung it at him.
- Semisweet
Definition: somewhat sweet
Example: The dark chocolate demonstrated higher phenolic content and antioxidants activity, followed by semisweet, soy, and milk chocolates.
- Semisynthetic
Definition: produced from a natural substance by synthetic processes
Example: This work provides new precursor compounds for the semisynthetic modification of ramoplanin.
- Semiterrestrial
Definition: living partly but wholly on land; involving both land and water
Example: Several inter-specific differences have been identified, other than the production of two types of cysts in the semiterrestrial species.
- Semitic
Definition: relating to the race of people that includes Arabs and Jews, or to their languages
Example: Hebrew and Arabic are Semitic languages.
- Semitransparent
Definition: partially or somewhat transparent; between transparent and opaque
Example: Jeffrey liked the way the light came in during the day through the semitransparent strips.
- Semi-tropical
Definition: (of plants and trees) grow in places where the air is warm and wet
Example: The inn has a garden of semi-tropical vegetation.
- Semi-weekly
Definition: occurring twice a week
Example: I have a couple of students who could benefit from semi-weekly lessons.
- Sempiternal
Definition: eternal and unchanging; everlasting
Example: Looking up at the sempiternal sky, Ava was amazed by the unchanging sky.
- Senescent
Definition: becoming old, and therefore in less good condition and less able to function well
Example: Disease is favoured by wet and damp conditions and is found most commonly on mature or senescent leaves.
- Senile
Definition: showing poor mental ability because of old age, especially being unable to think clearly and make decisions
Example: He spent many years caring for his senile mother.
- Senior
Definition: high or higher in rank or status
Example: He is a senior Finance Ministry official.
- Sensational
Definition: (of news reports or articles) intended to be shocking and exciting rather than serious
Example: Some of more sensational newspapers have given a lot of coverage to the scandal.
- Senseless
Definition: lacking common sense; wildly foolish
Example: It was an absolutely senseless act of violence.
- Sensible
Definition: based on or acting on good judgement and practical ideas or understanding
Example: That was a very sensible decision.
- Sensitive
Definition: (of a subject, situation, etc) needs to be dealt with carefully in order to avoid upsetting people
Example: Sex education and birth control are sensitive issues.
- Sensorimotor
Definition: of or relating to both the sensory and motor functions of an organism or to the nerves controlling them
Example: Synchronization characterizing the perceived stimuli connected the sensorimotor system with frontoparietal attentional system.
- Sensorineural
Definition: used to refer to a type of hearing loss caused by damage to, or disease in, the inner ear or by damage to the auditory nerve
Example: Joey has sensorineural hearing loss.
- Sensory
Definition: of or relating to the senses or the power of sensation
Example: Our work is looking at grabbing hold of nerve fibers to get different sensory inputs.
- Sensual
Definition: expressing or suggesting physical pleasure
Example: They shared the sensual satisfaction of French food.
- Sensuous
Definition: pleasing to the physical senses
Example: Her flower garden is a totally sensuous environment.
- Sentential
Definition: relating to a sentence
Example: They also include sentential logic, the purview of abstract algebraic logic.
- Sententious
Definition: giving to moralizing in a pompous or affected manner
Example: He tried to encourage his men with sententious rhetoric.
- Sentient
Definition: able to experience feelings
Example: It is hard for a sentient person to understand how any parents could treat their child so badly.
- Sentimental
Definition: related to feelings rather than reason
Example: When you ask which team will win, my sentimental favorite would have to be Philadelphia.
- Sepaloid
Definition: like or having the nature of a sepal
Example: However, carpels are transformed into petaloid organs rather than sepaloid structures.
- Separate
Definition: existing or happening independently or in a different physical space
Example: The art department and the music department are in two separate buildings.
- Septal
Definition: relating to the septum
Example: Septal defect is sometimes known as hole in the heart.
- Septentrional
Definition: northern; boreal
Example: These new records represent the northeastern known localities for this species and expand the septentrional limit of its geographic distribution.
- Sequential
Definition: following a particular order
Example: The publishers claim that the book constitutes “the first sequential exposition of events and thus of the history of the revolution”.
- Sequined
Definition: adorned with sequins
Example: Another bunny decorated her thigh, smiling with white sequined teeth.
