760 Adjectives That Start with M | List with Definitions and Examples

I’ll be sharing with you 760 adjectives that start with M in this article. As you may know, adjectives starting with M are plenty in English language and widely used in daily conversation.
So learning these descriptive words that start with M will definitely help a lot to improve your oral and writing skills.
Like other adjectives, adjectives beginning with M are used to customize and intensify nouns or pronouns.
- She is now a mature woman.
- They are looking for a missing child.
- Professor Lee gave the students a mind-blowing lecture yesterday.
- The mad woman drives me crazy.
- I’ll show you a magic trick.
As we can see, by using some adjectives that start with M in above sentences, the nouns they describe are clearer now.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with M – Full List (760 words)
Adjectives starting with M are quite plenty compared to other English letters and below you can find 760 such M adjectives, amazing? Let us dig into the full list of adjectives that start with M.
- Macabre
- Macaronic
- Macedonian
- Macerative
- Machiavellian
- Machinelike
- Macho
- Macrencephalic
- Macrencephalous
- Macro
- Macrobiotic
- Macrocephalic
- Macrocephalous
- Macromolecular
- Macroscopic
- Macroscopical
- Maculate
- Mad
- Madagascan
- Madcap
- Maddening
- Madly
- Magenta
- Maggoty
- Magic
- Magical
- Magisterial
- Magnanimous
- Magnetic
- Magnetised
- Magnificent
- Magniloquent
- Magyar
- Maiden
- Maidenlike
- Maidenly
- Main
- Mainstreamed
- Maintainable
- Majestic
- Major
- Majuscular
- Majuscule
- Makeshift
- Maladaptive
- Maladjusted
- Maladjustive
- Maladroit
- Malapropos
- Malawian
- Malay
- Malayan
- Malaysian
- Malcontent
- Male
- Maledict
- Malefic
- Maleficent
- Malevolent
- Malformed
- Malicious
- Malign
- Malignant
- Malleable
- Malnourished
- Malodorous
- Malodourous
- Malposed
- Malted
- Maltese
- Malthusian
- Mammalian
- Mammary
- Mammoth
- Manageable
- Managerial
- Manchurian
- Mancunian
- Mandaean
- Mandatory
- Mandean
- Mandibular
- Mandibulate
- Mandibulofacial
- Maneuverable
- Manful
- Mangey
- Mangy
- Maniac
- Maniacal
- Manic
- Manichaean
- Manichean
- Manichee
- Maniclike
- Manicured
- Manifest
- Manifold
- Manipulable
- Manipulative
- Manky
- Manlike
- Manly
- Man-made
- Mannered
- Mannerly
- Mannish
- Manoeuvrable
- Manorial
- Manque
- Mansard
- Mantic
- Mantled
- Manual
- Manx
- Many
- Maoist
- Maplelike
- Marauding
- Marbled
- Marbleised
- Marbleized
- Marginal
- Marian
- Marine
- Marital
- Maritime
- Marked
- Marketable
- Markovian
- Marly
- Marmoreal
- Marmorean
- Maroc
- Maroon
- Marooned
- Marred
- Marriageable
- Married
- Marshy
- Marsupial
- Martial
- Martian
- Marvellous
- Marvelous
- Marxist
- Masculine
- Masked
- Masochistic
- Masonic
- Masoretic
- Mass
- Massive
- Masted
- Master
- Mastered
- Masterful
- Masterless
- Masterly
- Mastoid
- Mastoidal
- Mat
- Matching
- Matchless
- Mateless
- Material
- Materialistic
- Maternal
- Maternalistic
- Matey
- Mathematical
- Matriarchal
- Matriarchic
- Matricentric
- Matrilineal
- Matrilinear
- Matrimonial
- Matronly
- Matted
- Maturational
- Mature
- Matured
- Maturing
- Matutinal
- Maudlin
- Mauritanian
- Mauritian
- Mauve
- Maverick
- Mawkish
- Maxi
- Maxillary
- Maximal
- Maximising
- Maximum
- Mayoral
- Mazed
- Mazy
- Meager
- Meagerly
- Meagre
- Mealy
- Mealymouthed
- Mean
- Meandering
- Meaner
- Meaning
- Meaningful
- Meaningless
- Meanspirited
- Measly
- Measurable
- Measured
- Measureless
- Meatless
- Meaty
- Mechanic
- Mechanical
- Mechanised
- Mechanistic
- Mecopterous
- Meddlesome
- Meddling
- Mediaeval
- Medial
- Median
- Mediate
- Mediated
- Mediatorial
- Mediatory
- Medical
- Medicinal
- Medicolegal
- Medieval
- Mediocre
- Meditative
- Mediterranean
- Medium
- Medium-size
- Medullary
- Medullated
- Medusoid
- Meek
- Megalithic
- Megaloblastic
- Megalomanic
- Megascopic
- Meiotic
- Melancholic
- Melancholy
- Melanesian
- Meliorative
- Mellifluous
- Mellisonant
- Mellow
- Mellowed
- Melodic
- Melodious
- Melodramatic
- Meltable
- Melted
- Melting
- Membered
- Memberless
- Membranous
- Memorable
- Menacing
- Mendacious
- Mendelian
- Mendicant
- Menial
- Meningeal
- Menopausal
- Mensal
- Menstrual
- Mensurable
- Mensural
- Mental
- Mentholated
- Mephitic
- Mercantile
- Mercenary
- Mercerized
- Merchantable
- Merciful
- Merciless
- Mercurial
- Mere
- Meretricious
- Meridian
- Meridional
- Meritable
- Merited
- Meritless
- Meritocratic
- Meritorious
- Merovingian
- Merry
- Mesenteric
- Meshuga
- Meshugga
- Meshugge
- Meshuggeneh
- Meshuggener
- Mesial
- Mesic
- Mesmeric
- Mesmerised
- Mesoamerican
- Mesoblastic
- Mesodermal
- Mesolithic
- Mesomorphic
- Mesonic
- Mesophytic
- Mesozoic
- Messianic
- Messier
- Messy
- Metabolic
- Metabolous
- Metacarpal
- Metacentric
- Metal
- Metallic
- Metallike
- Metalloid
- Metallurgical
- Metameric
- Metamorphic
- Metamorphous
- Metaphoric
- Metaphorical
- Metaphysical
- Metastable
- Metastatic
- Metatarsal
- Meteoric
