200 Adjectives That Start with W | List with Definitions and Examples

Do you want to learn some adjectives that start with W? I sorted out a list for you as well as definitions and examples. Adjectives starting with W are not so many as other alphabets. So just a little time needed and you can master them.
Let’s take a look at some examples for adjectives beginning with W.
- It’s a warm and comfortable room to live in.
- He’s a well-known scientist all over the world.
- There is a wide river in front of us.
We can see by adding descriptive words that start with W in sentence above, the nouns they describe are more vivid and easy to understand.
Scroll down to read a list of 200 adjectives that start with W that we use in daily communication.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with W – Full List (200 words)
To begin with, we have a single list of adjectives starting with W below for you. Check and see if you can add more W adjectives to it.
- Wacky
- Waggish
- Wagnerian
- Wailful
- Wailing
- Wainscoted
- Waiting
- Wakeful
- Wakeless
- Waking
- Walk-in
- Walking
- Walleyed
- Walloping
- Wan
- Wandering
- Waning
- Wanted
- Wanting
- Wanton
- Warlike
- Warm
- Warm-blooded
- Warmed
- Warmhearted
- Warming
- Warning
- Warped
- Warring
- Warriorlike
- Wartlike
- War-torn
- Warty
- Wary
- Washable
- Washingtonian
- Washy
- Waspish
- Waspy
- Waste
- Wasted
- Wasteful
- Watchful
- Waterborne
- Water-cooled
- Watercress
- Waterless
- Waterlogged
- Waterproof
- Waterproofed
- Watertight
- Waterworn
- Watery
- Wavelike
- Wavering
- Wavy
- Wax
- Waxen
- Waxlike
- Waxy
- Wayward
- Weak
- Weakened
- Weak-willed
- Wealthy
- Wearisome
- Weary
- Wee
- Weedy
- Week-long
- Weekly
- Weightless
- Weighty
- Weird
- Welcoming
- Well
- Well-adjusted
- Well-argued
- Well-aware
- Well-balanced
- Well-behaved
- Well-built
- Well-conceived
- Well-considered
- Well-crafted
- Well-deserved
- Well-developed
- Well-documented
- Well-done
- Well-dressed
- Well-educated
- Well-endowed
- Well-equipped
- Well-established
- Well-founded
- Well-groomed
- Well-heeled
- Well-honed
- Well-informed
- Well-intentioned
- Well-kempt
- Well-known
- Well-liked
- Well-lit
- Well-made
- Well-maintained
- Well-mannered
- Well-meaning
- Well-off
- Well-placed
- Well-planned
- Well-prepared
- Well-qualified
- Well-read
- Well-received
- Well-rounded
- Well-spoken
- Well-suited
- Well-traveled
- Well-used
- Well-versed
- Well-worn
- Well-written
- West
- Western
- Wet
- Wheezing
- Whimpering
- Whimsical
- Whining
- Whispering
- Whistling
- White
- Whole
- Wholehearted
- Wholesale
- Wholesome
- Whooping
- Whopping
- Wicked
- Wide
- Wide-eyed
- Wide-ranging
- Widespread
- Wiggly
- Wild
- Willful
- Willing
- Wily
- Windy
- Winning
- Winsome
- Winter
- Wintery
- Wiry
- Wise
- Wishful
- Wispy
- Wistful
- Withering
- Witless
- Witty
- Wizardly
- Wobbly
- Woeful
- Wolfish
- Wonderful
- Wondrous
- Wonted
- Woolen
- Woozy
- Wordless
- Wordy
- Work
- Workable
- Working
- Work-oriented
- Worldly
- Worn
- Worn-down
- Worn-out
- Worried
- Worrisome
- Worrying
- Worse
- Worshipful
- Worst
- Worth
- Worthless
- Worthwhile
- Worthy
- Wounding
- Wrathful
- Wriggling
- Wriggly
- Wrinkled
- Wrinkly
- Wrong
- Wrongful
- Wry
Adjectives That Start with W – with Definitions and Examples
List of single adjectives sometimes may not be enough for you. So we complied definitions and examples for these adjectives beginning with W as well.
- Wacky
Definition: unusual in a pleasing and exciting or silly way
Example: The book contains some weird and wacky ideas for teaching kids about science.
- Waggish
Definition: using or expressing humour in a clever way
Example: The Beatless also appeared in two wildly successful and waggish films directed by Richard Lester.
- Wagnerian
Definition: similar to Wagner’s work, for example because of being very dramatic
Example: The song has an almost Wagnerian intensity.
- Wailful
Definition: sorrowful
Example: The widow’s wailful cries echoed throughout the church as her husband’s casket was revealed.
- Wailing
Definition: making a prolonged high-pitched sound
Example: Somewhere below in the busy street he heard the wailing note of a police siren.
- Waiting
Definition: of or for a wait
Example: A woman with an open white coat appeared in the waiting room.
