565 Nouns That Start with M [with Definitions and Examples]

Nouns that start with M are used in your daily life whenever you use the English language. So it is important that you know the correct way of using these nouns starting with M if you want to leave an impression. Just like all other nouns, nouns beginning with M are an essential part of the English language.
Therefore, to be an actual expert in the English language, you need to know nouns that start with M, as many as you can. Make sure to learn these nouns from the heart, so you remember them forever and ever. Don’t worry if you can’t immediately learn all the words as everything starts slowly; start with easy words like nouns that start with M to describe a person.
As you might already know by now, this article contains a list of nouns that start with M to help your vocabulary.
Table of Contents
Nouns That Start with M You Always Use
Do you wanna know the proper use of words you use every day? Well, this section has nouns that start with M that you always hear or use as they are very common.
1. Man
- Definition: a member of the human race, a male adult
- Synonyms: guy, chap, fellow
- Example: The man came right to the point.
2. Medium
- Definition: an agency or means of doing something
- Synonyms: means, method
- Example: Using the latest technology as a medium for job creation.
3. Mess
- Definition: a dirty or untidy state of things or of a place
- Synonyms: chaos, disorder
- Example: She made a mess of the kitchen.
4. Mind
- Definition: a person’s ability to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought
- Synonyms: brain, intellect
- Example: A lot of thoughts ran through my mind.
5. Miss
- Definition: a failure to hit, catch, or reach something
- Synonyms: flop, slip, mistake
- Example: The penalty miss cost us the game.
6. Mistake
- Definition: an act or judgment that is misguided or wrong
- Synonyms: fault, flaw, error, slip
- Example: She could have punched Gerald by mistake.
7. Moral
- Definition: a lesson that can be derived from a story or experience
- Synonyms: lesson, message, significance
- Example: The moral of this story was that one must see the beauty in what one has.
8. Mother
- Definition: a woman in relation to her child or children
- Synonyms: mom, parent
- Example: She returned to Bristol to nurse her aging mother.
9. Move
- Definition: a change of place, position, or state
- Synonyms: movement, motion, gesture
- Example: She made a sudden move towards me.
10. Music
- Definition: vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce harmony, and expression of emotion
- Synonyms: tones, melody, sound
- Example: Couples were dancing to the music.
Nouns That Start with M You Usually Use
Sometimes words that are used usually might not be known to everyone. Therefore, if you want to know all the nouns starting with M that are usually used by people around you, keep reading.
1. Machine
- Definition: an apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task
- Synonyms: instrument, device, appliance
- Example: He stopped the machine and left the room.
2. Magazine
- Definition: a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, often on a particular subject or aimed at a particular readership
- Synonyms: journal, publications, paper
- Example: He reclined on the sofa reading a magazine.
3. Maid
- Definition: a female domestic servant
- Synonyms: housekeeper, cleaner
- Example: Mary eventually managed to find a job as a maid.
4. Maintenance
- Definition: the process of preserving a condition or situation or the state of being preserved
- Synonyms: preservation, conservation
- Example: We support local initiatives that ensure the maintenance of community spirit.
5. Management
- Definition: the process of dealing with or controlling things or people
- Synonyms: administration, managing
- Example: A growth management plan was put in place to keep tabs on the booming city’s progress.
6. Manager
- Definition: a person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff
- Synonyms: executive, supervisor
- Example: The gang tried to intimidate the bank manager.
7. Manner
- Definition: a way in which a thing is done or happens
- Synonyms: style, system
- Example: He was taking notes in an unobtrusive manner.
8. Market
- Definition: a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities
- Synonyms: shop, merchandise
- Example: They wanted to browse around the street market.
9. Marriage
- Definition: the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship
- Synonyms: wedding, nuptials, union
- Example: I’m against this marriage.
10. Mask
- Definition: a covering for all or part of the face, worn as a disguise, or to amuse or frighten others
- Synonyms: veil, disguise
- Example: He pulled the mask down, and locked eyes with her.