- Meteoritic
- Meteoritical
- Methodical
- Methodist
- Methylated
- Meticulous
- Metric
- Metrical
- Metrological
- Metropolitan
- Mettlesome
- Mexican
- Miasmal
- Miasmic
- Micaceous
- Micro
- Microbial
- Microbic
- Microcephalic
- Micropylar
- Microscopic
- Microscopical
- Microsomal
- Microwaveable
- Middle
- Middlemost
- Middling
- Midget
- Midi
- Midland
- Midmost
- Midway
- Midweek
- Midweekly
- Midwestern
- Miffed
- Mighty
- Migrant
- Migratory
- Milanese
- Milch
- Mild
- Milder
- Mild-mannered
- Militant
- Militarised
- Militaristic
- Militarized
- Military
- Milkless
- Milklike
- Milky
- Millenarian
- Millenary
- Millennial
- Millennian
- Million
- Mimetic
- Mimic
- Mimicking
- Minacious
- Minatory
- Mincing
- Mind-bending
- Mind-blowing
- Mind-boggling
- Minded
- Mindful
- Mindless
- Mineral
- Mingy
- Mini
- Miniature
- Minimal
- Minimalist
- Minimum
- Miniscule
- Ministerial
- Ministrant
- Minoan
- Minor
- Mint
- Minty
- Minus
- Minuscular
- Minuscule
- Minute
- Miotic
- Miraculous
- Mired
- Mirky
- Mirrored
- Mirrorlike
- Mirthful
- Misanthropic
- Misbegot
- Misbegotten
- Misbranded
- Miscellaneous
- Mischievous
- Miscible
- Miscreant
- Miserable
- Miserly
- Misfortunate
- Misguided
- Mishnaic
- Mislabeled
- Misleading
- Mismatched
- Mismated
- Misogynic
- Misogynistic
- Misogynous
- Misplaced
- Misrelated
- Misshapen
- Missing
- Missional
- Missionary
- Mistakable
- Mistaken
- Mistrustful
- Mistrusting
- Misty
- Misunderstood
- Mithraic
- Mithraistic
- Mitigable
- Mitigative
- Mitigatory
- Mitotic
- Mitral
- Mixable
- Mixed
- Mnemonic
- Moaning
- Moated
- Mobbish
- Mobile
- Moblike
- Mock
- Mocking
- Mod
- Modal
- Model
- Modeled
- Moderate
- Moderating
- Moderato
- Modern
- Moderne
- Modernised
- Modest
- Modifiable
- Modified
- Modish
- Modular
- Modulated
- Mohammedan
- Moire
- Moist
- Molal
- Molar
- Molded
- Moldovan
- Moldy
- Molecular
- Molten
- Momentaneous
- Momentary
- Momentous
- Monacan
- Monandrous
- Monarchal
- Monarchic
- Monarchical
- Monastic
- Monastical
- Monatomic
- Monaural
- Monecious
- Monegasque
- Moneran
- Monestrous
- Monetary
- Moneyed
- Moneyless
- Moneymaking
- Mongol
- Mongolian
- Mongoloid
- Monied
- Monistic
- Monitory
- Monkish
- Mono
- Monoatomic
- Monocarpic
- Monochromatic
- Monochrome
- Monochromic
- Monochromous
- Monocled
- Monoclinal
- Monoclinic
- Monoclinous
- Monoclonal
- Monodic
- Monodical
- Monoecious
- Monoestrous
- Monogenic
- Monogynic
- Monogynous
- Monoicous
- Monolingual
- Monolithic
- Mononuclear
- Mononucleate
- Monophonic
- Monophysite
- Monophysitic
- Monoploid
- Monopolistic
- Monopteral
- Monosemous
- Monosyllabic
- Monotone
- Monotonic
- Monotonous
- Monotypic
- Monovalent
- Monovular
- Monozygotic
- Monstrous
- Montane
- Monthlong
- Monthly
- Monumental
- Moody
- Moonless
- Moonlike
- Moonlit
- Moonstruck
- Moony
- Moot
- Moraceous
- Moral
- Moralistic
- Moravian
- Morbid
- Morbific
- Morbilliform
- Mordacious
- Mordant
- More
- Moresque
- Morganatic
- Moribund
- Mormon
- Moroccan
- Moronic
- Morose
- Morphemic
- Mortal
- Mortified
- Mortuary
- Mosaic
- Moslem
- Mosstone
- Mossy
- Most
- Motherless
- Motherlike
- Motherly
- Mothproof
- Mothy
- Motile
- Motional
- Motionless
- Motivated
- Motivating
- Motivational
- Motivative
- Motive
- Motiveless
- Motley
- Motor
- Motored
- Motorial
- Motorised
- Motorized
- Motorless
- Mottled
- Mouldy
- Mountainous
- Mounted
- Mournful
- Mourning
- Mouselike
- Mousey
- Mousy
- Mouthless
- Mouthlike
- Mouthwatering
- Movable
- Moveable
- Moved
- Moving
- Mozambican
- Mozartean
- Mozartian
- Much
- Muciferous
- Mucilaginous
- Mucinoid
- Mucinous
- Mucky
- Mucocutaneous
- Mucoid
- Mucoidal
- Mucopurulent
- Mucosal
- Mucose
- Mucous
- Muddied
- Muddled
- Muddleheaded
- Muddy
- Muffled
- Muggy
- Muhammadan
- Mulish
- Mullioned
- Multicellular
- Multicolor
- Multicolored
- Multicolour
- Multicoloured
- Multicultural
- Multidimensional
- Multiethnic
- Multifaceted
- Multifactorial
- Multifarious
- Multiform
- Multilane
- Multilateral
- Multilevel
- Multilingual
- Multinational
- Multinomial
- Multinucleate
- Multiparous
- Multipartite
- Multiphase
- Multiple
- Multiplex
- Multipotent
- Multipurpose
- Multiracial
- Multistorey
- Multistoried
- Multistory
- Multitudinous
- Multivalent
- Multivariate
- Mumbled
- Mundane
- Municipal
- Munificent
- Mural
- Murderous
- Murine
- Murkier
- Murky
- Murmurous
- Muscovite
- Muscular
- Mushy
- Musical
- Musky
- Muslim
- Mussy
- Mustachioed
- Musty
- Mutable
- Mutafacient
- Mutagenic
- Mutant
- Mutational
- Mutative
- Mute
- Muted
- Mutinous
- Muttering
- Mutual
- Mutualist
- Muzzy
- Myalgic
- Mycenaean
- Myelic
- Myelinated
- Myelinic
- Myeloid
- Myocardial
- Myoid
- Myopathic
- Myopic
- Myotic
- Myotonic
- Myriad
- Mysophobic
- Mysterious
- Mystic
- Mystical
- Mystified
- Mystifying
- Mythic
- Mythical
- Mythologic
Adjectives That Start with M – with Definitions and Examples
To provide more convenience, we complied definitions and examples below for adjectives beginning with M. Happy learning!
