How to Plan a Perfect Weekend Getaway

After two difficult years of living under different restrictions, the UK Government have now lifted all curbs on life imposed to help fight the spread of COVID-19.

While borders were closed, many of us discovered or rediscovered the joys of a staycation, and that trend now looks set to continue, alongside other pandemic-enforced living choices such as working from home for many.

If you’re planning a bigger holiday in the coming months, you may find yourself itching for some rest and relaxation in the meantime, and that is where a nice weekend away can work perfectly to recharge your batteries and tide you over until that big break.

Whether you go for a long weekend break or a whistle-stop one-nighter, here’s how to plan the perfect weekend getaway and get a great deal in the process.

Different kinds of weekend getaway

No matter what your interests are, there’s likely a weekend break that will be perfect for you!

  • City break: London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Cardiff – there are so many great cosmopolitan cities worth exploring up and down the UK. Whether you love urban architecture or want to take in a show, Britian’s cities have plenty to please.
  • Beach break: Because sometimes the sun does shine at home too! As an island nation, you’re never too far from the coast and if you’re a beach bum, there are many great surfing spots across the country – from Saltburn in the North-East to the famous Cornish coast in the South-West.
  • Hiking break: With National Parks in all four corners of the British Isles, there’s no shortage of spots to put on your boots and strike out in the great outdoors.

What to pack

If you’re venturing away for a weekend, it’s always an idea to pack as light as possible so that you can nip out and about as you please.

However, there is still plenty to think about even if you are only taking a small travel case.

  • Versatile clothing: A light coat to protect from rain showers (it is the UK after all!) is a must, as are different layers in case of walks in colder weather – whether you’re on a city break or taking in some countryside sights. Similarly, footwear that you can pound pavements and paths alike in will help you get the most out of your break.
  • Essential toiletries: Given you don’t have much time to explore your destination, make sure you have all your essentials with you so you do not need to waste time finding them from a shop when you arrive.
  • Maps and guides: Again, you want to maximise the time you have on your short break, so make sure you do your homework and look up a few activities before you go and pack some guides, or download maps to your mobile so that you don’t get lost.

Getting a good deal on your weekend getaway

If a weekend break is your aperitif before heading on a bigger holiday later in the year, it may be wise to keep an eye on your finances in order to make your other holiday truly memorable.

Travelling smart is a great way to do this. For example, a short journey like a train from Wakefield to Doncaster can open up more journeys across the country, while booking tickets in advance will also help you save.

When it comes to accommodation, looking for short-term rentals can offer big savings against hotels and Bed and Breakfast establishments. You might need to sort your own food in a morning, but that can all be part of the fun!

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