170 Verbs That Start with T [with Definitions and Examples]

Verbs that start with T are included in this article. It is impossible to write a sentence without verbs, and they play a vital role in every language. Finding the right verbs starting with T may be greatly useful for authors, college students, and anybody who enjoys English verbs. So, wouldn’t it be great to know some new verbs beginning with T?
Can you write an article without verbs and make it make sense at the end? No, right? That’s why for excelling the English skills you have to have knowledge of not just verbs that start with T but any verb in general. You can use verbs that start with T to describe a person but also to impress others with your vocabulary.
In this article, a list of verbs that start with T has been put together to help you out. Read these verbs that start with T, and you will be able to expand your vocabulary.
Table of Contents
Verbs That Start with T You Always Use
In this category, below are some verbs that start with T, which are quite common as well as easy to remember. So keep on reading to find out whether you know them or not.
1. Take
- Definition: lay hold of (something) with one’s hands; reach for and hold
- Synonyms: grasp, grip, grab
- Example: Mrs. Morgan took another biscuit.
2. Talk
- Definition: speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings; converse or communicate by spoken words
- Synonyms: speak, say, chat, utter
- Example: They won’t talk to the regime that killed their families.
3. Tweet
- Definition: to make a chirping noise
- Synonyms: chirp, twinge
- Example: The birds were tweeting in the branches.
4. Type
- Definition: write (something) on a typewriter or computer by pressing the keys
- Synonyms: lettering, print
- Example: He typed out the second draft.
5. Tell
- Definition: to communicate information to someone in spoken or written words
- Synonyms: inform, notify, apprise
- Example: You can tell they’re in love.
6. Tear
- Definition: pull (something) apart or to pieces with force
- Synonyms: rip up, shred
- Example: I tore up the letter.
7. Think
- Definition: have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something
- Synonyms: imagine, guess, suppose
- Example: He could not think of anything else.
8. Throw
- Definition: propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand
- Synonyms: aim, direct, bowl
- Example: I didn’t bring my hat to throw in the door.
9. Time
- Definition: plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be done
- Synonyms: schedule, set, plan
- Example: The first track race is timed for 11 minutes.
10. Transfer
- Definition: to move from one place to another
- Synonyms: move, shift, carry
- Example: He intends to transfer the fund’s assets to the Treasury.
Verbs That Start with T You Usually Use
We all have some words that we usually use and are quite familiar with as well, right? These are some verbs starting with T which are usually used by everyone.
1. Tease
- Definition: make fun of or attempt to provoke (a person or animal) in a playful way
- Synonyms: mock, rag
- Example: I used to tease her about being so house-proud.
2. Transform
- Definition: to make a marked change in the form, nature, or appearance of
- Synonyms: change, alter, convert
- Example: We’ve never been able to transform a vamp into a human in thousands of years.
3. Translate
- Definition: express the sense of (words or text) in another language
- Synonyms: convert, transcribe
- Example: Several of his books were translated into English.
4. Transmit
- Definition: cause (something) to pass on from one person or place to another
- Synonyms: transfer, carry, radiate
- Example: Knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil.
5. Transport
- Definition: take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship
- Synonyms: move, shift, convey
- Example: The bulk of freight traffic was transported by lorry.
6. Travel
- Definition: go from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length
- Synonyms: move, proceed
- Example: He traveled all over the world.
7. Traverse
- Definition: to travel across or through
- Synonyms: cross, roam, wander
- Example: He traversed the forest.
8. Treat
- Definition: behave towards or deal with in a certain way
- Synonyms: cherish, deal with
- Example: She had been brutally treated.
9. Trouble
- Definition: cause distress or anxiety to
- Synonyms: worry, bother, disturb
- Example: He was not troubled by doubts.
10. Turn
- Definition: move in a circular direction wholly or partly round an axis or point
- Synonyms: revolve, rotate, spin
- Example: The big wheel was turning.
Verbs That Start with T You Often Use
Some words are not used as much as others but are used most often while writing. These are some verbs starting with T, which are often used while reading, writing, or speaking.
1. Tabulate
- Definition: to arrange (data) in tabular form
- Synonyms: arrange, order, organize
- Example: The system is designed to enable users to extract, analyze, and tabulate data.
2. Tie
- Definition: attach or fasten with string or similar cord
- Synonyms: bind, strap
- Example: They tied Max to a chair.