Nouns That Start with M You Often Use
All the nouns starting with M that you use a lot are summarized in this section below. How convenient? Especially if you are specifically looking for an easier alternative to a word.
1. Magnet
- Definition: a person or thing that has a powerful attraction
- Synonyms: attraction, focus, pull
- Example: The beautiful stretch of white sand is a magnet for sun-worshippers.
2. Mail
- Definition: letters and parcels sent by post
- Synonyms: send, dispatch, forward
- Example: I did not receive any mail.
3. Mansion
- Definition: a large, impressive house
- Synonyms: residence, villa, castle
- Example: The old mansion was built in 1850.
4. Mark
- Definition: a small area on a surface having a different colour from its surroundings, typically one caused by damage or dirt
- Synonyms: spot, dot, stain
- Example: The blow left a red mark down one side of her face.
5. Martyr
- Definition: a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs
- Synonyms: sacrifice, victim, sufferer
- Example: If he dies, he will become a martyr.
6. Mass
- Definition: a large body of matter with no definite shape
- Synonyms: pile, stack
- Example: The sun broke out from behind a mass of clouds.
7. Match
- Definition: a contest in which people or teams compete against each other in a particular sport
- Synonyms: contest, competition, tournament
- Example: I have a cricket match on Friday.
8. Maximum
- Definition: the greatest amount, extent, or intensity possible, permitted, or recorded
- Synonyms: most, utmost, limit
- Example: The school takes a maximum of 32 pupils.
9. Maze
- Definition: a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way
- Synonyms: labyrinth, web, tangle
- Example: The house has a maze and a walled Italian garden
10. Memory
- Definition: something remembered from the past
- Synonyms: recollection, remembrance
- Example: One of my earliest memories is of sitting on his knee.
Nouns That Start with M You Sometimes Use
The following section has nouns beginning with M, but the specialty of this section is that they are only used sometimes. You might read these words in a book or a poem.
1. Memorial
- Definition: a statue or structure established to remind people of a person or event
- Synonyms: monument, shrine, statue
- Example: This statue is a memorial to a great statesman.
2. Metaphor
- Definition: a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else
- Synonyms: symbol, image, comparison
- Example: The song used sunshine as a metaphor for joy.
3. Method
- Definition: the quality of being well organized and systematic in thought or action
- Synonyms: order, form, arrangement, structure
- Example: Historical study is the rigorous combination of knowledge and method.
4. Middle
- Definition: the point or position at an equal distance from the sides, edges, or ends of something
- Synonyms: central, mid
- Example: She stood alone in the middle of the street.
5. Migrant
- Definition: a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions
- Synonyms: immigrant, emigrant, traveler
- Example: He was a migrant handyman with no calluses.
6. Minx
- Definition: an impudent, cunning, or boldly flirtatious girl or young woman
- Synonyms: tease, hussy
- Example: You saucy little minx!
7. Misery
- Definition: a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort
- Synonyms: distress, hardship, suffering
- Example: A man who had brought her nothing but misery.
8. Mission
- Definition: an important assignment given to a person or group of people, typically involving travel abroad
- Synonyms: assignment, operation, job
- Example: I have a special mission for you.
9. Mixer
- Definition: a machine for mixing things, especially an electrical appliance for mixing foods.
- Synonyms: blender, whisk, stirrer
- Example: You can take the mixer apart to clean it.
10. Mystery
- Definition: something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain
- Synonyms: puzzle, riddle, secret
- Example: The creation of life remains a mystery.
Nouns That Start with M You Occasionally Use
Knowing these words can be helpful if you are talking to someone who has a great English vocabulary. As these noun words that start with M are occasionally used.
1. Memorandum
- Definition: a written message in business or diplomacy
- Synonyms: message, communication, letter
- Example: He told them of his decision in a memorandum.
2. Mentality
- Definition: the characteristic way of thinking of a person or group
- Synonyms: psyche, mins
- Example: I had inherited not only my father’s blood but his bourgeois mentality as well.
