Comprehensive List of Verbs: 5000 Verbs from A to Z

Why should one have a list of verbs at one’s disposal? This is a question we often ask of ourselves. Let’s find a suitable answer to this question. As you are well aware of the fact that our lives are full of action and to carry out those actions we need to utter certain words. For example, if you want your son to have his meal, you will need to utter specific words to convey your message. Most of the times you will say the words “Eat your meal”. In this sentence, without the word ‘eat’ you wouldn’t have gotten your message across. Such words are known as verbs and they are an obligatory part of our everyday lives. In this article a list of verbs will be put before you so that you may know how verbs are used to carry out actions.
Verbs list given in this article is really unique because it makes your learning experience systematic and smooth. While going through this article you will notice that the given list of verbs has been categorized methodically. This will help you learn all of the given verbs with much more ease. So without any further ado, let’s get started with the list of verbs given below.
Table of Contents
List of Verbs That Are Commonly Used
We have a pretty useful list of verbs that we utilize in our daily lives to carry out actions. Following is a list of verbs that we commonly make use of in our daily lives.
- Be
- Have
- Do
- Say
- Go
- Can
- Get
- Would
- Make
- Know
- Will
- Think
- Take
- See
- Come
- Could
- Want
- Look
- Use
- Find
- Give
- Tell
- Work
- May
- Should
- Call
- Try
- Ask
- Need
- Feel
- Become
- Leave
- Put
- Mean
- Keep
- Let
- Begin
- Seem
- Help
- Talk
- Turn
- Start
- Might
- Show
- Hear
- Play
- Run
- Move
- Like
- Live
- Believe
- Hold
- Bring
- Happen
- Must
- Write
- Provide
- Sit
- Stand
- Lose
- Pay
- Meet
- Include
- Continue
- Set
- Learn
- Change
- Lead
- Understand
- Watch
- Follow
- Stop
- Create
- Speak
- Read
- Allow
- Add
- Spend
- Grow
- Open
- Walk
- Win
- Offer
- Remember
- Love
- Consider
- Appear
- Buy
- Wait
- Serve
- Die
- Send
- Expect
- Build
- Stay
- Fall
- Cut
- Reach
- Kill
- Remain
List of Verbs That Start with A
Verbs are very important for language development because they allow children to start building sentences. Following is a list of verbs starting with A. Try adding new verbs to this list of verbs that start with A.
- Abandon
- Abase
- Abate
- Abbreviate
- Abdicate
- Abduct
- Aberrate
- Abet
- Abhor
- Abide
- Abjure
- Abnegate
- Abolish
- Abominate
- Abort
- Abound
- Abridge
- Abrogate
- Abscond
- Absolve
- Absorb
- Abstain
- Abstract
- Abuse
- Accelerate
- Accept
- Acclaim
- Acclimatize
- Accommodate
- Accompany
- Accomplish
- Accost
- Account
- Accredit
- Accrue
- Accumulate
- Accuse
- Accustom
- Ache
- Achieve
- Achromatize
- Acidify
- Acidulate
- Acknowledge
- Acquiesce
- Acquire
- Acquit
- Act
- Activate
- Actualize
- Actuate
- Adapt
- Add
- Address
- Adduce
- Adjoin
- Adjourn
- Adjust
- Administer
- Admire
- Admit
- Adopt
- Adore
- Adorn
- Adulate
- Adulterate
- Advance
- Advise
- Aerate
- Affect
- Affiliate
- Affirm
- Affix
- Afflict
- Afford
- Afforest
- Africanize
- Age
- Agglomerate
- Aggravate
- Aggregate
- Agitate
- Agonize
- Agree
- Aim
- Air
- Alarm
- Alert
- Alienate
- Align
- Allege
- Allegorize
- Alleviate
- Allocate
- Allot
- Allow
- Alloy
- Allude
- Allure
- Ally
- Alter
- Alternate
- Amalgamate
- Amass
- Amaze
- Amble
- Ambush
- Ameliorate
- Amend
- Americanize
- Amnesty
- Amortize
- Amount
- Amplify
- Amputate
- Amuse
- Analyze
- Anathematize
- Anchor
- Anger
- Angle
- Anglicize
- Animalize
- Animate
- Annex
- Annihilate
- Annotate
- Announce
- Annoy
- Annul
- Anoint
- Answer
- Antagonize
- Antedate
- Anticipate
- Ape
- Apologize
- Apostatize
- Apostrophize
- Appal
- Appeal
- Appear
- Appease
- Append
- Applaud
- Apply
- Appoint
- Apportion
- Appreciate
- Apprehend
- Approach
- Appropriate
- Approve
- Arbitrate
- Arch
- Argue
- Arise
- Arm
- Armourplate
- Arouse
- Arraign
- Arrange
- Arrest
- Arrive
- Arrow
- Articulate
- Ascertain
- Ascribe
- Ask
- Asphalt
- Aspire
- Assassinate
- Assault
- Assemble
- Assert
- Assess
- Assign
- Assimilate
- Assist
- Associate
- Assuage
- Assume
- Assure
- Astonish
- Astound
- Atomize
- Atone
- Atrophy
- Attach
- Attack
- Attain
- Attempt
- Attend
- Attenuate
- Attract
- Attribute
- Attune
- Auction
- Audit
- Auscultate
- Authenticate
- Authorize
- Autograph
- Automate
- Avenge
- Avert
- Avoid
- Awake
- Awaken
- Award
List of Verbs That Start with B
The choice of verb determines the grammatical form in a sentence. A list of verbs that start with B is given below. Let’s jump into this mesmerizing list of verbs starting with B to make ourselves familiar with them.
- Babble
- Back
- Backfire
- Backslide
- Bag
- Bail
- Bait
- Bake
- Balance
- Ball
- Ballast
- Bamboozle
- Ban
- Bandage
- Bang
- Banish
- Bank
- Banter
- Baptize
- Bar
- Bard
- Bargain
- Bark
- Barrack
- Barricade
- Barrow
- Barter
- Base
- Bash
- Bask
- Baste
- Bat
- Bathe
- Batter
- Battle
- Bawl
- Be
- Bead
- Beam
- Bear
- Beat
- Beatify
- Become
- Bed
- Bedeck
- Bedevil
- Beg
- Beget
- Begin
- Behave
- Behead
- Behold
- Bejewel
- Belch
- Believe
- Belittle
- Bellow
- Belong
- Belt
- Bemuse
- Bend
- Benumb
- Bequeath
- Bereave
- Berth
- Beseech
- Besiege
- Bespangle
- Bestow
- Bet
- Betray
- Betroth
- Better
- Bevel
- Beware
- Bewilder
- Bewitch
- Bicker
- Bid
- Bind
- Bisect
- Bite
- Bivouac
- Blab
- Black
- Blacken
- Blackmail
- Blame
- Blanch
- Blank
- Blare
- Blaspheme
- Blast
- Blaze
- Blazon
- Bleach
- Bleat
- Bleed
- Blemish
- Blend
- Bless
- Blight
- Blind
- Blink
- Block
- Blockade
- Bloom
- Blossom
- Blow
- Blubber
- Bludgeon
- Blue
- Bluff
- Blunder
- Blunt
- Blur
- Blurt
- Blush
- Board
- Boast
- Boat
- Bog
- Boil
- Bolster
- Bolt
- Bomb
- Bombard
- Bone
- Boo
- Book
- Boost
- Boot
- Booze
- Border
- Bore
- Born
- Borrow
- Boss
- Botanize
- Botch
- Bother
- Bottle
- Bottom
- Bounce
- Bound
- Bouy
- Bow
- Bowl
- Box
- Boycott
- Brace
- Brag
- Braid
- Brainwash
- Brake
- Branch
- Brandish
- Brave
- Bray
- Break
- Breakfast
- Breathe
- Breed
- Breeze
- Brew
- Bribe
- Brick
- Bridle
- Brighten
- Brim
- Bring
- Bristle
- Broadcast
- Brocade
- Bronze
- Brood
- Browbeat
- Brown
- Browse
- Bruise
- Brush
- Brutalize
- Bubble
- Bucaneer
- Buck
- Buckle
- Bud
- Budge
- Buff
- Bug
- Build
- Bulk
- Bully
- Bump
- Bunch
- Bundle
- Bungle
- Bunk
- Buoy
- Burden
- Burgle
- Burn
- Burnish
- Burow
- Burst
- Bury
- Busk
- Bust
- Butt
- Butter
- Button
- Buttress
- Buy
- Buzz
- Bypass
List of Verbs That Start with C
Children who use more verbs have more advanced grammatical skills. Most children use at least 40 verbs by the time they are 24 months old. The list of verbs starting with C given below contains some of those verbs. Go through this list of verbs that start with C to find out how many of these do you still use in your daily life routine.