- Serial
Definition: used to describe a person who repeatedly commits a similar crime or carries out a similar bad act, or the crime or act itself
Example: She wrote a thriller about a brutal serial killer.
- Seriocomic
Definition: mixing serious and comic elements
Example: Falls’ players keep it afloat with precision-tooled seriocomic performances.
Positive Adjectives That Start with S to Describe a Person
To describe a person in a positive tone, you can choose some words from list of adjectives that start with S to describe a person below.
1. Sagacious
Definition: having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; wise, or shrewd
Synonyms: wise, sensible, thoughtful, insightful
Example: He is a sagacious businessman.
2. Scintillating
Definition: sparkling or shining brightly
Synonyms: brilliant, gleaming, flashing, twinkling
Example: His eyes burn like coals of fire, and grow dark and scintillating.
3. Strong
Definition: having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks
Synonyms: powerful, fit, athletic, well-built
Example: She’s had a strong will since she was a baby.
4. Singular
Definition: exceptionally good or great; remarkable
Synonyms: extraordinary, outstanding, notable
Example: He had a singular appearance.
5. Smart
Definition: (of a person) clean, tidy, and well dressed
Synonyms: elegant, modish, dapper
Example: You look very smart.
6. Sparkling
Definition: shining brightly with flashes of light
Synonyms: fizzy, bubbly, effervescent
Example: Her blue eyes are sparkling.
7. Savvy
Definition: shrewd and knowledgeable; having common sense and good judgment
Synonyms: acute, intelligent, canny, sapient
Example: She is a very savvy investor.
8. Scrupulous
Definition: (of a person or process) careful, thorough, and extremely attentive to details
Synonyms: careful, sedulous, meticulous, rigorous
Example: she has been scrupulous about telling him the dangers.
9. Sedulous
Definition: (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence
Synonyms: thorough, attentive, studious, punctilious
Example: He watched himself with the most sedulous care.
10. Self-assured
Definition: confident in one’s own abilities or character
Synonyms: positive, self-confident, assertive, poised
Example: He is honest and self-assured.
11. Self-made
Definition: having become successful or rich by one’s own efforts
Synonyms: competent, confident, self-reliant, audacious
Example: She is a self-made lady.
12. Steady
Definition: firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving
Synonyms: stable, immoveable, static
Example: The lighter the camera, the harder it is to hold steady.
Positive Adjectives That Start with S to Describe an Event
In this category, you’ll learn some unique and stylish descriptive words that start with S to describe events.
1. Sacrificial
Definition: relating to or constituting a sacrifice
Synonyms: votive, atoning
Example: Some religions require a sacrificial ritual in which animals are slaughtered.
2. Snowy
Definition: (of the weather or period of time) characterized by snowfall
Synonyms: snowlike, fleecy, cold, icy
Example: We’ve had a very snowy winter this year.
3. Salutary
Definition: (especially with reference to something unwelcome or unpleasant) producing good effects; beneficial
Synonyms: profitable, productive, useful, valuable
Example: When the health coach gave her presentation at the work sponsored event, it had a salutary effect on the employees.
4. Seamless
Definition: smooth and continuous, with no apparent gaps or spaces between one part and the next
Synonyms: perfectly consistent and coherent
Example: Pulling off a seamless event, the new producer was proud of the party’s success.
5. Sensational
Definition: causing great public interest and excitement
Synonyms: amazing, appalling, startling, fascinating
Example: The first occasion in 1967 was the most sensational.
6. Sizzling
Definition: very exciting or passionate
Synonyms: very hot, flaming, crackle
Example: The action developed into a sizzling battle between two tough competitors.
Positive Adjectives That Start with S to Describe a Place
Every adjective conveys a unique concept so it is crucial to understand the exact meaning of adjectives used. To help in this regard, we listed definitions and examples for adjectives that start with the letter S below.
1. Same
Definition: identical; not different
Synonyms: matching, alike, paired, comparable
Example: We both went to the same school.
2. Sandy
Definition: covered in, or consisting mostly of sand
Synonyms: loose, cove, light
Example: Cactuses grow well in sandy soil.
3. Stylish
Definition: fashionably elegant and sophisticated
Synonyms: modish, up to date, chic, fancy
Example: Stylish hotel set in 5 acres of garden.