3. Merchandise
- Definition: goods to be bought and sold
- Synonyms: goods, stock, product
- Example: I bought it from the shops that offered an astonishing range of merchandise.
4. Mist
- Definition: a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth’s surface that limits visibility
- Synonyms: fog, smog, cloud
- Example: The peaks were shrouded in mist
5. Mob
- Definition: a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence
- Synonyms: crowd, rabble, mass
- Example: His rule was always to look a mob in the face.
6. Monochrome
- Definition: a photograph or picture developed or executed in black and white or in varying tones of only one color
- Synonyms: daguerreotype, ferrotype
- Example: The color plates are excellent, but the monochrome photographs are disappointing.
7. Mortality
- Definition: the state of being subject to death
- Synonyms: impermanence, temporality
- Example: The work is increasingly haunted by thoughts of mortality.
8. Mosaic
- Definition: a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, glass, etc
- Synonyms: patchwork, art, design
- Example: I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.
9. Motto
- Definition: a short sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals of an individual, family, or institution
- Synonyms: proverb, slogan
- Example: The family motto is ‘Faithful though Unfortunate’.
10. Myth
- Definition: a widely held but false belief or idea
- Synonyms: misconception, lie, delusion
- Example: The belief that evening primrose oil helps to cure eczema is a myth, according to dermatologists.
Nouns That Start with M You Seldom Use
The good thing about these nouns that start with the letter M is that they are very useful even if you seldom use them. They are useful in most unexpected ways!
1. Madrigal
- Definition: a song for several singers, usually without musical instruments, popular in one of the Renaissance period
- Synonyms: song, anthem
- Example: The verse sounds like a madrigal, the chorus like a party.
2. Mafia
- Definition: a group regarded as exerting a hidden sinister influence
- Synonyms: gang, crime
- Example: He was snuffed out by the Mafia.
3. Majesty
- Definition: impressive beauty, scale, or stateliness
- Synonyms: dignity, magnificence, solemnity
- Example: The majesty of the occasion thrilled us all.
4. Manacle
- Definition: one of two metal bands joined by a chain, for fastening a person’s hands or ankles
- Synonyms: handcuffs, chains
- Example: Houdini lay on his side, still fettered by the manacles.
5. Mangle
- Definition: destroy or severely damage by tearing or crushing
- Synonyms: damage, crush
- Example: The car was mangled almost beyond recognition.
6. Mantle
- Definition: a loose sleeveless cloak or shawl, worn especially by women
- Synonyms: shawl, cloak, wrap
- Example: She was wrapped tightly in her mantle.
7. Manure
- Definition: animal dung used for fertilizing land
- Synonyms: dung, muck, odure
- Example: Plenty of fully rotted horse manure can be dug in this fall.
8. Miscarriage
- Definition: the spontaneous or unplanned expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently
- Synonyms: abortion, collapse
- Example: His wife had a miscarriage.
9. Moron
- Definition: a stupid person
- Synonyms: fool, oaf, clown
- Example: We can’t let these thoughtless morons get away with mindless vandalism every weekend.
10. Mould
- Definition: a hollow container used to give shape to molten or hot liquid material when it cools and hardens
- Synonyms: form, shape
- Example: The smith would pour the molten metal into the shaped mold.
Nouns That Start with M You Rarely Use
If you want some M-nouns that are rare and only a few people know about? Then you are at the right place. Keep on reading for some unique and creative words.
1. Mastery
- Definition: comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity
- Synonyms: proficiency, ability, knowledge
- Example: She played with some mastery.
2. Maverick
- Definition: an unorthodox or independent-minded person
- Synonyms: individualist, independent, free spirit
- Example: He’s always been a bit of a maverick.
3. Maxim
- Definition: a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct
- Synonyms: saying, motto, proverb
- Example: The maxim that actions speak louder than words.