- Cable
- Cackle
- Cadge
- Cage
- Cajole
- Calcify
- Calculate
- Calibrate
- Call
- Calligraph
- Calm
- Calve
- Camber
- Camouflage
- Camp
- Cancel
- Cane
- Cannonade
- Canonize
- Canvass
- Cap
- Caparison
- Caper
- Capitalize
- Capitulate
- Capsize
- Captivate
- Capture
- Carbonize
- Carburet
- Card
- Care
- Careen
- Caress
- Caricature
- Carry
- Cart
- Carve
- Cascade
- Case
- Cash
- Cast
- Castrate
- Catch
- Categorize
- Cater
- Caulk
- Cause
- Cauterize
- Cave
- Caw
- Cease
- Ceil
- Celebrate
- Cement
- Censor
- Censure
- Centralize
- Centre
- Centuplicate
- Certify
- Chalk
- Challenge
- Chance
- Change
- Channel
- Chant
- Chap
- Chaperone
- Char
- Characterize
- Charge
- Charm
- Charter
- Chase
- Chat
- Chatter
- Cheapen
- Cheat
- Check
- Cheep
- Cheer
- Cherish
- Chew
- Chide
- Chill
- Chime
- Chip
- Chirp
- Chirr
- Chisel
- Chloroform
- Choke
- Choose
- Chop
- Christen
- Christianize
- Chuck
- Chuckle
- Churn
- Circulate
- Circumscribe
- Cite
- Civilize
- Claim
- Clam
- Clamp
- Clap
- Clapper
- Clarify
- Clash
- Clasp
- Classify
- Claw
- Clean
- Cleanse
- Clear
- Cleave
- Clench
- Click
- Climb
- Cling
- Clink
- Clog
- Cloister
- Clone
- Close
- Clot
- Clothe
- Cloud
- Clown
- Cloy
- Club
- Cluck
- Clutch
- Coach
- Coagulate
- Coarsen
- Coast
- Coat
- Coax
- Cobble
- Cock
- Coddle
- Code
- Codify
- Coerce
- Coexist
- Coffer
- Cogitate
- Cohabit
- Coil
- Coin
- Coincide
- Collaborate
- Collapse
- Collar
- Collate
- Collect
- Collide
- Collude
- Colonize
- Color
- Colour
- Comb
- Combat
- Combine
- Come
- Comfort
- Command
- Commemorate
- Commence
- Comment
- Commission
- Commit
- Communicate
- Commute
- Compare
- Compel
- Compensate
- Compete
- Compile
- Complain
- Complete
- Complicate
- Compliment
- Comply
- Compose
- Compound
- Comprehend
- Compress
- Compute
- Computerize
- Concatenate
- Conceal
- Concede
- Conceive
- Concentrate
- Concern
- Conciliate
- Conclude
- Condemn
- Condense
- Condescend
- Condition
- Condole
- Conduce
- Conduct
- Confer
- Confess
- Confide
- Configure
- Confine
- Confirm
- Confiscate
- Conform
- Confound
- Confront
- Confuse
- Congeal
- Congest
- Conglomerate
- Conglutinate
- Congratulate
- Conjecture
- Conjugate
- Conjure
- Connect
- Connote
- Conquer
- Consecrate
- Conserve
- Consider
- Consist
- Console
- Consolidate
- Conspire
- Constipate
- Constitute
- Constrain
- Construct
- Consult
- Consume
- Contact
- Contain
- Contaminate
- Contemplate
- Contend
- Contest
- Continue
- Contort
- Contract
- Contradict
- Contrast
- Contravene
- Contribute
- Contrive
- Control
- Convalesce
- Convene
- Converge
- Converse
- Convert
- Convey
- Convict
- Convince
- Convulse
- Coo
- Cook
- Cool
- Coop
- Cooperate
- Coordinate
- Copperplate
- Copulate
- Copy
- Cork
- Corner
- Correct
- Correlate
- Correspond
- Corroborate
- Corrode
- Corrupt
- Corset
- Cost
- Cotton
- Cough
- Count
- Counter
- Counteract
- Counterbalance
- Counterfeit
- Countermark
- Countersign
- Couple
- Court
- Cover
- Covet
- Cower
- Crack
- Crackle
- Cram
- Crank
- Crash
- Crawl
- Creak
- Cream
- Crease
- Create
- Credit
- Creep
- Cremate
- Crenelate
- Crib
- Crimp
- Cringe
- Crinkle
- Cripple
- Crisscross
- Criticize
- Croak
- Crochet
- Crop
- Cross
- Crossbreed
- Crosscheck
- Crossrule
- Crow
- Crown
- Crucify
- Cruise
- Crumb
- Crumble
- Crumple
- Crunch
- Crush
- Cry
- Crystallize
- Cube
- Cuckold
- Cuddle
- Cudgel
- Cuff
- Culminate
- Cultivate
- Cup
- Curb
- Curdle
- Cure
- Curl
- Curse
- Curtail
- Curve
- Cut
List of Verbs That Start with D
Whether in a sentence or whether on their own, verbs are the most functional part of the sentence. They are the spark that ignites your sentence. If you want to get familiarized with some new verbs, going through a list of verbs starting with D will be the best place to start. Below is one such list of verbs that start with D.
- Dab
- Dabble
- Dam
- Damage
- Damascene
- Damn
- Dampen
- Dance
- Dandle
- Dangle
- Dare
- Darken
- Dash
- Date
- Daub
- Dawdle
- Dawn
- Daydream
- Dazzle
- Deaden
- Deafen
- Deal
- Debase
- Debate
- Debauch
- Debilitate
- Debit
- Debunk
- Decamp
- Decant
- Decapitate
- Decay
- Decease
- Deceive
- Decentralize
- Decide
- Decimalize
- Decimate
- Decipher
- Declaim
- Declare
- Decline
- Declutch
- Decode
- Decompose
- Decompress
- Decongest
- Decorate
- Decrease
- Decree
- Decrest
- Decry
- Dedicate
- Deduce
- Deduct
- Deem
- Deepen
- Defame
- Defeat
- Defecate
- Defect
- Defend
- Defer
- Define
- Deflagrate
- Deflate
- Deflect
- Deflower
- Defoliate
- Deforest
- Deform
- Defraud
- Defray
- Defreeze
- Defy
- Degenerate
- Degrade
- Dehorn
- Dehumanize
- Dehydrate
- Deify
- Deign
- Delay
- Delegate
- Delete
- Deliberate
- Delight
- Delimit
- Delineate
- Deliver
- Delouse
- Delude
- Delve
- Demagnetize
- Demand
- Dematerialize
- Demobilize
- Democratize
- Demolish
- Demonstrate
- Demoralize
- Demote
- Demystify
- Denationalize
- Denature
- Denigrate
- Denominate
- Denote
- Denouce
- Denounce
- Dent
- Denude
- Deny
- Deoxidize
- Depart
- Depend
- Depict
- Depilate
- Deplete
- Deplore
- Deploy
- Depopulate
- Deport
- Depose
- Deposit
- Deprave
- Depreciate
- Depress
- Deprive
- Derail
- Derive
- Derogate
- Descend
- Describe
- Desecrate
- Desert
- Deserve
- Design
- Desire
- Despatch
- Despoil
- Despond
- Destroy
- Destruct
- Detach
- Detail
- Detain
- Detect
- Deteriorate
- Determine
- Detest
- Dethrone
- Detonate
- Detoxicate
- Devalue
- Devastate
- Develop
- Deviate
- Devise
- Devitalize
- Devolve
- Devote
- Devour
- Diagnose
- Dial
- Dialogue
- Dialyse
- Dictate
- Diddle
- Die
- Differ
- Differentiate
- Diffract
- Diffuse
- Dig
- Dilapidate
- Dilate
- Dilute
- Dim
- Diminish
- Dine
- Dip
- Direct
- Dirty
- Disable
- Disabuse
- Disagree
- Disappear
- Disappoint
- Disapprove
- Disarm
- Disarticulate
- Disband
- Disburse
- Discard
- Discern
- Discharge
- Discipline
- Disclaim
- Disclose
- Discolor
- Discompose
- Disconcert
- Disconnect
- Discontinue
- Discount
- Discourage
- Discourse
- Discover
- Discredit
- Discriminate
- Discrown
- Discuss
- Disdain
- Disembark
- Disembowel
- Disenchant
- Disengage
- Disentagle
- Disentangle
- Disfigure
- Disgorge
- Disgrace
- Disguise
- Disgust
- Dish
- Dishevel
- Dishonour
- Disillusion
- Disinfect
- Disinherit
- Disintegrate
- Disjoint
- Dislocate
- Dismantle
- Dismast
- Dismay
- Dismember
- Dismiss
- Dismount
- Disobey
- Disorganize
- Disorient
- Disorientate
- Disown
- Disparage
- Dispatch
- Dispense
- Disperse
- Displace
- Displant
- Display
- Displease
- Dispose
- Dispossess
- Disprove
- Dispute
- Disqualify
- Disregard
- Disrupt
- Dissatisfy
- Dissect
- Disseminate
- Dissent
- Dissipate
- Dissociate
- Dissolve
- Dissuade
- Distend
- Distil
- Distill
- Distinguish
- Distort
- Distract
- Distress
- Distribute
- Distrust
- Disturb
- Disunite
- Dive
- Diverge
- Diversify
- Divert
- Divide
- Divorce
- Divulge
- Do
- Document
- Dodder
- Dodge
- Dogmatize
- Dole
- Domesticate
- Dominate
- Don
- Donate
- Dope
- Dot
- Dote
- Double
- Doubt
- Download
- Doze
- Draft
- Drag
- Drain
- Dramatize
- Drape
- Draw
- Dread
- Dream
- Dredge
- Drench
- Dress
- Dribble
- Drift
- Drill
- Drink
- Drip
- Drive
- Drivel
- Drizzle
- Drone
- Droop
- Drop
- Drown
- Drowse
- Drug
- Drum
- Dry
- Duck
- Dull
- Dumb
- Dumbfound
- Dump
- Dupe
- Duplicate
- Dust
- Dwell
- Dye
List of Verbs That Start with E
Verbs are important because they help people communicate about different events in their lives by combining words into sentences. Following is a list of verbs starting with E. Try to enlarge this list of verbs that start with E by yourself through the addition of new words to it.