- Wakeful
Definition: not able to sleep, or used to describe a period of time when you are not able to sleep
Example: We spent a wakeful night worrying about where he was.
- Wakeless
Definition: sound; deep
Example: He lay in wakeless sleep.
- Waking
Definition: used to refer to a period of time or an experience during which you are awake
Example: Children are in school for 15 percent of their waking life between birth and the age of 16.
- Walk-in
Definition: used to refer to a place that you can go without an appointment
Example: It’s a walk-in dental clinic.
- Walking
Definition: (of a person) considered to possess the qualities of something inanimate as specified
Example: He is a walking encyclopedia.
- Walleyed
Definition: marked by excited or agitated staring of the eyes, as in fear, rage, frenzy, or the like
example: He stood there in walleyed astonishment.
- Walloping
Definition: very big or great
Example: He cut me a walloping slice of cake.
- Wan
Definition: (of a person) lacking enthusiasm or energy
Example: He gave a wan smile.
- Wandering
Definition: used to describe people who travel around rather than staying in one place
Example: She did pick up a handwoven tote bag and lock the door in case of wandering tourists.
- Waning
Definition: (of the moon) showing a gradually decreasing portion of illuminated surface, between full moon and new moon
Example: The sky was silvered by a waning moon.
- Wanted
Definition: being searched for by the police because of a crime
Example: He’s a wanted man.
- Wanton
Definition: causing harm or acting without showing care for others, often intentionally
Example: He displayed a wanton disregard for the facts.
- Warlike
Definition: often involved in and eager to start wars
Example: It has often been said, perhaps unfairly, that they are a warlike nation.
- Warm
Definition: friendly and loving
Example: They’re a very warm family.
- Warm-blooded
Definition: (of birds and mammals) having a constant body temperature, usually higher than the temperature of the surroundings
Example: Warm-blooded animals, by contrast, are able to keep their body temperature constant by burning calories.
- Warmed
Definition: less cold
Example: Add a little of the warmed milk and allow to froth a little.
- Warm-hearted
Definition: kind and loving
Example: She’s a good, warm-hearted woman.
- Warming
Definition: (of food or drinks) makes you feel warm
Example: Have a nice warming bowl of soup.
- Warning
Definition: used to show that there might be danger or a problem in the future
Example: Regulators were accused of ignoring the warming signs that led to the bank’s collapse.
- Warped
Definition: strange and unpleasant
Example: In their warped minds I was to blame for my own victimization.
- Warring
Definition: (of groups) disagree and agree strongly with each other
Example: The party, he said, had disintegrated into warring factions.
- War-torn
Definition: severely damaged by a long war, especially between different groups from the same country
Example: It is a long-term task to rebuild the infrastructure of a war-torn country such as Angola.
- Warty
Definition: having warts; covered with or as with warts
Example: She has suddenly ballooned out to about 18 stone and has developed a strange warty rash all over her big fat face.
- Wary
Definition: watchful; being on one’s guard against danger
Example: The rescuers has been forced to keep a wary eye out for further avalanches cascading down on them.
- Washable
Definition: capable of being washed without shrinking, fading or the like
Example: The catering on the warped has switched to use washable dishes, and silverware.
- Washingtonian
Definition: belonging or relating to the US state of Washington or its people
Example: We live in the Washingtonian city of Prosser.
- Washy
Definition: weak in color; pale
Example: Modern beer is thin washy stuff that ploughmen would have called small beer.
- Waspish
Definition: readily expressing anger or irritation
Example: He had a waspish tongue.
- Waspy
Definition: relating to or typical of a WASP (=White Angelo-Saxon Protestant)
Example: She enjoys a series of suitably waspy pursuits such as golf and bridge.
- Waste
Definition: (of a land) especially in or near a city, which is not used or looked after by anyone, and so is covered by wild plants and rubbish
Example: There was a patch of waste land behind the church.
- Wasted
Definition: very thin and weak as a result of being ill or having no food
Example: Underneath the hospital blankets I could see the outline of her poor wasted body.
- Wasteful
Definition: not being careful about the number of resources used for something
Example: Top business advisers have been brought in to identify areas of wasteful government spending.
- Watchful
Definition: watching someone or something closely; alert and vigilant
Example: They attended dances under the watchful eye of their father.
- Waterborne
Definition: conveyed by, travelling on, or involving travel or transport on water
Example: Troops were deployed by waterborne craft.
- Water-cooled
Definition: kept from overheating by having water circulated around or through it, as in pipes or a water jacket
Example: The higher wattage lasers featured in most research-oriented instruments create more heat and require a more expensive water-cooled system.
- Waterless
Definition: lacking or destitute of water: dry
Example: It runs high above a wild boulder-strewn almost waterless gill.