4. Mettle
- Definition: a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties; spirit and resilience
- Synonyms: spirit, fortitude
- Example: The team showed their true mettle in the second half.
5. Miniver
- Definition: plain white fur used for lining or trimming clothes
- Synonyms: fur, trim
- Example: The doctor’s miniver hat was beautiful.
6. Misfire
- Definition: (especially of a plan) fail to produce the intended result
- Synonyms: fail, abort
- Example: The weapons are to be replaced because of problems with misfires.
7. Missive
- Definition: a letter, especially a long or official one
- Synonyms: message, letter, note
- Example: Another missive from the Foreign Office has received.
8. Modicum
- Definition: a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or valuable
- Synonyms: particle, pinch, little
- Example: His statement had a modicum of truth.
9. Morale
- Definition: the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time
- Synonyms: confidence, self-esteem, spirit
- Example: The team’s morale was high.
10. Mystique
- Definition: a quality of mystery, glamour, or power associated with someone or something
- Synonyms: magic, spell, mystery
- Example: There’s a great mystique attached to the life of a movie star.
Positive Nouns That Start with M
These positive nouns that start with M are very cool as they will expand your vocabulary while helping you stay positive! So you don’t give up on learning all the words.
1. Magic
- Definition: the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces
- Synonyms: sorcery, enchantment
- Example: Suddenly, as if by magic, the doors start to open.
2. Marvel
- Definition: a wonderful or astonishing person or thing
- Synonyms: miracle, phenomenon, wonder
- Example: The new bridge is an engineering marvel.
3. Massage
- Definition: the rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the body with the hands, especially to relieve tension or pain
- Synonyms: rubbing, reflexology
- Example: Massage can ease tiredness.
4. Masterpiece
- Definition: the greatest work in the career of an artist or group
- Synonyms: jewel, masterwork
- Example: His masterpiece is a collection of short stories, called The Spinning Room.
5. Mate
- Definition: a fellow member or joint occupant of a specified thing
- Synonyms: friend, partner
- Example: He’s your mate and my sister.
6. Melody
- Definition: a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying; a tune
- Synonyms: tune, music
- Example: He picked out an intricate melody on his guitar.
7. Mentor
- Definition: an experienced and trusted adviser
- Synonyms: adviser, guide
- Example: He was her friend and mentor until his death.
8. Mercy
- Definition: compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm
- Synonyms: compassion, grace, pity
- Example: The boy was screaming and begging for mercy.
9. Merit
- Definition: the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward
- Synonyms: excellence, good
- Example: Brierley’s book has the merit of being both informative and readable.
10. Mirth
- Definition: amusement, especially as expressed in laughter
- Synonyms: merriment, fun, cheer
- Example: His six-foot frame shook with mirth.
Nouns That Start with M – Full List (565 words)
- Machine
- Machinegun
- Machinery
- Machinist
- Mackerel
- Mackinaw
- Mackintosh
- Mad