3. Threaten
- Definition: state one’s intention to take hostile action against (someone) in retribution for something done or not done
- Synonyms: bully, frighten, scare
- Example: How dare you threaten me?
4. Tip
- Definition: attach to or cover the end or extremity of
- Synonyms: top, cap
- Example: The peaks of the mountains were tipped with snow.
5. Transpose
- Definition: cause (two or more things) to exchange places
- Synonyms: interchange, exchange, switch
- Example: The situation might have been the same if the parties in opposition and government had been transposed.
6. Tend
- Definition: regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic
- Synonyms: be likely, behavior another form
- Example: Written language tends to be formal.
7. Touch
- Definition: come into or be in contact with
- Synonyms: meet, connect, join
- Example: He leaned back so that only two legs of his chair touched the floor.
8. Terminate
- Definition: bring to an end
- Synonyms: end, close, conclude
- Example: He was advised to terminate the contract.
9. Terrify
- Definition: cause to feel extreme fear
- Synonyms: afraid, spooked
- Example: The thought terrifies me.
10. Torture
- Definition: inflict severe pain or suffering on
- Synonyms: abuse, mistreat, punish
- Example: Most of the victims had been brutally tortured.
Verbs That Start with T You Sometimes Use
Don’t some words randomly just pop up in our minds once in a while? If so, then these are verbs beginning with T that are used sometimes by people but not as frequently as others.
1. Transmute
- Definition: change in form, nature, or substance
- Synonyms: transform, change, alter
- Example: The raw material of his experience was transmuted into stories.
2. Thrive
- Definition: (of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously
- Synonyms: flourish, prosper, bloom
- Example: The new baby thrived.
3. Thrust
- Definition: push suddenly or violently in a specified direction
- Synonyms: shove, push, propel
- Example: She thrust her hands into her pockets.
4. Trans-ship
- Definition: transfer (cargo) from one ship or other forms of transport to another
- Synonyms: consign, convey
- Example: They had to trans-ship the blocks by crane to chartered boats.
5. Toss
- Definition: to throw (something) somewhere lightly or casually
- Synonyms: throe, fling
- Example: Suzy tossed her bag onto the sofa.
6. Transplant
- Definition: move or transfer (someone or something) to another place or situation
- Synonyms: transfer, transport, move
- Example: It was proposed to transplant the club to the vacant site.
7. Tolerate
- Definition: allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one dislikes or disagrees with) without interference
- Synonyms: allow, permit, bear
- Example: A regime unwilling to tolerate dissent.
8. Trace
- Definition: find or discover by investigation
- Synonyms: find, detect, discover
- Example: Police are trying to trace a white van seen in the area.
9. Trade
- Definition: buy and sell goods and services
- Synonyms: deal, market
- Example: They trade mud-shark livers for fish oil.
10. Twist
- Definition: form into a bent, curling, or distorted shape
- Synonyms: crush, warp
- Example: A strip of metal is twisted to form a hollow tube.
Verbs That Start with T You Occasionally Use
There are some certain verb words that start with T that are used occasionally as they are not as common. Keep reading to find out what those verbs are and if you know them.
1. Trickle
- Definition: (of a liquid) flow in a small stream
- Synonyms: drip, flow
- Example: A solitary tear trickled down her cheek.
2. Testify
- Definition: give evidence as a witness in a law court
- Synonyms: swear, avow
- Example: He testified against his own commander.
3. Tingle
- Definition: experience or cause to experience a slight prickling or stinging sensation
- Synonyms: prickle, sting, itch
- Example: She was tingling with excitement.
- Definition: lightly touch or prod (a person or a part of the body) in a way that causes mild discomfort or itching and often laughter
- Synonyms: pet, chuck
- Example: I tickled him under the ears.
5. Tumble
- Definition: fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong
- Synonyms: fall down, collapse
- Example: She pitched forward, tumbling down the remaining stairs.
6. Transfuse
- Definition: transfer (blood or its components) from one person or animal to another
- Synonyms: diffuse, pass, penetrate
- Example: It is usual to transfuse blood screened for cytomegalovirus.
7. Trip
- Definition: catch one’s foot on something and stumble or fall
- Synonyms: stumble, slip
- Example: He tripped over his cat.
8. Twitter
- Definition: (of a bird) give a call consisting of repeated light tremulous sounds
- Synonyms: chirp, tweet
- Example: Sparrows twittered under the eaves.