- Waterlogged
Definition: (of land) full of water and almost covered by a layer of it
Example: The game was canceled because of a waterlogged pitch.
- Waterproof
Definition: not allowing water to go through
Example: Canvas boots are all right but they’re not as waterproof as leather.
- Waterproofed
Definition: treated so as to be waterproof
Example: Waterproofed fabric pants are more expensive than plastic pants.
- Watertight
Definition: (of a theory, plan, or agreement) formed very carefully in every detail so that nothing is certain or in doubt
Example: This book is designed to be provocative rather than a watertight piece of economic analysis.
- Waterworn
Definition: worn by the action of water; smoothed by the force or movement of water
Example: She was calm as a waterworn stone which contemplated, calms.
- Watery
Definition: pale or weak in color or strength
Example: The sun sheds its thin watery light over the sea.
- Wavelike
Definition: having some properties and characteristics of a wave, used specially in physics of a particle
Example: Dolphin kick your legs — this kick involves keeping the feet together and moving the legs in a wavelike, undulating motion.
- Wavering
Definition: losing strength, determination, or purpose, especially temporarily
Example: He spoke in a wavering voice, as if he were not sure of his ground.
- Wavy
Definition: having a series of curves
Example: Sarah has wavy blond hair.
- Waxed
Definition: (of a part of your body) the hair removed by covering it in a thin layer of wax that is then pulled off
Example: Her designer luggage was heaped around her freshly waxed legs.
- Waxen
Definition: having a smooth, pale, translucent surface or appearance like that of wax
Example: His pale waxen face was still freckled and his eyes were rolled back.
- Waxy
Definition: having the appearance of or feeling like wax
Example: He had a waxy complexion and looked ill.
- Wayward
Definition: not behaving or moving as expected
Example: He was a wayward kid.
- Weak
Definition: too low or not powerful enough to be successful or effective
Example: Investors are already hesitant to commit because of the company’s weak performance.
- Weekend
Definition: of, for, or on a weekend
Example: He is taking several weekend courses.
- Weak-willed
Definition: lacking strength of will
Example: He is a spoilt, weak-willed man with too much money and not enough sense.
- Wealthy
Definition: rich
Example: He’s a very wealthy country.
- Wearisome
Definition: causing to feel tired or bored
Example: They have schedules and inventories that tell them in wearisome detail what they should look for.
- Weary
Definition: very tired, especially after working hard for a long time
Example: Here, sit down and rest your weary legs.
- Wee
Definition: very small; little
Example: They can’t party till the wee hours and sack out till noon.
- Weedy
Definition: weak and not exciting or interesting
Example: The story had a rather weedy plot.
- Weeklong
Definition: lasting one week
Example: They open weeklong talks in New Zealand on Tuesday, aimed at reaching a settlement.
- Weekly
Definition: happening once a week or every week
Example: She writes a weekly fashion column for the Evening Standard.
- Weightless
Definition: having or appearing to have no weight
Example: There is a lot of interest in carrying out experiments in the weightless conditions which are experienced aboard space stations.
- Weighty
Definition: important and serious
Example: They discussed weight topics like arms control, the Middle East, and the federal budget deficit.
- Weird
Definition: very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural
Example: He was sitting alone by a window with a weird contraption on the table in front of him.
- Welcoming
Definition: friendly or making you feel welcome
Example: She gave everyone a welcoming smile.
- Well
Definition: healthy; not ill
Example: He hasn’t been very well lately.
- Well-adjusted
Definition: (of a person) mentally and emotionally stable
Example: A well-adjusted, happy child is less likely to be physically ill.
- Well-argued
Definition: described or asked for in an effective and intelligent way
Example: She presented a well-argued case for banning smoking in public places.
- Well-aware
Definition: having knowledge or awareness
Example: Yes, I’m well-aware of this section.
- Well-balanced
Definition: having the right amounts of all the different parts that make up something
Example: It’s important to give your kids healthy well-balanced meals, including all the food groups.
- Well-behaved
Definition: behaving well; conducting oneself properly; displaying good manners
Example: There would have been room for lots of well-behaved animals on the lower floor.
- Well-built
Definition: having a good, strong construction
Example: Therefore, you will not get a well-built structure by using them.
- Well-conceived
Definition: skillfully or properly devised, through out, or brought into existence
Example: TT Family Tree Research has several well-conceived chart designs, one of which is an “hourglass chart” or combination diagram.
- Well-considered
Definition: having been thought about carefully
Example: you can see this is a serious ang well-considered award.
- Well-crafted
Definition: skillfully constructed
Example: Monsters do not adorn themselves with well-crafted jewellery.
- Well-deserved
Definition: that someone completely deserves to have because of the way they have behaved or the qualities they have
Example: I’m taking a well-deserved break after a very busy week.
- Well-developed
Definition: highly or fully development
Example: The area has a well-developed rail system that is not used enough.