- Macabre
Definition: used to describe something that is very strange and unpleasant because it is connected with death or violence
Example: Even the police were horrified at the macabre nature of the killings.
- Macaronic
Definition: composed of a mixture of languages
Example: These publications formed an encyclopedia of information on macaronic literature.
- Machiavellian
Definition: cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics
Example: Machiavellian republicans plotting to destabilise the throne.
- Machinelike
Definition: resembling or characteristic of a machine
Example: The place was set on fire with help of machinelike bicycle pumps with which many of the soldiers were furnished.
- Macho
Definition: used to describe men who are very conscious and proud of their masculinity
Example: He was an extremely macho man.
- Macro
Definition: relating to macrophotography
Example: Your lens has a macro setting for shooting big close-ups.
- Macrobiotic
Definition: consisting of or relating to a diet of organic wholefoods which is based on Buddhist principles of the balance of yin and yang
Example: A macrobiotic diet consists mainly of whole grains and certain kinds of vegetables.
- Mad
Definition: mentally ill, or unable to behave in a reasonable way
Example: He started attacking his brother like a mad thing.
- Madcap
Definition: silly and often amusing
Example: The madcap antics of the clowns made us laugh.
- Maddening
Definition: extremely annoying
Example: She put the coins back with maddening slowness.
- Magenta
Definition: having a reddish-purple colour
Example: This bold, handsome plant produces big clumps covered in magenta flowers.
- Maggoty
Definition: infested as maggots, as food
Example: The men lived in draughty cells, on a diet of maggoty rice and vegetables.
- Magic
Definition: the skill of performing tricks to entertain people, such as making things appear and disappear and pretending to cut someone in half
Example: The magic show had a lot of audience participation, with people shouting things to the performers and going up on stage.
- Magical
Definition: produced by or using magic
Example: Diamonds were once thought to have magical powers.
- Magisterial
Definition: having or showing great authority
Example: When my magisterial mother-in-law came over to our house, she insisted that I raised my children exactly how she wanted me to.
- Magnanimous
Definition: generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person
Example: Sumner’s last years were further saddened by the misconstruction put upon one of his most magnanimous acts.
- Magnetic
Definition: exhibiting or relating to magnetism
Example: The clock has a magnetic back to stick to the fridge.
- Magnificent
Definition: very good; excellent
Example: She paid tribute to their magnificent efforts.
- Maiden
Definition: being the first of its types
Example: The first hydrogen-powered airplane will make its maiden flight this year.
- Main
Definition: large, more important, or having more influence than others of the same type
Example: The main problem is a lack of resources.
- Majestic
Definition: beautiful, powerful, or causing great admiration and respect
Example: The majestic Montana scenery will leave you breathless.
- Major
Definition: important, serious, or significant
Example: The use of drugs is a major problem.
- Makeshift
Definition: temporary and of low quality, but used because of a sudden need
Example: Thousands of refugees are living in makeshift camps.
- Maladaptive
Definition: of, pertaining to, or characterized by maladaptation
Example: The maladaptive behavior of isolated children was difficult to change.
- Malay
Definition: of or relating to the Malays or their language
Example: The Vietnamese people are of mixed Malay and Chinese stock and have a history of foreign influences.
- Malaysian
Definition: relating to Malaysia or its people
Example: I often eat at Malaysian restaurants.
- Malcontent
Definition: dissatisfied and complaining or rebellious
Example: The malcontent generals saw their role as leaders of this counter-revolution.
- Male
Definition: used to refer to men or boys, or the sex that fertilizes eggs and does not produce babies or eggs itself
Example: The male parts of the flower are the stamens and the anthers.
- Malefic
Definition: causing harm or destruction, especially by supernatural means
Example: She was hypnotized by the spider’s malefic eyes.
- Maleficent
Definition: bad or harmful
Example: He denied any maleficent intent.
- Malevolent
Definition: causing or wanting to cause harm or evil
Example: I could feel his malevolent gaze as I walked away.
- Malformed
Definition: (used especially of part of the body) wrongly formed
Example: There are genetic defects which can cause malformed teeth.
- Malicious
Definition: characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm
Example: He was found guilty of malicious damage.
- Malign
Definition: evil in nature or effect
Example: she had a strong and malign influence.
- Malignant
Definition: having a strong wish to do harm
Example: He developed a malignant hatred for the land of his birth.
- Malleable
Definition: easily influenced, trained, or controlled
Example: Europe saw its colonies as a source of raw material and a malleable workspace.
- Malodorous
Definition: having an unpleasant smell
Example: The town is built on a malodorous swamp.
- Malthusian
Definition: relating to or characteristic of the English economist and clergyman Thomas Robert Malthus or his ideas about population
Example: It seems we face a curious Malthusian catastrophe.
- Mammalian
Definition: relating to mammals (animals whose female feeds her young on milk from her own body)
Example: Research is revealing mammalian influenza strains originate in aquatic birds.
- Mammoth
Definition: extremely large
Example: Cleaning up the city-wide mess is going to be a mammoth task.
- Manageable
Definition: easy or possible to deal with
Example: The work has been divided into smaller, more manageable sections.
- Managerial
Definition: relating to managers or management
Example: Those who want to move into a managerial position are offered training and mentoring.
- Mandatory
Definition: used to describe something that must be done, usually because the law states that it is necessary
Example: He demanded mandatory reporting on environmental issues.
- Maneuverable
Definition: something that can be easily moved into different positions
Example: Ferries are very powerful and maneuverable compared to cargo ships.
- Manful
Definition: brave and resolute, especially in a difficult situation
Example: He made manful effort to move the heavy furniture.
- Mangey
Definition: having or caused by mange
Example: She lives in a sandpit in Western Australia with a couple of mangey horses.
- Maniacal
Definition: characteristic of or befitting a maniac
Example: He suddenly exploded into maniacal laughter.
- Manicured
Definition: having had a manicure
Example: She tapped away on her smartphone with red manicured nails.
- Manifest
Definition: easily noticed or obvious
Example: His manifest joy in music is evident as soon as he starts to speak.
- Manifold
Definition: many and of several different types
Example: Despite her manifold faults, she was a strong leader.
- Manipulative
Definition: exercising unscrupulous control or influence over a person or situation
Example: She was sly, selfish and manipulative.
- Manky
Definition: inferior; worthless
Example: He wanted recruits for his manky bee-keeping society.
- Manly
Definition: having the qualities that people think a man should have
Example: He has such a manly voice.
- Man-made
Definition: artificial rather than natural
Example: It’s a man-made lake.