- Madam
- Madhouse
- Madman
- Madmen
- Madrigal
- Maelstrom
- Maestro
- Magazine
- Maget
- Magic
- Magician
- Magistrate
- Magnanimity
- Magnate
- Magnet
- Magnetism
- Magnification
- Magnificence
- Magnitude
- Magnolia
- Magnum
- Mahogany
- Mahua
- Maid
- Maiden
- Maiestie
- Mailbox
- Mailman
- Main
- Mainland
- Mainstream
- Maintenance
- Majesty
- Major
- Major-Domo
- Majority
- Majuh
- Make
- Maker
- Makeup
- Maladjustment
- Malady
- Malaise
- Malapropism
- Malaria
- Male
- Malediction
- Malevolence
- Malfeasant
- Malice
- Malignancy
- Mall
- Malnutrition
- Malocclusion
- Malt
- Mama
- Mammal
- Man
- Mana
- Management
- Manager
- Mandate
- Mandrel
- Maneuver
- Maneuverability
- Manganese
- Manhood
- Mania
- Maniac
- Manifestation
- Manifold
- Manikin
- Manila
- Manipulation
- Mankind
- Mannequin
- Manner
- Mannerism
- Manometer
- Manor
- Manpower
- Manse
- Manservant
- Mansion
- Manslaughter
- Mantel
- Mantle
- Mantlepiece
- Mantrap
- Manual
- Manufacture
- Manufacturer
- Manumission
- Manure
- Manuscript
- Manzanita
- Map
- Maple
- Marathon
- Marble
- March
- Mare
- Margin
- Marginality
- Marimba
- Marina
- Marinade
- Marine
- Mariner
- Mark
- Marker
- Market
- Marketability
- Marketing
- Marketplace
- Marksman
- Marksmanship
- Marmalade
- Marriage
- Marrow
- Marshal
- Martingale
- Martini
- Martyr
- Martyrdom
- Marvel
- Mascara
- Masculine
- Masculinity
- Mash
- Mask
- Masonry
- Masquerade
- Massage
- Masseur
- Massuh
- Mast
- Master
- Mastermind
- Masterpiece
- Mastery
- Mastic
- Mastiff
- Mat
- Match
- Matchmaker
- Mate
- Material
- Materialism
- Materiel
- Math
- Mathematician
- Matriarch
- Matrimony
- Matrix
- Matron
- Matt
- Matter
- Maturation
- Maturity
- Mauler
- Mausoleum
- Maverick
- Maw
- Maxim
- Maximization
- Maximum
- Mayhem
- Mayonnaise
- Mayor
- Mayorship
- Maze
- Mazurka
- Meadow
- Meal
- Mealtime
- Mealynose
- Mean
- Meaning
- Meantime
- Measure
- Measurement
- Meat
- Mechanic
- Mechanism
- Mechanist
- Mechanization
- Medal
- Media
- Mediaevalist
- Median
- Medication
- Medicine
- Mediocrity
- Meditation
- Medium
- Mediumship
- Medley
- Meet
- Meeting
- Megalomania
- Megaton
- Megawatt
- Melancholy
- Melange
- Melee
- Melioration
- Melodrama
- Melody
- Melon
- Melting
- Member
- Membership
- Membrane
- Memento
- Memo
- Memoir
- Memorabilia
- Memorial
- Memorization
- Memory
- Men
- Menace
- Menarche
- Menfolk
- Menstruation
- Mentality
- Mention
- Mentor
- Menu
- Mercer
- Merchandise
- Merchant
- Mercury
- Mercy
- Merger
- Merit
- Mermaid
- Merriment
- Mesh
- Message
- Messenger
- Messhall
- Metabolism
- Metabolite
- Metal
- Metaphor
- Metaphysic
- Meteor
- Meteorite
- Meter
- Methacrylate
- Method
- Methodology
- Methyl
- Metrazol
- Metre
- Metronome
- Metropolitanization
- Mettle
- Mezzo
- Mica
- Mice
- Micelle
- Microchemistry
- Microcosm
- Microcytochemistry
- Microfilm
- Micrometeorite
- Micrometer
- Microorganism
- Microphone
- Microscope
- Microscopy
- Microwave
- Midair
- Midday
- Middle
- Midnight
- Midpoint
- Midshipmen
- Midst
- Midstream
- Midsummer
- Midway
- Midweek
- Midwife
- Mien
- Might
- Migration
- Mike
- Mildew
- Mile
- Mileage
- Milestone
- Milieu
- Militant
- Militarism
- Militarist
- Military
- Militia
- Milk
- Mill
- Millenarianism
- Millenium
- Millennia
- Millennium
- Millidegree
- Milligram
- Milliliter
- Millimeter
- Millinery