- Earn
- Ease
- Eat
- Eavesdrop
- Ebb
- Echo
- Eclipse
- Economize
- Edge
- Edit
- Educate
- Efface
- Effect
- Egg
- Ejaculate
- Eject
- Eke
- Elaborate
- Elapse
- Elbow
- Elect
- Electrify
- Electrocute
- Elevate
- Elicit
- Eliminate
- Elongate
- Elope
- Elucidate
- Elude
- Emaciate
- Emanate
- Emancipate
- Emasculate
- Embalm
- Embark
- Embarrass
- Embed
- Embellish
- Embezzle
- Embitter
- Emblazon
- Embody
- Embolden
- Emboss
- Embrace
- Embroider
- Emerge
- Emigrate
- Emit
- Emphasize
- Employ
- Empower
- Empty
- Emulate
- Emulsion
- Enable
- Enact
- Enamel
- Encase
- Enchant
- Encircle
- Enclave
- Enclose
- Encompass
- Encounter
- Encourage
- Encroach
- Encrust
- Encrypt
- Encumber
- End
- Endanger
- Endear
- Endorse
- Endow
- Endue
- Endure
- Energize
- Enervate
- Enfeeble
- Enfold
- Enforce
- Engage
- Engender
- Engrave
- Engross
- Engulf
- Enhance
- Enjoy
- Enlarge
- Enlighten
- Enlist
- Enliven
- Ennoble
- Enquire
- Enrage
- Enrapture
- Enrich
- Enrol
- Enroll
- Enshrine
- Enslave
- Ensnare
- Ensue
- Enter
- Entertain
- Enthral
- Enthrall
- Enthrone
- Enthuse
- Entice
- Entitle
- Entomb
- Entrap
- Entreat
- Entrench
- Entrust
- Entwine
- Enucleate
- Enumerate
- Envelop
- Envisage
- Envy
- Equal
- Equalize
- Equip
- Eradicate
- Erase
- Erect
- Erode
- Err
- Erupt
- Escape
- Escort
- Establish
- Esteem
- Estimate
- Estrange
- Evacuate
- Evade
- Evaluate
- Evaporate
- Even
- Evict
- Evoke
- Evolve
- Exacerbate
- Exaggerate
- Exalt
- Examine
- Exasperate
- Excavate
- Exceed
- Excel
- Except
- Exchange
- Excise
- Excite
- Exclaim
- Exclude
- Excommunicate
- Excrete
- Excuse
- Execrate
- Execute
- Exemplify
- Exempt
- Exercise
- Exert
- Exfoliate
- Exhale
- Exhaust
- Exhibit
- Exhort
- Exhume
- Exile
- Exist
- Exit
- Exonerate
- Exorcise
- Expand
- Expatriate
- Expect
- Expedite
- Expel
- Expend
- Experience
- Experiment
- Expiate
- Expire
- Explain
- Explode
- Exploit
- Explore
- Export
- Expose
- Express
- Expropriate
- Expurgate
- Extend
- Extenuate
- Exterminate
- Extinguish
- Extirpate
- Extol
- Extort
- Extract
- Extradite
- Extrapolate
- Extricate
- Exude
- Exult
- Eye
List of Verbs That Start with F
Verbs are a very important part of speech because without them a sentence cannot exist. They serve several purposes within a sentence. If you want to memorize some new and fascinating verbs, you can take a start by studying a list of verbs that start with F. For your convenience, a list of verbs starting with F is given below.
- Fabricate
- Face
- Facilitate
- Fade
- Fail
- Faint
- Fake
- Fall
- Falsify
- Falter
- Familiarize
- Fan
- Farm
- Fart
- Fascinate
- Fashion
- Fast
- Fasten
- Fathom
- Fatten
- Favor
- Favour
- Fawn
- Fear
- Feast
- Feather
- Federate
- Feed
- Feel
- Feign
- Feint
- Feminize
- Fence
- Fend
- Ferment
- Ferret
- Fertilize
- Festoon
- Fetch
- Fiddle
- Fidget
- Fight
- Figure
- Filch
- File
- Fill
- Film
- Filtch
- Filter
- Finance
- Find
- Fine
- Finger
- Finish
- Fire
- Firm
- Fish
- Fissure
- Fit
- Fix
- Fizzle
- Flabberghast
- Flag
- Flake
- Flame
- Flank
- Flare
- Flash
- Flatten
- Flatter
- Flavour
- Flay
- Fleck
- Flee
- Fleece
- Flesh
- Flex
- Flick
- Flicker
- Flinch
- Fling
- Flip
- Flirt
- Float
- Flog
- Flood
- Floor
- Flounce
- Flounder
- Flour
- Flourish
- Flout
- Flow
- Flower
- Fluctuate
- Fluidify
- Flute
- Flutter
- Fly
- Foal
- Foam
- Fob
- Focus
- Foil
- Foist
- Fold
- Foliate
- Follow
- Foment
- Fondle
- Fool
- Forbid
- Force
- Forebode
- Forecast
- Foreordain
- Foresee
- Foreshadow
- Forestall
- Forfeit
- Forfend
- Forge
- Forget
- Forgive
- Fork
- Form
- Formalize
- Formulate
- Forsake
- Fortify
- Forward
- Fossilize
- Foster
- Foul
- Found
- Fracture
- Frame
- Fraternize
- Fray
- Freak
- Free
- Freeze
- Frenchify
- Frequent
- Freshen
- Fret
- Frighten
- Frill
- Fringe
- Fritter
- Frizz
- Frolic
- Front
- Frost
- Froth
- Frown
- Fructify
- Frustrate
- Fry
- Fuel
- Fulfill
- Fulminate
- Fumble
- Fume
- Fumigate
- Function
- Furbish
- Furl
- Furnish
- Furrow
List of Verbs That Start with G
Following is a list of verbs starting with G. From the list of verbs that start with G given below, take out some verbs and insert them into your own sentences. Try reconstructing those sentences without the verbs. They do not make sense, do they?
- Gab
- Gad
- Gag
- Gain
- Gallivant
- Gallop
- Galvanize
- Gamble
- Game
- Gang
- Gangrene
- Gape
- Garb
- Garble
- Garden
- Gargle
- Garland
- Garner
- Garnish
- Garrote
- Gash
- Gasp
- Gather
- Gauge
- Gawk
- Gear
- Geld
- Generalize
- Generate
- Gentle
- Germinate
- Gesticulate
- Gesture
- Get
- Ghost
- Gift
- Giggle
- Gild
- Gin
- Ginger
- Gird
- Give
- Glad
- Gladden
- Glad-hand
- Glamorize
- Glamour
- Glance
- Glare
- Glaze
- Gleam
- Glean
- Glide
- Glimmer
- Glimpse
- Glisten
- Glister
- Glitter
- Gloat
- Globalize
- Glorify
- Glory
- Gloss
- Glove
- Glow
- Glue
- Gnash
- Gnaw
- Go
- Goad
- Gobble
- Gossip
- Gouge
- Govern
- Grab
- Grace
- Grade
- Graduate
- Graft
- Grain
- Grant
- Granulate
- Grapple
- Grasp
- Grass
- Grate
- Gratify
- Gravel
- Gravitate
- Graze
- Grease
- Greet
- Grieve
- Grill
- Grimace
- Grin
- Grind
- Grip
- Grit
- Groan
- Grok
- Groom
- Groove
- Grope
- Ground
- Group
- Grouse
- Grovel
- Grow
- Grub
- Grubstake
- Grumble
- Grunt
- Guarantee
- Guard
- Guerdon
- Guess
- Guest
- Guffaw
- Guide
- Guillotine
- Gulp
- Gun
- Gurgle
- Gush
- Gussy
- Gut
- Guzzle
- Gyrate
List of Verbs That Start with H
Verbs are very important for language development. They also enhance people’s overall expressive language. Below is one such list of verbs starting with H. How many of these verbs from the list of verbs that start with H do you use in your conversations?
- Habilitate
- Habit
- Habituate
- Hack
- Hackle
- Haggle
- Hail
- Hale
- Halloo
- Hallow
- Halt
- Halter
- Halve
- Ham
- Hammer
- Hamper
- Hamstring
- Hand
- Handcraft
- Handcuff
- Handicap
- Handle
- Handstamp
- Handwrite
- Hang
- Hanker
- Hap
- Happen
- Harangue
- Harass
- Harbinger
- Harbor
- Harbour
- Harden
- Hare
- Hark
- Harken
- Harlequin
- Harm
- Harmonize
- Harness
- Harp
- Harpoon
- Harrow
- Harry
- Harshen
- Harvest
- Hash
- Hasp
- Hassle
- Hasten
- Hat
- Hatch
- Hatchel
- Hate
- Haul
- Haunt
- Have
- Haw
- Hawk
- Hay
- Hazard
- Haze
- Head
- Headline
- Headquarter
- Heal
- Heap
- Hear
- Hearken
- Hearten
- Heat
- Heave
- Heckle
- Hectograph
- Hector
- Hedge
- Hedgehop
- Heed
- Heel
- Heft
- Heighten
- Heist
- Heliograph
- Hellenize
- Helm
- Help
- Hem
- Hemagglutinate
- Hemorrhage
- Hemstitch
- Henna
- Herald
- Herd
- Hesitate
- Heterodyne
- Hew
- Hex
- Hibachi
- Hibernate
- Hiccough
- Hiccup
- Hide
- Hie
- Higgle
- Highjack
- Highlight
- Hightail
- Hijack
- Hike
- Hill
- Hinder
- Hinge
- Hint
- Hire
- Hiss
- Hit
- Hitch
- Hitchhike
- Hive
- Hoard
- Hoax
- Hob
- Hobble
- Hobnail
- Hobnob
- Hock
- Hoe
- Hog
- Hoist
- Hold
- Hole
- Holiday
- Holler
- Hollo
- Hollow
- Holystone
- Home
- Homer
- Homestead
- Homogenize
- Homologize
- Hone
- Honey
- Honeycomb
- Honeymoon
- Honk
- Honor
- Honour
- Hood
- Hoodoo
- Hoodwink
- Hoof
- Hook
- Hoop
- Hoot
- Hoover
- Hop
- Hope
- Hopple
- Horn
- Hornswoggle
- Horrify
- Horse
- Horseshoe
- Horsewhip
- Hose
- Hospitalize
- Host
- Hotfoot
- Hound
- House
- Housebreak
- Houseclean
- Housekeep
- Hover
- Howl
- Huckster
- Huddle
- Hue
- Huff
- Hug
- Hulk
- Hull
- Hum
- Humanize
- Humble
- Humbug
- Humidify
- Humiliate
- Humor
- Humour
- Hump
- Hunch
- Hunger
- Hunker
- Hunt
- Hurdle
- Hurl
- Hurrah
- Hurry
- Hurt
- Hurtle
- Husband
- Hush
- Husk
- Hustle
- Hybridize
- Hydrate
- Hydrogenate
- Hydrolyze
- Hydroplane
- Hymn
- Hype
- Hyperbolize
- Hyperextend
- Hypertrophy
- Hyperventilate
- Hyphen
- Hyphenate
- Hypnotize
- Hypostasize
- Hypostatize
- Hypothecate
- Hypothesize
List of Verbs That Start with I
Think of your sentence as a machine, and the verb as the engine that makes the machine work. Like machines, sentences can function either efficiently or inefficiently. Use of proper verbs is one way to make them work effectively. Following is a list of verbs starting with I. Start memorizing the verbs included in this list of verbs that start with I.