- Mannered
Definition: a way of speaking or behaving that is artificial, or intended to achieve a particular effect
Example: He continued to write, but his mannered prose was not well received.\
- Mannerly
Definition: well-mannered; polite
Example: He is always genteel and mannerly in private.
- Mannish
Definition: of or resembling a man
Example: She was wearing a white suit – long, loose mannish trousers and fitted jacket with a single button.
- Mantic
Definition: relating to divination or prophecy
Example: I’m grateful, then, for my lack of belief in the mantic arts.
- Manual
Definition: done with the hands
Example: She tried to cure the pain in my knee by putting manual pressure on the joint.
- Manx
Definition: relating or belonging to the Isle of Man, the people who live there, or their language
Example: The mill makes the distinctive sky-blue Manx tartan.
- Many
Definition: used mainly in negative sentences and questions and with “too”, “so”, and “as” to mean “a large amount of”
Example: I don’t have many clothes.
- Maoist
Definition: of or relating to the type of Communism introduced in China by Mao Zedong
Example: The country faced a Maoist rebellion.
- Marauding
Definition: going from one place to another killing or using violence, stealing, and destroying
Example: Witnesses reported gangs of marauding soldiers breaking into people’s houses and setting fire to them.
- Marbled
Definition: decorated with a delicate pattern consisting of lines and area of colour
Example: The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.
- Marginal
Definition: minor and not important; not central
Example: It seems likely to make only a marginal difference.
- Marine
Definition: related to the sea or sea transport
Example: The oil slick seriously threatens marine life around the islands.
- Marital
Definition: relating to marriage or the relations between a married couple
Example: She wanted to talk about their marital problem.
- Maritime
Definition: connected with human activity at sea
Example: Amalfi and Venice were important maritime powers.
- Marked
Definition: obvious or noticeable
Example: There was a marked improvement in my health when I started exercising.
- Marketable
Definition: ready and available for sale
Example: The company says a marketable product is at least three years down the road.
- Marmoreal
Definition: made of or compared to marble
Example: The marmoreal skin took on the flush of colour.
- Maroon
Definition: having a dark reddish-purple colour
Example: He prefers to be seen in uniform, proudly sporting the maroon beret of his old regiment.
- Married
Definition: (of two people) united in marriage
Example: She had an affair with a married man.
- Marshy
Definition: characteristic of or resembling a marsh; waterlogged
Example: The area was very marshy before the drainage system was installed.
- Marsupial
Definition: giving birth to young that are not completely developed when they are born, and that are carried and fed in a pouch on mother’s body
Example: The study sheds light on the genetic differences between placental and marsupial mammals.
- Martial
Definition: used to describe things relating to soldiers or war
Example: The paper was actually twice banned under the martial regime.
- Martian
Definition: relating to the planet Mars, or to creatures that are believed to come from Mars
Example: A study of the Martian atmosphere in comparison with that of Earth.
- Marvelous
Definition: extremely good or pleasing; splendid
Example: You have done a marvelous job.
- Marxist
Definition: relating to or supporting a social, political, and economic theory that is based on the writings of Karl Marx
Example: He was a revolutionary ready to kill for the Marxist revolution.
- Masculine
Definition: having characteristics that are traditionally thought to be typical of or suitable for men
Example: He wanted a more masculine hair style.
- Masked
Definition: wearing a mask
Example: Suddenly two masked gunmen burst into the shop and demanded all the cash in the till.
- Masonic
Definition: of or connected with Freemasonry (a secret society for men)
Example: It’s against Masonic tradition to solicit members.
- Mass
Definition: having an effect on or involving a large number of people or forming a large amount
Example: Opposition groups plan to stage mass demonstrations all over the country.
- Massive
Definition: very large in size, amount, or number
Example: They have a massive house.
- Master
Definition: used to describe the original of something such as document, from which copies can be made
Example: This master disc can be used on any PC.
- Masterful
Definition: able to control people and situations in a confident way
Example: He has a deep, masterful voice.
- Masterly
Definition: done extremely well
Example: She gave a masterly performance as Kate in “The Taming of the Shrew”.
- Mastoid
Definition: relating to the mastoid process (part of the skull just behind the ear)
Example: Mastoidectomy is performed to remove infected air cells within the mastoid bone.
- Matching
Definition: equal in number or amount; equivalent
Example: The college will provide matching funds to complete the project.
- Matchless
Definition: as good as to be unequalled; incomparable
Example: The Parthenon has a matchless beauty.
- Material
Definition: relating to physical objects or money rather than emotions or the spiritual world
Example: Material wealth never interested her.
- Materialistic
Definition: excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented
Example: We’re living in a highly materialistic society.
- Maternal
Definition: related to mother’s side of the family
Example: Her maternal grandmother is still alive.
- Matey
Definition: friendly
Example: They’ve been very matey since they started working together.
- Mathematical
Definition: of, pertaining to, or of the nature of mathematics
Example: The key to his success was his mathematical ability.
- Matriarchal
Definition: ruled or controlled by women or females
Example: Elephants are highly intelligent animals that live in strong, matriarchal societies.
- Matrilineal
Definition: of or based on Kinship with the mother or the female
Example: A society founded on the matrilineal Kinship principle.
- Matrimonial
Definition: relating to marriage or married people
Example: Edwin and I have now been apart for some months: he stayed in the matrimonial home; I left in disgrace and disarray.
- Matted
Definition: twisted into a firm, messy mass
Example: Her hair was matted with mud and rain.
- Mature
Definition: fully developed physically; full-grown
Example: She was now a mature woman.
- Maudlin
Definition: self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental
Example: You didn’t invite me out here to listen to my maudlin rambling.
- Mauve
Definition: having a pale purple colour
Example: In the grounds is a lily pond dabbed with white, pink, and mauve flowers.
- Maverick
Thinking and acting in an independent way, often behaving differently from the expected or usual way
Example: He has worked with maverick Finnish film-maker Ari Kurasmaki.
- Mawkish
Definition: showing emotion or love in an awkward or silly way
Example: The film lapses into mawkish sentimentality near the end.
- Maxillary
Definition: of or pertaining to a jaw, jawbone, or maxilla
Example: The tooth that showed the greatest difference in tooth dimension was maxillary lateral.
- Maximal
Definition: largest or greatest
Example: 40 degrees centigrade is the maximal temperature at which this chemical reaction will occur.
- Maximum
Definition: being the largest amount or number allowed or possible
Example: The bomb was designed to cause the maximum amount of damage.
- Mayoral
Definition: of or relating to a mayor (= a person elected or chosen to lead a town or its local government)
Example: He won the election by the largest majority ever given to a mayoral candidate.
- Mazy
Definition: full of confusing turns, passages, etc; like a maze; labyrinthine
Example: They could easily have had more, with Sterling hitting the frame of the goal after a mazy run that took him past five players.