4. Scalable
Definition: able to be scaled, or climbed
Synonyms: expandable, extensible, expansive
Example: The Company selected scalable networks.
5. Soft
Definition: easy to mold, cut, compress, or firm to the touch
Synonyms: pulpy, sloppy, spongy
Example: The ground became soft after the heavy rain.
6. Sufficient
Definition: enough; adequate
Synonyms: ample, abundant, enough
Example: The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.
7. Sumptuous
Definition: splendid and expensive-looking
Synonyms: lavish, luxurious, deluxe, princely
Example: His palace was more sumptuous than the temples of the Gods, from which it was quite separate.
8. Safe
Definition: not likely to be harmed, or lost
Synonyms: secure, all right, guarded
Example: The kids were safe in the cabin.
9. Special
Definition: better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual
Synonyms: exceptional, significant, unique, particular
Example: The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people.
10. Successful
Definition: accomplishing a desired aim, or result
Synonyms: victorious, lucky, fortunate
Example: The Company has had another successful year.
11. Salubrious
Definition: health-giving; healthy
Synonyms: healthful, beneficial, wholesome, salutary
Example: I know a salubrious place that is pedestrian-only.
12. Scenic
Definition: providing or relating to views of impressive, or beautiful natural scenery
Synonyms: pretty as a picture, breathtaking, lovely, attractive
Example: She paused and gazed out the barn door at the scenic view.
13. Salient
Definition: most noticeable, or important
Synonyms: main, principal, dominant, crucial
Example: She pointed out all the salient features of the building.
14. Sanitary
Definition: relating to the conditions that affect hygiene and health, especially the supply of sewage facilities and clean drinking water
Synonyms: germ-free, sterilized, pure
Example: Cholera thrives in poor sanitary conditions.
Positive Adjectives That Start with S to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Adjectives are vital to help present your ideas clearly and precisely. So are these adjectives with letter S below.
1. Sensible
Definition: done or chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit
Synonyms: practical, realistic, logical, sober
Example: I cannot believe that it is sensible to spend so much.
2. Sleek
Definition: (of hair, fur, or skin) smooth and glossy
Synonyms: shiny, gleaming, silken, polished
Example: He led her through the apartment building to an ungrounded garage and to a sleek, black sports car with a black interior.
3. Silvery
Definition: like silver in color, or appearance
Synonyms: grayish, like silver
Example: We were woken early by the peal of silvery bells.
4. Sophisticated
Definition: having, revealing, or involving in a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture
Synonyms: complex, cultured, refined
Example: I like to wear sophisticated outfits when I go to fancy places.
5. Sweet
Definition: pleasing in general; delightful
Synonyms: attractive, candied, cloying, nice
Example: It was the sweet life he had always craved.
6. Sociable
Definition: willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly
Synonyms: affable, amicable, cordial, genial
Example: Being a sociable person, Eva loved entertaining.
7. Sanguine
Definition: optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad, or difficult situation
Synonyms: hopeful, confident, cheerful, assured
Example: He is sanguine about prospects for the global economy.
8. Sincere
Definition: free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings
Synonyms: heartfelt, wholehearted, profound, honest
Example: She’d sounded sincere enough.
9. Smiling
Definition: having, or characterized by a smile
Synonyms: twinkle, grin, beam
Example: It’s nice to see everyone’s smiling faces.
10. Saintly
Definition: very holy, or virtuous
Synonyms: pious, spiritual, righteous, prayerful
Example: She is a woman of saintly patience.
11. Scientific
Definition: based on or characterized by the methods and principles of science
Synonyms: technological, technical, empirical
Example: Her curiosity was purely scientific.
Negative Adjectives That Start with S to Describe a Person
There may be some person who is so annoying to you that you want endless negative adjectives on them. And below adjective words that start with S may help.
1. Skinny
Definition: (of a person or part of their body) unattractively thin
Synonyms: thin, scraggy, bony, slim
Example: She cackled and slapped her skinny thighs.
2. Sleepy
Definition: needing, or ready for sleep
Synonyms: drowsy, tired, dozy, yawning
Example: She said right in a sleepy voice.
3. Sneaky
Definition: furtive; sly
Synonyms: sly, crafty, wily, cunning
Example: I developed a sneaky fondness for the old lady.