- Well-documented
Definition: widely recorded or recounted a well-documented fact
Example: The small miracle is how beautifully these well-documented facts have been turned into meaningful fiction.
- Well-done
Definition: thoroughly cooked, esp. until all redness is gone
Example: Well-done steak will be very firm to the touch.
- Well-dressed
Definition: wearing smart or elegant clothes
Example: A well-dressed man was busily taking photographs and making notes.
- Well-educated
Definition: having had a good education
Example: The importance to our future of a well-educated population cannot be overlooked.
- Well-endowed
Definition: (of a man) having a large penis
Example: The cast is all female apart from a couple of well-endowed chaps.
- Well-equipped
Definition: having sufficient equipment, supplies, or abilities
Example: She had already spent an hour working put in the well-equipped gym first thing that morning.
- Well-established
Definition: something that has been in existence for quite a long time and is successful
Example: The University has a well-established tradition of welcoming postgraduate students from overseas.
- Well-founded
Definition: based on facts
Example: He had to show that he had a well-founded fear of persecution on religious or political grounds.
- Well-groomed
Definition: (especially of a person) clean, tidy, and smart
Example: He is the sort of well-groomed man you expect to inhabit an executive-size corporate office.
- Well-heeled
Definition: wealthy
Example: The village has become a summer retreat for well-heeled city dwellers.
- Well-informed
Definition: having or showing much knowledge about a wide range of subjects, or about one particular subject
Example: This is a subject for serious, well-informed discussion, not tabloid headlines.
- Well-intentioned
Definition: wanting to have good effects, but sometimes having bad effects that were not expected
Example: Well-intentioned development projects can have unintended negative effects on population control.
- Well-kempt
Definition: neatly kept
Example: A well-kempt garden is the toad’s worst enemy.
- Well-known
Definition: known or recognized by many people
Example: She’s a well-known artist.
- Well-liked
Definition: liked by many people; popular
Example: He was well-liked and respected and had no enemies or business rivals.
- Well-made
Definition: made to a good or high standard
Example: She maintained that well-made shoes must fit comfortably.
- Well-maintained
Definition: kept in good order or condition
Example: She moved cautiously through the well-maintained orchard, back to the tree marked by the rocks.
- Well-mannered
Definition: behaving in a pleasant and polite way
Example: They were quiet, well-mannered children.
- Well-meaning
Definition: (of a person or their actions) intend to be helpful or kind but are unsuccessful or cause problems
Example: Even well-meaning attempts at conversation can bring problems.
- Well-off
Definition: used to describe a place where rich people live
Example: He grew up in a well-off district of Houston.
- Well-placed
Definition: cleverly or judiciously positioned or deployed
Example: I obtained the information through well-placed questions.
- Well-planned
Definition: (of an event, project, etc) suitably devised or drafted in advance to ensure success
Example: It has been a well-planned attack.
- Well-prepared
Definition: suitably prepared in advance
Example: They were planted in well-prepared soil.
- Well-qualified
Definition: having the necessary qualifications, expertise, or experience for a particular job or task
Example: There was a shortage of well-qualified academic staff.
- Well-read
Definition: having read widely and intelligently; erudite
Example: They were mostly old, tattered, and evidently well-read paperbacks.
- Well-received
Definition: having been greeted or reviewed with approval
Example: He has written three well-received books.
- Well-rounded
Definition: (of a person) having a personality that is fully developed in all aspects
Example: The ability to master a variety of skills is important to any well-rounded person.
- Well-spoken
Definition: having a pleasant and polite way of speaking that is considered socially acceptable
Example: The young man was well-spoken and polite.
- Well-suited
Definition: (of two people) likely to have a successful relationship
Example: Morris Goldsworth came out of the central room accompanied by a well-suited, ponderous young man in his twenties, marking his catalogue.
- Well-travelled
Definition: (of a person) having been to many different places, especially to many different countries
Example: She was a capable, responsible, well-travelled woman.
- Well-used
Definition: used or employed often or for a long time; well-worn
Example: They sat in well-used kitchens, often with enchanting views of the body.
- Well-versed
Definition: highly experienced, practiced, or skilled; very knowledgeable
Example: He is a well-versed scholar on the subject of biblical literature.
- Well-worn
Definition: used very often or too often
Example: Ecology can be written about without relying on well-worn examples such as tropical rain forests.
- Well-written
Definition: composed in a competent, and often entertaining, style
Example: This was a well-written script.
- West
Definition: of or denoting the western part of a specified area, city, or country or its inhabitants
Example: Mark has been working in West Africa for about six months.
- Western
Definition: in or from the west of a place
Example: The Rockies are a mountain range in the western USA.
- Wet
Definition: used to describe weather or period of time when rain falls
Example: We’ve had wet weather all week.
- Wheezing
Definition: breathing with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest
Example: Hal tried to chuckle, but his voice came out like a wheezing grumble.