- Ice
- Idealize
- Ideate
- Identify
- Idle
- Idolize
- Ignite
- Ignore
- Illegalize
- Illtreat
- Illume
- Illuminate
- Illumine
- Illustrate
- Image
- Imagine
- Imbed
- Imbibe
- Imbricate
- Imbrue
- Imbue
- Imitate
- Immaterialize
- Immerge
- Immerse
- Immigrate
- Immingle
- Immix
- Immobilize
- Immolate
- Immortalize
- Immunize
- Immure
- Impact
- Impair
- Impale
- Impanel
- Impart
- Impeach
- Impede
- Impel
- Impend
- Imperil
- Impersonate
- Impinge
- Implant
- Implement
- Implicate
- Implode
- Implore
- Imply
- Import
- Importune
- Impose
- Impound
- Impoverish
- Imprecate
- Impregnate
- Impress
- Imprint
- Imprison
- Improve
- Improvise
- Impugn
- Impute
- Inactivate
- Inaugurate
- Incandesce
- Incapacitate
- Incarcerate
- Incarnadine
- Incarnate
- Incase
- Incense
- Inch
- Incinerate
- Incise
- Incite
- Incline
- Inclose
- Include
- Incommode
- Inconvenience
- Incorporate
- Increase
- Incriminate
- Incrust
- Incubate
- Inculcate
- Inculpate
- Incur
- Incurvate
- Indemnify
- Indent
- Indenture
- Index
- Indicate
- Indict
- Indispose
- Indite
- Individualize
- Individuate
- Indoctrinate
- Indorse
- Induce
- Induct
- Indue
- Indulge
- Indurate
- Industrialize
- Indwell
- Inebriate
- Infatuate
- Infect
- Infer
- Infest
- Infiltrate
- Infix
- Inflame
- Inflate
- Inflect
- Inflict
- Influence
- Inform
- Infract
- Infringe
- Infuriate
- Infuscate
- Infuse
- Ingest
- Ingraft
- Ingrain
- Ingratiate
- Ingurgitate
- Inhabit
- Inhale
- Inhere
- Inherit
- Inhibit
- Inhume
- Initial
- Initialize
- Initiate
- Inject
- Injure
- Ink
- Inlay
- Innervate
- Innovate
- Inoculate
- Inosculate
- Input
- Inquire
- Inscribe
- Inseminate
- Insert
- Inset
- Insinuate
- Insist
- Insolate
- Inspan
- Inspect
- Inspire
- Inspirit
- Inspissate
- Instal
- Install
- Instance
- Instantiate
- Instigate
- Instil
- Instill
- Institute
- Institutionalize
- Instruct
- Instrument
- Insufflate
- Insulate
- Insult
- Insure
- Integrate
- Intellectualize
- Intend
- Intensify
- Inter
- Interact
- Interbreed
- Intercalate
- Intercede
- Intercept
- Interchange
- Intercommunicate
- Interconnect
- Interdepend
- Interdict
- Interest
- Interfere
- Interiorize
- Interject
- Interlace
- Interlard
- Interleave
- Interlink
- Interlock
- Interlope
- Interlude
- Intermarry
- Intermediate
- Intermingle
- Intermit
- Intermix
- Intern
- Internalize
- Internationalize
- Interpellate
- Interpenetrate
- Interpolate
- Interpose
- Interpret
- Interrelate
- Interrogate
- Interrupt
- Intersect
- Intersperse
- Interstratify
- Intertwine
- Intervene
- Interview
- Interweave
- Intimate
- Intimidate
- Intonate
- Intone
- Intoxicate
- Intrench
- Intrigue
- Introduce
- Introject
- Intromit
- Introspect
- Introvert
- Intrude
- Intrust
- Intubate
- Intuit
- Intumesce
- Inundate
- Inure
- Invade
- Invaginate
- Invalid
- Invalidate
- Inveigh
- Inveigle
- Invent
- Inventory
- Invert
- Invest
- Investigate
- Invigilate
- Invigorate
- Invite
- Invoice
- Invoke
- Involve
- Inweave
- Iodinate
- Iodize
- Ionize
- Irk
- Iron
- Irradiate
- Irrigate
- Irritate
- Irrupt
- Isolate
- Isomerize
- Issue
- Italianize
- Italicize
- Itch
- Itemise
- Itemize
- Iterate
- Itinerate
List of Verbs That Start with J
Choosing appropriate verb for the action that you want to carry out is of utmost importance because without that you wouldn’t be able to convey your message properly. If you wish to learn some exciting verbs, you might begin by memorizing a list of verbs that start with J. For your convenience, a list of verbs starting with J is given below.
- Jab
- Jabber
- Jack
- Jacket
- Jackknife
- Jacklight
- Jackrabbit
- Jacobinize
- Jaculate
- Jade
- Jag
- Jagg
- Jail
- Jam
- Jamb
- Jampack
- Jangle
- Jant
- Japan
- Jape
- Jar
- Jarble
- Jargle
- Jargon
- Jasperize
- Jaunce
- Jaundice
- Jaunt
- Javelin
- Jaw
- Jawbone
- Jawn
- Jaywalk
- Jazz
- Jee
- Jeer
- Jell
- Jellify
- Jelly
- Jeopard
- Jeopardise
- Jeopardize
- Jeopardy
- Jerk
- Jest
- Jet
- Jettison
- Jib
- Jibe
- Jig
- Jilt
- Jimmy
- Jingle
- Jinx
- Jitter
- Jive
- Job
- Jockey
- Jog
- Joggle
- Join
- Joinder
- Joint
- Joke
- Jole
- Joll
- Jollify
- Jolly
- Jolt
- Josh
- Jostle
- Jot
- Jouk
- Joul
- Jounce
- Journal
- Journey
- Joust
- Jowl
- Joy
- Joyride
- Jubilate
- Judaize
- Judder
- Judge
- Judgment
- Judicable
- Jug
- Juggle
- Jugulate
- Juice
- Juke
- Julienne
- Jumble
- Jump
- Jump-start
- Jumpweld
- Junk
- Junketeer
- Justice
- Justify
- Justle
- Jut
- Juxtapose
- Juxtaposit
List of Verbs That Start with K
The most important thing that you need to note is that every subject must have a verb. If this rule is not followed you wouldn’t be able to get your messages and thoughts across. Following is a list of verbs that start with K. You could be seeing some of the verbs in this list of verbs starting with K for the first time, so try to remember as many as you can.
- Kabob
- Kafirize
- Kaiak
- Kaizen
- Kaleidoscope
- Kalsomine
- Kamikaze
- Kanbanize
- Kangaroo
- Kanjify
- Kanoodle
- Kaolinize
- Karaoke
- Karate
- Karstify
- Kart
- Karyotype
- Kasher
- Kaw
- Kayak
- Kayfabe
- Kayo
- Kaypoh
- Kazoo
- Keak
- Kebab
- Kebob
- Keck
- Keckle
- Kedge
- Keeho
- Keek
- Keel
- Keelhale
- Keelhaul
- Keen
- Keep
- Keepe
- Keeve
- Keg
- Kegel
- Keister
- Kek
- Keloid
- Kemb
- Kemp
- Ken
- Kennel
- Kenyanize
- Kepe
- Keratinize
- Kerb
- Kerblam
- Kerchief
- Kerf
- Kerfuffle
- Kern
- Kernelize
- Kerplunk
- Kerrang
- Kerve
- Ketch
- Ketchup
- Kettle
- Key
- Keyboard
- Keyframe
- Keyhole
- Keynote
- Keypunch
- Keyseat
- Keystone
- Keystroke
- Keyword
- Kibbitz
- Kibble
- Kibitz
- Kibosh
- Kiboze
- Kick
- Kickban
- Kickbox
- Kickflip
- Kickstart
- Kid
- Kidnap
- Kidproof
- Kife
- Kill
- Killfile
- Kiln
- Kilt
- Kin
- Kindle
- Kinescope
- King
- Kink
- Kinkle
- Kip
- Kipe
- Kipper
- Kipsy
- Kirtle
- Kiss
- Kissle
- Kist
- Kit
- Kitbash
- Kite
- Kiteboard
- Kitemark
- Kitesurf
- Kithe
- Kitten
- Kittle
- Kiver
- Klap
- Klatawaw
- Klaxon
- Kleptoparasite
- Kleptoparasitize
- Kline
- Kludge
- Kluge
- Knaa
- Knab
- Knack
- Knacker
- Knag
- Knap
- Knapsack
- Knauvshawl
- Knaw
- Knawvshawl
- Knead
- Knee
- Kneeboard
- Kneecap
- Kneel
- Knell
- Knick
- Knife
- Knifecrime
- Knight
- Knit
- Knive
- Kno
- Knob
- Knobble
- Knock
- Knockdown
- Knoll
- Knot
- Knout
- Know
- Knowe
- Knowleche
- Knowledge
- Knuckle
- Knuckleball
- Knucklewalk
- Knurl
- Kodak
- Kohl
- Kondo
- Konk
- Kool
- Koranize
- Kosher
- Kosherize
- Kotow
- Kourbash
- Kowtow
- Kraal
- Kreasote
- Kreese
- Kreosote
- Krige
- Kris
- Kruppize
- Kryptonate
- Kudos
- Kumbayah
- Kurbash
- Kuwaitize
- Kvell
- Kvetch
- Kvitch
- Kyanize
- Kyarn
- Kybosh
- Kyke
- Kyoodle
- Kyth
- Kythe
List of Verbs That Start with L
Verbs in the English language are used to communicate either actions, occurrences, or states of being. Below is a list of verbs starting with L. While looking at the examples of verbs from the list of verbs that start with L that is given below, try to find out what sort of an action is each verb performing.