- Meager
Definition: (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality
Example: They were forced to supplement their meagre earnings.
- Mealy
Definition: like meal; powdery, dry, soft, etc
Example: The mushroom has a mealy odor, somewhat like cucumber.
- Mean
Definition: poor, dirty, and of bad quality
Example: He was born in the mean streets of Detroit in 1945.
- Meandering
Definition: following a winding course
Example: Meandering rivers flow at vastly different rates.
- Meaning
Definition: intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed.
Example: She gave Gabriel a meaning look.
- Meaningful
Definition: serious, important, or worthwhile
Example: The new structure would bring meaningful savings.
- Meaningless
Definition: having no meaning or significance
Example: The paragraph was a jumble of meaningless words.
- Measly
Definition: to small in size or amount
Example: Deposits earn a measly 0.6% interest.
- Measurable
Definition: able to be measured, or large enough to be noticed
Example: The service produces clear, measurable benefits to people’s health.
- Measured
Definition: having a slow, regular rhythm
Example: She set off with measured tread.
- Measureless
Definition: having no limits or bounds; unlimited
Example: Otto had measureless charm.
- Meatless
Definition: having no meat or food
Example: Even fast-food outlets are offering more meatless dishes.
- Meaty
Definition: having a lot of important or interesting ideas
Example: She has written some wonderfully meaty parts for older actresses.
- Mechanical
Definition: operated by a machine, or connected with machines or their parts
Example: the plane appeared to have crashed because of a mechanical problem.
- Mechanized
Example: using a machine to do something that used to be done by hand
Example: Modern mechanized equipment has drastically reduced the number of personnel needed.
- Mechanistic
Definition: thinking of living things as if they were machines
Example: According to mechanistic views of behaviour, human action can be explained in terms of cause and effect.
- Meddlesome
Definition: fond of meddling; interfering
Example: The meddlesome old lady continued to call the police on us every time she suspected we were having any fun.
- Median
Definition: a number, value, or amount that is in the middle of a series of numbers, values, or amounts
Example: Median household income fell last year.
- Mediate
Definition: connected indirectly through another person or thing; involving an intermediate agency
Example: Public law institutions are a type of mediate state administration.
- Medical
Definition: related to the treatment of illness and injuries
Example: A person’s medical records are confidential.
- Medicinal
Definition: substances that are used to cure illnesses
Example: I keep a bottle of brandy purely for medicinal purposes.
- Mediocre
Definition: not very good
Example: Parents don’t want their children going to mediocre schools.
- Meditative
Definition: involving meditation
Example: She closed her eyes and went into a meditative trance.
- Medium
Definition: being in the middle between an upper and lower amount, size, degree, or value
Example: He earns a medium amount of money.
- Medium-size
Definition: of average size
Example: The medium-size straps are comfortable for women of any size.
- Medullary
Definition: relating to the medulla or middle of a body part
Example: Medullary thyroid cancers often spread quickly.
- Meek
Definition: quite and unwilling to disagree or fight or to strongly support personal ideas and opinions
Example: He’s slight, meek, and balding, and hardly heroic.
- Megalithic
Definition: relating to megaliths (= ancient large stones, sometimes forming a group or circle), or the period when these were important
Example: His research concentrated on megalithic tombs.
- Megascopic
Definition: another word for macroscopic
Example: Ore minerals are disseminated and rarely in megascopic veins, within and adjacent to albitised mylonites.
- Meiotic
Definition: relating to the act or process of meiosis
Example: The completion of meiotic maturation is important for fertilization and subsequent embryo development.
- Melancholic
Definition: feeling or expressing pensive sadness
Example: His work often has a wistful or melancholic mood.
- Melancholy
Definition: sad and depressed; gloomy
Example: I like their more melancholy songs in general.
- Mellifluous
Definition: (of a sound) pleasingly smooth and musical to hear
Example: The singer with the mellifluous voice will win the talent contest.
- Mellow
Definition: (especially of a sound, flavour, or colour) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness
Example: She was hypnotized by the mellow tone of his voice.
- Melodic
Definition: pleasant-sounding
Example: His voice was deep and melodic.
- Melodious
Definition: having a pleasing melody
Example: He spoke in a quiet melodious voice.
- Melodramatic
Definition: characteristic of melodrama, especially in being exaggerated or overemotional
Example: He flung the door open with a melodramatic flourish.
- Melted
Having become liquified by heating
Example: Pour melted butter over top.
- Melting
Definition: feeling or arousing strong or tender emotions
Example: She gave him a melting smile.
- Membered
Definition: having members
Example: Benzenoid hydrocarbons are condensed polycyclic unsaturated fully conjugated hydrocarbons composed exclusively of six membered rings.
- Membranous
Definition: relating to a membrane or like a membrane
Example: Joints in the body have a membranous lining.
- Memorable
Definition: worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual
Example: He recalled memorable moments in his life.
- Menacing
Definition: suggesting the presence of danger; threatening
Example: Our officers encountered menacing looks from teenagers.
- Mendacious
Definition: not telling the truth; lying
Example: A product claiming to help you get ripped abs in a few hours is mendacious advertising.
- Mendicant
Definition: relating to medicant or to the religious group they belonging to, or to someone who lives in a similar way
Example: Vagrant and mendicant priests of every denomination had flocked into the city.
- Menial
Definition: (of work) not requiring much skill and lacking prestige
Example: It’s a fairly menial work, such as washing dishes and cleaning floors.
- Menopausal
Definition: relating to the menopause (the time in a woman’s life when her body stops producing eggs)
Example: Some menopausal women complain of memory loss.
- Mental
Definition: relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking
Example: The family has a history of mental disorder.
- Mephitic
Definition: (especially of a gas or vapour) foul-smelling; noxious
Example: The cloud of mephitic vapours lingered above our heads.
- Mercantile
Definition: relating to trade
Example: Instead of mercantile competition with Europe and America, Chinese capitalists have been looking to the developing world for bigger opportunities.
- Mercenary
Definition: interested only in the amount of money that you can get from a situation
Example: He had some mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow.
- Merchantable
Definition: suitable for sale
Example: Goods must be of merchantable quality.
- Merciful
Definition: (of an event) coming as a mercy; bringing someone relief from something unpleasant
Example: Her death was a merciful release.
- Merciless
Definition: having or showing no mercy
Example: There are reports of merciless attacks on innocent civilians.
- Mercurial
Definition: changing suddenly and often
Example: She was entertaining but unpredictable, with mercurial mood swings.
- Mere
Definition: used to emphasize that something is not large or important
Example: The plane crashed mere minutes after take-off.