4. Sassy
Definition: lively, bold, and full of spirit, cheeky
Synonyms: arrant, bold, discourteous
Example: She was sassy and confident.
5. Shy
Definition: nervous or timid in the company of other people
Synonyms: bashful, timid, sheepish, insecure
Example: I was pretty shy at school.
6. Salacious
Definition: having or conveying an undue, or inappropriate interest in sexual matters
Synonyms: obscene, lewd, erotic
Example: The newspapers once again filled their columns with salacious details.
7. Sedentary
Definition: (of a person) tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive
Synonyms: seated, still, seated
Example: He became sedentary later on in his life.
8. Sleazy
Definition: (of a person or situation) sordid, corrupt, or immoral
Synonyms: immoral, unpleasant, sordid
Example: He’s a sleazy politician who ignored his responsibilities in order to make his friends rich.
Negative Adjectives That Start with S to Describe an Event
In this segment, let’s go through some describing words beginning with S to describe an event.
1. Scandalous
Definition: causing general public outrage by a perceived offense against morality, or law
Synonyms: discreditable, disreputable
Example: The result was a scandalous series of scenes in parliament and of courts-martial.
2. Scurrilous
Definition: making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation
Synonyms: abusive, offensive, insulting
Example: He wrote a scurrilous piece about me in the local press.
3. Sinister
Definition: giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening, or will happen
Synonyms: threatening, baleful, ominous, spooky
Example: I was in the country when I reached under the sear and retrieved a long and sinister knife.
Negative Adjectives That Start with S to Describe a Place
To add uniqueness to your writing style, you have to use some unique and smart words, like adjectives that start with S below.
1. Savage
Definition: (of something bad or negative) very great; severe
Synonyms: fierce, crushing, severe
Example: The decision was a savage blow for the town.
2. Spooky
Definition: sinister, or ghostly in a way that causes fear and unease
Synonyms: eerie, ghostly, uncanny, scary
Example: I bet this place is really spooky late at night.
3. Stormy
Definition: (of the sea or sky) characterized by strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow
Synonyms: wild, blustery, windy, rainy
Example: The remaining boats were later washed away or destroyed by the stormy seas.
5. Smelly
Definition: having a strong, or unpleasant smell
Synonyms: evil-smelling, stinky, reeking, putrid
Example: The toilets in the restaurant were horribly smelly.
Negative Adjectives That Start with S to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
This list of adjectives that start with S may not magnify your English skills by leaps, but learning is just one small progress after another. The key to all achievements is perseverance.
1. Specious
Definition: superficially plausible, but actually wrong
Synonyms: seemingly correct, unsound, sophistic
Example: This argument is rather specious than sound.
2. Snappish
Definition: (of a dog) irritable and inclined to bite
Synonyms: touchy, petulant, crabbed, waspish
Example: The shoppers were snappish and rude.
3. Smoky
Definition: filled with, or smelling of smoke
Synonyms: foggy, smelly, murky
Example: She gave him a smoky look.
4. Smutty
Definition: (of talk, writing, or pictures) obscene, or lascivious
Synonyms: vulgar, dirty, rude, filthy
Example: He has got brown eyes and a very smutty sense of humor.
5. Sardonic
Definition: grimly mocking, or cynical
Synonyms: sarcastic, ironic, caustic
Example: His smile was sardonic, yet his eyes held a glint of humor.
6. Soulful
Definition: expressing, or appearing to express a deep and often sorrowful feeling
Synonyms: emotional, deep, heartfelt, sincere
Example: She gave him a soulful glance.
7. Sanctimonious
Definition: making a show of being morally superior to other people
Synonyms: pious, self-righteous, superior,
Example: He made a disagreeable, sanctimonious, and arrogant beast of a speech.
8. Slobbish
Definition: lazy and having low standards of cleanliness
Synonyms: blowsy, dowdy, frowsy
Example: His slobbish ways are wrecking the education of his son.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with S
Have you learnt any new adjectives that start with the letter S from this article already? And are you motivated to use them right now? Don’t hesitate to practise them with your friends. Soon, your English will impress them and you’ll be more confident!
Thank you for reading and finishing adjectives that start with S.
Ps. See also positive words that start with S, nouns that start with S and verbs that start with S.