- Labefy
- Label
- Labialize
- Labiate
- Labor
- Labour
- Lace
- Lacerate
- Lachrymate
- Lack
- Laconize
- Lacquer
- Lactate
- Ladder
- Lade
- Laden
- Ladify
- Ladle
- Lag
- Laicize
- Lake
- Lam
- Lamb
- Lambast
- Lambaste
- Lame
- Lament
- Laminate
- Lampoon
- Lance
- Lanch
- Land
- Landscape
- Language
- Languish
- Langure
- Laniate
- Lank
- Lantern
- Lap
- Lapidate
- Lapidify
- Lappet
- Lapse
- Lard
- Lare
- Lariat
- Lark
- Larn
- Larrup
- Lash
- Lasso
- Last
- Latch
- Lateralize
- Lath
- Lather
- Latibulize
- Latinize
- Latrate
- Lattice
- Laud
- Laugh
- Launch
- Launder
- Laureate
- Lave
- Laveer
- Lavish
- Lawe
- Lay
- Laze
- Leach
- Lead
- Leaf
- League
- Leaguer
- Leak
- Lean
- Leap
- Lear
- Learn
- Lease
- Leash
- Leather
- Leave
- Lech
- Lecher
- Lecture
- Leech
- Leer
- Leese
- Leg
- Legalize
- Lege
- Legend
- Legislate
- Legitimate
- Legitimatize
- Legitimize
- Lend
- Length
- Lengthen
- Lenify
- Lese
- Lessen
- Lesson
- Let
- Lethargize
- Letheonize
- Levant
- Levee
- Level
- Lever
- Leverage
- Levigate
- Levitate
- Levy
- Lexicalize
- Liaise
- Lib
- Libel
- Liberalize
- Liberate
- Librate
- License
- Lick
- Lie
- Lifen
- Lift
- Lig
- Ligate
- Ligature
- Lige
- Light
- Lighten
- Lignify
- Like
- Lill
- Lilt
- Limb
- Limbec
- Limber
- Lime
- Limit
- Limn
- Limp
- Lin
- Line
- Linearize
- Linger
- Link
- Lionize
- Lip
- Lipread
- Lipstick
- Liquate
- Liquefy
- Liquidate
- Liquidize
- Liquify
- Liquor
- Lisp
- Liss
- List
- Literalize
- Lithe
- Lithograph
- Lithotype
- Litigate
- Litter
- Live
- Lixiviate
- Load
- Loaf
- Loam
- Loan
- Loathe
- Lob
- Lobby
- Localize
- Locate
- Lock
- Locomote
- Lodge
- Loft
- Log
- Loiter
- Loll
- Lollop
- Lollygag
- Londonize
- Long
- Loo
- Look
- Loom
- Loop
- Loose
- Loosen
- Loot
- Lop
- Lope
- Lopper
- Lord
- Loricate
- Lose
- Lot
- Louden
- Lounge
- Lour
- Louse
- Lout
- Love
- Low
- Lowball
- Lower
- Lube
- Lubricate
- Lucubrate
- Luff
- Lug
- Luge
- Lull
- Lumber
- Luminate
- Lumine
- Luminesce
- Lump
- Lunch
- Luncheon
- Lunge
- Lurch
- Lure
- Lurk
- Lusk
- Lust
- Luster
- Lustrate
- Lustre
- Lute
- Lux
- Luxate
- Luxuriate
- Lynch
- Lyophilize
List of Verbs That Start with M
It is a common phenomenon that if you want to stand out from the rest of the people around you, you need to have a variety of different verbs at your disposal. You are being provided with a list of verbs that start with M and it is your duty to memorize it. Following is that list of verbs starting with M.
- Magnetize
- Magnify
- Maintain
- Make
- Malt
- Man
- Manage
- Maneuver
- Mangle
- Manifest
- Manipulate
- Mantle
- Manufacture
- Mar
- Maraud
- March
- Marinate
- Mark
- Marry
- Martyr
- Marvel
- Mash
- Mask
- Massacre
- Massage
- Mast
- Master
- Mastermind
- Masticate
- Match
- Mate
- Materialize
- Matter
- Mature
- Maximize
- May
- Mean
- Measure
- Mechanize
- Medal
- Meddle
- Mediate
- Mediatize
- Medicate
- Medicine
- Meditate
- Meed
- Meet
- Mellow
- Melt
- Memorize
- Mend
- Menstruate
- Mention
- Mentor
- Merge
- Merit
- Mess
- Metal
- Metamorphosize
- Mete
- Mew
- Might
- Migrate
- Militarize
- Militate
- Milk
- Mill
- Mime
- Mimic
- Mince
- Mind
- Mine
- Mineralize
- Mingle
- Minimize
- Mint
- Mirror
- Miscarry
- Misdirect
- Misinterpret
- Misjudge
- Mislay
- Mislead
- Misplace
- Misrepresent
- Miss
- Mistake
- Mistreat
- Mistrust
- Misunderstand
- Misuse
- Mitigate
- Mix
- Moan
- Mob
- Mobilize
- Mock
- Model
- Moderate
- Modernize
- Modify
- Modulate
- Moisten
- Molest
- Mollify
- Monitor
- Monkey
- Monopolize
- Moo
- Moor
- Mop
- Mope
- Moralize
- Mortgage
- Mortify
- Mortise
- Motivate
- Motor
- Motorize
- Mottle
- Moult
- Mount
- Mourn
- Mouth
- Move
- Muddle
- Muffle
- Mull
- Multiply
- Mumble
- Mummify
- Munch
- Murder
- Murmur
- Muscle
- Muse
- Musk
- Muss
- Must
- Muster
- Mutilate
- Mutiny
- Mutter
- Muzzle
List of Verbs That Start with N
A verb is the action word in a sentence; it literally drives the sentence and indicates much about what is going on. The list of verbs starting with N given below contains some very interesting verbs. Kindly go through this list of verbs that start with N with keen interest.
- Nab
- Nack
- Nadir
- Nag
- Nail
- Nait
- Nake
- Naken
- Namaste
- Name
- Namecheck
- Namedrop
- Namefag
- Namesake
- Namespace
- Nammus
- Namous
- Nance
- Nangry
- Nanny
- Nanofabricate
- Nanoimprint
- Nantle
- Nap
- Napalm
- Nape
- Naphthalize
- Napoo
- Nappe
- Nappy
- Narc
- Narcissize
- Narcose
- Narcoticize
- Narcotize
- Nark
- Narrate
- Narrativize
- Narrow
- Narrowcast
- Nasalize
- Nash
- Nationalize
- Naturalize
- Naturize
- Nauseate
- Navigate
- Navvy
- Nay
- Naysay
- Nazify
- Neal
- Neap
- Near
- Neaten
- Neatify
- Nebulize
- Necessitate
- Necro
- Necrobump
- Necromance
- Necropost
- Necropsy
- Necrose
- Necrotize
- Nectar
- Nectarize
- Need
- Neeze
- Neg
- Negate
- Negative
- Negativize
- Neglect
- Negotiate
- Negrify
- Negrofy
- Negroize
- Neigh
- Neighbour
- Nemmine
- Neocolonialize
- Neologize
- Neotenize
- Neoterize
- Neovascularize
- Nephrectomize
- Nerdify
- Nerf
- Nerve
- Nesh
- Neshen
- Nesslerize
- Nest
- Nestle
- Net
- Netflix
- Nether
- Netify
- Netsplit
- Netsurf
- Nett
- Nettle
- Network
- Neuralize
- Neuroimage
- Neuromodulate
- Neuroticize
- Neurotize
- Neurotransmit
- Neutralize
- Neven
- New
- Newcast
- Newcoin
- Newcreate
- Newfangle
- Newfashion
- Newform
- Newfront
- Newgroup
- Newmake
- Newmodel
- Newmodelize
- Newmould
- Newset
- Newvamp
- Neyghbour
- Nib
- Nibble
- Niblick
- Nice
- Nicen
- Nick
- Nickel
- Nickelize
- Nicker
- Nickname
- Nicodemus
- Nictate
- Nictitate
- Nidate
- Nidder
- Nidge
- Nidificate
- Nidify
- Nidulate
- Niello
- Niff
- Nifong
- Nig
- Nigerianize
- Niggard
- Nigger
- Niggerize
- Niggle
- Nigh
- Nighen
- Nigrify
- Nihilate
- Nill
- Nim
- Ninja
- Nip
- Nipponize
- Nither
- Nitpick
- Nitrate
- Nitrify
- Nitrilate
- Nitrocarburize
- Nitrogenate
- Nitrogenize
- Nitrosate
- Nitrosylate
- Nivellate
- Nix
- Nixtamalize
- Nob
- Nobble
- Nobblerize
- Nobilify
- Nobilitate
- Nock
- Noclip
- Noctambulate
- Noctivagate
- Nod
- Nodalize
- Noddle
- Nodulate
- Nodulize
- Nog
- Noint
- Noise
- Noiseproof
- Nom
- Nomadize
- Nomenclate
- Nominalize
- Nominate
- Nommus
- Nonconcur
- Nonconform
- Noncuple
- Nondimensionalize
- Nonlinearize
- Nonplus
- Nonsense
- Nonsensify
- Nonsuit
- Nontender
- Noodge
- Noodle
- Noogie
- Noose
- Norm
- Normalize
- Normativize
- Norn
- North
- Norther
- Norwegianize
- Nose
- Nosedive
- Nosegrind
- Nosel
- Nose-Pick
- Noseprint
- Noseride
- Noseslide
- Nosh
- Nostalgize
- Nostrificate
- Nostrify
- Notarize
- Notate
- Notch
- Note
- Notice
- Notify
- Nott
- Nought
- Noun
- Nounize
- Nourish
- Nourisht
- Noursle
- Nousle
- Novate
- Novelize
- Noy
- Nroff
- Nuance
- Nub
- Nubble
- Nubilate
- Nuclearize
- Nucleate
- Nucleoporate
- Nuddle
- Nudge
- Nudle
- Nudzh
- Nuke
- Null
- Nullify
- Numb
- Number
- Numerate
- Numericalize
- Numericize
- Nuncle
- Nuncupate
- Nurdle
- Nurl
- Nurn
- Nurse
- Nursemaid
- Nursle
- Nurstle
- Nurture
- Nuss
- Nustle
- Nut
- Nutate
- Nutcrack
- Nutmeg
- Nutriate
- Nutrify
- Nutshell
- Nutshot
- Nuzzle
- Nympho
- Nymshift
List of Verbs That Start with O
A verb possesses the grammatical meaning of verbiality – the ability to denote a process developing in time. Following is a list of verbs that start with O. How do these verbs from the list of verbs starting with O carry out actions in both verbal and written mediums?