- Meretricious
Definition: seeming attractive but really false or of little value
Example: He claims that a lot of journalism is meretricious and superficial.
- Meritable
Definition: deserving reward or praise
Example: The match was a consolation prize for the teams in dispute and a Meritable reward after a hard-fought campaign.
- Meritless
Definition: worthless and undeserving
Example: It’s not an entirely meritless idea.
- Meritocratic
Definition: relating to or characteristic of a society in which power is held by people selected according to merit
Example: Such privileges are breaches in the ideal of a meritocratic democracy.
- Meritorious
Definition: (of an action or claim) likely to succeed on the merits of the case
Example: The costs involved in civil litigation may prevent a meritorious appeal.
- Merry
Definition: cheerful and lively
Example: The streets were dense with merry throngs of students.
- Meshuga
Definition: (of a person) mad; crazy
Example: I’m meshuga.
- Mesmeric
Definition: causing a person to become completely transfixed and unaware of their surroundings
Example: She found herself staring into his mesmeric gaze.
- Messy
Definition: dirty, unpleasant, or lacking order
Example: I hate a messy kitchen.
- Metabolic
Definition: relating to metabolism (the chemical processes within the body required for life)
Example: The athletes had taken pills to stimulate their metabolic rate.
- Metacarpal
Definition: of or pertaining to the metacarpus
Example: These bands help stabilise the volar plates over the metacarpal heads.
- Metal
Definition: an element, compound or alloy that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat
Example: The women had worn heavy metal belts that were blamed if the alarms sounded.
- Metallic
Definition: consisting of, or partly consisting of, metal
Example: Brass is a metallic alloy of copper and zinc.
- Metallurgical
Definition: relating to metallurgy (the scientific study of structures and uses of metals)
Example: Extensive metallurgical testing has already been completed.
- Metamorphic
Definition: (of rock) changed into a new form and structure by very great heat and pressure
Example: Slate and gneiss are metamorphic rocks.
- Metaphorical
Definition: a language that contains metaphors
Example: Her second novel is written in a very metaphorical style.
- Metaphysical
Definition: relating to the part of philosophy that is about understanding existence and knowledge
Example: He is practical and not given to metaphysical speculation.
- Metastable
Definition: (of a state of equilibrium) stable provided it is subjected to no more than small disturbances
Example: The amount of supercooling a liquid can accept while remaining in metastable equilibrium is limited.
- Metastatic
Definition: characterized or produced by metastasis
Example: Metastatic peritoneal adenocarcinoma is the most likely diagnosis in a patient with malignant ascites.
- Meteoric
Definition: relating to or caused by a meteor
Example: The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.
- Meteoritical
Definition: a stony or metallic mass of matter that has fallen to the earth’s surface from outer surface
Example: According to other beliefs tokchas are composed of meteoritical metal and found by chance on or under the ground by a lucky person.
- Methodical
Definition: (of a person) orderly or systematic in thought or behaviour
Example: Tom is a very methodical person and writes lists for everything.
- Methodist
Definition: relating to Methodists or Methodism
Example: The rodeo stopped in places where there was always a Baptist or a Methodist church, and both of their Sunday schools satisfied Luther.
- Meticulous
Definition: showing great attention to details; very careful and precise
Example: The designs are hand-glazed with meticulous care,
- Metric
Definition: relating to or based on the metre as a unit of length
Example: All measurements are given in metric form.
- Metrical
Definition: relating to the metre of a piece of poetry
Example: Poets express their feelings within tight metrical structures.
- Meteorological
Definition: relating to weather conditions
Example: Accurate meteorological records began 100 years ago.
- Metropolitan
Definition: relating to a large city
Example: He was drawn to the metropolitan glamour and excitement of Paris.
- Mettlesome
Definition: (of a person or animal) full of spirit and courage; lively
Example: Their horses were beast of burden, not mettlesome chargers.
- Mexican
Definition: relating to Mexico or its people
Example: The Main Street Mexican restaurant was uncrowded on this winter evening.
- Miasmic
Definition: characterized by a mysterious and unpleasant atmosphere; oppressive
Example: We know the territory, its long and miasmic history.
- Micro
Definition: very small, or at the lowest level
Example: The company has a 20% share in the market for mini or micro cars.
- Microbial
Definition: relating to the characteristic of a microorganism, especially a bacterium causing disease or fermentation
Example: Skin is a major source of microbial contamination during a surgical procedure.
- Microcephalic
Definition: relating to microcephaly (the state of having a head that is smaller than normal)
Example: When a family with several microcephalic children was referred to him, Walsh became interested in finding out what causes the malady.
- Microscopic
Definition: not large enough to be seen with the naked eye but visible under a microscope
Example: One big problem is simply that microscopic organisms have proved tricky to classify.
- Microscopical
Definition: visible under a microscope; using a microscope
Example: Macro and microscopical lesions of joints resembled osteochondrosis.
- Microwaveable
Definition: able to be cooked or used in a microwave oven
Example: Heat the soup in a microwaveable bowl.
- Middle
Definition: in a central position
Example: Jane sits at the middle desk, between Sue and Karen.
- Middling
Definition: of middle size, quality, grade, etc.; medium; mediocre; ordinary
Example: Some of the smaller and middling towns are an equal delight.
- Midget
Definition: Midget sports are organized competition for children
Example: Tyler wasn’t interested in signing up for midget football.
- Midi
Definition: medium sized
Example: She drives around in a yellow Vauxhall midi van.
- Midland
Definition: of or in the middle part of country
Example: He’s got a real midland accent.
- Midway
Definition: situated in or towards the middle of something
Example: He sensationally led the tournament at the midway point.
- Midweek
Definition: happening in or relating to the middle of the week, usually from Tuesday to Thursday
Example: After our midweek defeat we know we did not play especially well yesterday.
- Miffed
Definition: annoyed, esp. at someone’s behavior toward you
Example: I was miffed because she didn’t call all week.
- Mighty
Definition: very large, powerful, or important
Example: In the next game they will face the mighty patriots.
- Migrant
Definition: travelling to a different country or place, often in order to find work
Example: The programs provide multiple services for the migrant population, including education, and training to learn new skills.
- Migratory
Definition: relating to the migration of animals, birds, or people
Example: The Rio Grande is a major migratory corridor for birds.
- Mild
Definition: not violent, severe, or extreme
Example: She can’t accept even mild criticism of her work.
- Mild-mannered
Definition: (of a person) gentle and not given to extremes of emotion
Example: Karate was introduced into Japan by a mild-mannered Okinawan schoolmaster.
- Militant
Definition: active, determined, and often willing to use force
Example: The group has taken a militant position on the abortion issue and is refusing to compromise.
