40 Verbs That Start with Y [with Definitions and Examples]

As you may know, there are only a few verbs that start with Y. The lack of verbs starting with Y is due to the fact that Y, as a consonant, does not have a distinct sound when it comes at the beginning of a consonant cluster especially when that consonant cluster is used at the start of a word. Hence, in English language, the list of verbs that start with Y is very short.
Y is the twenty-fifth letter in the English alphabet. It is sometimes considered a vowel. In words like year, yell, and yes, the Y is a consonant. In words like cry, fly, and sky, the Y is considered a vowel.
In British English, most of the verbs beginning with Y have become archaic and obsolete and are no longer in use these days. On the other hand, Scottish English has retained a lot of verbs that start with Y and are used a lot in their verbal communication. Some of the verbs given in this article have become obsolete in British English but are used in Scottish English and Australian English. Another interesting fact is that there are hardly any verbs that start with Y to describe a person, but instead, most of these verbs are onomatopoeic in nature and represent different human sounds. Now let’s go through categories of verbs starting with Y that have been arranged in the order of frequency of their usage.
Table of Contents
Verbs That Start with Y You Always Use
There are various verbs that you use in your day-to-day life, whether it is inwriting or speaking. These are some of the verbs that start with Y that you use regularly.
1. Yell
- Definition: to raise your voice and shout
- Synonyms: bawl, bellow, yowl
- Example: She yelled at her husband.
2. Yack
- Definition: to talk incessantly and tiresomely about trivial or boring subjects
- Synonyms: gab, jaw, yap
- Example: She wondered what he was yacking about.
3. Yelp
- Definition: to utter a short, sharp cry or bark
- Synonyms: yowl, hoot, yip
- Example: The puppies were yelping.
4. Yammer
- Definition: to talk continuously for a long time in a way that is annoying to other people
- Synonyms: babble, chatter, yap
- Example: She never stops yammering about that dog of hers.
5. Yawn
- Definition: to open your mouth widely and breathe in because you’re tired
- Synonyms: snooze, drowse, gape
- Example: I can’t stop yawning – I must be tired.
Verbs That Start with Y You Usually Use
Verbs are the building blocks of phrases, clauses and sentences; they are needed for the creation of a complete thought. The following is a list of verbs starting with Y that we usually use in our everyday lives.
1. Yak
- Definition: to talk for a long time about unimportant matters or without achieving anything
- Synonyms: babble, blather, chat
- Example: She was yakking away about her grandchildren.
2. Yank
- Definition: to pull something forcefully with a quick movement
- Synonyms: jerk, pluck, snatch
- Example: He turned the handle and yanked the door open.
3. Yap
- Definition: to make a sharp, shrill bark or yelp
- Synonyms: yelp, yip, woof
- Example: The dachshunds yapped at his heels.
4. Yellow
- Definition: to become yellow, often due to age
- Synonyms: blanch, tinge, age
- Example: The white stationery had yellowed with age.
5. Yowl
- Definition: to make a long, high, unhappy cry, usually when hurt or fighting
- Synonyms: bawl, bay, wail
- Example: I was woken up by cats yowling outside my window.
Verbs That Start with Y You Often Use
Verbs are an inseparable part of our everyday practice. We cannot even imagine speaking, writing or reading without these verbs. Following are some of verbs starting with Y that are often put to use.
1. Yip
- Definition: to emit a yelp
- Synonyms: bark, bay, growl
- Example: The winner yipped with glee.
2. Yandy
- Definition: To separate (grain or pieces of mineral) by shaking in a special shallow dish
- Synonyms: churn, segregate, shudder,
- Example: Micheal was yandying cereals in the kitchen.
3. Yarn
- Definition: to tell a long or implausible story
- Synonyms: babble, blather
- Example: They were yarning about local legends and superstitions.
4. Yaw
- Definition: to swerve off course momentarily
- Synonyms: deflect, deviate, stray
- Example: The ship yawed when the huge waves hit it.
5. Yark
- Definition: to talk rubbish
- Synonyms: slobber, dribble, jabber
- Example: Is it true you were yarking about Jill?
Verbs That Start with Y You Sometimes Use
In both our verbal and written communications, we use some verbs more than the others. These are some of the verbs beginning with Y that are not used on a regular basis in our daily life routine.
1. Yarm
- Definition: to utter a discordant cry
- Synonyms: whine, moan, whimper
- Example: A pack of coyotes was heard yammering at night.
2. Yead
- Definition: to proceed, move on, or pass away
- Synonyms: continue, advance, march
- Example: Come on, let’s yead.
3. Yoke
- Definition: to be associated or joined
- Synonyms: fasten, join, secure
- Example: Two oxen yoked to a plough walked wearily up and down the field.
4. Yard
- Definition: to gather together into a yard
- Synonyms: assemble, congregate, meet
- Example: The deer are yarding up in their winter grounds.
5. Yabber
- Definition: to talk or utter rapidly, indistinctly, incoherently, and nonsensically
- Synonyms: chatter, babble
- Example: What is he yabbering about?