- Obey
- Obfuscate
- Object
- Objurgate
- Obligate
- Oblige
- Obliterate
- Obnubilate
- Obscure
- Observe
- Obsess
- Obstinate
- Obstipate
- Obstruct
- Obtain
- Obtrude
- Obtund
- Obturate
- Obviate
- Occasion
- Occidentalize
- Occlude
- Occult
- Occupy
- Occur
- Odorize
- Offend
- Offer
- Officialize
- Officiate
- Offload
- Offsaddle
- Offset
- Ogle
- Oil
- Oink
- Ok
- Omen
- Omit
- Ooze
- Opacify
- Opalesce
- Opalize
- Open
- Operate
- Opine
- Oppose
- Oppress
- Oppugn
- Opsonize
- Opt
- Optate
- Optimize
- Orate
- Orbit
- Orchestrate
- Ordain
- Order
- Ordinate
- Organize
- Orient
- Orientalize
- Orientate
- Originate
- Ornament
- Orphan
- Oscillate
- Osculate
- Ossify
- Ostentate
- Ostracize
- Oust
- Outbalance
- Outbid
- Outbrave
- Outclass
- Outcrop
- Outcry
- Outdistance
- Outdraw
- Outface
- Outfight
- Outflank
- Outfox
- Outgeneral
- Outgo
- Outgrow
- Outguess
- Outlast
- Outlaw
- Outline
- Outlive
- Outmaneuver
- Outmanoeuvre
- Outmarch
- Outmatch
- Outmode
- Outnumber
- Outpace
- Outperform
- Outplay
- Outpoint
- Output
- Outrange
- Outrank
- Outride
- Outrival
- Outroar
- Outrun
- Outscore
- Outsell
- Outshine
- Outshout
- Outsmart
- Outsource
- Outstare
- Outstrip
- Outweigh
- Outwit
- Ovenbake
- Overachieve
- Overact
- Overarch
- Overawe
- Overbalance
- Overbear
- Overbid
- Overboil
- Overburden
- Overcapitalize
- Overcast
- Overcharge
- Overclothe
- Overcloud
- Overcome
- Overcompensate
- Overcook
- Overcrop
- Overcultivate
- Overdo
- Overdose
- Overdramatize
- Overdraw
- Overdress
- Overdrive
- Overeat
- Overemphasize
- Overestimate
- Overexcite
- Overexert
- Overextend
- Overfatigue
- Overfeed
- Overfill
- Overflow
- Overfly
- Overgeneralize
- Overgorge
- Overgrow
- Overhang
- Overhaul
- Overhear
- Overheat
- Overindulge
- Overjoy
- Overlap
- Overlay
- Overleap
- Overlie
- Overload
- Overlook
- Overmaster
- Overpay
- Overplay
- Overpower
- Overprice
- Overprint
- Overproduce
- Overprotect
- Overrate
- Overreach
- Overreact
- Overrefine
- Override
- Overrule
- Overrun
- Oversaturate
- Oversee
- Oversew
- Overshadow
- Overshoot
- Oversimplify
- Oversleep
- Overspecialize
- Overspend
- Overspread
- Overstate
- Overstay
- Overstep
- Overstock
- Overstrain
- Overstress
- Overstretch
- Overstuff
- Oversupply
- Overtake
- Overtax
- Overthrow
- Overtire
- Overtop
- Overtrump
- Overturn
- Overuse
- Overvalue
- Overweary
- Overwhelm
- Overwork
- Overwrite
- Ovulate
- Owe
- Own
- Oxidate
- Oxidize
- Oxygenate
- Oxygenize
List of Verbs That Start with P
While going through a written piece or listening to a person talking, you often come across some verbs that you haven’t heard of a lot. Below is a list of verbs that start with P. From the list of verbs starting with P given below, point out all the verbs that you are seeing for the very first time.
- Pace
- Pacify
- Pack
- Pact
- Pad
- Paddle
- Padlock
- Pain
- Pair
- Pal
- Palaver
- Palliate
- Palm
- Pamper
- Pan
- Panel
- Pant
- Paper
- Parade
- Paragon
- Paralyze
- Paraphrase
- Pardon
- Pare
- Parent
- Park
- Parley
- Parody
- Part
- Participate
- Particularize
- Partition
- Partner
- Pass
- Paste
- Pasteurize
- Pasture
- Pat
- Patch
- Patent
- Patrol
- Patronize
- Patter
- Pause
- Pave
- Paw
- Pay
- Peak
- Pearl
- Peck
- Pedal
- Peddle
- Peek
- Peel
- Peep
- Peer
- Peg
- Pen
- Penalize
- Pencil
- Penetrate
- Pension
- People
- Pep
- Pepper
- Perceive
- Perch
- Percolate
- Peregrinate
- Perfect
- Perforate
- Perform
- Perfume
- Perish
- Perk
- Permeate
- Permit
- Perpetrate
- Perpetuate
- Persecute
- Persevere
- Persist
- Personalize
- Personify
- Perspire
- Persuade
- Pertain
- Perturb
- Peruse
- Pervade
- Pervert
- Pester
- Pet
- Petition
- Petrify
- Philosophize
- Phone
- Phosphorate
- Photograph
- Phrase
- Pick
- Picket
- Picture
- Pierce
- Pig
- Pile
- Pilfer
- Pillage
- Pilot
- Pin
- Pinch
- Pine
- Pinion
- Pioneer
- Pipe
- Pirate
- Pirouette
- Piss
- Pit
- Pitch
- Pity
- Pivot
- Place
- Plagiarize
- Plague
- Plait
- Plan
- Plaster
- Plate
- Play
- Plead
- Please
- Pleasure
- Pledge
- Plot
- Pluck
- Plug
- Plump
- Plunder
- Plunge
- Poach
- Point
- Poise
- Poison
- Poke
- Polarize
- Polish
- Pollute
- Polymerize
- Ponder
- Pontificate
- Poop
- Pop
- Popularize
- Populate
- Pore
- Portray
- Pose
- Position
- Possess
- Post
- Postdate
- Postpone
- Pot
- Potter
- Pound
- Pour
- Powder
- Power
- Practice
- Praise
- Prattle
- Pray
- Preach
- Precede
- Precipitate
- Predestinate
- Predetermine
- Predict
- Predispose
- Predominate
- Preexist
- Prefer
- Preform
- Prejudge
- Prelude
- Premeditate
- Preoccupy
- Prepare
- Presage
- Prescribe
- Present
- Preserve
- Preside
- Press
- Presume
- Presuppose
- Pretend
- Pretty
- Prevail
- Prevaricate
- Prevent
- Prey
- Price
- Prick
- Prime
- Privilege
- Prize
- Probe
- Proceed
- Process
- Proclaim
- Procrastinate
- Procreate
- Proctor
- Produce
- Profane
- Profess
- Profile
- Profit
- Program
- Progress
- Prohibit
- Project
- Proliferate
- Prolong
- Promise
- Promote
- Prompt
- Promulgate
- Pronounce
- Prop
- Propagate
- Propel
- Prophesy
- Proportion
- Propose
- Propulse
- Prosecute
- Prospect
- Prosper
- Prostitute
- Protect
- Protest
- Protrude
- Prove
- Provide
- Provoke
- Prowl
- Prune
- Pry
- Publish
- Pucker
- Puff
- Puke
- Pull
- Pullulate
- Pulp
- Pulverize
- Pump
- Punch
- Punctuate
- Puncture
- Punish
- Purchase
- Purge
- Purify
- Purpose
- Purr
- Pursue
- Push
- Put
- Putrefy
List of Verbs That Start with Q
Using a rare collection of verbs helps you add terseness and pithiness to your expression and writing which would implicitly create an admirable public self-image for you in the eyes of your audience. Going through a list of verbs starting with Q can be a very good place for learning such verbs. One such list of verbs that start with Q is given below.