- Million
- Millionaire
- Millivoltmeter
- Milquetoast
- Min
- Mind
- Minder
- Mine
- Miner
- Mineral
- Mineralogy
- Miniature
- Minikin
- Minimum
- Minister
- Ministry
- Mink
- Minor
- Minority
- Minstrel
- Mint
- Minter
- Minuet
- Minute
- Minutes
- Minutiae
- Miracle
- Mirror
- Mirth
- Misalignment
- Misanthrope
- Misbehavior
- Miscalculation
- Miscegenation
- Miscellany
- Mischief
- Misconception
- Misconstruction
- Miscount
- Miscreant
- Misdemeanor
- Misery
- Misfortune
- Mishap
- Misinformation
- Misinterpretation
- Misnomer
- Misogynist
- Mispronunciation
- Misrepresentation
- Missile
- Mission
- Missionary
- Missive
- Misstep
- Missy
- Mist
- Mistake
- Mistletoe
- Mistrial
- Mistrust
- Misuse
- Mitigation
- Mitre
- Mix
- Mixer
- Mixture
- Mlle
- Mob
- Mobility
- Mobilization
- Mockery
- Modality
- Mode
- Model
- Moderation
- Moderator
- Modern
- Modernism
- Modernity
- Modernization
- Modesty
- Modicum
- Modification
- Modifier
- Modulation
- Moire
- Moisture
- Molar
- Mold
- Moldboard
- Mole
- Molecule
- Mollycoddle
- Mom
- Moment
- Momentum
- Monacle
- Monarch
- Monastery
- Monasticism
- Monei
- Money
- Monitor
- Monk
- Monkey
- Monogamy
- Monograph
- Monolith
- Monologist
- Monologue
- Monomer
- Monopolization
- Monopoly
- Monosyllable
- Monotony
- Monsoon
- Monster
- Monstrosity
- Month
- Monument
- Monumentality
- Mood
- Moon
- Moonlight
- Moontrack
- Mop
- Moppet
- Moral
- Morale
- Moralist
- Morality
- Moratorium
- Morgue
- Morning
- Morphine
- Morphology
- Morrow
- Morsel
- Mortality
- Mortar
- Mortgage
- Mortification
- Mosaic
- Mosque
- Mosquito
- Motel
- Motet
- Moth
- Mother
- Motherhood
- Motherland
- Motif
- Motion
- Motivation
- Motivator
- Motive
- Motor
- Motorist
- Motto
- Mough
- Mound
- Mount
- Mountain
- Mountainside
- Mouse
- Moustache
- Mouth
- Mouthful
- Mouthpiece
- Move
- Movement
- Mover
- Movie
- Mrad
- Much
- Mucilage
- Muck
- Mucker
- Mucosa
- Mud
- Mudguard
- Mudwagon
- Muezzin
- Muff
- Muffler
- Mug
- Mulch
- Mule
- Mullah
- Multifigure
- Multimillionaire
- Multipactor
- Multiplication
- Multiplicity
- Multistage
- Multitude
- Multiversity
- Mumble
- Municipality
- Mural
- Murder
- Murderer
- Murmur
- Muscle
- Musclemen
- Musculature
- Muse
- Museum
- Mushroom
- Music
- Musical
- Musicality
- Musician
- Musicianship
- Muskadell
- Musket
- Must
- Mustache
- Mustard
- Muster
- Mutilation
- Mutineer
- Mutiny
- Mutton
- Mutuality
- Muzzle
- Mycobacteria
- Mycology
- Myocardium
- Myofibrillae
- Myopia
- Myosin
- Myriad
- Myrrh
- Myrtle
- Mystery
- Mystic
- Mysticism
- Mystification
- Mystique
- Myth
- Mythology
Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with M
The nouns starting with M can only be useful if you also know the proper way of using them along with knowing their meaning. Therefore, while reading these nouns beginning with M, make sure to read the examples as well, and also make your own sentences to properly know their use.
Hopefully, all the nouns that start with M mentioned in this article were useful in helping your English vocabulary and also English grammar. Remember, nothing is too hard if you put your heart and soul into it. These words can be memorized and remembered as well if you truly want to know them.
Ps. See also positive words that start with M, adjectives that start with M and verbs that start with M.