9. Twiddle
- Definition: twist, move, or fiddle with (something), typically in a purposeless or nervous way
- Synonyms: turn, twist, twirl
- Example: She twiddled the dials on the radio.
10. Twirl
- Definition: spin quickly and lightly round, especially repeatedly
- Synonyms: whirl, revolve
- Example: She twirled in delight to show off her new dress.
Verbs That Start with T You Seldom Use
There are some verbs that are not used so much by people as they don’t even come across them as much. These are some verbs that start with the letter T, which you might seldom use.
1. Transfix
- Definition: cause (someone) to become motionless with horror, wonder, or astonishment
- Synonyms: mesmerize, fascinate
- Example: He was transfixed by the pain in her face.
2. Trammel
- Definition: deprive of freedom of action
- Synonyms: restrict, restrain
- Example: We have no wish to be trammeled by convention.
3. Trample
- Definition: tread on and crush
- Synonyms: squash, crush
- Example: The fence had been trampled down.
4. Tinge
- Definition: to color slightly
- Synonyms: tint, color, dye
- Example: A mass of white blossom tinged with pink.
5. Tread
- Definition: walk in a specified way
- Synonyms: walk, step, go
- Example: Rosa trod as lightly as she could.
6. Toddle
- Definition: (of a young child) move with short unsteady steps while learning to walk
- Synonyms: totter, dodder
- Example: William toddled curiously towards the TV crew.
7. Tremble
- Definition: (of a person, a part of the body, or the voice) shake involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty
- Synonyms: shake, twitch
- Example: Isobel was trembling with excitement.
8. Tousle
- Definition: make (a person’s hair) untidy
- Synonyms: untidy, messy
- Example: I tousled his wispy silver hair.
9. Tow
- Definition: (of a motor vehicle or boat) pull (another vehicle or boat) along with a rope, chain, or tow bar
- Synonyms: pull, drag
- Example: A pickup van towing a trailer.
10. Transcend
- Definition: be or go beyond the range or limits of (a field of activity or conceptual sphere)
- Synonyms: surpass, exceed
- Example: He doubts that he will ever transcend Shakespeare.
Verbs That Start with T You Rarely Use
We can’t be aware of all the words existing in the world, can we? These are some A-verbs that are rarely used, and knowing them can help to increase your vocabulary.
1. Teeter
- Definition: move or balance unsteadily; sway back and forth
- Synonyms: totter, toddle
- Example: She teetered after him in her high-heeled sandals.
2. Teethe
- Definition: grow or cut milk teeth
- Synonyms: develop, grow
- Example: My son is teething, so some nights I barely sleep.
3. Taper
- Definition: diminish or reduce in thickness towards one end
- Synonyms: narrow, thin
- Example: The tail tapers to a rounded tip.
4. Transgress
- Definition: go beyond the limits of (what is morally, socially, or legally acceptable)
- Synonyms: misbehave, err
- Example: She had transgressed an unwritten social law.
5. Tarnish
- Definition: lose or cause to lose luster, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture
- Synonyms: discolor, stain, rust
- Example: Silver tarnishes too easily.
6. Trek
- Definition: go on a long, arduous journey, typically on foot
- Synonyms: hike, tramp
- Example: We trekked through the jungle.
7. Tamp
- Definition: pack (a blast hole) full of clay or sand to concentrate the force of the explosion
- Synonyms: compact, compress
- Example: When the hole was tamped to the top, gunpowder was inserted.
8. Thaw
- Definition: (of ice, snow, or another frozen substance, such as food) become liquid or soft as a result of warming up
- Synonyms: defrost, melt
- Example: The river thawed and barges of food began to reach the capital.
9. Thresh
- Definition: separate grain from (corn or other crops), typically with a flail or by the action of a revolving mechanism
- Synonyms: separate, shift
- Example: Machinery that can reap and thresh corn in the same process.
10. Thwart
- Definition: prevent (someone) from accomplishing something
- Synonyms: baffle, balk, foil
- Example: He never did anything to thwart his father.
Positive Verbs That Start with T
There are positives and negatives in every category, and verbs are not an exception. Below is a list of positive verbs that start with T that you may or may not be aware of.
1. Tootle
- Definition: make a series of sounds by blowing a horn, trumpet, or similar instrument
- Synonyms: shrill, sharp
- Example: He tootled on the horn.