- Quab
- Quack
- Quackle
- Quadrate
- Quadruple
- Quadruplicate
- Quaff
- Quail
- Quake
- Qualify
- Quantify
- Quantise
- Quantitate
- Quantize
- Quap
- Quarantine
- Quarrel
- Quarry
- Quarter
- Quarterback
- Quash
- Quat
- Quave
- Quaver
- Quech
- Queck
- Queen
- Queer
- Quelch
- Quell
- Queme
- Quench
- Querken
- Querl
- Query
- Quest
- Question
- Quetch
- Queue
- Quibble
- Quich
- Quick
- Quicken
- Quickstep
- Quiddle
- Quiesce
- Quiet
- Quill
- Quilt
- Quinch
- Quintuple
- Quip
- Quirk
- Quirl
- Quit
- Quitclaim
- Quiver
- Quiz
- Quob
- Quoif
- Quoit
- Quop
- Quote
- Quoth
- Quieten
- Quoin
List of Verbs That Start with R
Verbs are at the heart of sentences and clauses; they are indispensable to the formation of a complete thought. As R is the eighth most common letter in English, therefore the list of verbs starting with R is a broad one too. Following is a list of verbs that start with R.
- Race
- Rack
- Radiate
- Radicalize
- Rage
- Raid
- Rail
- Rain
- Raise
- Rake
- Rally
- Ramble
- Ramify
- Ramp
- Ransack
- Rap
- Rape
- Rapture
- Rarefy
- Rasp
- Rat
- Rate
- Ratify
- Ration
- Rationalize
- Rattle
- Ravage
- Rave
- Ravish
- Reabsorb
- Reach
- React
- Read
- Readjust
- Readmit
- Reaffirm
- Realign
- Realize
- Reanimate
- Reap
- Reappear
- Reapply
- Rear
- Reascend
- Reason
- Reassemble
- Reassume
- Reassure
- Rebaptize
- Rebel
- Reboot
- Rebound
- Rebuff
- Rebuild
- Rebuke
- Recall
- Recap
- Recapitulate
- Recapture
- Recast
- Recede
- Receive
- Recharge
- Reciprocate
- Recite
- Reckon
- Reclaim
- Recline
- Recognize
- Recollect
- Recommence
- Recommend
- Recompose
- Reconcile
- Reconfirm
- Reconquer
- Reconsider
- Reconsolidate
- Reconvert
- Record
- Recount
- Recover
- Recreate
- Recriminate
- Recross
- Recruit
- Rectify
- Recuperate
- Recur
- Recut
- Recycle
- Redden
- Redeem
- Redesign
- Rediscover
- Redistribute
- Redo
- Redouble
- Redound
- Redraw
- Reduce
- Reek
- Reel
- Reembark
- Reemerge
- Reengage
- Reenlist
- Reenter
- Reerect
- Reestablish
- Reexamine
- Refashion
- Refer
- Refill
- Refine
- Refit
- Reflect
- Reform
- Refract
- Refresh
- Refrigerate
- Refund
- Refurnish
- Refuse
- Refute
- Regain
- Regard
- Regenerate
- Regild
- Register
- Regraft
- Regress
- Regret
- Regrind
- Regularize
- Regulate
- Regurgitate
- Rehabilitate
- Rehearse
- Reheat
- Reign
- Reimburse
- Reimpose
- Rein
- Reincorporate
- Reinforce
- Reinsert
- Reinstall
- Reinstate
- Reinsure
- Reintegrate
- Reintroduce
- Reinvest
- Reinvigorate
- Reissue
- Reiterate
- Reject
- Rejoice
- Rejoin
- Rejuvenate
- Rekindle
- Relapse
- Relate
- Relax
- Relay
- Relearn
- Release
- Relegate
- Relieve
- Relish
- Reload
- Relocate
- Remain
- Remake
- Remarry
- Remedy
- Remelt
- Remember
- Remind
- Remodel
- Remount
- Remove
- Remunerate
- Rename
- Renew
- Renounce
- Renovate
- Rent
- Reoccupy
- Reopen
- Reorganize
- Repack
- Repaint
- Repair
- Repatriate
- Repay
- Repeal
- Repeat
- Repel
- Repent
- Replace
- Replant
- Reply
- Repolish
- Report
- Represent
- Repress
- Reprimand
- Reprint
- Reproach
- Reprobate
- Reproduce
- Republicanize
- Republish
- Repudiate
- Repute
- Request
- Require
- Requisition
- Rescue
- Reseat
- Resell
- Resemble
- Resent
- Reserve
- Reset
- Reshape
- Reside
- Resign
- Resist
- Resolve
- Resort
- Resound
- Resow
- Respect
- Respire
- Respond
- Rest
- Restore
- Restrain
- Restrict
- Result
- Resume
- Resupply
- Resuscitate
- Retail
- Retain
- Retake
- Retaliate
- Retire
- Retort
- Retouch
- Retrace
- Retract
- Retranslate
- Retrograde
- Retry
- Return
- Reunite
- Reveal
- Reverberate
- Revere
- Reverence
- Reverse
- Revert
- Review
- Revile
- Revise
- Revisit
- Revitalize
- Revive
- Revolt
- Revolutionize
- Reward
- Rhyme
- Rib
- Rid
- Ride
- Ridge
- Ridicule
- Ridiculize
- Rifle
- Rig
- Ring
- Rinse
- Riot
- Rip
- Ripen
- Ripple
- Rise
- Risk
- Rival
- Rivet
- Roam
- Roar
- Roast
- Rob
- Rock
- Roll
- Rollick
- Romance
- Romanize
- Romp
- Root
- Rot
- Rotate
- Rouge
- Rough
- Roughcast
- Roughhew
- Round
- Rouse
- Row
- Rub
- Ruffle
- Ruin
- Rule
- Rumble
- Ruminate
- Rummage
- Run
- Run-After
- Rush
- Rust
- Rustle
List of Verbs That Start with S
The letter S is the seventh most common letter in English. This is the one of the reasons that the list of verbs that start with S is a large one. One such list of verbs starting with S is given below.
- Sabotage
- Sacrifice
- Sag
- Sail
- Saint
- Salute
- Sanctify
- Sanction
- Satirize
- Satisfy
- Saunter
- Save
- Savor
- Savvy
- Saw
- Say
- Scald
- Scale
- Scamper
- Scandalize
- Scare
- Scintillate
- Scold
- Scoop
- Score
- Scowl
- Scrabble
- Scramble
- Scrap
- Scrape
- Scratch
- Scrawl
- Scream
- Screech
- Screw
- Scribble
- Script
- Scrub
- Scrutinize
- Sculp
- Search
- Season
- Seat
- Secularize
- Secure
- Seduce
- See
- Seize
- Select
- Sell
- Send
- Sense
- Sensitize
- Sensualize
- Sentence
- Sentinel
- Separate
- Serve
- Service
- Set
- Sew
- Shake
- Shape
- Share
- Sharpen
- Shatter
- Shave
- Shear
- Shed
- Shelter
- Shift
- Shine
- Ship
- Shiver
- Shock
- Shoe
- Shoot
- Shop
- Shorten
- Shout
- Shove
- Shovel
- Show
- Shred
- Shrink
- Shrivel
- Shrug
- Shudder
- Shuffle
- Shut
- Sight
- Sign
- Signal
- Signify
- Simplify
- Sinew
- Sing
- Sink
- Sire
- Sister
- Sit
- Size
- Sizzle
- Skate
- Ski
- Skid
- Skill
- Skylark
- Slam
- Slaughter
- Sleek
- Sleep
- Slick
- Slide
- Slip
- Slit
- Slow
- Smack
- Smash
- Smear
- Smell
- Smile
- Smoke
- Smooth
- Snap
- Snivel
- Snow
- Snug
- Snuggle
- Soar
- Socialize
- Solemnize
- Solve
- Soothe
- Sophisticate
- Sort
- Sound
- Soup
- Sovietize
- Sow
- Spark
- Sparkle
- Spatialize
- Speak
- Specialize
- Speed
- Spell
- Spend
- Spice
- Spill
- Spin
- Spirit
- Spiritualize
- Spit
- Split
- Spoil
- Sponsor
- Sport
- Spot
- Sprain
- Spray
- Spread
- Spring
- Sprout
- Spruce
- Square
- Squat
- Squeeze
- Squint
- Squire
- Stabilize
- Stable
- Stamp
- Stand
- Standardize
- Star
- Start
- State
- Stave
- Stay
- Steady
- Steal
- Stem
- Step
- Sterilize
- Steward
- Stick
- Stigmatize
- Stimulate
- Sting
- Stink
- Stir
- Stitch
- Stop
- Store
- Strengthen
- Stress
- Strew
- Strike
- String
- Strip
- Strive
- Struggle
- Strum
- Strut
- Study
- Stumble
- Stun
- Style
- Stylize
- Sublime
- Submit
- Subsidize
- Substitute
- Succeed
- Suffer
- Suffice
- Sugar
- Suggest
- Suit
- Summarize
- Supervize
- Supple
- Supply
- Support
- Suppose
- Surpass
- Surprise
- Surrender
- Surround
- Survey
- Survive
- Suspect
- Suspend
- Sustain
- Swallow
- Swank
- Swap
- Sway
- Swear
- Sweat
- Sweep
- Sweeten
- Swell
- Swim
- Swing
- Symbolize
- Sympathize
- Synchronize
- Synthesize
List of Verbs That Start with T
There is a lengthy list of verbs that start with T that can help you make your conversational contribution both fun and appealing. Following is a list of verbs starting with T.