- Whimpering
Definition: making a series of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or unhappiness
Example: A whimpering gasp escaped her lips.
- Whimsical
Definition: unusual and strange in a way that might be funny or annoying
Example: Despite his kindly, sometimes whimsical air, he was a shrewd observer of people.
- Whining
Definition: producing or emitting a prolonged, high-pitched sound; producing a whine
Example: A coil of steel spins through a whining mass of machinery the size of a small two-story house.
- Whispering
Definition: (of a voice) low and soft
Example: In her head she’d heard a whispering voice.
- White
Definition: belonging to the group of people with skin that is pale in colour, who come from or whose family originally came from Europe
Example: He had a black mother and a white father.
- Whole
Definition: all of; entire
Example: He spent the whole day walking.
- Wholehearted
Definition: showing or characterized by complete sincerity and commitment
Example: You have my wholehearted support.
- Wholesale
Definition: relating to the activity of selling goods or services to store, other businesses, etc. rather than to the public
Example: Producer prices are a gauge of costs at the wholesale level.
- Wholesome
Definition: good for you or likely to improve your life either physically, morally, or emotionally
Example: He looks like a nice, wholesome young man.
- Whopping
Definition: extremely large
Example: She had a whooping great bruise on her arm.
- Wicked
Definition: morally wrong and bad
Example: Of course, in the end, the wicked witch gets killed.
- Wide
Definition: used to describe something that includes a large amount or many different types of thing, or that covers a large range or area
Example: They sell a wide range of skin-care products.
- Wide-eyed
Definition: too willing to believe and admire what you see or are bold
Example: At that time, I was still a wide-eyed youngster.
- Wide-ranging
Definition: dealing with, including or affecting a great many different things
Example: The newspaper had carried out a wide-ranging survey giving unique insight into the minds of the public today.
- Widespread
Definition: found or distribute over a large or number of people
Example: There was widespread support for the war.
- Wiggly
Definition: the wiggles; wiggling
Example: She decided they were wiggly, little monkeys, who had not been taught to mind their manners.
- Wild
Definition: uncontrolled, violent, or extreme
Example: They get some wild weather in the north.
- Willful
Definition: (of something bad) done intentionally or (of a person) determination to do exactly as you want, even if you know if is wrong
Example: I thing he showed a willful disregard for safety.
- Willing
Definition: used to describe someone who does something fairly enthusiastically and because they want to do it rather than because they are forced to do it
Example: Have the party on Saturday, when you can get your partner and other willing adults to help.
- Wily
Definition: (of someone or their behaviour) clever at achieving what they want, especially by tricking people
Example: His appointment as prime minister owed much to the wily manoeuvring of the President.
- Windy
Definition: with a lot of wind
Example: It was a windy night.
- Winning
Definition: that has won something
Example: It’s nice to be on the winning side for a change.
- Winsome
Definition: attractive and pleasing, with simple qualities, sometimes like those a child has
Example: Maria brought along her eldest daughter – a winsome girl with brown eyes and a ready smile.
- Winter
Definition: of, relating to, or suitable for winter
Example: Students’ winter vacation is coming.
- Wintry
Definition: typical of winter
Example: It looks like this wintry weather is here to stay.
- Wiry
Definition: (of a person) lean, tough, and sinewy
Example: Bernadette was a small, wiry woman.
- Wise
Definition: having or showing the ability to make good judgments, based on a deep understanding and experience of life
Example: I think you made a wise choice.
- Wishful
Definition: having or expressing a desire or hope for something to happen
Example: I had heard the same wishful tone over the phone.
- Wispy
Definition: (of hair, threads, smoke, etc.) fine; feathery
Example: The sky was blue with a few wispy clouds.
- Wistful
Definition: sad and thinking about something that is impossible or past
Example: She cast a wistful glance at the bridal gowns in the window.
- Withering
Definition: severely and extremely critical
Example: He made a withering attack on government policy.
- Witless
Definition: stupid or showing no intelligence
Example: In the book, Anna is forced to take care of her witless cousin.
- Witty
Definition: using words in a clever and funny way
Example: He was witty and very charming.
- Wizardly
Definition: possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers
Example: Today was a wizardly day for me!
- Wobbly
Definition: tending to move unsteadily from side to side
Example: The car had a wobbly wheel.
- Woeful
Definition: very bad; deplorable
Example: The remark was enough to establish his woeful ignorance about the theatre.
- Wolfish
Definition: like a wolf or like something that belongs to a wolf
Example: Wolfish dogs drew our sleds over the ice.
- Wonderful
Definition: extremely good
Example: We had a wonderful time in Italy last summer.
- Wondrous
Definition: extremely and surprisingly good
Example: Our new improved moisturizer has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin.
- Wonted
Definition: habitual; usual
Example: He replied sharply, and without his wonted courtesy.