- Militaristic
Definition: supporting the idea of having powerful armed forces in a country
Example: The monument is a symbol of country’s militaristic past.
- Militarized
Definition: (of an area, country, or organization) having a large, strong army and other armed forces and many weapons
Example: North Korea is said to be the world’s most heavily militarized country, with over one million men in the armed forces.
- Military
Definition: typical of the armed forces
Example: The military expedition was made up of 100 officers and men.
- Milkless
Definition: containing no milk
Example: Meggie sipped her strong dark milkless tea.
- Milky
Definition: a liquid that contains milk or is made with a lot of milk
Example: Having a milky drink before bed helps me sleep.
- Millenary
Definition: consisting of a thousand people, years, etc
Example: He mustered millenary forces.
- Millennial
Definition: denoting or relating to a period of a thousand years
Example: The current increase in hurricanes is only a small fluctuation within this longer millennial cycle.
- Mimetic
Definition: representing or imitating something, especially in art
Example: Art is a mimetic representation of reality.
- Mimic
Definition: imitative of something
Example: They were wagging mimic war.
- Minacious
Definition: menacing; threatening
Example: The minacious leader struck fear in the hearts of his subordinates.
- Minatory
Definition: expressing a warning or a threat
Example: This minatory approach hasn’t scared children off hard drugs.
Positive Adjectives That Start with M to Describe a Person
It is always wise to incorporate some adjectives that start with M to describe a person in your writing. They’ll make your work look more fashion.
1. Magnanimous
Definition: Big-hearted and generous, moral
Synonyms: open-handed, charitable, beneficent
Example: She was very magnanimous toward the noisy neighbors, even after they kept her awake all night.
2. Modish
Definition: Fashionable
Synonyms: stylish, smart, chic
Example: I like to wear modish clothing when I go out for dinner.
3. Mature
Definition: someone or something that is full grown
Synonyms: developed, full-grown, ripe
Example: He’s very mature for his age.
4. Mellow
Definition: someone or something that is calm
Synonyms: genial, friendly, pleasant
Example: He’s a very mellow guy.
5. Merciful
Definition: someone who is caring, compassionate, and gentle
Synonyms: charitable, clement, forgiving
Example: “God is merciful, doctors are never needed”, she said.
6. Merry
Definition: festive, full of laughter, or fun
Synonyms: happy, cheerful, vivacious
Example: He laughed at that, and his laugh was merry and frank.
7. Mindful
Definition: attentive, consciously aware of something
Synonyms: alert, careful, cautious
Example: Mindful of the fact that customer service is still a high priority.
8. Modern
Definition: a style of art, design, or fashion that is very different from past styles
Synonyms: avant-garde, contemporary, progressive
Example: As a modern parent, I know that it’s not how much you give children those counts, it’s the love and attention you shower on them.
9. Munificent
Definition: a very generous person
Synonyms: altruistic, benevolent, philanthropic
Example: Akbar was a munificent patron of literature.
10. Malleable
Definition: Capable of being changed or molded, adaptable
Synonyms: pliable, ductile, workable
Example: The malleable boy was easily swayed by each new trend that came along.
Positive Adjectives That Start with M to Describe an Event
Whenever you need to describe an event, these descriptive words that start with M may come in handy. Check them for yourself.
1. Magical
Definition: having brought about by, or relating to supernatural powers
Synonyms: talismanic, wizardly
Example: Did the room actually have a magical strength, or was it simply a childish fantasy?
2. Magnificent
Definition: something that is exceptional or amazing in appearance
Synonyms: beautiful, brilliant, dazzling
Example: The flowers were colorful and the scenery was magnificent.
3. Marvelous
Definition: the characteristic of being surprising, amazing, or very good
Synonyms: amazing, astonishing, wondrous
Example: He’s done a marvelous job of the decorating.
4. Major
Definition: something that is great, very consequential, serious, or important
Synonyms: chief, considerable, foremost
Example: Destruction of habitat is the major reason why young male cougars end up coming into the city every year.
5. Maximum
Definition: the largest or highest number of something that is possible
Synonyms: apex, supreme, highest
Example: For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals.
6. Meaningful
Definition: having meaning
Synonyms: eloquent, important, worthwhile
Example: Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful.
7. Mellifluous
Definition: something musical, melodious, or pleasant to hear
Synonyms: musical, pleasant, smooth
Example: It’s her mellifluous tones and rich vibrato that she employs to color her personalized repertoire which provokes responses like these.
8. Melodic
Definition: having a sequence of pleasing sounds
Synonyms: harmonious, musical, euphonic
Example: Somewhere in the distance, a Meadowlark called, its melodic song adding sweetness to the smell of wild roses.
9. Miraculous
Definition: something unexpected and wonderful
Synonyms: amazing, divine, wondrous
Example: She made a miraculous recovery from her injuries.
10. Moral
Definition: something that relates to the rules of right and wrong
Synonyms: ethical, good, puritanical
Example: He has high moral principles.
11. Myriad
Definition: an infinitely large number
Synonyms: infinite, countless, innumerable
Example: I’ll never be able to count the myriad blessings I have received.
12. Melodious
Definition: something that is pleasant sounding
Synonyms: harmonious, lyrical, pleasing
Example: His energy, his sense of humor and his melodious voice made a deep impression.
Positive Adjectives That Start with M to Describe a Place
Learning some of these adjectives that start with the letter M will not only help to enlarge your vocabulary, but also grant you more freedom to express yourself in daily life.
1. Majestic
Definition: something very grand or stately
Synonyms: dignified, elegant, regal
Example: London is a lively, beautiful, and majestic city.
2. Main
Definition: the most important or primary person or thing
Synonyms: central, chief, principal
Example: The whole school assembled in the main hall.
3. Mammoth
Definition: extremely huge in size or importance
Synonyms: colossal, enormous, gargantuan
Example: Interesting finds from the Stone Age, as well as remains of the mammoth, have been made.
4. Many
Definition: an indefinite, large number of people or things
Synonyms: legions, multiple, numerous
Example: He visited many lands and saw wonderful things.
5. Marketable
Definition: easily sold; in demand
Synonyms: bankable, sellable, wanted
Example: But in this keenly competitive world your real estate property may become more marketable the more information about it you supply to your target audience.
6. Memorable
Definition: something that is special or interesting enough to be easy to recall
Synonyms: celebrated, eventful, unforgettable
Example: The city is memorable for its fantastic beaches.
7. Moderate
Definition: something that is average, mild, or within reasonable limits
Synonyms: temperate, measured, equable
Example: The charm of the place is the greenery with the moderate climate making it a tourists’ heaven.