Verbs That Start with Y You Occasionally Use
There are certain verbs that we only use in a specific situation to a specific person. These are some of the verb words that start with Y that are occasionally used in our writing and communication.
1. Yo-yo
- Definition: to move up and down; fluctuate
- Synonyms: oscillate, swing, fluctuate
- Example: Popularity polls yo-yo up and down with the flow of events.
2. Yaup
- Definition: to make a raucous noise
- Synonyms: squawk, clamor, complain
- Example: Don’t yaup over spilled milk; just clean it up.
3. Yawl
- Definition: to howl, weep, or scream harshly
- Synonyms: roar, ululate, wail
- Example: He was yawling for no apparent reason.
4. Yux
- Definition: to sob or hiccough
- Synonyms: whimper, wail, blubber
- Example: He yuxed and spoke through the nose.
5. Youl
- Definition: to yell
- Synonyms: shriek, squawk, scream
- Example: He was seen youling at the kids.
Verbs That Start with Y You Seldom Use
While going through a written piece or while listening to a person talking, you often come across verbs that you haven’t heard of a lot. Below is a list of verbs that start with the letter Y that are seldom used.
1. Yawp
- Definition: to shout or exclaim hoarsely
- Synonyms: grizzle, whine, yammer
- Example: The fans screeched, yawped, and pounded their palms.
2. Yean
- Definition: (of sheep) to give birth to a lamb
- Synonyms: born, appear, bud
- Example: The other day a lamb was yeaned.
3. Yarn-dye
- Definition: to dye before weaving or knitting
- Synonyms: stain, tint, color
- Example: All the fabrics were yarn-dyed last Saturday.
4. Yeast
- Definition: to ferment or froth
- Synonyms: brew, froth, churn
- Example: The mixture of flour and water was yeasted to form bread.
5. Yerk
- Definition: to strike sharply, especially with a stick or whip; thrash or flog
- Synonyms: whip, lash, spank
- Example: Nine, or ten times I had thought to have yerked him here under the ribs.
Verbs That Start with Y You Rarely Use
There are some verbs that are much complicated or just less common than the rest. That’s why there are some Y-verbs that are rarely used, and some of those are listed below.
1. Yeuk
- Definition: to itch, irritate the skin
- Synonyms: scratch, tingle
- Example: He was yeuking with some discomfort.
2. Yend
- Definition: to throw; to cast
- Synonyms: bung, chuck, hurl
- Example: The knight yended the sword far out into the lake.
3. Yock
- Definition: to laugh or joke, especially boisterously
- Synonyms: snicker, giggle, grin
- Example: He kept them yocking.
4. Yuk
- Definition: to joke or laugh exuberantly
- Synonyms: chaff, banter, gambol
- Example: The audience really yukked it up at the movie.
5. Yeve
- Definition: to grant, provide, or bestow.
- Synonyms: grant, donate, allot
- Example: Please yeve him some money to buy some food.
Positive Verbs That Start with Y
There are some positive verbs that both carry and spread positivity and also describe your skills, results, and accomplishments. These are some of the positive verbs that start with G that you should have at your disposal.
1. Yearn
- Definition: to desire something strongly
- Synonyms: crave, desire, hanker
- Example: Sometimes I just yearn to be with her.
2. Yodel
- Definition: to sing or call with abrupt alternating changes between a normal chest register and falsetto
- Synonyms: sing, carol, shout
- Example: They had learned how to drop into the lake, yodelling like Tarzan.
3. Yacht
- Definition: to cruise, race, sail or travel in a yacht
- Synonyms: boat, ship, canoe
- Example: He was yachting in high waters.
4. Yen
- Definition: to have a desire for something or someone who is not present
- Synonyms: ache, crave, desire
- Example: She was yenning for her lover.
5. Yield
- Definition: to produce or provide a natural, agricultural, or industrial product
- Synonyms: generate, provide, give
- Example: This year’s crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn.
Verbs That Start with Y – Full List (40 words)
- Yell
- Yack
- Yelp
- Yammer
- Yawn
- Yak
- Yank
- Yap
- Yellow
- Yowl
- Yip
- Yandy
- Yarn
- Yaw
- Yark
- Yarm
- Yead
- Yoke
- Yard
- Yabber
- Yo-yo
- Yaup
- Yawl
- Yux
- Youl
- Yawp
- Yean
- Yarn-dye
- Yeast
- Yerk
- Yeuk
- Yend
- Yock
- Yuk
- Yeve
- Yearn
- Yodel
- Yacht
- Yen
- Yield
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with Y
Thank you for avidly reading this article. It is hoped that you would have learnt something new about the use of verbs while reading this article. By now you would have known that verbs starting with Y are very rare. By inserting such verbs beginning with Y in the phrases, clauses and sentences you utter will bring you great success. Another benefit of using verbs starting with Y in your daily life routine is that not only will it make you stand apart from the rest but will also add completeness, compactness and denseness to your overall personality. In short, this article will undoubtedly help you improve your English skills and clear up any confusion you might have over the use of verbs beginning with Y in your writings and interactions.
Ps. See also positive words that start with Y, adjectives that start with Y and nouns that start with Y.