- Woolen
Definition: of, relating to or made of wool
Example: The man continued to smile; hands thrust deep into the pockets of his baggy woolen trousers.
- Woozy
Definition: stupidly confused; muddled
Example: This rich, woozy love song from upcoming album Blood is sublime.
- Wordless
Definition: with any words
Example: We sat in wordless contemplation of the view.
- Wordy
Definition: using, inclined to use, or containing an excess of words
Example: His speech is full of wordy rhetoric.
- Workable
Definition: able to be worked, fashioned, or manipulated
Example: More flour and salt can be added until they make a workable dough.
- Working
Definition: having work
Example: These tax changes will affect 90 percent of the working population.
- Worldly
Definition: relating to or consisting of physical things and ordinary life rather than spiritual things
Example: Her worldly success can hardly be denied.
- Worn
Definition: damaged because of continuous use
Example: His clothes were dirty and worn.
- Worn-out
Definition: no longer usable because of too much use
Example: The city is looking for a place to dump its worn-out equipment.
- Worried
Definition: unhappy because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen
Example: She was sitting behind her desk with a worried expression on her face.
- Worrisome
Definition: causing anxiety or concern
Example: The innkeeper ready to drop, but no end relieved to have her own most worrisome mystery solved.
- Worrying
Definition: making you feel unhappy and frightened
Example: It’s a very worrying situation.
- Worshipful
Definition: feeling or showing reverence and adoration
Example: Her voice was full of worshipful admiration.
- Worst
Definition: of the lowest quality, or the most unpleasant, difficult, or severe
Example: That was the worst meal I’ve ever eaten.
- Worth
Definition: important or useful enough to have or do
Example: I don’t think it’s worth talking about any more.
- Worthless
Definition: (of a person) having no good qualities; deserving contempt
Example: Joan had been deserted by a worthless husband.
- Worthwhile
Definition: worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance
Example: Extra lighting would make a worthwhile contribution to road safety.
- Worthy
Definition: deserving respect, admiration, or support
Example: Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause.
- Wounded
Definition: inflicted with a wound; injured
Example: She kicked out her wounded leg.
- Wrathful
Definition: very angry, or often feeling strong anger
Example: His hero-worship turns into wrathful jealousy.
- Wriggling
Definition: to twist your body, or move part of your body, with small quick movements
Example: Xander smile, enjoying the sensation of her wriggling body beneath him.
- Wrinkled
Definition: (especially of fabric or the skin) having wrinkles or slight folds
Example: you just cannot look neat with wrinkled clothes.
- Wrinkly
Definition: having wrinkles or tending to wrinkles; creased; puckery
Example: The row sparked a rift between the wrinkly rockers.
- Wrong
Definition: not suitable or correct, or not as it should be
Example: She’s the wrong person for this job.
- Wrongful
Definition: (of an act) not fair, just, or legal
Example: He is suing the police for wrongful arrest.
- Wry
Definition: using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humour
Example: Matthew allowed himself a wry smile.
Positive Adjectives That Start with W to Describe a Person
Everyone is born with unique attributes. So we have to use different adjectives to appreciate them. And adjectives that start with W to describe a person will be a big help in this regard.
1. Warm
Definition: a person who expresses or shows kindness, affection, care, and enthusiasm
Synonyms: friendly, hospitable
Example: He is a warm person.
2. Warrior-like
Definition: a person who resembles the bravery of warriors
Synonyms: valorous, courageous
Example: He is a warrior-like soldier.
3. Winnable
Definition: able to be won or achieved
Synonyms: achievable, attainable, feasible, obtainable
Example: Some of their stories may be better than others in terms of whether they are winnable in a courtroom or not.
4. Watchful
Definition: a person who always stays alert, vigilant and observes others closely
Synonyms: attentive, sharp
Example: He is watchful.
5. Worthy
Definition: someone who has the abilities or the qualities that merit recognition in a special manner
Synonyms: notable, celebrity
Example: She is a worthy woman.
6. Well
Definition: someone who has a deep level of health
Synonyms: recovered, vigorous
Example: They got well so the hospital discharged them.
7. Wholesome
Definition: someone or something that is suggestive of physical health
Synonyms: nourishing, sustaining
Example: He looks wholesome.
8. Willing
Definition: someone who is prepared to do something
Synonyms: ready, inclined
Example: She was willing to help me.
9. Wise
Definition: someone who has the capability of making good judgment and is experienced and knowledgeable
Synonyms: sage, canny
Example: She is a wase woman.
10. Wishful
Definition: someone who has strong hope or desire for something to happen
Synonyms: desired, aspiring
Example: I am wishful they hire me.
11. Wealthy
Definition: someone who has enough money, property, and other precious possessions
Synonyms: rich, well-to-do
Example: She was a wealthy woman.