2. Teem
- Definition: be full of or swarming with
- Synonyms: full, fill, alive
- Example: Every garden is teeming with wildlife.
3. Transact
- Definition: conduct or carry out (business)
- Synonyms: negotiate, conduct
- Example: Traders transact business in the public exchange.
4. Teach
- Definition: impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something
- Synonyms: educate, instruct
- Example: She taught him to read.
5. Taste
- Definition: perceive or experience the flavor of
- Synonyms: perceive, discern
- Example: She had never tasted ice cream before.
6. Toast
- Definition: cook or brown (food, especially bread or cheese) by exposure to a grill, fire, or another source of radiant heat
- Synonyms: grill, bake
- Example: He sat by the fire and toasted a piece of bread.
7. Thank
- Definition: express gratitude to (someone)
- Synonyms: appreciation, gratitude
- Example: Mac thanked her for the meal and left.
8. Top
- Definition: exceed (an amount, level, or number); be more than
- Synonyms: exceed, surpass
- Example: Losses are expected to top £100 m this year.
9. Train
- Definition: teach (a person or animal) a particular skill or type of behavior through practice and instruction over a period of time
- Synonyms: instruct. Teach, coach
- Example: The scheme trains people for promotion.
10. Twinkle
- Definition: (of a star or light, or a shiny object) shine with a gleam that constantly changes from bright to faint
- Synonyms: glitter, sparkle
- Example: The lights twinkled in the distance.
Verbs That Start with T – Full List (170 words)
- Tabulate
- Tack
- Tackle
- Tag
- Tail
- Tailor
- Taint
- Take
- Talk
- Tally
- Tame
- Tamper
- Tan
- Tangle
- Tap
- Taper
- Tar
- Target
- Tariff
- Tarnish
- Taste
- Tattoo
- Taunt
- Tax
- Teach
- Team
- Tear
- Tease
- Teem
- Telegraph
- Telephone
- Televize
- Tell
- Temper
- Temporize
- Tempt
- Tend
- Tender
- Term
- Terminate
- Terrify
- Terrorize
- Test
- Tetanize
- Text
- Thank
- Thatch
- Thaw
- The
- Theorize
- Thicken
- Thin
- Think
- Thrash
- Thread
- Threat
- Threaten
- Thrill
- Thrive
- Throb
- Throttle
- Throw
- Thrum
- Thrust
- Thumb
- Thunder
- Thwart
- Tick
- Tickle
- Tide
- Tidy
- Tie
- Tighten
- Tile
- Tilt
- Timber
- Time
- Tinge
- Tinkle
- Tint
- Tip
- Tipple
- Tire
- Titillate
- Title
- Titter
- Toast
- Toboggan
- Toddle
- Tolerate
- Toll
- Tone
- Tool
- Top
- Topple
- Torment
- Torpedo
- Torture
- Toss
- Tot
- Total
- Totter
- Touch
- Toughen
- Tousle
- Tout
- Tow
- Toy
- Trace
- Track
- Trade
- Trail
- Train
- Trample
- Transcend
- Transfer
- Transfigure
- Transfix
- Transform
- Transfuse
- Transgress
- Translate
- Transmigrate
- Transmit
- Transmute
- Transpire
- Transplant
- Transport
- Transpose
- Trap
- Travel
- Travesty
- Treasure
- Treat
- Tremble
- Trench
- Trepan
- Trespass
- Triangulate
- Trick
- Trickle
- Trigger
- Trim
- Trip
- Triple
- Triumph
- Trot
- Trouble
- Trump
- Trumpet
- Truncate
- Truss
- Trust
- Trustee
- Try
- Tube
- Tuck
- Tumble
- Tumefy
- Tun
- Tune
- Turf
- Turn
- Tutor
- Tweak
- Twinkle
- Twist
- Twitch
- Type
- Tyrannize
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with T
Did you feel excited while reading the article? I am confident that you surely did. Even if you learned one new verb beginning with T from each category, it is a win for me. Learning these verbs and keeping them in mind will surely help you with your English skills as well as your vocabulary. Keep this article close to you so that you can get access to verbs starting with T whenever you want.
Keep reading as well as making an effort so that you can improve your English and impress everyone around you. This article with verbs that start with T will come in handy for that.
Ps. See also positive words that start with T, adjectives that start with T and nouns that start with T.