- Tabulate
- Tack
- Tackle
- Tag
- Tail
- Tailor
- Taint
- Take
- Talk
- Tally
- Tame
- Tamper
- Tan
- Tangle
- Tap
- Taper
- Tar
- Target
- Tariff
- Tarnish
- Taste
- Tattoo
- Taunt
- Tax
- Teach
- Team
- Tear
- Tease
- Teem
- Telegraph
- Telephone
- Televize
- Tell
- Temper
- Temporize
- Tempt
- Tend
- Tender
- Term
- Terminate
- Terrify
- Terrorize
- Test
- Tetanize
- Text
- Thank
- Thatch
- Thaw
- Theorize
- Thicken
- Thin
- Think
- Thrash
- Thread
- Threat
- Threaten
- Thrill
- Thrive
- Throb
- Throttle
- Throw
- Thrum
- Thrust
- Thumb
- Thunder
- Thwart
- Tick
- Tickle
- Tide
- Tidy
- Tie
- Tighten
- Tile
- Tilt
- Timber
- Time
- Tinge
- Tinkle
- Tint
- Tip
- Tipple
- Tire
- Titillate
- Title
- Titter
- Toast
- Toboggan
- Toddle
- Tolerate
- Toll
- Tone
- Tool
- Top
- Topple
- Torment
- Torpedo
- Torture
- Toss
- Tot
- Total
- Totter
- Touch
- Toughen
- Tousle
- Tout
- Tow
- Toy
- Trace
- Track
- Trade
- Trail
- Train
- Trample
- Transcend
- Transfer
- Transfigure
- Transfix
- Transform
- Transfuse
- Transgress
- Translate
- Transmigrate
- Transmit
- Transmute
- Transpire
- Transplant
- Transport
- Transpose
- Trap
- Travel
- Travesty
- Treasure
- Treat
- Tremble
- Trench
- Trepan
- Trespass
- Triangulate
- Trick
- Trickle
- Trigger
- Trim
- Trip
- Triple
- Triumph
- Trot
- Trouble
- Trump
- Trumpet
- Truncate
- Truss
- Trust
- Trustee
- Try
- Tube
- Tuck
- Tumble
- Tumefy
- Tun
- Tune
- Turf
- Turn
- Tutor
- Tweak
- Twinkle
- Twist
- Twitch
- Type
- Tyrannize
List of Verbs That Start with U
The utilization of verbs to perform actions in our lives is endless, especially of verbs that start with U. For your convenience, a list of verbs starting with U is given below. It is highly recommended that you should get hold of all the verbs given in this list of verbs that start with U.
- Ulcerate
- Unanchor
- Unbalance
- Unbar
- Unbenumb
- Unbias
- Unbind
- Unbolt
- Unbox
- Unbraid
- Unbridle
- Unbuckle
- Unburden
- Unbutton
- Unconfound
- Uncork
- Uncouple
- Uncover
- Uncurl
- Undeceive
- Underbear
- Undercut
- Underestimate
- Underfong
- Undergo
- Underline
- Undermine
- Underrate
- Underscore
- Undersell
- Understand
- Understudy
- Undertake
- Undervalue
- Underwrite
- Undo
- Undress
- Undulate
- Unearth
- Unfasten
- Unfetter
- Unfold
- Unfurl
- Unharness
- Unhinge
- Unhook
- Unify
- Uninstall
- Unionize
- Unite
- Universalize
- Unlace
- Unlearn
- Unleash
- Unload
- Unlock
- Unmask
- Unmuzzle
- Unnail
- Unnerve
- Unpack
- Unpick
- Unpleat
- Unplug
- Unravel
- Unroll
- Unsaddle
- Unscrew
- Unseal
- Unseat
- Unsettle
- Unshackle
- Unsolder
- Unstick
- Unstitch
- Unsubscribe
- Unswaddle
- Untangle
- Unthread
- Untie
- Untwist
- Unveil
- Unwind
- Unwrap
- Upbear
- Upcheer
- Update
- Upend
- Upgrade
- Uphold
- Upholster
- Uplift
- Upload
- Uproot
- Upsell
- Upset
- Upstand
- Urbanize
- Urge
- Urinate
- Use
- Usher
- Usurp
- Utilize
- Utter
List of Verbs That Start with V
A strong orator has a majority of words up his sleeves that help him move the masses. For you as a reader, the first place to start is to get to know about verbs because they are the agents of action. One such list of verbs starting with V is given below. Try to memorize all the verbs given in this list of verbs that start with V.
- Vacate
- Vacation
- Vaccinate
- Vacillate
- Vacuum
- Vagabond
- Vail
- Valance
- Valet
- Validate
- Valuate
- Value
- Vamoose
- Vamp
- Vamper
- Van
- Vandalize
- Vanish
- Vanquish
- Vantage
- Vaporize
- Variegate
- Varnish
- Vary
- Vasectomize
- Vaticinate
- Vault
- Vaunce
- Vaunt
- Veer
- Vegetate
- Veil
- Vein
- Velcro
- Vellicate
- Vend
- Veneer
- Venerate
- Vent
- Ventilate
- Venture
- Verbalize
- Verbify
- Verdigris
- Verge
- Verify
- Vermiculate
- Vermilion
- Vernate
- Verse
- Versify
- Vesicate
- Vesiculate
- Vest
- Vesture
- Vet
- Veto
- Vex
- Vibrate
- Victimise
- Victimize
- Victual
- Videotape
- Vie
- View
- Vilify
- Vilipend
- Vindicate
- Vinify
- Violate
- Virilize
- Visa
- Visit
- Visor
- Visualise
- Visualize
- Vitalise
- Vitalize
- Vitiate
- Vitrify
- Vitriol
- Vitriolize
- Vituperate
- Vivificate
- Vivify
- Vivisect
- Vocalise
- Vocalize
- Vociferate
- Voice
- Void
- Volatilize
- Volley
- Volunteer
- Vomit
- Voodoo
- Vote
- Vouch
- Vouchsafe
- Vow
- Vowelize
- Voyage
- Vroom
- Vulcanize
- Vulgarize
List of Verbs That Start with W
Verbs are an indispensable part of our daily lives. We can’t imagine communicating, writing, or reading without these verbs. A list of verbs that start with W is given below. Let’s jump into this amazing list of verbs starting with W to make ourselves familiar with them.
- Wad
- Waft
- Wag
- Wage
- Wager
- Waggle
- Wait
- Waive
- Wake
- Waken
- Walk
- Wall
- Wallow
- Waltz
- Wander
- Wane
- Want
- Warble
- Warish
- Warm
- Warn
- Warp
- Warrant
- Wash
- Waste
- Watch
- Water
- Waterproof
- Wave
- Waver
- Wax
- Way
- Weaken
- Weal
- Wean
- Wear
- Weary
- Weather
- Weave
- Wed
- Wedge
- Wedlock
- Weed
- Ween
- Weep
- Weet
- Weigh
- Weird
- Welcome
- Weld
- Well
- Westernize
- Wet
- Whack
- Wheedle
- Wheel
- Whelp
- Whet
- While
- Whimper
- Whimsey
- Whine
- Whip
- Whir
- Whirl
- Whisk
- Whisper
- Whistle
- White
- Whitewash
- Whiz
- Widen
- Wield
- Wig
- Wiggle
- Will
- Wilne
- Wilt
- Win
- Wipe
- Wire
- Wiredraw
- Wish
- Withdraw
- Wither
- Withhold
- Withstand
- Witness
- Wobble
- Wonder
- Woo
- Word
- Work
- Worry
- Worsen
- Worship
- Wound
- Wow
- Wrangle
- Wrap
- Wreak
- Wreck
- Wrestle
- Wriggle
- Wring
- Wrinkle
- Write
- Wrong
List of Verbs That Start with X
There is a very short list of verbs that start with X. A list of verbs that start with X has been provided for you to get yourself acquainted with them. Although we rarely encounter them in our speech and writing yet they add denseness to your speech and writing.
- Xerox
- X-out
- Xylograph
- Xylophone
- Xerocopy
- Xenograft
- Xanthate
- Xenotransplant
- X-irradiate
- X-ing
- Xylomance
- Xfer
- Xxencode
- X-ray
- Xeriscape
List of Verbs That Start with Y
Just like the letter X, the list of verbs that start with Y is a brief one. How many of these verbs from the list of verbs starting with Y, given below, do you use on a regular basis?
- Yell
- Yack
- Yelp
- Yammer
- Yawn
- Yak
- Yank
- Yap
- Yellow
- Yowl
- Yip
- Yandy
- Yarn
- Yaw
- Yark
- Yarm
- Yead
- Yoke
- Yard
- Yabber
- Yo-yo
- Yaup
- Yawl
- Yux
- Youl
- Yawp
- Yean
- Yarn-dye
- Yeast
- Yerk
- Yeuk
- Yend
- Yock
- Yuk
- Yeve
- Yearn
- Yodel
- Yacht
- Yen
- Yield
List of Verbs That Start with Z
A list of verbs that start with Z has been given below. As you can see that if you start counting verbs in the list of verbs starting with Z, you won’t find too many.
- Zip
- Zoom
- Zap
- Zone
- Zigzag
- Zero
- Zest
- Zonk
- Zincify
- Zig
- Zing
- Zipper
- Zombify
- Zariba
- Zot
- Zoutch
- Zeroize
- Zuluize
- Zolaize
- Zephyr
- Zizzle
- Zirconiate
- Zhuzh
- Zoomorphize
- Zotz
- Zhng
- Zany
- Zorb
- Zionify
- Zeriba
- Zionize
- Zeolitize
- Zerg
- Zizz
- Zinc
- Zoologize
- Zhoosh
- Zither
- Zipline
- Zouk
Final Thoughts on List of Verbs
By now you must have known that if we didn’t have a list of verbs up our sleeves we would not have been able to excel in our lives. Without verbs we would only be left with descriptive words. There is no denying the significance of descriptive words such as nouns and adjectives but verbs are also essential. If we did not have verbs, our lives would have come to a point of standstill.
Verbs list is an integral part of our everyday lives. We cannot just do away with them. It is one of the most basic need of ours to learn and add to the list of verbs. Verbs define actions; more we will have, more action there will be in our lives. Hence as a reader, you should go through the list of verbs given in this article several times if you want to get hold of them.