12. Witty
Definition: something or someone who has fast and inventive verbal humor
Synonyms: amusing, entertaining
Example: Their witty remarks made us laugh.
13. Wakeful
Definition: something or someone who does not need sleep
Synonyms: restless, restive
Example: He is a wakeful man.
14. Wakeless
Definition: something or someone who is in deep sleep
Synonyms: dozing, catnap
Example: My baby is wakeless.
15. Wary
Definition: something or someone who is cautious about possible risks, problems, and dangers
Synonyms: alert, careful
Example: My child is wary of strangers.
Positive Adjectives That Start with W to Describe an Event
To speak English more confidently and fluently, learn some descriptive words that start with W first.
1. Workable
Definition: an event that is able to be fashioned, manipulated, or worked in a special manner
Synonyms: practicable, possible
Example: Moderate temperature is important for a workable environment.
2. Wonderful
Definition: an event that is inspiring admiration, delight, pleasure, and excitement
Synonyms: glorious, superb
Example: We had a wonderful time together.
3. Windy
Definition: an event or period of time that is exposed to strong winds
Synonyms: breezy, airy
Example: I like to walk on a windy beach.
4. Well-planned
Definition: (of an event, project, etc) suitably devised or drafted in advance to ensure success
Synonyms: well planned
Example: It was a well-planned conspiracy to disturb the law and order situation in the province.
Positive Adjectives That Start with W to Describe a Place
Below are some adjectives that start with the letter W that you can use to describe places.
1. Wavy
Definition: a place that is having an edge that smoothly curves in and out
Synonyms: curly, rippled
Example: The resort has a good view of the wavy sea.
2. Walloping
Definition: a place that is large and powerful
Synonyms: big, huge
Example: The Great Forest is a walloping woodland.
3. Wide
Definition: a place that is of more than the average width
Synonyms: broad, spacious
Example: The house has a wide lawn.
4. Whopping
Definition: a place that is very large.
Synonyms: enormous, huge
Example: This is a whopping plane.
5. Warped
Definition: a place that is weather-beaten or damaged by heat and dampness
Synonyms: bent, twisted, deformed
Example: They have a warped home in Louisiana.
6. Wainscoted
Definition: something or a place that is decorated with wooden paneling
Synonyms: embellished, beautified
Example: The whole place was wainscoted.
7. Warty
Definition: something or a place that is covered with warts
Synonyms: peeling, layering
Example: I like the warty rock wall.
8. Waterproof
Definition: something that is impervious to water
Synonyms: water-repellent, water-resistant
Example: The lights in my bedroom are waterproof.
9. Watertight
Definition: something that is closely sealed and will not allow the water to flow in
Synonyms: waterproof, damp proof
Example: All the windows of our house are watertight.
10. Weatherproof
Definition: something that resistant to the harsh elements of weather
Synonyms: weather-resistant, weather-repellent
Example: All the lights in my garden are weatherproof, this is why they work properly in rain.
11. Weather-resistant
Definition: something that remains unaffected by the harsh elements of weather like rain, snow, and sunshine
Synonyms: weatherproof, weather-repellent
Example: One must invest only in weather-resistant lawn equipment.
12. Weaponless
Definition: something that cannot inflict bodily harm or physical damage
Synonyms: unarmed, defenseless
Example: Nobody should go into a wild forest weaponless.
Positive Adjectives That Start with W to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Under this category, we bring you some adjectives with letter W. You can use them to describe emotions, feelings and personalities.
1. Waggish
Definition: A person who is humorous in a mischievous and playful way
Synonyms: joking, jolly, merry
Example: He is a waggish person, so it is no surprise everyone enjoys his company.
2. Washingtonian
Definition: A person who is the inhabitants of the capital of USA
Synonyms: Yankee
Example: He is Washingtonian so his dressing style is quite impressive.
3. Wavelike
Definition: something that resembles the waves or the tides of an ocean
Synonyms: wavy, curly, crinkled, rippled
Example: Her wavelike hair made her look very attractive.
Negative Adjectives That Start with W to Describe a Person
Have you considered adjectives to be positive or negative? Yes, they can carry positive or negative connotations. And below are some negative adjective words that start with W. So be careful where to use them.
1. Worried
Definition: a person who is being anxious, disturbed, and troubled by problems and difficulties of life
Synonyms: bothered, distressed, upset
Example: The teacher became worried after being asked a question she couldn’t answer.
2. Wrong
Definition: a person who incorrect by virtue
Synonyms: mistaken, inaccurate, inexact, untrue
Example: She was a very wrong person.
3. Whiney
Definition: a person who has a high-pitched, unpleasant and deep sound
Synonyms: nasal, coarse
Example: Nobody could tolerate his whiney screams.
4. Wild
Definition: a person who is lacking discipline and restraint, a person whose thoughts are not based on sound reasoning or probability
Synonyms: uncontrollable, stupid
Example: She is a wild woman.