8. Monumental
Definition: something that has lasting value
Synonyms: lofty, impressive, majestic
Example: The monumental records of Egypt are the source of the earliest information on farming.
Positive Adjectives That Start with M to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Learning some advanced adjectives with letter M will be very helpful in your day-to-day conversations. More importantly, they’ll uplift your public self-image.
1. Meticulous
Definition: showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
Synonyms: careful, conscientious
Example: He was meticulous about hygiene.
2. Mirthful
Definition: full of mirth; merry or amusing.
Synonyms: merry, high spirited,
Example: The mirthful ending of the movie delighted all the audience.
3. Miraculous
Definition: remarkable and bringing very welcome consequences.
Synonyms: amazing, astounding
Example: “I felt amazed and grateful for our miraculous escape”.
4. Moody
Definition: (of a person) given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.
Synonyms: unpredictable, emotional, volatile
Example: I’m fed up with moody women today.
5. Motivated
Definition: very enthusiastic or determined because you really want to do something
Synonyms: inspire, stimulate, prompt
Example: Our staff members are hard-working and highly motivated.
6. Momentous
Definition: of great importance or significance, especially in having a bearing on future events
Synonyms: important, significant, historic
Example: His colleagues all recognized that this was a momentous occasion.
Negative Adjectives That Start with M to Describe a Person
If you want to sound smarter in daily talks, you have to use proper adjectives. And some of adjective words that start with M to describe a person may be a good choice.
1. Machiavellian
Definition: characterized by craftiness and duplicity
Synonyms: devious, cunning, sly
Example: Cheating to win at Scrabble is Machiavellian behavior. Let’s play fair!
2. Melancholy
Definition: sad or gloomy
Synonyms: sorrow, sadness, desolation
Example: The melancholy girl liked to watch sad movies and cry.
3. Meretricious
Definition: using false, flashy charm
Synonyms: flashy, gaudy, pretentious
Example: Some meretricious people are good at making friends, but don’t keep them for long.
5. Militant
Definition: ready to fight, especially for a cause, aggressive
Synonyms: violent, belligerent, assertive
Example: Militant people can be seen as very hostile.
6. Misanthropic
Definition: disliking people
Synonyms: antisocial, unfriendly, uncongenial
Example: The misanthropic man yelled at the neighbors for being too loud, when they were barely whispering.
7. Monarchical
Definition: like a monarch (king or queen)
Synonyms: kingly, regal, monarchal
Example: The spoilt, monarchical girl always wanted her own way.
8. Mulish
Definition: resembling or likened to a mule in being stubborn
Synonyms: obstinate, resolute, uncompromising
Example: Mulish people don’t change their minds easily.
9. Myopic
Definition: lacking understanding, short-sighted
Synonyms: purblind, shortsighted, nearsighted
Example: If he wasn’t so myopic, he would understand how the changes help the business.
10. Mad
Definition: mentally ill
Synonyms: insane, deranged, demented
Example: Fitzgerald looked mad enough to take a swing.
Negative Adjectives That Start with M to Describe an Event
When you are describing an event, these describing words beginning with M can be a big help. Keep on reading.
1. Maladapted
Definition: not properly adapted to, poorly suited
Synonyms: unfit, abnormal, deficient
Example: Maladapted species tend to die out as part of evolution.
2. Missing
Definition: (of a thing) not able to be found because it is not in its expected place.
Synonyms: lost, mislaid, misplace
Example: Was it about a missing child?
3. Misunderstood
Definition: incorrectly interpreted or understood
Synonyms: misapprehend, misinterpret
Example: Mondegreens are misunderstood lyrics, and when we asked our readers for their favorites, not surprisingly the most familiar ones got multiple votes.
4. Moldy
Definition: covered with a fungal growth which causes decay, due to age or damp conditions
Synonyms: mildewed, mildewy
Example: I was afraid it would get moldy in that tin body of yours.
5. Mysterious
Definition: difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify
Synonyms: puzzling, strange, peculiar
Example: There is a mysterious visitor in the office.
Negative Adjectives That Start with M to Describe a Place
Everything in the word is unique with different appearance, different quality, etc. Therefore you have to use different adjectives to describe them. And some of adjectives that start with M may just fit.
1. Messy
Definition: untidy, dirty
Synonyms: filthy, grubby
Example: The messy studio from last week had been transformed into a professional art gallery.
2. Misshapen
Definition: not having the normal or natural shape or form
Synonyms: deformed, malformed
Example: They were used to store trunks, suitcases, large misshapen cardboard boxes and broken furniture.
3. Monstrous
Definition: having the ugly or frightening appearance of a monster.
Synonyms: grotesque, hideous
Example: Twenty times this monstrous frozen barrier slowly built up, inch by inch, and oozed south.
Negative Adjectives That Start with M to Describe Emotions, Personality, and Feelings
Are you able to find the best word from this list of adjectives that start with M we complied to describe whatever you are thinking now? If you don’t mind, tell us in the comment please.
1. Macabre
Definition: ghastly, gruesome or horrifying
Synonyms: gory, grim, morbid
Example: After the increase of crime in her neighborhood, Annie began to be questioned about some of her macabre hobbies.
2. Malefic
Definition: evil, malicious
Synonyms: antagonistic, baleful, deleterious
Example: Lying to your parents is malefic behavior and you should not do it.
3. Malicious
Definition: characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm.
Synonyms: spiteful, malevolent, hostile
Example: Fascists can counter the malicious propaganda to destroy friendly relations with Germany by using this fact.
4. Menacing
Definition: suggesting the presence of danger; threatening
Synonyms: imperil, jeopardize, threaten
Example: He cultivated good relations with England, in view doubtless of Russia’s menacing attitude.
5. Moany
Definition: Susceptible to moaning; tending to complain
Synonyms: groaning, wailing, whimper
Example: Before this all gets too moany, I would like to say that I love what I do.
6. Miserable
Definition: (of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable
Synonyms: sad, unhappy, sorrowful
Example: I love you and it’s been miserable without you.
7. Materialistic
Definition: excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented
Synonyms: worldly, consumerist, money-oriented
Example: People have become so materialistic that they have no time to stand and stare.
Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with M
With its multiple types, forms and rules of use, adjective can be a slippery element of language to master. Get a firm grip on these adjectives that start with the letter M, you’ll be rewarded with the power to elevate your work to a more engaging, interesting and expressive level.
When used well, this essential part of the English language can become your most potent writing ally. They’ll make your writing more specific and lucid, enabling you to convey your ideas in a clear and appealing manner.
So try your best to use these adjectives that start with M where appropriate to learn faster.
Ps. See also positive words that start with M, nouns that start with M and verbs that start with M.