5. Wicked
Definition: a person who is morally wrong and evil
Synonyms: sinful, unholy, corrupt
Example: His actions easily declare the fact that he is wicked.
6. Whacky
Definition: a person who is amusing and funny in a slightly peculiar and ridiculous manner
Synonyms: crazy, nonsensical, mad
Example: I watched a whacky movie this weekend.
7. Weak
Definition: a person who is unable to perform physically demanding work and lacks the energy and the strength to look after his health
Synonyms: sickly, dull, faint, feeble
Example: There are many weak people in the hospital.
8. Wailing
Definition: a person who is crying with anger, pain, and sorrow
Synonyms: weeping, howling, crying
Example: I was terrified when my neighbour was wailing for the whole night.
9. Worthless
Definition: a person who is useless and has no value
Synonyms: invaluable, cheap, meritless
Example: The promise of a wrong man is worthless.
10. Waxy
Definition: someone who is exceptionally bad-tempered
Synonyms: angry, furious
Example: She is a waxy lady.
11. Wandering
Definition: a person who is purposelessly and aimlessly moving from one place to the other
Synonyms: stroll, amber, ramble, roam
Example: He never does a permanent job because he cannot stop wandering.
Negative Adjectives That Start with W to Describe an Event
The common difficulty for English learners is to express them fluently. The obvious reason behind this is they don’t have enough words in mind. So basically you have memorize a lot, including describing words beginning with W.
1. Wearisome
Definition: something that causes fatigue and boredom
Synonyms: exhausting, stressful, challenging
Example: The timetable of our school is wearisome and burdensome.
2. Worrisome
Definition: something that causes anxiety and concern
Synonyms: alarming, taxing, daunting
Example: His problems are worrisome.
3. Wasteful
Definition: something that is carelessly spent in an extravagant and purposeless manner
Synonyms: lavish, reckless
Example: The late-night parties are a wasteful event for your time and money.
4. Waterborne
Definition: something that is transmitted or transported by water
Synonyms: diseases, infections
Example: Diarrhoea is a waterborne disease that is commonly spread during the summer seasons.
Negative Adjectives That Start with W to Describe a Place
To hone your English skill, acquiring some adjectives that start with W and using them properly can help a lot.
1. Washy
Definition: a place that has a faded look or appearance
Synonyms: bleached, faint
Example: All the umbrellas on our patio look washy.
2. Waterless
Definition: a place that is completely dry
Synonyms: unfresh, parched, withered, shriveled
Example: The weather has been very hot so the whole river is wattless.
3. Waterlogged
Definition: something or a place that is saturated with or full of water, a ship or boat which is in danger of sinking because of the presence of a lot of water on board
Synonyms: watery, moist
Example: Crops never grow on waterlogged land.
4. Warlike
Definition: something or a place that is disposed towards or threatening war
Synonyms: aggressive, bloodthirsty
Example: This village belongs to a warlike tribe.
5. Wan
Definition: something or a place that badly lacks brightness and intensity of light or a person who becomes colorless because of anxiety and stress
Synonyms: faded, pale
Example: I enjoy sitting and watching the wan light at the time of sunset.
6. Waterworn
Definition: something or a place that is eroded by the pressure of water
Synonyms: damaged, melted
Example: I could see numerous waterworn rocks at the bank of the river.
Negative Adjectives That Start with W to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Whenever you are looking for adjectives that start with W, make sure to come back to this article. I am sure you’ll find what you need.
1. Walleyed
Definition: the disorder of the eye in which a person cannot focus on an object without the imbalance of the eye
Synonyms: squint, strabismus
Example: I could see many walleyed people outside the optician’s clinic.
2. Wanton
Definition: a person who is cruel and violent in his deliberate actions, a person who cannot control his sexual desires and has many simultaneous sexual relationships, something which grows profusely
Synonyms: indecent, immodest, unchaste, shameless
Example: The bar was full of wanton people.
3. Wanted
Definition: a person who is sought by the police
Synonyms: criminal, accused
Example: This man is wanted by the police of 11 countries.
4. Waspish
Definition: a person who is readily expressing irritation and anger
Synonyms: irritable, short-tempered
Example: She is a waspish girl.
5. Warring
Definition: Two or more groups of people or individuals in conflict with each other
Synonyms: opposing, conflicting, clashing, fighting
Example: The two brothers were warring.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with W
The above-given list of adjectives that start with the letter W is helpful for students as well as adults to understand and learn the vocabulary of the English language comprehensively. Moreover, these are the words that we use almost daily in our communication and also in our formal letters. Examples are short and simple to help you get a deeper meaning of the word.
The more frequently you use them in daily life, the faster you’ll master them. So just keep learning and practicing these adjectives that start with W!
Ps. See also positive words that start with W, nouns that start with W and verbs that start with W.